The Cedarville Herald, Volume 44, Numbers 1-26
Sbeeting“ 2 { YardsWide— Down to 50 c aYard Another t**ge Junt hake will gu <>uwil*s TivstUy. The first cav' b »t * few dxyx, to H's 1 st’ to g.-t y»‘ur t>iutv while the sale f c * » . . ie Hem’ i ii,.t«oxkk,» snd Delineator The 56-Inch French Serge :~ e Selling at $2.00 a Yard- la the talk of tlie eoinnmnily because the serf? i« equally a* g o o d ax is usually *old at a dollar a yard more. Navy only. j * __ ■* We Piv.sent Ue Giov/ ag Achievement in Value-Giving in This ’ r , Great Sale of Coats. Suits and Dresses The Sale of Suits Ms^iiyLate Spring Fashio|ks~Migh-Clas 3 Ne^/Modn els at Special Prices That Will More Than, Please theMostCritical Many a springSuit problem*citswered by tins offering ?•answered with spic span, up-to-the-ininute styles, We can assure you of satisfaction in this splendid collection, for it boasts of models for every type, from the nfost dLdXnguislxedjplam tailored effects to the most elaborately trained Suits o f quality and style, typical of-the great Some Store Garment Section—all -essentially, different; all equally eharaoing. We urge early selection. t ' ’ 1 ' •'5^- 1 / • .• 4fe' ' ' , » * ’ - '• ‘ '’ * ’ ' -A THE STYLES t " 4 f .l* ' jf* Are Especially Pleasing and Varied 1- ipple BoxCoats -Blouse Backs -Balkan Blouses -Ripple Pepiums -Boose Backs •------ Plain T a ilo red ------- , —SemnTailored —Blouse Models -L-MandarimEffects ' - —Youthful-Bos Coats Many of the suits jure beautifully braided, others are richly embroidered in Heavy silk, some effectively combining gold threads with the silk; others are trimmed with beads, ’ ^ Sleeves are either full length or -the new ■ seven-eighths, close-fitting at the wrist or belt effect. Collars are either the smart notched reverse, style or plain reverse; or the1youthful Puritan style, somhwliat on the Pester Pan effect. * Dresses in the Sale , * . ’ 1 Bednfting. a Dress Sale That Will Create Talk 'DRESSES DEVELOPED IN TricoLits, Mignonette, Satin, Taffeta and Foulards 'S A L E * PRICE $ 1 5 1 In all- the splendid years of ^Ilome Store” Service—and of all the a •hievouients of those year’s—never before an event- more tfmply in its' announcement or more compelling in its appeal of values. • , . . - 1 0 0 W*Hiderf«tDresses . Aclt ally Made, to Sell up to $35,00 t In a bmutiful array, of'distinctive stylesj-featuring the graceful stVaighf lino effects, new tunics, and overskirt styles, Bus-ian blouse models and other pretty valuations of the-provail ng modes to which'these fine materials are par ticularly suited. , * •Gray one * t The colors include rNavy, Copenhagen, Taupe, Brown, and' Black. Tomorrow the sale begins. 100 Dresses i price, vlo.OD. , ■ f ^ Finis New Many of the Coats Shown For the First Time-Now $ i n - ■ $ This Is one of those rare happenings that seem to come in tip nick of .time—when coats are needed most and when one expects fo pay more for them. . •• f ; ■ : • ,-c I - A.' 4 ' ... ■.--J v ,'1, ■f. - -..V Camel's Hair,.Polo Cloth, Silvertone and More than Thirty Styles to Select frost—- Velours are the Materials, AH Fiuely Tail- , ajj[ Finely Tailored, and Trimmed. } area. A re Sport Coats and W rappy Coats Just eighty coats in all and at these two low prices—where values are extraordin-' ary it Seems probable they might all he taken away tomorrow. Colors: Rookie, Pekin Blue, Brown, Tan, Copenhagen and Suede -. ■ ■ • ■ ■ ’ ■ ■ "• '■ ■ * ' ' The cOatS at $17 are mostly silk lined ,' The coats at $25.are all silk lined through-* ou t • ■ . '■ ■ ‘ . ; . r THE RUG SALE The sale that brings the goods the people want at savings on an average ol 35 percent gdes right' on until the end of the month* * >( SPRINGFIELD, OHIO THE APRIL SILK SALE, The sale that is saving the people a great deal of money continues until the end of the month. Its a great sale. ap*«dthrlfU and MUeri. | FJnd skeleton of Old Flflhter. If there were no spendthrifts there Near Sundown castle, Deni, DiiRlnml', would be nothing to save, so die spend- children at play recently unearthed thrift b«£ his place In life's scheme the skeleton of an ancient warrior. The whether we think' well or II! Of him, pody had, apparently, received -Chris* Those who Caro their money hardest tjah bhrlat, as It lay with the'feet are, as 0 rule, the most inclined to ,miserliness, which Is only natural, What l» easily earned seerts to bum holes In the pocket* of the earners. Yet, if the spender would take a lit- pointing eastward. The skull had in tho center, about midway between the eyes, a round hole nbout the stee of s dollar. Which might have been caused by a stone thrown from a sling, or by tl* Of tbs miser's example, and vice xpeav of battle#*, * The remains tip* versa, this would be a far pleasanter prarcd t(f ,K> centuries old, and the and hotter run old eartbr-Exchangs. t5lCory lg t,mt they are those of a “ ' f warrior or seaman landed and burled Cause w Thundar Storm*. ; from aoine ship after & sea fight in Broadly speaking, there are three' the Dnwrft. ganeral stages ift the development of M thunder storm. There mnst htfstrong --------- -——— ^ currents of moist air rising from tile j , •aftb, as indicated by the appearance | Must Pay Price of Success, of the whits patches 'of cloud. This The attainment -of your ambition Is .condition must Continue until the sky largely ft question of" how much* you Is covered. And lastly, the force of are willing to pay for it, how long you these upward currents must he great can wait end fight for It- It Is a ques- enough to push the ctouds up ■Into tlon whether you hove the stnmlna to thunder heads, A thunder storm then turn a deaf ear to the thousand and rssulUL—JPopular Mechanics Magazine, one allurements which will try to draw “ ..— --I y o u away from Its main issue; How * ' * 4 ^ ttiiivtir* ; much downright effort Are you making 'toward renHsilng yOur ,life's nmWtlon? wnatw taoat nas Been recommended ijpoji jbfa will depend your falbw; or four .success,.—th-lmar Swett hfardea jh .as * suhstttttte for beef and bacon, but tHiffa w* can catch whales all right, bhi too trig a job to tote ’em fcftMb* * . , Hanaymaan Had Wanstf, MM Hrighbor—"W»l!, tli* newly wedto' hauaytnoon i« about over.” Hev and sawWmkiss her this MtfWtac vrlfh hi* fiwtHht MMfewd, hit h«*d a# tha tfaoriraob sad hMaye m Panther. Chicago IMlly News. One** Highest Thought*. The highest thoughts are thoseWhich are least dependent on Innguage; ftiid the dignity of any composition and praise to which it Is entitled «ro in axatf proporiloh to its dependency on Rom^n Way- With Peace Negotiators, In the brave days of the eat-Iy Ho- men republic the conuuls might In deed negotiate and sign treaties of _pence on their own responsibility. But If the senate and people failed to rat ify, jthe correct practice was to sur render the, consuls to the enemy. Thus, Tmcordlng 'to Cicero (Dr Ofllclls III., 50) Titus Veturius and Sptirlus Pos- ‘ tumlns were delivered up to the Fatu- hltes, with whom they bad negotiated an unsatisfactory peace. Ahd on s much later occasion Calus Manclnus, Vrlio Imd negotiated n peace treaty with the NuihnftUnl which the senate failed to ratify, was on Ids own motion surrendered to the enemy.—New Re public. Spring’s First Arrival. '' The bluebird is among the fn-. t. oft en the first to arrive in spring In tin1’ northern part of the United ytsuak, from the southern states, whore this aristocrat has been upending the win-' ter, says the Aniertijbn Forestry jisuo . ‘ elation, “Washington. Sometimes more hardy bluebirds will pass the winter as fnf north as southern Now 7‘ng- land. The bluebird buihlh lt#host In bird boxc-. or in ernfmies nbwit build. ings or ib holes hi trees, pnrtfeulurly' orchard tre es. It lines the bottom oV its nest \v:th grasses for the four or flVe Mne-vhlto eggs whldi It lays. The female Is paler In color than the mab> bird. . . What Dream* Mean to You, ' To dream of laud Is a sign you will, travel; jif owittng It, prom ises profit and happiness. The happi ness and profit will be In proportion to the extern of the land owned in your dreams, if the land is Improved with gardens, hofiscs, arbors and so on, It is a sign of a beauUfid home filled with hqrmonlgtift people. If It is planted with grain, It foretells* wealth In proportion to Its, extent. If planted with vegetables, It Is a sign of afflictions In tlic same degree. If you dream of black livtid, It signifies sorrow and mcinncholy.~Cl>lcugo Her ald and Examiner. ■ -■.. ....____ "'-V Gar* of Shoe*. One little lady seldom blackens her boots, ’She carries one of thpse handy littlo lamb's-wool shoe flusters in her shopping bag and keeps her boots al ways free from dust. Every day she uses a stiff brush qti the soles nud the grobve between solo and shoe, blacks and polishes the heels and the edge of the, sole, then treat* the rest to a bath with a sponge lightly, moistened In milk, 'rhe boots take g dull polish. "Scientific” Legislator*. For lack of technical knowledge, leg islators'are sometimes guilty of pass ing measures that are soon found open to severe criticism and sometimes fait,! to accomplish the ehd which wits ln*| tended and desired. To overcome this condition ah Australian doctor has come to the fore with a Scientific first aid for legislators. lit* suggests that "royal commissioners of science” ha appointed In each bouse of tin* Aus tralian parliament, tvho should have, the fight to he heat’d at the bar of the house oft any matter In which science plays a part. They would devote their whole time to this work nttd be paid such salaries as would attract meri of the highest talents. . • Tha ^thistle Nuisance, , If evCr there was a nuisance on the face of the green earth. It is the mi»n ^jhO whistles lit the presence of oth ers, In surface trams. In the under ground ‘cars and on the busses these pests always are found, rifid *hey should he suppressed oven If It takes a club to ilo It. They are not hired as Tare collectors to make passengers never crapk and keep thelf Softness to |Ilf nnfared; anjl ^nothing so Irks folk a good old age. ■cTv ^.knipw** for Ixpra^lom-.Ruakin, Oartgfo* r*p*ir»d at Wolford*. Gertrude had attended a funeral and had been much attracted by tho beau tiful hearse.. Last Sunday she wa* tiii u In the yard playing when another *Rri„ n< ht-arse glided smoothly past the house. , film ran into th« house clapping her hands tn an oxdtert f*Y and railed to her father; «o, pap*. «dme quick And *e* the ale* graveyard taachlu*^ as tn he forced to listen to some noisy whistler and watch Ids offensive facial contortions. Let these whistlers he silenced, All whistlers are prato and no reasonable defense can be offered for thom.-New York livening Tele- Syrian Garnet Meat Popular, ttyrian garnets at* the most es teemed of the variatlMof thee* Nona* VISIT OUR STORES IN LOU)_______ 943 S. ThfedStr*ot WU UVJK OIUK i COLUMBUS, O. - CINCINNATI - ISVILLE OR 50 North Third Sttcet NorthfitW* 1 outStt. 909 R kc Sbart ORDER NEW TIRES BY MAIL a n d SAVE. MONEY SEND NO MONEY THESETIRES . . . FIRSTCLASS, NOT RE.8UU.Tw SECONDS FIRST QUAUTT NON-SKID TIRES- TIKES SIZES . ^TUBES TIRES SIZES - , : TUWS $10.78 12.78 16.48 18.28 • 21.83 22.98 30*3 •" 30x3*i 32*3«i' 31x4 32x4 33x4 $1,78 ' 2.00 2.28 2.80 2.68 2.00 823.48 31.18 32.60 33.18 3628 4080 ¥4*4 34x4^ 35x4 Ji 36x4% 35x5 37x5 . $*J b 3.88 . 2.70 3.85 4.38 4.60 tkw trt taiitlkriMT tef am rt Dr i»*t-*Pc*RitWki«s. lt«*tMrtlmii, rrtwr* at w ttpMi. Oart«g* oirtioton»Uo*w to pwcW, ‘•MttlMCMt wa J iw M jt^ 'aheadaiMi*>* yrathrtade^urtauiMR’wait>*mad* ^h«rtqT»*rtia*etquiU^ , , 0r^lfcwl5t»HvfWW5rt»i|h»IK<hi U*w, h^ fT*d«tert *1 I n * htt* cos *r OMcW am d«w<d. ItMMdlit* to mwRuUctnwv at may iMtsacM. dHpUMaA C^dtebrkwaaiMwiit. THEAVONTIRE4 RUBBERCO. aM aM NK iii^ i
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