The Cedarville Herald, Volume 44, Numbers 1-26
vffr-ra&'v -3 HIM S C ^ S f t ! •nf t ' i l ■■ *«- ...... ..... I *Pi§ . C^A&n^ik Hfrtld i . • * . t»pFF 0 * ItaU, Envelopes to Match Use envelope* to match the color o f your stationery* \ We can supply you vrith fine Irtterheads Tainted on Hammermill Bond and furnish aivdk^ee to match in any of the twelve colors or white. Remember we are letterhead speoalists. You will find the Quality o f our printing and the paper we give you very, high and our paces very low. Let Us Show You What We Can Do one EAGLE“MIKADO” PencilNo.174 Si 17V ML f I '.A p <V ■ Po* S*I«*|.yourPeater ■: ■*' >.. in fiv« gradpa t ASKFORTHEYELLOWPENCILWITHTHEREDBAM? , - EAGLE MIKADO i EAGLjS PENCIL COMPANY, NEW YORK The Miami Vafle®'School for Nurses f REGISTERED IS O JiO AND 'SlOfXV TO&K Excellent -classrooms and teaching ir.ei'itiea. two lull-,time instructors. Large staff of Jccttirars. AH -brr.r rhca of nursing- taught. ' Loan fund, High School Diploma or equivalent’ preferred. Fall term begins aboftt Ssriouftpr l. ' A MODERNRESIDENCE. .m i l—SINGLEROOMS Sun Parlor, Recreation Roomo, Ca ipws, Swings, Tennis Court. For In formation apply to L. A. EANFORIJ, Principal, DAYTON," OHIO. ‘ >%r ■~+;r-pZr-~* y%r * :' -<■ ---- , ' ' - 4' * \ , 4 i-fi; *V\ *r■ w* 1 . JRntewd at tha PoateCHBa*, Cadasr- ■§!« i 'iSmf A) c I am jKatter, 0 , . Dateber »U ^ 8 f t *• spend 1 t F iiiA Y , A ^ L ^ r m r r Awtroyad th* hem * of Jamaa AtWsilte, 14 mik» n-eotk of Wiwhiug' ton V . H, and tte. nywaaw* of ttm HONOR THY FATHER. •"Young man, when you have oc casion to »p«ak of your father, don’t call him -t'the. old man," Of courae you are much oldar now than when you learned to call him ‘‘father” You are much smarter than- you were then; you are inora manly in your appearance. Your clothes fit better, your hit, has a more modern shape and your hair combed in ft different style. In short you arb more,’ ‘fly” than you were th#n» Your father has a last year’s coat and) a two-year -old hat, and a vest o f still older pat tern.. He can’t write such an elegant note as you can {but hoy/ about his checks?), aud all that—but don’t call him the “ old man,” Call him* ‘father’. For yearft he has . been rustling a-, round to get things together; he has been held to the thorny pjfth of uphill work for years, and the best and brightest half of his life is gone from him forever* But he loves you, though he goes along* without' saying much about it, and if he knew that you were had it would, be the heaviest •(burden he has to bear. ^ \ THE NEW, TA£ BILL. ■N*. b u y m \m ALL STANDARD BREEDS * V - ' ’■ PlacQ Your Ordfor Now for Soring Delivery DAYTON HATCHERY 1620 TACOMA ST. DAYTON, QJ-JiO Boll £. 1870 , Homo 3593 • **r» T3ST T T f ■ • JLftPa R e a 1;E s t a t e •»* b ilsua - at my offle# each Saturday or reached by pbotu at x i my ,residence each ersaing. 3 * PHONES Residence 2 - 122 ! CEDARVILLE, OHIO . ”*v •# Ar new tax bill hag been offered in the "House following a tfivisioja be tween. members■over1a ll,other pro-; posals. All stocks,'" bonds, money, credits, under h unifon *. rule. at a rate n<ft dess than 5 mills. No debts- can be deducted. All other'property read’ and personal .to be taxed4at its true value, in money. It is" expected that the House will pass the bill amt Send it to the Senate before adjourn ment, The proposed amendment will then be. voted upon by the electors this fall and if it carries the legis lature will meet' in special session in January, to pass, the necessary laws for, enforcement. * The Tale of a Shirt- A torn shirt was,, produced as evi dence in a ease which came up in the police court not*very long ago, when an American judge whose native tongue is English heard the tale of the shirt froip a Filipino brand J of American whose native tongue Is Spanish, through an interpreter whose native tongue is also Spanish, but who understands -English'well chough to expldttt that ids- countryman’s shirt was tom In ft “pillkla over one pants’" and hud disappeared from his laun dry, .The defehdqnt, wits a Chinese latmdryman who .claimed through au interpreter whose native tongue is alsox Chinese, tjtif who understands English' sufficiently to explain .that the Fili pino had accepted the laundry 'on Sunday'Oiiiy to return on Monday to, pick-a fight over the alleged disap*• pearance .of his "one pants." The laundrymnit was defended by a- law? yer of Cldnese blood who speaks Eng lish like a native"of the states—Pa- lUlu. ■. ■ Some FACTS About THE UNIVERSAL c A r 0 Here |fe authentic figures from the Ford factory at Detroit, They show 5 you just how many Ford cars and trucks have, been built each month * since January 1,1921' and how many have been sold to retail customers,} in the United States. • /, Produced JANUARY__ _________ 29,888 FEBRUARY . . . . ___________ SS,S05 MARCH------- --------------------- 61,888 Delivered to Retail Customers — — ------------- 57,208,, ........ ............................... 63,603 — ............. ...................* 87,221 funiUy, iwdudtiag AdkhW wife and feur children *** Mrs, Adkim* unciC Walter Bennett, 76, perished- JarwM Adkins was. probably fatally hur:>«d, )hlo Goad Roade federation, through its secretary, W. A, ALdorf, estimates that tSO.WKI.OOO will be spent in highway and street improwe* meat work in this state during 1921 At Cincinnati Municipal JUdge Spiegel fined 1 Henry Grayman .of Slmronyille 11(H) and costsjm a chargfo of selling watered milk. IterJdence of George B 0 *. Jr., next door to the home of P.osl- dent-elect Harding and used by him as his headquarters at Marion, was destroyed- by fire. Lose 43,500. Mariam-Hueter, 7, carried her two younger sisters to safety from their burning home at Cleveland- One of the first acts of Harry Shirt, who succeeded C. c. Timberman. as safety director of Lorain, was to open a municipal .employment bureau. Fire at Mineral city cabeed ?io,ooo damage to the, three-story brick block owned by the K. of V. lodge and* the Walters estate. *>» ■ Rosa county farm bureau, with a membership of 1 , 000 , voted Unani mously Against reappraisement of ‘property in Ohio.. v Gibson P, Robinson of Cleveland was re-elected president of the Ohio •Masonic hoard of trustees. ,Twenty-'fiv^million pounds of sugar wore raitde by the Findlay plant of the Continental Beet Sugar .company in. the season just closed.. Ohio State Veterinary association, ’at its thirty-eighth aftnuftl meeting at Oqlumbus. elected' Dr. C. H. Case, Ak- Von, 'president. Tlctn, unevenly Distributed.' -■ Why man* whose nppefite leads him to the chewing of a wide variety of. foods, .should be given but 32 teeth, white the srlail whose menu must lie much-more restricted, isfprovlded with 14,175 in 135 Vows hf■ 105 each. 1s one of the things we feel inclined to at tribute to ‘Dame Nature’s sense of humor. _ . This feeling is increased when twe are told that the smallest dumber, of teeth dished out by natur*. falls*- to the lot of that great creature,' the un"whal?, which has btaly two. The ele phant is a!mo^‘ ixs'hadly off. being en dowed, as a rulA with but six, al though he occasionally may have as many' as ten- Y o u c a n t b e a t ’e m ? m Miss Literal. * Clara—-I' suppose (he brightest mo meat in your" life was when Jack pro posed! . '* , Cora—Rrigh'»»t? There wasn’t a particle of t*t flu* '"om, Curtains, repaired at Wolfords. Tack‘Dempse/sWallop - or A Less); t* ■Fd eggs ton c Sprit; r s X An boys, score PO •befori X . J. 1 Barbe O., yt Mr. a Da\ sick 1 an mu For for ha: Gasoline A d Mr. an side oj If you’re, lopking for gas with the championship , punch, bach Columpus right from the gong. Cars fueled by it are always ia the pink of condition' *arid ready to meet all comers. They have the snap and go at the crossings; they start easily and quickly; they make the Buckeye*"* hills ashamed of themselves; aqd take the going just as it comes— good, fair or awfiil. More power to .you ! That’s Columbus's promise. Could anything be fairer than that?; C O L U M B U S O I L C O M P A N Y : ° Columbus, Ohio ” Mrs. Lima, K. Me nesday CHI feathe / 4 A m to Iss Carrie ' C. Wil - t For hatchii tf / / ‘ -A Mr. Spring of the Lee, SI G^darville Distributing Station Miller Street and Penn. Ry. Telephone No. 146. **♦ , ,:U R. A. MurdocTc M*„C. Nagley 1 C. E. Masters 4W. W. Trouts Cedarville Lime Co. R. Bird & Sons’ Co. Sale: for lu paints, dress ’ CO., C Mrs! 'Greenf. funeral Winfon. cident ' - J. H China: . town u at the but is ■ ^ ■ 16% $21.50 Per Ton = 5 House Gleaning Time •W e carry a full line o f household Faints and Varnishes in. Cans 1-2 Pint .Up. \ Total Production----------------- 127,074 Total Retail Sales __ _208,032 showing that actual' sales for the first three months of 1921 exceeded pro- duction hy 85,958 Ford care and trucks # ' April requisitions already specify 107,719 additional cars and trucks and the estimateed Auiil output o f the factory and assembly plants com bined calls for only 90,0001 f ■ These facts clearly show that the demand for Ford products is grow ing much faster *than manufacturing facilities to produce and were It not for the dealer’s limited stocks, which are new being rapidly, depleted, many more customers would have, been compelled to wait for their cats, It Wil! Lp only a. matter of weeks, therefore, until a big surplus of orders will prevent anything like prompt deliveries, If you would be ’sure of having your Ford car or truck when you want it, you should place your order now.Don’t delay. Phone us or drop us a card,. ‘ ■ < • ■ • ■ ■ ■ 1 ALABASTINE — * t t ' ■ *, ■ ^ « H The Beautiful Wall Tint. Its rich velvety tints sets sEs & 4 ***^ v v . . . * g ' orr your rooms to best possible advantage. 1 60s Cents a Package 1 Ii = s R . A . Murdoch / & ■<* * FORD DISTRIBUTOR FOR CEDARVILLE ~ 4*' AND JAMESTOWN. IMPLEMENTS | Single Trees, Doujble Trees, Disc Harrows Darg Harrow's and Wagons. Coops and Hog- Troughs" Priced Right, STS' Car of Fence just arrived. This is Lsoa Stiff Stay Fence. Car of 4incji Tile will afrive this wefek* l *■m The Cedarville Farmers’ Grain Co iimiiiiuiiiiniiiiiiiiHitiiiiiiiKiffiiHuinmiK'ii ^ ...nTf 1 fiiiiirriniiiiiiriiiii'iii Bun---iriir 1 - unmn L IS YOURBUSINESSA SUCCESS? Tia sL'ieury fc 3 Kg ^ ‘ to Business. Priatli^ fine stattessy !s ear sgeefa!^. Fa p« iv< mi An . the * ab ou wh coi •Th mi . hi ' <al Oi wi W h
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