The Cedarville Herald, Volume 44, Numbers 1-26

LOCAL AMD PERSONAL * * * * V ^ » * * * * * # .* * 1 j?’*r^ox ha# m her gua*t WI m Cuthsrtjxa Shrib* of Sprin|ffioJ4, A- » » , Wa* bom to Mr. «nd Mr#. UottWti Flatter, Sabbath , * ? t £ ^ n £ :r*% ^ U&otn WC* •own*. 5«11 phone 406 Clif- R ^ «n L ^ S, <^ ara' «** 1* Yellow Spring#, O, (4t) AtSodi defented the local college boy# nt bue ball last Friday by a »eor« of 10 to 5. For Sale:* Strawberry plants *nt all kind* of transplantable vegetable pl«jts and seed potatoes both early §£4 - W «. Sheeiy, (Gladstone, Kfd. »* CedarviUe, O, Arthur TownBley has a force o, men at work moving the old F. B. Turnbull property for Duff White to a lot on East Xenia avenue. POULTRY— Don't fail to call me before you tell. Wm. Marshall. * Wanted--Salesmen for 6,000 mile guaranteed lines. Salary 5100,000 weekly “with extra commissions. COWAN TIRE & RUBBER CQ., Box 784 Chicago, 111. Messrs. rJ. R. Orr and E. E. Fin ney attended h banquet given by the Clarke County A. J. C. C. Club last evening in the Fairbanks building, •- - .....- - - ........... t Mr,, and Mrs. Ed. K. Ream of Van Wert, O ' were called here by ’the' illness and the death of the lafc ter’s father, Dr. dames White. C» C» Weimer is having' the build ing painted where the Weimer meat market ia located. ,Mrs, Ellen Weimer turns the shop over to C. „C. Weimer the first of this «oming month. J-, E, Mitchell and wife and R. B. Barber and wife drove to Cozadale, O., yesterday to spend the day with Mr. and Mrs, Stewart Townpley, David Turner, who has been on the sick.list for some time, is reported as much*improved, Charles Harris Jr., has moved to the , For Sale:* Rhode Island Red eggs 0 11 3™ f eet- .Tad for'hatching. Rhone 2 on 160. Miller of Jeffersonville, who purchas- x - Mrs, K, F, Hutchison. ed Wm.,Reed pool room has mov- , . r r 5 -------------------■ , ed into the Townsley property on A daughter was born Sabbath to Main street vacated by Mr, -Harris. Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Turnbull, who/rev * ' ^ side on the S, M. Murdock farm. j The Probate Court as ordered the _ __ „ _ , . - adoption of Donna Drucille Pember- Mrs, Ellen Weimer has gone to ton, daughter of Mrs, Sarah Pem- ^ m at^end funeral of B, berton, killed a few weeks ago by a K, McClellan, who was buried % d - ' Pennsylvania' train, by-her Jwother- nesday afternoon.- , ' *in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar jT . Hawke, Springfield. CHICKENS- feathers on. -I buy any thing with f ' Wm. Marshall. A' number from , here rheard th 6 great opera singer, Galli-Curi, at Memorial . all in Springfield A „ . --------- ——>■ •,*. • i l . l i b i i j last S h a S b®eP ,S8« e i {Friday night. This great star of the to Isaac Sputh Robinson and Mrs. Ilmi„icaTw7,rld cousin of Mrs N Carrie. .Hell TVW« ■ , musical world is a cousin. ot mrs. JN. ,Carrie -Bell Moore, colored. Rev. H C. Wilson. - / • / for For Sale:- 'Buff rock eggs hatching. Phone 12 on 192." tf * Mrs. C. W. Mott. Mr, and Mrs’. Ream 5 Shroades of . Springfield were guests over Sabbath of the formers parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dee Shroades. ■ Salesman-Wanted to solicit orders, for lubricating .oils, greases and' paints. Salary,or Commission. Ad­ dress THE LENNOX OIL & PAINT CO.,- Cleveland, O. . - ,J • — -------~ 4 ~ Mrs.- B. H. Little. was 1 called to Greenfield, O., Saturday o.Wipg' to, the funeral of-^er brother-in-law^ Andrew Winfough, who was-killed in an ac­ cident at.a’flour mill. „^J, H, Lackey, prominent Poland China breeder, residing’ near James­ town under went a serious operation at the McClellan hospital last week but is much improved. R. Nicholson of South 1 charleston and visited there wlple filling the Springfield engagement. 'James Bentley of St. Clairsville* O., who is connected With a Boston woll buying concern, spent several days in town this week. J. E. Hastings has been the local representative of this concern and shipment is being made of the season purchase. Several car loads will be? sent from here. Mr. and W[4 H. W: Updike and two, sons, who have-been spending the past live weeks at Mineral Springs, returned home, Saturday. Mr. Updike expects to move to Cehterburg, O., his former home next week. He has been occupying the H. A. >McLean property on North street. Mr. Me Lean expepts to move here from Springfield as ^oon as the house is vacated* Farm Wanted:- I want to hear from party having farm for sale. Give price and' description. B. B. Howard, Champaign^Hl. Installation o f Manganese Steel Vault Door > ^ Facilities that entirely remove the possibility of loss—that positively protect* patron#* interest—are today required by the modern, progress­ ive Financial Institution. Stability, pcrmanerice and certainty rfiult characterize the bank of dependable service, An indication of our thoroughly responsible banking policy is found in the recent installation of our new Vanlt in which we have placed, about 20 tons of railroad iron, and and steel- and now have installed our hewManganese Crome Steel Vault Door that weighs near six tons, which we are Corffident-. interests the representative residents of this community, • #■* *r . 'vThi# massiveMangenese steel bulwark represent* the latest develop­ ment* in protective devices. It defies the lawless, prevents the possi­ bility of destruction by fire and gives full ’ assurance of permanent safety.- O u r n e w building is now. hearing completion andtthe opening date will be shortly anhounced when this vstflt may be inspected by all. Watch for the opening date. DEATH OF DB. JAMBA WHIT®, Rev. Jama# White, D, D., w«* bom at New Concord, Ohio, January 17, 1832, and died , in Codarville, Ohio, April 20, Hi# parents, John White and Hannah Gutharie White were the parents- of sixteen children all of whom lived to manhood and woman* hood. Two of those are still living, Mrs, Sarah Campbell of Mt. Perry, Ohio, and Mr*. Lavine Baird of Col­ lege Springs, Iowa. Dr. White was a graduate of Mus­ kingum college and of the Pittsburg Theological Seminary. He held pas­ torates in Mt, Perpy, Ohio, New York City, Arkansas City, Kansas, surd Kansas City, Ho. during his long ministery. In 1886 he was a delegate to the Pan-American Council which met in Belfast, Ireland. In 1806 Dr. White Was the Morerator o f . the United Presbyterian^ General Assembly which met in Xenia, Ohio. For the past five years he and hi* wife have made their home with their son, Rev. John P. White, pastor of the United Presbyterian church pi this place. ■ ■ He is survived byVhis wife, Mrs. Amelia Wallace White, his daughter, Mrs. E. K. Ream of Van Wert, Ohio, his-son, Rev, John P. White, Cedar- vllle, three grandchildren, Mildred, Wilbur and Ruth White, and one great-grandson, Donald K. Ream of Chattanooga,. Tenn. Dr. White in his short residence here has made many friends, He was genial to meet and one whom our citizens became fondly attached. The funeral services will be held this Friday afternoon, at two o'clock at the United Presbyterian church. Burial at.North Cemetery. warn* i ipMSMSwisiiuwwsi DEATH OF GEORGE CALLOWAY George Calloway, aged , 68 , former resident of this township, died Tues­ day at the home of his son, George”, at Lilly Chapel,'0., of a complication of diseases, He is survived by the widow, eleven children, nineteen grandchildren and three great grand­ children. The body was brought here for burial, the services being con­ ducted from H. A. Barr's residence. The services were, in charge of Rev. W. P, Harriman. Burial in North cemetery:- CHICKS FOR SALE. Eyery Tuesday we will have the following, day old -chicks for sale: Prices for May''arid June. Ferris W. Leghorns____ - 16c each White Rocks_________ _ 15 c each Barred Rocks ______ — 16c each Rhode Island Reds_____ _ 15t each White Wyandottes _________15c each Custom Hatching — —.— 5c per egg OAK WOOD POULTRY FARM, - ' R. H..Oater, Prop., Box $7, Yellow Springs, 0. Bell Phane 57 -K Visitors Welcome TbeExchangeBank CEDARVUXE, OHIO. Kfcioutcfis Over $500,000*00^ Interest Paid on Time Certificates and Saving* TSVAY DOWN EAST COMING" i>. W.'Griffith's famous plctutiza- tion Of “Way Down East” , will be presented at the Fairbanks" theatre in Springfield on Thursday evening, April 21. “ . * —Mr»-Griffith-s-production -of-^Way Down East” represents ten months' work of the most exacting character, for in his screen version of thJ' story he has endeavored .to‘ follow closely the narrative of the stage play, with here and there a -digression for the purposes of dramatic value or e- laboration. “Way Down Eastv is the biggest production Mr. Griffith, has made, Several Griffith innovations are prom ised, Including a thrilling snowstorm and a genuine New England ice break on the River. Following Thursday evening’s pre­ miere, the production will be offered daily atr2:16 and 8:16 on Friday, Sat­ urday and Sunday. ■, ’ v , * Ancient Nuremburq Token. Crushed Andbattered, n rare coin has been discovered In a garden at Wan- vair, a village near the Roman city of Caerwent, midway between Chepstow and Newport. It has proved, after careful examination, to be a Nurem­ berg token, and was minted in 1540 by Christopher Schutz (who was borp at Annaberg), atTintern, whence a few years previously the monks had been driven Out. Schutz. found the mill ponds and fish ponds left by the monks ready to his hand ; from the forest of Dean he obtained bar iron and wood for charcoal from the forest of Westford, which is in the neighbor­ hood of Llanvalr, Cases are on record of Nnremberg coins having been 3 dis­ covered In London, and as far north as Lincoln, but this is the first in­ stance of such a coin token being found In the western counties or in south Wales.—London Tlmgs. Nature Plays Few Favorites. Personality that attracts and com­ pels respect is not always a matter of birth, ' To be sure a man reflects the standing of his grandfathers and takes a running Start from their shoulders, But life’s arena Is large and admits nil, comers. It takes the poor lad and. boosts bin! to wealth. It as ofteri takes the pampered bou of the rich and introduces him to a life of toll. Sometimes he doesn’t take kindly to It, so he lands in the common dump where fill failures drop sooher or later. Money is a god-seml or n citeae and ihe way we use it shows rihat we are. • m Spaniard Is Wife’s Master. Tlja legal position of a married wom­ an in Spain is today so low that her huShsnd has absolute control over (iter person find property, as In the middle ages. The wife cannot enter business Without her husband’s consent, He has the leg&I shut her up in ft convent if she does wrong, and ti is left to him to decide what constitutes wrong.: - ^ OPEN FOR BUSINESS THURSDAY. APR, 21ST. MUSIC ' 7:30 TILL 9:00 ' SPRINGFIELD, OHIO CORNER HIGH AND LIMESTONE STS. * a t MakingYou Acquainted With the New Kaufman Store, Its Executives And Their Assistants MFd JOHN'MICKLER President The Kailfman Store, MR. E. H. SMITH Superintendent New Store MR. CHAS. SHEW Mahager Boys* Department Assisted by K , F. Neville and Mrs. Blanche Beal and M r . Russell Geller. MR. ’F. W MITdHELL * Manager Men's Clothing Department, , _ / ______ASSISTED BY . -MR. J. K. ABRAHAM MR. ARTHUR J. CREAMER ’ MR. HENRY O’BRIEN, . MR. E. H. CRIBBLE * . MR..JOHN SAMOSKY > MR. J. H. WORTHEN - , MR, M. F. TUCKER Manager Ladies’ Ready-to-Wear. •ASSISTED BY ’ • ~. MISS MARGARET O’BRIEN ‘ ’ MISS MARY O’GRADY MISS DELLA REANO MISS EMMA SCHAEFER MRS. MARGARET TREFZER MRS. E. CORNELL MISS CECELIA MITCHELL - MISS RACHEL WYNN MISS RUTH FERGUSON * - MISS NELL O’NEILL MRS. LOUISE BORGER MISS ANNA KELLY MISS JULIA KELLY MISS ANNA DECKER Executives of Qther Departments . 1QSS E. McCABE i Neckwear, ( Bandkeroheiflft Tsainsr, Kibtoona, Leather Good#, Jewelry, etc. Ambvted by -Mlea Cathectne lCrmaefi Miss T/oarka McArtor, Mrs. Bnooh. v MISS EMMA KLAI^ . 'Managwr Notion and Button . Depart­ ment. Assisted by Miss Josie McGork, Miss Harriet •rammer. v' - ^ MISS FLORENCE BRENNER Manager Corset end Mnaltn. Under* wenr departmsnt. Assisted by Mrs. Adei* I* Lohmaa, Miss Hedwig Morgan, Miss Beasts HUL i I MR. K _L. CORNWELL Manager Millinery Department, Assisted by miss I*, Pottee, Miss CHenna potto; Miss Sarah O'Brien, Miss, X*. Coovee. MR. ROBERT WISSINGER Auditor. . C 'C>MISS <H«GA SCHMIDT Credit Msnseer. . ^ ASSISTANTS ' 9 Miss Mildred WlUtaaasan, Mins Lanra Decker, Mis# Mnyme Stretcher, Miss Mary. Nrab. Mias AHoa Hccxy Mins Ara Azbocnst Our New Store Will Be Open For In­ spection Friday and Saturday For Those who Cannot Come Today. ■MR. H. H. BURGOYNiS Manager Piece Grinds Department. . ■ ASSISTED BY MISfS MABEL HUFFINE MISS A.NNA McCLURE MISS GERTRUDE GILLISPIE MRS. LAURA MITCHELL NORA JENKINS Wm. DOWDEN MISS NORA .HOFFERBERT : MISS ANNA CLAYTON MR* C. C. SHAW GEORGE q. SHULTIS, Manager Silks and Dress Goods Dept. * Advertising Manager ASSISTED BY w . * rlnta MR. HOMER G. WADE GEORGE H. BAUER, MISS MINA GILLESPIE ; Display Manager MISS DOLORES BOTKIN , MISS MAKGERITE GAJH3 ^ MISS m a r ie ' w a l s ii . f MR* JAMBS BURNS Manager Gent’s Furnishings Depart, ASSISTED BY MR. FRANK BOHN ' MR. HARRY MAIER t MR. FRED HATTON MRS, CATHERINE JOSEPH MISS MARIE FLEMING MIS&ALICE CRAWFORD" MISS ANNA KALT MISS LOUISE CUNNINGHAM ..Give Us A Chance To Figure On Your Printing—