The Cedarville Herald, Volume 44, Numbers 1-26
SCHMIDT’S u s e s LOAF BBRAD, POTATO. I-UTTEHI.NIJT OR BETSY Ross, v t m m c m t sjbllbb , now 10 cents , small SBSK TEN CENT SELLER NOV’ 5 CENTS, FLOOR* FLOUR* FLOUR! *4 1-2 guond wok Setasidt'm Qmn Light It, 1 *4 tuck fttomifit'* 0*a*a Light -- 89c ------------ 49c EVAPORATED FRUITS Bxtoa l* tm V xwm scrjwnnd 18c Medium »ua prone* per pound ___ _____ _________ _________ 10c Fetiches, peeled, per pound---------------------------------------- -------„ 24c Apricots, regular standard grade, per pourjd^ __ ______ ...___ 19c SEPClALS ON PROCTOR AND GAMBLE SOAPS Leonx, 10 bar* for — ____ „___ ___ _ ,32c■ P. god G. Naptha Soap, 10 bar* f o r -------..................................... -69c Star.Soap, 10 bar* fo r ____ ,_____ _____________ __ 69c Ivory Soap, 10 bar* for _________ ___________ _____ - __ 79c beansi BEANS! Best grade Navey Beans per per Boat Grade Limas( per.pound i B ound -________________ ________ Sc ' ‘ ‘ ----------------------------- --------,-9c * POTATOES! POTATOES Best grade U- S, No, 1 per bushel, 60 lbs, — Per peck -T*■*-.*fct!».'W «f»«i*E***.'!*!'*4 )■» '•*W V*t-f*• *w ‘m f yfV* t»'w ; •Also car fine certified seed Potatoes Consisting o f■EarlyfRose, Ohio’s, Rural New. York, Seneca Beauties, etc, ' fiOc ,'28c CANNED GdoDjS Best grade regular No. 2 cans Sugar'Coni, 3 fo r _____ l „ ___— -25c Beat Grade regular No.' Z cans Tomatoes, 3 for _________—25c Best Grade regular No. Z cans Peas, 3 fp r ___________ :_- _____ ?5c Regular No- 3 .can's Apricot in syrup, per can ‘____________ — 19c Regular No. 3 cans Peaches in’syrup, per can— ,______ 1______ 19c' • , , * s»*r *• t • "* . ’ *• , \ *> c j, , 4 1, S *k 1 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL SouthDetroitSt; . ' •Xenia, Ohio t •, Save the price of new*furniture, by refinishing your old furniture with Hanna’s Lustro^Finish. Thlafamous renewerwill produce results thatwill delight you, ICwfll bring" out all the churn of newness in whatever it is applied to. HANNA’S LUSTROFINISH Xs also axoellent for'floors and woodwork, and the thousand and* one small Jobs of re-finishing go often Bt*d«d about thehome, IMa made to wear, m*w . * ' ‘ • Cedarville Farmers’ Grain Co. G e l Biudk to Normal by Buying Your Groceries at SMITH & McCORKELL REAL E STA TE jjV New York Life Insurance Fire and Auto Gao. H . Sm ith Phona 143 J. G. McCorkell Phone 88 Buckeye Incubators and Brooders Baby Chicks an$ vv:IlatcWiif■ Northup Poultry Farm and Hatchery fto.YtttMrSpring* iMiawiflgnrrft'r^-Tff^-T^iifiiiT BMI Wws* Cilften Ktchattg* I SflJMSfflML L esson * fl*r **v. awe^tiisli' )f# of •'hfc' . , , , ilk lfS, IV 1I«IK Mw***i>*r Unto*.? u) Awh. % to to tfc* M—4r #.LL$S0N FOB MAY.l J BIBLU TEACHINGS »ABOUT ^EPlb CATION IiKSSON TBXT-ncut. *4-», Prov. *:«• }<;« i;«. . GOU3EN TEiXT-WMotjv is the prlntl. Xial thin*; therefore set wLdotu,—Prov. or. RBPERBK^'JOMATKlifAtr-Prov. 1:7-*! 4:W|; Cel, 1:3; Jm X:5; U pet. 1;S, PRIMAHVTOPIC—The Bey J mus With the>Teacher*. ’ JUNIOR TOPIC-rH«a»l»KGoUlhScheOh INTERMEDIATEANI»SENIORTOPIC —The Value of aa Education. YOUNGFEOPDE ANDADULTTOPIC —Making Education Christian. I. The Excellency of Wisdom (Prov, 3:13-18). Let no man confuse this "wisdom” with the so-called wisdom resulting from an education In the arts, sciences and philosophy taught In the modern colleges and universities; The way to have this !» Its true sense is to get It from the Bible, God’s revealed Word (Psa. 119:98-100). Wjsdoro personi fied means Christ (Prov, 8). All real wisdom leads to Cfirtst, Who IS made unto us wisdom, righteousness, and sanctification (I Cor. 1:30). Wisdom is desirable because: 1. Of Its Inherent qualities (vv. 13- 15). (1) "Better than the merchan dise of silver and the gain of gold” (v. 14). Men set great value upon these, but they areocorruptible and shall soon pass away. (2) "More precious than rubies” (v. 15),' Though among- the most valuable among the precious stones, the ■ ruby is of sec ondary value when compared with the wisdom of God.* (8) Of infineasurable value (v. 15). The best things that I the human henrt can desire are not worthy to compare In value unto wis dom. , * - 2, It ministers to our earthly wel fare (vv. 16-18). (1) "Length of days is in her right hand" (v. 16). Godli- ,nesa tends to long life, (2) "In her .left hand riches and honor” (v, 16). "Riches and honor” may not always be according to the world’s standards (8) "Her ways are ways of pleasant ness" tv-17), The notion that the life of the Christian in hard and that pleasure dees not enter Into his experi ence is all wrong. The way of tig! transgressor Is hard (Prov. 13:15). Godliness Is profitable unto all things, havingthe promise of the llfe tlmt now Is and of that which Is to come (I Tim. 4:8). (4) "All her paths are* peace” (v, 17). There Is no peace to the wicked, "The wicked are like the troubledsea when It cannot rest,whose waters cast, up -mire and dirt (Isa. ;57:20, 2l).. (5) "She is a tree of life to them that lay hold upon her” (v . 18). Thpse Who eat of the tree’ of life, Christ, have-eternal fife (Gen. 3:22; ch. John 6:63. (6) "Happy is everyone that retaineth her’v (v. 18) The only true- liapplnese tiiat can be" had is in laying hold on -wisdom in God’s Tt^ord, '' II. .Israel'* Responsibility With Ref erence to the. Statute* of th* Lord , (pent. 6:4*9), ' - * ', 1/ Central,truths to b» taught <w« 4, 8L (1) - Unity of God, "The Lord bur God Is one Lord," This was a; ’testimony against the polytheism of Unit dqy. He is God alone, therefore jo worship anoUier Is sin. (2) Man's Supreme obligation (v, 5), God should; be loved with alt the heart, soul, and might, because He is God alone. 2. How these truths are to be kept ulive (vv. 0-9). The place for God's Word Is in the heart In order that It may be 11 the heart (1) "teach’ dili gently to thy children” (v.- 7). The most important part of a Child’s edu cation is that gjven In the Word of God. (2). Talk of tfiern lp the .home (v, 7). How blessed is that home where God’s,Word Is the topic of yon- vernation, ($) Talk of them when walking with our children and friends <(v* 7), (4) Talk o f them when re tiring for the night <V. 7). The last thing upon which the.mind Should rest before going to sleep should be God and Hls .lruU), (5) Talk of them' when rising In the morning (v, 7), How fitting that God should speak to ns the first thing when we. awake, (6) Bind them upon tlilne hand (v. 8), This was literally done by the Jews, (7) ..Write them Upon the posts of the house and on the gates (v. 8), III. Th* .Growth of Jtsus (Luke 2:52), 1. Bodily stature, Being really hu man, B.s bodily sire and strength in creased, 2. Increased In wisdom. His mental equipment enlarged as any normal hu man being. His fountain of knowledge, increased as He came In contact with men and the world. , . 3. in favor with God and mkn, HI* Innate perfection and beauty more and more expressed Itself a* His human nature expanded. HIGH SPOTS la and Around the Buckeye Capitol JHOT all myaWloa *r* oonUinad in detective novels, murder The Detractor1* Work. - „ The de^actor may, and often does, pull down others, but by so doing he never, as he seems to suppose, ele vates himself to their position—the most he can do Is maliciously tear from them the blessings which he .can not enjoy himself,—-Selected, Eternity, Eternity stands always fronting God; a stem colossal image, with blind eyes, and grand dim lips, that murmur evermore, "GOd—God—God1” -B . B. Browning. *' Taboo, <f When SnythlfutJs forbidden, o f Its exclusion has been ordered, English- speaking people sometimes say it is "taboo," The word Is derived from a« institution <>nce common throughout Polynesia nnri New Zealand, it slgal* Is* something set apart or prohibited, because of*ns being either sacred or accursed, T his has given rise to the tme and algnlficance of the word in English^ , ' WV.«4v and spook stories, That this 1* *m can be verified by Highway Commis sioner Leon Herrick, who has quite * sisable mystery on hi* hands.. When Herrick took office some time ago ha was baffled hr toe discovery that Ohio is literally covered with what are aptly described a* "mystery roads.” For general enlightenment, it should he *aid that a mystery road Is one that originates nowhere In particular, goes nowhere in particular sued serves no particular purpose. Scores of highways, or rather short, disconnected stretches conforming to thla definition, a^e to he founfi all over the *tate today, Herrick^says, ^ There is only one thing absolutely certain about them—that they cost the state hundreds of thousands of dollars and that they are practically useless. , The mystery lies in what prompted their construction, although, it has been suggested that the reason Is to be fouud in the past,policy of indis criminate distribution of highway funds to various localities without regard to specific needs and without relation to, a complete, comprehensive highway plan for the state, Why such a policy was adhered to Is another part.of the mystery, h® w* allow tyro guesses to those* inter' esjed in its solution, * . * .■ • *' ‘ *, • * • * COUPLE of Ohio legislators were discussing the announced deter ruination of the lower house to finish its legislative business and adjourn by April 1, and the senate’s equally strphg,sentiment that the legislature could not possiblywind up at So early a date.„ * ' ”1 wonder wblpb side Is going to prevail?” said one. “What*a the difference,” answered the other. "Just remember the date If the house has Its way, the joke Is bn the senate: and if not,* it's on the house. So .April 1 will win .th® day, one way or another.” '• I T is‘Interesting to,know that Ohio , Scripps-McRae newspapers,known to be strongly Independent in ,theiV policies, have editorially made the following comment :pn Governor IDa- yis’ reorganization pidn and its plain purpose to eliminate a lot of unnecea- aary jobs: , ’ : "Politicians don't like to he shorn of their powers, much less to lose their jobs entirely," saidthe editorial. "Hence their storm of protest against the Dunn reorganization bill. * * * - “However, there is a good deal .of sound; sense in Governor Day!*' state ment that he can't get head nor toll to what is going on lit to®-state gov ernment, with some S9 or 60 different hoard* and commission* trying to operate and each wanting to 'pass the buck' to Jiim every' time they have an important question, to decide. He Insist* he could give toe state more .efficient Service-if he had nine .heads of departments, reporting to him and -strictly responsible to him for re sult*,” ■ * 0 *• a * e, * S PEAKING ot “passing the buck,” the new state board of ■ad ministration has decided that It Is about time to abandon that sort,of a policy In dealing v*'th feeble-minded delinquents and crlmlAals, its mem bers have concluded that "passing the buck” to posterity ig hardly the proper ifray of handling it. Tliby feel that has been to* effect of toe pres ent policy of releasing feeble-minded delinquents and criminals from cus todial care and allowing them to go out in life, marry and become parents of children who in turn are feeble minded. , Permanent Isolation of all such cases, in pleasant surroundings where their, life iq to he made as attractive .and useful as possible, Is toe method to be followed from now on. Contin uation of the present method, they have fiund, would mean constant aggravation- of the problem and necessitate expenditure of tens of mil* lions of dollars within a few, yeafs. On the other hand, the new policy is certain to put « definite check to the growth of the number of feeble minded. A pplications for state positions, which are continuing topourInto* toe office of Governor Davis in gr*at quantities, are usually .couched In terms of dignityand seriousness. But now and then an applicant feels that originality will gain him favpr. Wit ness the following serio-comic appeal addressed by a down-stat* humorist to Governor Davis: “This being the open season for job hunters, l want to try out my marks manship and see If I can’t bag a job with you, I haven't seen a job In some time, but I know I can still hit onepretty straight If 1 get the chaacd. They have been awfully scarce in these parts, otherwise I wouldn't bother you in this hunting party. I would like to get in toe fish and game department, but am not particular.” ’■* \ *■ * *■ , M unicipalities and private firms all over toe state are responding to Governor Davis' appeal to relieve the unemployment situation by stort- lag repairs and spring clean-up work, WHY NOT HAVE GOOD G lasses since you havn TO WEAR them Tiffany's Optical Service Pro- vWee You With th* Best, t i f f a n y : B&TTEk CLASSES 8. Detroit S t Xenia, O. 'Wi r, Until May 10th Only .tALBARGAIN TIRE PRICES AH Sirictiy First QualitpStandard Make Tires POSITIVELY NO BLEMISHED OR SECONDS Fabiics-Onaranteed 6000 Miles—Cor4s Guaranteed S00Q Miles i-rices On Tubes Apply Only When Purchased W ith Tire* N7iT CASH PRICES—NO WAR TAX YOUR MONEY REFUND EP IF NOT SATISFIED Mail Orders Promptly and Carefully Filled •SjiMV 30x8 30x3J/o 31x4 32x31,4 32x4 * . 38x4 34x4 Cords ntbbfd vr Aon-Skld 24.66 Tubes Fabric x<iii-.skia §13,25 15.90 22.00 20.00 M.50 27,00’ - 39.50 28.00 40.50 29.00 . 't - 41.50 OTHER SIZES IN PROPORTION ' , Garden, Air, Gasoline, Radiator Hose, Rubber Boots, Washers, Aprons, Etc, u «v r <irey ? u o 2,15 3.05 2.55 3.10 3;35 3,45 TI g 0 Allas RubberandBeltingCo. 115 SflQth Ludlow Street . 1 ' Daytoii. Ohio. FOR REAL MILEAGE USE DIAMOND .SQUEEGEE TREADS » I D R . G A . Our Fees Have Been Reduced! to The! Pre W a r Level V Bell. Phone Main 909. Teeth Extracted Absolutely Without Pain / W ork started and completed on first visit . i f you so desire, * * , , , '. Office Hours 8 Ai-M. to 6 P. M. Open Tuesday, Thursday end Saturday Evenings G .A . Dial Bldg., Over Woolworth’s 5 and EOc Store 25 1-2 South Limestone Street, Springfield, Ohio' The Rug business is fine, thank you- There’s a reason. We have the Right Rugs. We have the right prices.. We pay no attention to what we paid for a rug* The price to you is based on the very latest mill cost and] in very many in stances much less than we have paid for the rug. Galloway & Cherry 36-38 Welt Main Street, Xenia, Ohio mm*****nviaBSMlita sm-aa- 5 X ’K. GET OUR PRICES O l PIlNTiNG id featsuM* imp.
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