The Cedarville Herald, Volume 44, Numbers 1-26
m m * ,, Tl Envelopes to Match Use envelope* to match the color of your stationery, * We can. supply you with fine letterheads printed onHammermUl Bond.and furnish envelopes to match in any of the twelve 5 colors or white. Rememberwe are letterhead specialists.’You will find the qualityof our printingand the paperwe give youvery high and our prices very low.. Let Us Show You What We Can Do I EAGLE“ MIKADO” PencilNo.174 ForSib it yourDealer Made in fir* xradaa ASK FORTHE YELLOW PENCILWITH THE REDBAND ' EAGLE MIKADO . . EAGLE PENCIL COMPANY, NEWYORK Maaturtna Fatlgu*. An tiaiqn* mothod kwu taw 41* opvgrod t« uittMtft loot bow tto*J #o«’s body baeomw attar boom el « jrk, My* Boy** Life, A Un* 1* drawn aero** th* forearm with a aharp point, not *hurj> utiDurU pt broak the skin, hut only to drlT* oat the blood end leave a -,tr*ight white line on the* skin, ohaerrer bald ing a etop wateh inea*ar<w the tins* It takes for the blood to rtiah back dnto the skin and the white line to fade. The exact number Of second* and fraction of a second la recorded. This teat is repeated say at Intervals Of one hour all day until the working hours are over. When these read ings are plotted on paper a curve is drawn which tells at a glance just how one’s energy ebbs throughout the day, a There Is always a marked jump ha the Una after lunch hour. * : .»-.•■....~ . Paradise. There is ndfMng that Is nearer to you than heaven, Paradise and bell, into which of them are you Inclined, end to which of them yon. tend to walk, to that In tbta lifetime yon are most near. Vpn are between both;, ana Jhere la * birth between each of them. ^ You stand In this world be- iween'both the gates, and yon haye both the births In you. God beckons to yon in one gate, and calls you; the devil beckons you In the other gate and calls yon ; with whom yon go, with Mm yon enter In. The devil has In hts hand power, honor, pleasureand Worldly Joy. On the' contrary, God has In hie hand crosses, persecution, misery, poverty and sorrow; but In the root .of these ion fire; In the dm there is light, and In the light the virtue, and In the virtue the paradlser-Jacoh tloehme. The Miami Valley School for Nurses '• • REGISTERED,IX OHIO AND NEW- YORK _ % Excellent classrooms and teaching'.facilities. Two full-time Instrijstors. Largs staff of lecturers. AH branches of nursing taught. ' Loan fund. High-School Diploma or equivalent j preferred. Fall term begins about Ssp'femheh ll ’ MODERNRESIDENCE' HALL---SINGLED0 QMS Sun Parlor, Recreation Rcania, Can’ pus. Swings', Tennis Court. ,Por in formation apply to Xi, A. HAXroilD, Principal, DAYTON, OHIO. 1 rt*. 1 ,c‘- %> ' „ .. • ^. . W-i.......... .............. i * ... v A 1 „,.......... ’• < - *• , ■' ‘,i , i V’ * ■■ s ■. ■*." BHIYCHICKS ALLSTANDARD BRKKDS Plae* Your OrderNow for fjirlng D.llv.ry DAYTON HATCHERY 1620 TACOMA ST. DAYTON, OHIO '(loll Homo BBSS w W W. L. CJ.EMANS Re a l Es tate •» * ^ « 5 * * i i , •, t 1,• GUMWieoau atony ofltce eacb Saturday or reached by glean* at ‘ 1 1 m s tMdmm each ewnteg. . * " * * ' ' U -tm m ES Residence 2-121. CEDARVILLE, OHIO 11 Ancient Nuremburg, Token. Crushed and battered, a rare coin has been, discovered in a garden at Llan- valr, a village near the Roman city of Caerwent, midway between Chepstow and Newport. It has proved, after careful examination, to-be a Nurem berg token, and was, minted in 1540 by Christopher ■>.Sqhutz (who .was bom at Annnberg), at Tlntem, whence- a fewuyearfi previously the monks had been .driven .oat, Schutz found the milt ponds and fish ponds left by the monks ready to hts hand; from the forest of Dean he obtained bar Iron and wood for charcoal from the forest of Westford, which la In the neighbor hood o f Llanvair. Cases.are on record Of Nuremberg coins having been dis covered in London, and as far'"north asJLlncoln, .but this is the- first In stance of such a. coin token being found Jn the western counties or In south Wales.—London Times. m Crying for Luck, If *the first person yon meet as you are going to work ,1s a woman, you will have no luck that day! Such was once the, strong belief of Cornish miners. This curious example of lo cal superstition is mentioned by Mr. Charles *T. Gorham, who recalled ethers in Ms recent lecture on the sub ject It was considered unlucky, for instance, for a woman to “ let the New /Year in.” A woman who wad the,mar riage service through In Its entirety before her marriage war raid to be fated, to sptnsterhood. It-was also unlucky for a bride not to shed tears on.her wedding day, whilst It also brought Ill-luck to marry In May. A double share of ill-luck was promised for those-wbe wed during Lent Care of an Umbrella. - ' . Do not open an umbrella to dry it, nor stand it on its furrule. Either method is destructive to the useful article,1the former because the ribs will become warped by being bent by the silk, so that neat, tight rolling win be Impossible in a short time, and the second because the 'water resting about the top will rot, the covering. Turn the umbrella, closed, but not rolled, with the handle downward, .then when the allk is perfectly dry rub it with a woolen doth o r old silk handkerchief to restore the gloss, Do not keep the case drawn over the nm- .brella when the latter is not in use, as it will wear the- covering at the seams. Properly cared'for and if of good quality the silk covering of an umbrella should wear for. at least two yqars, when umbrella Is In constant use. s FnMMfem'a **•*«• •» CapjtoJ. The draw of m* e n p m at Wiute* tagbg* it eurBKwntfd by the stfttue of Freedom, which Apt**** fees* tftt? aa an Indian maldsn. The statue was placed in its present position Deease* ber X 186b »od upon a flag stand from the statue a s*a»$e « f 85 gums was fired trtm a field battery on Capitol MU. Tha, salute m * answered by similar salutj* from Forts fits*** tea, Davis, Mahan, Lincoln, Bunker Hill, Totten, De Russy, Reno, Cam eron, Corcoran. Albany and Scott. In formation contained in the Congres sional Directory states that the statue (a made of bronze, is 1® feet 6 Inches high, weighs 12,965 pounds. The forts from which salute* were fired were among the chain of fort* guarding Washington during the Civil war. Nothing was ever done-by congress to preserve them, although a movement has long been started to have congress condemn these forts .for preservation by the government and link them by winding roadways that would add to the beauty of Washington. ■ ' * / *■ ir~ 1 ’ Uganda. Uganda la a British protectorate in East Africa. 1OP,110 square miles In area and with a population of 8,801,♦ I lf in 1918, Including 570 Europeans. It Is bounded bn the, north by the Su< dan, op the east by Brltlsh Eagt Afri ca, south by the former German Best Africa and west, by the’ Congo Free State, The native capital is Mengo; the headquarters of the British admin istration is at Entebbe, The country contains greet plains, forests, swamps, deserts, high mountain^ and large in land lakes. Cotton 1* being grown there in increasing .Quantities each year. ' About 600.000 of the natives belong to the- intelligent and civilized Baganda, who were,' converted to Christianity In the -last ceptury. Edu cation is In the bands of the. mis sionaries. * m ' Pigments, From Coal. The pigments, of more than 400 cm * ora.are obtained from coal. Curtains repaired at Wolford*. ' K m c a n t ! > e a t ’ e m ! O ld < A b e C M a r tin Gasoline J ' *4 They’re both MidrWest products, and put a lot of Joy in a lot of folks’ lives. Abe covers more territoty-~thousands laugh athis J homespun philosophy daily in hundreds of cities* But Cotumbus is mpre exclusive. You’ve got to live in Ohio to enjoy the quick* easy start, the sure, pepfui pickup, the sure mastery of hills and heavy going, the unusually big.mileages; per gallon that thishightest ,1 straightfun gasoline invariably giyes. C O L U M B U S O I L C O M P A N Y Columbus, Ohio ■ . / Cfidtrville Distributing Citation Miller Street and Penn. Ry. .. Telephone No. 146. R, A, Murdock ’ Mfl C. Nf(giey. C. ,E. Masters. W. W. Treute CedarvilleLimeCo. R, Bird & Sops’ Co. 16% $21.50 PerTdn . < . ■' -- ---------; ' I . V ' - V '■ House Cleaning Time W e carry a full line o f household Points and Varnishes in Cans 1-2 Pint Up. ALABASTINE v ■■■’ •■ V ■ ' | The; Beautiful Wall Tint. Its rich velvety tints sets “ “ - * j ^ 1 . t <. vjl. , ' t. off your rooms to best possible advantage., 60 Cents a Package 1625 Detroit Every bolt and bar made of the toughest steel that science can pro duce; every piece of metal pot there for a special purpose with ample reserve strength to withstand the most unusual strain; and every drop of kerdsene that goes into the tank transformed into power—that is the FardsonTraetoiV- ' ». 1; ■ , . jdpg ' ^ {■ Whether i t » required to drag the implements of agriculture across the fields or to tilm the wheels of stationary machines, the Fordson will de all that is claimed for it and more. * We will gladly demonstrate to you this the most powerful tractor for its size on the market. IMPLEMENTS Single Trees, Double Trees, Disc Harrows Darg Harrows and Wagons. Chicken Coeps arid Hog Troughs PricedRight. : , Caref Fence juat arrived. Thifiia L iot Stiff St»y Fence. Car of 4 ineh Tile will arrive this week. R. A . Murdock FORDDISTRIBUTOR.FORCEDARVILLE . • H • ANDJAMESTOWN'. T h e C e d a r v i l l e F a r m e r s ’ G r a i n C o , ItlRillfillHjllfitilHMHlWtfiWIfiliHlililiHIfillillfflfiHfilifl (W M M M iM l mm IS TOURBUSINESS A SUCCESS? Has stSM i# is| a big aid toBusta&s. 'FdaUhg Une a m ^eda% .
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