The Cedarville Herald, Volume 44, Numbers 27-52
i '.a:*.- umemstty? ^ "l today, not only»sa»’e3 results of ■, mvn, hut it cternca m3 brings to final culmination tbo atHortiaiQjj of the yesterdays. 'Gedarville A I’-'i’dWSF/ ptu'vUkhli fI0 LOCAX^ AND GENERAL NEWS AND THE INTERESTS QF CEDAR- VIRES AND VICINITY. ’ FORTY-FOUIITII YEAR NO. 4G GEDARVILLE, OHIO, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1921 PRICE, $1.60 A YEAR ELECTIONOVER; MOTT, MAYOR The groat*.-:)!; interest in the election Tuesday centered t round the contest for township trustee. Two of the old members, Collins and Turnbull were candiduten for re-election. There "were four new candidates and of this num ber three of them were victors, Col lins Williamson, Harry Townsley and Howard Turnbull. The following is the vote: Towns- ley, 8G4; Williamson, 809; .Howard Turnbull, 2G1; II, A. Turnbull'250; M ,W. Collins, 250; G. II. Smith, 78. For. township treasurer J. E, Mitchell won over J. W. Johnson by a vote of 281 to 178. In the village there were no can didates for mayor or council on the ticket and the voters had a wide range of candidates to select from, the en tire populace in the village. For mayor J. D. Mott won over D. H. McFarland by a vote of 117 to G9 While Ted Richards received 19, For clcrlt, J.' G. McCorkell, tor mar shal, Harvey Myers; for treasurer, Karlk Bull, there was no opposition. Some fifty citizens were candidates for council, that is some friend sug gested their names by writing them on the ballot. Some of the boys about - town saw an opportunity .to take* a hand in the game and started to work for John Wright, Warren Barber and Pressley Townsley. As a result each received a good vote, in fact Wright and Barber coming up^glose to the low man among the winners, J. W. Ross lead with 103; B. E. Me Farland, 90; J. O. Stewart, 64; N. P. Ewbanlc, 44; R. S. Townsley,. 55; II. A. McLean, 42. The next in order were Warren Bar her, John Wright, Pressley T'owns.ey J. A, Stormont, C. E. Masters., W. W. Troute. Othere who received honorable mention were LLoyd Con- farr, Leo Anderson, A. Z. Smith, Dr. McChesney, F. B. Turnbull, J. E. Hast ings, F. A. Jurkat,, L. F . ' Tindall,, G. H, Hartman, James Dufiield, H; A. Bates, Frank . Owens, Earl Rich ards, Ralph Wolford, Dr. Elias, 6, L. Smith, Prof. Allen, Rev. Karriman Dr. White, W. J. Tarbox, Walter Iliffe and a score or more others. “WHADDA THEY MEAN, DISARMAMENT/1’ LOCAL BOND ISSUE CARRIES EASILY The electors of the village are to be commended in supporting the bond issue to pay off the fire engine debt. The vote, was 226 favorable1to 47 a- gainst it. The next council will thus have some funds available for repair work about town that lias had to go undone this year. CONDENSED OHIO NEWS News Items Picked at Random and Roiled Down for the Busy Reader E. A. Holley, 80, brakeman, dlea Killing his wife, Ruth Davis 15ek- at Athens after falling under his own! ert, 23, and sending a bullet into h)s train and losing both legs. His home; own head, Thayer Eckert, 22, is be- was at Midldetowu. - j Moved fatally wounded. The. tragedy ■Henry Lovell, 15, Was crushed £o‘ was enacted at woman’s liotoe in Co death in a sand pit at Newark. Les-1 lumbus. The couple separated five ter George, who also was caught in weeks ago. COLLEGE NOTES Today is the day. Are we going to beat Antioch a t football this after noon. The team says we are and the students agree. The .game which we played with Antioch a t a recent date resulted in a score of 7-0, .Antioch, The team is much stronger a t the present time and the players confident of victory. The game will be called promptly a t 2:30 on the football field back of the college. Everybody come and support the team. * » '* Mr. Floyd Smith, a student in the Freshmen class was stricken with ap pendicitis and has undergone an oper ation a t McClellan’s hospital. The class sent him a bouquet of flowers this week. Everybody hopes he will soon he back in College in his usual gopd health. The Y. M. C. A: had a very instruc tive*meeting last. Wednesday. The sub ject was "Looking for the good points in. others.” The leader was Mr. James Kyle. ■* ■* , Tuesday morning of this Week Miss WILL RE-OPEN CHURCH. The M. E. church will be reopened Sabbath, after being cjosed. six weeks for decorations and remodeling. Eleven years ago, Oct. 28, 1910, the dedication of the old church and the dedication of the S. S, room occured. Now after this more than a decade the house is again “set in order" and is open to welcome its members, and DAIRYMEN WILL MEET 1 TO ORGANIZE; the cave-in, was taken out alive, bad ly injured. The boys were engaged in digging a cave. Two bandits entered the olllce of the Richter Transfer _company til Cincinnati and, covering Louis Rich ter, who was filling the pay envel opes, escaped with $1,200. Monslgnor Samuel A. Strltch of Nashville, Tenn., wMl be consecrated, bishop of Toledo . services to bo . held a t St. Francis de Sales cathe-' Ural, Toledo, Nov. 30. Archbishop Henry Moeller of Cincinnati will of ficiate. . . Judge Mouser of Marlon holds, thai Jamaica ginger is not intoxicating Manor under the Crabbe act, ■ Frederick H, Law, Clyde Innkeeper and father of Ruth Law, famous avi* atrix, was sued for divorce by his wife, Mattie H. Law. The shooting to death at GincinnatTHsss by which any amount of money Ohio has nearly 30,000 Dairmen in twenty different, associations reap ing, the benefits to be obtained by u -' niled action in selling dairy products. An effort will be made to. organize the dairymen of Greene, and' nine other counties in this section by incorporat-' on Hallowe’en night of Joseph Clark, 30, and wounding of Robert Cahill, 22, and William P. Cahill, brothers, Harry B. Ward, vice president of the Beach City Banking company, which operates a hank at Beach City, Stark county, Is under arrest at Can ton. on ‘three indictments charging appropriation and manipulation ot of the bank’s funds. Investigation ..followed the discovery by state bank examiners of a shortage of $115,000 in Ward’s accounts, county officials say, Roy Shamblln, .27, shpe worker/ Under arrest at Portsmouth, Is saia to have confessed the killing of John W. Newman a.nd Louise Doyle, whose bodies were found Oct. 23 In an aban doned shanty seven miles from Ports mouth. ' t At Sandusky Rosa Bushman and Gus Garewski, Roumanians, turned over' their savings of $1,200 to two strangers who said they had a proc-( ANTIOCH WILL MEET COLLEGE TODAY could be made by transfering the value of the real currency to blank sheets of green paper.- Later they Gedarville College will meet Anti och at Gedarville on Friday, today, in the only home game of the season. Coach Prugh is expected to bring a large squad to oppose the local team. The Antioch mentor has considerable reserve material and. in 'the gamer, played has not hesitated ;to draw upon it. The local team has been a t a tre mendous disadvantage through out the season due to the fact that a t no time have two full teams been avail able for scrimmage. However the small squad-has developed with each game and will go on the field Friday with the morale and fighting spirit higher than in any prjayious combat. While injuries and ' last minute changes by the coaches may shift the line-up the following look to be the ones who will get the call, Gedarville Antioch T ay lo r--------L. E , --------- - Dawson A r th u r ------------ L; T,-!_Nortliup W rig h t...........L. G . -----------Huston Bradfute — C. ------Vanorsdall Clarke -----R. G. --------Mortenson Riddell ( c ) -----R. T. —— -Brubaker Collins.............-II. E................. Stoltz darkle—- -—-_L. H, ___ -Rezovsky White —__-----R .H ._______ -Weston Currie -----------Q . --------------Green - . , ., - „ t , , ing the Miami Valley ' Cooperative friends. At 10:80' Rev. W. A. Wiant, Pl.odueers under D. D„ of Springfield, O., will former- S^ Brand md GriswoIdast/ the most ly reopen’ the. church. HIs sermon .eme is “The Touch of Magic. A ti , u Z?- 7 * u T “"J nn t, tt , rr * . „ * 11zations. A meeting has baton called f 30 Rev. Hough Houston of Central , , XT , X „ *«• , , 5 . - i , ... . Saturday, Nov. 12 at 1:30 P. M, . E. church, Springfield, will preach ,, . . ’ +, r „, th 2 : M. his theme beglng, Good.” He is a schoiax' and preacher of more than local note. ■ At 7:30 P. M., Pres. A. E. Smith of Ohio' Northern University, will preach. “The Endless Quest”, will be his theme. He has just returned from the Great Conference of Methodism in England and will .have a message worth hearing. For the first time in. the history of the church in Gedarville no funds will need be raised to. nW t the expense of repair. However 'at. each service there will be an offering taken to de recent laws governing pich brgafti- or in „ |the Assembly Room 'of;, the Court The Supreme j House when E , D, Waidv marltetin? specialist of the Ohio Farm Bureau Federation and other Ilyto ’wires= 'will speak., , ;• '< was cleared up, police say, when W. j found the money gone and only blank R, Sbewmaker,'31, confessed to firing j sheets of paper remained, the shots. Sliewmiiker claims he shot ; Two children were killed in auto- in self-defense when he was attacked • mobile accidents a t Youngstown, by a crowd of men. x . i Katie Kqsqh, 7, was fataly injured An appeal is being made to the] when struck by an automobile* arid members of the Ohio Automotive t Mary- Susko, 4, was crushed under a Trades association for a contribution, for the purpose of creating a fund J for fighting the Atwood automobile anti-theft law. The Dempsey-Carpontler fight, films were approved by the state movie censors and are ready for exhibition. A fine of $1,000 was .paid by Frank large truck. Two Marion men have been ap- pointed aids at the white house. They are Major Ora M. Baldinger and Lieutenant Edward M, Taylor. Six thousand teachers attended the fifty-second annual conven tion • of the Central Ohio Teachers’ ■ Flournoy, New York, associate oi i association at Dayton Josephine Randall presented a hew fray the expenses of the day, and at football' to the squad in behalf of the Epworth League of the M. E. church ASSESSORS CHOSEN. • Iti the township pharles Cooley re ceived a unanimous vote for re-elec tion ss. assessor. In the corporation Jshcre was no candidate hut - enough votes were cast for M. W. Collins for assessor to assure his election VOTE ON AMENDMENTS WAS A SURPRISE Locally the vote on the various amendments to th e . constitution was asurprise. It wa3 thought that the h'onU3 hill would bo endorsed but not by so large a majority. As for the redistricting bill it was opposed as it should be. The poll tax was also .de feated and this was predicted. The comilmed vote in the corporation and township on the bonus was 357 to 142. COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD. There was no opposition for mem hers of the County Board of Educa' tion and as a result Vf. B. Bryson, J. E. Hastings and A. L. Fisher all re ceived a large vote. the same time give the people an op portunity to show their appreciation to Gedarville for the occasion. All of the services are for men and women. The service begins a t 10:30, A. M., 2:80 P. M. and 7:30 P. M. Note the change in the evening service. All are welcome and invited. This gife was accepted for the spued for hearing the men who are coming, by Dr. McChesney, who as a repre sentative of the school, extended his thanks for this appropriate gift. •* . * * The student body met and unani niQnsly decided that owing to the rules for the boys in athletics, they would refrain from ■ having any spreads during training season. There will not be a shortage of "hot dogs” in the meat shops hereafter. * * • * Stop, Look, Listen! The College Club will ^ivc an oyster, supper Fn - NO HUNTING NOTICE. The following lands have been post f ed against hunting with dog or gur. ’ or trapping. The lands ate protected by state, law and no .hunting permit1 ted except by written cotHent but this notice is warn offender* -wat prosecu tions will follow, , ' ‘ - Wm, Cheney, Clearies Graham. Marvin Williams. Arthiir Cummings . ._ Walter Graham. - Andrew Kannedy. ELECTION DAY NEWS. Daylight Saving was killed in number of towns arid cities. Charles Darlington, commander of The Ohio American Legion extends thanks to the people for supporting the bonus issue. # ' Overturn in school affairs in Day- tori. , , ' The state gives the bonus a mg majority. The amendments for redistricting senatorial districts »nd the poll tax badly beaten. Cincinnati defeats extra tax levy for city and schools. The city will be three million short in revenue, ihc police and fire departments will have tobc reduced fo rty 'p e r cent. Ihc schools will reduce time from ten months to nine month, _ E. 15. Gordon, recently indicted by a Madison eouniy grand jury for ac cepting a bribe from a gambler was 1rc-elceted as mayor by largest vote ever given a mayoralty* candi date in the city of London. Couth Charier,ton defeated an e-.v t"-.- levy. With commission fo.rm I t government the town is m a bad I i t Smith, U. J . Hartley, Ceorgc elected to City Commission defeated in the yy. j , Tarbox II in ■ t j e c for City Commisaioiww m Day ten J t T a t o r f fight by the ttfepenff tuts* • day evening, Nov. 11 in the casement of the Reformed Presbyterian Church The proceeds from this supper go to ward paying for a gas stove which, will be used in the waiting room. There will be lots of oysters and trimmings. The Chib extends an . in vitation to everyone and promises them a good supper. » * * The Orange and Blue Literary So? eicty held a meeting in the chapel, Monday evening, Nov. 7. A large au dience gathered £jT)hear the program which was exceptionally good. The urogram was in celebration of Ar mistice Day. An enjoyable feature of the evening was the singing of the Marseillaise by a chorus of twenty- eight voices from the students who have been studying French. Another meeting will be held in the near fu ture a t which all are welcome. * *■ * The football squad journeyed to Antioch last Friday to see Wilming ton defeat Antioch. The score war, 49 to 0 in favor of Wilmington. Our boys recorded a number of good point:: which will add to the game this afternoon. # * * The students have begun practice on a play “In Walked Jimmy” to be gives early in December*, Date will bo announced later. SCHOOL BOARD CON TEST* EXCITING The school board contest was: one of the unique novelties bf the election Three places will bo vacant on this board in January. Only one person petitioned for the place, E. E. Finney. Last week a complete ticked was brot out with W. J. Tarbox, G. II. €re»- wcll and Raymond Ilitonour, As there war. no chance of getting these name: on the ballot a campaign of education among the electors was put on with great auccesn, and enough electors wiv.te the names of these men to elect them. th e vote wan as follows; 13, N. Fintloy . . — *. 18G Raymond Rltenour G. H. (V ’swell COLORED PREACHER FOUND GUILTY. Rov. S. Douglass McDuffie, colored evangelist, who has been been px*omi- nent jn Xenia for some weeks, .was found guilty on a charge of sodomy before a jury last Friday afternoon. The trial was one Of the vilest in the his tory of the county. Women jurors as well as the lady court stenograph er were excused. Prosecutor Kenneth Williamson, assisted by Judge Shoup, made a strong fight to clean up a mess that has been a disgrace to the county and Xenia. The preacher has not a t this time given bail ahd is in the county jail while waiting to know whether a new trial will be granted. SAMUEL PICKERAL DEAD. Samuel Pickeral died Wednesday morning following a two weeks ill ness of pneumonia. He leaves a bro ther, William, and -a sister, Susan. The Pickeral brothers have been ex- centric characters about this place for many years. Wm. is crippled as a result of a broken hip last summer and the family is in needy circum stances. The brothers have been in- scperable all their lives, . ADDITIONAL SUBSCRIPTIONS TO CEDAItyiLLE CQLLEGE DISARMAMENT DEMANDED. I t is almost a foregone conclusion while we do not know yet what, the Disarmament Congress will do, but the people are going to demand that this country take some lead on this question. We do not think it wise to demand disarmament to the point where our forces will he in such a weakened condition that -any foreign country could attack our commerce or come to our sliores. This country will meed ■an army and navy, the former for i n terior trouble, the latter to protect our coast. The question that confronts most people is that the government is be ing rushed headlong into such plans as are formulated by army and navy leaders who look on the implements of war with pride. The people want some retrenchment, for a time at least, that this recent war debt may be lifted and the burden of taxes re duced. !•imiii1'»■ n 1.1 > ■ iM 1 * ~ intfii ~ SAYS ADVERTISING SURELY PAYS. C. F. Hickok, Confectioner; Sidney Ohio _______ $100.00 Rebrt Kerr, Detroit, M ich_W100.00 John B. Kerr, Detroit, Mich. _»_25.00 1st. Presbyterian Church, Hillsboro, 111., in memory of Rev. Robt. B. Wil son, D. D „ ............ ........... 153.00 Wm. J. Imbrie, Darlington, Pa. ................................. ................ .. 1 , 000,00 IC. Lyt a Imbrie, Darlington, Pa. ____________ -J-— .$ 1 , 000.00 Tex Rickard, for bringing the films j into the state. Heaths from fire in Ohio for Octo ber totaled 37, *says Fire Marshal Dykoman. . * \ The body of Mrs. Guy Morgan, wife of Dr. Morgan, dentist, of West Bridgeport, . Fa,, was found in the ' Ohio river at East Liverpool, clothed j in men’s attire. She had boon in ill ] health Dr. J, J. Cooper/ &one of Spring- field’s leading physicians, was found dead In bed. He was a graduate of the Eclectic Medical college of Cin cinnati and/had practiced .medicine for 20' yea Vernlc Drake was killed at Colum bus when the truck he was driving was struck by a .passenger train. Mrs, Ella F .. Long, 56, was almost Instantly killed at Columbus when run over by a runaway team. Robbers entered the department store of George Tablt at Gallipolls, blow the sate and escaped with money and: merchandise. Mrs. Theresa Kopf, -41, of East- Pal estine, was killed near Twiiisburg. She was riding in an /automobile with A. T, Kopf when a truck shoved their machine into a ditch. Kopf es caped with minor Injuries. Mias Myrtle Young, 24, of Youngs town,. was killed and Raymond Grubbo, 30,' of Niles, probably fatally Injured in a motorcycle accident. After being in session almost ,26 hours, the .Jury In the trial at Cleve land of Dominic Benigno, for murder, was dismissed. To aid the unemployed, contracts were awarded at Marion for '$73,000 worth of improvements on the city hospital. James McGuire, 40, Toledo, died at Canton of Injuries received when struck by an auto. Garbed as a Hallowe’en celebrant, a robber got $300 from E. E. Enderle, merchant, CbUlicothe. Fifteen Ohio colleges have accept- Frank M. Smith, 40, of Republic, was -killed^ instantly when his auto mobile was struck by a Baltimore and Oliio freight train at a grade, crossing -in that village. . At Fostoria Esther Kaufhnann, 4, bad her hand amputated after crush ing it in a-washing machine about which she was praying. Mt. Union college scientists are to investigate >a crater on the farm of Daniel Caine, near Alliance, which is believed .to have been caused’’by a hVeteof. - * - Refusing to accept a 7 per cent wage reduction, kiln drawers em ployed In six potteries at East Liv erpool, estimated to number 100, walked out on strike/ Charles Ours, 40, a lock tender at government-dam No. 21, near Port land, was drowned when ho fell from the lock wall. , Charles'-MeGlynn, 29, of Niles, and Emerson Phelps, 30, of Struthers, were killed and several other persons Injured in a collision between a tour ing car and automobile, near Niles. George Remus, Cincinnati attor ney, was arraigned before Federal Commissioner Thomas Gregory on a charge of handling whisky transac tions. Hearing set for Nov. 28. Frank Rome, 68, father ot nine children, died at Toledtr after being struck by an auto, At Fostoria E; C. Lynch suffered broken ribs in saving his little boy from being run down by a motor cycle. Springville, near Tiffin, has 20 fam ilies, ahd all but three homes there are quarantined for scarlet fever. There are 29 cases in the town. One death has occurred. A thief has been robbing the poor boxes at St, Peter’s church, Chilli- cothe. Charles A, Norris, Akron salesman, died from a bullet wound received when he was attacked by three men. Phillip J. Monhelt, alias Dr. P E. Martell, 29, is held by Toledo police MASONS. ENTERTAIN THEIR LADY FRIENDS FRIDAY. 't ' The members of Lodge. 622 F. and A. M. entertained their wivcS? and lady friends last Friday evening in a very ,hospitable, "manner in 'the new Exchange Bank Community vopms.More *than 1one hundred were present, Dr. W. E. Putt of Cincinnati * •oming up for the event. . Following a most excellent repast of good things that go with a roast pork dinner the guests of the evening found that the men were real hosts.. The most critical epicure could have found no fault with the dinner or "-he appointments thereof. The suc- -Xss the *evening was lai*g’ely «ue -to W. ,L. Olemgnsy Dr. Leo An derson and other members of the .arious committees. Following the dinner there was a *rogram of toasts. George H. Hart- ..xan speaking on the “Ladies” and ■k C. Wright on “Human Nature”. Dr. W. E. Putt spoke of the growth uf the, lodge in the eight- years it has existed, . ■ Music was furnished by Printz’s orchestra when a ' number of the guests enjoyed dancing. ■ COUNTY MAY GET THE ‘ JOHN BRYAN FARM. Under a recent decision a brother of the late John Bryan, Yellow Springs has lost his case in breaking the will of the millionaire farmer-poet. This means that the state will get the farm if it .wants it under the terms of the will; otherwise the county will get it As the gift is conditional about hold ing religious exercises on the land a t any time, the state may not accept. The county cannot afford to take over the poperty as a game preserve owing to the cost, of upkeep. Again sentiment in the county is against an acceptance owing to the religious clause of the will. This sentiment is well grounded among all classes, de nominations, colors and creeds. BRINGS SUIT ON NOTE Harry Shull.has brought suit in the Court of Common Plea:, against Bert Jones to collect on two notes of $210 $134.75 and interest on same. The notes are secured by mortgage on tbe personal property belonging to Johes. Iking tile children in days for photos at Tarris Studio.- A number of farmers were discuss ing the election Wednesday moning when J. E. Kyle called our attention to the fact that advertising pays. He had reference to the result of the council contest. /Ihc announcement column contained the names of J, W. Ross, B. E. McFarland, J. O. Stewart, H. A. McLean, R. S. Townsley an t N. P. Ewbank for council. As there were no other candidates on the tick ct and these names had to be written ....1*256!,the only information the public hud ,...Z"248 as to candidates was from this ;m» -.260' fiouiK'emeut. There were, no workers Ion the street or printed instruction!) •on bright to hand to voters as in the ease of the school board contest. THEATRE NOTES. If William Fox isn’t careful he is likely to-find his private office piled high and all mussed up with narrative poems. Mr, Fox is the producer of “Over the Hill”, a pictureization of Will Carlcton’s “Farm Ballads” which opens an engagement at the Majestic Theatre, Springfield, Sunday, Nov. 13th. and says he is in the field for new poems of this species. Mr. Fox sets forth in the field for new poems sets forth hio belief that the maker of narrative verse has a big field in the motion picture, and regrets that this poem of poesy is not being writ ten today as frequently as it should be. He says writers of tale-telling poetry will do well to bring their ! wares to him without waiting -some, in vain -at doors for publication. If Mr. Fox is right in his belief, theroj may be awakened a new interest in the narrative poem \Dileh is must be admitted has not been seen or board ! as often as in days of yore. HAD NO OPPOSITION Andrew Jackson for township clerk and Charles 'Turner for constable had no opposition although a number of names were, written for the* Inst of fice. ed the invitation ot Miami university m a charg6 ot swdndHng a 72-year-olil for a miniature disarmament confer ence. A half-cent reduction in fare on the lines of the Cincinnati Traction company was announced. The faro for the next three months Will bo 7% cents, Klndheartednccs cost 3-year-old Elizabeth Imler of CFclevIUe her life. She found a cat recently which boys had tied to a tree In liberating it she was bitten on tbe hand. Hy drophobia developed and caused, her death after an illness of three days. Charles Flack, 13, was killed and woman out of $2,000. John Pershing, 74, retired farmer and cousin of General J. J. Pershing, died suddenly at his homo in Woos ter, George A. Stauffer of Ottawa suc ceeded Charles W. Lapp ot Cleveland as United States marshal for the northern Ohio district, Stephen W. McGrath, collector of internal revenue at Cincinnati, has resigned. (Committed suicide by drinking murl- David P. Engle, 00N ClrclevlHe, Willie Weaver was seriously injured. aH |1a c ^' He was the fathe when an auto in which they wore! children, riding upset, near Ashtabula. *William McAdams, -63, farmer near, North Lewirdiurg, Champaign county, hanged himself. He had been In ill " T t a » n lo r A . .1 McKInl,, M tf,1<■'”»«« At Springfield Charles H Johnson, 32, was shot and seriously wounded when he resisted five bandits win, held him up. An unknown masquerader at Cln* result of an order issued by the school-faculty for a division ot the class. Harry L. Gordon, 61, widely known barrister, Republican politician and former lieutenant governor, died at Cincinnati after a long illness. Chief of Police A. A. King of Lo rain has been suspended. . bill, 22, and hio brother. William, 24. j were seriously wounded. Bandits at Akron shot and killed Charles A. Norris, CO, when lie told them he had no money. I Fred S. Counts, federal prohibition : agent for the Cleveland district, was replaced by Harry S Uyar of Mar! HARVEY JEFFREY DEAD Harvey Jeffrey died last Friday at the Miami Valley Hospital as a re sult of an obstruction of tbe bowels after a week’s -illness. He is survived by hi3 wife and five children, Charles Frank, Martha, and William of this place and Nettie of Dayton. The body was brought to the home of his son, Charles. The funeral was held Mon day afternoon from the Reformed Presbyterian church, O. S., and burial took place at Massies Greek cemetery ELDERS ELECTED. A bride of less than a month, Mrs. ’ etta. who will have charge of tho Clyde 0. Foos, 23, Marion, committed >office temporarily, suicide by drinking poison. An opor- Charles Fogt, 48, farmer, was ntlon affected her mind, according to gored to death by n mad bull.on bn, farm near Montra. Shelby county. Miss Ruth Keinery, an employe of Some months ago the U. P. con gregation decided to adopt the rotary plan of electing elders. At a meeting Wednesday the following were elect ed: For Nine years, W. J. Tarbox, M. I. Marsh, John McCmnpbell; For Six yeara, G. E. Jobe, J. E. Hastings, Geo. W. Rife; For Three years, R. C. Watt Thompson Crawford, Prof. Leroy Al len. . * R. I). W IlYm iSON OPr51>w\TEI) UPON IN CLEVELAND. County Commissioner R. D. Wil liamson, who has been in poor health for some months, was operated upon in Cleveland some, days ago. From re ports a t hand he stood the operation well and his friends hope for recovery J. B. GORDON DEAD, relatives. ' ! Walter Wright of Wellsville, ae- ‘ cusod of killing Walter Cummins, garage man, for refusing to sign over 1 an auto, was found guilty of murder t In the first degree at Steubenville ; A company is being formed at tabula tit establish a.silver fox ra uh ' near that city. It will start business With HI pairs of tegisto.’od toe*!, j the Cleveland public library, was killed by a "jitney” bus at Lorain. She failed to sec tbe bus in the rain John Schilperoot. 2?, was electro cuted at Napoleon while removing « live wire of 2.200 voltage, from the railvuud tracks. . J. B. Gordon, aged 78. died last Thursday at the home of his daughbi IMrs. Harry Nagley, in Xenia. He is 1em-vived by his widow, and five 'chil dren, Sirs. h. A. L.U'icl;, Grape Grove, Dr. l-k E. Gordon, Connersville, Inti., .Mrs. ‘’Mattie Carr, Columbus; Mrs. Brandon Lakth, Jamestown; qnd Mrs. Nagley. Sonin. A brother and sister also [survive. Tilts funeral was held , from the (Jimeh of Christ, Gtaim j Grove, Sunday nftmioop, *
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