The Cedarville Herald, Volume 44, Numbers 27-52
mm . mmmm EBSOGSEl SHOCK A B SO R B E f tS ■*4 IffMVlR9<(VlVHll \ 2 ..............||" 1, wmrnrnmsmqm j*ijininiriiwi i ^ m m m m m fm *** DIDYAEVER SEEA JAPBABYSHOW? | ; WtsofSplendor Work ■with tk« fere' *prin*i- not against thsm. Vk« “third *pring“ chock*th« rebound and atop* th« »i<l*-*way. Sava tir««, fuck and car depreciation. Mod* •rate in prica. ^ Dittriimtotf R. A, MURDOCK, Cedarville.and JameBtown • -V * • BURPEE*JOHWSON CO I N D I A NWA ^ .Real Estate. FARMS Town Residences—Vacant Lots LIFE and FIRE INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE The Best on Earth | J. G. McCorkeU J k - i ' r j h j V J wfi,- . . This is the first one ever .held and was featured' by' the Japanese colony at Los Angeles- recently. I t was open to all babies between l and 2 years .old. “All of them- batted 1000 .per cent on the said the photographer who took-ihis picture*; WHY NOT HAVE GOOD GLASSES SINCE YOU HAVE TO WEAR THEM Tiffany’s Optical Service Pro vides You With the,Beat. T IF F A N Y BETTER GLASSES S. Detroit St. Xenia, 0. Oil Cloth Table Sets % % • issL WS& F D e m - By t s ? -4 : ' . - t f W J o h n ' r r p S e d n ' No housewife will fail to enjoy the new table sets of oilcloth with their cheerful borders of gay flowers and fruits. They are much handsomer -than the stenciled pieces and many women use them for the dinner as well as the breakfast table. These sets consist of a centerpiece, plate dollies and;smaller doilies.. The fruits and floweris In the set pictured are lu their natural colors and the oil cloth in a deep cream color. NEIGHBORS. When a feller loves his neighbor, like thef ten commandments means, it lifts up common people to the stage of kings an’ queens; there’s music floatin’ everywhere, on every balmy breeze, an’ the harmohy is echoed by the robins in the trees. . The devil never camps around alovin ' neigrhorhood, an' there' ain’t no “latest gossip” to pizen people’s blood but there’s borrowin’ an’ lendin’ with heart an’ hand, an’ a .wholesome lendin’ sperit that the children un derstand. ... ' V I never liked to be afeard of tramp in some ones toes, nor to see a sky ward angle onto Mrs.' Henpeck’s nose, --an ’ the time when I was sickest, which it lasted more’n a week, was when I jawed a t Bilkins, an* neither wouldn’t speak. t There’s lots of sorry pastime that associates with gall, but fussin’ with a neighbor is the.sorriest of ’em all. Plain wide satin ribbon and narrow fancy ribbons, with handsome metal- i lie mounts, are used to 4nnke these S elegant shopping bags. Ribbons I n 1 the rlebest qualities and-most brll-j limit patterns are chosen for them j nml they are! lined .with gay and { equally good silks. Besides being bits j of tile splendor; dear to women these j Imps have theiddditional value th a t’ belongs to a gift made by its donor, Make a Writing Pad. A writing pad, to bo successful, must •be solid uml of. good size, a board half mi inch thick, nine by twelve inches, makes the be-t pad. Buy half a ,var<) of black elastic, half an inch wide, (lie sttoegest you can. get, overlap thd ends ami sew firmly together Into tht form of a belt. Slip this over the tjnd of the board. It will keep In pljice both blotting and writing paper «p<l \iu i be moved up and 'down the boijrd as you need It, On a windy day l t !ls invaluable, setting both hands free. Love's itinerary. 3; B. thiulis a novel Idea for some novelist would be to begin a story with its hero.. ami heroine meeting in Friendship, N, Y,; then have them journey successively to Love,. Va.; Klsshnee, Fla.; Ring, Ar(t.; Parson, Ky., and finally Settle down in Gotne, tFa.—Boston Transcript. Blondes Disappear in Three Decades, The real blonde types disappear j within three generatioris when trans-} ported to. the tropical regions. In the [ course ,of time it Is predicted by an i ethnological expert.that tlie people of j the United States and Australia will all be dark. To. Remove Paint From Cloth. To remove paint' from cloth, lay a pad of (dotting paper nn the Hide of the material on which the paint/ell, and rub the other side gently with a soft piece of flannel dipped in chloro form or benzol, both of which are paint solvents, as the pglnt dissolves it naturally passes into the moot ab sorbent material in contact with it- whloh Is the blotting paper—not into tlie adjacent cloth, poop stains can be. completely removed by this method. 4 ---------- -— 1— - True. . There to-be only a fesv ways for a man to make a success of him self, but there are a thousand or mores wtiya for a mart to make a boob of himself. Wandering Gems, .1 have •observed that butterflies— very .broad-winged and magnificent butterflies—frequently come' on board of the salt-ship, where 1 am at work. What have, these bright strangers to do on Long wharf, where there are no flowers nor sttiy green thing—noth ing hut brlelc siorebo'usep. stone piers, black ships, and the bustle of toil some men. ■who neither look np to the blue sky, nor take note of these wandering gems of the air?—Haw thorne. African Salt . J . A report made to the French Society , »f Biology shows that IK.OOO.POq human 1 beings la the Congo region commonly j employ salt of potassium Instead of | . salt .of' Medium for seasoning; fbeir food. They obtain this snlt from the ashes of certain plants. Since the opening up of the country ordinary salt has been largely Imported, but the negroes Jtegnrd it as insipid, and aban don with regret the use of their fam iliar ashes. Tliey take the imported salt only because it is cheap. Portland’s Famous Houses, In Portland, Me., near tlie water front, there stands, side by side, two; weather-beaten, neglected houses, One' of them is the house In which Long-I fellow was horn; in the other, Thomas i B. Reed, “the czar of the house," first saw the light But as far ns Portland Is concerned they are just plain houses. Schmidt Cuts The Prices Schmidt’s , , / Friday and Saturday Specials POTATOES By the bushel, 60 pounds. By the peck, 15 pounds. Schmidt's Ocean Light, per large bbl. sack, Schmidts Ocean Light, ' per bbl. sack. Schmidst' Ocean Light, per barrel..................., $1.60 42c By the 2 1-2 bushel s a c k ......................... $3-85 o x m ^ PRINTING OK BOND W ill S e ll YoutGoods Buy Barney Oldfield Quality Tires 50x3 N. S. “099” Tire.;........... $8.99 30x3 1-2 N. S. “ 999” Tire............. $9.99 N e a r ly 1 0 0 %P er fec t Only four adjustments this year All Sizes—Cord and Fab ric in S tock 28x3 to 37x5 TubeB, Chains, Accessories a t Special P rices^ We Give Merchants Profit Sharing Stamps j 4 ■' , TheSpringfieldTire&Supply Co, 41 N . F ou n ta in Ave-, X Springfield , O h io .L _ x J Own a Share of Stock r< f(^ YEN though you may not use electric service, in your own home, i t serves you. For it lights your • streets —- the stores and buildings — furnishes the power to operate tlie factories—in these and many other ways it is working 24 hours of each day of each year for tlie benefit of all who live in the community. Bo you know of any other business that is so essen tial and therefore assured of a continued existence? Is not this assurance of permanency most desirable when considering investments for your savings ? We would like for all those living in the.communities we serve to own a t least one share of our *Preferred Stock anil.we will fee glad to send you, on request, further information regarding our company and its securities, ' ■ . Why Not Write Us Today? TineBaytesa Power &Light Company 29 N o r ik G reen S tre e t XENIA, OHIO d i r . ' ' T h e . "Sr / Dayton / 'Power & ght Co. '■£* / 29 N. Green S»*. \&> / Xenia Ohln & , ^Without obligation please send me infor mntion aboot vour com- / Pany and its securities. Name. ' FLOUR 85c ;48c $6-55 Schmidts Old Hickory, per bbl. sack ................. Schmidt* Old ’Hickory, per bbl, sack.............. BEANS Now Navy Btans, Best Michigan hand picked, per pound ,.......... .. Beat Grade Creamery Butter, pound. . . . . . . 92c 49c .5k .45c . Remember to bring in your Eggs, Cream, and poultry, we pay the highest market price and give you the cash. H.E.Schmidt & Co. »t#pi XENIA, 01 HO mm We Need Your Savings Account Bic or-little, this association Wants your account, because we know th a t once started the little accounts' will grow to our mutual advantage* We pay 6 per cent interest com pounded semi-annually ,and your prin cipal is secure and the interest a cer tainty. Why not start today? A dol lar opens a Savings Account hero. The CedaMlIe Building & Lean Association tf|fH VOUR SAVING ---- eW ', ., > \ .. Ts'i 1 AVJ .1 \> '• • ______ . J t ' j r ^ ^I]!! !IJ -jl£ . tlave nthome L" «rty Bell i an incenlh * to save for AJorwidcne' t ome m and let ih orplain. 1 1
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