The Cedarville Herald, Volume 44, Numbers 27-52
\ * * * ? * * * c m t m t u * a m A m ••O r BAILY. MACM b h a t p w a s v o n v y s w g w o t m you * con s idm u thw . K > R T Y - F O U R T H Y E A R N O , 5 2 ^IPjMA§4k VtfmUMMkai . &w $m m m a “Hospitality’ (HARRY RIC*> Harry Rica, editor o f tbs Xenia Herald, pastmaater o f tb* county *e*t, te*4to* Democrat, writer of note who knew* a* much o f the King's English as any scholar o f the present day, says that Xenia, has a Greek origin, meaning “ hospitality, _This mast he »o for last weak the city was running over with “ hospi tality", every one so eager to assist in dispensing it that a great conten tion has arisen. Governor Harry Davis, our chief executive, who addressed the banquet ers o f the Greene County Fish and Game” Association, numbering 800 persons, evidently left the county feel ing that he had great honors bestow ed upon him, two rival committees striving to share all the honor in -displaying hospitality. There were few around the banquet board that night,, that could hardly appreciate the Governors apology for failing to connect with the regular reception committee .instead. o f the insurgent branch that carried o ff all the honors in the name o f the city. s There has been so much passed a- 1 bout over this event that some pointed questions are being asked. One is as to whether Postmaster Bice or the Honorable Leopold Steinfelt, the ori ginal Davis man in the days o f the pre-primary campaign, shall have the honor o f formerly securing the Gov ernor for this state occasion? Another question that - seems to concern many is “Who gave the tip that permitted the insurgent commit tee to outwit the regulars and thus pilot the Governor and his party to the 0 . fJ. & S, 0 , Home without the , knowledge o f the arrangement mak- . era? ^ '' It was a great joke that was put over o n . the regular committee by the Honorable Leopold, Some laugh, some swear, some say the joke was a clever one, but evidently this “ hospi tality* business is a- serious matter with-a few who yet “nurse sore spots. It seems that Leopold Steinfelt who had some claim on Xenia’s hos pitality, dispensing business was not recognized by the regulars. This self- appointed committee appeared at Wilbetforee and there met the Gov ernor add bis party. After inspecting the fire rains and making a friendly call oh President Gregg, the Governor .was escorted to the, O. £. & S. O. Horae where a,' reception was awaiting him. The Governor’s party passed ' through Xenia just as the regular committee was about ready to leave for Wiiberforce. So intent was this committee on carrying out its plans . In the good name o f the city o f hospitality, that the Governor’s party passed unnoticed. The regulars proceeded to Wilber- force and after awaiting about an hour Borne one informed them when asked, that the Governor and his party had been there and gone. The fellows in the party that had donned their “fish and soup" clothes for the oc casion, like the Arabs o f old, “ quietly folded their tents and stole away"'on ly to have their Wounds he sled when - the Governor rendered an apology at the banquet table for failure to con nect with the “ other" committee. . The occasion o f the Governor’s visit naturally hinged upon things political, regardless of all claims of a tton-partizan gathering, and a Dem ocrat for toastmaster. There are those in the county who think they should sit in the Governor’s counsel and advise as to who and by whom certain electors should conduct the affairs o f state. There are others who do not have the opportunity o f offer ing advice—thus you have the sit uation—an impossible thing for a non-partisan gathering in old. Greene All this reverts to. county politics. On banquet arrangements the “ins" were out in Columbus; the “ outs" at the banquet are the “ins in Col umbus. There ‘are friends o f Capt. Charles Darlington, State- Command er o f the American Legion, who say "f'ho chance" for the Captain getting about the guest table. Some o f Dr. ' Peas’ friends feel that Gov. Davis, who may he a candidate for IL S. Senator against the Dr., should not have been brought into the county on such an occasion. Some* others think leading Democrats saw a chance to stir things and lent a helping hand Meantime the real question not yet settled is “ Who gave the tip that permitted the insurgent committee to share the hospitality stunt at the expense o f the others?* There would be no- political trick put over in the county i f the name of H. E, Schmidt did not figure in it, Some hold that the sly old fo r turned the cunning trick, yet others say it just happened. For a few days the regular committee centered its fire on “H. E ” , who seems! to enjoy the joke. His only explanation is that the joke o f tbs reception is * small matter compered to the slam as he sees it on bringing the Gov. into the county to make an address when Dr, Fees, Greene county’s leading citizen is a candidate fA? honors that the Governor may try for. Just how much feeling was displayed when that atetetewat wa* **«i* « mm * •** r' S O E D A l iV I L f c B , 0 B 3 F R I D A Y , D E C E M B E R 2 3 , 1021 m u m m M A m a m n m b i d worn you* c h r is tm a * TRAD* EVIDENTLY DOES HOT KNOW THE BUYING BOW ** OF THIS COMMUNITY. PRICE, #1JOA YEAR Any how Harry says that Xenia, means hospality in Greek—not the means hospitality in Greek—not the language some o f the regular recep tion, committee, used last week in giv ing vent to their feelings. ,there is to farming unless he knows his neighbors. Seven Hamilton county dairy fann ers, keeping accounts, find it takes $7i worth o f labor a year to. support FARM AND FIELD NOTES G. Wt Hammon and J, B, Rife re ceived a car o f 52 head- of Hertford heifers Thursday last that weighed about 450. These feeders are from Jones county, Texas and w ;re as fine a lot as. we have seen in many years. The calves were right from the big plains where they have been grown until the time o f shipment With their mothers. Messrs. Hammon and. Rife divided the shipment and will feed them out fur baby beeves. «r -* . * Charles Buck, who recently moved to Plant City, Florida, will hold a publ’c sale on Thursday, January 5. Elmer Beekman, the tenant will have charge o f the sale. Bills'and cards were put out by this office this week. While the sale was announced- last week for the 4th, it was found nec essary to change to the 5th to suit the auctioneer. Mr. Beekman states that some of -the finest Jersey milk ers he ever handled, will go in this sale* * a * ■. ■ Wanted:- To rent, a farm in Cedar ville•township. Call Adam Huff, Cit izens Phono 2 on 121 or write Xenia Rfd 2. * ■* FARM WANTED :-Wanted to hear from owner of a farm for sale, give lowest price, and full particulars. L» Jones, Box 651, Onlcy, 111, * • * Howard Creswell made a shipment of seven head o f his Big Type Poland China hogs Monday to Ohio and Pennsylvania points. * 1 * * The Third Annual calc of the Greene County Big Type Poland China As sociation sale will be held at Xenia, Feb. 14, 1222. About 50 bred sows will go into the sale, ■ « * * The way hogs are selling' at pub lic sales at present means that far mers have faith in the fufo’ e mar kets. Today the hog is the only big moneyimaker on the farm. Wo have had several tell us that they a-e get ting a dollar a bushel for their corn through hogs. • * * The demand for hay continues. There were a lot of farmers that only put enough hay for their own use. If they had it now some ready money could be pocketed. v -v * For Sale:- One general purpose horse and a closed buggy. Will sell cheap. • Clarence Finney. • * * The Cincinnati Times-Star has the following to say concerning a freak chicken found in that city. “Among a consignment o f chickens received by the Mer-Cam Catering Elizabeth street, was a young cocker el with luxuriant tail feathers. When the bird was slain, imagine the sur prise o f the man engaged in dressing it when the tail feathers seemed to resist his efforts to uproot them. In VMtigatton disclosed that hidden in the long feathers was A fully devel oped leg. The bird was the extra leg, Which it carried like an auto totes a “ spare* tire, is being viewed by many Of the curious, . a * ■ * SHORTS AND MIDDLINGS SAYS SAW: No b«dy knows *H a cow. Thirty-eight purebred' Shorthorn sires, purchased, for $8,000 by as sociated. farmers in Tazewell- county Val* in 1917 added $14,000 to the val ue o f the county’s first calf crop thereafter. “In the farming o f tomorrow*, the best farm implement will be the brain,"—Vivian. , * * * For Sale:- Pure bred Guernsey heifer. Oliver Jobe, * * j *» To purchase a wagon, a gang plow a com. bihder and a grain binder at Sprfogleld, 0., in 1918 took 713 bu shels o f corn. It would now feuuire sale o f 2,027 bushels o f corn to make such purchase, - Hon. George M. Wilbtir o f Marys.- ville, well known to farm journal readers and sheep breders, received a telegram from Andrew S. Wing of New York, editor o f the Farm and Fireside, requesting hia to send in a telegram telling^ how the operator of the one-man farm in Union county made money the past year. Mr. Wil ber concluded "there ins’t any such animal," He sent in a reply to the ef fect that i f Baniuri! 'was living he would have on ehibition any farmer in Union county or Ohio who made money the past year, and would ex hibit him as the greatest living cur iosity. According to an exchange, the Oak Grove Poultry Farm of J. B. Smith at South Solon will soon take rank as one of the largest in the state, Mr. Smith already has his order in for 20,000 baby chicks for March arid April and has 1,000 laying hen3 at the present time. ♦ ■ * * Last week cleared up three of our feed lots. Vernie Nagley” sold two loads of his fa t cattle to A. E, Wild- man and Edwin Mattinson sold sev eral to the same party, which were bred and raised on the Mattison farm Fred Bowrf sold a couple'of.loads to Moxic Green of London. Thesa cat tle weighed around 1300 pounds and gained almost 400 pounds since tliey wore purchased in Chicago last sum mer. They were bought through Paul Shinn. "-South Charleston Sentinel^ »■ tr * ■ One of the largest shipments o f western lambs ever received in one shipment, was unloaded at the Me- ehaniesburg stock yards this week, The lambs came on a special train of twenty-six cars. These Iambs were bought- by Moody & Saxbe for feed ers, and all came from Western Texas. The Iambs were taken out as follows: F. M. Clomans & Son, 1030; Glomans & Dorsey, 330; H, M. Fud* ger, 350; J. W. Davis, 350; B. H, Moody, 450; Edward Haekott, 700;, William Hackett, 1,000. This makes sixty-ears of feeding stock that5 & Saxby ljave shipped in since fall. ’ —Madison County Press. HUNTERS WILL LOSE ONE DAY THIS YEAR. GAB YION HERB _ •..—T-* ! If all reports, are me wo are to have a new gatolto fitting station on Xenia avenue. It reported that the Wolford property, mown to older citizens as Hie Lear; property, has been sold to a repfei illative o f the Standard DU Compm i The lot was surveyed last week * d as the re port goes, posesrion I not to be given, until after -the first o f the year, The property at present is oc cupied by Mrs. Jean tte Eskridge in one apartment aadlcbarlee Saum ether. I f Urn Imppltny in the o the fca&a takes over the property it t e g likely be a modem filling stsfion can be erect ed. The "company wfll get about 83 feet frontage. The Standard Oil Company has been, out to the cold here for the past year, as the service and quality of goods sold by the Columbus Oil Co. has made It impossible for tbe Standard to even have a retailer for its products. While the Standard is .recognized' as being strong the world over it can be said that the Colum bus Oil Co. after entering this field forced tpe old company opt entirely.' If all reports are true the Standard has made a determined effort to get a good location having tried to pur chase at least a half dozen different properties before making the bar gain for the Wolford property. It is said that a pipe line will be laid thru an alley at the rear that leads to the raidroad and that tank cars will be unloaded in this way, thus doing a- way with hauling the gasoline and oil. Large tanks will be sunk in the ground on the Wolford lot that will afford great storage capacity. GARAGES CAN NO LONGER SELL DENATURED ALCOHOL Garages, filling stations and hard ware stores, may no longer sell* de natured alcohol used for auto radia tors as an anti freezing solution. The state board of pharmacy had the Wendt poison drug act passed by the legislature and under the pro visions of this act, denatured alcohol can be sold by druggists, only. There is a penalty ranging from $50 to $200 for violations. As Wc understand it only druggists can sell this brand of alcohol after tho first o f the year. No provision is made fo r other deal ers disposing of stocks on hand. Attorney General Price 1ms ruled that rabbits, cannot bo shot on Mon day, January % owing to tho faefc that the last day of tho season falls on-Sunday. December 31st will be the \rn day for hunting rabbits. THERE’ S NOTHIN* MUCH IN A U K U H X EXCEPT THAT NA HAVE THE MONEY TO BUY, IT . ^ CONDENSED OHIO NEWS News Items Picked at Random and Bailed Dawn, far tha Busy Reuter At Newark the jury returned a I verdict of first degree murder with a j recommendation for mercy against ] James Carl Shirley, charged with i shooting to death John Gallagher, a ] picture Bhow proprietor. j Cigars and tobaccos valued at * more than J 2.000 were stolen by auto bandits from the warehouse of Charles Graff at Middletown. A whisky manufacturing . plant, equipped with modern machinery and with running water at all times, was seized in a raid on-the farm bf Stephen Colby, near Waterville. Col by was arrested. H. H. Btqugb, brakeman; Harry Long, painters' foreman, and P. F. Henry, bridge supervisor, were in jured in a wreck on the Big Four railroad at Shelby. Robert H. Day, common pleas judge, made formal announcement that he wqdld be a candidate for judge o f the state supreme court. Judge Day resides In Massillon. Louis Friedman, a cat'te dealer, was held up and robbed ot 35,000 by twq thugs at Cleveland. George Bush was convicted at -Youngstown of the first degree mur der of Lucius Lee Oct- 2, 1020, The Jury did not recommend mercy. Body ot Jennie May Applegate,22, Columbus, for whom police have been searching for two weeks, was found in the Scioto river, s Harry Caton of Fresno was elected master of the Ohio State Grange, which has been in session in Cincin nati, He succeeds L. J. Taber, state director of agriculture, who resigned, Former Mayor J, J. Calvert of Cambridge*- convicted of shooting at Thomas -McNlce ot -Barnesvllle with intent to kill, will be given a new trial. The shootlng'occurred on the night ot last March 11, while the mayor and others were searching for wfilsky runners. Seven parsons were slightly in jured when two Toledo apd Western interurban cars collided near Syl- vanla. Ray Rmsrson of Pioneer and Aubrey' Cooper, motorman, were the meat seriously injured. , - Toledo Bdlspn company declared * dividend fouling $76,260. Congressman Clint Cole of the Eighth district announced bis can didacy for re-election next fall. Tax valuation wilt slump $174,429 in iMedina next year because of oil field changes, ft is said. , . 4iaa*t Aastta. ex-goltUer, is Char- •■ v‘ . c R ot . E. T. Moira, treasurer North eastern Ohio ,M. * , conference, died at Steubenville. . j Harold inskeep, 32, manager of tbe Fayette Shippers’ association, was instantly killed at a Tallroad cross ing in Washington C, H. Lloyd Hannah. 28, Middletown, died of injuries received in an auto Apill. ^acbelor of school mhsic Is. to be . a r.ej£ degree at Oberlin college. | KentotLolficials -believe that search1 will reveal that Mrs. Barbara'Alice Koehler, who committed suicide, possessed a (fortune. ' Twenty of the 23 tin plate mills of the Laughtin plant at Martins Ferry are operating. A gang of bandits, raided the of fices of the Olympic theater. Cincin nati, bound the manager and an ad vance agent with wire, beat the as sistant treasurer and stole $t00. ^Ike Doblcb, prisoner at the Ohio petltentlkry from Cuyahoga county for manslaughter, jumped from tbe fifth tier in the old cell block and w4« killed, Dayton raised $540,000 for relief of the unemployed. Charles P . Baker, 46, insurance agent, was fatally assaulted and robbed at Columbuswhen he entered- the home of John Vaiden. 26, negro, to Collect premiums on life insur ance, Vaiden, Who is held by the police, is said to have confessed the crime. Baker died in a hospital. Lester Bowersock, 22, suffering frozen feet and his legs temporarily paralysed as a result Of 42 hours’ exposure on a platform in Lake St. Marys, was rescued by hunters. ° President Harding sent to the sen ate the nomination o f George W. Upton of Warren to be a member of the federal trade commission, and the nomination of Carl F. Routzhan o f Mansfield to be collector o f inter nal revenue tor tbe Cleveland dis trict, -Retail milk price at Bucyrus was reduced to 10 cents a quart. . -Hazel Legroii, 8, was killed and her mother, Mrs. Cyrus Legrdn. was hurt when an automobile crashed into a group of pedestrians near Tiffin, J. L. Bobbins, traveling: salesman of Cincinnati, was killed when a train hit his auto near Clarksdsle, MISS. strike ot 800 milk wagon drivers which went Into effect in Cleveland six weeks ago was settled when the Telling-Belle Vernon company agreed to reinstate the men. Templar Motor company’s plant at Cleveland .was damaged $250,000 by tire. Floyd E. Waite, Cleveland, state director of finance, tendered his res ignation to the governor, effective Jan, 1. Waite.will be succeeded, temporarily at least, by Budget Com* miseioner Albert W. Davis, as acting director, Waite resigned to accept the offer of general counsel for sev eral large Cleveland corporations. A man who registered at a Cincin nati hotel as Jame* C. Farrel of Hamilton, 0., was killed Is a A tre* % tMrd-itesr# ifhMtew, i Number of vehicles licensed bo far this year by the state auto registra tion department is 759,700, an in crease o f . 83,408 during 1921, Secre tary of State Smith announced- E, F, Wright, manager of a gro cery store at Dayton, was'killed as Anderson Post Is Organized Ex-service men o f this township organized an American Legion Pott here last Thursday evening at a meet ing held in the Township Clerk’s o f - ' ficc and will 'start with about twenty members. The post is named in honor « f Wal- he was. closing up- hia store by three lace C. Anderson, o f this pined, who bandits; who escaped, Alvin Jennena, .34, was killed in stantly and his wife 'and 8-year-old daughter were Injured serlouisy when the auto in which.they were riding: collided with .another machine at Middletown. Mine No. 267, Owned by the Ohio Collieries company. and* located be tween Murray pity and Glouster, is on': fire." . Mrs. Mary'DeverebUX, bfef two chil dren and brother were -found uncon scious when polidb brpke into two small bedrooms in an apartment house at Cleveland. Physicians said tbe four were suffering from pto- majpe poisoning. „ . Cracksmen who knocked tbe com binations off nine' safes In three of fices in the business district of To ledo obtained onjy $400 in loot. - One of the.most, extensive dope rings ever operated, in Ohio, with headquarters a t. Lima, ‘ will be re vested when suspects now under sur veillance are arrested and broughtto trial, Federal Narcotic Agent E- H. Stajley announced. Staley said he hoped to complete his Investigations soon. Postoffice department- certified to tbe white house the name of Dr; Loren C. Welmer for'appointment as posjtmaster at Dayton,. - - Miss Bertha. M. Bniith, 48, Findlay, died from burns received in a gas explosion, Anna Jane „ Jenkins, 14, Youngs town, daughter of .a policeman, dlqd from injuries received'when her sled ran into an automobile. J, Kent Hopkins of Washington C.. H. was recommended by. Charles M. Dean, internal revenue collector at Cincinnati, for appointment as zone deputy. ’ ■. . With only his faco showing above -the surface of the water. Joseph Nor walk, charged with - grand larceny and desertion from the army, was located ip an abandoned well at his home In Toledo, „ Bandits burned the schoolhouse and robbed a store at Floodwood, Athens county. . ■Darwin J, Hartwell, 67, an attor ney, who bad paaatloed la w ' in Yopngstown for more than 25 years, died In his office. Daniel Dlslnger and. George Bab- coqk, farmer, were bound, gagged and robbed by three young men who forped their way into Dlsinger's homo, near Fostorla. »v Harry Desmond, 37, hrakemsfi, New Lexington, was fatally crushed between two cars. Joe Mack, convicted at Akron of killing, his mother, was granted a .now trial. Lawrence. Larkin and Guy Steele, Massillon policemen, are under sus pended sentences to the peniten tiary. They pleaded guilty to Indict ments charging extortion, S. Showalter filed 16 oil and gas leases at Chardon, -covering 1,264 acres. After two watch dogs at the home of D R. Crisinger, comptroller of United States treasury, two miles south of Marlon, had been poisoned, the two large barns on the estate burned with a lose of $8,000 to .$10,* 000. $iate supreme court holds it is' not necessary to specify the kind of in toxlcating liquor a violator of the prohibition law may be charged with handling. Barnett Pugh dry goods store, Ore-, ville, suffered $500 loss when the safe was blown. New poslofflce appointments: Bol ivar C. Reber, Lbveland; Harry F. Mikesell, New'Madison; William F. Lehman, Payne; H, B, Miller, Shi loh; Wilbur D.. Scbuder. Woddvllle; Efiwln E. Hayman, Long Bottom; Alberta Edwards, Trenton; Florence Mutehler. Rutland; Edwin D. Cox, Leesburg, Lafe Mursteln, Cleveland jeweler, was robbed of $1,000 in casM by four bandits who held up his store. Several hours after be escaped from a hospital the body o f John Jacobs, 57, Cleveland, wae found hanging' td a tree In a park. Charles Day ot Philadelphia was elected president ot the Indiana, Co lumbus and Eastern Traction com* pany. A roundup of stray dogs followed the killing of 78. sheep on the Wil liam Hoover farm, near Lima. Five minutes after his 3-year-old sop Richard died from burns suf fered when his night clothes caugbt fire from a gas stove, John Lindsey, 30, Uhrichsville, shot himself. Hie widow and infant daughter survive. Arthur Hamilton of Lebanon was elected president ot the Ohio Cam nare’ association. While playing bandit, Harry Moore, Toledo, discharged a rifle, shooting hi* cMisin, Katherine Moore* 3, in the right leg. James £erla, Sr., died at Dillonvale o f a broken neck, sustained when he stepped into a rut in the road. He left 10 children. peter Voelker and Victor Ballon, white, and Jonas Shropshire and John D. Stratton, negroes, charged With the theft ot $75,000 Worth of mttatled ip the navy and waa killed ,n an explosion o f a U, g. ship o ff the .oast of Florida* near Key West. The officers selected and those who vill he installed' upon the complete formation of the post are as follows: 'lugh Turnbull, post commander; Paul McFarland* vice commander; John X Wright, adjuant and Warren Bar er, finance officer. The post will arrange for heod- -•uarters and the officers will be to talled as soon as the charter is re vived. At some time in the near future a 'uhllc meeting will be held a t which torn State . Commander Charles Arlington, of Xenia* will speak. The organization o f the local post vas largely through the efforts o f ohn Wright and Paul McFarland, :alled the meeting. JOLDIER BONUS COMES IN FEBRUARY It was announced Monday by the 'tate Board of Sinking Fund 'Com- nissioners, in charge of administra- ion of the 'soldier's bonus, that it is, raped to sell the first batch o f bonds !uring the-holidays-and to make the irst payment.-to ex-service men by February 1. It has been decided defi- .- aitely to make the first Issue $20,QOO- 100 and to set the rate of interest at. 3-4 per cent. Rids probably will he Advertised for this week and the form if the official application blank is to le approved at once. The to have the state retire $2,000,000 of his bonds and pay off the,twenty mil- ion within the next"ten years. - prog r am f o r t h e w e e k OF PRAYER IN CEDARVILLE The churches of this place are raiting fo r the week of Prayer with he following program: Sabbath, Jan. 1, 1922—“Lord, teach is to pray.” Sermon, Rev* J. P, White >. D., 7:00 p, in.* United Presbyterian jhurch. . Monday, Jan. 2, “ Thanksgiving and Confession” . Leader, R. C. Watt, 7:00 >. m,, United Presbyterian churdh. Tuesday, Jan. 3. “ The Church Uni- /ersal” , Leader, W. R. Sterrett, 1:30 o. m., Covenanter church, Xenia ave. Wednesday, Jan. 4. “ Nations and rheir Leaders” . Leader, Supt. L. D. Parker, 7:00 p. m., M. E. church. ' Thursday, Jan. 5. “Foreign Mis sions”, Leader, Mrs. H. M. Stormont, 1:30 P. M,, M. E. Church. /Friday, Jan. 6, “ Christian Educa- ;ion and the Christian Home” . Lend er, E. L, Stormont, 7:00 p. m., Re formed Presbyterian Church. Sammath, Jan. 8,.'“Home Missions" lermon, Rev. W, P. Harrilnatt, 7:00 ). m., United Presbyterian church* 70 AUTO TAGE TO BE ISSUED IN CEDARVILLE A t the suggestion o f the Herald, following the news that the Exchange dank at London would issue auto tags In that city, Mr. O. L. Smith o f the Exchange Bank o f this place took up .he question with the State Depart ment. The reply received says that no m6re new accounts would he open ed this year. Once, again we wish to call atten tion o f auto owners to fill to the application blank themselves and see that “ Cedarvillo” appears on the line for the taxing'district. Unloss you do this the auto money will not go where it belongs. I f you want the money to go to some ,city, leave the space vacant; if you Want to at home it will be as necessary to see that “ Cedarville" appears on the blank in the proper place as to have your name on the bottom. If someone else fills out your blank do not sign it unless “ Cedarville” appears on the line for taxing dis trict. CHANGES OFFICES. W. L. Clematts has moved hia o f fices from South Main street to the office rooiri on the ground floor o f Exchange Bank building* Xenia av enue entrance. The office of The W* L. Cletttans Land Company will also be located to the same rooms, Mr. Glemans Will have the finest suite o f offices in town to his new quarters. THE WRONG ONE. We owe a correction to Our read ers over the account last week as to W. L. Glemans running his automo bile into the carriage belonging to Mrs, Minnie McMillan. It should have Iraen Charles Glemans and we hasten to make the correction. , , . , Farmers or stockmen wanting the S T » " c £ 5 * f t i i r , c i . a , M i i : i y . T " ter * u , l*‘ u; watt states'** to-** years each hi * * * * * * * * * m m the state prison. . 1
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