The Cedarville Herald, Volume 44, Numbers 27-52

" ' T f ' " K i t t t M N t t t t f t t i flRPB vWMPIWl.iP pot ih mm MtiKEI MfROVEMEKTSMABE 1 TM ri OW** «t M*l» Autom*riU * Irimne* W!l) fi« A*<*»*IM» **th j Ftem th# Qrou»«h *ntf From te# | „ ttnrt Mwiy Hew to#nlt*ry Drink* ; to* Fountain* liwtjillad and Mil** ri F«Mfw«y (n Ground* Improved. WJtti tli* Mtate Fair hut a few W ik i away, tke greatext I » * to* MMU*(MR*Bt hM (W it* hand* U the teojHK juttpamion of th« around*. Th* jr*p«rty compriring aueh * mam­ moth U*titutkV! ** tb* fair naturally deteriorate* throughout th* year and •very rammer mm , a larga gang of Works** rebuilding, repairing, ate. O m of to* marked Improvement* * * 'tote year1* program It ih* «r#e* tfak M a ticket offie# at Us malu 4 *t<naebU* eetranoe. Heretofore it - )ta« been #*e****ry for1«, perraa dw giriag mam ttoat ia th* grandaUhn « f oolteeum in advance to pay *d- miaaton to th* ground* to secure than*. Th* »#w ticket office 111 bul5 asoowMlbl* both from the ground*; gad from th« rir#*t. In addition* about 1,000 feet or flftca wu»t b« rebuilt, the speed < Bhrn* need re-roofing and the elec* trical office mwrt be reinforced. Many new aaniUry drinking foun­ tain* will be inatalled and a great amount of time and money will be MbendedL on th* miles of road In- Mud*d in the ground*. - The only radical change. to he, made in anybuildingwill be foundin 'the Woman’* Building.' Hero the in­ terior will he decorated and an ex- wmatre lighting ayatem will he in- •tailed. The present plan* also call -■for a number of email lecture room# ha the building and, tor partitions, rite erection of which will create nu»f galleries in which will ho brings comprising the finest erer held in the state. I1VEBAYS RACING ATOHIOSTATEFAIR S o t g f lu Foremost Qriiers g R n i t f i t i m w p tta JM*«k€«it tf*t One day twwrily i dtttyMteted, ap*» MMMr am* entered ih* office of the >r<n*a*» 1 M M college and nttmft «• Mtt Ml iafiy cheep. Adding that he wee amt o f work aim alnwat ffiaeeto* egad. "tmCr* atom** dlweAMgefl, are fie f* r*Jeh>ri the*wp*rlAte«d*ot, who tried «e theage the determia** e f ffiM§ AAiettanftteKr "Why, I i yeet trig year body to u» the. m um ear ewdmita get they’d eMef ye« enttiMyr**- MW THRILLSATSTATE FAIR Flraworha Diapla* 1n»* Year TOdi bursae* A#** »~s k«bioit». IVlr fhe p *» i U* jet-* tt,» nm*t pteamag fe*uu* of iU« **««iia* •«- t*ri»:n«u*nt at ibe Oa:-» “-ton# F*ir has heee to* firework* 4 x*pi*v lx- ofdiag not to ke outdone by any pre­ vious c nil. tioe, the manag^meut baa ftfe-ured «hat rb^y believe to he >k«* tup «m# iH'pyrot-,hn! a A con- trat-t aunouaiing to several thousand dollars waa recently signed with the Tkearte-Duffieid Company of Chicago, who will k« given complete charge et thie part of the week’* program- The bf»v,ly et the diaplay i* as­ sured from preview* years’ experi­ ences, while many war-time inven­ tion* will provide new thrill*. Bomba half as tell,a* * man, mortar* more than four feet high, and giant rockets 10 an ’ jt2 faet long, wilt be include* in tli' shipment, wkich will reach Columbus in a special -car shortly before fair week. These tons of explosives wilt be in charge of a rrew of experts, who will spend several days In preparing the framework, switchboard* and other paraphernalia necessary to the *uo- cessful presentation of *u«‘fe a mam­ moth spectacle, ONEQUARTER MILLION/LOST INBADt-TOGKS I P'dyiep.Cards sf tseiem Ofiijin. Wlldcftt Investment Soheme* \ Separate Ohioans From j $ 250 . 000 ,COO In > Three Years. j .tjuiuMgewi* | prowised mm retubks ! c.ijiug »>• igiit ♦*» tin-1 r- j ■Tr„M ilj^ u» >ut »i»r iiinr --f C." Criiwil,- a’t.uur lbA'. v^rj’ iikcSy lif.rne (un>ln^ %i*rri-rs. The S': V«, viiif* st thu' time i"g«» to we-’ Vi* uvrr Kuru,»‘. asii'l t»> -af .'■■fn-*i *hs'n», usi' if a* they rdo : ov, f..p f,(iiui..*v, ojm tir^t • ^ i s foutaiM-.? ? ’< .npi*-, itwlKdir.g ,fo»ir suits of jujuil ilTtl turds and --t rrc.Vr.'.ufic* picture ,*rrt», width. , Ki»p JMM iaigffi* ' wot in « th*w«sud can »tsud tka pafu of a *i.vr,>u*t» prrOsrafMt f>>t ’ he »ort of esfeer he would like. Nearly gli take she coxy read which tht- lc-ul- Vtnde travel write* Ori«in Swxi* War­ den In the <" ' -nan lTaily News. But ni.tsT itt-ftpl-’ t refer th** umtilicr, the Infcrloi IM* g *hat is rl-.Vt fiu and ran he h^i with ?sr#7<> tin rMwra- tlon, to the hiegt-r, yrainler thlug an,*,!'mufio i *. wn lttJ regche.. eniy by lianl wort ’ as truni],-2. It'-J nun.hcrca ^ ^vt of si‘?f sauififc. And in mlg s . j n:; V j P: o d %i':Us'*V'U't!s, ' up , v jirti they find themspices pt-v*. andtou/u-y. Kmh of we** dlmr along In niedtoerlty or soiling T-d* r tip . f ■ d,njg fn niedtoerlty or sailing r , * * * ***? t-< i h ^ T!:<i Ton,.remember tka story of the i^lahMt ,aad tka Tortoise? Well, there fwaa a t I um thaffA* lost by * harw- ■isoeeetkhNr any oha with a .sporting ikdriaot delight* in. Blenty of thrill*, rieea taiskes and endtlng races ate aaearad for the coming race program *t the State Feitv Ang, W to Sept, a, Whan some of the foremost driver* la tea doantry will ''compete. A MB pregram lasting through five - days ka* been scheduled, including tkree races for each day, which aver­ age etfer lAMd each, The celt races will, be run in mile heats, two-in- tfisee, hut ell others will be raced m. the three-beat plan, do entry fee ef |Ji i* being charged with no tedttitlan from winners. The' money in eeoh raoe will be divided six ways «s 4 tee entire program will be gov- iJ. eraed by American teles, A tetol of | 1 A?W Is ehered for the * horse racing, and in ^addition to this >gnaoat the fair management has gone to oonsldernhle expense to St­ oma an attractive auto race program • tka final' tey of the fair, Satur­ day. Ante racing on a half-mile dirt track is at its best a precarious smasemsnt, but every precaution Wilt be takes to safeguard the con­ testants and spectators. Last year l 4 Km Haray and his opponents raced before a capacity crowd and, with favorable weather conditions, the audit*** should only be llmitsd by lack at space. ~ ■ BO rS BAND ENGAGED FameuC Maysvllt* Organlzatian to Ptay Deity at Ohle State Pair. Ope of the most oot-of-the-ordln- «ry nttnotioaa ever booked for the Okie State Fair wlit be seen and beard at Cotamba* th# week of Aug. ft, when the Maysvilte Boys* Band . arritea t v tie week's performance. ** Feuadeo in 1 * 1 * by Colonel J, Bar- boar RasAdl, thie erganlsation was rtcreited ^’om the youkger members »f tea beat famrtlau of Kentucky. Fram ffi* drat a popular Jnatltutloa, it baa Imcreasad in taaawn until to- Any it M m tea backiag of tftrjr n*. itva of “Old Kafatack," and an en* tkwtiastic foHowlag in other states ,m watt, # . ■ «Thla band Is educated free of cost 'ip mm murteante and dtisen* «f llnyartUa. Stan tbeir imlformt are esalrituted, and tela Is «a!t* an item, •Ut**ante mamber ha* three changes par ffideraat eccaeioas. They travel te state, eartyia# teelr awn doctor «ite teaai, and accompanied by a pew parasite. t e t f attracttranees, however, lies • teat mOf M teeir tim ing appear- mtf » iwl tmteia tearsefer-^theh nutate te iwoeWleut ted tea style of tbetr pertetmance has found them grtanis whertvar they have plays# ia OLD“ 101 RANCH” TOBEREVIVED Cw tisift and Cowgirls io Enter­ tain s ta te F iir Visitors. - Bince the death of the.‘'Wild West" show, city dweller* have' depended solely on works of -fiction' tor their1 knowledge* of western way* and .cus­ toms; Many a time as a hoy you have shivered, delightfully as you read tales of the- knights o f the sage land, their daring, their Superb horse- manahlp, their skill with the lariat. A* a voice from the past comes the announcement that the State .Fair, management has hooked, as a feature attraction for' the- week; of Aug. 29 a revival of the Old "Wl Ranch." t The performance will be by a troupe _of cowboys .and cowgirls, and will be put on every day of tbd sig* day fair,. Not a feat of skill and daring that typifies the West in every -one’s mind will be. omitted, 'find the management gofeB so far as to assure us teat there will he sev­ eral never before attempted. .Chief, among the. performers 'and- head of the company is Leonard Stroud, who in 1916, at the New Y*rk Stampede, won the title of "Worlds Champion of Horsemanship.,' Mr- Stroud, as a result, was .shortly after­ ward given • the, role of "Buck Max tin" in a series of Charles K. Van Loan stories, then bring preparedfor moving pictures, ,111s stardom in the -films was' shared./by hi* famous mu«-. tang ."Teddy," Who was presen’ ed to him by tee late Theodore Roosevelt as a mark of hi* rideem and friend­ ship- ' 4 ss Mr. Stroud was'formerly withBaW- nee Bill,, Buffalo? Bill and Ringing Brothers' circus, and. it Was while in .their employ that he evolved the most spectacular* stunt he - does, namely—crawling under a galloping' hbr*e and regaining hi* seat in -he saddle oh the opposite, side. Mr. Stroud will he ably assisted av; the State Fair by hi* wife and fey Tommy Kirnan, who last yedr woft the world's championship In riding at Chicago in a contest Itt which Mr. Stroud did not compete, A full pro gram of trick* and fancy roping, rac­ ing, fancy and bareback riding, will he presented with the usual accom­ paniment, of "Broncho Busting." POULTRY AT STATE FAIR Fanciers From All Over the Country Will Have Entries. Poultry fsnclers, from all over tile country will gather in Columbus the, week of August 26 for the annual State Fair poultry show* The pre­ miums In this department have been increased to almost $3,500 for this year and the'entries to -date indicate that this year's exhibition wilt eclipse those of former years, Only Syracuse and Hagerstown Surpassed Ohio In 1920 In- this class of com­ petition, and the fair management fatty expect to hold their own this year, . . ■ ■ jn addition to the regular glasses the American Buff Leghorn club, the Ohio White Orphington club and the American S. C. Brown Leghorn club will hold their annual meets at that time. One feature of this year’s show that should be noted is that the ’ Ohio Farmer of Cleveland has of­ fered a hftttdsome silver cup for the beat pen, all varieties, eompettng in the utility class. The Ohio Farmer has shown great interest in the de« veloptnefit of Utility poultry and has taken this means »f. showing their faith in the outcome of this develop, meat. • Premium List* Now Beady, Anyone intending to .show at the Ohio State Fair, August £9 to Sep- timber 3, can obtain this year’s pre­ mium list by writing to Mr, E, v. Walborn, Oolnmhtis. Mr. Walbom state* that all catalogues, entry bttefcs, atc.r arrnaw-reefy ter dis> irltettefi. Opium, Optem is the dried Juke of the white poppy, a flower that grows in many parte of Asia. A tew day# after the flowers have fatten off tin- pistils nun go through the Acid* in the aftemtioi, and make little cut# in the poppy head, tm, of teas# ruts a milky jnh e mm , which dries into a brown, stli-oy paste, Kvorjr morning tee mm f-o through flic flew* again m i sanpfr off this p««te, y-hlfh they put into jar*, Later on it Jkt made into half-pound' has#A»fl' tewpM&t#terBMpmwb •lg Interett -Rate* Prove JLurg For Many Investors Who Loste--Chief Justice Marshall Declare* Public Must Begin Era of Safe and Sane gavlng; That -Too Many Women W*ar Short fiklrts Instead of Q|ng« - hem Aprons. Columbus, O.—tSpeciaU—Wildcat invebtideut sohe.uiej during tlxo last three years took a quarter of a bil­ lion. dollars from the people of Ohio, according to figures, just announced by a government office here, in oth­ er words*- $250,000,900 was filched from the gullible public, through, promises of large returns by the way of high Interest rates, The Amount lost by Ohioans in had Investments during the last three years was four times- as large as the price paid by the United States for Alaska, the Panama canal strip and tfie Virgin Islands, All Are Failures, In Toledo alone, a total .of $3,325*- OOP was dropped into worthless pro motions, stocks and securities, ac­ cording to Kenneth Barnard, secre­ tary of tee Better Business CommJew Sion ot Toledo,' Mr. Barnard' said that he had observed nine big pro- mbtions in ‘that period of time anil- ot that number seven were either bankrupt and, in the bauds of th* ' oburfc or insolvent, find the other two Were, total failures. According to Bernard: ■ "This.moneyfins gone down tee sewer' of economic waste right -under our noses. In tela time of ah-' uormaltles and low ebb of business^ it Would ma,ke a difference if that money were safe in our own city," Barnard contended that if .this money now was fit the hands of the^people Instead ot tee worthless stock certifi­ cates which- they now teold, there would fie less demand,upon the char­ ities* less discontent and’ hotter busi­ ness conditions. He urged the pub­ lic to place.its savings only in in- , vestments at recognized safety. - - A recent inventory and appraise- ment filed for record- in tlx* Mont­ gomery probate court of one of Bay- ton’s late wealthy citisen*,shows the following: 1 ' Block* of various eorjwr*»0n**Ml><’3S.M Appraised above par jl W. w Appraised belowpar, Appraised worthless SS,t3S.OO Urge* Horde Building, Chief justice Cary TV Marshall of th# Ohio Supreme Court# in aft ad­ dress, before tee Bellefoutaihe Cham­ ber of Commerce recently, said: "The Character of the American pro- -pie ha* been entirely changed by the war. We have been buylftg too- many diamonds . and not enough alarm clocks. People have gone amusement mad and wish nothing but the lux­ urious life. We have been buying too many automobiles attd not hulld* ing enough homes. This country is lacking about 2,00,9.000 homes, amt yet -people would rather rent their abodes and ride in an auto. There has been too much speculation. There aro too many women wearing •hurt skirts and not enough wearing gingham aprons. Too much waste- and not enough economy-" The chief justice urged the placing of savings In* local institutions of recognized , safely. . J Try to Get Money Hid Away. ,There were many who did not In­ vest in any of tee many stock selling Scheme* with which tee stale has been flooded, but Insttta d hoarded their Saving’s at homo. An endeavor is being made to point out to these persons that they are running a great ebanco of losing their savings from fire or theft. The country’s economic condition, too, demands that all hoarded money be put into circula­ tion, thereby re-establishing the country’s stores pt working capital. Business conditions, it has been pointed ont, will show a decided trend for ti*<* better on the introduc­ tion of this capital which ha& been hidden away. Foreigner* in many localities, not having an intelligent understanding of the safety of rec­ ognized financial institution!? in their own localities, have been hiding their savings away. These persons moot be taught bow to^make their money Work In patting it in safe and sane place* They must bo taught to dis­ tinguish between the glittering stock certificate With its -high interest rates and the savings institution with its fair fate of intereet and 100 per cent safety factor. That the public ha* again turned to "safety firot" as its investing slo­ gan is evidenced by the Hump in Oil and other stocks ot speculating pur­ poses. But the wago earner, with his capacity*' for earning reduced through lack of employment, has yet to learn that he must go back to the rid scale of saving in small amounts. fitom Critla of Education* the teacher 1mA sent numerous flute* In vflih oiakavor to get Johnny bathed and cleaned up. There wd». no reply and no visible Improvement I in the boy’s appearance, until at last the mother, driven to dorperation, sent the teacher n long letter saying, among other things t "iVimt io it to i the foiu-lK'ta LUictect the children In their KObpnls have ft lath onto a day, os onto a week, or otico a month, or ' flnee a year? They arc w«r.hhig the Map all out of the chiidran and that *« haw ad much tuberculosis «at* ftflitiA* of 14 cards, tour **i ^ !TtBi;y cf ,}10*, ir,rn im;) * 0, c.n S : f l "(vn,' V ’ iM ^rl.Mnrp. * }l<> r,IH 'n jmte_p*y tim pm-* emblem- card* had >uch pi.tore* fnr p^Ker thing which they would hard other people can have so muds more teas Addition to .MtiMum’e. Treasur** they have- Among tho recent notable ac.jt:SL ticxteJof tee: American Museum of Nat­ ural History is xi block of vm«*brm* tossfiis from the great fossil quarry ax Agate, Ncl), A section from the rich­ er part of tee quarry was selected skillfully removed, boxed and tran* ported to New Turk. Tim specimen, weighingabout three tonsboxed, show# in a space of 5% by 8 feet as many a* 10 skulls, with corresponding number* pf skeleton bones. Chilean Traffic Bids*, There are m> road rules nor speed limits in Chik- outside of tee cities, but the speed limit in the cities Is 25 kilometers (Hfiu miles) an hour. In the tratfie rules*.of the various Chilean ellles there is a lack a? nnitormtty, tbo Valparaiso regulations- requiring nn automobile to pass to the Tight ot ft coming ear. while‘ in Santiago It must pass to the toft. , f Untllm teeamy. ’ The fl*« of tedium on * large H*k !teHVto-nn.-jiHr tovolv** danger *f Io**- and toff* factor baa t**ti * big ) mo in fndyrJitf boopftal* and eftnie* swith a i?*«m x»c la-oe *>f the **l*t«omx in u^e to iiHli*# radium etaanathm Cnatoad of apidlcafora ronnining the yadhun it*>-lf. Titer* ha* horn la- ;r i» :tod in a I’Umtoirgh laboratory wk ‘ eirgaut and u*a-f;j* apparatus for tk* ootteetton, puriflcathm and *»bing of radiath n emanation obtained from a aalt of U«v*to»#Dt. It differ* from 1 earlier apparatus In that liquid air ie replaced *}’ chemical ro*»na of part* tying the emanation, which art f« 4 t , to be more rcliahto, All in Weil-Choeen Library, Said Emerson: "t’onakler what yeti have in the smattebt efioaen library. A company of toe wiseat and wittiest men tout could bepicked out ofall th* Civil in a thousand year* have set in best order the result* of their learning and wisdom. The xneft themselves were hid and inaccessible, solitary, impatient of totertoptloa, fenced by etiquette; but the thought Which they did not uncover to their bosom friend I* hero written out 1 ft transparent words to us, the stranger* ef another axe” Hi* dark Th* -Murk ap t waaa period i ah* hwdMMl year* ** Bwwpua* muBeactng with tb* fgtt if A* »•**- am Btsotaa megt r* (filV A. B-l ami emulating wadi tb* daa* « f tba*-alae* eatb catiiury <UM A- I>.) Tba flaHt ages cowpriiMd tb* fieri taa ifiMM ef the mtddtoages aad warn fitauwetaP* teed by extrama iatatUetwal apfifey aad gram ratigfaisa nagesatiuiak Tba •way r i tea chaivb wa* naivamal. fiaffi laamtog was at Ifii toweri •».■■«<>iw •aa City 8 r*r, tf | •Hip* Wamag of Bad Waathgr. fitops at sea within rung* of Briri-h wlreleaa abore station* are t» N pto- tected toy warning radio algnat * whenever gales of forty mils* an hour threaten, says Popular Meebanic^ aiagaxine, L’sing a wave length ofC’ri metm (l.P«&feet) at fall power, the safety signal will be m mt out t< n times at brief Intervals, fallowed toy the warning, Jifi far a fitatietteian, Smut day a clever «tati»tirian may publish some appafilft* fiyuraa fie** lag haw much time is wasted at rail­ road depots by folks who arrive oo tone for trains that are late.—D#S Molns* Register, aaggsg Saving something out of what you ' earn means a stronger resolution, fu- - tore comfort^ permanent satisfaction, happiness for.the wife and children, proper training and education for the children, success for self and indepen­ dence itt old age—all these are govern ed by the habit of saving or o f spend- , ing, .A man’s habits in handling Ms income affect Ms life and the welfare of hi* family* -both now and for the future;. Ms .children - are served or compelled to suffer because of -these habits, Start» constructive system of saving today—one dollar ia all you need. TheCedarville Building& oanAssociation .For those who find it hard to Save, we haye these Liberty Betts—where you -ran deposit your small change at any time, 1 Where Else Can You Equal the Following Values 9x12 Grass Rugs ,d»fi y e 9x12 Velvets d j o y £ a 9x12 Axminster 4 !O Q O C 9x12 Tapestry, <t 1 £i O C Rugs for*....... .. # for. .............©*«*# « - . . 9 f a B° d y B " : s“ ls$ 4 S . o o 9x^12 Congoleum $ 16.75 3 Piece Living Room Suite Spring Edge, Spring Ends and 3 Loose Spring Cushions, Upholstered in plain and Figured Valour for $146*50 *■ 3 Piece Over Stuffed Tapestry Suite— splendid spring construction and in good Tapestry for $150.00 4 Piece Walnut Bed Room Suite Bed, Dresser, Chifforette, / Toilet Table for $ 135.00 4 Piece Golden Oak Bed Room Suite consisting of Bed, Dresser, Chiffonier and Semi-Vanity Dresser for $137.50 Bed Davenports from $45.00 up. Galloway 8 Gherry 36-38 Wait Main Street, Xenia, Ohio