The Cedarville Herald, Volume 44, Numbers 27-52
***■•»*«* * « * * $ ) « * ] . J ^ r s i* " * * . ,* - * f f k e KOKTY-FOUimi YEAlfNO. s i W^cSSStoy fNEXT PEEK’S THE WEEK"|»»fP« CAMPAIGN slogan ^ e c t t r y iU e Co llege %ull fee b ig en o u g h —i f y o u r hear! i*” CEDARVIEI.E, OH :0, FRIDAY, AUfrUHT 20, 1921 m a n $1,MA YEAR l land. CEDITORIATA - , I . ____ - --., . T**/ “Next W«*kV-~-i2« Week." I t ii the week that the people of this \ s t a t o r Brandi Jf,****0' With- VKiwty »»a Greens County whl antwir Ye* or No to the Little Bed door L«*had[ a big a * J S c^ i £ “ete’' *'«***• «»*>»«>“ « = AK S S . ? 1? ! ? F*r" * w w i u sssis^ ^ *i«* . J *“ ** Howard, provident of the Y ^T r iS r * T £ W m w*» *» New S*?,.*"* dld Bot *«* t0 *11 bis ^ J«M- Brown of toe Indian* Farm Bureau wa* also uuabl* to come. Mr, O. K. Bradfute, president of the °rh?L ,r a Bureau «*4 Vice Fmident “ * American Farm Bureau wav the chief speaker of the day. , Bradfute outlined the i^ork of the Farm Bureait and dwelt on the effect of freight ratea and that «we igiouid go In ana solid phalanx before yQongres* and the Interstate Com merce Commission and demand that ' r8^ ° n^ le r*^* ** *lv*n the farmer.’ The freight situation was reviewed froia various angles and the speaker stated that it coat as much for a Miss issippi farmer to ship his produce to New York City as it does from Ar gentine to Now York City, The far mer pays the freight both ways, when he sells and when he buys, I think we are going to get as square a deal from this Congress as we have had in many years. Protection under the tariff law was also advocated;and the speaker stated that representatives were on hand in Washington .watch ing this work.- ‘ . * - M, l). Bicoin ofjCpiumbus, secretary Of the Ohio Bureau, dwelt - on the work of1 the Ohio Organisation. There are now 97,000 members of the Bu reau in Ohio and growing membership that Will send if to 100,000 by next - year. Guernsey county Is a t present in a membership campaign and the last in the state to take up such a campaign. He stated that the shipping associations had saved the farmers mo|« money than has been spent by the farm, bureau, , - ‘ . £ 3, Mason Fwgh o f .Montgomery county kpoke on ‘Loyalty”, and ur ged loyally to the bureau.and faith and confidence in the oncers. He- em phasised the right of recall by ballet Of any officer, and the officer selected be given hearty support. „ W, B« Heysoa, President of the County Farm Bureau, who called at- tcnttas tb*t thk waa-thni feat Farm Bfeetw pfenk and Whan the question of malting the em it an annual affair was placed before the members the vote was unanimous;. , For entertainment there were many contest* staged that proved interest ing to the young people as well as old folks present. The attendants -was placed a t 1,50. College Will Be Big Euough~If Your Heart 1who are trying to jplaec thQ~bIamaitompbsLn ca?e> nesr. Cleveland, re- i .? * A WWWfti#ultoa.m 11 peopio boing sent to ween lyMen. Ii CONDENSED OHIO NEWS ffewa Items picked a t Randan* and Boiled Down for the Busy Kinder NewTax Bill hi General. rfcana, who un- against the! oada, caused al owopapers get", . . A eeilMoa betw»«ft two.Gieveiaati, | • Boy Ulrich,'14,. w*e. killed in material a^ffWfce&vllle and Eastern traction -ia*{ small term, mat mine near Atepna. ~ ... Jtesoiircer of-iM .sta te banks of . .................... . ...... Ohio June 3& were $L5f)7,!>T2,IIS.,, a . .. 1gain of 1181,995,60S store June last idts n* «*, 1 Frank V. Bauhuff, ^business man {yean Deposits during the eamo p e”' Alliance* endad hi» life at Dower*J period increased i*22,78UM% m& . vanoais, sec- Colo., by sending a bullet througa | now total fi,i8d,S2l,S48, - - « , < » u w Wc « . „ - . . . . T, . manufacturers liia mouth as he sat in a sanitarium, j Former judge O, p. Griffith, 60, ©f For twenty-seven years the college has struggled against many odds to «» »»« Puyaroad costs Vow Swisher,.highway inspector, j Clermont county•probate court, died succeed, and it has succeeded in grow h and extending its inftuence to all ■ a, 111116 fo r jn e k when the iudletoil on u ebargo of forging pay j at Batavia. parts of the country through its grad rates, many of them the sons and 25?*, ^ll0Bld cost roU? ^connection with the expose] Mm. Frank Jerkin*, 38, of Pitts- ' * * • - ‘ ■ only,fi,BOO a mile. means what it says, By this date *\ery home in this viunity and most of the home* of the ;nn onft *„>.«.«. county have received much literature on the Endowment and Expansion ; p ,i‘ vg L esmpaiga for C. uawiile College, This Matter was sent for a direct purpose ‘«nosnters*f fromoneh —■that the public should be educated and prepared to receive this plea of ' T? , r . f A fj the needs of this institution and that your answer ‘would be placed on the ' ri, «,(, q. pledge cards during the canvass next week. **£* '?. ?*. * -.b. COMMUNITY CLUB BANQUET TO BE HELD TONIGHT .The Cedarville Community Club •under the direction of its able Presi dent, W L, Clemans, will function this evening ’ in true community .spirit at the High School auditorium, to give assistance to Cedarville most important endeavor in many years— aiding Cedarville College lit the cam* paign for increased endowment and new buildings—that Cedarville Col lege may be SAVED for Cedkrville and Greene county. Tickets for this event are fifty cents and will procure an excellent meal and enable the holder to hear inspir ing talks on behalf of this movement, The. program is as follows: Prayer Kev. J. P. White; Introductory AddreM.—W. L.Clemans Toastmaster___ G. H. Hartman Bong ■ h *o m tS,^ u•**4 m t*. * *#- Quartet | Address ..President W. R. McChesney Selection Orchestra Address *1 *NS ten*#* M sifcPref. Derry Allen1 Address J. Alvin Chr, D, I). Selection ________ _ Orchestra Address —Rev. J . Knox Montgomery Selection 1{i»A lU MSt Orchestral Remarks —--------- A.P. Addleman ft. A. MFJRIKKK BRANCHING OUT IN JAMESTOWN R. A. Murdoek, Jamestown distribu tor for the Foid will open a service station in connection with the Ford agency for.’ cars and tractors says the Greene County Journal Frank laHTel, an expert formerly with the Kelly agency in Bprlngfleid and Xenia will be in charge of the service sta tion. The Journal states "An indication oh the business done by the agency 1s the statement by Mr. Murdock that be has sold 148 Fords and 19 trac tor* this year ahd Judging fiom the apposranea of the streets on busy days wo’ll not dispute fd* statement/ daughters from< homes in this vicinity that would never have stepped inside a college door eteawhere for the education that has placed them in the sta tion they occupy today. Things in the educational world are changing year by year just like all thing* worldly,'The march of program has been aided by the educational requirements a»d the progress and prosperity of the people again advance a* a result. Thus the world moves on to higher and better things through this advancement. \Cedarkille College wants to keep u i with this advancement. Under the rules of the State Association of Colleges and the. requirements of .the bfcate of Ohio certain yules are laid down for all institutions. I t is to meet these requirement that this Endowment ahd Expansion cam paign has been inaugurated and is now- drawing to a close ready for yadr answer. It matters not what o jr individual idea may be—these re quirements must be met if Cedarville College is to have any standing—if no standing her graduates are withou; re? gnition in other and higher in stitutions when they enter for medicine, law, agriculture, teaching, scien tifie or engineering courses. There was a day when graduates wunt from our high schools and taught in the public schools but this is no more. Every teacher must have normal training in some college before being able to get* a certificate to t mch. Such requirements must be met in most every state. The question arises* particularly in the home of moderate circumstances, can we afford to pend a pon or daughter to some distant institution to get this training? The answer from a financial standpoint,is that this training-can he'secured at home, with less expense—if Cedarville College is'SAVED, And the only way tii’e institution can be saved ip by %.productive endowment of $200,000 With certain buildings and equipment. ^ ■ At *he least calculation in most of the colleges that boys and girls would' 'gu to from here,’if there was no institution here, the cost would reach $000 «%year, or for a four year course, a total of $3,200, If tb§te is!more than one in the family to be educated in a higher institution the cost increases in like manner. .Thus every family with children to educate—and wo trust there is none in this county that'has not th is ' deshe—must, face this financial problem if Cedarville College is not SAVED,’ A question has been brought to our attention as to the possibility -nf -.Cedarville College even being jcenunved from "here ■ if thus endowment is- raised.' The institution is new and has been for the past few years uhder the direct control of tee Board of Trust ’•?. No other body ha* power to change the verdict of the member* of tin.,1board; The board as It is. now constituted} a self perpetuating body, is composed o f local men. in the majority* If Cedarville College js moved from, our midst i t will be due to the fact that Wm* Conley, W.'C, Biff, S. C, Wright, J. H, Creawell, f>. E, Eradiate, M, I, Marsh, O. L Smith, G, H Hartman, vote to locate It elsewhere. There are other non-resident member** Dr, J. Alvin Orr,. Pittsburgh, Chairman of the Alumni,Dr. David McKinney, Cincinnati^ Rev, Homer McMillan, Atlanta, Gaj Charles Ward, New York City* and W. J . Alford, Anderson, Ind.> and they are in the minority- but Stand firm against the removal! as the majority. Not oa« of these men would beteay the confidence of oar people in moving the hutitetien shniwbere after it had been SAVED by the people of this vicinity and Greene ddunty, ■ ' v , We read a letter this week that went to members of the Alumni in which a. number were pledged to subscriptjon* of $$00, In that letter was a statement that one of the faculty, (whose name Was -memtioned),' who ha* only received a meager salary, one who has no property, real or personal, had pledged himkelf for $100 a year for five years. The point of sacrifice and duty were linked together in that letter and should appeal not only to members of the Alumni but citizens In general. When we eon- : aider such a subscription as helping to save an institution that moulds character in the'face of the cost i f a student goes elsewhere to college, w« are confident the families that have children to educate will be guided in making a liberal pledge.. ,, ' u There are some that probably couldnot make such q. subscription but ev ery one can do something; There are hundreds that could hqual lt» There are scores that could double, i t and many that could do much more; People of Greene county should not loose sight of the fact thatpbee. ■Ce darville College is SAVED .by the increased endowment and required buildings, she then Will take her place in the State Association of Colleges where she. rightfully belongs. By SAVING this institution on the part of the loyalty of the people in the county it can still be made greater by ad ditional subscriptions from men of wealth and influence that stand,.ready to aid worthy institutions. The fact that less than $21,000, of the frtesent endowment of $116,000, has been contributed by people of this community stands in the way of appealing to men of great means for aid. 'Once we* have proven our loyalty by substantial gifts this outside aid is possible, but not until then. , The campaign to SAVE Cedarville College closes Saturday night. Mon day and all next week will be devoted to the canvass for subscriptions. “Next Week’s—the Week” and the result will go- down in the history of Greene county whether Cedarville College is to bd SAVED or I»OST« ^ t h S H pnight CALL ; The doctor hears the noisy bell, and staggers to the phone, then silent-: ly he denes his garb, and marches forth, alono; a chill pervades the em pty street, and Stings his weary form, while others in their cosy cots are comforted and warm. Through nil the toilsome weary d y he battled with lus foes, anticipating ift hi* way, a night of earned repose. Bub aii, how vain the doctor** hopes! The, thought of peaceful rest, or happy hour to call his own, eludes his constant, quest, ’This his to strive for competence1against the? rainy day, and'Ins to heal the suffering ones, that fall besuio the wayj His his to tend the cheering smile, and lift the wasted form,-no matter how the midnight chills, nor how sever® tee storm. For him, there is no peaceful dream—no restful hour is set, with in this silent, earnest man may rally, or forget. Gcd, give him strength to overcome his heartaches, ono andall, and lead him gently when he makes his midnight call!! YOUR UNCLE JOHN. fob© used for “mops' Richland county officials, was ’burgh, was killed and tifne oOter per- a Clark county ^ontenued »t ■ Mansfield to serve front son* were Injurad. id ■*.qoUMbn bo- r o a d at a eost ono to,Id years in the Ohio ponlte.n-’ tween two automobiles at a road in- hiJe the stone tt£rfy* , * tor-tebtion .nearoTotedft;": 3 000 a mile t 0l»ee Blanche Johnson, £4, died. Private Walter j p a d e n , j c t s n t : adW/tvtn at Delaware as the result of injuries teheed to having fired tiie shotwhich h, . n •sustained in'’an auto accident. caused tho . . |r c*aipi i .Twenty-seven year* in the fthio Camp perry. He say* the shooting , J. . ye"”* 880 brick roads', penitentiary was the sentence given was accidental, built *t * cost *f $12,000 * mile 2Charles Gallagher,- Cleveland gun ’ Four bandits Then they were only'pmtteen feet in man, burglar *nd parole violator, width while today tMty ‘are eighteen Who pleaded °guilty to .stealing two or twenty. The teuai wns formerly jbarrels of alcohol, , four inches of concrete/ how i t is six. I Knights of the Golden Eagle The britek interest* have the ran -,ni£!et »«** year at Rellaire. roads against teem dn freight rates1 Stethum, 45. Wilmington, which are higher unprick than on stone or gravel." conctetu base, He * is building a cohere of $47,000 per mite | and gravel only The other day we from' the brick into is that a few years were fi a a w eijisWiv a l Ch rl n j n held up and robbed t>v» drivers lor ft. 13. Angted, pro- In checks tand‘money, >■ Edward R. Johnson of New Vienna :hoc? been *elected auperintendem, of schools at Avon, Lorain edunty, , Richard Park, 39, Newark brahe- ■Cincinnati Printers’ ’league, com- man, was killed in Columbus yards. u +««*,«, . poped of owners pf 4ft printing estab- ’ Governor Davis, speaking at a t s»an«u*s to toying to show up Ji^hments, hae decided to insist on a farmers’ plcnm to Madison1county, the brick and concrete interests in 48-hour week for employe*. j said the state'Intend* to go ahead favor of the stone mnfedam. The brick? Burglar* are >held responsible to rt with Its extensive,, road-building pro- interest* are after tit* macadam id- a fire,in the home of Hesliuo Sitlllau gram, the largest .In -scope ever at- terests and as-m resdlfc the mtnwirtrt at Youngstown, ! teninted. , i b sf it common people may gain som^knowleclgc how price* have been fixei iu the past, ’ fc n . ,; V ' i y ‘in., Lrlfiri,irn|il^lf. ( XENIA FALL FESTIVAL - ■ OPENS TUfMfeAY, AUG, 30 Xenia’s Fall Festival opens Tuesday Augusrso with an isiposing parade, the blars of bands, stirring speeches, red fire and touch cd$t,- Thousands of out-ff-town -people are expected to make heir hegira to Xenia to r tee event, * dch will cover an entire week ad wii close on1Bate urday night with * sp stacalar Mardi Cleveland police took seven men‘"j ^fohu Gussler, 34, GaiHpolis, shoe and four women-into custody. Id A. repairer,, committed suicide by shoot- Here are the principal provliion? Hn the administration tax fail! as pas. g s-ed by the House and wnt to tr-- Senate that will save the people fidfi million dollar* snmmiiy. Estimated to produce three billion three hundred niiUion, By 1923 It is estimated to save five hundred and .twelve million. Repeals excess profit* tax, effective January 1 next, , Repeals income surtax rates from 32 to 65 per cent inclusive, effffective January i next. Increases exemption to hen’s of families to $2,500 for income* of $5,000 or under, and. increases ex-* emption for dependents from $200 tp $400, effective as of January 1 last, Reppals transportation taxes, el*’ festive January 1 next. Repeals taxes on fountain drinks, ice cream and other beverages, sub stituting in their place, manufactur ers’ taxes, effective upon enactment. Repeals stamp taxes on perfumes, cosmetics, toilet preparation* and pfoprietayr pedicines effective upon enactment. « • Reduces tax on candy from* 5 to 3 per debt, effective epon enactment,. Repeals all the so-called "luxury” taxes now collected by retailers, and substitutes in their place a manufac turer's tax of 5 per cent, effective up- m enactment, • ’ • spectacular seizure ’of *the steam yacht Venice, said to be in tee serv- Jce of a whisky -ring. • - • E, J. -lynch, 65, former collectorof internal revenue a t Sti Paul, pLiti n., Was found dead with a bullet-wound to the ,ab<|omen in the -bottom’,of a rowboat,.near Cleveland, -Milk prices were slashed at-Bel* idire, a, quart retailing at 6 Cents, Liquor ' raid. at Warren -resulted in the arrest of "15 men*’ -r. t ■ Mias Audrey Daffy, 26, of Colum bus, who was visiting1at Racine, , near Pomeroy, w*» anting in an ah- Ing, Search for Grated Barbara, 27, who Was Abducted from the home of her uncle, Orizio Scarfedi, at Akron, by three men, has beep extended by po lice' to Youngstown, ’ Canton aud Pittsburgh. ■ Hancock county is given a fund wjth which, to establish a home for the aged in the will of Clayton W. Ford, farmer. - Petition that, the recent, revalua tion of property for taxation Id Ma honing county be set aside,Ja to be filed soon by a committee of citizens -Edward- Teetoan, 2(1, of Lorain „wss fatally shot on the faim of Steve Grim patade. ,, . . . r. . . , There will he an ri totato display ni tinvtnitW ni j was w lflp from the machine and 1 *gato*t a tree', Later It was foimff; Thapo, near Elyria. Thapo accused Mctory ana mty aim * entry will vie neceaaary to amputate one of bar,]T’eeman of stealing melons in.making tee week • remembered. Thu da 30th to .'September The management, festival, carry a no cities, including Ju: wire walker. Thaty baric spl«ndor of m hmidiwin'«f gaily lilting mu*icf moving cri long ito be arm*. - • * , ’ ^ {.men are held, ate August Bellaire officers exchanged shot* ! G, Lee Snyder, Republican, pi Itudva* Jwith whisky runners after Constable !Mansfield, was appointed county an toting :<bef Albert Shephard'was knocked.from M-stay notr- tee running board or tee bootleg*- J r ; alsphant -K'W*’ machine, * tea ba t-1 Membtn of two LOraiu families mtau ig ail, ir s In a serious oohdl tern animate; a rasait of eattog toadstools, Health nateoritles reported there ed scenes, sustained and augmented sirere l9 <;R8e» of typHeW la the tuue interest all along the line, t Xenia is Vj)ia|e of Castalla, Erie county looking for the biggest week in her] Chester, Schwindt, 30, Sandusky, history. Hundred* in ths locality will;drowned in Sandusky bay. be ip Yenia, attracted by tee great, I’ -Governor Davis issued a statement numerous and compelling attractions, NIGHT HORSE SHOW BIG STATE FAIR ATTRACTION By far the most pretentious *t; traction to be found on the State Fair grounds this year Will be found In the evening performance at the Coliseum. This building, undoubted* ly the best of its kind in the middle Wests will house what is termed the Night Horse Show, but what really is a circus, an auto polo match and a bdrse show combined. Opening with a band concert, the performance will start with a odm* piete three ring performance by the leading acts frdirt tho -vaudeville r.tages of the United States and from the sawdust ring. Every variety of performer, from acrobats, trained animals, jugglers and clowns m dane'-rs and celobrated musicians, will ho on tho program. At the conclusion of the first sec tion of the entertainment, the rings will bo cleared and a complete -auto polo match will be put on. This is tho most thrilling of indoor nttrac* l tlenSj and its reception la past-years ’ guarantees that It will please every one, cfticiSjng , the . old state clemency hoard and 'stating there would be no more paroles without the consent at tee ''’folks'! back home.” He said ad* ’visory committee* will be appointed In each of. the 88 counties. Applies* lions of jparoles from the peniten tiary wiili be presented first to tea committee of the county from which convicts were [sentenced, Bert CVDillingham, 34, Norwalk, was killed by a train, ‘ Harold Franks i3 the new recorder of Holmes county. . ’ Bandits fobbed Frank Magaw, con* fectiouer at Spriugileld, nr $200 and escaped.-' George £5. 'Southwell, secretary of tee Dry Mainteuanee league, Glove- land, declared in an address that the wot forces wore organizing for an attack on both state and national prohibition laws. For the third consecutive week steel mill Operations in the Youngs town district showed a gain. From 360 to 400 gallons of whisky was stolen from the residence of Otto Armledor of Wyoming, near Cincinnati, by men,who drove up to tho house in five automobiles while the family was absent, American Bottle company’s plant fat Newark closed indefinitely for '* Jlack of orders. About 1,20ft men are affeetedi, <> Appointment of Math J. 8mith of ‘As st pleasing c!‘mar: to' the even* ............... ......... tog comes tho Koran nfjpw itself, M t *Kurdetio, N. Y., as her.d of tho sheep classes of harness and saddle horses i >K(j v00i department of the Ohio wir bo paraded and Judged and tee ] fam bureau federation, was an* program will bo varied by the hurdle noijKfCsi by Murray ». Lincoln, see- classes. Admirerd of good lumxf flesh will delight iff tela -eicrfleatly managed conipetltlon and thr'entire evening's program can not fall to MEN ARK NOW TAXED _ BEFORE AND AFTER. The South Charleston Eentinel says that a county tax official arrived in feat plat* a t * P. M. last Thursday to examine h# safoty deposit box of C. », Warrington, who was burled at that hour. Tho ta* laws of Ohio btek an paopte whe want to be honest as rtoaks while at’ sorts of loop holes mtP found in crimiaal law* for auto- mobile and chickan thieves and atn- lis»«k»w t* aaeapt puaSthmani f « r fa ta* LOCAL BOY OUTWITH COBURN’S MINSTRELS Mafcellus Townsley is out with the J. A. (’pburn Minstrels this year and is making good from all reports. Marcellua Is a natural born dancer and he has for his partner Dick Cald well, one known to the minstrel world for his dancing. Marcellos-also has a part as Pansy Tulip Budqe in “Martha Jgne Green’s Return from the Seminary”. Cobum Minstrels are at present on a trip through Eastern Ohio, West Virginia, Pennsylvania and Maryland, The company opened the season a t Urbana August I8th. fa S d irD^ico** CHICAGO ALDERMEN THINK WELL OF OUR TOWN. Three members of Chicago City council stopped here for a short time last Friday morning to look over tho village. They were enroute East And in their shMt stay took a look a t the new bank building and tbO business part of town in general. The men were much impressed with the town as can be gained by a statement by one of them just us they departed! ♦‘Why would anyone want to live, in a big city when they have such ad vantages of such a v town as this?” THE DAYTON FAIR, According to advices from South Charleston, Messrs. W* B. Spragafc and W. E, Robe, who, guaranteed the Chautauqua there this year, had to maka i f a ffaftait«I abaul $100* In this J'lsue apiiears tho a l for tho Montgomery courtly fair which oprn3 on Labor Dsy. The school thlldren will content ftto premiums aihsonnting to $^,ii0O for the best corn, «,tii kinds please through ils great variety CATTLE SHOW AT FAItt Will Ouishine tee Other Live feoafc in Point of Popularity. ‘ la 1020 tho Ohio Ktato Fair cattle show rnsihcJ third in the United Stetco. Whan tho I3S1 premiumlist ■\was- sfcnt to proos- tee cattle pro* m-mms totaled $32,040, a larger amount .than the management has ever before seen fit to give this db vision. This menus tliijt from third place Ohio should move to m m i f i or even 'first- Tho quality of the breeds displayed arid ten closeness ■ot tho competition have always marked State Fat? week and, now teat tho site of the oimv is ao far above tho w taryv t&^w. c m be no rotary of tho farm bureau, Crooksville'a nine big -cfotiCwAre plants are idle as the result of the refusal of the employes to accept m 10 to id per cent wage reduction. John Schrader is held at Tiltons* vllle, Jefferson f.ounty, charged with killing Mike Eloutn in a quarrel. Lawrence Hisor. 16, of Columbus, was killed near Fomeroy when fco fell from a freight train. 'Both legs were cut off. Lawrence Dapore, 20, veteran of tee wdrld war, was instantly killed when aft automobile was wrecked near Russia, Shelby county Three companions were seriously Injured, Judge Alfred McCray was sworn to at Dayton as tho fifth Moutgom* ery county common pleas judge. John Mattes,, 155, Youngstown, was fatally hurt in an auto collision. PaneavSlie chamber of commerce is behind a arte* fur a now hotel In JSaiiesvlllG. " IX ih Hartman Was appointed re* ceiVer for tee Kent Hotel con.pany, ditor by tee Richland county cor. missioners to succeed William ■» Flaher, * Democrat, who resigned atte■ being sentenced to thty penitentiary tor embezzlement, The first grand jury in the state w » * f » *isw>i)iBiigsi;'pgtimity-"ttf'.’wmawf1' investigated criminal cases, at Wau- seon, , Bounce, a shepherd dog belonging' to Walter Johnson,' farmer near Wooster, saved, six head of cattle from burning tp death to A -fire that destroyed a ham. . Director. rRWPPB appointed f l Addi tional oil inspectors. Ho now has a total of 15. Uolby Turner of Xenia* armless race horse drivor, prevented a pos sible accident at Washington C, H, when lit stopped a'runaway. Fire at -Cleveland destroyed the storage house and drying kilns or Grief Brothers* Lumber company, causing a loss of $100,000, . Ohio state grange has a greater membership than any other farm or ganization In the state, it Is an nounced by ,w. d , Vandonbark, its secretary. The annual . count just eomploted by him shows 107,352 members. Dye frofn -a straw hat caused to- fectioh in aboil on her head and the death from Wood poisoning of Mta Lola Simonson of Oxford. At Cincinnati Raleigh Kincart, 45, is held by police in connection with the probably fatal shooting of Perry; D. Ornie. ♦ Chester Prior, 10. Cleveland, met death when he leaped from tee roar of a wagon and ran in front of at: automobile. William f?. Fitzgerald announced he would be a candidate on the Re publican ticket to succeed hlruselt. as mayor of Cleveland. Liability insurance companies may .write workmen’s compensation in- surknee for employes engaged in maritime or admiralty business, ac cording to a ruling of tho state su perintendent of insurance, In Ohio S hfs Includes Lake Erie and Ohio iver passenger and freight boats. T, P. Kearns, Dayton, Inspector of workshops and factories, was dis missed by Director of Industrial Re lations Tetlow, Ernest XI. Whltacre, (teliftnblafia county, former member of tho legislature, is elated to suc ceed Kearns. Toledo ordnance reserve depot, formerly a government nitrate plant, constructed during the war at a cos» of several million dollars, will be dosed Sept. 1* Surgeons wbo operated on Harry Hardesty, 0, at CoShuiton, found one of the lad's lower Incisor teeth im bedded in ten apptsndf*. As Edwin t ’alrnk. 12, wqe deliver ing*newspapers on bis route at Lima, he found a package suspended to a picket fence rodtainlrg body of « new-bopn babe CLARK COUNTY BARN CAUSES MUCH CONTROVERSY Clark County Cadimisioness several honths a‘go let a bontract.for a $13,-.- *00 barn at the Infirmary. The plans were drawn by an architect arid ap proved by the state. Supt,tDeaton of .he Infirmary says the building is out it line and not safe -and he will’not risk live stock, in, it. Frank Hamm, the conductor and .architect may be named as one to inspect the structure and see i f it is safe. b irthday surpr ise -Twenty-friends gathered* a t the iy&me of Mr. and Mrs. 0.’p. Homey, Friday evening as a birthday surprise for their son* Raymond. The evening van-spent in a social way with Vic* Tola music. Refreshments of ice' ;ream and bake were- served. Those who^.enjoyed the, evening were: Helen • To^-nsley Florence Smith, n'Thelma Pauline White, Pearl Bowermeister, Oleo Wilson, Lucile, Jphnzon, Thelma White, Cecil Ewbank, ’John Wright, Seorge Weimer, Ralph Heironimous,, Howard Rogers, Herbert Smith, Stan ley Morris Marion Stormont, Ira fOWnsley. * not u n t il N ext spring . Word has been out that the James- * town pike improvement has been a- bandoUed until next spring* Just what -, will be done with 'the road this winter ‘ is ft question with the trustees arid commissioners. In most places it will be impassable in wet weather. The trustees and commissioners have just completed •the Columbus pike, from the new road to the county‘line. It was graded and coated with gravel. STOCKHOLDER’S CONFERENCE Stockholders of tee various Geiger- Jones Companies in this section of the state were called to Springfield last Friday^where representatives of the company explained the situation of tho various companies, some of which are not paying dividends. The Republic tiro company is in thd hands of a receiver, A number of the stock holders from tiria section were present nfc the meeting. LOCAL STORES OFFER PRIZES. Tim Home Clothing ' Co. bus ! R. Bird & Sons Co. each offer prizes Amounting to $25 in merchandize to the persons securing the largest amount of money an;I pledges in tho Endowment and Expansion -Cam paign for Cedarville College. Read the announcement of these firms in this issue* ■ FARMERS IULL PASSES* Tho administration bill giving the war finance Corporation authority to create a fund of ono billion dollars to aid farmers in finnuring the ev^* porfallon of their products, parsed the house Tuesday by a vote of 314 to L’L o STATE FAIR NEXT WEEK. doubt bat that tel® department operating tea new Franklin hotel ia outsiyimthaotUdf live alack In point *.umub- • “ of popularity. } MatBsoii county needs P<$ new tt is oxpoetea teat m seating c«'»bomeL according to the report of parity o? tea coliseum will ha taxed ^ th^cd states dmitmeut of tsr the utmost during the judslug o f, conmifuce. the beef* dual and dairy breeds, j pw ||«^sor Donald Organ of Wtl- fthsKtiJnj has Accepted a position as -v tees arienc-e.departmeni, of V' of school work, live stock anA .poM y lto^ $m t i ; iHffiftNrtRi - t For Sides--' FmiMftd €mfi» the high school St Lebanon : " < : S* -* I o i , *■', ii . - ■* * One of-the Mg features at the State FaSi?next week tell! be tee- use of the Bell loud epeaker on Thursday* Gov*-' the dead}cruor’s Day, when Gov, Davis- %1U speak front * pfatforin in the face Charles O. Locke, for the lest two -Itrack opposite the grand sfand, cears state editor of the Toledo j *-------- •—■* Blade, has assumed *barge as edltokl GET YOUR DIMMERS, and manager of tee Tiffin Dally ‘ Tribune, „ sfonstable Cb.-ules Turner states ed^mt%iUyrtto n? f<rstC3e- i * }m<‘ ^ sutetnobile ed not guilty IirSt LAVV»t,w i» t yet camnllc.1 with gree muffler wh »'0 as,;«5si:ed at I’t-st rlinloji 1A t onnet imn with the, death of ltoroM IHtrr of Zanesville, who was; shot at t'amp Bern'. ! John 8 tirowell, «L fotmer head of tea Crewall Tubiisblhi company, ttotinjtthiUh died at Cindn'cati M** pigeon* «« e«teata| the new dimmer law. The instruct tirnift to ofili isls u'e* for a sftief en-* f'-reemet of. this law. I win pay 10 ISWlts Wm. each for MarsbaU
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