The Cedarville Herald, Volume 44, Numbers 27-52
••S ¥k* advertising «rf today, Itofc only to®**** roeito e| it* *wa, M r it «***•» * * bring* to *w j eubnfeation 1b# edvwtiai** « f the yeetorday*. jSsjSwSsrty W K O T -W J B T H YEAR NO. 3?. CEDARVIELE, 0 5 1 0 , WUDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1B21 A new spaper unvoted f o LOCAL AND : -GENERAL NEWfi ANDTHE INTERESTS OP CEDAR- v ille and v icin ity . PRICE, $1,60A XM M mmmmm BUILDINGFUND Tbwjlollowing 1* the Hat o f con tributors to the College Endowment sad Building fond* Soma of toe late contributor* may not be on tola Hat Jwt subsequent lirta.yriH be published from time to time. If for any reason a name has been emitted or the “amount incorrect, same w iilhe cor- rected in a subsequent list if reported to this office. Rev. J, Alv)n On* Pitts’g 11,000.00 T. R. Turner, Quincy, Mass. 600.00 i; A, Yocum, Wooster, O 1000.00 W. A. Hasting#, Dayton 254W A Friend. N. Y. 100.00 Carl Duncan, Greely, Colo. 254)0 J. K, Putt, Cincinnati 60.00 A Friend, Slippery Rock Fa. 10.00 Mrs. Elizabeth .Blair, Cdvr. 50.00 Anna M. McLeister, Phil, Pa. 6.00 A Friend, Cdvr. 2000.00 A Friend . 1,00 Rachel Watt, Beaver, Pa. lOOiOO . Chaa. A. Ward, N. Y„ 200.00 John R. Smiley, St Louie ’ 10.00 A, D. Walker, Jamestown 1.00 E. C.'McCowp, Pittsburg ■20.00 H. Bratton, FairbauR, Min/ 40.00 Olive Northup,. Springfield, 2504)0 Ida C.' Rees, Camden, £>,.. 60.00 Miss H. L. Ritchie, N. Y, 6.00 Brenton Turner, Quincy, Mas. 26.00 A Friend, io.oo <J. A. Coleman Northfield, **50.00 -"Mr. and Mrs. L. Allen, Cdvl 500.00 Kate and Pauline Sets, Cdvl 1004)0 R. P. Church „ 26,000.00 * Matidla McCollum, Xenia 600.00 Mrs. John' McCollum, Xenia- 600,00 Rachel K. Creswell, Cdyl 6004)0 A. H. CrCswelhCdvl ’ 600.00 - Rev.4V. E. Busier, Cdvl 50.00 W. J. Cherry, Xenia 250.00 H. C. Creswellandwife 260.00 David Rakestraw, $dvl. ‘ ;50.00 E, H. Jprigner,.Cdvl. 50.00 ^ . J. M. Auld, Cdvl. ' 125.00 Florence E. Somers, Cdvl. ,600.00 D. L: KSnnon,.Cdvl, 200.00 Alva H, Smith/ Jamestown* .60,00 .Raymond Sutton; Jamestown 50.00 •' Fred.C. Dobbins, Cdvl 100.00 .. Gt E. Jobe, Cdvl. 250.09 Paul Ramsey, Cdvl. 100,00 Helen Creswell, Cdvl. , 60,00 E, % Ballard, Xenia 25.00 Gee. MarSndale, Cdvl. 280.00 N. ? , Ewbank, Cdvl. 250.00 W, F. Andrews, Xenia 50.00 Geo, Weimer, Osborn 8.00 Harry Smith, Fairfield 25.00 J. L. Cljesnut and wife 100.00 Mkpato Bible Class, Cdvl. 500.00 Malinda C, Townsley, Cdvl. 250,00 Jesse C, Townsley, Cdvb 1000.00 Friend) Cdvl 50.00 .. J..JL,/Hastings,. Cdv.L------ -100,00 B. W, Anderson, Cdvl, 50.00 T. V. IUff and wife 26.00 Mrs. Lucy McClellan, Cdvl 80.00 D, S. Williamson and wife 60.00 W, W. Collins, Cdvl. . 60.00 j Prof, and Mrs. F. A. Jurkat 250,00 Frank B. Bull, Indianapolis, 500.001 Mrs. M, E. alid Reba Harbison Cdvl. 500.00 Karih Bull and wife, Cdvl, 600.00 Mrs, Zalta Bull, Cdvl. 250,00 W* J- Alford, Anderson, 20,000.00 Mrs. Minnie McMillan, Cdvl. 50.00 L. M. Huston, Xenia, 250.00 A. G. Collins and'wife 500.00 A. Roger Collins, Cdvl.- 500.00 Mrs, Dora Kerr, CdvJ. ' 500,00 W. W. Creswell and wife 500.00 W. R. McCheahey and wife 1,000.00 Florence J,Williamson, Cdvl. 600,00 •T’A I Wm. Packman, Cdvl. . 25.00 « V ? R. M. Conley, Crystal City, Mo. 60,00 Jas. M, McQuilkin, Carnegie, Fa., 600.00 Wm. H. Pollock, Chicago 55Q.00 Rev, David McKinney, Cincinnati * 80.00 Ethel Brand Corunna, Ind. 100.00 .......... - ----- 1004)0 O. M, Ritchie, Nobletown, Pa. 5G.00 CEDAR! roRs Rev. Malcolm Nicholson, Anson- villa, Pa. 25,0Q . M- ** Greer, New Galilee, Pa.100.00 Georgia Thompson, Cindnnati25.00 Matilda Atexson, Brooklyn, 50.00 Martha Alford, Oak Paric, 111100.00 W* C. Rife, Cdvl.. , 600.00 Ralph L. Rife, Cdvl. 854)0 Harry Wilson, Cdvl.., 250.00 O. V Smith and wife 1000.00 Ada C. Baker, Cdvl. 600,00 S /T ; Baker, Cdvl. 260.00 Ida ,C. Stormont, Xenia, 126.00 Mary E. Creswell, Cdvl. 250,00 M*rxl Stormont, Xenia <250.00 , Alberta Creswell, Cdvl, 50.00 Geo. H. Creswell 500.00 Leroy 8.- Henderson, Cdvl. IpO.OO G, W. Hamman, Cdvl/ " 250.00 E, L. Stormont, Cdvl. 600,00 Agnes JL Stormont, Cdvl. 50.00. H. H. Stormont, Xenia, . 25.00 W. L. Clemans, Cdvl. 450.00 Wm. Conley, Cdvl. 500.00 D, M. Kennon, Cdvl. 126.00 Susan iv Hanna, Cdvl. 60.00 C. H. Gordon, Cdvl. 126.00 M. E. Lyons, Marissa, 111., 60.00 Susan J. Cunningham, Houston Ky. 10.00 Kathleen Blair, Cdvl. 50.00 Kathleen Putt Ralle, Chlcago25.00 Carrie May Rife, Cdvl. 150.00 Geo, W. Rife, Cdvl. 200.00 Elmer Beekman, Cdvl. 25.00 Roy M. Waddle, Cdvl. . ^125.00 Busan. McCollum, Cdvl. 54H) S. C. Wright, Cdvl. 500.00 Tirxafa McMillan, Cdvl. 160.00 Jifcni* Bratton, Cdvl. 100.00 S. K. WUIiarawn’’and wife 875.00 <XC. Saumand wife) Cdvl. 126.00 C. W. Molt) Cdvi. 76.00 David Bradfute and wife, 200.00 B. A. Turnbull, Cdvl, 60.00 J8, A. Dobbins, Cdvl. 500.00 John A. Bums, Cdvl. . 100.00 L, E. Brigaer, Cdvl. 50.00 R* C. Bums, Cdvl. 250.00 Mr*. W. L. Blair, Cdvl. 100.00 Margaret and Laura Finney 25.00 R* Tf WiWamaOn, Cdvl. . 100.00 Wilmah Spencer, Cdvl,* 200,00 R. 8, McEUdnney, Cdvl. 100.00 Anna B. Boain, CdvL 25.00 Clara L, Boaee, Cdvl. 200.00 Wm. Marshal), Cdvl. 250.00 C. E. Masters, Cdvl, 250,00 Currie MeElroy, Cdvl. 125.00 J. M. Anderson, Cdvi. 100.00 W. C. Hide, Cdvl, 1000,00 Wm. M. Smith, Cdvl. 50.00 Arthur W. Reed, Clifton 54)0 ftom nee K, White, Clifton 200.60 W, lu Skmdm, N< Hampton 100.60 r . » .« un*t M tr, m m m 3mm U M a lian , Jehnaon Ci^r, ’ W )M mmmd Ward, New York 2000.00 ]y|as$i Marsh* Chvensvilie, 2004K) D. mff«atHfcd wife, FatofieMto io Waltor 2L Lria, Fairfirid 60.60 cd * i im m M * daMWtoWfi 1004)0 Wm tL nvitUgfli flhjMsdtlHiiiil -2 vAdd SH* w*l wmtr *PJ L. D, Parker, Cdvl. 4 50.00 Belle Gray, Cdvl. 25.00 J. E. Turnbull, Cdvl. .500.00 Mary E, Chesnut, Cdvl. 50.00 Rosetta McElwaio, Cdvl, 60.00: G. F.' Siegler, Cdvl. • 260.00 Mary L, Cooper, Cdvl. 25.00 Mary Bratton, Chicago 6Q.O0 Friend, Xenia, * * . -65.00 Paul Duncan, Mbuston, Ky. T00.00 Helen P. Oglesbee 100.00 The Misses Sawyer, Pittsburg Pa. 100.00 Mrs, Alvina Murray, 'Cdvl. ’5 25.00 Frances McChesney, Cdvl. 35.00 Mrs. Anna." O, Wilson, Cdvl., 200.00 C. M. ^Crouse and wife 125.00 Cora-and Mildred Trumbo, *10.00 Lucy Barber," Cdvl. 250.00 T B„ Frame, Cdvl. 20.00 Margaret Alexander, Cdvl. 25.00 Jas. Adam, New York City 1,000,00 M. I. Marsh, CdvL 1,000.00 J. W. Ross,- Cdvl. / 50.00, .Frank Harbison, Cdvl. 100.00 Effie Conley,’ Cdvl, ^ 50.00 W. A.- Spencer and .wife, 100.00 R. W, Miller, LaPort, Tex. 100.00 Newton Elder, Cdvl. 15.00 W- W* Troute, Cdvl, - 60,00 Ruth E. Barnes, Xenia, 10.00 Friend ■ - . 1.00* L. Anne- Comsie, S.-- Char. . 25.00 Mrs. Jeanettp Eskridge, 25.0Q Elizabeth Blair, Cdvl. 125.00 Geo. A. Shroades, Cdvl. - 100.00 MifiMMdSfiiGOvh* C..E. Smith, Cdvl,/ Jennie Ervin, CdvJ- C. C. Weimer, Cdvl. J, A. Stormont"H»nd wife, Cedarvjille Bakery, Cdvl. Friend, CdvL - 5.00 E, D. McCone, Cdvl. 50.00 W. W. White, Cdvl, 50.00 F P Hastings, Xenia 1Q0.00 E, T. McClellan, Xenia,^ 5000 J.! E. Lyle, Xenia 5,00 Russell Brewer,»Xenia, , 60.00) Morton Dallas, Xenia, 50.00 David McElroy, Xenia, ■25,00 J. I, Pattersoh, Xenia 100.00 Mrs. R, J. Fowler, Cdvl. 25,00 Marvin L Williams, Cdvl, 25.00 L iz z ieW o lfo rd , ^tenia, 100.00 Friend, Cdvl. 8.00 Vera Andrew, Huntington, W, Va. 100.00 . Mrs. Jas. P. Rogers, Wheeling, W, Va. 200.00 J. R. Orr, Cdvl. V 630.00 Mary Margaret Boyd, Phil. 50,00 A Friend, Pittsburg, Pa- 6000.00 _Mrs. Edith Craig, Xenia, * 25.00 “Phil Dixon, Tulsa, Okla,’ 2,500.00 Mrs: Ella Harbison, New Galilee, Pa. - 100.00 Jennie White, Cincinnati, 254)0 C. McKelvey Ritchie, Noblestown, Pa. 10.00 200.00 300.00 250.00 Mary E. Bridgman, Cdvl. IOO.OO -------------’ 1 * 50.00 400.00 60.00 10.Q0 2600 60,00 25.00 50.00 25.00 100.00 200.00 100,00 100.00 10.00 1.00 254)0 ! 6.00 Qarii i % tem ,trn *w 8prinjfS m m C. M. Wilcox, Cdvl. %A. E. Richards, Cdvl. H A, McLean and wife Friend, Cdvl. Carl. Spracklin, Cdvl, Chas. M. SpenceV* Cdvl. O. B. 'Satterfield, <5dvl. ’ Harry Shull, Cdvl. O. C. Homey, Cdvl. . R. S, Townsley, Cdvl C,- F. Galbreath, Cdvl. Mrs Elizabeth. Cdvl. Ralph Wolford, Cdvl. H. Lr Whittington/Cdvl. C. C. Martin, Y. Springs Frank Turner, Cdvl , Friend* Cdvl.. Walter C. St. John, Jamep’n 60.00 D. B. Conklin, Xenia, 6.00 E. L. Hagler, Xenia, 25.00 Leslie S. Dean, Xenia, 100.00 Samuel S.Dean, Xenia, 100.00 Wm. Fudge, Xenia, 5.00 Friend, Cdvl. 254)0 Millie Parker, Cdvl. ’ 60.00 F< C. Lackey, Cdvl. 60.00 Friend, Cdvl. i,000.00 John Frame, Cdvl. 1.00 J. D. Mott, Cdvl. , 75.00 Leo Anderson and wife . 260.00 D, A. Kyle, Cdvl. 126.00 John M, Kyle, Cdvl. 200.00 Rev. C. C. Kyle, Cdvl: 20.00 H. A. Bam, Cdvl. 25.00 C. T. Ewry, Cdvl. 100.00 ^Howard and Julia Harbison 260.00 John E, Townsley, Cdvl. 100410 C. E. Fowler, Xenia, 50.00 Andrew Jamen, Cdvl, 60.00 Nellie M, Waddle, Cdvl, 100.00 A. E. SWaby, Cdvl. 100.00 Olive D. Coe, Cdvl. 100.00 Dr. 0. F. Elias, Cdvl. 250.00 Wm. A. Come, Cdvl. 50.00 - Geo. H, Hartman, Cdvl,. 500.00 Mrs, A.lfred E. Swaby, Cdvl.100.00 Miss'Mattie Owens, Cdvl. 104)0 Carter N. Abel, Cdvl, 600.00 Arthur E. Wlldman, Cdvl, 500.00 WR Graham, Lafayette, Ind500.00 Mary O, Jacoby, Goes Station 50.00 A Friend, Cdvl. 8004K) A Friend, Cdvl, 3,500.00 A Friend, Cdvl, 200.00 Rev, Walter Merton, Millersburg Ky, 100.00 Wm. Hawthorne, Bloomsbury, N, J 125.00 Wm, McCoy, Cdvl. 26.00 H. W. Evans and wife, Cdvl, 250.60 Donna H. Bums, Cdvl. 100.00 N. L. Ramsey, Cdvl. 2604)0 Ralph Gilbert, Cdvl. 80.00 Wm. H, Arthur, Cdvl. 800, Rev. H. J. Kyle, Cdvl. 200.00 Harvey Myers, Cdvl. 80.00 John Randall, Cdvl, 6.00 Friend, Cdvl. *60.00 Friend, Cdvl, 50.00 Friend, Cdvl. 260.6# B. R, MeFarland, CdvL 10.00 Male* Relb, Greenville, Ten*, 6.00 250.00 W, W. Iliffe, Erie, Pa. 500.00 J, W> Johnson, Cdvl. 100.00 ,C, W. Dean Cdvl. 25.00 J R. Wells, Cdvl. 25.00 Mrs. Nancy Andrew, Cdvl. 800.00 Bailie M. McMillan, Cdvl 250.00 Mrs. Robert' R. Townsley, -,60.00 J. O. Stewart, Gdvl. 50.00 W. B. Stevenson, Cdvl. 125.00 Rose Stormont, Cdvl. 100.00 Ethel D. Wildman, Selma, 25.00 Ada B. Stormont, Cdvl. .200.00 J, E. Mitchell, Cdvl. 1 25.00 Mary Murdock, Cdvl. ' 600,00 A Friend, 25,00 A, .T, Finney> Cdvl.. 45.00 W, D. Nisbet, Evanston, HI 200.00 Frank B. Reynolds, St, Bernard, O 60410 E, W. and R. J. Hill, Cdvl. 260.00 Phil Dixon, Tulsa, Okla,* 600/JO E, E. Finney, Cdvl, 600.00 H. D. Straley, Xenia 50.00 F. B. Turnbull, Cdvl, 125.00 Mrs, F» B) Turnbull, Cdvl. 1004)Q J- W-Wrighf Eat, Idaville, Ind. ■v 600.00 200.00 L. F. Tindall, Cdvl. 60.00 John Wright, Cdvl, 25.00 Harry Wright, Cdvl., 60.00 Leulla Wright, Idaville, Ind 160.00 Dr. Claude B. Estel, New Albany, Ohio 600.00 Mary Belle Ervin, Cdvl. 100.00 Ora Hanna, Cdvl. 60.00 Elizabeth Dean, Xenia 25.00 Clarence A. Young, Boston Mass., 250.00 R. C. Watt and wife, Cdvl. 2004)0 Wm, Boase, Cdvl. ■100.00 Mrs. Ira Troute, Cdvl. ' 10.00 J, E. Kyle, Cdvl. 50.00 A Friend, Cdvl. 60.00 H. H, Stormont, Xenia 76.00 J. B. Rife, Cdvl. . 5004)0 Mrs. C, L. Finney, Cdvl, 25.00 Edwin Dean, Cdvl. IOQO.OO A. E. Huey, Cdvl. 25.00 Rev, Homer McMillan, Atlanta, Ga, 50.00 E. B. Shaw, Bplle Center 100.00 Mrs. John. Lott, Pittsburg 50.00 Elizabeth Mills Reid, N. Y. 1,000.00 J. L, Lantz, Dayton '60.00 Ethel Isabel McMillan, Wheatfield, Ind. 28.00 Rev. and Mrs, E. McClellan, 200.00 R. A. arfd lna Murdock, Cdvl. 250.00 Rev. W. P, Harriman, Cdvl 200.00 Clayton McMillan, Cdvl 1,000.00 J. H. Creswell, Cdvl, 200.00 Frank Armstrong, Cdvl 10.00 W< L. Wilson, Cdvl 200.00 ’ C, Fred Dean, Cdvl, 50.00 John Edwin Bradfute, Xenia 50.00 Mrs. Sallie Mitchell, Cdvl. 15.00 Anna Alexander, Y. Springs 20.00 Mrs. Geo. Wolaver 14K) Mrs, Margaret Camp 1.00 Fetor' Moffett 2.00 Jessie Henderson 10.00 Reba Lowry 5.00 A. J. Lowry 15.00 HomerJS. Henderson, Detroit, Mich. f 200.00 Mrs. J. A, Kreitser, Dayton 25.00 Antia J, Robb, Greenville, Tenn, 10.00 Jos. R. Smiley, St. Louis, Mo.400.00 Elizabeth Barr, Philadelphia 6.00 John M, Finney, Harrison) Idaho 600.00 Andrew S, Creswell, Pontiac, Mich 60.00 Wm. Gardiner, Idaville, Ind, 20.00 Jeanette Rogers, Idaville, Ind.30.00 Fred L, Clemans, Cdvl. ,100.00 A Friend, Pittsburg, Fa.1 600,00 Andrew Wihter* Cdvl, 260.00 John Irwin, JameBtown 100.00 Bert Myers, Cdvl. 64)0 H. K. Stormont, Cdvl. . 25.00 Martha M. Anderson, Xenia 60.00 Wm. W. Anderson, Xenia 60.00 Jeanette Andersotl, Xenia, 80.00 Clarence A, Young, Boston, 250.00 W. H. Smith, Cdvl 600.00 Mary E. Smith) Cdvl. 100.00 Elizabeth Evans, Jamestown 500.00 C. A, DaVoS, Jamestown 60.00 • Howard Turnbull, Cdvi 800.00 Luella Ballard, Jamestown 800,00 Frank CtesweU, CdVl. 75.00 J, Kenneth WUliamsen. K»«ao0.00 On my own behalf ar that o f the Trustees pf CedarviJIe ( [lege I wish through the olumns Of * e Cedarville Herald to express my l trfcfelt grat itude to every one who 1 nfcributod or pledged subscriptions to he Building and Endowment' Fund l Cedarville College, as well bb to y who may: yet contribute or pledge UbscripHons Cedarville' College hei always been proud of this splendid © imunity and aas taken every oppod nity to ad vertise the community *mt and wide as one of the most desfmfie places to bo found for people to Scato in. Ce- darville College has nbjSyjs fffit that it had loyal friends in t n community it is assured-by your cSpense to its call for the Building amFEndowment Fund, that practicallyjp ery citizen of this village and, corwunity is an ardent supporter o f th^College said its cause. We also take this cfeortunitv -to thank the Ministers ap the Gospel, Board of Education,' th«®hurche3, the workers, the captains, f t ladies, the Telephone Company, thf t . C. Barber Estate, and the Cedftilie Herald, and all others who ftoperated so fully and continuously ftth e support of the campaign, Upon placing this in fte press, the contributions to the Campaign Fund have reached" $133.00of t vith contri butions coming in eachmy. The ?100, 000 necessary for thftEndowment Fund has probably beftpeeured. In. order to carry out toeSuilding pro gram, 867*000 additionjftvill have to he ubtained. The Boa^f t s f Trustees of Cedarville College M l meet in Session ExtraordinaryS »the Carne gie Library Saturday JBfomoon this nepk, at one o'clock, ^Kctically all the members of the flfcrd will be present. This meeting,wMbe the most important of any in tb^Ktory of the Board of Trustees. questions will betaken, up atid If there are hny' in JBpoommunitv who have not subscril^Kp4the-Col lege Fund as yet, and to see the College buildings ere^ ft soon, and thowork go on, on a is| ft scale than heretofore, it Is eepeftfcr- desirable that they make their^^Kcriptioa or contribution before SjEtdny afteir* noon, ...JiglLdS The Campai^Yylptae tbe re mainder of funds neftaary to reach the ?200/)00 goal wiR- be carried on till the end of the five year period if necessary. However, it is very-much hoped that it will be completed long before that time. If any of y&rwhp have contributed know of friends who have not con tributed, you will be: doing a real ser vice to the College and to the com munity by becoming voluntary work ers and solicitors for the College* All who have subscribed or contributed in any. way are now interested and identified with Cedarville College, atid you are furthering your own interests by securing as many contributions as you can toward the completion o f the Building and Endowment Fund. Again thanking you, alt of you who have in any way helped to make this Campaign a success, I am as ever, Yours for the highest service of this Community. * W. R, McChesney Della McCann, Jamestown 254HT David Strobridge, Cdvl. 25.00 Joseph A. Finney, Xenia 500.00 Dr.TJen R, McClellan, Xenia 600.00 A Friend, CdvL 50.00 D. -H. McFarland, ’ Cdvl, 25.00 L. T. Marshall and Wife, X!a 250.00 Mrs. Marg’t & Eva Tarbox 25.00 Rev. M. G. Hanna and wife, Mechanicatown, Ohio Clarence Stuckey, Cdvl. W. H. Kcnnon, Cdvl. R. C, Bitefiour, Cdvl. Lawrence Barber, Cdvl. R, B. Anderson, Dayton,, A. H. .Barlow, Cdvl > John Johnson, Cdvl. Jas. C. Stormont) Xenia, Mabel L. Stormont, Xenia Edna Stormont, Xenia, Wm. Lanning and wife* Frederiok- Jtown, Ohio) 50.00 Rev. and Mrs. J. M. Rife, Fairhaven Ohio 26.00 J. E. Post, Cdvl ‘ 250.00 Frank Townsley, Cdvl. 500.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 10.00 60.00 25.00*( 100.00 60.00 50.00 50.00 THREE MEN ARRESTED*. -toMaJtfMMW ' ^ ' Sheriff Funderburg arrested Har vey Reese, Edward Mock and Carl Locker of Dayton last week for hunt ing without permission on the W. C. Bull farm. Each were fined $10 on that charge. They Were also fined $26 each, which was remitted by Magis trato Jones, for killing dove*. There is some question about the law oii the last charge. v jinf 1 1 ii [■ 1 1— ‘-——fiy-ii-sato - NOTICE Parents are hereby notified that owing to the erbwded condition of the school trucks, that pupils within the two mile limit will not be hauled to school. By order of the Board of Edu cation, Cedarville Township School District. O H IO N EW S IN BR IEF Four prisoners asqapad from the county jail at Warren after they had overcome Turnkey Joe Chaffee when bo opened a cell door to pass in some soap. . Albert Wintpr, 23, a chemical worker, was shot and killed at Cleve- lairrtrwhen he attempted- to b aW With four robbers, one a woman, Who attacked him and a companion in an alley. Threats against. Dr. 3, W, Tall, den tist, demanding money or his life, resulted in the arrest at Columbus of bis brother-in-law, Antonio Las- zsra, 31, alleged member-of a West Virginia Black Hand society. Stella Korn, 37, a servant, died at Youngstown, from injuries inflicted by assailants on' a lonely road. Fire starting In I)r. Charles Lisle's garage at Maplewood, Logan county, burned his automobile «nd three ad joining barns John Bruce of Cleveland Is in a Youngstown hospital with a bullet wound In the hip, Inflicted, he told police, by highwaymen who held him up. but away without robbing him, Mrs Gladys Huffman has been ap pointed school examiner ot Holmes county fdr a term of two years. London waterworks system, oper ated by the Loudon Waterworks company, bas been sold to Frank R. Brfdgeman, London business man and race horse owner. The plant will be remodeled. Jady Oearly, 4, was killed when he: fell from the second story Of hiS home at Hamilton. ‘ Hocking Power company, Athens, has announced a reduction In com mercial and wholesale power .rates. Charles Ballou, 72, Newark, was injured fatally, when' be fell out of a tree. *, - } Tbe Laughjln plant of the Amerl* .can Sheet and Tin Plate company, Martins Ferry, put .four additional plate mills to work." - Forty registered Duroc hogs, aver aging ISO pounds, were stolen from the farm of R. G, Watt: near.Xenia. Arthur D. Morgan, chief engineer for the Miami conservancy district, severed his connection with the flood prevention organization in order to devote his time to Antioch college at Yellow Springs, of which he Is now president! Dr. John B. Kelson, new dean, of the College of Wooster* Is recovering In Europe, from an attack of typhoid fever. Governor Davis appointed Robert T- Harris, secretary of tbe state tax commission, as’ Jtfs^.secretary, sue* . dntoidtjf finance director, Mrs. Cleo Kraft, 30* wife > of John Kraft, near Continental, Putnam county, ended her life by forcing- herr head-between the top of an automo* Jbile and cine of the bows, strangling herself. She was recently discharged from a state hospitaMor the insane.' Sheriff Hutchinson, following nu merous fatal automobile crashes^on county roads pear Akron, has'-decid ed upon a crusade to stop speeders* Deputies will be employed to watch the rural roads, Howard Stark and Cecil Saunders, Toledo men* who set out in a sail boat for Sandusky, are missing. Vincent Lapolle, a city councilman Of Niles*,was arrested on ,a technical charge of transporting liquor. Eight girls held on a charge .of de linquency slid down a rope made ot- bed clothes and escaped from the second floor of the police station at Toledo. 1 Two . automobiles collided near Blufften, ^Injuring 12 people. B, F, Hahouah of Indianapolis was prob ably fatally hurt. Murder and suicidewas the verdict of Coroner C. H. Kent in connection with the deaths at Akron of John Uskjak and- Dumtlru Toscluk, Columbus bricklayers were award ed 31 12M cents an hour. Two masked men entered the home of C. W. Beegle, 68, farmer* of Ra cine, Meigs county, and shot and killed tbe latter when he refused to hand over 3500 hidden in his home. The bandits- then ransacked the house, found the moneyand escaped. Six men are held by the Columbus police, charged with complicity in 100 burglaries since spring. Hundreds ot Elks and their ladies attended the annual reunion and con vention ot the Ohio Elks* association at Cedar Point Mr. and Mrs. R. M. LeFevre, super intendent and matron of the Ohio Pythian home for children, Spring- field, tendered their resignations to the hoard of trustees. . Glad only in his night garments, Simon P. Everhart, Dundee (Tusca- rawak county) merchant, in his au tomobile pursued two burglars Who broke into his store, trailing them to Massillon, 11 tulles away, where he caused their arrest. Pay' for union puddler* will be $9.12 a ton during September and October at a- result ot the aettlement reached at Youngstown. Samuel Kuest Hardt, 66, owner and editor of the Port Clinton Pro gressive Times, la dead. Biennial legislative reunion will be held at Put-ln-Bay, Sept. 9*10, Mr*. Margaret Sumner, 47, ot De troit, was shot and killed by her for mer husband, James A, Main, also 0 f Detroit, while visiting at the home ot her son, Ellsworth 0, Sumner, at Columbus. Sumner, who was an ex- policeman Of Detroit, also shot him self, dying three hours later at a hospital. Milk is retailing at Fremont at I cento a quart, Navigation on the Ohio river be tween Gallipoli* and Pittsburgh k suspended because ot the wxtremel) |hw stage of water. M. £ . ASSIGNMENTS; REV* JBUSLER RETURNED .The announcement that Rev. V, E, Busier was to be returned to the H, E, congregation was received with welcome not only by hi* member* but by citizen* in general, Rev. Bus ier has done good work in the local field, especially,among;. the young folks, The Conference session* closed thi* week at BeUetoutainq, Rev, W. J. JPattott, formerly loca ted here, ha* been reassigned to the Mechanicsburg field. Rev. W, E. Putt pastor for several of tbe local' con gregation ha* been transferred from the .Clifton congregation in Cincin nati to the Columbia congregation. In Xenia, G. A. Scott to the First md V- F, Brown to the/.Trinity con gregations were returned. ^James town, W. A. Cooper. Yellow Springs, E. R. Lewls.f STOCK MEN POISONED * AT STATE FAIR COLLEGEOPENED WEDNESDAY; EN ROLLMENTLARGE ' ' About two hundred stockmen were » givch a free, lunch by the Interna- *tional Liye Stock Show pompany of Chicago at the State Fair last w^ek* ®and hs a result of what was supposed |to have been tainted corned beef, ptomaine poisoning developed. . The., Red Cross organization gave quick relief but most of the cases were; sent to the various hospitals in the city. While many of the men were very'sick at the time there haye been nq fatilities. J. V. Tarr, R. C. Watt and W: R, Watt of this place, Fred Williamson and Jaiqes Hawkins of Xenia, were all victims. The Chicago, company has followed this plan of entertaining live stock men for several years at the state fair. COUPE DAMAGE^ ON -THE DAYTON PIKE R /A . Murdock had'his Ford coupe badly damaged last Thursday on the Dayton pike just this side o f the Beavercreek high school. He had just pulled onto the bridge when two ma chines approached from the east go ing at a fast pace. The one in front slowed down /-the other to keep from ramming tho first'had to torn out am as he did so went directly in front o* B$r. -Murdock. While both machines were damaged to ,a large extent"'Ralph sustained serious. The wreck haft to be-hauled home on a truck* BURGLAR ALARM INSTALLED , ’ A ’ » . ■ The Exchange Bank opened Tues day’ in*'its new home after mdving most of the . necessary equipment, money and securities, Monday.' The formal opening date will be announ ced later and the general .public in vited to inspect the entire building. A burglar alarm that can be touch ed off from, various parts of the house was installed this*Week on the front bf the building^ This ia done in case of hold-up men making a call: . painp-To__a The twenty-*ighth year o f Cedar- ville Collegft-opsftfd in tb»-~CoU*go - chapel Wednesday, September 7th at £);30 o’clock,.the President, R. McChesney presiding. The devotion* were opening by singing Nof. 318 and. 25. Tbe Scrip ture lesson was read by the Rev? R. L. Hutchison, Pastor, of the Fourth United .Presbyterian#congregation "pf Philadelphia, graduate of the College in the class of 1918. Prayer wa* of* fered by the Rey. J, P. White, D. D./ pastor of the Cedarville United Presbyterian Church, A selection >vas rendered by a mixed quartette ionsisting of Miss Dorothy Oglesbee, Miss Lucile Johnson, MrrGeorge Mar He* and Mr. Wilbur White. The address of the day was deliv ered by the Rev. Professor D. H. Bauslin, D. D., Dean of the Hamhia Divinity -School, Springfield, Q. - Dr, Sauslin referred in hiS preliminary .'emarks in a happy1way to his aC- iuaintance with Cedarville College nd its affairs, and congratulated the institution upon its splendid success luring the years of its history and especially1in. this campaign. ; Re also made mention of the fjpre- <?athers of the various church people >f this community, and their sturdy convictions and the sacrifice'that hey made to maintain and propagate ;he faith. Dr. Bauslin took as his hemj revolutionary, methods which aalce for theihest, basing it upon the vords “ these are they who have turn- ' id the world upside down.” He said .here -were two ways of turning the rorid upside down; one vitas the de structive -method and the other was ;he constructive method. Each one' of *s has, opr' part,to perform in one *ther of these ways, All o f us should -Csire to be constructive in our pel* Cy and efforts. In order that' we may »e so we must first of all be real. To je real we must be possjessed of pro found mental cohvictiohs; .we must mve rightly, trained and "properly eveloped intellectual power, moral nd spiritual purposes that -are true. ' /e mnst-accept, the truth, and main- ,ain .it at^all costs. We must cultivate 1 mediate spirit and religiously seek .hues of communion with self;’ we. FORD PRICES TUMBLE Henry Ford sent joy into the heart of the motor populace Friday and terror into the breast of the automo bile manufacturer of the country'when when he again reduced prices. Sedans were cut 8100 alid now sell at 0726 delivered. All cither models were reduced in price. R. A. Murdock who lias the local and 'Janjeatowri a- gencies states that as a result of the new prices he sold seven cars last Saturday. SCHOOL OPENED MONDAY The public schools opdned Monday with a much larger enrollment than last year. While here are several yet to enter the total will not be com plete before next week. At present it is about 50 more than last year or 375, The high-school will have a- bout 100 pupils. It has been necessary to put in additional scats in many of the rooms. ^ . ACCEPT THE BARN . ...........,.y P The County Infirmary bam that has been the subject of much discussion in Clark county has been accepted by the county commissioners on-the recom mendation of an architect and » con tractor, both disinterested partiee. GIRL’S STATEMENT WILL HELP CEDARVILLE. Many women Will profit by the fol lowing statement o f one of their sex; “I was afraid to eat on account of stomach trouble; Even rice did not agree. After taking Adler-i-ka I can eat anything. Adler-l-ka acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel, femov ing four matter Which poisoned atomach. EXCELLENT for ga* on thfc stomach or sour atomach. Guard* a- gainst appendicitis* It brings out, poisonous matter you never thought was in your system. A, E, Richard*, druggist. For Sale—Seven room house, black smith shop and large gArage, eleetri* lights, gas, lot 08 x 280. A t**l bar- |gata. Phoije ##4 3* O. MeCorkelt. tfia; be serious 'ttt «uyuKub, ptnmr. , n our,judgment, upright in ou r J 'haracter and righteous in ohr lives, /or this purpose this Institution and dl such' institutions as this, have ftbhshed and are being maintained. The address Was carefully prepared :orceful in dictioii, well delivered and , veil received. , * * After the address prayer was of- . .ered by the Rev. Mr* Busier, pastor >f the CedarviJIe Methodist Epifjfcopsl church. ,Thp mjxed quartette, sang Selection 297. ... t - The Welcome address wasmtade by . (President McChesney. 'Announce ments were made by the Faculty, and • .he school was organized for the year. Between 90 and 100 students have registered So far' in the regular Col- ege departments; about'50 have reg- stered-for music, and there will be a- >out 15 in the Theological Semihary, md about the same number in type- - vriting. The total enrollment in all departments will number about 160, the largest enrollment in the. history it the College* K The Campaign Fund tor Buildings tnd Endowment has nowreached 0133, 100, with contributions coming in svery day. The Campaign will be con- ilnued to the end of the five years, or any time less than that to secure the ‘1200,000. Regular recitations In all depart ments began Thursday morning at 8 o’clock* Ml** Flory of Bridgewater, va,, who aucfisd* Mita Hathway, has * taken up her work In the Mathematics and Selene* Claec* Physical Director Blackburn had -Irst meeting to organize for Football * and Gymnasium work, Wednesday afternoon. Every available seqt in the recitation room* will be taken up, • md probably space will be at a prem- :um, while the Chapel will have to have 18 or 20 new seats put in. The college Building will be crowded to its capacity, and it will not be long mtil more room will have to be pre- vided for the reftftatioft roomer The regular Faculty will be assisted this /ear by at least six Instructors. The jutiook for the College year was never wore promising, A ‘Wry large and Interested audience, perhaps the largest qfe any opining In the hie- tory of the College attended the open ing exercise* Wednesday. At the :lose of the exercise* the Rev. Ernest McClellan, ’09, pastor of tbe Roches- ter, N. Y, United Presbyterian church. renounced the Benediction. MUST WATT AND SEE A dispatch states that the driver of '* Ford truck in Greenville, S, U./ Placed two eggs wrapped ift- a sack under the hood o f his engine, Three weeks later one of the eggs "peeped” The neif phtefc will be named either “Henry*' « f "Liza!*", depending, the driver says on what kind of a Wtd H It,- ■. ~ * ■ -.-y wlwj*'*--** »•< - ft i t
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