The Cedarville Herald, Volume 44, Numbers 27-52

6 * to ft* *c< «Dy •f0***** m ,“ <* «* -«S « n , )wt ft « w * # * ton# , to «wa «*• advortMag of tb* y«0tmfa &«. . PORTY-FOUIITH YEAR HO. 39 Fiffla Bureau four Next Week Tk* ThirdAnnual Farm Bureau tow <xf Green# County will t*k* pfeee cm IfUfliftjt Rid W*d»**d*y,-Sept, 87 and M ywpaieied the other two, don't mf*» this. If you enjoyed the other two, you won't mix* this. The tour leevee Xenia poet office both days at 8;$0. * ■ The fltst day Poland Chins’ hogs will be #pen at J. P. Fudge & Son ar* riving air5:48 and leaving at fl:80; F. A, Wolf, BoJatains, 9;4Q to 10:8O;*J* H. Hamer, Jfhorthotm, 10:45 to 11:30 Dinner. ■ Effie Arnold, poultry farm 1:30 to 2:00j Dave Coy, Bereheron horses at 2:80 to 3:80j John Hunger, Soy beans 3:50 to 4:30,' Sept. 28 A. 0* Grieve A Son Cheviot Sheep and Poland Chinas 8:50 to 5:20; I#vi Smith, Harapshires Oi& 10:00 N, A. Kbrseh, Poland Chinas, 10:80 to ll:Q0j Rose Twp. school lunch from 11:80 to 12:30. C. E. Held, model buildings, 1:00 to 1:80; E, E. Finpey, Poland Chinas and , Jersey Cattle 2:00 to 2:30; C. W. Hott ' Poland Chinas 2:45, to 3;O0; R. C. Watt 4b Son Burovs 84S , to 3:46; Ceo. Cteswell, Spotted Poland Chinas 4:80. A Unique feature of this years tour will, be a otock, judging contest, on Sopt, 27 In which aU will participate, Dive stock will be judged at the following plaoee: . Hogs at J. P. Fudge & San; Daisy Cattle at F, A* Wolf;,Beef cattle at J. B . Hamer, Horses at Dave MO ' Coy's,' Suitable prises will be offered■to the .winners.1Contest open to men, ' women and children, 1 Letts ’ make this tour the biggest ■% - A NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS AND THE INTERESTS OP CJEDAR- VILLE AND VICINITY. AY, 8EPTEWBEK 23, 1921 CONDENSED OHIO NEWS . j\ ^ ■ ■ ■ ■.? / * •■ New* ItowrfjPSckedat Random andBolted Bow* for tha Bogy Bcador Thirty ba^da fit whisky !w<we utoleu by five armed man from a -handed warehouse In Cincinnati, tivcond wqnth of operation under the reorganised state government ha* saved: $*$,500, Governor Davis -announced iJtwrence Voko .was- wot m now* r-auione and seriously wounded while -hunting near West Liberty. . Mrs. Hhrlen* Malay of Millers- town, near Urbane, celebrated „bar one hundred and fifth-birthday^ She Iclaims to be the oldeet' woman in Mrs, Nowtoft Crabbe, Si, and her i ohlo, “She walk* without the aid of daughter Alice, £ were .instantly i ^ cane or crutch** *q4 assist# with killed when A paesehgeit tiaia hit theI housework in her home, automobile, in-which they were rid-l state utilities commission author* ing, near Columbus. Crabbe and an-J Jr.ed the merger of the Ohio Bell and other daughter were Injured severely. John giqjth,'’’.2S, was fatally hurt and four others injured at East .Liv­ erpool when their automobile crash­ ed into a. curb. . Dimer F, Gordon, 16, son of John Gordon of ’Bouth Solon, Madison county, has disappeared from hi* home. oBucyrus baker* are rotalilng popnd loaf at IQ chnts. Republic Rubber company's plant Ohio State telephone companies, which will be known as the Ohio Bell Pelsphone company. It*, valuation was^flxed by tbe commission at 881,- 116,427 for consolidation- purposes, 'jut not for rate fixing." Members of the mercantile bureau of the Lorain chamber of commerce voted to postpone the holding of an industrial exposition. ' ,r An ordinance to. annex Cuyahoga Falla- to Akron ,wa* repealed at-Spe- Additional List OfContributoris NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS ■ever ? PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION ■ \ IS RE-ORGANIZED. The. CCdarviUe Protective Associa­ tion was re-organized Saturday night when a meeting was held in the mayor’s office. 0. 'A, .Dobbins wad elected president, Burton ,(Turner, ,vioe -president;- J. C. Townsley, sec- betaiy and treasurer. Al^jut 75 members are new in -good ttanmng and it is 'expected that the ririmbet can be made 100 in a¥eW daysi' No farmer can, afford, to ignore this-Organisation, A reward of $100 will .he paid for tbe .arrest and con­ viction o f any thief who takes prop- ■erty of any member of the association. A committee was appointed to con­ fer with. Sheriff Funderhurg as to the purchase of blood hounds. Tbe directors chosen are C, ',E. Cooley and H. Crouse for" three years; Morgan -Kennon and Amos Frame for two years; Elder Carry and Charles Graham for one year, ’ W* B. Rryson, president of the Grebne County Farm Bureau, state's to the Herald that he would like to see this oa^hmzatiqn become a county affair and be connected with the' Farm Bureau, especially if: the pur­ chase, of dogs is contemplated. This question will have to be worked out between the members of the Protec­ tive Asspdation and the Farm Bu­ reau. ’ ’ 25.00 UNCLE JOHN'S POEM. Elbert R. Andrew, Jameson, 25.'do1 Robert Buyers,,Detroit, Mich. 5.00 j Mrs. Bophia Bright, Detroit, ' j Mich. * : , , ' 1.00 ’ Howard Brakoficld, Jamestown 8,00 . Bertha Creawell, Mingo Jctn, 25.00 Sallie Curran,' Philadelphia 25.00 O, & Conner, <Cdvl. . - 5.00 John W- Coffins and wife, 100.00 Arthur CumuiingS & Gertrude' Taylor, 'Cdvl, ■ 200.00 W. R. 'Collins, Jamestown 125.00 W* A, Cummings, Cdvl. 10.00 Rev. R. N. Cohnan, Clifton, 100*00 M^s. Ada Clow, Hartford City, Ind. ’ - 125.00 J.’H* Dickason, Pitfsbttrg .» 25.00 Emily*M. Dean, Xenia, O, 25.00 Annabclle Dean, Xenia. 25.00 Rev. Frank E. Dean, Cdvl. 23,00 "Walter Griffith, Xenia," O Geo, "W*. Glass, Cdvl. Geo. I. Graham,'’Xenia, 0 , Dr, Garrie HStcfison, Dayton 25,00 Anonymous, Xenia* O. ' 10,00 Bertha L, Knott, Springfield 50,00 ,Mary B. Knott, Springfield 75.00 M. E? Ladies^ Aid, Cdvl. Sb.OO Mrs. Alice Lee, Cdvl. 5,00 Miss M. McDonald, Detroit, -2.00 Miss M, McGervey, Detroit 2.00 Weldon M, McKay, New Bur­ lington, O, 25.00 Grace Morton, Xenia, O. 25.00 Jesse Carl Marshall, Xenia, 100.00 Lester McDerman, Cdvl, ■ 25*00 Mrs, Joshua NuttalL Detroit5 5.00 Michael O'Cohnel, Cdvl: 6.00 Mrs. Ed, Parker, Dayton 5.00 Rev, W. W. Ritter, Bellevue, Pa, 1 - ' ' 125.00 Roy Sarchet, Detroit, 5.00 Carles Steers^ Detroit . 3.00 Stella Shane, Cdvl, ' 5100 Walter R. 'Shaw> Brooklyn, n . y . George Carson & Sister Springfield, O CORRECTIONS': Mary Belle Ervin reported at $100.00 should be $200,00; Rev, Homer McMillan, Atlanta, Ga. reported as $60,00 should be $250.00, Wf have installed a„ modern sterbtype department to cast cuts for advertisers or Jo casting for the trade at reasonable priced, in fact the loyr^t price to he had in , the county. . We also haVe for advertisers a weekly matrix service that eny ables the advertiser to get the very latest illustrations for-ads.'' AH our oiita can he cast type- high or mounted on wood base. This new department is at yopr service. * ■ -'v • ;, ' PUBLIC SCHOOL NOTES. The school enrollment this yeagr is about 400. Of this number 0,8- are’ enrolled in High School ana20 in the Country School, The High School has grOwn front 60 to 98 in the last three years. There are 2^tuitiqn .pupila in the High School and 2 in the grades. r N>• ' * * '* ■ i. HappeningsAbout The^ranty i " ’ * ‘ * ' A ’ ; 1 Grace Green, throughJier attorney, Charles Darlington, ha#,>brought suit- against the State of Ohio’ and Wil- herforce University for alleged dam­ ages due to an injury, when she fell into a manhole' bn th| University ground*. Damages o f , $20,000»are asked, Albert Butcke, Spring Valley ga­ rage bwner, was given a fine, by Mag­ istrate Jones of $100 fbr driving an automobile;while ifttoiteafed’. Bttteke ran down Chas. Stutzmatt, h Dayton salesman on the BeRbrook pike. y . *1 -v ■ *i l v , Carrie ’ Dawson- alleges , that, she, was permanently injured by. a fall at Canton was damaged $20,000 by rial session' ot council .fire, - I . Thomas J. Davies, 55, Barliorton-, ’ Enrollment in tbe % University of was killed when run down by a fire Akron, ls'580, the largest in the .hi?* truck, .. ■_ tory of the school, * f John Hardesty.", Jr, confessed to- Chief of.Police James 5. Sheridan | The work of the school year started 5,001 splendidly. Each teacher knew' 125 . 0 Q tw^M*wanto. do andwas ready to do it. Although there a re . a few 'new teachers the work move* along a* if school and pupjfis .'previously, » * * . into a manhole in and suit fo f $10,000 . been filed against the The Rdward H u r^ i Cincinnati pike eufe'j Sty. last April cages has uj«btt the was suspended, by Mayor H* H* Scott o f Newark on charges filed by tbe law and order league. Dereliction of duty was .charged. Harry. Sinclair, 40, Akron sports­ man. was shot, to death while return­ ing from* Cleveland with two women and- another man' in an automobile," Tbe shots were fired from another car.. . , ‘ • »*, ' \ . ■;\f . Patsy Oalino' was found dead in Cleveland1With five bullet wounds in bis body. Dwight Kunkle. 19, employed by the state highway department, was arrested at Mt. Yernon In .connection with‘ the death of O. H. Harding of .Columbus, who was’ killed while rid- iDg -a motorcycle oU a hunting trip in.Knox county. - W, R, "Shank of Deflhler -ha* been appointed auditor- of the state Ifi* comihission, succeeding E, W, War- nock, Columbus. ' - / State utlUlles commission took un- vder .advisement the appeal of the Portsmouth Gad Company for * 40- cent-gas rate. Council his passed'a 30-cent ordinance', which the. com­ pany asserts la-inadequate.' 1 Bacher Contracting company- of Dayton has bean awarded the con- ,^*st for consfcrnuBQn of t&o Sheriff. Washbum o f .Marion" county that - he had* attempted to wreck a Marlon and Bucyrus traction car on the night of Sept. 3 by throwing a teldphouo pole across 'the track. Re­ venge was the motive, he Said, the company having refused to compen­ sate him for'a cow killed by one of its traction Cars.' ¥, ' , • State bank examiner* took over the ’administration of the affairs of -the Italian Savings bank at Clave-' land. It has,a capitalization, o f v$50,- 000 and carried $175,000 ip deposits; Director of Highways’ Heroic): an­ nounced thaf price .cuts hav# been made by-sand and grdvel, .cement nnd asphalt- concerns. ' >. „ > - Harry SolIlekv27, a clothing cutter, was arrested ht'Cincinnati on an affi­ davit changing KlBT'with1 participa; tIOn ip a rqcent sensational ’ $270,000 jewelry robbery in Chicago,, For the third time within two weeks thieves, carried away’ a safe and Us contents from a business house at Lima.. The Dan Gilbert, cigar store -was- the 'latest victim. Steel mills and brick and ^tile plants are resuming in tbe Dover field, Police -arrested ’Helen Miller -and DonaJBaUe .Clark, both 21, Of Detroit/ hiding pk a. Monday evening, Sept, 19, a reprV sentativ eof the KeyBtone View C->m- surance. pany^demonstrated their stenograph­ ic outfit to the -teachers of the schpoi. The teachers and Supt. feel that it is ue .."to. nghtmng, ^ .vv**'Tr m -raisin -lac1 shed also burned as did some wheat, TAodrow jogasf 28, djed of a iftiliet The loss is partially covered by m- |wmmci in the abdomen, suffered In a > i KUn following a party at Mas- * * - - v I sUlon, At a meeting of -the- W. C, T. U. I Heidelberg university,* Tiffin -open- inXehia Friday, the following officersj cJ with a record enrollment P B im *1.50 A YEAB Progress Of College Campaign The CedarviUo College Campaign ha* now reached a total of $184,770Ji0 nnd it stiH lack* $55/229.50 of attach­ ing the goal of $200,000* It is abso­ lutely neccwaary t o . rtcura this re­ maining amount.. . The college authoritie*- with the present funds,.’ cannot more than start the re-modelling of the Alford Memorial in the Spring o f 1922. The $20,000 to he jaeewred from Mr, Al­ ford on condition that the College authorities raise a like amount by ihe end of the"present year, will have to be put into the new Science Hall, that is, 'it Will have to ,'be expended an remodeling the .present gymna­ sium known as the Alford Memorial* That will leave the’ College without a gymnasium ‘unless the remaining 1165,000 is secured before the Spring o f 1922', It. would be little short of a alamity. jo have nq gymnasium, for’ i f wpqld mean that the program o f athletics so well and largely initiated hi? yea? und^r Coa,ch Blackburn, . Would have to -cease. If would mean, not haying a gymnasium, that basket • ball and gymnastic’ exercises* would- have to he discontinued, andiathletics would he confined entirely, to outdoor exercise, and then; only intseaspnable- weather, until such time as enough money could’ be raised ’ amounting to $40,000 to* erect a new- gymnasium. ,About one hundred petsdns -in. this town and ' community have not-sub- j scribed to the college ' fund,' Nearly all, if riot all,f o# ’these are friends of ’ the college arid are able to subscribe', something.,I f ' they '.wd/hd' subscribe what they could/ and-do It at once,- it - would probably enable,u& to ensure the securing of;the Alford pledge of- $20,000 by the end of this year. Then again, let us Urge upon all who have subscribed to try to secure subscrip­ tions from*friends Close at home and at a distance. If each one of us who is interested ‘in the college will try to do this, quite-a sum of money can yet be secured. Finally, remember,. 'hat the future of the college is not secure until the -remaining $65,000,• has been raised. Let iis not ‘ rest; night or day, until this, amount is raised,: time to have more-matoriaffe-Visual were clectedr-Rresidcnt, Mrm—Carrim 1O0.0O 150,00 . If you find yerself a-sinkin’ in the quagmire of di»pair, till'you got to spend year energies in cotpin* up for air—=r«n«m'be»') that it's jedgmenf that, gets you anywhere, . ’ • SWIN OUT! If thTworries aliers prod* you when awake, «r when in bed, an* the hail-’ atone* Of foreboding keep a-pelthf y it bead—eremmnb**' that a -fidnty heart don't win y«r daily Ebd, - ■• - ^ ' KICK LOOSE! The problems in this life of our’n Was made to be attacked; to solve 'em as you meet 'em, piakas you ..happier to fact—an* oblivion will be sweeter, ¥hen ver mortal doom ha* cracked, KEEP SMILIN’! COLLEGE NOTES Education. , Tho school, therefore, has assum-i ed the responsibility of purchasing COO stenographic views to be used in' the regular classroom work.' Wo should bo very glad to have anyone! come to see this new feature of our work, ’ k- A- 10-acre- fielfi Of corn. on,lhg-farni ot William Morton in Orange town* Ship, Lucas county, ifl to be de­ stroyed. ' A quarantine has been ,.05-) tablished about tbe- tract since, the discovery of the European corn borers., Bert Meddles, 60, Leesburg town >2* r . HIS COM3S - The College students were enter­ tained last Friday evening by ihe Y. M. C. Ah. dd the V. w . C. A, of the College. A delightful supper was ser­ ved in the gymnasium*~ Afterward game* and music were enjoyed. One haircut was also provided. * # * The student body met in the chapel Sept. 15th and elected the following persons to serve the coming year; Chairman of Student body: Dwight McKune, . Secretary arid Treasurer; Helen Bradfute. t * ’ ♦ a ' New office* for the Orange and Blqe Literary Society were also eleer ted. They were as'followsi President* Earl Collins, \ Secretary, Marjorie Wright, i Sgt.-at-Arms, Ernest Wright. Athletics wilt certainly be a great feature o f this 'year, especially since orir new Coaeh, Mr. Blackburn, has taken charge, ( The following is the, report of, the busln*** manager of tip Cedrus, Mr. E. D. McKune. ■ CEBARVILLE "HP’ We, the Cedarvillc High School most heartily welcome as new tui­ tion pupils: William Hayslett, Edwin Pfeiffer, France* Anderson, Anna Hackett, Donald Smith, Kenneth Bryant, Emerson McCarley, Harold Mills, Wilmar McCarty, Herbert? Stover, Helen Thompson, .Marjorie Donohue, Kenneth Waddle, Ruth Mills and, Thelma Peters. 0 * ■ •# ■. .% The first Literary Program of the school year will be given Friday evening, October 7, 1921 at 7:80 P* M . . / ■.■'■■■ The Seniors under the supervision of M>« Soriiers, have arranged the \ program, A large, attendance is de­ sired. , - . # ■ ’ * * '* ship CtTnlon county farmer), commit­ ted suicide by hanging himself, lie jhad grown' despondentover ill health. A. D. Corn. 24, .,carpenter, was killed In a fall at Columbus. Hayden Canfield,, garage owner, shot and killed Mrs. Glen Drury at Youngstown, then turned the re* [volver on bimself and committed Flutter; Recording secretary, Mrs. Henry Dunkic; Treasure^, Mrs. S. T, Baker; Corresponding secretary, MISS Jennie Thomas, A report of the- W. C. T, U, convention held in San Fran­ cisco; was given by Mis* Mary Ervin. • i* * *• * The Jamestown Journal says that Prof. W. R. Golljns and wife had not a word to say in a hay ride that wa6 given them one night last week. They were invited out of their home and. told to. take the front seat on a spring Wagon that was waiting. The ^ ^ music supplied was of tho varied 8orM *moide. intermingled with a voluminous as- Rev/Father Clement Beckmeyer, aqrtmcnt of-noises; The crowd enjoyed J4pf pastor of Holy Rosary Caymlic the nocturnal antics, and why not the|churc*h at St. Marys,- Auglaize conn* bride and groom? Ity, died at Lima after an operation, *; * m I t >) o grains of radium, valued at The M. E. church in Clifton will I$250,000, will be shown a the Clneln* he opened soon after having been Inatl health exposition the week of dosed for three years. No assign-1'°c^ Cari RottimiIler, 65, baker# was burned by a gW explo­ sion, ’ Several hundred shade, trees were The death J. Fred Schell of Xenia, IUpr0oted and telephone and electric prominent jeweler, l st Friday At ihe Iwires blowrl down at Fremont by i McClellan ^hospital, following an top-.jaevere windstorm, oration, robs the county 6f a' promt-1 iBShop I. W, Ros* of Washington, rient citisen. For 42 years he has been Iasoisted by Hey. B, F. Leo of Wilber- reduction In the wholesale prices of- their product*. ■ At Mansfield-' Harold F j McCul­ lough, clerk to the’ Richland county? .commissioners, wan found gpilty of illegally possessing and selling whis­ ky- 6n three Couhta and_ fined”$1.060 15 M i ntent of a minister has been made but | announcement will be made shortly. # V ¥ was a .................$299,00 Engravings ^,.205.10 Benefit game —60D0 - $741.60 Aeeeipts— Advortiaing , students for Sale* Of books Collins-Brill Total Disbursement* Northern Engraving Co Aidtoo Publishing House J. V. Tarr, group pictures , T» «taff Eapenseo T i m .........................- Blftaeo t E. D. McKune, Bnsineo* Manager. .$500.00 ..508,40 7.00 ... 26.88 $659.89 , $101.78 member o f the First tf. P; church and a resident of the county afid was one ' Thursday evening, Sept. 16th tha'^f the oldest in point of service1 Seniors enjoyed an informal party at 'outside of W. C. Hutchison and H. the home.of Dorothy Tatr. It is evk-* E. Schmidt, The deceased dent that one show, m few “ hot-dogs” ; and water melons are quite enough for noble Seniors. * ■ * M Friday evening September 16th the Sophomores 'enjoyed a hay-ride to Tindall’s melon patch“ located near Selma. The road was long and the night short hut in spite of air this they report a “fine time,” force, dedicated St, Paul’s A, M. E, church at Lima, a brick edifice cost­ ing $45,000. Star grocery at Newark was held np and robbed of $200. 1 Mrs. Anna. Effort, 45* Lancaster. leaves a wife and son. .The funeral} ^ , 5; 0f ptomaine poisoning after eat- was held Tuesday afternoon, HAD BIG SALES. GET HIGHER RATES AFTER COMPANIES CONSOLIDATE. The merger of Bell and Independent or Home Companies in this state has been approved by the State UuJblio tie* Commission. Np doubt one phone system properly operated iMnorrgh but the first thing done by the Hell people was to get-an increase in 'th4 rates for business and residence Hue* in Springfield. Business houses could afford to/pay more but residence phones should not have to pay am in­ crease when by the merger much of the double overhead expense ha* been eliminated, f- . ,, ilnlih-^lVlifijTti ti it ' . . LOOK AFTER TAIL LIGHTS. Marshall Myers calls attention to the. law governing tall lights tm au |tng canned salmon East Civerpobl citizens will vota Utt a $260,000 school bona issue. [ Mrs* cfMsander Whitaker# 06, Dfs* „ , , bon, still sings in public. From reports tho three sales Of L, vg< Mi Loomis, 16, Martinsville, Is C. Titua of South Charleston, were f ilin g from hi* home, all a success, Mr Titus has rented his Mrs. Alice Kehf and daughter Nel* land and is giving faming. Ij|e, 16, died at Bellaire from burns Stock especially brought good prices, Isustained when a gasoline stove ex* which would indicate that farmers are Iploded. . looking on the future with brighter ‘ Eafctern Ohio mines are operating hones. Ut o n l y 20 per cent ot capacity. ’ Truancy court* will be opened In Cleveland to try runaways in the BRINGS SUIT FOR DAMAGES Ipresence of patents and alibi wtf* AGAINST BAtTON COMPANY reMm, d (Continued m Fag* 2) is I R, A: Murdock has Lrotij gainst The Dayton Rubber 'Mariufac; tuning Company, and B, C. Wheeler, chief engineer for tbmt company a* defendents in a damage suit as the resmlt of an auto acuident, It is al­ leged that ho was driving a Ford at Dover, with 600 men employed. Alva Sparks, 4, Cincinnati, died ter a fail from * second-stor f win­ dow. ... . Captain Dudley Davis of the Glen Wood ferryboat, Qalllpolls, was killed When hi* clothing caught -In the boat’* machinery. C. J. Roche, jewelry salesman, Was robbed of $10,000 worth of gem* 1« on each. Fred N, 'Goodman o f , Toledo was elected president; of tbe Music •.Mer­ chants' association ot Ohio. Mrs. Margaret Holz, white, of Cin­ cinnati, who 'shot and killed Walter Haynes, negro, 16, July U lastf ’when, she alleged, Haynes and a number o f Other negro boys 'made threats, against her and Cursed' her, was to- dlcied on a- second degree murder, James A. Huston of Granville’ has been named by tbe Ohio conference of the M. E. church a* One of Us trustees bn the board of Ohio Wes­ leyan university, Marcella RCIster, 0, was instantly killed and her 7-yearmld sister Jen­ nie was probably'- fatally burned by a. lire wire dagltog on the ground In front of their home in Cleveland. Robert Hornbeek, 30. a prisoner in the county jaft at Toledo, attempted to slash his heart out with a razor. Ignorance of his pearl's location saved his life, He cut into the wrong side, - ■ Acting Mayor H. H. Stott of New* ark removed L. G. Graham, ’Safety director. Charles H. Swank, ex-sher ff and termer captain of police, was darned to succeed Graham. Dr. C. D. Selby of Toledo wa* elected president of the Ohio Public Health association. Ohio, ’’ ‘ -van university event­ ually wjll receive* a-.bequest Which is estimated to be worth in the- neighborhood of $1,600,000, under the provisions of the will of the late Z. h. White, Columbus merchant. The fund will he used for <establishment of a schdol of economics, Charles Schultz, one Of the three "convicted poStoffice bandits who es­ caped from the Lucas county jail Labor day, was captured In an attir j of a farmhouse near Crissy, O., 181 miles west of Toledo. A Middletown feal estates company rerMng fifi houses announced-a $6 a ; jnOruh reduction to rent on all dwell- 1 ing*." ■ ■ ■. I An armed bandit, Identified by pb- Hc* as Frank Dupont, alias Sunny Jtm, 88, was killed by the motormfcft of a streatcar at Toledo when Dn- pont and another man, also armed* attempted to bold up the car. t Babe Cline, it. Lartwtsfer, may bate to undergo an operation; to re­ move a hairpin which she accidental* , ty swallmvcdWhilecombing her hair. Eighteen workmen were injnred, i six of them seriously, when a motor pulling a oar loaded with 86 men - plowed into the locomotive of a stalled freight tram, two mile* west A Cleveland firm being -oven stocked with phonograph records ' .offered a prize of $50*to, any per- , Son who would a*k for a record —they, did-not have in stock, pro-, . viding the cuhtomey paid for the record, ’ ,. . • 6,666 and 3bld‘ $70,000' worth of The ayetuge sale per day was records in one week. The-Spirit of ■ getting something tot nothing ''still exists. • ' NOTICE TELEPHONE PATRONS Telephone subscribers are' hereby notified, their rents must he paid by tho 10th of each month, to save the discount without further notice br calling by operator. We will not al­ low discount to any one after the ex­ piration of our dipcount days. Rural subscribers that pay by the quarter must pay by the 10th of March, June, September and December in order to •gave the discount. The Cedarville Telephone Co., R. R. TIME CHANGES. •a tmimUmmi Several changes have been, announ­ ced in the time of trains on the Penn­ sylvania', effective Sunday, Sept. 25. The morning train west will leave at 8:02 and the evening train west will leave at 6:47. The other train* re­ main the Same, MOLLA IS DEMPSEY ■OF TENNIS COURT Molk Bjursicdt Maffory took muck j S j * pmrnd tavorite of iocmy m tht* $4ct«w«, taken u tho coupe on the Dayton pike; Sept, 1 __ ________ when B. C. Wheeler, defendant, struck j ctncifififttl. t of Mingo junt tion*n«ar StmtbwfvlRe- his, .machine while driving recklessly. Barberton chamber commaroO , ^ acoidanl wa* dwrto fog. , ’ wasutacturisf# Wit* i,MJ4 uaugmer world. It wan sS»e sued the ,Wm ' ,Electric,; i h l K h « « i- **k*a- D m vm u M o a >■>w|e , 1Ul result of personal injury In the accl* tomoMles and that many"owners. are dent, In the amount of $1,000 is asked, warned to comply with the law. Fail- 1Millar * Flnnay, r*piiwenfc,thc plain ure to comply will mean « penaj ty. tiff. ( . l headquarters at .Oak Harbor, ha* taken In more than M.0W bftskolt *0 far this season. nava vma xnv tn« Ffencn HarOMta chamohui. Railway company tot $*9dKjt aptoco xtm t to ttw?e«md tor briwia*. wriWred when tksir m o set net bam* to waa struck by a «ar. **** tSia rnmath at Laa*# tkbiwj the r h t t ^ m b ’ aiApto^^ H* mou « c * 1*S*4. \