The Cedarville Herald, Volume 44, Numbers 27-52

tr if» Al... i. .A-vtlVWn1-^ w . 3Lr. CLEMANS R e a l E s t a t e fta ltM tes* 4t my «n c* each Saturday «r *«eck*<l k f phoas at ■**Y *wKNtt#t gpcft ’ *■ Jr~“ OffltcgH PHONED Re*id*ac* 2-J22 CEDARVILLE, OHIO *"7 ?! i i 1 ! Tbe Cdbmrffit M Seventh Season, of the Artists* Course SpringfieldFederationofWomen’s Clubs MEMORAL HALL ft' , 4 * ' t ,'1 > O c t 2 1~*Percy Grainger, Pianist-Composer N ov. 10~Lucrezia Bori, Soprh a Metropolitan Opera Co. Npv. 23—Louise Homer, Contralto Metropolitan Opera C o . Dec, 20— Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, Eugene Ysaye, •' Conductor. Jan. 24— May Petereon, Soprana, Metropolitan Opera Co. Feb. 6— Pablo Casals, World's Greatest Cellist. Mar. 14:—Cleveland Symphony Orchestral Nikolai Sckoloff, Conductor, Mar; 28—Rosa Raisa, Sopraha, Giacomo Rimini, Baritone, Chicago Opera Co. May 2—Mario Chamlee, Tenor, Metropolitan Opera Co. Course Tickets $5.50 Ticket* now on^safe at Boa Office, Memorial Hall; Wurlitzeir’s Music Store, 20 S. Fountain Ave.j Parker-Porker Song Shop, High and Center St*, and at Mucic Committee office, 635 Fairbanks Building. Mail orders filled on receipt o f check and stamped envelope. Make check* payable tdi “ Music Committee” and mail ,to 635 Fairbanks Building, Springfield, Ohio. Do More in a Day* Do It Better OnemanwithuFORDSON TRACTOR can do more work easier and with less expense than two mencan do with horses.Thismeans thatyonwith a FORDSON TRACTOR can actually raise more mope, with less work andleasexpense. And this meansthatyourprofits Will be grater with fewer hours of work. B«dki«* the FOftDSONwill tafc* car* of w iry pdwor lob on the Ourm. Itie fi*ht, ftadbf* in contfot and operation, y*t It bo* power *nd endurance to ape**, Von *bduld see the FORDSON at workto appreefa** it*wonder- fal capeUUtie*. We will riWUy give you the proof* if you win •alefot them,either by a pereooel mil# pbone or poet card. R, A. MURDOCK, Cedarvllio, O. Jamestown, <3/ m • 8 2 S ® 2 F.O.S.XMrett stotyuini i.'n 'ins—sww* KARLH BULL ’ * EDITOR Entered at iha Poat-CMRea, Cadar- vilia, O., October *1, 1887, u second clasa matter, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER, 28,1881 TIME TO STOP IT. Big Type Poland China Sale W© will aell on the Rakestraw fam ao Friday, Septemh Commendnac at 12:30 thefprowi 55 HE TWO TRIED SOWS 26 SPRING GILTS uth of Ceilarville at public sale ier 30, 1921 nx.double immuned hog*: AD • .*. . • 15 FALL GILTS 12 SPRING BOARS Mott & Raikestraw Our attention has been called to the fact that strangers have been bother­ ing people, bogging for money fo^car fare. This class of traveler* should not be xocognjztrd. If they are worthy there it a way to get them aid without giving them money. For several days two strangers have been calling about town for money to get to Pittsburg Two, either of the four, big enough and strong, enough' to do two days-work in one, have been beg. ging food.- A hungry man should be given some aid, but not money. A charge o f loitering against strangers without employment will probably cause these men to shun the town. FORMER RESIDENT DIES JN ST, ELIZABETH HOSPITAL. Mrs. Mary A. Stine, aged 76, widow o f J. Hj. Stine, died Monday at St, Elizabeth Hospital in Dayton after a general breakdown in health. The de­ ceased was twice married, ' her first husband being Henry Gordon. Thirty years, ago she married j . H. Stine and his death occured eight- years ago. Threo of the nine children bj£ the .first union survive: Wm. Gordon, Wayne*. /illej Mrs. J. J, Ryan,*Xenia; Mrs. C. W. McMillan, of this place. The fun­ eral .wad held yesterday from the honie of Mrs. Ryan. The deceased and her husband resided here for many Srears where Mr, Stine worked in- the haper mill. NEAR EAST DRIVE COMING. - The call for aid ha» come for the people of Near ' East, particularly She Armenians that are being crushed by the Turks. These people form a Christian nation and could support themselves if given protection, which has not been done by the larger pow­ ers. We understand that a drive is to he made by the Farm Bureau ~and granges for two cars of corn and one of wheat, H the larger nations do not provide protection for these'Christian people it looks as if America must alone give, them' aid at this time. ' , »-< im a il> igaji O f course you know thereason whymillions of men like LuckyStrike Cigarette — because it*s toasted which seals m the teal Burleytaste . WHY NOT HAVE GOOD GLASSES SINCE you HAVE TO WEAR THEM Tiffany’s Optical Service Pro­ vides You With the Best. TIFFANY BETTER GLASSES S. Detroit St, Xenia, 0 . . SET 00* PRICES0* SALEBILLS R. D. WILLIAMSON IS CHOSEN PRESIDENT The board of County Commission­ ers organized Monday when R. D. Williamson was chosen' president. By the retirement of R. E, Carry, J. A.,North o f Xenia becomes a member of the board. G. N» Perrill is the other member. Mr. Williamson has been elected oftener, his sixth term, than anyother man .that ever, served on the board. He is just recovering from a long illness but was able to attend the meeting Monday. LAWTlNFORCEMENT CONVEfl- TION FOR THE COUNTY, There will be a law, enforcement convention in Xenia, Thursday; Sept. 29 at the Court House Assembly Room, beginning at 10 o’clock. R. E» Bryson will preside and the devotionals will be lead by Rev. V. F. Brown of Trinity M, E. church. Problem of the town—-Mayors and Representatives of the Towns in the county. Menace of Lawlessness by Prof. Leroy Allen. ■ Liw Enforcement—Who Can help?- The Educators, How? Miss Hallie Q. Brown of Wilberforce and Prof. Wm. Dawson of Antioch. The- press, How7 Representatives of the Gazette, Xenia Herald, Cedar- ville Herald and Yellow Springs News The Officers, How? Hon, J. Kenneth Williamson. 1:00 P, M. Devotional*, Rev. Pnm, Friends Church, Law Enforcement—Who Can Help? The Business Man, F. P, Hasting*, The Women, How? Mrs. Carrie Flatter. The Physicians, How? Dr. Ren Me Clellan. The Lawyers, How? Hon. J, A. Fin­ ney. The Farmers, How? Hon, W. B. Bryson, The Preachers, How? Rev, E. W. Middleton, * Law Enforcement by the Federal Government, Hon. J, F, Kramer, Hon. J. R. Russell, Federal Prohibition Director of Ohio# Better Publicity, How? F. L. Dust­ man, Editor American Issue, 7:80 P. M, Reformed Church Au­ ditorium. < Hon. J. A. White, Supt. Anti-Sa* loon League, presiding. Law Enforcement Viewed from the Bench. Judge Charles Moore. State-Wide View, Judge Don V. Parker, Prohibition Commissioned o f Ohio* . | CHICHESTERSPILLS brand j DIAMOND f ihtitvb i mtUtlMBoat*, .Real Estate. FARMS Town Residence*—Vacant Lota > LIFE and FIRE INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE The Best on- Earth, J. G.McCorkell You can t Beat ’’em [ Old'Broadway But the Big Street is out o f luck when Pierre steps on the accelerator o f the R olls-K oyce and Abe gives his Ford the gas. For they can’t buy Columbus in New York. They must do Without the pep and power that Column bus always gives. So, with a Columbus pump or, tank close by, being a Buckeye has its made-to-order advantages, so far as easy starting, quick getaway, Smooth perform­ ance and money-saving mileages are concerned. COLUMBUS Olij COMPANY Columbus, Ohio : o, Cedarville Distributing Station Miller.Street and Penn. Ry. Telephone No, 146# R. A. Murdock M. C, Nagley C. B. Masters W: W. Troute Cedarville Lime Go* R, Bird & Sons’ Co. immuifiiliaiiiiiwmiliiniimBBimBBuiiiiniHiiliilUlHHtlllllH!MMHWMIIIWilBMimHfillilllllHlllllHHHMBWrflHillfltHimilllHllllHllBmmimUHItillHHliHIIHIUI SB ! ; , , , , ,, ,> , 1 % t ' * 1 ' r- 14 * , | W e Are Taking Orders For Fertilizer Now. i Have You Placed Yours? FEEDS Tankage 60 Per Cent Standard Middlings Flour Middlings Red Dog Flour Butlers Hog Feed No. 1. Butlers Hog Feed No. 2. Arlington Flour Bran SUGGESTIONS FOR THE SEASON Spreaders (special price) Hog Troughs Hog Fountains « ■ Water Tanks Fence Posts Paint Oil Stoves Now is the time to Lay in YoUr Winter Coal; A word to the Wise is Sufficient. - Hard Cpal Pocohontas Coal Yellow Jacket West Virginia S ol T ^ yalldrumists EVERYWHERE S 8 SS TfMK tiuku The Cedarville Farmers’ Grain Co. ftWUBHIIllllltmilllllllHIHHIIIIllllHIHIIlllHIHllllllllllimilHIlHIIll IHIIIIIIIIllllllHIlllllllllHlllllllllllllllllllllHllllllllllHIlllllllllllllHnilllllMiniiinfflllRilil ..Give Us A Chance To Figure On Your Printing... HmiifBflHimniHfifiHiHmiHifiHiiamiHjiiiniflmiHifliifUiHiiifinmimHiiniHfiinifiiiniiniiiiiHiinfitiiiifiniiiiiHiniH