The Cedarville Herald, Volume 44, Numbers 27-52
p MMprvtpe — M l m $ # pj & JfcvSIS'OR <»<*»**<*? . )M pm 4 *t £ht ywrtrOJNS -Gsdiwt*. *fij% 0„ fytob* a* im , M **«wd «U mw w*»*r. *« " iMwipiki MMMdgiMa ■Mi ,EM AN * H e a l E s t a t e O atox-k+fotin •*t wSr *61** endfc bar atetao *t '(&mu 'mtimst . ^hamm^rn ■ OHIQ TP \ £%}• House dm - . . - ■v *.- ,.' :: c- • 5. ■• •• •• €> Famous Frolics & •>, * j ’ ' , *> , , v Brimful of Music, Melody and Wit Thursday, O ct, 6 , 1921 an- ' 1 / v_“1*’■*> i,lY'i1.1 i.'a^.'.Vi. ■' • . /:■; ' ' a m i s s io n : "•;v : ; , ; : / .t V- ; . V , t ^ «* : 25 and I’ •V ' - V y, v,"».i »>•Jv^. ... >,■*■.• *^1 , t rr* t *, a *“■ . * ^ * * * * . ** - 1 *” 1 , ' 'M ' ' *<r . SMir^yxmsESs 4 iff■v t , * * * * a s j . * * *• P u t i t t o a n y ; P o w e r T a s k White the FbrdeonTractor has power in plenty, to drag plows and harrows * through the heaviest soil, it is light enough, small enough and so easily controlled' that it can handily he put to many tasks, about the farm, that will save you time/ money and work, In feet theFordsoowUl So everypower job,bothdraw-barandbelt,more quick ly and at lees cost than it can be done w i# any othert o n o fpower. So every motiththewholeyearYoonddiealway* • dependable Fordaoa wifl prove itself a piying‘ Investment, became of its caps- protee, its economy ppA efficiency. WeWitlg ^ y explainanddemoettrate toyou mmm&iy Fotdson money-mak- fte*alvinf feature* Call, write FKIDA".. SEPTEMBER, W, JML LAW ENFORCEMENT. / *j) kb toasted, of course. To seal in die flavor— The teonstt of stories in the daily pres* <&rh day' ax .to lxwlesnox* in vurjkmx forma bring* to mind the need,of law enforcement to.,* degree than what it iuM been in the Last night m our availing ]}*i*£ w« read of 160 indictment* b*kg found by the Franklin eowty grand Jury against 142'person*. More- lhan «00 'witeresse* -were examined in 'M * weeks. AU this from one county. A day or so, ago w read o f th* scan,- dal in a San Francisco hotel that re sulted’ in the death o£ a.woman that also participated in the,drunken revet ry. , A * ■ The next day or, ap comes the story of the daughtejr of a prominent fern iiy being shot in the street in Brook- Iyn, The woman committing the dteat act than turns the gun pn herself and takes her own life. The story of it ail according, to her own hand writ ing in a note found in her room, was drugs and liquoV. „ The whole country is in a Wave o£t crime' and lawlessness. You talk' to, officers that‘have much to do with running down criminals hudlaw break 'era and he will -tell^you that we ntc- farther away from law enforcement, today than ever before. Why? His answer is “Public indifference.^ Some time, ago we had business witha deteetive.department in a large City add in discussing the crime way? we-were givetf two reusons for it. The first Was the unemployment situation where1many were' forced, to steal to. provide a living while othera took' ad vantage of theftfor profit. Second,/the " ipread*disregard for the law ip ence to prohibition. We, were told frequent!y detectives " were in* formed that'*,map had-as .much .right to steal .an hUtomlhle as'another bad to be a bootlegger for a living, „ The^ayerage- citizen.knows nothing of the scope Of the present liquor law situation, We are only ‘having prohi bition,*dh theory, not- practice, Much of this Wat to;be expected when pro lUblic must,he educated fob-%higher esponsibiiity for Jawf.ehfo^cemeht< it cdniiot he forCed.- . . From government, state and county officers down to the, town, •marshal One that is. caught. SheriS* -Fxindey- dorie mucth vrprk plong this county hut he will -tell S' ha’s not scratched the surface. What has"been accomplished yon The courts' of the Country are all ciog'ged With ■bhotdeggjng pastes; it being estimated by government agents at 100,000 cases, ft/wiil take years to clear the dockets of theqd cases While other .important f. cages must wait *'[ There is an i^ea prevalent that our law* enforcement is costing us such ah enormous sum, and little to he accomplished. Mqa' today are fig uring the .cogt o f ‘the .dollar as has not been done in tyh years. ' There are yet millions’ of gallons oLteiUOt in Storage, where it is being dished out legally as Well as illegally. Why not the government- take over this stock, and have- it reduced to commercial alcohol. It is costing mil lions to guard this, liquor and muen more to clean up aft»r it is released. The government must take, some Other method,-of handling the situa tion and reduce to enormous cost of trying -to enforce prohibition and at the same time, release, bonded liquor from the storehouses, We are affraid this indifference of law enforcement is largely due to the cost through tax ation that is being forced on the pub lic. * - ..................... . . ' ■ , ' Treasures »o Royal Library. The Uhrnry at Windsor cahtle com-! >ri»es among its °i20.00o' volume* Mine notable treasures, ThorCi Is a row ot„ Carton’s including the only perfect copy still existing ,of hbf “Absop's Fables.” and two Bibles, both with precious associations, though of a different order. One is the Bible which Martin Luther used to"entry in pocket and the other was taken Charles t to the scaffold. There bis ty is a ICoran, too. on the fly-loaf of which MInscribed: “From the library of the a£e ittppoo SuUfttin of Mysom” This iPorsn: wotiged to the lata Empewr AUrwigaebe and Wap puMmsed by that prince for the sum of 8,000 i iinsas. Another interesting mm is that qpntafnlng the holograph records V . *.v*’ i ) ' r fum i m m ,gw ® A t t O A t W H tv V n UW mJmjm KUbluS Mon of the sovereign. Origin of DHnklhij Pledges, 'Pledging each other m wine was la entity nothing morn than the survival of the once universal customof parties drinking together Iff ratification of « '•nrgnlm It 1* in this .sense that some Tow»*h and HuSsi-an couples drink wild «t their betrothal Cerement** rim Hebrew, after drinking, dashes he vessel to the ground, in memory >t the dcstmctlon of*the Templet .vherpas the Hus^ian ttnmpiM the ftlass lieneaih hla fort, with the pious -vis'll: they tints fall under foot ■md I:« tmiljleg to pieces who sliirif ere dimvrt to sow dissension umt discord imtw*en ''Km can’t beat .’e m j Old'Broadwa PRINTING $uf plantMCompleteforeveryihins yowueed jinthelineof pnntmgand we can awurc you first gradework ott Hammeraill stock..' A*k u*. ^ .. |in»^iSitiMi»w-is»i*i»ie[<iifir.isU.. PUBUC SALE dates : J',* ’ ’ ' rV'A L J,* H. Lackey, Boland-Chinas, Rig ncsday. lSrov; 5}. Gasoline But the BigStreet is out of luck faheuPiern _ on; the accelerator of the Rolls-Royce and Abe gives*his For4 the gas, , - . .'*v For they Oan’t buy Columbus inNewYork. They must do without the pep and power that Colum* always gives. ■ -•_■ 1^ " r‘ ; ‘ *; f • So, with a Columbus pumpor tank close by, beliig aBuckeye has |tsmade-to-order advantages, so far as easy starting, quick getaway, smooth.perform ance and money-saving mileages are concerned^ s C O L U M B U S O I L C O M P A N Y ^ ^ Columbus, Ohio Cedarvllfe Oisfcnbuting Station -MillerStreet and Penn. - •-* ... . V i v "• •'/ FEEDS S ': Tankage 60 Per Cent - 1 Standard Middlings 1 Flour Middlings Red Dog Flour Butlers Hog Feed No. 1 Bdtiers Hog Feed No. 2 Arlington Flour Bran ' SUGGESTIONS FOR THE SEASON ’ * 1 * * Spreaders (special price) Hog Troughs Hog Fountains. . Water Tanks ■- • ■ . ' > *- Fence Posts Paint Oil Stoves * - v * / 1 ~ -• 1■ . ■ • j ■ • . Now is the time to Lay in Your Winter Coal. to the Wise is Sufficient. A wordt f Hard Coal ' ' ,fk ; - ■' : : ^ O . J . * Pocohontas Coal Yello^.v Jacket West Virginia The Cedarville Farmers’ GrainOn* f^ n »ulHmiSimniill|l|limillll,l llllllll!nilll]llllllllllllllll1llllll!lll IIISimmilllllllillllllinilllllllillilllTlIHIilHltiillitlfiiiinimimtifl « r ."Aas* •■'one1•v.‘.v am*°sn&£m ,Qtve U s A Chance Yo F igure On Yotw PrinUng, b, C( m ci hi tl tt si f* V •> a oi le B. t’O fir Ci fr th M H Ja by be m on w) re Gi P be Va Ca fin ca be by bo a be ml mi fo fiu of bo «* CO *8 fit: fo so rif ' dlris In otl , ev-- tte to r * J •n, mi It me the •p5 fini Is lav vel-i the the c l 1 Ine thf thi exi- pei Hi wb on Th ytr sit: boi sm ghl of me tru -ki Hx ice Is sir the iv* ill * *“} t?
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