The Cedarville Herald, Volume 44, Numbers 27-52
« f tod*?, m i tody pe*fo*am mate* of Hw **m. to* it gfawtoi taril M sm la tari tiwi xd-writoto* « f ttof yimtuaUr^ Merald. A NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO LOCAL AND GENERAL NEW# AND THE INTERESTS OF CEDAR’ VILLE AND VICINITY. POBfTY^mmTH YEAR NO. 41. CEDARVILLE, OHJOWRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1921 FlilCE, $1.60AYEAH COLLEGENOTES The C*4iurYtih Colt*** Football f taws will «xp*ri«vrt! it# first game; t Saturday -iirjMtt the whistle Wow? 5 foi? tha Rio Drwud* battle, Every man is «P and ready for the trey, anxious t> bask the splendid new captain,; Lswrenca RUdeJJ, Fvanthqugh the; is not « veteran one they arq. displaying some teal team work and *«*d- to facing Rio Gr*o4® we have a teal struggle before us bat with the 'A C. C. spirit behind them, oar ' • nfs wR* endeavor to oarry the -■? bin over goal and bring back, to the Orange and Blue, wnsaw Currie has been elected M i- i *..f> "'^eahinaR das* activities Au „ >*.*-, wi;H the aid of Hiss Dorp- »/ 'nfisv. as avcreurtf-troasuror. • '.tb v‘v-e two capai-lo officer# at the' prow, Dio FresWea are sure to ste#r' their ship on, a profitable and enjoy- course,- * * * n't H jolly to have a place like •Vi ,£" '“Come oh let's have some :'a; .{/C These are characteristic ex- ,’W‘ '" tw heard in the new waiting room of the Club, Rugs hud furniture with too uid of the piano lend a cheer ful ‘ and homely atmosphere, As- the winter months' approach we have one more need before our rpdm wjll he as cozy aha complete asweivouldwishit, It u ,i?ild he kindly appreciated’ 'by the 'Frond of College students if anyone having a second-handed gas stove or heater to rent or”sell would please to notify Miss GracqvLyle of Mr: George R.Moore,, t ■ - - • ■ •/'l '■• , . . * , > K • ’ <V A, large crowd “of(.Cedarville root ers, attended thfe Central Higb-Wit- -.mington football game Iasi; "Friday afternoon, at Xenia. Coach Blbckburn and his entire rsc(aad ’were among the interested spectators, ' 1 # * *£ * * 1 The girls o f the college, held a Spreadiast Tuesday night at the home of Miss -Florence* "Spilth. Everyone experienced'Such, an enjoyable time, that the girls are planning may more Such gatherings. •, . The student body and faculty were privileged to hear Rev, Andrew1Cres- •Well address 'the' college in Chapel last $eek. Rev, Robert Hutchison, who has Been preaching in Dayton was‘a visitor,at his old Alma Mater, Tuesday moaning. 1 ^ * »*•*' ’ ♦ / ' *• * rv j The Orange and Blue Literary Society wfll hold the first meeting of the hew .term,on'Monday, 0®t. p at 7:S0 in CoilegeHati. A varied and in teresting program, wilV he rendered so a large attendanceJ s desired. Devotionals, Chaplin;: President's ad- dress, M, Earle Collins; Vocal ;Buet, Misses Dorothy QgleShee and Lupile Johnson; Reading, Miss Ruth G. Me . Pherson; Eassy—Columbus-Day, -It k Origin ami Significance, J, Edwin Bradfute; >Piano Solo, Miss Wilma Arnott; College Journal, Miss Grace Lyle; Reading, Miss Rosamond Aikin, Class Impromptu— One-' student from each Class to speak fo r ’three minutes oh-a subject to be assigned at this time, M. J. Drown, Lawrence Riddell,. Miss Eloise Davis, Miss Helen Bradfute; ‘ Vocal Solo, Miss ' Agnes Harper; Stunt—-Directed by Miss Marjorie Wright, G« Laclede Markle, Arthur w . Findley, Harper Bickett.’ i #- Program commence! at 7;30. ” TW O HEADS ARE BETTER THAN ONE ” ImPbOYHCNTeftORLEM r(U fT^y Dr.* C. M, Wilcox,, who makes hia wme with A. Ev Richards, the drug gist, could have plucked himself, the scalp of a chicken thief last Thursday night. The Dr. is quite a shot but.he was adverse to adding anything- 'o f the kind to his record. . , With the presence, of chicken thie ves in this section' and their deter mined activity, the Dr. constructed'a Dr's., machine, Tlig sound awakened the Dr. and he proceeded cautiously to the back porch. With his gun. He turned” On the f electric light that lighted the back ya*d like day. The fellow started to run hut fell, oyer'a child’s coaster* wagon' ;wliich enabled the Dr. to take,a ,“pot'shot”. How-, ever this .was Uot' done and the fel low given a chance to get* a way.' When he started at full speed Dr, Wilcox shot'just over his head.’ •■' Mr, Thief probably will stay -away from the Richard's hen house from now on. From wb&& we DAYTON PRESBYTERY EN DORSES COLLEGE GIFT > Dr, W. R. McChesney appeared be fore a recent meeting of Dayton Presbytery in Dayton to speak in be half o f the needs of the College. By a unanimous vote Presbytery recom mended to the Presbyterian church Board o f Education that $20,000 b& used toward the endowment of Cedarville College. It is thought that the action* o f Presbytery Will hasten this gift which members of that de nomination have been urging for several weeks, COUNCIL WILL SUBMIT BOND ISSUE FOR FIRE plG lNE Council met Monday evening at which time the usual bills were al lowed. At the* adjourned meeting on Wednesday evening council decided to submit a bond issue to the people un der the Taft law to cate for the debt on the fire engine that has been car ried by certificate* of indebtedness. The latter have to he Issued every six months and the bonds camrun the full time. The rate o f interest will be the same as the certificates of indebt edness,. sir per cent. The bnd issue will be for $1850 and run three years. HAGAR INHERITANCE TAX. The, inheritance tax t)rt the Martha H»gar estate has been fixed by the Prehat* Court at $880.68. The gross value of the estate was $60,805, the debt* and costs of administration, $8,489 and tbs net value $66,666. Of tills amount Maty Gertrude, daughter, who died July 6, would mm received m m , with an ex empties Of $8,800 and tax of $217.78 Sarah B, Hagwr, « daughter, twelve* m m With I&800 exemption and H|Q3 pay a tax of (3117.78 on the hal- ana* * f $Fi>778. Gertrude B. Hagar, Galloway, a granddaughter, is to re* art « $6,000 with $600 exemption awl wttl p»y * tax o f $S2£ on tbo re- 9088. oi CONDENSED OHIO NEWS News Item* Picked at Random ead Roiled Down for live Busy Reader a***' / / ? Oliver Dcafindufin. 11, was killed at Lima when drawn under the wheels of a locomotive by the suc tion of the passing train. John Halswarth. 48, brewer, Cin cinnati, choked to death when a piece at apple hp was dating lodged J» hl» windpipe. Hog cholera is reported a» raging in th% western part -of Marion coun FARM AND BEUD NOTES • « Ti-rrijHjr.rt,UTS t John Stewart tout rented the Mur dock farm that will b# vacated by Hugh Turnbull, who goes to the Haines farm next spring. ¥ .» m Wheat seeding is on in full phut this week. Hog cholera continues to spread in Certain sections o f the county.^ Sev eral in, this township are fighting the disease.' E. H. Smith, who resides 2 1-2 m. *?r Mrs, doto Mi Rokeasparger, $0. was Icjilbd and Bussell Wright fatal* ly injured as the result of tutSiuttbllo culllsions. in'Columbus,* : John Burke was found guilty ott * chaffs of, first.-degree rhurderdt To ledo. He m the third of four bandits, .who held up^-Daiop ttatiou ticket >„ juij vovt;.. l u,u in .H^i,uu vi uu- agents last Jan. 17 to be disposed ° t . t . . - T _ . . ty. J. B, Corbin, near Larue, baa lost In the holdup two detectives were |S°uth Ea*t Jamestown wH hold more than' 10Q head, and many other .killed.' ' . at sale o* B»g Type ^Poland^ China farmers, have suffered serious losses, J Plane et a-1convict- at London pri^* hog* onTuesday, October 18 at 12;50 Ijr. George Ef, Calhoun, UhrieJiSf Ion farm to escape resulted in the ar* Mr. Smith sells this stock for the . ville physician; in a petition for dMreirt of two employes at the Prison benefit of CgdarVilto College Endow- vorce from his, wife, Mrs..,Ella B, =»««*- incidentally, prevented the.get- Calhoun, says she repeatedly struck away. ■ and beat him. i 1 ' At Dayton- L. C* Wade, 40. painter,, Robert Wontael of .DaytoU, who was Instantly killed and his uncle, was lured to .the country, robbed, and Peter Wade, probably fatally injured shpt, will lose' Ms voice. The' robber when an auto truck in 'which* they Shot Wontzol in the back of the neck -were riding was struck by an inter- Fire of unkhown origin•' caused a ..urban car. lags', of $150,000 when R swept Liberty Transit .company, operat ing packets between ; Pittsburgh, ... ....... ' cjurint' CHICKEN THIEF GOT LEFT, KNOWS WHAT GUN SHOT IS. HQW* MANY TREES A DAY' DOES THE PUBLIC, READ? The paper you are Tending,“was opce a tree. This newspaper, is printed on What is commonly called newsprint and it is made from puipwood. , „ The annual consumption is ,twq mil; lion tons of newsprint a'year, 'accord ing to the American Forestry Assoc iation, and that means, a strip, of pa per as wide as the regulation newspa per find abut forty million mites long} COUNTY ROAD ROI , WORKING ’ aniih a lf the,distance o f the su% which is cohnocted it with his bedroom. I t «jtinety-Wo million miles aw&. Tim . , ,r , , T j two-foot *wide ribbon o f, newspaper dea^ored. to breaks open --thB^dopr by around the world 1000 times.?Some the U sq of tree tbpls taken from the ^re(?g> " ’ More than onfe-third o f our pulp- WOod comes front across. the ‘ Cana dian border, and Canada, profiting by our mistakes, is now taking'steps to forbid the' cutting o f . timber at a, rate mote, rapid, than 4tp growth. That means primarily that opr an ’nuat "importation of Canadian pulp- Wood has practically reached the-max imum; and for the other two-thirds at least we will have to. look After ourselves.' . ‘‘Paper Week** wlU be the week'bU- grnning October 81* witb Thursday, that will not give Mr. Thief the.samb chance, o f escaping with his life or bad injury, as did the Dr. * ^PEAKS AT COLLEGE: Miss -MarjfTMadwTn'of Springfield spoke before the college-students in jhapel -Wednesday ‘ morning relative o, Advancement of ..Nurrihg Educa tion.. Mias Gladwin has for many years-been prominent in nursing work 'n this and foreign‘countries. She was one of the six American nurses *“ warded to the. Florence Nightingale Medal, by the International Congress of the Red Cross, for bet untiring services during the World War. Miss Gladwin spent almost the -entire time from.1014 to, 1910 to Red’ Cross work in Europe, assisting in the typhus ep idemic in Serbia add -the refugee to -1 lief work id?Salonika. She.has iahso ... given; valuable, services during thb, 8 cwnfcmgti Spanish American and J&panegd and ^ Russian Wars. self. The National Paper Trade .As sociation has announced .October 31 as the date of the-meet o f the mer chants .and distributors,. while tile balance of the week will be devoted to meetings'of ’ the affiliated assoe- -iatibns, mostfifTyhicH^Iikethat of the National PapCr nnd Pulp Association, Will he held ip Chicago. Few of us care about the other fel low's. business, but it so-.happens this phase Of the forest products situation is of-a piece with' a .problem that touches opr whole economic life, fpr, without forest products business -can not go on. We sight our- end of it to shepv ifie tremendous consumption of trees going on every -say, to say,noth ing" of loss by fire that sweep the forest areas. The American Forestry Association is campaigning for for est policy legislation. Every publish er in the country should btf behind I*"'-'!-.---’. The- County Com: sent the* road roller this- township to plafi roads in-better shap® The toad that runsj, George Little farm «J Federal pike. and .Tut been regraded -and placed on it next w last winter' was- Impstl and it hed/to be fix mail man going,- Then ship people*will have to get to Cedarville h ing as the JamestowJ hkely stand up under The 'Jamestown pi be' rebuilt next sprin state, officials, a new ifig been made for l that the road must it can be to tarn t material will be Tis- The Federal- Roads to the 3 be graded and rblli ton" pikei ' .f ; ft Is hoped"that and south, and -w< can be graded an g e t r id o f Sop section of the county^ ADDITIONAL BUBSCRlijriONS T o COLLEGE FUND Rev, R. W.-Chfeshut, Duanesburg, N. $125:00 Kate C.'Findley, Fittsburg.Pa, 125..O0 Galloway ^ Cherry, Xehla, ^„$50.O0, Geo, A. Harper Winnetka, HI. 100.00 Lultr Smith, Ravenna, vO. _^„,$76.00 Rev, Thos. Whyte, Philadelphia, Pa,' $ 100.00 Myrtle J. Ramsey, Los AugeleS, Cal, $15.00 Mrs. A. B, Donaldson, Detroit, Mich. ---------------- - $5.00 Joshua Nuttall, Detroit, Mich $5,.00 Mm. Warren, Detroit, Mich. —2,00 Alfred Blachard Detroit, Mich $2,00 Total to data $136,439,50 thrcmgh three manufacturing plants in the south,.cpd of Cleveland. M ".- Application has been made for free delivery of mail in Spencervllle, a village of 1,300 inhabitants, in Allan epunty. 1 To fight the spread of diphtheria in,- Springfield,' the health ’advisory board has authorised HealthDirector B. IL employ an addi tional physician and nine more nurses. Eight men werfi injured, two Of them seriously, when a ladder upon Which they were descending- from the roof of a building In Cincinnati fell under 'their weight, . , ,Mrs, Mary Sulthrin, bride, commit ted .suicide by taking pQison at her home ,in Columbus, No ’ cans* a«* signed,- * J• ‘ .'. ' \ (i Miss Ruth Bunker,*-10, kindergar ten .teacher at Akron, la missing. Charleston, Zanesville - and path announced a 20 per cent’ reduc tion in rates/ - ; Twenty'Rlehland township (Holmes county) citizens have signed to In corporate a new bank, to ho located In Glenmoot, The amount of capital Stock paid in is $25,000, Michael Theresa, 4, Youngstown^ was crushed .to death by a trupk, ( Annual reunion of the Sixth O. V, I, was held at Maryavfile wltiT only 20 ^members of .the regiment reg^ tered. Next year's reunion will btp‘ held at Urhana. . , ; Clay Shirker fished an. old oil can, fiut o f Nettie creek, near Montpelier, containing over $1,500 in registered liberty bonds, '* ‘ Baby blimp, the pride of McCook field, Dayton, was destroyed by a ter rific explosion, caused,,by a holt of s h o w steraijA change , The many friend* of C- M. Crouse will regret to learn o f his Serious condition at this time. It was just three week* ago yesterday that he was badly injured in an automobile accident on the Clifton pike. Until last Fridiy he was thought to be im % D, WILLIAMSON WILL LIKELY, GET APPOINTMENT A dispatch from ColumbU* states Gov- Davis will likely •name R. D„ Williamson, county commissioner and former member o f the old State Board of Agriculture, as. k member oi the new advisory board. G'B.. Warner, Wellington and Mr. Williamson will l>e the- Republican members and Don- proving as rapidly as eonkl be ex- j aldf R. Acklin, Tolei.o, the Democrat- pectod hut complications arose and j ic member. All three were members h« has gradually declined until little; o f the old board before the reoggani- bope is help for his recovery, |zation law was passed. ROADS. f, •> mera-havb" outfit ’ into |ome- of hur f.the.winter,;' th along the Connects the 111 road baa gel will bfi This road bfe at times keep the Ross town- « e this road their trad-, ike will not iopfin winter; gwhich is- to according "to |timate ha^- Js, it means acted aa^best ter. No new; the Cross Corner , will’ v.theClifi jin the electric *cbair at'the peniten- bonus pjari which is to be voted on sireer, nortn ^aty; •* , - ■' \ , ■ i by tbe people of the state,in Novem- ia dyenue "' 4 " Mi®*’: Effective Oct 20, Ohio railroads 1lightning, must reduce Intrastate rates on , Cleveland has seven’ candidates for transportation of sand, gravel,, crush-. mayor, Including five “independents/' ed; atone and’ paving brick, by order j Dr. E. R. Stockwejl, ■Veterinarian, of the state public utilities coramls-, of Mechanicsburg, t was .cleared be. ajon. ' The, Reduction amounts to ap-* fore a jury o r -* charge, of illegally proyimately *23.5 per eeht ip the cape “docking’’ a- horse, pr sand, gravel’ had crushed stonO,',' Speaking before -Ohio .American with the eam’e reduction in .the case legion members in'convention at To-" pf paviftg brick*- plus an* additional fedo. Governor Davis' declared Ohio reduction, o f 10/cents a ton. . _/■ 1should follow' tbe lead of -16, other -John. Cooper, 41, negro, slayer of states which have already acted J.n Chari?*1E> .Tiller, Columhuis det<?C-, favor of state bonuses to world war five, paid the penalty for Ms crime veterans- and adopt’ the soldiers' Heavy property ^damage through-, *her; out southeastern Ohio was caused by . Alleged gambling to Tiffin, witi bn a’ severe wind and rainstorm. . Jtbe subject of:-an investigation, - .Ohto.rajlr.aad* deay.,imihif c j ^ ^ |k .^Charles B&ssope. la the*beet sugar case filed'with wre ® state utilities commission, that their tknown man. ratfls on beeh sugar aro unjust or un reasonable. . Using; nitroglycerin, yeggmen blew the cabtoet Safe in the Walk-Over Shoe company's store at "Columbus; taking $1„72340 to cash and a dia mond ring valued at $450. ■Fire destroyed the general store and' bowling -alleys of Keller & Shaf fer at Lackey, Wood county, and an adjacent residence Owned ‘by Mrs.-J. W. Seedy. • English Lutherans at,Lorain will j build a $75,000 church. John Kdlb, 26, of August, Carroll; -Carl Bottom 5, Akron, was killed county, shot and killed himself at . when an iron pipe fell upon him. Niles, , ,j Harry L, Bland was sentenced at At Cleveland' Fred Hala, 60, shot, pomeroy to bo executed next Jan; 9 and dangerously wounded Mrs. Anna and two other persons were sen- Bartunek, 50, and then killed him self. The woman is alleged to have refused ’to marry himt Grade Green of Greene county .has filed suit, against Wilberforce univer- { tenced to life imprisonment for the murder a month ago of George W. Piegle. They confessed killing Bee- gie while in the act of robbing him. Mrs, C. J. - Atkinson of Bidwell, aity for $20,000 damages alleged to IGallia county, committed Buieide by have been received when sh^1 fell *shooting. -She operated-a store and THAT COUNTY HEALTH LAW When the csimfy health law was passed one of the things promised wds economy in operation over the old law and organization to control epidemics, As was predicted at the time neither were possible. Every county in the state has found that the cost is double and in some Of the Into a manhole" at the colored school, ’ Voluntary reduction in - electric rates totaling $82,000 per annum,was announced, by tbe Springfield Light, Heat and Power company. Athens boys engaged in a 'rat-hunt ing contest. Burglars who entered the Lippus A Fowler general store at Berlin Heights, hear Sandusky,- blfiw the had recently filed a bankruptcy peti tion. ” W„ J. Frey, a’ stockholder,' filed a petition asking for a receiver for the Universal Clay Products company, Sandusky. * , Bela Biro, 12, Newark, was fatally burned while handling a firebrand. Because of/unsettled conditions in tbe motor industry, creditors of the safe and escaped with $350 in cash }Allen Motor company, Columbus, do* and negotiable Securities. Ielded to recommend to ths-rccelvers, There ware 6,680 horses in Tusca-! William C. Willard and George A. rawas county to 1900. Now there are Archer, that they proceed with the 8,6B1. . |sale o f the plant and liquidate the Mrs. A R. Derr, arrested at Akron , property. In connection with the death of her / Charles L. Darlington of Xenia ' * ** 4 -----’■* $20,000 wbb elected state commander of the American Legion ,at the Toledo con NowHeadsRedCross ftueoeadino former President ,WH*o«, President Harding was recently sleeted president of the American Red Grose, He 1* hare seen accepting ths effiee* From left to right: MaJ, Gen. Merritt* W. Ireland, guraeon General, it, 4, A; Dr* Livlnpston Ferrsnu, obstrmen Central Committee of the Red Crest# the President; Aeet. teeretsiy of the Treasury Kited Wadsworth; Re*f Mtolral Xdwa-rd ft, Kitokturfieeu Ceneral, tL V, counties three arid foo/r times greater. Clark county has been having an ep idemic of diphtheria and It is grow ing’ Worse each week. Wednesday 210 >husband, Was released on cases were reported, 34 new ones the] boud, raised by her sons, day previous. There have been several I sergeant Btfmsey, railroad police- deaths among the children. 1 INVITATIONS FOR THAT FTOMAINE PARTY NEXT TBAR The Swine Breeders Journal says there will be a" reunioriv, of the Ptomaine party on Thursday, August 31, 1922, at the state fair grounds, Columbus. All that attended the last PARTY fire especially invited. We suppose-the Greene county delegation, will be on hand but will see that there Will be no griping on the mid-section of vtheir anatomy with hurried trips to the city hospital for relief, WITHDRAWS from ticket AS CANDIDATE FOR MAYOR, J. D. Mott., whose petition was cir culated as candidate for mayor, states to the Herald that he has with drawn from the ticket and will not be a candidate as tie had no desire for the office, This leaves the field open with no eunnidates for mayor or council, LIBERTY BUNDS Up. It Is a good sign to ace Liberty bonds nearing par value in the money market, Victory Loan bonds are near* ly at par while the others that were as low as 83 and 8fi are .now* up above 90. This is a healthy indication of business conditions and that things are rapidly turning to normal with the dollar worth one hundred cents. man at Toledo, held four highway men with bis gun while police were gammoned, ventton. Dayton was chosen over ggriesvitle and Canton as the 1922 convention city, Mary Fnnpana, 5, lost her life in Oberlin college has an enrollment saving that of her younger brother of 1,540 students, a new record. j from a bonfire at Warren. Her dress Thieves took $2,000 worth of dla* j c*«gbt fire, monds and jewelry from the home of i Police Chief Sheridan, charged by George Mahaffey, banker, at Lima. { the Jaw and order league at Newark Samuel Blessing, 60, national high-! -with violation of oath and dereliction way inspector, died at London follow ing an Operation. Mabel Ohlemacher, 19, bookkeeper, was seriously injured and three otb- ers Were hurt when a steam turbine exploded in a dairy at Norwalk. Sixtieth annual meeting of the of duty, was Suspended for 80 days by the civil service commission. Fire caused a property loss of ’$15,- 000 in -Leavittshurg, thrCenillesweat of Warren, Four store rooms and a dwelling were destroyed. Former Congressman Clement L rnent campaign. Make your arrange ments, to attend this sdle. r * * ' * J, U- Lackey, ope of the oldest of-polahd China boge jn the country, will hold a mile of choice hogs on ’ Friday, Get. 14; Mr, Lackey is presi dent of the Notional Poland China Record Association and a man known far and wide among breeders, o f1all kjuds of hogs.^He ha# produced gome of the real prize Winners in the past ' and still keeps his herd at the top o f ' -’ the’ list. His anho.uncement appeals to this issue, ’ • * t6 * ' *' ? When it comes to raiding pumpkins Morgan Kerinon should get first<prizs. The dx-y weather this' season oUt the crop- short for many farmers but Mr, Kennon, has produced some * extra large ones. There is oh display a 74 . pound one toittie London Creamery Station "window., t ■„ ; The Ohio- Poultry “Record'says that a* crowing hep should get the ‘ ak for"it "will never lay One such, specintah was exhibited at the Q. S, ’ ' ‘ U, before 37 county agents,who at tended the judging school; It is ; u-(’ that chickens are /worth' more tb u- pigs in Ohio, this' year,. Moth Jdh i'„ ' cattle'’and sheep combined'.with SI - ftuiis and.Vegetable combined, nt f, - value-of; chickens is placed at,$30,- *- 000,000. By •selling the- fiulls in the month of August instead of Novem- " her the feed saved amounted tamore - than $3,000,000 and^that-these culls / brought' moire than $1,000,000 mm’O than if sold in’ November/. / / * ,* ' 1 1 ^- The Mott-Rakestraw Big Type Poland .China .Sfile -last Friday, wa? ' Wol! attended/ The average price was about*$27 for the 57 bead. The top younger breeders have held -and con sidering the -average run of sales they -fared as well ns some of the breeders that-have-been in the game for years. , • t ' ToxVnsley and Ritenopr .received two cars of cattle frpra- the-West on ■ Tuesday- They are feeders that will be sold in this section to farmers for -winter feeding, ' a v * ' -i ; We Understand that six cars of cattle were unloaded’ ; at South Charleston. last week.. Two loads for Mr, ReOd, two loads for Mr. Me ’ Dorman and two loads for A. E, Wildman. The Wildman "cattle are Said to have been a choice lot and averagetfi-HifiO pounds. POLAND CHINA MEN BACK THE CLUB UNIT. At a meeting of the Big Type Po land China breeders in the Farm Bureau Offices to Xenia it was voted by tbemembers,to breed Poland China Sows belonging to Boys and Girls second year pig clubs free o f charge. An agreement was reached with a dozen of the breeders whereby a boy or girl’ not financially able to buy, could take a bred sow on the abates from tlierp and raise tbe litter, the entire to be disposed of at a sale next fall. * .1 These are the biggest steps which. ’ have yet been taken by any of -our breed associations in boosting the Club Work and it Is possible that similar arrangements may be made with »R the breed associations to the county. fade-Jdbpasrttos&j Ohio synod of the United Presbyte* |Brumbaugh 0 ! the Columbus district tiatt church was held at Gt. Clairs- is dead. He had been to failing 1 ville. ' IHealth"-fob several-years. j Sandusky, Norwalk and Mansfield« Dr. O. C. Walker, 35, was slain at line, a system that operated cats he* f his home in Alliance. Bei was called tween Ndrwalk and Shelby until last from hie bed and shot to death by March, will be ottered at pnblks sale j two men, who estaped, • { Oct. 29 at Plymouth, Walling Miller, 70, paper mill em- Thomas H. Sutherland, 53, brother { piiye at Lancaster, was electrocuted of Bishop John Sutherland, head,Of when he touched a pipe carrying a the Congregational church-in Mlchi*! heavy current. , gan, was foupd dead at his-home to| Due of a band of five alleged Marlon by hts.’wife, a teacher in the1whisky runners was shot and cap- Harding high school. Death was dne tured at Cleveland as the men were to gas asphyxiation, transferring the liquor from one au to observance of national candy; tomoblle to another, day, dealers in sweets at Lima will i tlrhana has formed ,a country dub distribute hundreds of pounds of - with a membership of 125. candy 'among children free, ' John Jurak, 29, was electrocuted Mr. and Mrs. W, F, Wagner, super-1jft a Sandusky cement plant, lntendent ana matron of the >Pe- Charging that aha was bitten by a fiance county children’s home, *M ' monkey, Ada Maudlin Bowman has three trustees were suspended on instigated suit at Xenia for $25,000 charges of gross extravagance And damages against George W. Rodgers, mlsnae of county funds in managing alleged owner of the monkey, the home, ' t Ohio State wslvertity **$&$* m enrollment of / - If? YOUVISIT THE} DOCTOR 80 A FORD, YOU NEED A PILL; IF IN A PACKARD " YOU NttED AN OPERATION. '
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