The Cedarville Herald, Volume 45, Numbers 1-26

* 3U, mmm w m m m m v m m m m The Value of Natural Gasi In heat value, natural gas is worth twice the best artificial gas made commercially, Manufac­ tured gas averages in Ohio about $1,50 per thou­ sand*feet Natural gas averages below 50 cents. Natural gas at that price costs one-sixth of the cost of manufactured, ■ ■ V R o u g h ly speaking, 8,000 feet of natural gas are about equal to one ton' of the best'coal.1 At an . average cost o f 50 cents die same amount of heat in coal will cost nearly twice as much besides the inconvenience and labor involved. T h en W h y W aste It ? Nature took thousands o f years tumake.natural gas. This generation will see the end of $te supply if present methods with all tlieir waste . are continued. . - ! / 1 You may hot waste much* yourself, but the .ounce or so you lose now and then is irretrievably f one, and means that some one else will have to o without. " v For the tejtfkiiraance of your own convenience.^ resolve todfe^reful to use wisely and .waste not this valudUfetfueL t h e * an Fisk PremierTread 30x3^—$10.85 Non-Skid Fabric 3 0 x 3 # ~ 14.85 Extra-Ply Red-Top. 39 x3Rf— 17.85 Six-Ply Non-Skid ClincherCord ^ 30 x 3 #— 17.8§ Six-PlyNon-Skid CordStraight Side 30x3#— 19.85 T im e to R e -tir e ? (Buy FUk) SixiPlyNon-Sldd Cord 31X4 —527.00 Non-SkidCord 32X4 — 30.50 Non-SkidCord 32x4#— 89.00 Non-SkidCord S4x4K— 4L00 Non-SkidCord 35x5 — 51.50 r r ^ H E low er prices on F isk C ord T ires are interest- X ing to you because they buy m ore tire value than higher priced tires can give you . Comparison with other tires w ill show you F isk are bigger, stronger, and low er priced throughout the range o f sizes. * * $ Therm'sa Fisk Tiro df extra value in watysixm, • ugm « _ jor car, truckorspeed wagon t ’y * .... i* * tf- Ira' MBssame: c< The new milk chocolate , » / ■ coated Ice Cream ON SALK A T . • * RidgwayVDrug Store Armstrong’s Restaurant twmt n . him * m the Mb**r< MM* kMtttMt# *t I » Mr, W. L. ClMHU, R ? cigarettes Mmtwr doh . LESSORFORMAY l ISAIAH’S REMEDY FOR A WORLD AT fTRIFK /WESSONTXaCT.-ljra. X:t-4; U:t-», QOljZKti TMXT,—Com* y«, And l*t u» walk lx tb. U,ha.6r the Lord.—X ml *:*. asrsaxMc® material . - r*. h ; Ido. eag; PblU <:*, H Gal. *:», * . FB1UARYTOPIC.-Ho* n, B« »FMci- Buric#?* JUNIOR VOPSC.—Swords Bsatea Into Flowcharts. OTTBRMBMATIIANDSENIORTOPIC. —Row to Usk* F hh and Ks«p It TOUNOFBQFI4SANDADULTTOPIC, —Conaitlwi* of Pernvsnsnt Peaoo. Isaiah doe* hot set forth merely an Ideal for a world at atrife, but fore- t«Ua what shall actually take place in the latter days, whlieh shall put an end to all earth's strife^ in these Scrip­ ture texts he reveals the fact that Jeans Christ? shall come and establish His kingdom end remove from men’s hearts the cause for strife, 1. The' Kingdom Established (Isa. 2;2-4>. ' • ' By “mountain” in the Scriptures la meant “kingdom'' (Dan. 2:35; Rev, 13:1; 17;0-tL) < . ' 1. Its position (v. 2), It shall he in a place of supremacy, it stands at the head of all kingdoms. In fact the kingdoms of this world shay, then be­ come the kingdom of Christ (Rev. 11:15). - 2. The restored nation the teacher of the Gentiles (v, 3),. God called Israel that.He might make His name known among other nation,. Now after many-centuries *f apostasy and rebel­ lion the chosen nation cornea into its ?■*. g°J'* v * .* * . * ” i », .•h™. « u» ™. w™. “ * M “ » « * ™» . » * " ■ ? * » « * « • Cedamlla, Oliie, SneeUl Agent far TOE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW Y O R K « -i Dew S«r; - Without hiaiiag mytm Itf to apply for insurance, 1 shouldbe pleate4 to receive particular* regarding the Mutual biff's policy which provide* a lif* incem, for the insurtdar beneficiary. My age is They ere Good! Bey ilusCigaretteandSaveMoney R*o (Business Address). ■if •■ v , _(Residence) (Town) .... ■ (State) ■ If,YonNeedPrintingDrop inAndNeeUs NoTroubleto Estimate! 1 ■For a quartor o f a century W, L. Clemans Company, organized In 1843. has represented this I OUR PRINTING Y .u've Got to Hit the Halibut. The halibut feeds ott the bottomgof the sea and when he is booked he.Al­ lows himself to' be drawn toward the top without very much of a protest. The straggle commences the instant bis noSe emerges from the water and the possibility of a fight Is anticipated whole world aad cause the people coma up to Jerusalem to hear the law ef God, 3, The divine, judge (v. 4). The problems of. the nations-of the world shall be adjudicated by One who is'all- wise, and He shall rebuke many peo­ ple. \ any compassion ioe the fish he la as good as gone, for any opportunlty to struggle means its escape. Card* One Tbpusand Years Old. The statement, often repeated and. Because of this rebuke they shall 1apparently very generally believed, convert their implements of war into implement, of husbandry and they Shall learn war nq more. II. The King Osa. 11:1-5), 1. His lineage (v. 1), He is of royal stock, of the house of David, the fact that the “branch” grows out of David’s roots, it is shown that Mes­ siah shall come when, the fortunes of the nation-are very low. 2. Hia Qualifications (vv. 2-Sa). The Holy Spirit shall rest upon Him in His-completeness, qualifying Him for His work. “Wisdom and understand­ ing refer mainly to the clearness of in- tellectusl and moral Insight; counsel' and might to the qualities whtth give sound practical direction and vigor to k follow and carry through the decisions of practical wisdom; while the knowl­ edge and the fear of the Lord define relation by Its two parts of acquaint­ ance with Ged-founded on love and reverential awe which , prompts to obedience,” He shall haVe quick un- deratsudlag in the fear ef the Lord and His delight shall be to do God'S will. This has fulfillment in Jesus Christ In whom are hid all the trees- urea of' wisdsm and knowledge (CM. 8. The character of His reign (w . Sb-fi). (1) “Net judge After the sight of Ale eyes “ Ws knowledge la per­ fect; his judgment pierces through the problems, erven seeing the metiv* which lice bade of the act (2) “Net reprove after the. heeling ef thu ear.” The word “reprove” means “decide.^ Hie decisions, therefore, will he ea the basis ef fact, not «a hearsay. He can­ not he deceived a«r impeeedupon. He knows,all things, evsa from, the begin­ ning. (8) “With righteousness shall judge the poor.” He will mete out im­ partial justice to them. Many times new the peer eager because the wealthy are able to briba the judge, lut when Christ shall reign as King the poor shell get justice. The peer shall not -uffer la juedee because he is poor nor escape justice because be is poor, (4) “Shall reprove with sqalty for the meek.” “Reprove” here doubtless mesas “decide” In fact the meek shall Inherit the earth (Matt SHI). (5) “Hiall smite the earth with the red ef his mouth.” By the' "earth” la meant her* the wicked inhabitants. Whikn Messiah comes to reign there wtU he greet wickedness la the earth (see Psalm 2:9-1*; Luke 18:8). (8) He Anil he girded with righteousness end fatthtulnees (v. 5). He Is abso­ lutely rigfcteeo* aad will 'faithfully carry eat all His words. III. Deeerlptien ef Chrletis Reign (**. m . There will prevail universal peace between sum andanimals. I» this de­ scription each animal is cowed with that aped which it adturllly preys. ' , Dally Thought It is common for these that are farthest from God to boast thosMMvM most of theirbeing near to the church. —•Henry, . ^^ x Every .M ail The bravo man carves eat his for­ tune, and ovary mat; is the ion ef hi* own work*.—Cervantes. On Things Above, Set yeur aJteettau on things abb** Met on tklh&A M U M MrthrHCMMh thnt'playing cards were invented and first used to distract the melancholy Charles VI of France la not correct; there is q pack in the British museum known to be more thdn 1,000 years old 5and there were undoubtedly Japanese **° and Chinese cards Ip the Twelfth century. .uiijiiiijpuEin i \ I 'ri"ll,r " >~‘in F. O. B DETROIT DrivesAwayTUes Km«mfc ImktiNhMM *tBfc *w»W*s *Am tn r . CnMMttifHirW) ah t**M. A Mr* UHw f**k**-H«* u* rtieb* m U m . wwhrpwi nrrita.M. RrHWWEIMg “ WHY NOT HAYS GOOD GLASSES SINCE YOU HAVE TO WEAK THEM f - m Tiffany’s Optical Sonrico Pro­ vides You With the Boat TIFFANY BETTER GLASSES S. Dotroit Bt Xaida, O, Reduction of $230 in Price ' Frohi $ 625 — .—To Pre*entPrice-----$395 F. O. B. DETROIT . ; Authorized Ford, Fordson SElesiend service Ctdarville, Ohio2 Jamestown, Ohia WALL PAPER 1,009,980,889 BOLLS m - P g r Write for Free Sample I I I Datalog of 50 now De« *- , v Rdi|iI«n* nnd colorings. Why use Paint when 82c wilt Paper Boom 12x14, 9ft. high, MARTIN R08KNBURGER, 4M RoacnhurgwBi Cincinnati, 0 , ri mm i t