The Cedarville Herald, Volume 45, Numbers 1-26
m&amimjL T .T . NUNN CASH and DEUVER SPECIAL f Brand Mi|k, Tall Can **•*•Can ..................................... ... .......... 9c Small Can 5c Stringed Beans Extra Fine .......*** M ** ** a* * f |$*» ^» *e i e.$» f i . •» ....... 14C Van Camps Pork and Bebns Per C a n . ___ ....... 13c Karo 1 1-2 lb . Can Per Can............. ............... .. ....... 9C REMEMBER WE DELIVER \f*V ■ T. T. NUNN INORTH MAIN STREET, Cedarville, Ohio w m i m i i i i m SimdaySchool J -B s s o n T of Cnglt*ii Blb|i la tba Moody BIM* ImMtutw of i.'hlctia*,) Owfbltt. 1IB. Haim Mtwwwf Dalaa USSONJOR MAY 28. JSftfiMIAH SPEAKS BOLDLY FOR GOD. ISII| ^ITpl ' OpeimooKMeihodsinJtaint-iiakim +i.? 5 ?l?ws Seal Paint is advertisedsothat S16^ ^ now about it, •Therefore,,the Sw+EePubI,(Vkno^ aboutit.thebetter. ThatV vrhytheexactformulaappearsoxteverypackage. H’ , ,1 1 ’ * \ \ l _ t,r 4t . f . ' 1 ' v ' , / HANNA’S GREEN SEAL PAINT t isGOODpaint,andtheformulaprovesit. Itshows the^ Materials*carefullymixedin justtherightproportions. VseGreenSealonYOUR property. Itwillsaveyoumoneyinthelongrun. »" ‘ SoldIby' , THE CEDARVILLE FARMER'S GRAINCO. k I % ! Pv [ fV LET US ESTIMATE YOUR ■SRNBMaiMmaMaMPMElaNMMBnMMuniHMBMBSMasMmuamaMaaiMaBSBasmaiBnNaimHwamamausaaiBiMMRaaMaai \ ELECTRICAL * "V.™" * ■ ' ' ■> ■; . ......... L ' - . \ Wiring, Repairing,Fixtures Wireless Supplies HEAR Concerts, Lectures, Stock and Weather Re ports, in your own home. Galloway’s Electric Shop 52W, Main Street, Xenia, O. Bellj90. LBSBQX TEXT,-Jar. at, QQLpx}? TEXT,—Am«nd your ’way* and your doing*, and obey the voice o f the Lord.--J*r. M;IS. REFERENCE MATERIAL. - II Sam. Uft'Mi r Xing* Jer. Atnoa 1:1-1. ■ JPRIMART TOPIC.-.The Story of a Brave Prophet ' JUNIOR TOPIC. —A Brave Prophet’a •CetfMa&e* •■ INTERMEDrATEAND SENIOR.TOPIC.' -Jeremiah Speak* Boldly for God, TOTING PEOPLE AND ADULT TOPIC. —When and How Should Wrong Be Re- bukedT 1, Jeremiah's Solemn Warning to Judah (vv. 1-7). The Lord ,commanded Aim to stand in a conspicuous place in the temple and proclaim the judgment which was: about to fall upon them because of their sins. The object wae to provolte them to repentance (v. 3). If they would not repent, God would make the temple as Shiloh (v. 6). Just as ShUoh wad once the dwelling place of the Lord and now fallen Into decay and abandoned, .so will It be with the temple. Jeremiah was sent to speak the words the Lord had told him and not to diminish a word. , . II. Jeremiah on Trial <vv. 8-11), 1. Cause of’ Arrest (vl 8). It was for faithfully speaking all that the Lord had commanded. The. one who speaks boldly what God commands shall be opposed.. The time-serveranil self-seeker wilt hot stand for such a ministry. v ^ 2. The Charge (W, 8,' 9). " it wag a capital crime. They said, “Thou shalt surely die.” His guilt according to their charge was twofold: (l) ‘Pre tending to speak for God,'; (2) Speak ing against the temple and the .city. According to their charge he was guUty of blasphemy and sacrilege, 3- T^e Princes Sit In Judgment (vv, 10, 11). When the excitement reached the earq of the princes they came to judge of -the merits of the case. Matters of state 'were not en tirely In the hands of the priests and elders, but were partly controlled by members of tbe royal family. III. Jeremiah's Defense (vv, 12-15), 1, Reiterates His Divine Commis sion (v. 12). He had nothing to deny, but to tepeat what he bad said. He plainly, told, them that In opposing him they were opposing God, .for be was Cod's messenger. « 2. His Exhortation (v. 13). He ged them to amend their ways and obey Cod, and God would not bring upon them judgment. Their threats did hot cause him to suppress or soften bis message. . 8. He Gave Himself,Up (V. 14). He did not resist the powers of govern ment , (Rom. 18:1). Knowing thai he was sent of God he was content t«. trust God for deliverance. He did qot fear what man could do unto him. « A WaynS of Fatal Consequence (v. 15). He frankly, told them that God had' sent him and if they killed him they .would be guilty of defying God; Resistance to Cod's prophet would, be resistance to God. Woe would not only fall upon them, but the nation and city would suffer, IV. Jeremiah Saved , (vv. 16-24} |* He was acquitted, God is able tc ! { Red Wing Polar Cakes The new milk chocolate coated Ice Cream 10c ON SALE AT R idgw ay ’t D rug Store AfftmfftMff’e Restaurant raise Up friends and advocates from the ranks of those who oppose ns All hearts are In God’s hands. L Judgment of the Princes (v,18) They pronounced him not guilty, at he had spoken in the name of the Lord. Jeremiah's words convinced them that he was spfeaklng the truth 2. Speech of the; Elders (w. 17-23) As the princes probably represented the king, so the elders represented the people. The elders plead for Jeremiah and adduced several cases In Illustration: (1) Micah (vv. 18. 19). Mlcah had propbealed against Jerusalem, bnt the king Hexeklah' instead of putting hire to death, repeated and thus turned aside the punishment which was lm> pending. (2) Urijah (vr. 20-23) Urijah prophesied agnlhst the city and land and thus Incurred the wrath w Jeholaklm, Who brought him back from Egypt whence he had And and slew hlnl. Though all -this was done, judgment was not thus thwarted. Killing God1* prophets does hot prevent God’s judg ment, but intensifies It In the cast of Hexeklah God’* judgments were turned aside, through heeding the words of the prophet, and in the cast Of JeholSkira judgment fell upon the nation because of refusal and. mal treatment of the prophet. 8, Rescued by Ahlkara (v, 24). Ahikatn must have been A man of in finance such as to be able to interfere at such a tinted o n : In Taste With ND it isn’t a bit strange tllat we should like what you L like. Years of customer-experience have taught us what well-dressed mep want-~and it is according to this principle that we have bought our Summer Suits.* Here are Clothed that you will admire—Clothes that everyone will admire—at prices that will please you. $25 $30 $35 and Why Do Some SHIRTS Look Different? Ours are made of;Fabrics, specially selected for their beauty, and durability. They are cut to. allow easy freedom, but snugly fitted to eliminate all super fluous'material, They are carefully tailqred as the finest suits and finished with the utmost at tention to detail. Does that account for the“ difference” ? We think it does! , * 4 $1.50 to $8.50 . \ • JHZ \ W. D. SPRINGFIELD, Hart Schaffner and Marx Clothes OHIO, Frlantlahlp That Nsvsr Falla. Suppose Je*ua were In your com pany, would it not make life stroni and pure and effective, fall of powet and mveetneaa and power And'joy tc have each a Friend alwaya at handl Hi« la a Coropafaldhihlp that have* grows wearUome, and Hi* la a friend ship that never falls, and It rtache* through time and etarnlty, ffnvy Like a Fly, Eavy la like a fly that passes all a hedy’a sounder parte and dwell* Upon the aorea—Chapman. PENMSYLVAH1A SYSTEM r r a r i N H A T i w lIV v II lfA lI Sunday, May 28th $1.80 ROUND TRIP For detail*, inquire of Ticket Agent W^Y NOT HAVE GOOD GLASSES SINCE YOU HAVE TO WEAR THEM , Tiffany’* Optical Service Pro vides Yon With the Beat. TIFFANY BETTER GLASSES • S. Detroit S t Xante, 0. B A S E , B A L L Sunday, May 28th, 3 p. m. EAGLES FIELD--SPRINGFIELD F. O. E. ATHLETICS—SPRINGF1ELD . ■ .. vs. . . - MECHANICSBURG l Graud Stand 60c Bleacher*86c ADMISSION JLadle* and Chidreri 26c Alto Decoration Day—Springfield Vi. Delaware, w—w i ,. . , Il . in, W-i*.»»wfnw.. . ■ nri' il#U r>ia*mfie*l Dafinlng *$eld W umi* The fall «f tamperature la S4 honra cenattttftlng a “cold wave!” la various ly defined by the weather bureau, ac cording to the part of the country af fected and the season of the year, l Pravimf Rtiefc ■ Touch with 40 the center ends of the riba of your umbrella. This prevent* rtmtihg and rafotbjt « the material*. Ml ear* Uli a very Uttl* #**g' JIMWMrYMf* ■ .Real Estate. * FARMS - Town Raddaneae-^Yhlwit Loti LIFE and FIRE INSURANCE. AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE ‘ • Thi B4i4 . G.McCorkell Limousine Invalid Car Service ^CAT^t^ J. H. McMillan & Son Cedarville Ohio. Cltixena FUNERAL Fhone 7. DIRECTORS ■MM** EAGLE“ MIKADO’ M b .1 7 4 P.v Sd , .1 D -d ., I - 1 MiAtfciMMliMMI AKFM tH t Vm ow rawn . w nsTMM OBu* . m m m m EAcyg pencil conFAinr* Nfiw mm I 0
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