The Cedarville Herald, Volume 45, Numbers 1-26
* Al ■ M W DEBS LEAV ING -PEN lTENT lARY l OBITUARY. AUTOCA$T£tt' , Photograph taken m front of the Federal prison *t Atlanta when 4* Socialist leader walked out a free man. pardoned bv President Harding. Thtt others in the group are Socialist friend* of Pebs VICTORY THEATRE W i w ■ V I I * DAYTON, OHIO 0 "oENLDYflV SUNDAYJAN. 8 MK E O Engagement Extraordinary FIRST TIME INDAYTON TheWorld’s Greatest Show GE0- SCANDALS WHITE’S WITH ANNAPENNINGTON AND THIS WONDERFUL CAST Lou Holtz, Aunt Jemima, Lester Allen, Olive Vaughan, Geo. Lomaire* Victoria Herbert, George Bickei, Gene Ford, Myra Cullen, Lloyd Gqrrett, Helen Lavonne, James Miller, Yuette Currier, Jack Neal, Ruth Savory, Samledner Helen.Cox, Mae Morris Also Geo. White, And All The Real American Beauties THE PRETTIEST CHORUS THAT EVER LEFT BROADWAY 100 PEOPLE IN THE COMPANY 100 Everbody’s Goingl Why Not You? MAT, 60c, $1.00, $1.60, $2.00 $8. SO.'1 EVE. $1.00, $1.60,. $2.00, *2,60, $1.00 , R./oerfc Harvey Dean, son of Robert and Elizabeth Campbell Dean, was b^rn Kept, 14t», LS-Cb in the old Dean homestead in New Jumper township. Ho died December ;i0 a t the home of I 5;; h nephew*, Mr. Charles Dean, where j he had nyr’.e hia hemo for the last \ four and one-half years. lie was uni ted in marriage to Harriett Thomp son in 18GO. One daughter, Emma, was born to them, when 14 years of age she passed away. Unvie Harvey as he was lovingly called, was of a Quiet nature, refined and gentle, loved by all who knew lnm. The having been a "shut in" for almost two years, he was rvarly heard to complain. His patience was remarkable. When able to read he never lost interest in home or state. Deprived of the„privil6ge of attend ing church, lie spent his Sabbath days with his Bible. Born and raised in the United Presbyterian .church he lived jp to the principles he proffessed. His pure life will leave its influence upon liis friends, and to those who minis tered to him in hia declining years will ever linger the sweet memory of a most beautiful life. The funeral service was held a t the home of Mr, Charles Dean in Xenia. The service was in charge of Dr. John P. White of this place, who was for ten years Mr. Dean’s pastor in Topeka- Kan. Amidst a large number of friends and relatives the body whs laid to rest beside that of his wife in the cemetery a t Xenia. “The memory of the just is blessed”. m n n H H m H N m I C L E A R A N C E Coffield Tire. Protector —eliminates 95$ of all punctures. Prevents. stone bruises, which later lead to blow-outs. Makes any tire wear longer. Five year* of success is the best evidence of the merit oFthe Coffield. Pays for itself many times over by the extra mile age you get. The Coffield Tire Protector Co. Agents Wanted 117 W. Court St„ Dayton, Ohio C a l lo w a y ’s E le c tr ic S hop Let us give our estimate on your new electric wiring and fixtures! also your repairing. We specialize on all kinds of electrical work. We carry the NATIONAL MAZDA, MILL TYPE and 32 VOLT for DELCO LIGHTS; Pay a Y isit to Our G ift Shop Galloway Electric Shop 52 Welt Main Bell Phone Xenia, Xenia UseSAPOLIO For Evoiy Roomin th i flouts In the kllchtn SAPOLIOclean*pot*,pan*, n.vSlv <h»tleiyr in the m bathroom SArOuO./jlean* porcelain,marble, tiling *-*the Wash basin and bathtub; in the hallway SAPOl JO clean* painted wood work, door*, #ilT* and concrete or *tono ...- tii - ’ floor*. See that the tt*«eSAPDUOia on every package. ENOCH MORGAN’S SONSCO, ft#A a } •' w• irmivsn emit!tft tt*«Tt*rk U.8.A. wn>p.aM*s v,«- R J V P C 'j '0 mmmmm NOTICE TO A. L. BOYS, The blanks for th<! Ohio bonus are now being distributed by the state and those fo r the local, Wallace C, Anderson Post are expected in a few days. All service men in this com munity will be taken care of by the Post where the proper application blanks will be filled out. Every ser vice man must have his discharge with him or he cannot make applica tion at* that time. The '■state will 3tart paying the bonus the first of February. -Jaw Pressure 634 Pounds. Those who study these matters say that the average human Jaw can exert a force of 684 pounds. Putting It In a Nutshell, An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of Cure; only we don’t know when to apply the prevention and wo do know when to apply the cure. COURT OF COMMON PLEAS, GREENE COUNTY, OHIO. . The Exchange Bank of Cedarville, Ohio, Plaintiff, vs. LEGAL NOTIGE Sarah E. Pauli, C. G, Pauli, The Home Build ing ahd Savings Com pany of Xenia, Ohio, The Dayton Marfcgoge and Investment Com pany of Dayton, Ohio, The West Side Lumber Company of Dayton, Ohio, The West Day- ton Commercial and Saving* Bank, Dayton,' Ohio, Defendants The defendants Sarah E. Pauli and C. G. Pauli, whose last known place of residence was Breckenridge, Texas :F, O. Box 302* will take notice that on the 27th day of December, 1021, The Exchange Bank of Cedarville, Ohio, filed its petition against them and The Home Building and Savings Company of Xenia, Ohio, The Dayton Mortgage and Investment Company of Dayton, Ohio, The West Side Lum ber Company, Dayton, Ohio, The West Dayton Commercial and Sav ings Bank, Dayton, Ohio, claiming that the plaintiff has heretofore re covered a judgment in the Common Pleas Court of Greene County, Ohio, against the defendants Sarah E. Pauli and C. G. Pauli for $5151.11 and the costs in said action, and that said judgment is wholly unsatisfied; that the defendants Sarah E. Pauli and C. G. .Pauli have no goods or chattels, lands or tenements subject to execu tion, out of which said judgment can be satisfied. Said petition further al leges that the said Sarah E. Pauli is seized of an equity of redemption in certain real estate, being 174.93 acres of land more or 'less situate in Cedat- ville Township, Greene County, Ohio, being p a rt of Military Survey No. 1560; that said petition further al leges tha t the plaintiff has a lien on said premises by reason of an order of “ hi ...............* attac ment levied thereon in said ac tion in the Common Pleas Court of husband of said Sarah E. Pauli, and that as such lie claims inchoate right of dower in said premises, and-other defendants hereinbefore .named re spectively claim certain lien3 on said premises, and that the prayer of said petition is that the respective claim ants be required to set up their claims, and that the priortics thereof together with plaintiff's lien- bo de termined by the Court, and that said real estate may be ordered sold and the proceeds of sale distributed a- mong the claimants according to their respective priorties, as the same may be determined by the Court. Said defendants Sarah E. Pauli and O. G. Pauli arc required to answer said petition on or before the ‘ F ’ 26th day of ebruary, 1922, The Exchange Bank of Cedar* Ville, Ohio, Plaintiff. Harry D, Smith, Attorney for Plaintiff. ■ (2-10-d) .Real Estate. FARMS Town Residences—Vacant Lot# LIFE and FIRE INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE The Best on Earth J. 6 . McCorkeli S A L E On All Hart Schaffner & Marx a n d Fashion Park SUITSAND $70.00 and $65.00 Suits and Overcoats . . . . . . . . $55.00 and $65.00 Suits and Overcoats . . . . . . . . $45,00 and $42.50 Suits and Overcoats • *i ** * $ 43-75 $ 37-75 $ 31-75 $35,00 Suits and Oevrcoats 9 9 9 9 « $30,00 and $28.00 Suits and Oevrcoats . , . . a • if • «' » I $25-00 Suits and Overcoats . . $ 24.75 $ 19.75 $ 17.50 $ 16.74 Any boy’s Knickerbocker Suits or Overcoats 1-3 Off $22.50 Suits and Overcoats « « * ♦ * ♦ . * , * B. Men’s Odd Pants reduced., ’ Dress Shirts all reduced. t)ress Hats, both Soft and Derbies reduced. Leather Goods all reduced. Sweaters all reduced 1.-3 off. Wool Hose Clearance Prices, Work and Dress. All Underwear reduced. Sale Now in Progress G. WEAVER EE- Main Street, Opposite (iourt House iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiniiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiii Xenia, Ohio Lev#, Love, amid the other graces In the world, 1# like * cathedral tower, which begins on the earth, and at first la surrounded by the other parts of the structure. But at length, rising nbovo buttressed walls and arch and para pet nnd pinnacle, it shoots splrcllke many a foot right Into the Mr—so high that the huge cross on its sum mit grows like n speck Id the morn ing light and shines, like a star In the evening sky, when the rest of the pile Is enveloped In darkness. So love, here, Is surrounded by the other grhees, and divides the honors with them; but they will have felt the wrap of night and of darkness’, where It will shine luminous against the sky of eternlfy.“-Hcnry Ward Beecher, Fainting on df*s*. Unless care Is taken to have the shiv 'nco absolutely clean, considerable dir* utility is encountered In attempting to fullil over polished brass. To Insure a satfxfsir-iory Job the br;m» should first he scoured with n mixture of salt ahd vinegar to remove all gtc-ase, after which the surface should bo washed with hot soap suds and wiped dry with a clean rag. Thereafter the paint may he applied without risk of its running while w*t or Chipping off after it hat dried, ■ Converted Chapels In London. ‘ Other London places of worship havs been converted to secular uses besides Hie Bedford Congregational chapel, Homers town, where a co-operative , laundry is being organized. By far the , most interesting of these from an an tiquarian point of view Is the Moravian chapel in Chelsea, now an artist’s stu dio, says London ilt-BIts. . The old chapel, with Its walled and disused graveyard, forms a picturesque cor ner of the. Chelsea loved by artists. Its first tenant under the new condi tions discovered before moving in that the changes made for his benefit werd not the first the building had under gone. It was an adaptation of Sir Thomas More’s stables, the Tudor brickwork nnd foundations being un mistakable. The adjacent horse trofigk Is also Tudor work. E nve lopes to M atch All Things Rstults of Growth, Life Is not a product, but a growth, and graces are fruits and not the out* pul of a factory. Hie soul Is not made perfect a t * bound.—Exchange, Starting Signal*. Professional sprinter* start off at ft Use envelopes to match the color of your stationery- We can supply you with fine letterheads printed on Hammermill Bond and furnish envelopes 1» match in any of the twelve colors or white. Remember we are letterhead specialists. You will find the quality of our printing and the paper we give you very high and our prices very low. L e t t i e S h o w Y o u W h a t W e C o n D o the report of « pistol, but the r a t ot | * " **arg?i %$ begin our sprint when we hear seeder hern.. l If You Nesd Printing Drop is And See Us Tii* advert ?ro u te s xtzi ho* and N the adverfeia, FO ftrT Minist The Grcc: Union will a day, January first hour wiJ Chapel exerei will be given Dr, E. W. Mi Church in X< the Yellow Church and Presbyterian lowing the Ohi ly meeting of t The paper of ti read by Rev, 1.1. church, Bowei be from aurve- county, Folkn a general dim tie# o f religit county. At th noted the pro Campaign, vrt a t this time i meeting the 1 gather a t the one o’clock, the Ministers pected,, FARM AF The fpUowi] ners a t the O piled by the i turp, covering county: J. R. Grieve, sheep. Sheep, $93; J, sheep; $151; G $228. J. P. Fi Grieve & Son, sch, hogs, $12 $250; Revenda hogs, $143; H. E, O. Watt & Hutchison, cat cattle $24.50; $104,42r WJ Springs, $315 by the county Ohio ranks the number with 7,319 am tractors, 10,4.6 Federal Bure, eyery 33 in t truck, and < tractor. Auto! - -^ e r .aon t oF tt <b O. E. Bra*1 Ohio Farm Bi of the A neve attend a con tural interest on January 21 led a t the su. Harding and i Wallace to fc discusb .he si for the farrae The annual Bureau in th< Saturday, Jar, Assembly * >o Reports from treasurer and made. .The schedul ings of the fa' Cedarville, Js 14th; Xenia, the 17th; Rofl off. A number ton pike "will of li‘ - stock Feb. 123. Ther of horses; 6( head of hogs.' SOUTH ch ; TO BE The South Company, ow Houston, who hands of a r cording to Tt been apptaisi court. The pt until i t is o journals in t) much pride ■ Was no doubt standard aiJ than for an i Inn, the fine.-, town in the : gave the pla also to go o *how and so go under tin rssfss —■4 WE CAN T JOU to Until two fo r us to el Journal only Special arra receive aubn. tame price a also take m im . Let us whether the any other tie a n Douttry W Buff Eot’kc, . | phingtons, ^ l i f t j *u i t m w
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