The Cedarville Herald, Volume 45, Numbers 1-26
M um -X A Ormn A rch R& st , AN¥f«APE©R$YW w trw * raft H«J> V* Wfc M «i White Canvas Oxfords Arch-Rest $5.45 . \. ..... ' .* ' I * White Reighnskin, White Leather Sole and Heel, •will not chip off $5.00 Other grades $2.00, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00 Sport Models, Black Leather Trimmed* $3.00, $5.00 and $0.00. 4 f ft * y 4- ■3 ' ’ . :7h.<- Shoe Store X E N I A . * . - O H IO .. ,/ Tire P rotector ' . . * - • J ^4 , * ► ' -^-eliminates 95d of all punctures. Prevents stone bruises, which later leadto blow-outs. Makes any tire wear longer. Five years of.success is thebest evidence of themerit ’ of the Coffield. Pays for itselfmany times over by the extra mile* age you get. The Coffield Tire Prelector Co. Agents Wanted , 117W.'Court St„ . ' Dayton, Ohio % O irJfre fe rre d S ta d t T a x F re e— Y ield s® Bivkhnds^ak/Querteriy TheDavtonPowerftlJ^lCd Sound-SoBd-Sefe Xenia, Ohio. 29 GREEN1 STREET. The Miami ValleySchoolforNurses jwgistkrfd xn ohjo a r e mwtom 'iMimm*- and fcMfttor faefltti#*. Two full-time fastem- cow. AB braasfce#of mmisg tftariii Lo** . . w. or rijubralent braferra&Sljririhour duty. ■ term begin* about Sopt*mb« i. THR 0 U 3 HTHEYEARS WJrsfew ftemroh Bogan Long Ago, But Development Hat Been Swift Lately. wirrieee raseewh *t*rt*d many yearn ago, as far back even as 1827* Sven the radio telephone Is not a re cant perfection; rather it is that intro duction to the layman of the human voioe and music has suddenly popular ised something that wireless men had thought a pastime or amusement, Here is the chronological record of wire- StWBa ' 1827—It wee found that the mag netic discharge from a leyden jar Would magnetise a steel needle, r* 1881 — Electro-magnetic induction was discovered between two entirely, separate circuit* by Michael Faraday, 1887—Cooke and Wheatstone of London, England, and Morse, of the United States take out first patent for . electric telegraph. X883—K. A, Stetahril of Munich suggested that a system of wireless telegraphy could he established after bis discovery of the use of the earth return. ,1840—Joseph Henry (17. S. A.) pro- . duced the first high-frequency elec tric oscillations, and stated that the condenser discharge Is oscillatory. 1842— Wireless experiments were made by S. 10.. B- Morge by electric conduction4; through water across Washington canal and across wide river* 1843— A wireless system for ■ trans atlantic communication was suggested, 1845—Water was used as a conduct ing medium In wireless experiments across a>wide river. 1849—Intelligible signals were act ually Sent across a river 4,500 feet wide in India, but the cost was found prohibitive for commercial ubs . 1807—The electric waves that are sow utilized in wireless telegraphy and telephony.,were predicted in an jR lU fi || H mfls* -by ffljjfc ytgfflfl, EWJWRwBo CMsmmtlrsilstt started wife tvs {steads In ft* HsvsUaa pwnp. the first ftrittrit ship is fitftd with ft* wkftSM tfhtgrspl}, JiHft—Jft&ofxsyk rigmU* received eboerd veeeete at *** et LBQ0 stetute uttle* fiCgaals reeelved from « dis- tenoe of ItoOffl m U m . 3®0*~®*g Edward mrive* e ra* dlo meseeg* from Fmldeot Roosevelt Hlgbagesrar ststton* w*ra ordered by the Italian government Vint trans* attest!* wdft .mewega gent Tri*- graphic news service for ships-at see is startsd, Marconi knighted, in Rue- trie. % ' 1004—The first press message wee sent across the see. 1006—Patent suit started in Hew Fork between theMarconi and De For est company, ■ , Patent for horieontal directional aerial la taken out. This wee agregt step forward in long-distance work;' ISO®—International conference I* held In Berlin, at which most of the countries o f the world are represented, 1907— The use of steel disks for producing notes were successfully tested. Radloetetloni in Ireland and Nora Scotia Were opened for limited public service . * . - 1908— Radio stations opened for un limited public service between Great Britain and Canada. 1908—Steamship in collision with an other off the coast of Florida suc ceeds in calling assistance by radio. 1010—Marconi receives messages 6,700 miles while on board ship going to South America. Spanish radio company formed.- 1911— Canadian government leased radio stations for 20 years. 1912— Radio distress signals from the Titanic bring assistance and save lives of 700 passengers. 1913— Tests were made between the Eiffel tdwer to France and the sta tion at Washington. During the trip into Central Asia an explorer received' hts longitude and time signals from a distant radio station, 1914— Marconi and radio officials start test o f' wireless telephone be tween vessels of the Italian fleet. The test was continued between vessels on the .high seas and voices were heard wltlii clarity at a distance of 44 miles. One day radio telephone communica tion was kept up •constantly for 12 hours. Great Britain declared war ^BHIWIHniiHWlltlBniHUrmtttHtfiMriWtfiMHtlRHflHHiflimifflifflBMHlMBIinCllgj m < M ) 9 H 6 THE UN IVER SAL CAR New P rices Mr. Ford announces new Rock-Bottom Prices effect ive January 15, 1922. * Touring C a r . ................................................. .$348 C h a s s i s . ............ .. ..$285 Runabout............................................... ,$319 Coupe........................................................ $580 Sedan .............. ................................ .....,$645 ■ r . a .»4 < 1 , ■ Truck Chassis.................... ,$430 Tractor.. *......... . . ., ............. . J395 I f . o . b ..D e t r o it , - , , 1 ii t We'can make prompt delivery on all models. . Inves tigate our selling plan. Liberal terms. ' Call, Write, dr, Phone •• ft | #1 LOCAL * # * *| Ke?x> the d* pl*y, f e e 51 Mist Wiif elected g;i a in the Dajtonl Macaroni Catsup ____ orl m "The Flay JTouse, June Wo have the| and Mower, a Separator, The Cedorvj Harry Wrig| teaching at Ly for the summed When you you will have one Dollar FRfl Mother's OatJ . Shredded Whl Butter milk s chicks at the ri The DeW For Sale:- Sul D w m \ Rev. J. W. P| Mechanicshurg Mr. and Mrs. H| tRoyal Baking Lilac Rose Soi 3 We buy Grain a call. The DeW: If you have fh day deliver them the London Crea Mr* John Gri in Columbus for fering .with cam treatment has im to return home AUTHORIZED FORD AND FORDSON DEALER Give Cedarville, Ohio Jamestown, Ohio , =E 11 gllzsbeth A. Bsrfin«rt Radio Instructor In LaneTsohnleal HighSchool, Chloago, . anfi H*f CI ma - address before the Royal Society to London, ‘ England. 1880—The sending of an electric cur rent through earth was systematical ly studied by John Trowbridge^ of Harvard. It vrw found that riga&l- tog might be carried rfn OTgr large distances between'placefnot Connected by wires. 188$—It was found that telephonic Speech could he conveyed by induction over a space of quarter ipfl** experiment took place to England. ' 1889—Electric waves were sug gested as being particularly suitable for the sending of signal* through fogs. 1892—An Instrument for the detec tion of electro-magndtlc waves was discovered which was given the name of a “coherer.” 18041—A scientist of Berlin signaled Ithrongh three miles of water. ; 1895— High frequency waves excite curiosity of Senatore Marconi. 1896— First patent for practical wireless transmitting system Is taken out to London by MareouL Afterward, successful signaling firas carried out over distances ss great as one and sne-quartcr miles. Sir William Preece of the British postafflee. system In terested his cohorts In Marconi’s wire less experiments. . 1897— Marconi establish!* communi cation between points lour miles dis tant. Balloons were used to suspend antennae. Marconi demonstrates hts wireless system before the king of Italy, com municating with two Italian warships nine miles distant The first Marconi station Is erected on the Isle of Wight and experiments conducted Over a distance of 14 miles. Hear the end of the year the first floating wireless Station wits success fully operated * 1898— The first paid marconigram Was sent from ’ the Isle of Wight Station. 1899— Heports made on lighthouse accident by radio. First French gun boat is fitted with radio apparatus. In Vienna communication between two balloons is established. New Fork Herald receives radio report -of inter national yacht races. The British War office introduces Marconi apparatus Into the South African battlefields. ItifiO-"German vessel communicates a aaateis npon Germany August 4 and alt pri vate radio telegraphy and telephony suspended. ‘ ' 1915— Radio communication between America and Japan is completed- The stations were located at Snn Francisco andTokyo with a relay station at Hon olulu. *Tho American Telephone and Tele graph company, succeeded to radio tel ephoning from Arlington station at Washington to Hawaii, a distance ot nearly 5,000 miles. Secretary Daniels of the United States navy transmitted telephonic messages from Washington to the Brooklyn navy yards. 1916— President Wilson, and the mi kado ot Japan exchange messages over the new transpacific radio serv ice, which is formally opened. 3817—Senator* Marconi visits the United State* and aid* greatly to re cruiting for radio operators for the United 'States army, 1918— Wireless telephony progressed rapidly, bring used to a great extent to the equipment of airplanes. Several new long ranger stations were erected in the United States, it being defined for ood built at Annapo lis,’ Md., that ft was capable of com munication at 4,000 miles. The United States government also opened a high- power Station at Bordeaux. In September Of this year radio sig nals sent from a point 12,000 miles away were reea&red in Sydney, Aus- 1919— With the exception of the three transatlantic flights—that of the U. 8. NO-4, apd ft* British flights of Alcock and Brown and the dirigible R-34, to which radio communication, played an important part in keeping the ship* Of the air on their courses— no very great progress was made to radio telegraphy, although radio tele phony was bring pitched along quietly. Restrictions upon amateur receiving ,and sending wera Kited by the Ameri can government 1920—This wa* the year of the radio telephone, more'attention probably be- inp paid to this branch of radio than to its older brother, telegraphy. Sev eral broadcastfcfffttatldn* were opened. 1621—This yftnt was another radio telephonic yean; It was marked ft’ the opening of ftrmerous broadcasting stations. I S | WEEK END SPECIALS ,1 | Wa purchase ftUrgoods in a whole salt way direct from producer, thus making 1 | a saving for YOU. 1 SS .> ,■ • erne. - **& QHOUSE CLEANING GOODS rooms, good weight, Well ooms, guaranteed to woar. 5 Were 79e now e a c h . . PEACHES | Br w made ,Best yellow peeled, California O Q I | br halves, large can, . f i&OC | S' . i P. & G. Naptha, = per bar,. . . . . . . . i Star Soap, | * per bar............ 1 Lye, 5 ptr can............. j§ ' IvoryBoap, = 4 bars,............ SOAP St. Naptha W. Powder, 7 boxes for........... .. .. ...5c :.5c 1 1 c 25c 25c t CORN • *• jv-*'-S . . Bast, extra standard, 3 cans............................... 25c * HOMINY Van Camp’s best, largo.................................. ..10c f tf'r id if S -■- COFFEE 'SS s anyfl.vor................................... 9 c ,hTP Old Reliable Battle- 31c I 32c I S TTrtAv -« ss Hotel Astor, in vaouum cans 0 7 ^ 5 | Gelatin................. : ............. 1 8 c best coffee packed..,............... 3 7 C | s H S E E E BEANS We pay the highest market price E Beat Michigan u v y ‘ - r „ in t8wn for egga-giva you th. Cuh - | per pound................................. • C *nd elwuys buy. g Lima beans, per jpouad.......................... 8c Y/e also buy your cream at the i highest market price, | P ft f f' Public Sale Bills Are A Necessity Leave YourNext Order Here H. E. Sctim idt d Co* 1 | 1XENIA, OHIO | uiifiiittiniiiitiitttHitfiiittsiMiiuuutiiiiMiiiitiiitiiiHiitiitiiiHiiiiuiiiiitiiiiitiiiMiiiiiiiitiiiiMHitisJfiriiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiimiiiitMiiiii Mftft K, « . »«W »T T l|Wt. ibtw<*nnnisiv1,•y Living t glance. Hd tise the red advertising ■. {tram this s| A Sad Wishing, Id couple doel alize their | It is accqrd anc prospectivj But there is bi —to.SAVI Save posit in th] (*4 1 The X X G IT OUR PRICES ON PRINTING X X
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