The Cedarville Herald, Volume 45, Numbers 1-26
# « * * Cv S*. eivertfeiag ,«§ today, net m k f S»o4ue«» reaulto ot it* .aw*, I»t it «4>»cl»*Mui bring* %e, a#*i euhaiaatioa tJ» advancing of th* yesterdays. A NEWARAFJUt LkVltti&t) t o LOCAL AND CBNEEAL M*W» AND THJf JNTJSJOSIWf OF CHUR* < VILLE AND VICINITY. V* ■* F O R T Y - F I F T H Y E A R N O . 2 6 , C E D A R V I L L E , O H f W I i l D A Y , J U N E 2 3 , 1 9 2 2 P R I C E , $ 1 ,5 9 A Y E A R * ~3£) Oldest Citizen DiedMonday James Jeffries, aged 101, Xenia, the obtest citizen in the county died about 8:00 o'clock, Monday morning. He had been in failing health fo r Borne time due to the infirmities o f old age. The deceased was born in Green ville County, Virginia,, January ,20 1821, and hi? early childhood w,n spent thefe. When 11 years o f age the family moved overland to Ohio and settled in Greene county, He resided west o f Cedarville fox* roanj years a t a time when there were but ten houses and two small stores in the village. Hia education was se cured in the public schools and as a trade he took up cabinet making .with tfcrjlah- Jeffries. His first part- JAMES JEFERIES 'nership was with Mason Jeffries. A - baut twenty-five years ago he moved to .Xenia and engaged in "the same business as long, as he was able.'His sight failed him when past 91 years o£v age. He mastered the violin ,and Was known ns quite a->musician in his early days.' The deceased is survived by hjs wife, Mrs. ..Elizabeth Jeffries and three children, Mrs, J. Vv. {Ely, XV. C. Jeffries o f Xenia and Henry of. Ham ilton, He was a member o f the First M. E . church in Xenia and attended all services regularly as long as he ' was aide. His lOOth^ birthday was marked by numerous, letters from friends .and relatives and the flowers ,he-,received werev-bu t'silent, tobetfe , o f the high esteem in which, he Was held. He possessed a very remark able memory even-"to the last. The funeral was private and held frojxi the home Wednesday afternoon Burial took place in the North Cem etery, many friends here going to the cemetery where the casket was opened. . ■ -z-5 Old Friends Meet Again t AvYl''V S . V ’ * ' OU Botff LOO* AT THArl q f i R A v i e e m j .SrtOfcfpMSSy p o p t \ \ v 6 REAT EVENTS - THE SUMMER VISIT TO GRANDA a ^ - m CONDENSED OHIO NEWS News Items Picked at Random and Boiled Down for the Busy Reader Howard x^ano,' 3-year-glti son of Harry Lane of Reno, near .Marietta, was drowned ip the Little Muskingum river when he stumbled and fell Into the water. Milford R. Brown, 44, farmer, was Muskingum county suffered prop- erty loss of $300,000 from the series or electrical storms and cloudbursts that, swept Zanesville and vicinity. Scores of bridges are'washed out, highways will have’ to bo rebuilt in VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL. The Vacation Bible School opened Monday in the B . F, church with an attendance greater than last year. By Wednesday the attendance Was 80 with an enrollment o f 90, Rey. Hartiman has charge o f devotionals, -Rev. White, Bible Study Hour, Miss' Clara Bonsc, the primary depart ment and Miss Florence Smith,, the domestic department. This the second year fo r the va- cational Bible School, the first being a great success and it is hoped that from yea r'to year we may continue to have, this work fo r the benefit of the little folks, Nothing more will tend to develope children, give them clean minds and, the proper ideals than such training as thepe ministers and their associates are rendering. A DEAD STILL. Railroad employees found a still along the tracks several” days ago no trace o f the oWncr has been found. The#imptement used to defy the pro hibition laws was turned over to Sheriff Funderburg, who will destroy i t f o r farther use* ■ggasfcaw IF COUNTESS LOSES THEN SHE WINS FARM AND FIELD NOTES William Frame had three e^ps o f j extra fih'e Shorthorn feeders shipped in last week from Kansas City where he selected them! from that market, '•’rank Townsley . received one car and 15 head Were taken by Howard Smith fo r the Paul farm while, the balance o f the 75 head went to the O. L. Smith farm which 'Mr. Frame operates. Those who saw the cattle pronounce them as good as Were eVer received in this section, •* * M * * The Greene County Poland China Association has secured f the’ co-op eration o f that breed promotion or ganization in financing the Pig Chib show which will' be the feature o f the Poland China show at the Greene County Fair. The $50 purse will be divided among the winners who "must be boys and girls showing Fbland- Ohinas only. The same organization will have a purse pf $150 at the Ohio State Fair. m . w Reports o f shipments during May for the co-operative stock companies in the state indicate that the .busi ness is improving each ijnortfh., The number n£ shippers were- 8,814; mix ed floors, 525 straight, 399; No, hogs 52,428; ca ttle ,'2,412; calves, 5,754; 3heep, 12,727; weight 14,258,338; net in dollars, $1,370,310.62; expense j5er 100 lbs, .67; shrinkage, hogs 3.1; cat tle' 4.1; calves, 6.8; sneep, 8.1; Insur ance loss, total $4,391.95, per 100 lbs. 031. . < ■■ . * ■ • : * ’ ' .,4V■ In the county the live stock ship pers sold stock, amounting to $46,797, >5; there were 95 shippers who sent 52 floors. : . * ■j *■ ' *- ' The appearance o f black lambs in a flock o f white sheep lias been the cause fo r wonder gpd the basis of many superstitions. But a study of the laws o f breeding nttd heredity explains the matter to. the satisfac tion o f th e 'U .'>3. department o f ag riculture, Feeding and management of sheep have nothing? to do with the sporadic appearance o f these off-col or specimens. The black color is he reditary and can be transmitted by white sheep, White sheep mated with .black will produce 50 per cent black iambs and 50 per cent white. A ll o f these white lambs can transmit black White sheep which transmit only white, if mated with- black, produce only white lambs, hut all o f the latter can' transmit black. "When both ewe and ram are white, i f both transmit black, about 25 per cent o f their lambs are black, and the remaining 25 per cent ate true-breeding whites* MRS. A . E. FAULKNER FIRST WOMAN TREASURER \ - vfW/, m mm '’Mr>*• it< SOUTH CHARLESTON TO ' HAVE > NEW BANE South Charleston is-to "have a new bank according to advices from- that ' placq. Saturday ’incorporation papers j were taken out by Robert Elder, E- H. Florence, H. F> Gross, Ralph Har- xold, Charles NicholsSon aijd Stuart Orbison. 'The Rankin Bank will be n|erged into the new brganizatidh and the coropnay has purchased ’the banking quartets, building and equip ment o f the Houston interests. The capital of -the bank- .will be $50,00^* WILL OPEN STORE SOON .. , ,, . -»— - The improvements^ On the -double store room to be occupied by Andrew- Winter as a hardware store, .have been Completed and ipart o f the stock is dnJhand. It will require a week to unpack the stock and place it on the shelves. The formal opening will in all probability .be. held Saturday, July the first. - MRS.' A , E. FAULKNER. Mrs. A . E . Faulkner is the first treasurer to succeed the late J. H, McVay, deceased. Mrs. Faulkner has had much experience as a deputy in the auditor's" office during the terras o f h r husband, A. E. Faulkner, now cashier o f the Commercial and Sav ings Bank in Xenia. Mrs. Faulkner has named Lawrence McKee o f Xenia her deputy during the unexpired term of one year and nine months she has tc verve. Mrs, Faulkner is said to be the first wqman treasurer- in Ohio. FALL IN, BUDDY! ’ EVENING SERVICE ON LAWN •The union service* on Sabbath evening w e bding h*M the U. R, chilrdh lawn. A t t SsbbUth Miss Lulu: Hem reports o f the State Sunday School convention held at Canton. .ASK-MINISTER'S RETURN. A t the last quarterly meeting o f the M. E. Board the Ohio conference was asked to return Rev. V. E. Busier as the local pastor and Dr. Wjant as the district superintendent. According to the report fo r the year 60 new mem bers were taken into thfe church? Dur ing Rev, Buster's pastorate.Over 200 members have been added to the roll. w New* dispatch** from the French’ capital report that the Countess de ■*»-...... formerly Consucfo Mor* £n?d\ughter"of 'llenry Hay* Mor- San, IT. 5 Trade Commissioner to Belgium and now Consul General i t Brussels, i* the same time her husband, Cotrof IMPROVEMENTS ABOUT TOWN. The Leary property purchased from the Wolford Estate by the Standard Oil Company is being wrecked this week by R. A . Murdock, who gets the old building. Mr. Murdock is dispos ing o f much o f the material but ex pects to use the frame and weather boarding in erecting a storage' shed fo r cars and tractors* # * , # Tile DeWine Milling Co., that pur chased the Hiff property on Milter street fo r handling grain and their Other products, is having the residence raised and changed to meet office and storage requirements. The compnny is installing large scale*. ■ ■■* m ■ * f The residence of Wm. Conley is gradually taking shape and will soon ha under roof* *. -# ♦ G. E. Jobe lias the foundation for his new’ home on North Main street completed and will sopn be ready fo r the Contractors, f * * * • Tho Farmers' Grain Company has been improving its property on the East side o f Main street with fresh paint. The preamble Of the American Legion's constitution states that it is dedicated to God and Country. The Legion, during its career o f only 3 yeat’B has demonstrated that it is the best insurance policy the Nation has. In mote than 11,000 communities the world over today your old Buddies are, through The American Legion still in action, fighting a t ho*mc fo r the land that was good enough to fight fo r abroad. There are vacant places in the rank that can never be filled—blank files ledicated to the memory o f old ship mates and tentmates who went West when death rode in the air and»sea. But there’s your old place in the line; Buddy, waiting fo r you, and the bugle o f duty sounds ‘Ta ll in.” There are no written orders or commands except those o f your own conscience, and bunk-fatigue brings no> excited top kicker* • Just the same,. Soldier, The Ameri can Legion needs you and you need The American Legion. That's fifty- fifty. Hold up your end and become a member* B y midnight—Saturday—July 1 Wallace C. Anderson Post o f Cedar- ville wants to have every eligible ser vice man or woman as a member. Your honorable discharge is your etegibility ticket., Your Legion button tells the world you have such a discharge. For further information call and see Paul "McFarland, Commander o f Wallace C. Anderson Post, res de E a k £ * tl l L u f t>t lor divorc* itt « « * <«*«** Brof. L* D. Barker, Mrs, Anna Wil son and Misses Florence Somers and Carrie Rife are attending summer achod at the O. & V , A RADIO PROGRAM. The local members o f the Masonic Club in the county Will “have an evert ing o f unusual entertainment, Friday, the 23rd, when a dinner will be served at the Masonic rooms in Xenia. Fol lowing the dinner at 6 o'clock, a radio program will ■be offered by Lyon Galloway, Xenia's pioneer wireless operator. Dinner will be served under the direction o f Jacob Kany, PAPER MILL STARTS. The paper mill started Monday af ter being closed down fo r about three weeks until a pulley fo r * the big motor could be mode. Two other kinds were tried but were not a success. NEW PHYSICIAN ARRIVES thrown from his wagon and kilted many places and hundrmls of acres when Ms tdam bolted near Bucyrus, ‘ of wheat and corn have been da- Five white men ito le a smajl safe, stroyed by the overflow of Licking containing about $1,200 and some jew- river and tributaries, elry,. from the office of the Sterling Wilfred Krebs, 10, was drowned In hotel, Cincinnati. , a creek at. Sandusky when, he fell Three thousand dollars, represent-^.from a log on which he was floating, ing his life savings, was stolen from ‘'Rag Apple,” a Holstein bull, val- a trunk lit the room- of John Howard ued at $10,000, was burned to death at Toledo. . - ' Kenneth McKinley, 37, Columbus, was -drowned while bathing. Directors of the Youngstown Sheet and Tube company have'* authorized the l l i per cent dividend on When a large barn on the Esselberpe stock .farm, west of Canton, was de stroyed by ':re. , Wade Turner, 32, Toledo truck driver, shot his mother-ln-Jaw, Mrs, Cordelia Taylor, 59, .at, Jerry City, 12 preferred stock and a' dividend of 50 miles south of Bowling. Greon, and cents per share on edmmon stock. Meigs county now has two county school superintendents,, Will Merritt and C. N. Wagfier, TWo factions, in tlie county education board held the elections and the courts will be ap pealed to ., * American Legion officers o f the northwestern Ohio district will bold tliefr annual conference at Tiffin on July 30. Officials at Marblehead, neair San dusky, are seeking unknown parties who recently raided the. village jail and stole 65 gallons of hootch. Mrs. Iona Davis of East Columbus, was awarded $18,000 for the deaths of then turned the weapon on himgelf, dying Instantly. 'Mrs,^Taylor will re cover. /.D r..K. M. Badhr of Cincinnati wgs-. selected to take charge' of the state department of juvenile-research upon the leaving of Dr. H- H. Goddard as director,, ' Newark'was selected as the place for the holding of the 1923 convetion of the Qhlq State Sunday .School as sociation. The -Canton convention re-' elected W. G. Clippinger of Wester rifle president. ‘ * ■ E. C.,Shaw, formerly a temporary, member of the state board of paroles and pardons, has been' named to sue- her father and brother-at a Pennsyl- - deed G, W, C. Perry, parole chief, un- Dr, Edmund H, Ubner o f Jersey City, N. J.f has rented the pffices of the late Dr. E. G* Oglesbee, and ex pects to open fo r the practice o f medlqine early next month. Dr. Ubner is a graduate o f the New York Ho meopathic College in New York City* He filled an internship in the Hahne mann Hospital ahd also the New Fifth Avenue Hospital in that city and later engaged in the general practice o f medicine in that city. Mrs. V. E. Busier is in Springfield with her sons, Lowell and Roger, who underwent operations at the city hospital. Lowell had a major opera tion white. Roger had his tonsils and adenoids removed. The latter has re turned home white Lowell is reported as improving as rapidly as can be ex pected. Mr. and Mrs. Arch Douglass o f Ox ford, spent several days last week at thfe home sof. Miss Jennie Bratton, Charles Crouse, who has been laid up fo r. some weeks was able to be in town last Saturday. Kenneth Little has taken a position with Jiiff Bros, on a job near Cincin nati, ' * ADVERTISED LETTERS. Bobbitt Mrs. Lillie » Cooper Jonas (2) Cotton J. L. Eakin Santford "Home Restaurant Matties W. F« Millman Reva Pointdexter Chas, E. Parmer Mrs, Luck S. G. Rural Rout# S Simmons Geo. , ., Dominick' Sorantino Topish Kade W. A . Turnbull,, p . M. BOY SCOUTS WILL CAMP vania railroad crossing, State Fife Marshal Dykeinjin an nounced that Charles E.. Oliver and wife hail been held to the grand jury at Canton, charged with burning their wall paper store there March 28i ’ i When the Twentieth Century lim ited train reached Toledo, the head less body Of a man was found on top of'a coach. Papers hearing the name of Francis I. Bowman, Calton, N. J„ were found in the pockets. Louis Seidell, 55, Dayton, fell down • an elevator shaft to death. Miss Bernice Farrell, 18, drowned in .the bay at.Sandusky. Damage estimated at $15,600 was .caused by fire which started - when lightning struck the, general .store of James Motley at Cflivd Branch, a hkm- iet three 'miles south of Batavia. , James McCartney,'- 29, Toledo, was killed amt three other men were :*n lightning; fishing, ' **' . Continental Clay company reopened its Salineviile plant,' . ^ ■ Plans'are being perfected for a his torical pageaiit to be given at Lima., June 29 to July 4, in which 1,200 peo-« ple; will participate, in costume, Walter Bennett, 24, lost his life at Beliefontaine while trying to board a freight train for Cleveland. Goshen township, Tuscarawas coun- school district electors approved a bond" issue for . $58,000 to build schools at Barnhill and Beldler. Electors of thd Massillon city Bohool district will be. asked by the board of education to approve at the primary'election Aug. 8 a bond issue o f $950,000 fo f erection of now schools Mrs. Imogen* Ward of McArthur is a candidate for state senator from the Seventh-Eighth district on the Democratic ticket, Three farmers residing, near McAr thur, Vinton county, were instantly kilted when the automobile in which they were riding was hit by a passen ger train at a crossing. The dead are: Cook Van Bibber, George Gibbs and Aaron Harkins. All were past 70. Grape growing interests at Middle Bass Island have been hard hit by re cent wind apd hall Btorms. Islander* said that the crop in soipe vineyards is a total loss. Others Mil produce only 20 to 25 per cent crop. Miss CurleSsa Simon, 31. who killed her divorced husband, John H, Tap per, Toledo, restaurant proprietor, April 9, committed suicide by drink ing poison at the Lucas ebunty In firmary. Mary Kline, 16, lost her life at Cleveland while saving that of her two younger sisters and a schoolmate, Mary pushed the two others from In front of a motor truck, but was her self run over and kilted At commencement of Denison uni versity announcement was made of the gift by Dr. Ambrose Swasey of Cleveland of a new university chapel, estimated to cost more than $,300,060. Ohio crops ar€ above the average, and with -favorable weather a fairly good oats and wheat crop can be ex pected, according to the monthly re port of C. J. West, state-federal crop reporter. Because of business and personal reasons, Philip Wolf, a member of the late state legislature from Rich land county, has withdrawn & peti tion nominating him for a. second term. Wage Increases o f between 5 and 6 per cent were announced by the Goodyear Tire and Rubber company. Heavy loss by smoke, which filled the building for several hours after the fire department had the blafce un der control, was suffered by the Bach clothing store, Fremont. til his successor is named, Mr3, Julia Lorrinez, SO, Dayton, Is ■accused of tying the hands and feet ‘ of her 7-year-old sou and. binding Cram with newspapers as well af rope, and then setting fire to (jhc- papers. '^ , George Frederick is' near death a*. Delpbos as a result of hundreds' or Stings received when a colony o: honey-bees swarmed on him and hit. team. r Both; horses are. dead. Steve Myeskf,- 22,‘ of -Youngstown, under sentence of death for the.mur der Of Stella Korn, Sept. 1, 1921, hap -appealed his case to .the' supreme court. .’ ! Florence Kahn, 7\ was killed at Am herst when the,rifle she and Orville Koepke, 7, a companion, were playing with exploded. v Miss Hazel M. BoWeh of Sidney was awarded the NekurtijSilver cup,for- be ing the best "all-round” girl at Ox- Dr. H, If, (Jtiddard, head of the state juvenile research bureau, "Who submitted his resignation, is to be come professor of abnormal psychol ogy at Ohio State university. Dr. Goddard will take .up ,hls new work Sept, 30. \ - Mlddleport officers are dragging the Ohio river there for. the bodies of William Hartless arid Carrie Dunn, 16 Proposal to build $75,000 .school building at Zanesfield, Logan county; was defeated by 87 votes. Eleven members, of } the faculty resigned; and 19 new Instructors and assistants- were chosen at the annual meeting at Ohio university trustees. Twenty-seven faculty, members re calved salary increases .ranging from $120 to $400 a year. Herbert Ames and James AHonas wore killed at Marion by a train, John H. McVay; 65, Xenia, treas urer of Greene county, died after hav ihg served one year of his third term Mrs. Celestia Bird, 78, was fatally burned at heV home near Bowling- Green, Madison county commissioners have awarded sheep claims to the amount, of $1,543.50 and witness fees to the amount of $32.80. More than SO towns, members of Northwestern Ohio Volunteer Fire men’s association,\ will send represen tative* to the annual convention at Napoleon. ■■ 4 Rev. Wlftufhj J, Schoman, pastor of the First Lutheran church, Canton, died following an Operation. , Three hundred and sixteen were graduated from all departments of Ohio university at lifthons, the largest class In the history of the university. Eleven hundred and eighty-four seniors, forming the largest class in the school’s' history, were .awarded degrees or certificates of graduation from Ohio State university. Rev, Father William McDermott, aged 64, pastor of Holy Name church, Columbus, died suddenly, from heart trouble, Two trusties walked away, from the Ohio penitentiary. Ohe was The odore Pohlmatt,- 40, serving a life term for murdering Patrolman Rich ard Ell, Cincinnati. Dec, 14,1918. The other was Harry Pain of Zanesville. Ohio Wesleyan university, Dela ware, announced plans for a develop Went program necessitating the rais ing and Investment* of $8,000,000, Ignoring the smoke’ and flames, two unidentified colored girls ran Into a, burning tenement house at Toledo and rescued four small Mexican chil dren. City oil Toledo lost all angles of its fight to reduce wages of unskilled employes through tlys decision of the special court of common pleas judges, tinder the decision the city must pay unskilled employes at least 50 cants ian hour, "Explosion of an oil stove in the o Notes Among ThePoliticians A. V, Donghay, Democratic fo r * governor, hag been stung by a bee > again but not, a political bee. Last Saturday while making an auto tour from Xenia to 'Y e llow Springs, to? speak before the Grange Finnic at Riverside Firm , he was* stung by a honey bee and his face swelled until it was necessary to call oii a physician - 9 m » Judge James Johnson o f Spring- field, member o f. the State Supreme * Court, will resign that place soon- to devote his time to his campaign fp-r . the Democratic nomination fq r gover nor at the primary. The Judge is by fa r the strongest and the cleanest candidate fpr governor on the Demo cratic ticket fo r the nomination. • • * ■ J, F, Shoomakair o f Goes .Station, yvas in town yesterday looking after his fences ' for the nomination- o f county treasurer on. the Republican • ticket at the August primary, Mr, Shoemaker has been engaged in bus!- ' ness at Goes f o r a number o f years and has a wide acquaintance in' the ' county. - *. * ■ • *. • Ed Lighthizer o f Xenia, candidate 'V for sheriff is making his rounds in ~ lie county looking up Voters in . his ; race for the nomination fo r sheriff. „ de was in town Thursday and there no denial but that Ed ‘ is a campaigner as can bf proven b y his race* fo r the same "office Some ’jtears - go. Mr. Lighthizer has- been con- - lected with the Framers'” Evchange , in Xenia wider the _management o f ■ F. P, Hastings. MJ . f ' <*•» - * ' '* J-., The general opinion is that there - vill be no commissioner to elect this - /ear. jChere is nothing to keep can- lidates from ,filing but after making - ;he campaign the successful one will rot likely get on . the regular ballot n November, Attorney^ who have . oolcqd into the matter and politician^ vho watch those things saY.that on ly’- i court decision can make it possible' ' qr an election to be held this fall. - ?he last legislature “passed a -law ■ hanging the terms o f conumisioners md providing fo r a short and a” long ' prm.. Secretary o f State Smith, who s a .candidate fo r governor and Who • ias 'been' an busy building a political«,. nachjne, failed to specify On the offi cial ballot which candidate was fo r ;he long term and which was fo r the short term. As a result all three o f ;he commissioners in .each county will J- .ikely g6t to serve the same terms, — - 1 ' . * _ * •* «*•' It is a matter o f common comment, vhoro men who take, part in politics -: gather, as*.to how. silent members’ af the Gowdy-Marshall faction are* and have been on the shortage, of.' J. E. Sutton, county treasurer who’ was forced to resign and', pay back ;o the'-county over $2,500, Sutton .vas one o f the wheel horses o f that .» faction and a grand jury under un- ier tjie direction o f Judge Gowdy # had as one o f its member* a ’blood:! relative o f Sutton yet this member was not removed. The jury ignored the case, f t has b^en intimated that all members o f the fiction .and the friends o f Sutton were cautioned to keep quiet, make no comments Or engage in no arguments over the Sutton affair. Truly a nice situation * for a faction posing as reformers. As additional evidence has been found against Sutton is has been Suggested that a charge be filed a- gainst him and the shortage invest!* gated by the grand jury the second time. The Gowdy-Mar$hall faction would then be face to face with the situation. An affidavit filed against Sutton in any justice court would throw the case onto the grand 'ju ry for sdme action. r CUT YOUR WEEDS. You are hereby notified to cut all weeds growing about your premises in compliance with an ordinance and state lay? governing same. No other notice will bo given property owners. Harvey Myers, Marshal - ................ ,1, H I. INIU.Ill!»IB»lllliM, The Boy Scouts under the direction of Rev. V. E. Busier will go into camp July 11 ut the ’ ‘Caves" ten miles from Greenfield. The camp site 1st ideal and the boys will have plenty o f sport with th# u m l camp ^ctivi* ties, i -i ' Xenia was chosen as the place tor |g-pringfieid country clubhouse set flr _ the 1928 oneSmpmotit of the United >l0 gtrueturo, which was complete- Spanish War Voterans, ; destroyed, entailing loss of $80,0.00. . Hundreds bf maple trees in Warren , aii-stoel packet steamboat are believed to be jtoomed to stunted ! on the Ohio river was launched growth or death as the result of the neRr Galllpnlis fo r service between appearance there of the turtle bAck ^jticinnAtl and Huntington W. Va. scale. ’ t petitions were circulated in Lima Flaying with matches cost the life # h ,ch the city commission to o- ttnphta Gobrlch, 3, Barberton. romove City Mans'"? C. A, Ulugh » ONE SAID, “ I C A N T . t ,E T GEORGES DO IT,” GEORGE DID, AND 'GO T T H E c r e d i t . JJ y v \Yl - 3 * ^ —
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