The Cedarville Herald, Volume 45, Numbers 1-26
.... HWUlilBI ■^aMr*Wa«l. mr$0 fWWTYCMHINSBUCKBYHARDWORKROUTE **¥* l*rix« Winner Na t iona l Sul** C o r if o * t »vlay t* SlUs JttmcUoa, Wli.» where 1» wtjfwft up i t p howl pjttroBiieit by Hie Ifamwr# ftu4 Justbarjaeks ot th* neigh- ItorhtMriL Droesad W u mackinaw fshirt, bto'fae* adorned with two days* \ growth of board, Cbalftry mixed la cowing bank by tb« crowd and listeaed to ths iHWi w i t m t ’, «c<or«ift tft Jl. leoftversftttoft, which mostly coaesrnsd Cbftftbrr. sslswnan for ttw yroduet o£!the problsm of hauling loga across th* • 8fc»*Mky wanutorturor, wk* kaa Just!k* <* Noqut Lak* Bay, four mils# b*ea awarded ftrat prtw by Oefilsri tor:*w*y, Tbl* » w blm aa tdaa. And tfcft b4Mt wpoct of actual aoles mads by tha tint# It was dark ha had W e IMi year, 1* a oonteat o*s» to ail tha. dameftstratlag brack oat 1 b tha middle attorns* of America Chantry tyjrifle* the taka with hi# alactrie light plant tboawtftd# of aalatmaa who are bring- ** *“11oparfttioft, tag jcaapartty back, la hi* story to «• oraatad a sensation and the farm, ravaatod tha kind of roaourrafslnaM aad hard work that i» now replacing tha ardor-taking period of tha past fivs HWft, Out of a Job, but Inspired by tha story of aa aatorooblle dealer who was galling *ft automobile a weak when; all the other dealers in the oountry ware doing nothing. Chantry walked into the store of the Murphy Supply Co., Green Bay, Wisconsin, and persuaded the manager to give him ft tyyout sell ing Matthew# electric lighting plants to farmer*. The plant he waa given to sell was higher priced than Its com petition and the territory assigned was the northern half of Wisconsin Where the farmere raised potatbe# and milk,, both, a t the time, ft.drug orL market. . Instead of an advertising barrage he waa given a demonstrating truck' and told to go Out and get or- dera. It was strictly up to him. Chantry drove slaty miles tha irst jway." era residing round the lake soon came over to-investigate. Beal prospect* were created and the next day Chantry started to carry out literally the automobile dealer’s program he had read about, which was to make 'ten calls a day. He rose early and de termined to work bard and .late. That day he nearly made a sale hut the banker, to whom bis customer made’ application for a loan, turned down the loan with the statement that if the farmer delayed for another year h i could buy at. a cheaper price. Bight then and there Chantry put on his fighting togs and made up his. min'd to sell that very banker a lighting outfit, Next day he persuaded his prospective customer to go to another bank, which viewed the matter more favorably, and the loan was made. It had taken him three days in zero weather to make his first sale. The fourth day Chantry determined to sell the banker, who had so unfeel-; ingly turned! down his prospective cus tomer two days before, Fortune fa vored him as he, ran across the banker in the hotel. The banker’s town of Crivitz, like many other email towns, haft no electric light plant, and Chantry proceeded to launch his at tack on the hanker. He told him what it would mean to the bank to have electric light as the leading institu tion of the town, pointed out that the light burning all night in front of the vault would make it hard for anyone to blow out the vault dome and once lighted that darkness would act as £ burglar alarm—and that, as he knew most city banks followed this Idea The upehot of the matter was that b< sold the.banker. ••This, I regard, as my banner sale,’ nays Chantry. “Yesterday the banke bad turned me down, today be wa buying himself. “Then I sold another batik ft ehor distance away on the same ideas.’’ “Up to this tirpe 1 have made goot on my program. I have sold otie elec trio lighting plant each weefk. I hav< worked hard, risen early, and follows the general linea of the stow I rea* February last I believe almost an; line of goods can be sold the earn HRS P H O N O G R A P H S - A N D R E C O R D S Three New Brunswick Models A ttractively priced for the medium-sized pocketbook ‘Are equipped with the famous Bruhswick TJltona Reproducer—playing all records without the use of attachments, and the Brunswick Oval Tone Ampli fier—the all-wood tone chamber which gives The Brunswick the sweet tones for which it is noted. An impartial investigation will prove to you tha t they represent the best values ob tainable in popular-priced phonographs. To buy any phonograph without first hearing The Brunswick is a mistake, f - Convenient Terms Write* call or tele* phonelor Free Booklet "What T o Look For In Baying a Phonograph'-' by Henry Furmort Fames, noted plan- - i#t and lecturer. Brower's *!$ SteelBldg. 8 tV*Main Street, Xenia, Ohio CONDENSED OHIO NEWS Raw# XteatftPicked at Bftftiem m il M M Itoim fee the Bwy Ksadtr A statewide tanipatgn to organs*#; n*w leagues of women voters I b com- < mun'.ties throughout Ohio is to b s ' made by Miss Gladys Pyle, national organizer of the league. Bruno Nemeth of Modoc, Athens county, was fined 12,000 and costs by Justice Rfelwig after he pleaded guilty to a moonshine charge. Mines a t Luhrig and Canaanville, Athens county, have been reopened, < giving employment to several hua-i dred men. Police Chief Frank W. Bmitb re signed as head of Cleveland police department and wae placesd on the pension list. Judge Edward T. Dixon of common pleas court held he could not enjoin enforcement of the 55-70-cent gas rate a t Cinclnnjat pending a\ referen dum election In August. The de cision means the higher rates will go into effect. ' * Harold .Nierengartim, 19, Lima bell boy, was indicted a t Wap&koneta, charged with the murder of Joseph Scott Kershaw, 20. world war veter an of Pima, on Nov, 20. Announcement was made a t Lima that the Ohio Steel foundry plant will reopen Jan. 15, giving eDeploy ment to more than 500 workers'^ ' tPurinj^J;he year Just past 184 men and boy# and 150 women and girls .were cremated or *so badly burned that they died as the result ot fires in Ohio, the state fire marshal re ports. • . • Figures taken from the annual re port of the mayor and chief of police indicate that drunkenness has more than trebled in Tiffin in the last year. Toledo has made application to be placed in the eastern time zone, * J. H, Larimare, Columbus newspa per man, who for more than a year and a half haa been doing publicity work for the Ohio Farm. Bureau fed eration, will Feb. 6 become publicity directot ot the World League Against Alcoholism, of which Ernest H. Cher- rlngton, Westerville, is general sec retary,-and Dr, H. H. Russell, Wes terville, 1 is American president. Be fore going to the farm bureau federa tion Larlmore directed the publicity ot the Anti-Saloon league. Appellate court dissolved the in junction reinstating Oscar J. Boush police chief a t Lima, and ordered a hearing ot charges against him. When Stepehn Muha was shot and killed at Cleveland in a New Year celebration his six children were made orphan?. The mother died two months agef, “ Donald D. Hoyt, mining enginetr, of ChiHicothe, waa kilted in an Alas kan snowalide, according to word re ceived by his brother, Dr. T. C. Hoyt, Albert B. Mahone, chief of police at Bellaire for 30 years, resigned, ful filling his promise to quit if a Demo cratic mayor was elected. Harry Bank, patrolman, was named chief of police of Uhrich&vilfe as the town took on a. city form of govern ment. Milk price at Norwalk has been cut to 10 cents a Quart, At Middletown three masked ham dlte forced Frank Hornbeck into a refrigerator and, holding Up his daughter, robbed the store of $85. Jay Hathaway, 7, Comieaut, wad totally hurf in a coasting accident. H. S. AltickS, 55, treasurer and manager Of a fertilizer company at Greenville, committed suicide by firing a bullet through his heart. He bad been in HI health, ' Mildred Mary Coyle, 12, died at Zanesville of blood poisoning, result* ling from a blister on her right foot. Charles Andrews, brother of As sistant 1Adjutant General T. E. An drews, was instantly killed at the plant pf the Marion Steam Shovel company when a casting fell on him, Four firemen were injured and 15 families driven from their apart ments in ft fire at Feibel Brothers’ clothing store, Columbus. Property loss $50,000. Mia* Eileen Vollman, 20, of Ra venna, and Howard Sauers of Akron are in a hospital as the result of In juries received when an electric car hit the automobile in which they were riding, A p.opoSal for a five-day and 40- hour week, with a 10 per cent In crease in wages. Was made to the 5.000 employes of the A. Nash com pany, wholesale tailors of Cincinnati, by Arthur Nash, president of the company. Sandusky city commission reduced the salary of the city, manager from $5,500 to $4,000 and ousted George M, Zimmerman as city manager. C. Webb Sadler, a Sandusky man, was elected manager. Captain George F, Freitas, labor leader, was chosen mayor. In a three weeks* campaign Just completed, the farmers of Spring- field township, Williams county, have killed 1,800 rats, 10,000 ■sparrows, 1.000 mice and 24 hawks and owls, 'an announcement by the bounty clerk shows, Joseph Billman and .Milton Stern Were fatally injured and ID other persons seriously hurt when the first car of a double-header of a Cleve land, Akron and Canton interurban limited waa derailed and went into a ditch three miles south of Bedford, ‘near Cleveland. Frank A. Derthick, former master of Ohio grange, died on his® 78th birthday at his home in Mantua. State Prohibition Commissi tier Parker believes that In. 80 days llQUof enforcement officials in Ohio will be in. position to lievote ail their time to local stills. was,: iiunpo SuixooH *H1 1° 1«»P ■flisfL p a s f t r ani a (anmxB 3n(u«»p *«« aft nnbiOQS » jo uopoidxa sin uiojj psap s{ ‘iftipuiA ‘81 ’tjSnd in*<| oiEiAuaqnois JoJaw sm Aq pans*, »U9A pasop wsqi daax oi pus gaasid 2u|jqm«2 u« 9«op 0 } « « pJO •jpnM 34 ) ‘ aui))«dn 'pMQft )uojj sun go p a jpn.ii 9t» ssvd o) Sunduiau* uj uxa Siapno) V HBijy pus uapjOAV msjHIAV 'p s tp u ju X usjj Masm uqor :o « paunfm Apnopas SJ3QTO '9JP PUB P®fi8UJio ipxa B(Q p»Q ’81 ’)4na ipssna uoipo usan i»*dn iunq xpj * u| «)Usdp|),isd' 2n}Uin)aji q)ift papsoi ftonj) o)ns us, uaqft paanfuj euaa. suotu ao «aoa* V , ’jaq)i»Al s*nr uoiuwoq Aq paaapuo ‘AxsiQft .JO) aSunqa xa uj qsso jo jsoajsq s aujdsaJ oju oqft ’SJ&aa»j)ooq s,puspAaiO Aq ..Jonbji no*jod„ jo jssodsjp apgoioqM aq) o)uj uoi )«21)S3 auj Ajn( pueja y ‘ . 'PUBJ .aA3IO'ehuaASisj)U90. TO ujsuz ja js* 9 p Siujisanq aq) Aq pbwjbib s)nep -i«ai io spaapunq pus papoojj auaM. sqaoiq A)jo jo aaoas s U bqi ojojq -pnsiuap 2jq v podai puu )aq -UBUI aq) no apuoq aq) paaBjd -qaaM p c i apuoq snuoq jajpjos ojqo jo OOO’OOO'OSt aq) passqajnd. )«q) a)Bajp -uAe 2ujqum) aq). spsaq qajqft asnoq puoq opajoj, aq) 'unnja I f A dbjs ■)oqs isjBj aqi paag aAjiBjaj t pjss <sj if -j)BOnjouj^ uj amoq Jjaqy jb aj{.« sjq hu/)Baq sb / a aq ajiq*. patUq -puB )Oqs « baa ‘pajojoo 'uosJBadE soniBp ■amjaa aq) q)jft peSasqa sj 'sg ‘ftoja -UBAS l «!)Jno •qinoraaijod *aoq -aoa pojjf jo amoq Sq) )B pajjiq pus joqs aaaM ajjiA pus sjoqajfi q2nH - -uoiMjmutoa A)ia ,uam aq) jo uojibzjub 3 jo aq) )s pjau -aujjdg jo jo A bux pajoaia bbm Aajnjt ■g -f *JQ oft.) o) aajq) jp ojoa B Aa -ajjft sjq jo qjaap aq) jo aansoaq )uapuodsap svft ajj -psaq aq) qanojqj jjasraiq Sunooqs Aq 'H "0 uo)aujq«Al apiojUs panjtn -Uioa- ‘jatqJBj 'gs 'UBqSnsA ao.moit •)3aj aiqno pusanoqi JBd sjuaa f t i z o) ajsa a)j aanpaj oj ajaadds JO jitioa aq) jo uapjo'iuooaj aqi Aeqo ,o) amjisj joj i(Imo)Uoo qiift )j SujSjsqo Aund • uiod sso P'eiiuil aqi isnjsa* IJ abpqjb ub ojq oj mu*, aojjjo sji( aujwnsBB uodn ’joijojioa aijo s.uo) -noji 'sjJaqou ‘O 4 Jo ) db i*ig aqj, 'Aauora uj 0 S$ pqs ‘001'It iu panjBA ’ujdqojis b pus epnoraBjp Oft) JO mjq paqqoj pns -piapSajadg ‘ajois inamusdap nsut -jnsjj aqj jo BJOuftO aqi jo auo *jaj -qojjv A jibh dn piaq sifpusq oajqj, , -padtrasa pus 898*1$ jo ajss aqi paqqoj oft) aaqjo aq) usaioa -» j s qijft pJsnk pool# auo ajjqft pUS ‘pUSJOABJO 'J»)B9q) UB)J[OdOJ -lojq aq) Jo saAojatua uamoft -ofti pus uam o«i dn pan waqqou a&jqj, -JI suujoujd Jo jo A sw sb uj ujofts ssft ’joijpns A ijo SJsaA juoj joj *j3JiJ»o 'd aSuoao ‘ • . •auninisjaat aqi jo )os Aq idaoxa ajqjBaod aq )on tljft uopuoTj %tt tujBj uosjjd pasodojd aqi joj ausjd luaaaad uj safiusqa isjj aisuz isq i pjaq joujoao S aq) 0 ) uoj -ujdo us uj aojAd: IBJBU 80 A oujojiv •jajqo aajjod *oa s.pusjoAoio sj insjo qoasp ■poo» jo SujqoBO) aqi pus sejauepuei jjab jo uojjoajjoo aqi uj ueqi. «9fto e)s>8 aqi sAs# oq qajqft )Bq) suojininiraj aaoq) o) paiijmmoo BpjsftetjuaAnfoq) jpjSnjop pus stton -nin#uj asoq) ja qiaqft ujs)jaoss oj 'aasftsjaa )» toOqos isjawnpui ^ jjjo oqi pus A918B0UWI )B JOOqOB IBJi)S« p •ui jsAog aq) jo apsra A paj U s * axsq oi jsaAyaBjq joioaujct ojsjjoai oibib uodn pajiso. tsq ujAsa joujoaoo •opajox )B paaunouuS nosqaBr Aidjag jo jo iw k I ’uoo8 apsm aq jjjft Aiajs# ojjqnd jo luamiisdap aqj jo cuoja - jajp laana pus fiujjaaujsua ‘jaqsft aqi jo aaAojdma A)|a OOO'I usqi aaora SurjoajjB suononpaj Aasjsg •aouBjiry ib ' iboojibn jsjj ^ aousjj •IV aqi sb paSjatu aaaft sqpsq jbuoji - sh aausjHY pus * ibuojisjq ) bjj ^ •ja;sqiua»jaH uajqaso <q queq aqi jo JOijaj jatujoj 'SiljqjA f ‘A IsujsSs opejoi )s mo ujofts asm vjao)sog jo qu»a 1» uoj ) se : wqg aqi taoaj odO'iTt nvq) aaonx jp uoji .SjjdOJddssjtu Sujfijsqa )USJJBft y -asajjoa ratajH )s amjBiaiu puu uojuonpa inojgjjaj jo jjsqa .spuaoa uftoua ajssap aq) joj punj matuftop -ua ood'osl 0q) pjsfto) paapojd ajjs uontpnoa uaaq asq 050'23$ AtJsatq •£5 'UBf uO)lujq«BAl ib aanaiojuoa iBJnijnojjas tinoj) • b ^ aq) o) s9)«Sajap aq o) ao«tjBAl AJBiauoag Aq patunu a.taft ’jarujsj - jj ’j> uolSujqSBAV 'pJBPPOfl *H ,fI PUB •uousjapaj nSaJna m-t»j ojqo oq) jo luapjsoJil *Bjuax ‘einjpBia -a *o 9 -UO) •UB 0 )s jij&i ja 3 )« s uj gioft )s auqft rajq no jjaj xoq jaais b naqft qjuap 0 ) paqSnuo SBft *zz *jaxl9M qdasop - joz . bj s q)jft )«oJq) sjq SujqSBj# Aq ajjj ttfto ajq ppa o) p»)dma))B ueqi ■spunoft snojja# gujiajijuj ’jasjqa pjoP b qiift psaq aqi J3 ao ajjft sjq )«aq ’g 3 ‘ujBidg pJtqojR UoiUeo )y pjBuuaji jo jaufto JoiBAaja US «Sft oh ’SUBqjfi jBau ’qaejosSujM IS U 1 *U * Aq qatum ssft S ujajjp asft eq gonj) ,.i uaq*. pajttX e.Bft ‘s i -auiiftoH 'a samsp •Asq Axsnpnsg no SujiBfta ajjqM eaj eq) qfinojqi aqojtq aq uaqft pauftOjp ‘s i ‘Ag dniiqa *H ’0 UOiSujqsBAV jo siuopjsaj Aq epsm ssft 'auoi ■si? AJttan as > ‘oea J qmom«iJod: jsau ‘tmy Asa 1* pejapjtntu pnnoj asm aq) jo nonsaptiuepj aAm« 0 ti Public Sale Bills Are A Necessity Leave Your Next Order Here I iKiwuiXMatoi mpHm ADAIR'S THE LEADING HOME FURNISHER FOR OVER THIRTY YEARS JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE NOW GOING ON Great Reduction in Complete Suit* AND ODD PIECES SAME AS CASH IF PAID IN 60 DAYS ON AMOUNTS OF $10 OR OVER Furniture, Carpets, Stoves, Victrolas Adair’s 20-24 North Detroit St. XENIA, OHIO, Saturday, Jan. 21 ,1922 .it ■ ■ ' ‘ 1■ ' ■ . . . a t the west door of the Court House at Xenia, Ohio, at 10O’clock A. M. Known as the Henry Corry Farm, near the old Corry school house about 3 1-2 miles west of Cedaryille oh the road leading from Cedaryille'to Yellow Springs, about midway between the two towns. ' . This farm Consists of about 136 acres,, and. will be sold to the highest bidder, a t 2-3 or more of the appraisement. Here is Your Opportunity to Obtain a Good Farm at Pre-Was Price, as it is Appraised at only $85.00 Per Acre Don’t forget the time and the place—west door of Court House, Xenia, Ohio, January 21st, 1922 at 10 O’clock A. M. By orders of the Court of Common Pleas, Greene County,, Ohio. ■ — . , • . • ’ . . . . . . . * ... ‘ ■ ■ ■ " ■ . v - ■ .-••••.• 'fft : • ♦ < r ‘ ' • . * Anderson & McKee, Attorneys Springfield, Ohio KATZ & RICHARDS SALE In The- History of the Store Started i Friday, January 6th. SUITS AND OVERCOATS SAVE A THIRD, SAVE A THIRD SAVE EVEN HALF AND MORE Men's Hats 1-3 off One Lot of Boys’ Suits 1*2 and 1-4 off r Meifs Shirts, Half Price AH Shirts Reduced All Underwear Reduced All Caps Reduced Collars 2 for 35c ^ All Sweaters Reduced High Grade Suits and Overcoats j , d Low As $ 1 5 At $25 Expect as Good as the Best Plan to be here early^come prepared to take advantage of the Greatest Mark-Down Safe ever held in Xenia. Everything Reduced. Katz & Richards S3 EAST MAIN STRUCT, XENIA, OHIO.
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