The Cedarville Herald, Volume 45, Numbers 1-26
« f ted*/, * * Mly m o il* « l it* swa, te*t it WHhm andbring*t* foal euimtoation ***• advertising 9 t the yesterdays. aggggag a YOHTY-FIFTH YEAR K0. 18. Date Changed ForShow •It has been found necessary to postpone the'1Big Community Show from Thursday, April 20 to Thursday April 27, This will only make the Performance the better. The three easts are hard at work on their play? The community group will five “The Neighbor*by the famous writer JEona Gale. It is a real Comedy and while very funny, teach es a splendid lesson for community .spirit, It is an ideal play for such. ,i occasion. The various characters are admirably suited to their parts and v they have been practicing the play for weeks, While most of the actors and actresses who have participated in this notable production have been off the stage for a number of years, still they have lost hone of thiemformer luster and their return to favorite haunts will be hailed with delight by a host of former admirers. Heedless to say the air will be filled with the bouquets that are. thrown at * their feet, You ."’ill laugh and you will cry> at the ludicrous and yet pathetic sit uations into which the neighbors of a little Middlewest’village find them selves. . “Aunt Harriet's Night Out", a rapid and exceedingly amusing come dy of high New York City life, is the very acceptable offering of the High School group, A handsome young couple, living at a very fashionable hotel are greatly worried by the bills incurred by their extravagant method of life. They have one resource, p rick aunt o f supposed Puritanic ideas of life. Above all things this Aunt must not be shocked. Hut Aunt Harriet comes and takes a night out—and she is not the one who is shocked! This play is put on by the starts o f the future and those in the other groups had better look well to their laurels, A howling, riproaring farce, “French Without a Master,” completed a re markable trio o f plays. The farce centers about a, very exciting elop- fiient and an interpreter who is in the business for the money he can get And not for the information he can give. The time during which -this play is given will be one of the funniest half hours of your life. •Anumber of special musical num- hers* all new, have been arranged and vntr be give* by toms o f th# -ixst musical talent o f thei community, There will also he some splendid readings and. a few stunts ti enliven the program. Tickets are now on sale at Hart man's, Richards, Johnson's and by students of the public school and the college. Admission 85 cents. No wsr t*x.This show is for the benefit o f the lecture course in Cedarviile, The an nouncement o f the full program has . been postponed until next week. fa rm an d field notes The wet weather is holding back plowing for the farmers, especially thohe who Want to sow oats. Prom what we can learn a largo, c.cerage Will be put out. One of the largest crops wilb be 100 acres for Joseph . Pitstick in Ross township, * • * President Hording hs* been pre sented with a new suit of virgin Wool by the Ohio Farm Bureau. The suit is to demonstrate the value o f the “truth in fabrics" JM11’now before congress * * 0 Men wanted to represent one of the largest poultry farm in America, Work in your home territory. Splendid position yearly for the right party. We prefer men who live in the count try or small towns; loafers and city slickers need not apply. State paper you saw ad. Address Beatty’s Ret I'isrms, Box 212, Ft. Wayne, Indiana, * * * According to O, J. West, sgricul tural statistician for the state-fed' oral croy reporting service, a recori fruit crop is in prospect for Ohio if weather conditions continue favorable "The miost critical season for fruit is during the next few weeks; then the buds are exposed to late frosts and freeeses, so that no definite pre diction can be made at this early date ar to probably sine# of fruit crops," In southern Ohio buds are somewhat advanced over normal development, which mean* that a frost might cause •over* damage. It is possible that seale may be worse this year, a* spraying was neglected in some or chard* last year on account of small cj N djwi * EVERYBODY IS HAPPY. Hew that avsrywie ha# hi# tax pa- , pars, we anypeee alt are happy. The Masks must ha Mi«d out and returned te the county auditor, R. 0. Wesd, by the first of May. If you do not happen to hare a Mank we can supply you at • tMe flfkw. A t f f c t m w s * I.j£v»J*t> t o LOCAL AND GENERAL M*WI AND THE XNTEXSETf OF CEDAR- YJLLE AND VICINITY. DAY, A im 14, 1822 PRICE, *I.«a A YEAR CONDENSED OHIO NEWS *News {tenia l icked at Randomand Boiled Down for the Huey Reader votgim carmi A. xnompaou, for* mer secretary o£ state, announced, hi* candidacy for the Republican nomina tion for governor. Judge E. u. Thompson, oil operator and former probate, judge, dropped dead at Woodsfield oj heart disease. Fire destroyed Best Inn at Piketon. Ohio State Medical Association will meet in Cincinnati May 1. Bcv. Joseph ,11, Bethards, 75, re* tired Methodist minister and prom inent in the general, assembly of hie, church, died iu the home of hi* son at Toledo,, Warehouse and storeroom* pi the Wiiberlte .Roofing compahy, near Cleveland, burned with a loss esti mated at $011,000. Despondent, Louis Horvath, $1, miner, near New Philadelphia, ended his life by discharging a shotgun against his forehead. Relatives of Reuben ‘ Share, „ 61, found'dead at his. home in BallviUe, Roy Lewis, 1$, held at Toledo, i* said to have confessed to a number of burglaries. At Middletown Andrea’ Watts, who shot hia wife while in a dream, was freed by the coroner, Plans have been accepted by the Daftoa boat'd of education for a new high school building to cost ll,500,00fl, having a seating capacity for 2,000 students. Ipen Featherby, 15, son o f George Featherby, Ravenna, ended his life News Notes AboutCounty A rehearing of the telephone rate* to be put into effect in Xenia lias been granted the Springfield and Xenia Telephone company by the State Util ities Commission, The hearing will be held April 18, ' . .* *. , * The body of Thomas R. Patton, for merly a resident of Xenia, win* died last week at the home of his son, D, A. Patton, arrived in Xenia Monday and w«s buried Tuesday. r . * * * ' An .automobile belonging to Mr*. by hanging himself in a barn !at theMary McCollum, on the Springfield hqm* of Gut Chapman, near Edin burg. He was a sophomore in the Edinburg,high school, No cause for hi* art has been, assigned, Trumbull Steal company,' large in- ! dependent plant at Warren, an nounced an increase of $2 a ton in the price..of hot rolled steel strip* 1and $3 a ton on cold-rolled, } .A t Newark,'.Ralph Glass, 3-year-old „ , „„„ „„„ . son of Albert .Glass, was drowned- near Tiffin, found $7o,<iOO. in currency, he, fell head foremost into a they flay, in the recluse’# home. tpothole in the bottom of which was NEW BOOKS ADDED AT THE LIBRARY COLLEGE NOTES . ^ , ,, ‘ The College base ball team played The following » a partial list o f (the dia,mom enthusiasts of Antioch, the new book* added at the library! FICTION— Batchelor-r-Man for the Ages, Hutchison—-If Winter Comes. Atherton—The Sisters Inlaws. AnonmoUs-i-Patrecia Brent Spin- stress, * Burroughs—Tke Myicieer, - Horsham—Clever Betty. Bower—The Long ffnadow. Cuwood—Gods Country and Wowan. . Canfield—The Brimming cup. Connor—To Him. That Hath, Dawson—The Kingdom Around the Comer, Drell—The Obstacle Race. Dixon—The Msn-In Gray. Galsworthy—To’ Let. Grismer—Way Down East. King—The Empty Sack, Kayne—Pride of Palomari Lincoln—The Woman Hater, Lincoln—Galusha the Msgnifieient, Locke—Nontebank, MqCutcheon—Quills Window. Onions—In Another Girl* Shoes. Poyter—Her Father’s Daughter, Phiiinotts—GrnyRoam. 2 Fhillpott*—Endod*. Rice—Quinn, Wright—Helen of the Old House, > WilMe—Still Jim. Williamson—The Sacred Latch Key Wlddemere—I've Married Marjorie TRAVEL— Muir—A Thousand Mile Walk to the Gulf. ' Muir—The Cruise of the Corwin. Post—Across the Andes. S HISTORY— •Wells H. G,—Outline! of History. April <5. The battery of Cedarviile consisting o f Arthur and Wright; Antioch, Nortliup and ; Northup. Neither team played strictly 1air- itight naseb&ll and few individual ’ stats were found on either team. However White at centerfield and Ar thur ip the box, with a full head of steam' worried the opponents. Al though the score at the end of the game stood 12 to 2 in favor of An- TornadoSweeps . Over Cwinty A small sized tornado swept across the north-western part of , Greene county into Clark arfd ,m to Cham paign counties Monday evesdng about five o’clock. One man was killed and four persons injured and a property loss Of $150,000 estimated.- The force of the storm, spent itself *5 01 .?l , Ut the south edge of Springfield a- tioch. The team is far from dmcour-f,- h ^ , when * *, aged anil wiU wait foy„revenge w h e n ^ - the Antiochian* come to Cedarviile, DR. LEO ANDERSON INVESTS IN, TOWN PROPERTY Dr, Leo Anderson has purchased three resident lots on East Chillicothe street and we understand that he ex pects to erect a new homo some time in. the near future. The proporty-pur chased was that at the comer of Wal nut and,Chillicothe, known aa the Shroade* property, owned by, Mrs. Anna Rader of Dayton, the Charles Smith property and the next house and lot east owned by Mrs, J. O. Stewart. These axe fine building site* in a good locality and by the erection of a new residence on the ShroadCs property will make quite a nice im provement for that section. Wm« Con ley is preparing now to build $ mod ern home on the site of the David Shroades homestead. * ♦ * , "• The Observation class under Prof. McCheaney’a supervision drove to payton, Wednesday to observe Stivers High. School. This week the class visits Xenia high school. * . a o ' Miss Helen IjSradfute ha* returned after an absence due to illness, m * w The Rangers left Friday morning visiting Xenia, Bellbrook and Spring Valley, About an hours program was given at each place. This week the StetouteXkMPSteftf , - < ' .. ■e * .# Mr. Seite from Ohio Northern Uni versity supplied as science teacher last week, in the absence of Miss Flory, who returned Monday. a a' Mr. Gavin Reilly preached in Fair- view, Pa., April fith. • a a 'a Y. M, C. A. election was held last Week. The following officers were elected: President, Wickarham; vice president, Collins; secretary; Reilly. : Mr. Arthur Findley, who has been ill for several weeks is improving rapidly. His mother arrived the latter part of the week, a * The girl’s gym class is enjoying several new outdoor" sports during the good weather, aseball and field hockey teams are being developed with much enthusiasm. garage belonging to Petes* ’Brother* and & residence Were detoftiiahed. It is Reported that two bar** were dam aged pear Yellow Spring# m. the Ed, Mays farm. At ope place N is reported two farm horses W». - eaufied with the wreckage o f the baris tefenty feet into the air and both warnkilled.. Benny Belong, 23, Champaign county was killed when y item fell bn him. Mrs, Jessie Barcaf county, injured when Her three children, 10, were also injured. . vAt the Leaver the Helm* pikfe near house was unroofed, down and^fences damaged storm. •8, Clark collapsed. 7, 8, and trees blown by the MRS. LILLIE LIMERICK DIES EARLY WEDNESDAY P1QUA MAN CAUGHT; GIVEN BATH AND HAIR CUT. BASEBALL REASON OfcENFD IN CINCINNATI WEDNESDAY The base ball ae#«oft opened Wed naaday In both She National and American L*a*«*»i.: Tbe Cinrinnaii team nteysd CWcago bat lost m a « mt « of 7 to *. Walter Diff want down Jar llw HIGHSCHOOLNOTES Tlie Junior class play Tuesday even' ing wa# quite a success. m m m * Mis* Somers took part in the Class play unexpectedly Between acts, ‘ a * * ' Thelma Peters appeared to be de formed Jy her gestures. 11 * * * * The J igh School basket ball team had a group picture taken several day* ago. .■ ■ , * * * Greene County Junior and Senior High School banquet wilt be held «n' Friday night in Xenia. George Payne, a town character in Piqua for years, who claimed that ho never had taken a bath and had no intention, whatever, of having his hair cut or o f being shaved, was treated to a bath, shave and haircut Tuesday by several citizens. Payne was driving hi* dilapidated wagon on S. Main street when George Wooding, a barber hailing from the West, Iascoed Payne, dragged him him into bis shop and after winding the lasso around his "victim” pro' eeeded to shear his locks. Both hi* f whiskers and hair measured 18 in dies in length. After this treatment Payne was taken to the Miami river and thrown in. Later he was sent to his home. Hi# parting words to those who had hazed him were: “Maybe I won’t get in at home; my wife won’t know me.” Mr*. Lillie Dunlap Limerick, $5/ widow of Dr. Samuel Limerick, died at the home of her mother-in-law, Andrew Jackson, about two o’clock, Wednesday morning. Death was- due to a sudden stroke of paralysis on Monday afternoon. When found she waa lying on the dining room floor in an unconscious condition. Dr. J. O. Stewart wa* called and it wa* some time before she revived, her condition from the first being criti cal, Mrs. Limerick was the youngest daughter.of the late vrames pud Jane Dunlap and was Lorn in this place, November 25, 1855. She married Dr. Limerick, of Seattle, Wash., and un til hi# death seven years ago, lived in thAt dty. Following hi* death she came to this place to reside with her brother-in-law, Mr. Andrew Jackson. Mr. Jackson, three nieces and one nephew ate the nearest surviving relatives. They are Mrs. Huston Cherry of near Xenia; Mrs. R. G. George, Jamestown, Mrs, Ralph Bald win, Chicago; and Frank A. Jackson, formerly county sheriff, Xenia. r The funeral will be held from the Jackson home Friday afternoon at 2:30 and aiburi will take place in Spring Grove, Cincinnati, LOCAL STONE MEETS ALL STATE REQUIREMENTS The Abel Magnesia Company through its president, Carter N. Abel, has succeeded in having the l<vsl stone passed by the State Highway Department, the analysis being mad# by the St*te University. The. com pany already had the contract for the first course on the Jamestown and Cedarvllle pike improvement and it look* now as if the state will back the blue atone from the local quarry for the top eoutse, This mean# much to the local company and the com- mfunlty a* well. It will permit the on pany to furnish atone for other state contracts and thus given -much work for labor tn this section. There will be little occasion for shipping stone from outside reunite# tyhen m {The coin i* * tataabl* fcw* In *«* twm enmity. * '^taritri Menu* e*b» seritts, harness stolen Someone broke into the barn of the Abel Magnesia Company last Saturday night and stole « set of good harness. It is reported that gyps!#* passed through town about midnight and stopped near the company bam to feed their horses. It is supposed that the nomads appropriated the harness, Sheriff Funderburg was notified and covered a number of road* in the county but could get no lino on the whereabouts of the gypnfes. HAS ONE OF THE OLDEST . BENNY COINS OUT ■mMlfyiflivtawftja- Lloyd Uenfatr ha* one of the first penny coins ever put out by the government. It i# one of the large size in perfect state of preservation It wa* coined in 1734 under an act of congress back in 17P2, The first to coined under thi# act wa* in 1784, la th * Victory Bowman, 68, retired farm' «ar, wa#1,drowned near Cleveland in a broqk. New locks have been placed on the municipal waterworks office at Fre mont by order of Service Director Russell to prevent Miss Ada Millioue, clerk, from entering to do her work, The lockout follows a letter to Miss Million*•from the director’ in which ah<t was supended from the service. rjpnstitutionality of the law requir ing counties to pay for the care o f their feeble-minded in state Institu tions was attacked In supreme court by County Prosecutor Capelle of Hamilton county-in the suit’ brought by the state against Hamilton county to collect some $208,00(1 alleged to be due. W W, Betts, Betteville coaT dealer* and justice o f the peace of Liberty toWnahip, Seneca county, wa* fined? |50 after he had pleaded guilty to chargee o f selling coal Under weight. Governor Davie announced that not only the reorganization law, but.the emergency clause which wa* attached to M, must be defended by, any candi date for the Republican nomination for governor, If he. desire* the sup port o f Davie. Attorney General Daugherty ac cepted the resignation o f James R, Clark, United States district attorney ter to* Southern district of Ohio. rlile, wa# killed by a ****** ' Wayne county report# ad empty - county jail. - ■ ' Fire at Cleves, near Cleveland, burned four buildings, Loss $50,000. Dr. J. E. Foster, former representa tive in the general assembly, has an* nounced hie candidacy for the Demo cratic nomination for state senator from the I8'th-I9th district. ’ * Dr. George T, Harding, father of President Harding, has been appoint #d an aldC‘do-camp on the staff or Lewis S. Pilcher of Brooklyn, com mander-in-chief o f the Grand Army of the Republic. Harry McKiustry is the new post master at Athens, . Two more game refugee* WiU w established in Portage bounty. Mayor of Crooksvlllo declared war on stray dog* and chickens. Thomas Golden, miner, near Pom eroy, Was crushed to death by a fall of slate. Plans for erecting a 20-story build ing were announced by First Presby terian church, Cleveland, Dr. A. S. Thompson, head of the Ohio university music college for nine years, will, retire in June, There were 111 suits for divqrce entered in court of domestic relations at Cincinnati during March. , William N. Gableman, mayor O! Portsmouth, was endorsed as Demo cratic candidate for congress and } four inches of water. Fire which broke out in the plants of tbe Quad Stove Manufacturing company pnd the Palmer-Donavin company1 at Columbus, caused dam* age. estimated at $125,000, Former Sheriff Art Carlisle o f Port age county was shot dead by a* bur glar in his bed at his home in Kent., Suit for $30,000 damages wan Sled At FStnesvjlle against the New York Central railroad as an aftermath to the bus disaster March 3, in which 1# persons were killed and three in jured. The suit was brought by Syl vester E. O'Leary, whose’ brother, RAymond, was killed. Southern Ohio coal operators added thdjr refusal to the invitation of John L Nolan.'chairman o t the labor com- mjttec of the hotiee of representa tives, for a joint conference o f repre sentatives of the'central competitive field and th e .United Mine Workers They said they Were ready to meet the miners o f their district. . Nearly $22,000 ha* been pledged by members of the First Presbyterian congregation, New Philadelphia, at fhe first call for subscriptions to build * pew church edifice, to-cost $50,000. Dr. D, EJ. Miller has resigned as' pastor of the Church of the Nazarene, Coshocton, to engage in evangelistic work, ’ ' ' v e Canton Sheet Steel company will nawnae- efiemte— April H with 640 men, Tjpon his plea of guilty to* second degree murder, John Azzarello was sentenced at Cleveland to life impris onment in connection with the slay ing of Samuel Marino, July 7, 1020. Business, men’s cluh Of Cincinnati Will erect building to cost $2,000*000. Charles Papenfus and Edward Sie- benaller, both o f FoBtoria, are charged in an affidavit filed at Find lay with Interfering with prohibition Officers in a recent lifiuor raid. President Harding and several members of hia cabinet, several gov ernors and mayors have been Invited to attend the opening of the-fronton* Russell bridge over* the Ohio rlver# April 21. Calvin Laird, 73, of Fostoria, filed Suit against Seville Lsird, his wlfo, in which he asks that sbeibe ordered to. provide himwith a home and main tain him. The petition states hi* wife Owns a large tract of land wsst of Tlffla. Lkird contend# he is too old to work, Niles Publishing company ha# ap plied for Incorporation papers. The company wifi publish the Evening Register at Niles, the first issue of which is expected -to appear this month, A. B. Chase Piano company ot Nor walk has been consolidated with the EmeSaon Plano company of Boston and the Lendemsn Jt Sons Company ; pike north of Xenia, was damaged Tuesday when a tree blown over by the high wind, fell on it as it was parked in front o f the residence of Frank Dean, E, Market street, Xenia. ■ •v »* ,* ,f , The Foody Post, No, 05, American Legion, Xenia, will have a baseball am in the field this-summer. * ■»* 0 Joseph Dickson, 57, lifelong resi dent of Yellow Springs, dropped dead Thursday evening. He. is survived by widow and four children. Foody Post, Xenia, American Le-, gioh, is considering the purchase of the chapel building of the old Xenia Seminary for a permanent home, * • • * According to reports Congressman Fess of this district will resign the. chairmanship of the-National Con gressional committee to devote all his time to his candidacy for senator. He is-epected to announce in & few day*, , , ‘ *, % '• #f. (; * i A jury ’ in Common Pleas Court refused to Tender a Verdict to the Dayton Gonservancy district on a claim of $3$02 fob a barn that was burned some months ago. The claim was set np that sparks from a Big Fomrengine set it .a .fire. LOCALS ABOUT THOSE TAK ING PART IN COMMUNITY SHOW Miss Margafet Tatbox and' Mr, Gordon Kyle will be married April 20th, and take up their Residence in a fashionable New York hotel- If yon don't believe it c6me to ,the Big Com munity Show. Did yoh ever tty tu fool your punt and get fooled yourself? Miss Paul ine Sets, ecu&e me, Aunt Harriet, is not easily fooled in the Big Commun ity Shew: ROY MILLER NAMED ‘ ROAD ENGINEER, BY STATE Roy Miller of Lebanon has been appointed engineer on the Jamestown, *»«,*«««t- - - —-**— -- and Cedarviile pike improvement to ! L, W. Wilson, mail clerk, was killed represent the state. He ha* named -* ,pnn l1nwn *n *tt“ Senator Fometene tot re-election by . of york Jn toujldin dollar con* Clermont county Democrats. New church built at Washington C. H. by the Church ot Christ congrega tion was dedicated free of debt. F..E. iiarmau, receiver of the At- -unite hotel, Lima’s new $600,000 hos telry, has been natoed as trustee in bankruptcy for the benefit of the utt« Secured creditor*. The hotel is in operation. Two contests staged by Falrflsid grange resulted in the destruction of gfc520 rats, 2,313 mite, 1,78# sparrow# and 44 hawks. * „ , Margaret Wilson, 14, -daughter of Leonard Brigner as temporary in spector. The Putman Contracting Company is busy putting In culberts and brid ges and the work is moving along a* fast as the weather permits. James Duffield has a force of men. earn, to be known a# the United Pi ano company, sheep men declare that because ot the tow price of wool and the number of dog#, there ate now 8,000 fewer sheep in Athens county than a year ago. ' - ■^ „ McCoy Canning company, Urban*, is in the hands ot a receiver. Howard Hamilton, 25, a teacher of the Parkinson nchoot In Wayne town ship, Mlskingum countyrie mysterl ouely missing. fire at Elyria' destroyed the E. G. Davidson garage, Brown Battery com pany, Pallas Brother* Electrical store, Benny Sign company and the Seed Furniture Manufacturing com pany’* store. Los* $75,000. William Jamison, gas and oil min is believed to have been fatally in jured when hi* automobile was struck by A train at AshviUe, Pickaway coun ty, He is in a local hospital, James ffnoke and wife were also Injured, Charles 0, Gallagher, druggist, waa murdered for the money he ■ carried «*>»«=» ----- - - ■ „ m Dee, $#, last, hy Jtfcob imckerllng, amok* andnearly a score of other* m& h)ll brntherdn law, Jesse were carried down vflre ladderi, ttf mcc0Pdlttg to a oofifeteto* safety when fire swept the Acner m* former to Columba# #o- nw HW nwttiM Cl0ak and Butt company* lie*. Gatlagher'e body was found ON RY. OWING TO AGE Cleveland, entailing a loss of of p0jttmbu# on the shove date Captain Orle Moore, 74. vetersn m% hundred Ohioans have been The Pennslyvania railroad company! navigator on the GreatJbakes, m a s t } k!nw} lM <fippied as a result ot m laid off many men from service ’ ki# home Itt Ayo« L*k_» steelii *‘rW J*n- L according to Htate i Plante of the Canton Sheet steel , ^ Dykemen. The March company, which has been closed foe were $1 dead and 41 crip some time, will reopen AprlU*, i3*n- oral Manager O. W. Vile* annoumwv Youngstown the reeWencb of . Mayer Bilverglade, former presmsnt i A^0, gst(} g contractor, Whs of the frown Brewery ^ by the explosion ot a dyna Cincinnati, died suddenly »t hw w » , ^ , 1 , no -clue, ter home in Florida f Mia* Pearl Thowae, manicurist In fftate treaeury he* in |§ *yffiedd barber shop, ha# announced calk, th# largest «Mk balamw hi Ohm ^ ^affiacy for the Repubtkan hietory, aoomrdtet W »*ate Treeeam j n<yW,SMltlon fee mat# teeator. ArolW. . . at Wavcfly down hy an an- tomohile, ' . . . Margaret Tiller, 23, a patient At the Athens state hosHtal, committed aui- cide by drowning herself tn the Hock-* log river at Athen#. , . j, it. Meuse, who 1* alleged to hate defrauded hanks in several title* of approximately $ 100,000 within a yaar, at work for the Telephone Companyijj* tmder arreet at Youngstown, He putting in new pole* to conform WithJ u wanted in Cleveland. ' the property lines, A ear o f new poles's ffeven person#'were overcome by was received thi# week, ! RETIRING MEN FROM SERVICE has owing to their ages, I>, is said that a- bout 20,000 men will be laid pff on the entire system, The latest local em ployee to be dropped for this reason was E. G. Lowry, who has been sta tioned In Dayton and formerly was Id Xenia for n time as boiler inspector. Mr, and Mr#, Lowry have been resid ing In Dayton and have returned to their home here. James Haley was al so dtepptd noma month* ago for th« same wusohu . Cedarviile is-to have a real bell hop Gilbert 'McCoy-*—and some hopping hop he is—in the- Big Community Show. ’ ■ Mr. LaClede Markle, the notorious criminal in “Stop Thief”, will again lie arrested—and again married; at the Big Community Show. Throe shows In one—all for one price of admission. Big Community Show. p Aunt Harriet's'Night Out—in New York City. Oh mjrl What a nightl First one thing and then another! See “Aunt Harriet’s Night Out.” Three one-act plays, music, read ings, stunts, what not? All for 35c. No war tax. Big Community Show. No such play as “The Neighbor*” has ever been presented in Cedarviile \>y #uch star# and actresses. The high school play, Aunt Har riets Night Out”, to be given at the ■Community Show, April 20, takes the cake. Don’t mis# it. Watch for tlie artistic posters ad vertising the Big Community Show. The artists are Florence Smith, El mer Jurkat, McLeod Stenrett, and Karlh Bull. Learn to speak French in one even ing! Tuition fee, thirty-five cents. You can at least do as well nt it as Wil lard Kyle does in the Big Community Show, Rumor, gossip, backbiting of a small town, what an awful mix-up. out right in “The But a!! comes Neighbors,” Mrs, Fred Townsley ha# an awful good wny o f getting rid o f callers. It will be worth S5 cents to- get her method. Grandma Huey has been laid on the shelf and doesn’t like it. See how she gets even in “ The Neighbors” Did yon ever see Lloyd Conferr rilad »p? No! Then don’t miss Neighbors,” * Up to date love-making dementem- ted hy Wilbur Conley. Gwest v te Ms sweetheart Is! WNSwAwflH# Mrs, Moran think# her tlm* ha# come, bwt her husband Jake think# there is no such luck In store for him ye* Mrs. Clayton McMillan In this roll, 1 Mm. Jams* MHehelt jkt seme hen** -.’leaner eivl herd m bnffale me*,
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