The Cedarville Herald, Volume 45, Numbers 27-52

Tk» advwrtiriagcf today, m w&f to*4»<*a ww to of i ^ r*^»frp, to t It towto* and hrimg* to figq*l culmination te* affverteteig «f tee y**ttolite*f A NEWfiPAPER DEVOTED TO LOCAL AMD GENERAL MEWS AND THE INTERESTS DP CEDAJL VILLE AND VICINITY, SSS!1?^ FORTY-FIFTH YEAR HO, 49 CEDARVILLE, OHIO, F W A Y , DECEMBER 1, 1922 PRICE, $1.50 A YEAR DemuirTo Abatement A demurrer to. the plea' in abate­ ment, which was recently 'filed by attorneys for Sheriff Funderirarg- and his deputies, was filed Monday by Prosecuting Attorney J. K. William­ son, The demurrer held that ttor* was not sufficient evldhnca for the filing of a. plea in abatement. The case concerns that of Sheriff Funderburg and his deputies who-are charged with second degree murder for the death of Volna Nichols, who was killed when the sheriff's posse shot into a crowd of boya> mistaking them for bandits. Following the indictment of the offi­ cer their attorneys filed motions to quash the indictments which were overruled, afjd the plea ,in abatement followed. COLLEGE NOTES The regular meeting of the Y. W. C, A. was held in the chapel Wed­ nesday morning. Miss Mary Flanigan was the leader and her -topic was “Sources of Happiness’*. Interestinng talks were given by different mem­ bers. Misa Winifred Stuckey sang a solo, ’ • * , * * The students preparing for g^ade teaching spent Thursday in Dayton, observing the Jefferson and Emerson grade schools. ‘ * *• The students had charge of the prayer meeting at the R. P, church, Wednesday «v«, The topic being “The Game of Life”. Interesting talks ware given by the captains of the basket­ ball ana football teams. They related the game of life to that of a football game which prpved interesting, , DAYTON CAN RAISE MONEY w h en o th er s FAIL The. student body as a delegation . attended the, meeting of Billy Sunday on Friday eveninng, < • . Miss. Edna Collins spent the week- ■ . , —uvuuw m #> Dayton is one of the wealthy cities end with Miss Clara. Edler at Spring of Qhio and has performed a most jVajley, O. unusual fea t in over subscribing her I * ■ * * quota set for the Community Chest. * The High School observation class $498,000 was needed and it*was over- ..observed the high school in Cedarville subscribed by nearly $9,000. This money comes not only from the rich b u t1f^orn the citizen of moderate circumstances as we}!.. Thirty-eight different organizations' will benefit by this- funnd which has been raised an­ nually for several years. The city aids her two hospitals in this way. The Y. M. C. A, and the Y. W. C A. The Red Cross, Salvation Army and various other agencies for good in the city. This campaign followed on the heels of a previous campaign a few weeks agferwhen the citizens raised oyer four hundred thousand dollars to purchase land to be presented to the govern­ ment to keep McCook Field there. The present quarters, for the testing, sta­ tion were too small. The land to be purchased will adjoin the Fairfield or Wright aviation^ station. For co-operation , among all her people Dayton takes the lead of Ohio cities. COURT HOLDS THAT FINE ■ MUST BE PAID. ON APPEAL . Judge Gowdy has sustained u-ver­ dict and fine'assessed in Squire Jones -6s£fcvlast summer when. > Clarence McMillan was found guilty and -fined $800 dollars, T,he cade had been ap­ pealed to the Common Pleas court, Honte time back McMillan caused the, arrest of his tenant,, George Davis, following a raid when evidence of mash was about the place and a small amount of liquor was found. He plead ^bilfcy and was given a fine and coats amounting to $160. Thursday afternoon. - w #' ■> * Donald Wickerham spent the week*, end in Springfield with-Fred Wills. • .,* *; * Mr. Marion Stoner, who was in col­ lege last year and who is now hold­ ing a position. In the factory of Rob­ bins & Myers, Springfield, was a was -the guest of Fred Wills, Sunday. All the . students are anxiously waiting for the Thanksgiving vaca­ tion, beginning Wednesday noon, November -29, and continuing until Tuesday, December-5, • Interest, is continuing to grow Ji­ ulong the College students as the . tftne draws nearer for the coming of ■1-Dr. Gordon, Remember the dates— December 17 to Detember 22, inclu­ sive. i v * ; * ' * ■ A dub has recently bee norgannized in the Rrench department'* with' the name of “Le Cercls Fraricais", The second and third classes felt the heed b | putting into'practice their'French knowledge. The ' first meeting was . OI'LL TELL THE WORLD IT’S GOOD; CHARLES RAY “Oil Gas and’.Water" The. story pf thevehicle that Charles jRay will be 1.iaure. ilJB, found in at'the Murdock theatre* next entertained .in December oy «„« Thursday evening. December 7th. Gas, Dorothy Oglesbee and Melle Eliza- . T .h n M H iM M il'A M rtil A H I t i .^1 1 i L > ___, 1 .1 « It w .W a 1 , . ... ** held a t the hnme of Dr..and Mrs, Me Chesney, ’with Miss Brand -and Miss Porter as hostesses, French 'songs, games and a one-act play furnished the pleasure of the evening, All con- versation was carried on in French as Well as a part of business meeting. The election of officers resulted in the election of the following; ■'Presi­ dent- Marjorie Wright; vice president Lulu Murphy^ Secretary and treas., Pauline Collins. The dub voted for a constitution ito be drawn up and var­ ious. committees to 'be appointed to Carry on the work. Each member is to take ,up-a correspondence with a student in Fr nc . The club will be .................. ' by Mile Laughing Gas. Oil, Oi’ll tell the world beth Giiford. A t,that time a Christ- it’s' good! Water* Oh wotta a picture *v-~ r"* was program will be put on. The host Ray Imsa hundred., new laughs, and esses served dainty French refresh- thrills to give an his n0w story of ments, Each Member felt that 'the “Gas, Oil and Water.” NEW THEATRE OPENED IN DAYTON MONDAY NIGHT The new Keith theatre was opened ' in Dayton Monday night. The house is not only the largest but the most modern in Southwestern Ohio, I t will be devoted to vaudivHIe and pictures and was opened with many notables prestot itohi other dtio*. JUST A LITTLE BIT AHEAD. meeting had been, a real success and beneficial as well. The roll i0. made up of the following members: Melle? Porter, Brand, Marjorie Wright, Lu- cile Johnson, Mary Flannagan, Alice Lackey, Hazel. Williams, Thelma Deacon, Nellie Bouse, Paulina Caskey Lulii Murphy, Motile Shinkle, Doro- they White, Louise Clark, Elizabeth Gilford, Dorothy Oglesbee and Paul- ineCollin*. Papers in the vicinity arc just now carding the story that John Baughn of Jkmestown will be the new deputy sheriff under Morris Sharp, who takes his place the first Monday in January, Ths;Herald carried the story atwo . wtoes ago, - - For Sale:- About 300 shocks of com, F. O. Harbison Saturday Special! Peanut candy a t H r * pound- Cedarville Bakery Tells President of KlatYs Activities This picture of Oov. John Parke/ of Louisiana was takan i t he left ROBERT HANNA KILLED AT HAGARSTOWN, IND ( . . . 1 :' 1 1 , Word was received here Wednesday o f the death of Robert, the nine year old son of Mr, and Mrs, Wilson Han- rta at Hagarstown, lad. The only in­ formation available a t time of' going to press whs that the lad had been killed in a flour mill in ’that place. Mr. Hanna is connected with- a mill­ ing firm and it-is thought that prob­ ably the boy was caught in some of th* machinery, ! Tiger o f France is With. Us CONDENSED OHIO NEWS News Items Picked a t Random and Belled Dawn for the Busy Reader Ott Hornsey, of Wellston was acci- Henry Olinger. 65, fanner, of Madi- itutly* killed by la,. brotneiMudaw-, *^ c o u n ty , and Mina kkjra Smith, 16. I a : Jenkins, *anghtev of Mr. and Mrs. William A. Aira. iitiiel Saylpr, 28, of Waverly, Smltb' Uv?°* I»« th of London, met died In the police ambulance a few ' ;!eath wheu Ollnger’s machine was minutes after drinking poison in. a hlt bv an nh,n *ri' ' r,ftn f'flr ».-tytoa cafe. Mrs. John Burke, 89,-was burned to death when a shawl she Wore caught fire while she was attempting bit by an Ohio Electric traction ear at a grade crossing near Brighton. Mrs, Mabel Olinger, 28, wife of the victim, and their two children, Mahel, 8, and Henry 4', were hurt slightly. to-light an oil lamp tn her home in ' AppUcatton for authority to consol- Defiauco . > (date nine Ohio gas companies at a !When'a train hit their, auto at a toPRalteaUwi of $ 20 , 000 , 000 .has been grade crossing near Lewis Center, 15- w*tb 1tba stAte UtJJUies commie, miles north of Columbus;- J. Harold 3lpn' The largest ot concerns is Carlisle, 24, was killed; his brother the Natural ^ a9 aad Pue^ com’ Dr, W, G, Carlisle, and Walter Patton! pan^ Columbus, but-the npminal pur- were injured. All resided Jn Bucyrua, uhaaer tbe otb6r eigbl Js to ,be Jbe Buckeye Gas company, CIrclovllle, the reason for this being to preserve the A burglar shot and "wounded Mrs, Oscar Yordy when she. arrived at hep home In Hamilton and saw him iaa™e‘ . P riging a bureau drawer. ! Directors of the Ohio Oil company, Protest was iiied with Secretary of Findlay, following action of stock State Smith against the commission- boldcrh of the corporation In author­ ing of Judge Florence E Allen I ot lzlas ab increase tn the capital stock Cleveland as° a member S the o"h2 p£ £r„CI* ?«.(K.«(000 to $60,000,000, or- supreme court, to which position she dw6d l3su£mce ot tb®entire increase was elected at the recent election. The protest comes from Edward J, Dempsey, former mayor of Cincinnati, who submits that the. right to vote given the women of Ohio does hot carry with it' the privilege of holding office^ Four hundred employes left their Jobs in the Pennsylvania ' railroad shops at Dennison, following the past­ ing of an order that 35 cent charge as :a stock dividend, payable on or about Dec. 30, to' stockholders of rec­ ord Dec. I. Miss Ruth Rogers; 30, principal of the Morristown high school, was al­ most instantly killed when an auto­ mobile in which she was riding skid­ ded ' and went over .an ,embankment ;near Morristown. , Two other occu­ pants of the car were unhurt. Nine -retail grocers were arrested 'Georges Clemenceau, The Tiger of France and the great War Premier, is now bn. a triumphant" tour of the United States, carrying a message of national friendship. The grizzled old warrior is now 81 ycar-i old. Above—his first look .up the famous Woolworth Tower in New York. Below—his ,reception at City Hall P«rk. N. Y NewsNotes Over County The Xenia Gun Club held art all dhy clay-bird'shoot at the country club, Wednesday.' ’ '% THE NEWSPAPER The. fire department was1 called out to Fred Weimer’s garage Thursday evening. By sOmd means h pile of rub­ bish was ignited, but it was. discover­ ed in time, and extinguished before the arrival of the department. Jamestown Journal Burglars forced the Tear door of the Xenia Candy Kitchen early? Sun­ day morning and robbed the cash reg­ ister of $20. The Rev. Robert N. Colman preach­ ed the Thanksgiving sermon as part of the union services in the Clifton U. F, church. • Antioch College only enjoyed one day vacation’this year under a new rule. Heretofore tea Thanksgiving vacation has been from Wednesday until Monday. county T rea surer - e le c t ILL WITH APPENDITICIS County Treasurer-elect Frank A. Jadkson, Xenia, suffered an attack of appendicitis last Saturday-and for a time was in a. serious condition. He ha* had no less than three’othar a t­ tacks in the past few yearis. He l» much better at this time being under, the car* of Dr, W. A, Galloway. Along the unlisted screen charac­ ters who appear in Charles Ray'a latest picture, “Gas, Oil and Water,” i# Ne-ne-rta-Kip-tak, The little lady with tee big name is tee papoo/m who features in the rug selling scene in which Navajo Indians are shown at their a rt of weaving blankets, ‘Mur­ dock theatre, Thursday night, Dee* 7, For Bale: White Leghorn Single Comb Cockerals, J. G. St, John, Bell Phone, Clifton Exchange, The newspaper ^pf today is the most powerful medium- of 'adver­ tising bn earth. In tee old days the merchant may have thought he was a berfefactor and that he was contributing hi* “bit” as a public spirited citizen” when he carried a two inch space in the village 'paper evei-y week in the yeariand , . generally without change of copy, Possibl he was. But that is changed now. A new order has arrived. People read ad- vertisments. Many find their greatest-interert iii looking over the advertising pages to get news that will save them money, and, take it from John D. Rockfeller, the way to save your ' dollars is firs' to jsave your pennies. Advertisments today are right up to the minute. They are as • fresh as the news of the world or the latest baseball score* Live merchant# cater to live people . and they know, they must tnot a- lone be up to the minute, but they must be some . distance ahead* They must be some distance a- head. They must anticipate the Want* of their customer*. Do you know that some firms think SOhrueh of a style of type . they buy ieries of it just for advertisements? : Business^ men-i-that is the staftefetel one*—know adver­ tising pay Wg returns. Unsuc­ cessful mem don’t advertise be­ cause they are “unsuccessful. That's tlie answer. Look over your .town right now and pick out the big firms. They're the advertisers. Advertising is the ... .tonic that ' puts dividends in" the banks. Everybody reads advertis* ments today. Mr. Merchant, is your advertisment in this paper? Dwight, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Northup, Yellow Springe pike, bad his right arm broken lastiMpdn#|day while in the act of cranking ids Yford; Xenia now has fourteen miles of j paved streets according l i r a report, of City Manager S. O. Hfie. 4$ost of tee streets have been paV» wffti sheet asphalt. North Detroit wreefc is yet to be paved and will be completed in a short time* Louis N. Stocker, 67, Renia, fell dead in the yard of hi* step'S&u’s- hoine. on tee Robert Hare^ farm in Bath township a few minutes after prohibition agents haided the home. Stocker was visiting his stepson, Jim Stafford, who was arrested for hav­ ing a 60-gallon still and _150 gallons of corn mash. He was fined $250; Lawrence H. Frugh, Xenia, son. of John W. Prugh, State Superintend­ ent of the Building and Loan, was one of the successful applicants for the {paper men at an elegantly appointed position of state building ahd I6ah id- noon' luncheon, Mtnday. The newspa- «p%utor. Mr. Prugh took the civil »er-1 per men wer« taken on a trip about vm* toamination following his gradu-1 the store where $3,000,000 worth of atlon from Denison University last ^merchandise will be offered during June. ’the Holiday monte when the firm hx- t *——■ pects to sell $1,000,000 worth of goods Green* county will he represented During the month of October the firm at the Jaternational Live Stock show1P»fc on a special sale the business for in .Chicago by a stock judging team, 1the month exceeding any record of in -charge of, Paul Garlough, extension M?sfc year. Some idea of the extent of specialist in. animal husbandry at Ohio; the ssle can tits gained when the first State. University* ;day's receipts were over $$0,000, The '■ » jfirm's policy of using liberal advertis- As-a result of the drive .instigated ifl# i l>aC3 evidently proof that ad by Prosecutor Williamson *itb jti^jVertteing is a good investment, object of driving out all liquor law . J t a w f t t t « k toffay, petoht and cocoanut brittle! A frcsh lot of those can b«;found from Wm iii a t te* Ca- darville Bakery. RIKE COMPANY AFTER A MILLION DOLLAR DECEMBER vThe Rike-Kumlcr Go,, laygest de­ partment store in this flection of the state, entertained about thirty newa i V made last week by Xenia will be made for each meal received a*" Cincinnati^ by two state food in in the company's restaurant, " Tabulation of official election re- Jturns by Secretary of State Smith ; shows the following pluralities:. Don'talley* for governor, 18,648; Bloom, lieutenant governor, 12,701; Florence IAllen, for supreme judge, 48,106 (over ]Benson W. Hough) ; Fees, for United States senator, 49,601. Donald Seas, 4, Akron, fell from his ? father’s auto and was killed. Farmers In Fayette county‘are or­ ganizing a protective association to operate against hog thieves. More than $5,000 worth of pigs have been stolen, in northern Fayett county and southern Madison county. Water rate in Tiffin nas been cut 50 per cent State Fuel Director (Neal declared th a t within 10 days there will be plen­ ty of coal in Ohio. Lake shipments probably will be 'flnisheiT'by ‘Dec; 1, Neal said. ’ TthSiftU -Rupp, principal 0 T the Athens high school, has been made one of tbe three members of the board of control of. the southeast district Ohio High school Athletic association* CrooksviUe collected $27,500 in li­ quor lines so far this year. Mrs. Ann Jeanette Hervey. 103, Cin­ cinnati, died from pneumonia. Using hatchets to destroy the com­ bination, robbers stole $300 from the safe of the Mount Adams grocery* Cincinnati, John B. May, formerly of New Hol­ land, Fayette county, has been made private secretary to Secretary Dehby Of the navy. ' ( . Hocking county tax duplicate shown a decrease of $500,000 from last year, caused by revaluation of Connecting Gas company and Buckeye Pipe Line Company property. Rev, S. tL Snyder, Dayton, has read tbe Bible 26 times. Gustave Gluck, 50, Akron tailor, suf­ fered^ fracture of his leg when an, advertising arch, blown over by the wind, struck him. Miss Katie Harper, Manchester, lost three finger* when a dynamite cap ex­ ploded. Drunks at Coshocton are sentenced to work in the cemetery. Yeggs held up the Canfield Oil fill­ ing station at Cleveland and escaped with $500. Mrs, J. A. Soule was killed when hit by an auto as she attempted to cross a road a tor Hamden, Scioto. Oounty. Three women.were killed in Cleve* (and as the result ot tra&c accidents. The victims: Mrs, Clara Sage, Mrs, Helen Freeman, 10, and Mrs. Jennie Thorps, 60, - Ray Kearns, who pleaded guilty to * second offense charge ot. violating the Volstead law by both selling and posssssing liquor, was fined $4,000 in common pleas court at 'EanetVill*. R«v, Clyde Perry killed himself by .Shooting at ths home ot his father, Rev. L. H. Perry, at Trinway, Mus­ kingum county. Temporary insanity* caused by ovefstudr. la th* supposed reason for tee suicide, Rev. O. A. Heldxelffian, former pafl* tor ot St. John’* Lutheran church, Greenville, WaS feudd dead by hli wife hanging from a rafter id a barn, He had recently returned from the Dayton elate hospital. Mrs. Victor Workman and her U-monthfl-old son, William, were killed when the auto in which they were riding was etruok by a train on the grade crossing at Falrpolnt* Belmont odunty. ; Two men were killed at Tippecanoe Cit)c when their automobile was hit hy a Dayton and Troy electric car, A pin swallowed four years ago wai coughed up by Miss Helen Ochs ot Fremont. One end of the pin had rusted off. Charles C. Poppleton was killed and Fred Carey, W. J. Davey and D. R, Daley were injured when the auto la which they were riding went over fc 70-foot embankment at Ironton. Thieves at Hamilton are stealing doors ot unoccupied residences. Because Mayor Reese of Youiig* tew* had picture Of Lloyd George 1st his office, members of tee Ku K!ux m m mini i t o * plctet* iff George ' Washington. spectors who haye been collecting evi­ dence oil the sale'of cold storage egss as the fr8sb laid product- A train, load of turkeys, worth close to $500,000 in the retail market, was shipped from Cincinnati to New York and Boston. - Mildred Baumhower, 6, was award­ ed. a judgment of $3,000 by a jury in common.Pleas court at Toledo in her $10,000' damage suit against the Mon­ days township board of education for a Crushed foot she suffered when thrown from a bus usCd by.the board to' transfer children to and from school. It was charged that the bus was defective. , - Adam Scheid, 72, cabinet maker, Portsmouth, shot and killed his wife, EtCma Scheid, 52, and then killed him­ self. hire. Scheid had received ali­ mony and divorce. Supreme court upheld the validity of .Cincinnati’s occupational tax, - Six convicted traffic law violators at'Cleveland were forced to attend the funeral of a girl vfetim. ’ Ohio Northern university will con­ struct a modem law school building to care for 200 law students. Charles Fisher,, 53, Dayton, was kill­ ed when struck by an automobile. Members ot the present general as sembly will return to Columbus Dec, 30 to take final adjournment. Gov­ ernor Davis, In sending home the leg­ islature May 28, 1921, adjourned the body until Saturday, Dec. 30, this year, The new legislature convenes tbe first Monday in January. Albert Skidmore, 26, despaired of life because he was separated from his wife* while Miss Ella Utbaine, 19, decided to end It all because she thought she had lost her lover. Each swallowed a powerful acid and Is in critical condition in Cincinnati hos­ pitals. Barney j. Houston, chief of the Cin­ cinnati fire department, suffered a sprained ankle and Walter Saul, a fire­ man, waa cut by glass, not seriously, while fighting i $50,000 blaze in a five-story brick ’ building on West, Ninth street, Cincinnati. Patrolman Adolph WalBh of Cleve land died in a Palnesyille hospital from Injuries reeleved on hunting trip. Nearly $10,000 was contributed to further the cause ot the Irish republic at a mass meeting in Cleveland. ' John Fisher, 25, riding in a sidecar of a motorcycle, was killed when the car struck a parked automobile at . Portsmouth. Fibber leaves a jrife and five children A state-wide search has been insti­ tuted for Boyd Grass, 18, who disap­ peared from him home near Athens with his father’s touring car. William C. Wolfe, 60, Toledo, was killed by*a fail. Four Tiffin properties went on the tax duplicate for collection ot the Dow-Aikefi liquor-tax. To reduce expenses city commis­ sioners ot Springfield plan to consoli­ date three fire engine houses at a central point... Mrs. William Wittei, 38, formerly of Lima, Was burned to death and her hUaband and daughter Bertha were seriously Injured in an explosion at Demppolls, Ala. UW6r an order from Baltimore the Baltimore and Ohio railroad oar re­ pair shops at Sandusky were closed Indefinitely. SusSn Kraus and George Kraus, who are Charged with awindling Pom eroy resident* opt of more than $300,- 000, were brought into court and their 0***1 set tor trial. Th* trial ot Mrs, Kraus Wat set for Dec. 6' and that of her husband tor Deo, 8. Broadcasting of music and speeches from the 500-watt radio station, WEAO, at Ohio State university will enable atumnt gatherings 4n every county in Ohio and in principal cities in neighboring states on Dec. 8 to listen to message* *from Dr.‘ W. O Thompson, - president ot Ohio State university; Dr. *J. W. Wiles, football director; Alumni Secretary J, L, Mor rill and others. Saventeen men hat# been taken off te t Beat Liverpool police and fir* de­ partment rolls tomans* ot the financial condition at tto city. Bell Connections ForPatrons The local telephone service may pot le changed in anv respect from all reports we get. Since the consolida- .iou of the Bell and the Home interests : .n this county and the fact that tee locel company was not in the merger, nr,ny have felt that the local company yould r>t in position to render any service to its patrons out in the ounty, The local company had a work ng agreement with tee Home com- .mmpany teat gaye •us -connections, ■free, with Jamestown^ Xenia, Yellow Springs and Xenia,” these exchanges cohhecting with other email towns. It was intimated that when ever ,' ’ocal patrons wanted to reach out in . the county under the merger it would = be necessary to pay a fee of five or ten cents for each call. ’ ‘ ■ Manager Clever of the Bell was n town this week and we understand hat tee Bell people -expect to give Cedarville patrons the same service teey have had in the past free. That s a free county service whereever - -ve had this service under the old ar- J; -angement. With this kind of an arrangement .ocal patrons will have the advan­ tage of both Bell and .Home phones 'n' X.enia, Yellow Springs and.'James- town. The one requirement the Reli com- 4 . Tany has is that no calls are. answer- • id unless by number. The Hottieteom- )cny did not enforce this rule but tee Bell always’has. PROGRAM FOR S. S. RALLY SABBATH, DECEMBER 3. The annnual Sabbath-School Rally will be held Sabbath in the R, P. church, afternoon and evening service. ‘ The following is the program for tee afternoon service: - ■ ; ; • 1:00 Devotional, Rev. J. P. White. < L10 Organizing for- Efficiency, MiS 3 Bertha Day. - 2:25>Winninng and Holding the Young' People, Miss Henderson. 2:40 Music, Male Quartette. . 2:45 Address— Mr. .Arthur T, Ar-, lold, General Secretary the Ohio, S. S. Association. hlO Music, Male Chorus. I’-l5 Benediction, Rev. B. E, Steves, Evening program: ' ’ ' L00 Devotional, Rev. B. E. Siemens. ?:15 Training for Service, Dr. E. Wl Middleton. . ‘ v ?:40, Music, Male Chorus ?:45, The Hope of the.World, Mr. Ar­ thur T. Arnold. . : ' 3:10. Report of Nominating Commit­ tee. ■ . , 8.20 Music Male Chorus. ' , 8:25 Benediction, Dr. F. A. Jurkat. . FEW TURKEYS GRACED LOCAL TABLES YESTERDAY With the price of turkey from fif­ ty to seventy-five cents a pound only a few tables in this locality Were graced by the presence of the Nation- ■ al bird. Chicken,, duck and goose were mere in demand among dealers, The cost of a Thanksgiving dinner with turkey to head the list , sent j a number of families to hotels for the Thanksgiving dinner, We notice that Florida strawberries sold for $2.50 a- quart in New York City Tuesday. This was the first of the new crop* UNION PRAYER MEETING In preparation' fur* the Gordon meetings to be held December 17-22, there will be three union prayer meetings, Dec, 8 in the U. P. church, Dec. 11 in the R. P. church, Dec. 15 in the M. E. church. All are cordially invitedtb attend theie meetings. —FOR TAXI SERVICE CALL NO f. I. O. O. F. MEETS TUESDAY There will be election of officers at the meeting of the I. O*O. F . Tuesday night. All members are requested to be present. J* M. Duffield, Sec, es Armour at Capital Talking of Merge Awsowfi.,,, _______ r T__ J. Ogden AHhour is shown tote as lie left the Department oi Agri­ culture in Washington fitter bon* (erring with Government official* .-tgardtng a big merge of Meat PackHig Houses. The Farm Bt«« will oppose H. \