The Cedarville Herald, Volume 45, Numbers 27-52

«**- m a. pnwwATBR, d . » .t •* Ito g lljk I M l to to * Mooiiy TCMHUM.) ■VMMk m DfECEWBER 3 *«NDIH« OUT MISSION. AMR* - . - . . . - TZDCtWLulte M&K; 'LD»M TJStXT—Th« hxrv#M truly t* ’ b*t ft* Wtorwt* *X* f#w; Df*y y# to* L*r* of to* h*rv**t tort - ~ ----,» #wnJ forth luborsoi into tb* k ju M U u u ii. _i_'T V j. *»TBBJ6»CB MATBIUAL—lUtth«w rkWARY TOWC-ntoww g*s«a Out *fojN%’R^mPfC-~J»a\ja 8*ad* Forth •toorty MUnionari«*, gwyaancoxATiB and senior topic -~B*rxld» of the Kingdom, TOUNGPEOPLE AND ADULTTOPIC -Our Homo Minion Work, I. Th* S*v*nty Sunt Forth (vv. 1, 2). 1. Appointed by the Lord <v, 1), ’ Oofly thooa should go forth who ore appointed by the Lord. 2. Sent Forth Two by Two (v. 1), The purpose of this whs that th e y might mutually help, counsel and sup* port each other. 8. Reason for Their Appointment (v. 2), The harvest was great, but the la* ‘ borers were few. The task before the . Christian church ■after nearly 1900 yeara la still great. 4, Pray the Lord to Send Forth La­ borers (V, 2). The realisation of the prodigious task before us will cause us to pray to the Lord to send forth more laborers. , If. Instructions Given fvv. 3-10), 1. He Reveals the Dangers Confront­ ing Tlitim (V. S). They were'thrust forth by tlia Lprd to proclaim His namet though so doing Would expose them"to deadly peril, even as lambs surrounded by. hungry wolves. It mat- , «g* not what the dangers are If the Lord sends forth. - L Free From All Incumbrance (v .. 4). The mission was urgent, so all that , would lit any way hinder the speedy execution of'.the task Was to be left behind. * 8. Distraction of Social Intercourse to Be Omitted' (v. 41). Eastern Saluta- * tlons *Sre long-drawn affairs. To go Into such formalities would delay Christ's messengers. 4. Behttvlor In the Homes Where Re­ ceived (vv. 5-9).*<1) Offer the peace of. the gospel (vy. 5, 6). This Is to be done re$&rdleas as to whether it wilt be received or not.‘-‘ There is a reflex blessedness In preaching the gospel. Even when the message is rejected the effort Is notWasted, but comes back to thet one who has made the effort. (2)'. Do not shift Quarters (vv. 7, 8). Mlg- ■tonarles should remain In the home where they have been, received, con- —tapt^wlfir what is given them, They ijitould not demand better food and more comfortable. Quarters than what Uncommonly provided. However, that vgblch la given should he gratefully pe- red, for the laboref la worthy of his (3) Healed the sick (v. 9), liese disciples were given power to hpal the sick, -The ministers of Christ ould seek to- give relief to those In and use every opportunity to the gospel message. - *3. The Awful Fate of.Those Who Re- ;Christ's Message <w. 10-10K‘The!.E Is more hopeless than that of Jom. Those who reject Christ'a me#- s n reject Christ -III, The Return of the Seventy (vv. i#24j: "4, Their Report (v. 17). They were b^thljr elated- They seemed to be f agreeably surprised. They not only mind thgt they could heal the sick, : Cast out demons alto. They seemed; be filled with self-satisfaction. It Is •gay even In Christian service to be (polled by our successes. "■2. Jesus’ Answer (rv. 33-24), (1) He told them it was no gurprise tO Him (vy. 18, 19). With prbphetlc eye He ij*w their success as Indicating that ra te when the prince of this world f ” old he overthrown (John 12:81), virtu* of His mighty triumph over thtan He assures them that they need hive no fear of .what should befall mm . Hothlng could harm them; noth- TBg oetdd prosper which opposed then], Indeed, nothing can harm the servant who goes about His Master’s business. (A) Reid oauae for rejoicing (v. 20). He promptly rebuked them, telling then that their chief joy should be be- eauee of their heavenly relation, not because of these miraculous, gift*. That above all which should provoke gratitude la the fact that God has 'aoeea In Christ and saved us, totorlb- bg <npr uames to heaven.* ($) Jesus' «tUt*ititoo (w. 21,22), The conscious- Hess toot soon the victory would be Won t&trttf* God had committed ill; fhiags into Him, and that only as men rsd Him could they know the . Caused Him to rejoice to What being accomplished, (4) Ctengrafc- ulatee the disciples. <w. 23, 24). WSUCC !Qi s< *«*«** m BMSiVsd fa th e r, wa* bob T ings That Ye Shaft Do. These are the things that ye shall dot Ipeak ye svsiy man the truth to his neighbor; execute the judgment Of truth and peace to your gates,—• Skwbsrtofc g rid . - Wtafan Dwslls With Prudsnos. fit wisdom dwell with prudsnee and gad out knowledge of witty tovenUob*. •*-FfovSrt>siil2, T> * ieet M«n Needed. Ttorwerto time* need toe best men. -fA to iw Jid e r H b tfa re u , Write lW * r For Your Copy 1023 SPRING SEED CATALOG N U H S i e sm rjfe irisw |T >>*' Things a 1 ManNeds SHIRTS He can always to* one more shirt. See our Christ­ mas display. $1.50to $8.50 SILK SCARF Give Mm oao and wateik him smile aa he ojnms the last tissue<wrapping. $2.00to$13.58 WOOL SCARF He'll think*of yon thank­ fully on colei, windy day*. Ail new effect*. . . $2.50 to $3.50 Driving Gloves $3.50 Black o r brown wool-knit, Sfleefce or lambskin lined. Wauttn. ?Others up to * 6 . 60 . Mocha Gloves $3.00 and $4.00 Most popular men’s glove for ootofort and service—and looks. Of heavy weight skins. SWEATERS AU*wool Slipover Sweater, all color* and combination*. $3i0-$400 Mirifl er Cap* ore o f the Men’s Neckwear $L50 Roman strtpsd tl«s of moga* dore sdlk. vory stylish tliia win­ ter. . Crocheted Ties $ 2.00 Black, oxford, black-Uttrl-whlt* Orooheted tita. Others from 01 toOt.EC. Men’* Hoae $ 1.00 A man always needs—nnd al* ways wants—another pair. These are of silk and Hale. a Sporla Hose $3.00 For golf, for the, country/ the outdoor map Will. Appreciate a pair of these English hoso. oth­ ers )3 ,« to IE.00. “ Men’s Umbrellas * $1.65up The kind of umbrella a U mui doesn’t mind oarrylng—etr»n& smart looking, / W mens store—we want to youwant to give him— the thing you will trans- into a— ABathRobe Let this greatstoreshow youthatwhentheChrist­ masseasoncomesthereis somethingmorebehindits counters than just,mer­ chandise. Readall these suggestion—youmayfind just the thing - A House Coat Tim's Cap, to fold down and make a muffler, $1.50 , ■» Wool Hoie Heavy all-wool * heather mixtures. Sport style*. * $1.50 .. . ■ 4 ' Shirt* ; ' . . ! 'i ( -i- ■ .... . . * Waist* Snappy new styles, made just lilie (lad’s, . 75c to $2.50 Things a <Man Covets • , ' - Traveling Set* Complete In every detail. As­ sembled in solid leather cases, Cuff Link* $1.00 to $5.Q0 New effects In ctju'melcd fin­ ished and mission finishes. Very' appropriate. A Sweater He Wont- thank you otff loud twto* •very 'day p u t *. warm bath robe, but he will mentally ^* and hell show ft, without sOy 16 g H. There's . a good choloe .of, rabea here, wltli roll or; mlhiary ooUam. Alt eotors. $7^0 up » Double f a c e d material m a k e s these a t $10.00. Several good col­ ors. Unless you’re a man, you have no idea what a com­ fo rt a smoking jacket ia. I . Initial Buckles $1.50 Silver buckles 'and solid leath­ er str-ups. l-'rom Hldiok. Collar Boxes $4.00 Good leather, nicely lined; closer, with draw-atring. Nice for brother. These are in solid colors — navy, green, seal and camel. Two pockets. Does y e r y w e l l for a smoking jacket or for wear in the house, Bure to be appreci­ ated. V e r y •mart looking, too. * ' Sport style* for golf. A LoiizxgbigRdbe Silk House Coat $13^0up Of beautiful - bro­ caded and *Uk poplin in bhie, UnMoon, brown and ;gre**’ mixtures, ■, You could hardly choose a gift that will be mote prised, or mori used. New corduroy of- foots. $20.00op Those men's silk house coat* are In rich color* and de­ signs. Bomb are lined throughout, ool mixtures. V p t a & O M i A Silk Shirt $5.00up Rich new colorings —every conceivable fabric. He’ll appre­ ciate one of these beautiful ehk shirts. Plain Colors and fan­ cy striped effect*. Men's Imdal Linen^Handkordhiof*, 50c to $1.00 ' Of beautiful sheer Irish-Lhum these handkerchief* are large sizo, with 34-inch hem and^hand^pmbroidered ihtitiala. Military Brushes $5.00 to $10.00 TWO bri’^hes In leather 6as*. Wood back, good bristles. Al­ ways a good gift. m- ». . Traveling Bags $6.00 to $30.00 Of cdwhlde leather, with heavy brass trimmings. Single or dou­ ble handle. Blaok or brown, II - tooh slue. if I G>memandse]led^anygiffandmakea depodt, and iwe will lay it away untila > Christmas. , ■ | A Suit C ue Smooth grain cowhide, rein­ forced oortn&rs, strap* all around —nekt lining, 14-tooh Oise. Co <MftHeadquarters For M at The nAn produce* r Cmebeg ar.d the advert; FORI Trials For (Sheriff lb Day, Charles and William sheriff, nice) of second d with intent - intent to w Volney Nidi ndt guilty u Common Pie The case o. bo tried first The eharg grew out of mington pik( the Niehols two others « men. The cases the sustainini plea of abate attorneys for F iles su it Thad Mille mon Pleas Boyd from w on Main stre billard- room claims that h the building March 22, 19 renewal .of tl ditipnal years c o n d itio n s, $! he has been o cember 14 or petition asks or bringing ; (jlisturrb the STATE DID IN ’More than lion dollars • treasury for the 860,000 year, accord state registn Ohio has 74( 119,p00 Itruc! passengar cj over 1921. C number of i Hamilton co 000 and Fr; «O,P0P, About 250 - been deliver ' but the nui and those i were destro the penitent DEATH OF Mrs. And denly Satun on the Andi pike. Death She had suff had- recovert bout the hi tack came o' The decea ' of age and 1 in this vicii Andrew Fer six children, sons: Mrs. Mrs. Blanch Mrs. Alva I Ferryman o Dewey of tl three sifters Ferryman w local organi of America t tas. The funer the home T< o’clock and 1 town. coU Council m- day evening was transac fines assessr ing to $15, ’i the mayor Lucas, City Was passed surance on J, G. McCo. three years. IT i We Under Westwnter day South one of the toany year over $17,00i was sold. O sold. The f and the sh< is the gent' r the Tarhos firsit of the AFTE. Thirty tl nati have City for an all auto dri m a c h in e s t ing faster the city li’ live* lost i>. * * th e v m \