The Cedarville Herald, Volume 45, Numbers 27-52

# # # * • * » * # • Inane wo&s **3*3$ e|t A c JSst* pi*r, Bobspleffi Tlmestowrtto. H. IHll,!., |lllJ I ,,r i|W Hire. q , BL Hartawwi *6*4- two $*** *tr« vfcditot mrataifine to Ctocfama&l. -~mm r w m m . Taw? *wl»^ iu^ to (tot to to* Refoetomoab Boqto to toe BwuMKffDoeembe* «to« -.CAR TAW*AG1 JUST A*ltIV*D. 37LM ATON. ( M M « Ftonwra* Grain Co. ■ .------ ----- -- - - */ . For Sale*. BoundQak heating stove Mr*. A. D. Townaley You can fat soma njee Christa** gift* at the Bazaar. Dresser scarfs, haadkerohief*, doilies, fancy aprons, •to. ■ ■ iMiPMsi Adsaea yiorsum *w^ y fi—( finnsn BBSS* tot T^anksgivfef vootokm at taelr hem# to Repehlto 0. Good Hhinga for Sabbath dinner at the Bazaar, Brassed chickens," cake, cookies, doughnuts, cottsgo cheese plum pudding, country eggs. Hay he yen need some common sense articlee. They art to bt had at the Bazaar; Saturday, December 8th To*ete, .»grons; c o ^ John McMillan;- who- lives to Vir­ ginia* returned home Tpesday af- ter spending septal days (nrith ,hi* brother, Clarence McMillan. ■•■•■ .t. ••a V '..'... V\-''■% ' ' \'.v •- --v-. atotoatosMstoMeeieMM^a^MMi^ rf: TJbe Kids are wise. They all know about Jackio Coogan, They will want to see the hoy aetor next Thursday and Friday at 'the Murdock theatre Mrs. J. D. Mott, who suffered a paralytic stroke some days ago, is re? p^rtedmuchbetter, being able to sit up some each day, Mr. and Mrs. W. to1. Galloway and Mr. and Mrs. J. E\ Mitchell spent Sat. urday in Columbus, . f ^ r -i.. ^ 11 Roger Colliha left Monday for Chicago where he is taking in the International Live Stock show. - ......- f - . Drop your gloom,* LetVhave Some fun. It will do old and young rood to have' a hearty laugh. *at the boyish pranks o f Jackie Coogan.. Murdock , theatre, December 14 and 15. JUST ARRIVED CAR FLOUR MID­ DLINGS—$39.09 Per ton Pure Bran 933.90-per ton. , ■ ? Cedarville Farmers Grain, Co.' i 1 ' ' '""||111,i^* 1 Its wonderful M y Boy’' at the Mur dock theatre Thursday and Friday. It was necessary to hook this shew for two nights to take care o f the crowds. . that will-want to see the famous boy actor, Jackie. Coogan, ' -FOR tAXr SERVICE CALL NO 3- Mr, and Mrs. P. X . GiUBan and daughter, Lucy, win spend toe week end with Dr. and Mrs, O, P*K3to* to Washington, C, H. A dsngfcfter was bom last Friday to Mr. and Mrs, Mbaex Littoral at the home of Mr, and Mrs, William Own Four boys new grace the home of Mr, and Mrs. Fred Bobbins. The last youngster made his appearance Thanksgiving day. Mr. andMrs, B. H. Anderson enter* tamed a number of relatives at din ner Thanksgiving day, Among them were Mr, Bruce Anderson and Miss EEeleh Humphrey of Dayton. 4,967 feet of fun in 00 minutes at the Murdock thetore, Tuesday and the Murdock theatre next Thursday, and Friday when Jackie Coogan will appear in “My Boy” Vou have long wanted to see this play so here’s your chance, For Bale; Rose comb Rhode Island Red cockerels. Mrs. A. T. Finney Mr, and Mrs, Hiram Rogers and family had as their guest Sunday their son-in-law- and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Siroison of Spring* Valley and Mr. and tars. Perry Mor­ row and family o f Jeffersonville, 0. For Sale:* erela. Brown Leghorn cock- Mr*. "W* O-.Maddu/. The Union Prayer meeting at the U. P, church on Friday evening this week in the inteseskof toe S. D. Gor* don meetings, swill he at 6:30 instead of seven oclock, because of the enter* tainment at the High,School at 7:30. This will give time for people to go td both meetings. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon S, Moore and little Son, Fred, returned to their home in Toledo Tuesday after spend­ ing' kweek with Mrs. Moore's parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Spracklen and fari&ly. Frank Milbnm o f Lodi haB been spending several days with hi* mother, Mrs. J. H, Milbura. " 1 Mr. and Mrs, C. E. Masters drove to Norwood, O., Snnday, where they spent the day with friends. - Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Betts and family of Williamsport, . 0., w$re guests Sabbath of Mr. .and Mrs. P, M. GiUilan and A. E. Jolly and their families. Mrs. Betts is a sister of Mrs, Gillilan and Mr, Jolley. Di*. ,W. P, Edmunds and wife of Washington C. II., spent Sabbath af­ ternoon with Mr. and Mrs, John-Col­ lins. The Doctor was Major In' the army o f the division of .which Mr. Collins was (Rationed, - -’ . " RITENOUR’S E X C H A N G E Successor toD eW in e Milling Co. ■■ - - S' . - ■ JUST ARRIVED Car M iddlings and Bran Car o f Morris & Co., Big Sixty Packing Hpuse Tankage. A complete line o f Dairy and other feeds coming, , :% ■» Coal, Hay, Grain and Feed Get Our Prices RaymondRitenonr.nop w c a t o m EAGLE “ X O A D O " . g AGi J E n e w v o r x ..... 1, .............- .... . ..... . The Research Ctoh was antoetatowl Thursday afternoon at toe heme of Mrs. Henry Smith. Mr, and Mrs. W, A. SpM««r en* tmlatoed a Ifrge eompany of reia tivee and friends Thanksgiving day. -We have*a ear of toe inset Wait. Virginia lump opal o*t frank. „ RJtanour’* Exchange Mr. and X n . W, J. Tarbo* enter­ tained a company of friends at din­ ner Tueeday'evening and another on Thursday at noon. A special jury has been drawn for the case of Clarence McMillan in Probate Court, December 19, Charges of assault were filed by his wife, Clara McMillan. Judge Hornbook o f London will preside in Common Fleas Court .on Tuesday wherf toe case against Lin­ coln Funderburg is trice, We will have cold-weather yet. The time- to lay to coal is when you can get it, We have West Virginia’ lump on track, . RRenour*s Exchange “My Boy” must be a good picture of the management would not go to toe expense of booking it for two nights. It is a wonderful picture you will say when you see It. as Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Turnbull en* lertaiped.,Thanksgiving*, day, giving the annual dinner for the Wolford family. Mr. and' Mrs, F. B. Turnbull gave 9-dinner Thanksgiving to a number of relatives. Mm, J- G, McMillan of Columbus, who ha9 been visiting at the home of her brother, Mr. and Mps. F. B- Turnbull, has been suffering from an attack of lumbago. Word was received here yesterday announcing toe death of the fifteen year old son of Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Elrick of Middletown. The deceased was a grandson of the late Mack El­ rick, for many years a resident of this place, ~ . * The Ohio Fuel & Supply Co, had the gas cot oft in town yesterday af­ ternoon while some repairs were be­ ing made on toe line. Concerns using gas, including the Herald, we ,e held up-for a time. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Watt spent'sev­ eral days lash week with Rev. W. A. Condon and family in Urichaville, O., Mb. Watt returned home Saturday while Mrs: Watt stopped.over in Col­ umbus where she remained until Tues day with Mr. and Mrs, W. L. Marshall I f yon-are not a*member of toe Co- Operative Cream Co. c*U at our sta­ tion or take up the matter with'some mepber and see what we. are doing for them.. 3t Cedarville Co-Operative.Cream Co. The funeral of the nine year old son,of Mr, and Mrs. Wilson Hanna of Hagerstown, Ind„ was held from the Clifton Presbyterian church last Friday; The lad lost his life by be­ ing caught in machinery at the Hour mill operated by the Hanna Brothera, Mr, and Mrs. Hanna have returned to their.home accompanied by their father-in-law, R< E. Corry and wife of Yellow Springs; A number of neighbours and friends gathered at. toe home of Mr, and Mrs. N« L» Ramsey last Friday nigl\t as a- farewell party before -they left for Plant City, Florida, where the went on Wednesday morning to spend toe winter. Refreshments were served during the evening. Miss Edith Ram­ sey, who ia teaching at Clinton, 0,, was home for tod Thanksgiving va­ cation and to attend toe farewell patty. Mias Anna DeWitt of Urbana, O., has been spending a few days with her sister, Miss Ruth Da Witt. We are now located in the telephone exchange building where we are now ready to receive your cream. ■ (St) Co-Operative Cteam Co. Go see Jaefcto Ooapf. A tour room tenant towns on Mrs. Herman Coe tom wait destroyed by Ace last Wednesday about noon, The house waa ©oewpied by Grose and wito who were away at toe ton*. Moat all the household goods were saved by neighbors who gathered. The loas is covered by immwuw#. J*' fcrM—*****' HmuxilMiiiiiiHiiiiiittimiuiBtiwuiltui ADAIR’S 5 THE LEADING HOME FURNISHERFOR OVERTHIRTYFIVEYEARS Word has been received here that1*j§ Harry Owens of Detroit, Mich., has S had to have toe thumb of t o g right hand amputated to check<S blood poisoning. Mr. Owens is an *s inspector at the Ford Motor plant 5 The member became infected in § some unknown way, * i s Mr. and Mrs. J, W. Johnson and Thanksgiving wito Mr. and Mrsxupro family spent Thanksgiving wito Mr. and Mrs. Charles Watkins, below Xenia, where the Tonkinson family dinnerwas held. LLoyd Confarr'haa installed a radio out fit and it much delighted with toe results, he ia getting. Wednesday night he reached Atlanta, Ga., New York City, Pittsburg. He heard tha President of Cornell University de­ liver an address in New York Clfcy and also caught the broadcasting of toe Pittsburg police department giving the numbers of the dtolen automobiles that had been taken that day,. For Sale— Two gas stoves in first class Condition. . j ; L. COnfarr WHY NOT HATH GOOD GLASSES SINCE YOU HAVH TO WEAR THRU TJfany’a Optical Serviee Few* v tolas Yw» Wttfii toe Best TIFFANY i B S T i m O L S S S S S a M i t a . • xmu , o . 1' ■■ DIVIDE THE REWARD Lloyd Canfarr and Clarence Deck have received their reward from'the post office department thatwas offered in connection with the burglarizing o f the post office several months ago. The department allowed Mr. Copfar 9150 for shooting Milan, toe thief and Clarence Deck,350 for catching him, The department reword was 9350 but only 3200 was paid. The boys di* _ vided the money equally between jS themselves, ADVERTISED letters Ambrose Sam ,,.v '■ Baker C ... Backman Elinor Battle Chariie ■' Boggap Ed .. .ir.: Brady Jedd 1LeweR'essiO'-. .. v MinshaU Robt*. Nunn Martha Ja1!® . " ,Sanders Theo. Thompson 0. L. Tinlin G. S. ■ .( ■. Adairs Exchange Basement Tbit is a new departtnent we have added to our store to take care of the furniture we have taken in, in ex­ change for new. If you are looking for something inexpensive you may be able to find it in our Exchange Basement. If you want some new Furniture p o a a i i b l y we can make you an allowance on the old. & t= st E S. Spend Your c Beautifying Your Home 1 ' Nothing can give more pleasure than the “ feel” of * tasteful^ furnished I room; Come in let us show you how inexpensively this cun be done* I i Not A pi^ce of well.chosen furniture is the onp gift that is sure to bring delight. | / : only on Christmas day, but will serve as a living, lasting,reminder of friend-’ i . ship's ties—will continue to render helpful service and pleasure through' the days g and years that folloW Christmas.. - f 3 , y UPHOLSTERED S EURNITURE g If you want real comfort in your home, without S sacrificing beauty, get upholstered furniture for g your living room'. •. *' j§ The Co-operative Cream Co; has E now been in business'six months. If £ you are not a member call at the sta- s tion. Have the plan, explained and see 3- what wp are doing for our members, s We have, something worth while ‘ *"* show you on profits. (3t) to s iniiiiiiiuiiuuiiiiiiMtiuiiiiiwiniiiuiHUii Painted Tea Tray Uiliilnuiiiitiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuii a I This good-looking, home-made tea, tray ia only a shallow tin baking pan painted gray. Circular figures on the bottom make backgrounds.for a num­ ber of things, In gay colors, that look _ like futurists’ sun, moon and atom.. At •= any rate, the tray is a vivid and’cheer-1s ful affair that will be useful to toe 5 housewife. aaa £ £ The Smaller Gifts For the Home Sewing Tables Martha Washington $19 Priscilla . .$10,50 Solid Mahogany, . .$16.00 Smoking Cabinets Period $1.75, $4,75, $7.00 ................. $12.00 to $16.00 Tea Wagons , ........ $19.00 Drop-leaf Tea Wagons .....................,.,..$ 3 7 .0 0 Gate-Leg Tables.. .$16,00 Book-Blocks.......... .*$2.25 Paper Racks. . . . . * .$! 7.00 Table Scarfs.............. $3.00 Fancy Mirror. . . . . . ,$6.75 Boudoir Doll, height 16 in. Special.. . $ 4 . 7 5 3 piece Overstuffed Davenport Suite, in Tapestry $ 1 3 5 .0 0 3 piece ' Overstuffed . Davenport Suite in Velour. f $ 1 50 .0 0 3 p i e c e Overstuffed Davenport Suite in Tapestry . $175 .00\ 3 p i e c e Overstuffed Davenport Suite in Velour $ 2 2 5 .0 0 3 p i e c e Overstuffed Davenport S u i t e in Mohair . V a ,4S ' $ 3 2 5 .0 0 t CANE;BACK DAVENPORT SUITES 3 piece Cane Davenport Suite upholstered in Velour with 2 Pulbws and roll in C l ITC A A Davenport and pillow in each chair $ * VGaUU SAME A$ iASH IFPAIDIN60 DAYS ON AMOUNTSOF$10 OROVER s ss; as c 20-24 NorthDetroit St. XENIA, OHIO. Stoves, Victrolas 3 „ . | Furniture, Carpets, £ MiiiiHittiiHfHHfliiMiiiiluiHHiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiimiiiiiuiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilf i WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO JOIN OUR 1923 Christmas Savings Club WHICH OPENS Monday, December 11, 1922 SAVE EVERY WEEK FOR CHRISTMAS A SPECIFIED AMOUNT DEPOSITED IN OUR CHRISTMAS CLUB W iU ^ jbrov id ta jyou ^ Seve * little ev*ry week for ChriitmM, o Pi«n tomxkeiiext'Chrtitinafmerrier thancverbefore for your- self sod friend*,. Deposit s part sf your exrning* or income, every week in our Chriitmu Club, for the specie! purpose of celebrating Chritt- mM in en unimitlly pleetent nimier. Your ievingi will ripidly eccumulete. Yon will have juit that muchMORE MONEY whenChristmas come*. You canhave'any amount you d««ire, and you may email In one or raereclasi**, The deposits are lo conveniently arranged that you will have no trouble er inconvenience in keeping them up, v ^ . . . Youim*y liv e for Ceriititias or for any other purpole, There are no reitrictioni regarding membership. Any potion desiring to do so may join.. . 4 - >«* ' To become a member, you simply make the first deposit in one or more classes and keep up the subsequent payments with due regularity. .You will receive your entire savings when Santa comes around, The Exchange Bank (Cedarville! Ohio asH cBfrwarsasafls* B YOURBUSINESSA SUCCESS? Fine stationery is a big aid to Business. Printing flne stationery is our specialty. # * \ vw