The Cedarville Herald, Volume 45, Numbers 27-52

f ***««*»* of today, m* only wmulte of it* own, but it * W t e a*d bring* to ftp*! enimiaatow tb* advertising of th« yesterday*. 'Cedarv r FORTY-FIFTH YEAR NO. 51 Killed While Felling Tree “ Grover Bricke], 88 , well known young farmer, residing between this place and Jamestown on bis father’.? farm, that of Frank Briclrcl, met an unusual death Tuesday when he suf­ fered a fractured skull while, felling a tree on the farm. The. young man at 1 his father were cuiking dawm a big treo on the farm and had nearly completed when a gust of wind, caused the tree to fall in the opposite direction from that expected, a limb striking Brickie as he was at­ tempting’to run from its path. The man was taken a t once upon the ar­ rival of I)r. French o f’Jamestown, ■ the Espy hospital in Xenia. He never regained consciousness, and died at three o’clock. ■Outside of a residence of short du­ ration in Xenia, where ftlr, Brickei was-connected with the Xenia lire de­ partment, he has lived on a farm- It whs last May that ha returned to the farm with his family where they re­ sided with the father following Mrs, Brickei*s death. • The deceased is survived by his wife, formerly Miss Ora Dill of Xenia and three, children; Besides his father •he is survived by a brother, Herman, and one sister, Mrs. Harry Townsloy of this place/ The deceased was a member of the M, E. church in Jamestown amid of [the K. of P. lodge. The funeral was held yesterday, CEDARVILLE. OHIO, f >AY, DECEMBER 15, 1922 A Christm as T raged y—F r Pop ® i p NO - NO - MOl PAODV HASN'T ANVTHWG BUT 6pLOCf' HQY* RUN AM P Vb 7M T H E : KiTCHfsM ^ ~ A H £ A \ f* . - !*OND PARENT S npak , PRK 6 NT< ANP IS CAUGHT Jtemld, A NEWSPAPER DEVOTED tO I/X-AL AND GENERAL mW& AND r :iE INTERESTS OF G®DAB« VIU.E AND v ic in ity . PRICE, $1.50 A YEAR CONDENSED OHIO NEWS * i News Items Picked * t Random and '.lolled Down for the Busy Reader Sheriff’s Trial Started Tuesday i JEFFERSON SCHOOLS • MAY BE CLOSED Jefferson township centralized school may be closed this coming year as the result of the defeat of the three, mill* levy for school purposes, which failed to carry by -12 votes. State Ed­ ucational Director. Vernon M. 'Rcigel of Columbus, advised the closing of the school. The school will be about $6000. in debt at theend of the pres­ ent school year, with no pay the. debt, The b 6 ard has asked the county board to take over the district but there is no legal way for auch action. From, anotlher angle any citizen,can compel the opening of the school Under another law. The court's would then cause the -issuance the same. HIGH SCHOOL NOTES. PROPOSE TAX ON StOli The Seniors spent able, and interesting AUTO GAS a very enjoy-} evening la s t 1 The Ohio Grangers in session a t : Wednesday when they journeyed to !^ b t i s f * ' Springfield to dttend the movie' d^scussmg taxat omand other matters play “Loraa Doone.’, written by >.rel«tlCTe t0 ^ Jw f th wfth ali Blackmbre is the greatest love play grArti^as first as it_» with with a in English Literature. (It is p l a c e d j^ h e r organizations that attempts to upon the lists for the Juniors and outilf ®***" * c. f 1 ^ v , ,crs. As is usually the case no definite 9 ^ 9 , j plan was adopted and there was much * " , division in sentiment as to how the The show last Wednesday evqn: • tax problem could be solved. One of ing n 6 t only caused much talk and [the plans for cutting down was’the re­ excitement but caused some of our i during of all state levies except the members to shed tears, “f t’s only u. show, Hester, so keep them. back. Remember also it is .very cold,” . Mrs. Wilson—Tell , of Napoleon and his (treatment of the Italians? George G-—-Was that when he was ’‘LAST OFTHE MOHICANS” COMING TO MURDOCK THEATRE I t is not often that a handsome leading man tt one of those ’curly- haired matinee idols—will give up his hirsuit adornment for art’s sake, but in Maurice Tourneur’s “The Last of the Mohicanns”, which Comes to the Murdock theatre, Thursday evening December 21, you will see many ac­ tors who did that very- thing. Four leading players and fifteen actors actually shaved their heads in order to ploy Indian roles in this Tour neur special. The cramtiums are de­ void of all hirsuit sato for the fa­ miliar little topknot, or scalplock, as the' redmen called the small 'tuft al­ lowed to grow to give the enemy a handgrip for scalping purposes— if the enemy is the better man. This is a historical play that will be worth seeing. WALLACE C. ANDERSON POST ELECTS OFFICERS The members of 'the Wallace C. An­ derson Post of the American Legion, chose officers last Friday nr ;ht as fo l­ lows: W. W. Galloway, Commander. Paul McFarland, vice commander, Fred Townsloy, Adjutant, Herman Stormont, Finance officer. Dr. Dines, Snrgeant at arms. LaClede Marklej Chaplin, hers. The Post gave an oyster auppei last night in Barber’s hall to to: members, New Secretary of Legion Auxiliary Look out Seniors! ’Your American History test grades are causing Mrs. ..Wilson much more worry arid moreover she is. becoming very gray leaded. Let’s improve. Our high school orchestra shows much improvement over last year, Every one was delighted in heaving it again ladfc Friday night. It is now made up of the following pieces— '[Piano—Eleanor Johnson ' 1 Violins—Ruth Burns, Chester War ner, Mac Harris, Nelson Clark, Mandolins—Ward Creswell, Howard Sharp- Coronet—Lester Shepherd Cello—Elizabeth Cresyrell. * • • ■ '■ Mr. DreweS—What is Ventilation? Harley—Ventilation is the (taking of air into the blood. 4 • » As a result of the debate with Ross ft wrong impression may have been ieft In the minds of Cedarville people concerning the incident of sftudent government in the High School. I t should be known that the morn­ ing after the books were stacked the teachers rdtired from the room after the student .chairman was appointed and left the affair in the hands of the students. They took steps for discov­ ering 'the offenders and fixed the pun­ ishment when they were found outo The Cedarville debaters have been criticized for not using this in meet­ ing the argument of their opponents. It is one of the rules of debating that any personal mention should be a* voided at all times. Cur team had been carefully coached on this point mjd, true to form, ignored the accu­ sation—to our own disadvantage, evi­ dently, # -m The High School elected Mac Hat ris, cheerleader and Robert Turnbull, assistant cheer leader. * * * one to pay the soldiers bonus. ' To meet road upcosts it was proposed to put a tax on gasoline of from one to three cents per gallon. This plan had been suggested by-Highway Commis- to divie the cost. The man that, used, the roads the most would pay the largest share of the upkeep. The body .also condemed the erection of costly school buildings and urged Ureduction of money used for school purposes, Mrs-. Gertrude Star pointed postmistress J ficp according to a " ington. Mrs. Stormor woman to serve in and toe second in She has had muc this Work being assi| late T. N. Tarhox for also under S. C. Wr Turnbull, the prose was appointed unde son’s term. He has months over eight linquisft the officemi itiess las been sp­ in local of-ir from Wash-*! <■ be toe first opacity here perience in under . the ' yefp?s arid land- W, A- Scial, ’ who sident Wil- some three Will re- f arrival # Fumes from a flueless gaa stove 3u iv bathroom caused tho death a t ■ l..»i;.,iidViUe of Mr, and Mrs, Paul W. 4»’• ,.■* ■ * [ Charred body of David Rearnstlne, ! 55, bachelor farmer, w<*s found In the - ruir.3 of liia barn, live miles south of . New Philadelphia. i . Three prisoners escaped from the . ’ county jail at Cambridge by digging' their way through the walls. . Milo Dasheru, 35, junk man, and his ' brother-in-law, Harold Gray, 14, eon of Walter Gray, while sleeping in the office of the Ashland.Junk company a t Ashland, were shot and. fatally wounded. Both died in a hospital. Two .suspects are held. High school enrollment In Ohio has , grown four times a s fast as ,the popu­ lation at -the last three decades,-pres­ ent enrollment Is 160,000.' Governor Davis had his tonsils re­ moved by a Cleveland physician. Edward J, Hummel of, Cincinnati announced he w.ould resign as cashier in. the secretary of state’s office, ef­ fective with the change in administra­ tion in January., Deiinisow city council has ordered police to catch bootleggers and gam­ blers or lose their jobs, Charles A. .Brown, brakeman, died at Dayton from injuries sustained, when a locomotive exploded Nov, 2a- near Xenia. O, D. Dillon, 83, who sorved in the Seventh independent Ohio sharp­ shooters during the Civil war and wad a member of General Sherman’s body­ guard, died suddenly of heart '.disease bn his farm near MarysylUe. A vigilance committee' was formed at Cincinnati to curb reckless auto driving and speeding by a special com­ mittee appointed by Charles-E. Tudor, safety director. Director of Highways Herrick, ad­ dressing the Ohio Tax association, advocated a gasoline tax o f 3' cents a gallon, .which, he estimated, would yield $6,000,000 a year, for road re­ construction purposes, Charter government In Lima last year shows a saving of $490,000, ac­ cording to figures made public by City Manager Bingham.'' - ' Arnold Wiegand, jeweler, is tinder Fourteen thousand Ohio ex-service man will receive their adjusted eom- pr-nsatlon in time to use the money for their Christmas shopping, Director Roberts announced. * . One man was killed, Patrolman An­ drew J / Hess, 55, was shot through the abdomen and is not expected -to live, and Patrolman Jerry Yatter, 50. was wounded a t Crestline when the officers attempted to question two men, who opened fire. One of the latter was slain- and the other is held. Fall of rock killed Samuel Jones, 29, miner, New Philadelphia. Mayor Charles F. Pickering of Bu- cyrus extended his Sunday movie clos­ ing edict to include shoe shining par­ lors and combination grocery and soft drink places, fV. F, Hayne, 45, Norwood, died soon after being hit by an automobile. Jesso Mitchell, arrested on suspi­ cion at Dayton in connection with a plot to .blackmail George H. Meade,^ president of the Meade Pulp find Pa* per company, is said by police to have confessed to writing a letter demand­ ing $2,000, ’ /threatening death and burning of the Meade home, Mrs. Andrew Harblay, 30, New Phil­ adelphia, died from the effects of a bullet In the head. She was shot ac­ cidentally last .New Ybar’s day by celebrators. t Eighteen victims of the Salem IP qUor raids pleaded guilty in the court of Mayor Albert "W, Ferren at East Palestine and paid fines and costs amounting to $1-0,249.60. t JVUliam De Lo'fig, 77, champion checker player of Dayton, was killed when he was hit by an auto in that^ city. i .Leon G. Herrick, state director ot -highways, may retire from office when the administration of Governor Davis ends, th e ,first of the year. Caucus of the Republican majority of the new state senate,, at which president pro tem, senate clerk and other senate officers, wilt be chosen Will be held a t Columbus the after -noon of Dec. 2i, House Republicans will caucus Dec. 30 to elect a speaker - and other officers, Representative Knight of‘the Akron Tbe trial of Sheriff Funderbujrg, and his deputies, Day and Burns and : Policeman Simms of Xenia, charged with second degree murder, for the ■ lulling of Voiney Nichols last Sep­ tember, while discharging hi* du­ ties, following a reported holdup,. . started in Common Pleas Court on Tuesday before Judge Hernbeck of •; London. A large number of persons were examined for -jurors before a jury was obtained, When it was selected f t comprised six men and six women, Jne of the first tomes done was to ’ visit 'the scene of toe shqoting and view the surroundings. *. The jury is composed of Howard urnbull, Edith Marshall# Charles H. Fright, A., B. Little, Laura Dupkle, | Catherine Miller, Mary Bjckett, John ' 31asser, Nellie Kelsey, Carl Branford 3 dna S. Woodson and William -Smith, Wednesday and Thursday tho - vitaesses were examined mostly for f lie state. At various times toe at- * orneys engaged in. wordy clashes and ' :t one time it was necessary for the ‘ curt to call them all into a- private- ;/| ifnee for instructions on the conduct >f each. The court room was cleared , dter a demonstration and only a - 'ew spectators permitted to enter af- 5 cerwards. It is thought that the'case will be ompletejl Friday- The arguments of ’ he attorneys is expected to take up - ome time and the jury may, not get he ease for deliberations- befote Sat- . Jrday, ' -'•? to-wyi-i ^ i iinnwin’"w'i ■ w\.iw ' w spend the winter ffl Florida arid will probably motor through, Mrs, GtarmontV'cQ-mffiission should arrive in a few d&ys. Her husband, H. M, Stormont, served as a roural rputc driver for twenty years, being rfetirpd about & year ago. . OFFICERS CHOSEN AT DAYTON MEET Officers were elected and toe Po­ land China judge for 'toe Ohio State fair chosen nfc the opening meeting of the Ohio State Poland China as­ sociation, Tuesday in Dayton, The National Poland China As­ sociation also met in paytort this week. This is the oldest organization for recording live stock having been organized in Dayton 50 years ago, J. IL Lackey of Ross township is toe president of thi? association. He 5c one of the pioneer Poland China breeders in the country. TAKES MORE THAN THIS TO BLOT OUT CLAYTON’S SMILE I t seems that the ever smiling Clacton McMillan has joined the tribe of “wife beaters,” Anyhow we get this information from 4 Dayton paper. And he is to bo tried before the Probate Court for this adt. The paper was. slightly mixed in names but Clayton is having as much fun over the incident as if the joke had been on someone else. The writer of the news story evidently never met our genial citizen, saw toe love light in his eye or felt the warmth of his handshake, or there would never have been & mixup .ih names. RED CROSS ROLL OVER THE TOP Mr. Drewcr has a new Jello—"wiggle! wiggle!” name for UNION SERVICES AT. THE OPERA HOUSE SABBATH MORNING AT 10:30 There will be no preaching at the R, P., U. P: and M. E. churches Sab­ bath morning but a union service will be held at 10:30 in the opera house. The-sermon will be delivered by Dr. S. D. Gordon, who comes 'to-give, a series of talks on Prayer from the 17th to the 22nd. Dr, Gordon is a noted writer find lecturer and very few towns of this size have had the opportunity of hearing him as he is usually booked ahead for 'toe cities. At the service Sabbath morning a special offering will he taken to meet the local expenses for this series of meetings. CRESWELL FARMS WILL HOLD BIG SALE JAN. 31 Creswell Farms, is preparing to hold a public sale of Big Type Poland China hogs on January 31. Catalogues will be printed by this office. This will be the first public sale for this farm. In ffeyLerry’s Seat w A very excellent play was presented last Friday evening by our High School pupils-—"The Ghost Story” by Booth Tarkington. Lester Shepard, }as George, tho bashful lover, played lithe steller role and frightenned not only the players, hut tho entire audi- I once, with his dramatic presentation | of the ghost story. Kathryn Hughes j was the charming heroine and deser- , vets much credit for her splendid aefc- ! i-ijf. The others in the play who made *it a success were—-Lucilo Ritenopr, i fdorinme Mitchell, Ruth Strobridge, ; Lidias Ford, Kenneth Little, Roger j Stormont, George Gordon and Gordin rKyle. The Sixth Red Cross toll pall and campaign in the county has closed and Over the top it went. Douglass Custia of Xenia was chairman and directed the drive. In Cedarville village $209.75 was raised and $96 in the township. The report of the Red Cross Decem­ ber 9, shows a bank balance of $40lt?.- 52, Mr. Custis end the Executive board take this opportunity to thank every one who/ helped in any way to make tho drive a success. The of­ ficials of the Red Cross appreciate the splendid co-operation as well os the financial support of the commtm- ty. ' ' “The Last of too Mohiftnna” is es­ pecially interesting to high school and <ollego students. It is ahistorieal play i James Courrtu, millionaire of Detroit. and . former mayor ofi 3Mi*s Bess R, Withetholf, of Gal- (poll*. O.. new secretary of the imeriejm Legion Auxiliary. As sec- etary of the Ohio departnxmt to* rifted iu iftttftbtftot* Why not please Her with a Kohler : Enameled 1‘Itik for Xmas. It will save ’numliovjesx steps for years to come, | Wo install them ns reasonable prices, Service Hardwat*. I that is worth seeing. The story should Henry Ford. i\ the new U, S, Sena- appeal to every reJhlooded American, tor from Michigan, appointed t<> the 9 Truman 11. NV*bcrry seat, the m ice to 1 which Ford aspirin against '.Vw* berry ’i t t '-the now 'tamous rifa-tlon scandals, which t e lly resulted its Newberry’s reiimuufcno toS* mmt& Electric stoves for toasting and general utility, $2.98 a t Service Hard- mm in ^ tm ftn t a t Cleveland ta conh^lon ' ^ i c t announced that Senator W it with the death Of Carrie Voll, 18, vie- [iat>h 'E ' Borali of Idaho Will he the tori of a criminal operation. headliner at a banquet of Ohio Repub- William.Delaney, '28, and John Kol- Uca^s beli ^ Ala'on -\b. body ot a. foreigner, Wawrzymec Go- i lick, who killed himself a t Conti­ nental,' Putnam county. Miss Elizabeth Lindquist was rob­ bed in Cleveland of a diamond ring, and $47 by two bandits. * Thousandii of bushels tit hickory nuts and walnuts are going to waste beneath trees in the Meigs county hills, It Is claimed that o r a single farm near Chester, more than 1,000 bushels are Scattered on the ground. Vincent A. Taylor, 7/6, former state senator, died at Bedford; Richard L. Herzer was arrested a t BUcyrus for operating two picture shows on Sunday." ' Cleveland/policeare searching for pyromaniac who started several fires. ' * Near Kenton Luther B. Chavis, 51, waaf instantly killed when his automo­ bile turned over on him, breaking his neck. Leonard Ferryman, 17, of near Marysville, was shot accidentally In the right hip by his father, while hunting. A burglar who entered the hoffie ot Mayor William H. Schwartz at Fre­ mont carried away only clothing be­ longing to Mrs, Schwartz. Valuables were not molested, A saving of $990,900 Will be effected in the operating expenses of the city of Cincinnati in 1923, according to a plan announced by Mayor George P. Carrel. ■ Charles Mezo, 41, Cleveland, Bhot and killed -himself. Willie Bollter, 5, Toledo, was crush­ ed to death by an auto. Ora Scheffer, 20, Mercer county, died 20 minutes after being accident­ ally shot by his hunting companion, whoso gun was discharged by a twig. A passing automobile killed Lloyd Zimmerman, 20, on a road her Gallon- Mrs. Mary Crew, 70, widow of At­ torney J. T. Crew and mother of Rob­ ert T. Crew, who Was secretary to former Governor Cox, died at Zaffea-, ville, the result of injuries she suf- j fered When she*was run down by an automobile en route to church, . j William, the 14-months-oId Son of William Trlekey, drank oil of winter- i green liniment a t their home in Bre­ men, near Newark, and died. Salvatore Giordano, 59, Cincinnati, shot himself through the heart, Fred Kasper', 50, Richfield township (Lucas county) farmer, died from a } .COLLEGE NOTES As Christmas vacation is rapidly scaring, toe students and the faculty ,re looking forward to that- tiitfe ivith much pleasure. The majority of h e students will spend their Vaca­ tions at their homes. ■ ’ *#-''■ - / r ‘ ' j The students and faculty. ..of the lollege are thinking of the coming of Dr, S. D. Gordon with much an- icipation of pleasure ito he enjoyed md also to much spiritual uplift as a result of his talks, . ' Superitttandency of the Boya* In­ dustrial school at Lancaster jwas ton- ■ dnred:to ttbt of ’the Mansfield retonnatory, by i-T&i. H, S. MacAyeal, director of public welfare. I O h i o ’s ' 'new game ■' and forest .pre serve in Scioto county was dedicated with simple ceremony. Governor Da­ vis unveiled a bronze tablet af tot entrance to -the tract. State ■ officials and many sportsmen were present \ Teh persons are held at Cincinnati as the result of a series of raids, on suspected ! drug sellers i Mrs. Frank R. Saxton was elected member of. Lakewood city council She takes the place of Mrs, Maude G Waitt, who goes to toe state senate. ! Three boys confessed to Akron po­ lice to the theft of slx automoblles in Akron and Canton and a series of day­ light holdups. \ i Thirty thousand citizens of Cincin­ nati have declared themselves la fa vor of an' ordinance that will compel all automobile drivers to put devices on their machines that will prevent them from going faster than 25 miles an hour in*the city limits. . TrlmuS .Glssinger of Springfield was killed, John Walch was seriously in jured and Mrs, August Telchart and her baby were slightly bruised when toe auto in Which they were riding collided with another machine near St. Marys. i Rev. O. J. Long, a retired minister, was fatally injured a t Dayton when struck by a streetcar, Rev, J. W. Kitson, pastor of Church Of the Brethren, Toledo, died after a two days''* illness. Wittenberg college announced a -gift of $10,000 from Indiana. Dealers a t Akron boosted toe price of milk to 13 cents. Mrs, Susan Kraus, Pomeroy's 63- year-old “financial wizard," was found guilty by a jury a t Pomeroy of “ut­ tering and publishing a forged instru­ ment," - ■ Logan Elks are conducting an In­ doer circus. Following cuts In the Lima police and fire forces, fire insurance compa­ nies announced an advance itt insur­ ance rates in that city, Henry Watterson, 74, wealthy con­ tractor, was struck and almost in­ stantly killed by a fire engine truck at Cleveland. ____ _ _____ _ ______ , At Dayton Dla Phillips, 11, was kill- fractured skull received" when thrown ’ed by her brother, Robert, 16, who was out of an automobile into a ditch near playing with a shotgun, his home. Thail H. Brown, secretary Of stato- Acld was thrown into toe face of ‘elect, announced he will appoint Col- Alex Drenoth, 44, when he Went to onel Chalmers R. Wilson of Columbus the home of a neighbor In Akron. ,a» his registrar of automobiles. Bix head of deer, the first to be put- ; Emerson- A. North, superintendent chased In Wisconsin In the restocking 0f the Longview hospital tdr insane, program now being conducted by the resigned to boeomo director of Cin- state fish and game division, have cinnatl’s mental hygienic clinic, been liberated at the Roosevelt game , County auditors of the etate want preserve in Scioto county, !the present system Of elective asses- Toledo’s rciorii n.i raTJreached 'BOfa done away with and assessing ’418 violent deaths In 11 months, ;done by appointive deputy auditors, Fayette county claims to be toe the auditors becoming the assessors greatest lmg producing county in Ohio. 0f personal property as well as real In an , opinion Attorney General. estate. DrkB holds" that grounds attached to < Donald F, Melheni, 35, of Kento., church edifices are not subject to tax-1 Wh0 lms been assistant to ‘Attorney .ire being taken under the manage- nent of Robert Stewart. They are taken to he placed in the Oedrus, toe i-mnual of the college, The pictures of the other students will also be taken in ithe near future,,. ‘ i The students and'faculty are sOriry to hear of.the sickness of Miss Wiiii- fred Stuckey, who is a student of <3e- . darville Ccj’llege.-Miss Stuckey is now in the hospital at Xenia. Last Wednesday morning' Ithe Y. W, C. A. girls were to have had Mrs. Gowdy to speak ton . “The Passion Flay”. As she could not come, Prof. Robinson kindly "consented to talk and gave an interesting talk on “Girls ■ in China” He also had a Chinese girls tiny shoe to show to the girls. ' ,The Freshman class has-been or­ ganizing the' past week...The officers- chosen were; President, Paul Edwards Vice President, Henry Kyle; secre­ tary, Jane Thompson; treasurer*Glara Elder. * ' • * Dr, McChesney has gone to Xi|n-. tucky to preside a t the funeral ser­ vices of ithe mother of Miss Galla Turner, a former student of toe col­ lege. ‘ ' ROSS TtyP . SCHOOL ^ TO GIVE PLAY The Ross Township school will give a play in the school auditorium' Thtirs day evening December 21 at 7:30 en­ titled “The Deacon from Sorghum Center”, The, play is given for toe benefit of-the library. Those in the are L. A. Rogers, Lloyd Cavander, A, F. Roush, Bonner Jones, C. W. Ham­ mer, Vera -Crites, Rebecca Marsh, Mildred McCfall and Roxie Strong. “Big Sk” Matty Sells Christinas Seals. ■Don where they are heed exclusively for the benefit of the chnfch and not operated ot 1 ** m 4 t« General John G. Price for tour years, ban accepted an offer to become asso­ ciated with * law firm in Toledo, “Big Six Christy Mathews**, base- 1all’s greatest brio, who for two years has fought a wwriting fight ,•>ahst tltet white plague, :s this Ui/ift-nas swtfoo ririog hk time to hclpmg $cU Chnatem SeMe.