The Cedarville Herald, Volume 45, Numbers 27-52

mr*m •# i # * * # # # * * * i LOCALAND rUtSOKAL f * « » « F # * # # » * * Tfc. Mm) Bible CUm of the M. JE, iliurch tnjoyed an oyster supper at the church Wednesday evening. Prof. and Mis. L. It. Parker have a t their gueet, the former's mother, of Harp*ter, 0. ■Remember the special meetings to be held here this week. The Mini*' t ?rial Union has secured >Dr. S. D, one of the most noted writers of the . resent day. OSCAR E. BRADFUTE Oscar E. Brardfute was on Thursday elected as president of the Amer­ ican Farm Bureau Federation, with headquarters in Washington, D.- C. According to dispatches J. H, Howard declined to, he a candidate and condemned politics in the •organization. Mr. Bradfute has been vice i president of the American Farm Bur epu Federation and also president of r the Ohio Farm, Bureau Federation /since it was organized in 1919, There " are few men in .farm organization circles that are us Well known as Mr. Bradfute. He is a members of many breeders' associations and also of the International ■Live Stock show. He i3 a member of the 0. S. U. Board1, where he has served for a number of years, It is likely that he will retire the first of ithe year as president-of the Ohio Farm. Bureau Federation. men turned to Cigarettes superior quality . cigarettes : .1 ' --« * * # # < * * ,^ 1 . The marriage cf Miss Ruth Sboup of Xenia an 1 Mr. Uelmep Jobe, will nke place on Wednesday, December ; Oth. Mrs. 0* S, Kelly of Xenia gave a miscellaneous shower at her- home l-’.st Wednesday, honoring the bride elect. Many lovely gifts were present vd the bride, Mrs, N, P. Ewbpnks entertained »- }out fifteen ladies last Thursday even­ ing at a "Honey Party". Those who -■•tfended were: Mrs. J.-W. Johnson, i.'rs, Raymond icitenonr, Mrs. B. H. Little, Mrs, A. E. Richards, Mrs. A3 1. Courtney, Mrs. Sidney bmith, Mrs. W. R Hamilton, Mrs H. M, St^rpiont, Mrs. C, E, Masters, Mrs, Jeanette Es* .bridge, Mrs. J, V. Tarr, Mrs. Rosetta* McEIwairi,-. Mrs.- Harry Townsley, Hjfrs W. H. Owens.- . ' Springftaki rewired fend*** when the auto in wfcieh Jfeejr were riding skid­ ded a&d (n e rtpN i after striking pole on the pH» hear Clifton b e t Wednesday. Tfieg were taken to the Springfield beepttal following the sc cident. f T h e T est o f a 5 I Mai* Messrs, C. N. Stuckey and E, G, Lowry ahd their wives have returned home after a very pleasant, trip in West Virginia, Pennsylvania andn other points in'the east. They have been gone for Several weeks and made the trip in %lv. Stuckey’s new sedan They report that", while returning across Pennsylvania they saw several deer, and at one canip they witnessed several that had been killed and dres­ sed. Miss Ruth DeWitt entertained number of young piople last Saturday a t the Galloway summer home On the Mian^i' river. A three course luncheon was served the guests and during the aftemqon ahd evening games, and music were enjoyed. Those who a t­ tended were: Misses Elizabeth Gifford, Ruth McPherson, Dorothy Oglesbee, Katherine Blair, Bee Walton, Eloise Davis, Marjorie McClellan, Helen Riff Helen Kyne, Ellen Tarbox, Mariane and Ruth' Mitchell, Marjorie Wright, Katherine Plummer and Messrs. Howard Arthur, Jo.hrf Davis, Gould Peters, Earl Collins, Richard Gowdy, LaClede Markle, Cecil Ewbank, Phillip Kyle, Lawrence Curry, Arthur Wal­ lace Finley, Robert Turnbull, McCleod Sterrett, Willard Kyle- annd the chaperones, Mr. and Mrs,' W, W. GaL loway' and children, Rebecca and Dorothy, ahd Me. and Mrs. H. G. Fun- sett and daughter. • AUTO OWNERS HAD BETTER ' WATCH THEIR ROBES —V~n1- i ' i , Owners of automobiles seem to be victims a t present of some person or persons that are lifting robes from the radiators of automobiles. From information a t hand two were taken last Saturday night oti Mam street in the center of town during the lecture course number a t the oppra house. We learn that another was also taken, One man reports his robe taken two weeks ago while his machine was ,in front of the U. P. church. This hap­ pened during the day. 'There should be some action taken and the officers lay in wait for the person tha t is fol lowing this practice. , French Proverb. To the living we owe some consid­ eration, to the dead we owe only the truth. Useful Gifts Make the Happiest Christmas GiveFotwearGiftsThisTear M O S E .R S Shoe Store S o u th D e tro it, X en ia , Ohio Oar store Is full of useful gifts for every member of tjbe family. fW F a lb s r and Brother For Mother and Sister F o r tbs Little Tots 5 By JUSTIN WENTWOOD ,(©. riJ*, W««MfS N»w*p*p*r paloB.) "Don't touch my halrt" Lizzie shrank away nervously from her sweetheart as he laid bis hand caressingly upon her locks. “But, darling, tf you really cared (or me you would let me caress you. you’ve always shrank away from >me like that, And you've got such beautt fpl hair, like spun gold," - Lizzie looked away and said nothing. The young foreman of the n.,fi was greatly troubled. He bad loved Lizzie Peebles ever since, he first saw her standing at her spindle, a newcomer at the mill. They were sweethearts, and yet—every time he asked her to marry him she, put him off with uncer­ tainties and excuses. He left at length, still unable to ob­ tain a definite answer to his suit And he recalled the- advice that another girl had'once given him; ‘"If a girl wants you to touch her and make a fuss over her, then it’s all right. But If she doesn't—then take care1’’ > , He went to hts' work next day, re- solved to put all thought,of marriage with Lizzie out of his mind, if she didn’t care for hhn—well, then shewas just making a fool of him! He saw her looking at him with im­ ploring eyes that day, but hardened his heart. And something happened soon after, midday .which effectively put’ thoughts of Lizzie out of his mind mo- mentarlly. . , There came a sudden - shriek—an­ other,? another,'..There was a rush of workers to a part of the -mill. Thd dynamo was shut off. Too latel One of the mill girls had had her hair caught In the cruel fangs of the mech­ anism. , Her scalp had been tom,'from her head. The doctor rushed up. The little group became hysterical, The fore­ man groaned; accidents like that were rare, and yet hound, to happen some­ times, If a girl grew careless. . . , In spite of his ‘determination to make Ms sweetheart approach 1dm first he was a t her. cottage that night; In fact, he found It Impossible to stay away.- - * They talked, Cf coarse,' of the acci­ dent a t the mill that' day. r "it was* terrible," Said the yodng foreman, Sympathetically, "Of course the company wUP cotopensate her. But what's the- use of -compensation when her hair’s gone*'■ Disfigured for lifer Who’ll Marry a girl life that?" "Wouldn’t yotiT’ asked Lizzie. The foreman hesitated^ "Boar, l —if 1 was engaged to her I’d—I think Td stick to It,” he answered. "But— Oh, well, what’s the use of talking! Poor girl! I’m sorry for her as I can be, Lizzie, darling, do you know Xwaq nearly crazy thinking abotot yoii in the mill today!. 1 decided hot to come again until you rent ft>r me. And then—well, I just couldn’t stay away. Don’t you think you’ve put me off long enough; darling? Won’t you tell me, dear?" / * ' Slie turned to Mm with sombre eyes. "Well, my dear, since I've got to answer you, It's no,” she returned. "Then you’ve been playing with me and making a fool of me all this time?" “Not necessarily,"" * "You led me to think you cared." 'T—did care." „ "And you don’t care any longer?" "No, Xdon't care any longer.” The words came mechanically from the girl’s Ups. "I~ I don’t care, Harry." "Then you have made a fool -of me! What have X done?. What's changed you?" "I—I don't want to answer you." "AU right.. I'll go!” He rose up in a fury, "You led me on and oh —but I knew all the time you were fooling me, because you wouldn’t let me caress you," “Don’t 1” The words seemed forced from lt^r under the stress of unbear­ able anguish. "Don’t go, Harry 1" She was weeping uncontrollably. The foreman stood in the hall, fingering his hat uncertainly, *TU ttil you, then, Blnce you choose to-take It that way." . "God, Lizzie, If you knew how I love youl" "You won't In a minute.” "What do,you mean?” She put her hands on his shoul­ ders. “You remember what you've said- tills evening? Weil, my hair'd false. 1 met with the same accident in a mill in Massachusetts. That’s all. wNoV I don’t want your pity. Just gel" But he held her hand*. "Dear— my dear," lib Bt&tamered, "forgive mei Dear—1 love you, I don’t cart. For­ give mel” And be found his manhood In the sobbing figure that lie pressed to Mm. Save Birds Crippled by Storm. A kindly act by Vienna police is re­ ported by the London Dally Express correspondent In that city, when a cloudburst and- i. storm of extraordl* nary violence which delivered Vienna from a tropical beat Wave dislodged about a hundred sparrows from their night shelters in the trees In the sub* urU of Simmering, The birds fell to the ground in front of the police headquarter* of the dis­ trict, and their feathers were *o wet that they were unable to rise again, A great crowd ttt children assembled ami were about to lake- the birds away when a squad of policemen Intervened, They caught the bird* with much diffi. cutty, and placed them in an old de­ tention cell for tHe night, releasing them hi the morning. A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR fj> ' * ' f 7 * Is Assured Everyone Who Enrolls in Our Christmas Savings Club WHICH STARTS MONDAY, DECEMBER 11th Everybody***Old and Youn%**Is Invited to Join DEPOSIT lc, 2c, 5c, 10c 25c, 50c, $1.00, $5,00, AND UP The first deposit makes you a member f No Fines—No Fees—No Losses , . ' - ’ • - ’ 1 ^ * h * i ' ‘ i • * . 1 5 And you w ill save enough by Christmas to buy presents and enjoy the festivities without stint,or inconvenience ; . ' , » , ! < /,X i 1, ‘I T The Exchange Bank I t takes theJumpandJerk cut: PutsPepandPowerin instead If you want a smooth-running engine and power that you can always depend on, Columbus Gasoline is the answer. It’s a pure, unblended fuel of proven goodness that thousands o f Buckeye motorists swear by. It takes the jump and jerk out of the engine and saves the cost of new parts and repairs that always result from ragged perform­ ance. It gives a quick, easy start, a sure, fast pickup, and unusually big mileages per gallon, and saves your car, your bankroll and your temper. * Ga s o l i ne STRAIGHT RUN W1TH6 u T BLEND Columbus Oil Company COLUMBUS 0*4 O H IO CEDARVILLE DISTRIBUTING 8TAM, C. NAGLEY MiiUr Street and Penny, Ry. C. E. MASTERS Telephone No. 146. 1 W. W> TKOUTfi R, A. MURDOCK R. BIRD & SONS CO. Love Always to B« Dttired. But love directed towards the eter* ttal and Infinite feeds the mind with m e joy. and Is free /roni fl)} ^ n e s s , Wherefore It la- greatly to be desired, «rtd to be sought after with bur whole Might,—Spinoza, . . tv it In Ourirttty# Oh, this itch of the ear that break* eat at the tongue1 Wert not curiosity go over-busy* detraction would soon be btarved te JettMd. Public Sale Bills Are A Necessity Leave YourNext Order Store