The Cedarville Herald, Volume 45, Numbers 27-52

mm ******* .................... . ,MI.I 7 | -|TTT 1 B^I'|-. I!ii i l l > i i iii!itii»i ] i FWMmmmtmm I M i .*» fc r -± -i\ j i * * * i m * Attention FondOwners! Feed ports, like almost everything else worth while, are counterfeited. Imitation parts are manufactured to SBLLr at the highest possible rate o f profit and the grades o f steel used are consequently not tfie Sdme high quality, specially heat-, treated -alloy steels specified in Ford formulas for the manufacture o f GEN­ UINE FORDPART& ^ j ' H ' ^ * JDob’t bemisled—Insist upon GENUINE FORD FARTS made by the Ford Motor Company. By •o doing you will get from 35 to 100 per cent more wear from them, and you will pay the b e a t possible cost—the same everywhere, S0% OF GENUINE FORD PARTS RETAIL FOR LESS THAN 10c EACH Adc for Parte Price Lot * > % " J When your Ford car, or Fordsoa tractor needs ' attention,call onus. Forrememberweareprop­ ertyequipped, employ competentmechanics,and, use Genuine Ford and Fordaoo parts in all tspslirwwrik: . R.A.Murdock ;>I. iV>Ar-H'-' AND D! COSOS Three New Brunswick Models * ;• Attractively priced for v the medium-sized jk* pocketbook ** " .* A fs tftttyped with die famous Brunswick ttfftmi Ri^prodocsr—playing: all records without the use of SttsdtiNHtot*, and the Brunswick Oval Tone Ampli- fits sllirosd tone chamber which fives The Brtwswkk the swset tones for vttiich it is noted* ’A m impartial imrestigafion Wffl prove to you that they represent tos best values ob- |*l*xbk fa popdlar-priccd phorographs, T o buy any phonograph wftoottt first hearing The Jknnswick is a mistake. Writ*, easier tote- Free Booklet “What To look For InB»ylo*« Phonograph” byHenry Foxmott Seme#,eoted*>!#*** Maadlectarer. Brower’s Music Shop Stale Building 8 West Mein Street, Xenia, 0 . H m CmfarrttU M l f iCAius bull <■ • wma* I Xetoctd at toe- Poat-Ottee, Cadar- rille, 0., October SI, 1887, as Mooad dais mattor, FRIDAY, DECEMBER a , im ^ CHRISTMAS IN THE HOME * m m The bloused Christmas festival | should he the one day in all the year 1 when care should be put aside. The had days and the sad days of the year that is almost ever lie behind us; let the very memory of them be banished as we prepare to make the feast a joy ful one to the children around us, What" better possession can we give chem for their future lives than the remembrance o f hours of unclouded happiness in their childhood hornet When they are old enough to apprec­ iate them, they will recall with inex­ pressible tenderness the sacrifices that were made to give them pleasure, We are so absorbed in the struggle of living we do not always realize that we are making history, and that the present \v,U soon be past. The children’s future lies, In a great measure, at our mercy.' <Ve are shap­ ing and moulding it day by day by the form we give the present. Lot % flood of sunshine rest on these holi days when they look back on them from the heights pf toiling manhood or suffering womanhood. Let them be able to say, “We did have s'ich a good time when we.were children!" Such memories are a precious posses: sion that no after-sorrow can dim. Would not many.a mother check, the impatient wor, and many a father hesitate, over the -hasty prohibition, if they remembered that their chil­ dren would not forget them in the years to come? Perhaps some careworn little mother will say, “If we could af­ ford it, I would give the darlings a perfect, day." It does not. take' much money to make children happy. The mysteries and surprises which de­ light their souls can he' achieved* without the expenditure ojf -much .more than time and patience. Rome of .the best'things money cannot buy; and those that they recollect longest may be the fruit of their mother’s loving ingenuity. So let us make this birthday which was the beginning of a life of such self-sacrifice as the world has never seen equalled, a season to learn the oeaufcy of self-denial" and the blessed­ ness o f spending one’s self ■in the 3efvice of others. Although personal happiness may be bvefc for yon dear reader, them remains the power to bring sunshine to1some desolate hearth, and to find peace in the- reflection of its light. There is no heart so heavy that it nay not help"to give others a Merry -Christmas. STRANGER FLEECES PANES ' , ‘ AT WASHINGTON C. H. A stranger giving the name.of J, I. Clark, Stubenvillc, Q«, dropped into Washington C. H, and arranged to turchase a farm through a realty (gent. The stranger was introduced .o two local bankers and he informed hem he had $18,000 on deposit at sis home bank, Ho gave a check for" .5000 on the farm, One of the banks ailed StubenvlUe by phone and was old that the man had no account here. As the fellow had deposited a .heck for $1000 in each of the banks ie drew on that previous to the farm leal for$l76 for local expenses. When he stranger was notified Of what the Jtubenville bank sale* ne ‘asked to be taken to a telegraph office Where he ,enf a “wire” to his Dank. While wajt- ng for an answer he went out for a .unch and has not been seen since, ITELLOW SPRINGSJLADS BOUND OVER TO GRAND JURY Three Yellow Springs lads were be­ fore the Clinton county Grannd jury and are charged with hold-up and rob­ bing John Ellis, postmaster of Port William. The boys are .Clarence SchaUer, Samuel Jamison and Clifford Brewer. According to reports the boys held up the postmaster as he was go­ ing into his home with the money in a valise The boys demanded the valise pnder the point of a. revolver hut they wore unable to open it and as the laughter appeared they forced her to open the bag which she did. Only be­ tween $12 and $15 was secured. Brew­ er has confessed hut the other boys deny the charge. METHODISTS LEAD AT O. S. U. The Methodist church has a larger lumber of girls enrolled as students .it the 0. S. U, than any other denom- nation. Of the 1675 girls belonging o Pro testanf Evangelical churches, 596 ate Methodists"and 399 are Pres­ byterians, Catholics come third with 142. J try our job em irn A s i i J. E, KELLY HOME BURNS. The farm home of James E. Kelly, off Hie Springfield pike near the Xe .U Country Club, burned about ll:LJ Sabbath morning from a de- !>ctive flue, The building and all the contents were lost. The loss is placed about $6,900. About a year ago fire destroyed two barns and a silo on the same farm. AID FOI| SCHOOLS Greene county gets $1*211.74 front the state for school aid. The smallest amount sent out was $800.96 for Wy­ andot County; the largest to Gallia, 47,17fUto. —* * ••*• wlyX’W _ A*.“ A ..*L+i ” ' * -V- 7-.m m - SUGGESTIONS From The .Christmas Store . Doubtless one of your gift shopping problems is wondering what to give relatives outside of your immediate family, to intimate friends, fel­ low club members, neighbors—all of whom you want to .retriember in some attractive way with­ out very great expense, , -Ha The many items for a woman's person that may be chosen for five dollars and many of them for considerably less seem particularly appro­ priate for such gifts. ■ In fact a definite effort was made to assemble from many markets the most distinctive gifts that might be bought for five ’ ‘dollars or less. These are now displayed in .a group which we hope will prove suggesting*and convenient. Gloves, hosiery, sweaters, jap crepe kimonos, toilet requisites, handbags, even umbrellas—all dear to a woman—distinguish this group. * > * A For the convenience of those who cannot shop’ during the day, our store will be open until 9:30. P. M., THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY. ilC (SABtiOiMSkMl - ’ 5 tSTABUMOeM ! XENIA, OHIO v v * But three men in every hundred are' self-supporting or “financially fixed" at 65 years, according to statistics. Are you to be one of the three or one Of the 97? Now is the time to de­ cide. Answer by opening a Savings Account in this Association now. We pay 6 per cent interest, compounded semi-annually, and your small begin­ ning Will soon grow to such propor­ tions as will mean independence for you, TheCedarvil eBuilding & LoanAssociation One dollar deposited in a Savings Ac count here gives you one of thea Lib­ erty Bells to drop your odd change in. 1 $YOURBUSINESSA SUCCESS? Fiaestationery is a big aid • toBaslaesj. Printing ltajs;i;:im y Is ourspecialty. •