The Cedarville Herald, Volume 45, Numbers 27-52

* * U-glfcj!'».- TU«***»••**#* , mm**** . ,j l ***■*•*■**»**■**"*«*1 W H I C H is the big mileage ” tire o f today? A ll over the country men are talking right, now o f the remarkable wearing quality o f Fisk Tires. The rea­ sons are obvious. Look over any Fisk tire and judge for your- sett. You are bound to find extra size, strength and resili- eney andwith these, good looks and a tread that gives real protection. There's a Fisk Tire of extra value in every size* for car , truck or speetl ivagon **A i" & \ MeUhishuone 0 r i Mr. George Hoare in Wet*; 'king thought he’d have to re* •varnish, but come to. find out jhe had varnish enough on hie ear. It was clogged (dull) by dirt ground inby exposure andj ordinary cleaning. When Brighten-All took that ,'dfft off he put ofFrevarnishing ; Jfor two years. Uncle /Originator o f t$righ ie!vp$U THtiONLVAUTOMOBILrsttXHtftTHAT CLEANSTHESODr. WHEELS. IAA3SAND NICKELHARTS. HEADLIGHTS, WIHDOWS/ WINDSHIELD,(CVEHLEATHERCUSHIONS) AND POLISHES AS IT WIPES DRY, J. A, BEATTY1& SOX Green St. Xenia, 0 . • tu OMhtfii* M l . KARLH BULL * - EDITOR CANNOT DO BETTER W ITH M ON EY Yon don’t want life insurance, because you “ can do better with your money.” Your business pays you even tlow, you say, fifteen per cant on your capital.” Does I d so l But money itself cannot earn fifteen per cent. Safely invMtsd—not on hazardous speculation—it will return on the average not to exceed five pear cent. The extra ten per cent is the result of yCUr labor, your energy and resourcefulness, your superior executive ability. Death Will end all that, The extra fen per cent represents the money value o f your life to your family and your estate. Death would destroy that value, but life insurance will indemnify against the financial lose, just as fire insurance lessens the loss when property 'bums. THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK W . L. CLEMANS, / Special Agent BASE BALL Eagle* F iled, Springfield 1 Sunday, July 2th, 3. P. M. F . 0 . & ATHLET ICS , SPR INGFIELD ' V S . Th* F««t C«Hna Team ADHIS*10M;~Gr*nd tfOc, Birzrhtt, ttc. LadiesandChildrenMe. Entered at tbs Post-Office, Cedar- j ville, Q„ October 81, 18*7, as wsond class matter, FRIDAY, JUNE *0, 1012* A * 'v I S * •TS mi&m mai;,r,Mi.toiji ,iii.> VfcvVVwwvVw'wv*^ •tSSkm T IS DRAWING NEAR. The Glorious Fourth again draws near and the nervous folks creep in their chairs and jump in bed in their •deep at the premature’ explosions- of the firecrackers which .some enter­ prising dealer in explosives has sold previous to the night before the .Fourth. At no time o f the year, per­ haps, is old age just quite bo .testy and selfish as at the Fourth, of-July, that holiday when youth Jets loose the pent-up enthusiasm which hag been fermenting ever since Christmas. Gradually we have curbed the lib­ erty o f the youngsters with the grow­ ing sentiment for a save and sane fourth o f July—a sentiment fostered oy the aforementioned aged folks. The days long ago when a long list if killed and. injured are but mem­ ories with most people but there must, be some excitement to commem­ orate $.e day. It will never do to ■jeny all the noisemaking . devices—- only for-safety of life and limb. Let the, young folks enjoy themselves to fhat^extent. The older folks can stand ,It-for one day. '• '* i U m U sss * S t 9 , I l f OUR JOBPRINTING t u t HOMEY PHILOSOPHY Wrestling with the co-operation bug is’ all right, hut is we don't look out he’ll have us gaspin on the mat. It’s all very well for a fellow to1work just a little harder than the- other fellow, but if the other fellow does the same, where’s the advantage? Same with the early worm business. It the bird gets up earlier than the Worm then it’s all off with Mr. Worn. We cap cut down cost by co-operation, but if we put down cost to lower profit an’ -get less, where do we get off? There's jots o f schemes that work out well for a*fellow as long as tne other fellow sleeps. Before co-operation will-work jjufc well for a fellow a , long as the athfer fellow sleeps. Before co-opera- .■lonwill work out properly, we'll have to co-operate with the best that's in ourselves, or we’ll all go up the flue EXTEND AIR ROUTE! All Nations: Making Effort to De veldp Civil Aviation. SPECIAL Next W eek One W eek Only 1 Doz. Photo Post Cards * Regu lar Pri<5e $1.50 Value $1 .00 Cash Cedarville, Ohio TARR’S Studio Orioles, As for myself I am turned contrac­ tor o f hammock netting for the orioles, taking my pay in notes. I throw strings out of the window and they snap them up at once. They sit in the cherry trees hard by and war­ ble, “Hurry up! hu^ry upT* I never found out before just what they said, But if ’you wifi listen you will find that this Is what’they flrst.say. A vul­ garism, I .admit. Jmt native,—-Loweh., No Reciprocity. * After the guests at their party had gone, Mrs. MImbly said to her hus­ band : “\VR5i on earth did you mean, John, by telling the Smiths that my humor wag positive, but not negative?” ‘I meant,” said Mr, Mimbly, “ that you could make a Joke, but couldn’t talc* one!” : Pleased With Begging Letters, When tlm old shall o f Persia visited England in 1873, some 8,000 begging letters were posted to him duripg his sojourn. He was much pleased with them and felt highly honored to re­ ceive so many letters, each o f which he treated as a compliment. He had all of them seenrely packed Into a Dunk and dispatched to Persia, where they were deposited in his museum. British Observer Says 1922 Appear to Be Crucial Year jn the Exten sion of Commercial Airways — Air Travel Popular, London.-*—All countries are making great efforts to extend their eommer dal airways this year, writes Mnj, W T. Blake, the aeronautical correspond ent o f the Daily News. Indeed, 3SF2 appears the crucial year for civil .avi atlon. • In addition to new- air service lj England frqm London, to Munehestet and from London to Ireland, two ndw companies have been approv’d by tin air ministry to operate continents' services. Of these Daimler IUre,,L!d 'ViU operate between .London nut Pnris with a possible extension te Switzerland, Whilst between London nnd Brussels. the Aerial Routes syn dlcate, Ltd., proposes to operate. The Instone Air Hue and Handley Page Transport will continue their services to Paris, whilst one o f the other will probably start operations on the Dutch route. France, In addition to maintaining her present, services to London, Brim sels, Amsterdam, Czechoslovakia. Warsaw, Morocco, etc., has arranged to open Up the route from Prague to Constantinople via Budapest and Bucharest. This will be a branch oi the Paris-Warsaw service, the Junc­ tion being Prague. A second route te Constantinople also will be opened Up by the company, which at present op­ erates the service from Bowleaux-Tou louse. Montpelier. This service will hr definitely extended to Marseilles nnd Genoa, and will continue to Constantl nople if circumstances warrant further -extension. Denmark has recently sent a mis sion to Germany with a view to inves­ tigating the possibilities of purchasing largo passenger-carrying machines tot the opehliig up of various Scandinavi­ an routes, Portugal—which so far has , dis­ played little practical Interest In com­ mercial flying—Is opening up a service from Lisbon' to Paris vln ‘Valladolid and Bordeaux. The capital o f this company is two million escudos, at the normal rate of exchange about £376,000 This will, of course, bring London bate direct aerial communication with Lis­ bon, Other Portuguese air services contemplated are from Lisbon te Oporto; from Lisbon to Mndrld; from Lisbon to Faro, Additional links in the European system which are being opened up by various companies will enable the aerial traveler to proceed from Lon, don to Algeria via Purls and jdarstfllles and from London to Morocco via Paris, Toulouse nnd Barcelona. Tim new Portuguese route will give a di­ rect service between London and Lis bop and the new French service tvllT give a direct route from London to Gonsiantinople, England Is already linked up by air with Brussels, Amsterdam, Gopenhn* gen and Berlin, so that’ there are now very few European capitals which can not be reached by regular air services In,, at the outside, two days’ ale travel. Ye Poor Editor. The editor o f a newspaper or maga­ zine has to apswer more fooljsh qi-wt. tlotis to the square Ityrii than Uny older *i on earth. Read few And weep! - rixehange, < i^ a b le y '4 CINCINNATI STORE N EW S Onehupdred years before'this store' came into existence, our forefathers es­ tablished' on this continent, a freena­ tion, a glorious re­ public, a country thatweallhold dear in our hearts. In 1877* we established , Mabley’s, determined to1 make it a sfcnrein which the public would have confidence, a store for the people. I W e have succeeded. Many thousands daily come here itr-full confi­ dence to supp ly their needs. For the “Fourth” ample provisions have been made to supply your needs. If you are com­ ing: to Cincinnati this week. Progress Ail-important . Let us remember, that just because improvement Is always and ever with­ in tliw grasp of human effort at all points, prngrewt is the greatest real­ ity In the world.—J. L’. Garvin. INVEST YOUR SAVINGS IN THE DAYTON POWER AND L IG H T COM PAN Y SOUND— SOL ID—SAFE 29 GREEN STREET * XENIA, OHIO '% ^ * TheMiami Valley-School forNurses < «< REGISTERED IN OHIO AND NEW YORK Excellent classroom* and teaching facilities. Two full-time instrue- tors. Large staff of lecturers, All branches of nursing taught Loan fund. High School Diploma or equivalent preferred. Eight hour duty. Fall term begins about September 1. * MODERN RESIDENCE HALL -*■ SINGLE ROOMS „ Sun Parlor, Recreation Rooms, Campus, Swings, Tennis Court. For in­ formation apply, to L. A . JTANFQRD, Principal, DAYTON. OHIO. ass wkm ' : e s ­ tate T H E U N I V E R S A L C A R New Prices M r . Ford announces new R o ck -B o ttom Prices .effect­ ive Janufary 15, 1922, ' Touring Car....................................... .......... ...: .......... $348 . , . , _ - I . ' • s s i s . . . . . « « « « , « . •,». «*«*, . , , < .5285' K-iiD&tiOiilj■., •• « . . . . . . ,...$319 ’ * i Coupe';.......................... .................................... .. . , ; $580 'Sedan ........« .,,,-.* *v » , , ; . . . » . . . . » . , >, „ . .... , , , $ 0 4 5 .TruckChassis. ............................................... $430 T r a c t o r . .............................1.................; .............$395 F . O . B . DETRO IT ) ‘ " i., " . W e can m ake prom p t delivery on a ll m ode ls . Inves- tiga te our se lling p lan . Liberal term s . Call* W r ite , or Phone R. A. Murdock - S B ’