The Cedarville Herald, Volume 45, Numbers 27-52

t e MM VWIH ■M Newton H. Fairbanks Springfield, Ohio Candidate for Congress, 7th District P rim aries August 8th , 1922 Mr. FiWfesjila m u bor* m i r*i*«d «d on e f*m 1* Union County, Ohio. There -as *. boy and a yonng man b* IwusMKt by ftrtt-bsuvi experleiice the auwy teach problem* of the real He i* a lend! owner end operator and know* the present day troubles that beset the Agricultural interest* — the foundation upon which reatx the sweess of all other buainea* activity and all social wel­ fare. Hi* education was gained in the Country Schools, Ohio Wesleyan Uni­ versity, the Cincinnati Law School and the school of Hard Knocks. After several years' practicing law, he took up industrial pursuits, establishing a bank of which he was president and director fo r more than ten years; a t the same time engaged in, manufact­ uring business, which he has conduct­ ed fo r many years. He is ja life long, Republican' and from a family of ardent Republicans always active in politics, but never sought nor held public office* has ser- Tlo< great July f ’karanct sale of .-xi5*, .'••tr-wn?. J siut pants, dress and ' ».oiW .inaw hat», t . A- Kribic, iv-iy. W. Main, Xenia. • ved u; on Ins party committees, county and slate, and as chairman of each. He firmly believer! it is the duty of business men to.take an active inter­ est in parties; that the government must take its nose out of private business «nd g e t back to the business of governing; that the burden of tax ­ ation should bo lightened by every means-put ilculnrly by spending less and securing adequate return in goods and service fo r public money expen­ ded: tl;o strict enforcement and main tonsure of law and order, the severe punishment of every automobile speed or nod wreckless driver in the high­ way; jail the* profiteer and hunt out and punish the grafter in the public service; strict economy and efficiency should be the watch-word in all gov­ ernment departments; and the inter­ ests and activities of the rural and town folks should be brought into business and social accord, He will cordially appreciate your support.—Political Advertisement. Taxes are high hence th e import -1 uYice of the qualifications of tine per- j f an entrusted with, the cate of funds,; .j. j>, Van K candiiate for H um ■ ;ep:j!'licau « h .:. m U for County] i'rcosufev* A-gust S, has had special j gaining in ffi't>p:.r.g complete acenrate ) croids cf buiincss transaclienj. He ] :s abrolutJy free from political prom- jf ires. He enmb favfc for personal in- 'j tigrity sr. both private, and public ser-| ko and*should receive the active | npport of every elector who would { •phcld these principle::-. —Adv, - J ,Mx% and Mrs. W. J. Torbox, Miss .Alien Tarhox-and llr. Morton Cres- .vell drove to Winona Lake, Ind. on Thursday to remain until Monday, Hr. Qreinvell .will go from their to Chicago to resume his medical work it Rush Medical College. t'f'vd? are nut announcing the mar- ■•i £f Mis: Mavy (Vpr*.’, daughter t f .’It:-, Agnes <Hepcr,‘ to the Rev. R:-.Vn S. Elder, jr /lo r of tito Belie t ’j’, O., Unitol Ficsbytcviau chvaeb, Thursday, July 20. The cere- -'.'.ny was errtermed by Rev. W. 1’. ’I v.rls.n.n in t!.e- r.tvxmcc of about ”0 ■ a a n d relative'?. Both bride and ,r:ro:n are graduates cf Ucdarville end pepulav young people. T :<-y will he “at korno” after irept, 20. 1.EHA1, NOTICE. Rev. W. P. Hartm an and family in company with his brother-in-law, Hf.Washburn, left Monday for Can­ ada where they will visit in Quebec rmd Seollstfom and a t Barre, Vt. on the return, expecting to be gone a t :east five weeks, Mr. Washburn and family reside in Detroit., We will offer for Fair Week special Discount from 10 to 25 % On All Furniture J. A. Beatty & Son “Dependable Furniture” 21 GREEN STREET, \ XENIA, OHIO 83 rd ANNUAL FAIR OF THE Greene County Agricultural To Be Held at Xenia, Ohio AUGUST 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 , 1922 Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Entries close Saturday. July 29, a t 9 p. m. for all departments, MILO ANDERSON. President C. M. AUSTIN, Vice President B, U. BELL,, Treasurer • 1 J. ROBERT BRYSON, Secretary Notice ir> hereby given, an required wy lav;, thm » meeting of the stock- _ Iiohier;; of The Ccdurville Xfime Com- I p:iny of CedfivviUe, Ohio, has been , a:td koicby in called by the Board of | Directors of said company, to be held ! r.t The Exchange Bank, in Cedarville ; Ohio at 7HO o’clock IV M. on the kth day of August 1022, for the pur- por;e of considering the question of the dir-joltftion of the said The Cedar­ ville Lime Company and the surren­ der of the corporate authority and rranchweg of said company. {■’card ‘ t Directors of The Cedarville Lime Company, Cedarville, Ohio, by A. B, Murdock, secretary, 1 HAMPSHIRE SALE, AUGUST X * O. A. Dobbins will hold a Hampshire sale Tuesday, August 1 when CO bred l ows, 5 boars and 100 Hampshire feeding hogs will go under the ham­ mer. The sale will be held a t Ferndale Karins' on the Jamesto-wn pike. Mr. Dobbins held’ three of the most suc­ cessful Hampshire sales held in Ohio* last year and his offerings this year are said to be better. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. We are authorized to announce the name o f George A, Birch, present deputy as a, candidate for Sheriff of Green county before the Republican primary, August 8. We are authorized to announce the name Of Lincoln Funder-burg as a candidate for County Treasurer be­ fore the. Republican primary,' Aug. stb. - Editor Cedarville Ilerald:— Kindly announce my name as a can­ didate fo r the Reupbiican nomination for the office of Sheriff of Greene County, subject to the decision of the voters a t tho primary election, August 8, 1922. Morris Sharp We are authorized to announce the name of W. C, Jliff as a candidate for Central committee in Cedarville vil­ lage, subject to the Republican pri­ mary, August 3. State Senator Charles Brand of Urbans, business man and farmer, announces his candidacy for Congress in this district, to be voted upon a t the primaries August 8- His motto is “PubSic Service and economy.". Your support will be greatly- appreciated* •We are authorized 'to announce the name of J, F. -Shoemaker, Goes, O., as a candidate for County Treas­ urer subject to the Republican Pri­ mary, August S', 1922. We are. authorized to announce the name of E. E. Lighthizer as a can­ didate for Sheriff of Greene County before the Republican primary, Ang­ us^ 8, 1922. .’ i i i ‘ „ We are authorized to announce the name of M. A. Eroadr-tone as a can­ didate for his second term as Repre­ sentative before the. Republican pri­ mary, August S, We. arc authorized to announce the' namfe of Frank A. Jackson as a can­ didate for County Treasurer before the Republican primary, Auguct 8th. Wo are anthemed to announce the name c£ W, IJ. Bryson aa a candidate for State Representative from this county subject to the Republican pri­ mary, August b. XVo. are authorized to announce-: the nama of Mel Beal as a candidate for County Commisionei* before the Republican Primary, August 8. Wo are authorized to announce the name of A, II. Crc.v.vell as a candidate for Central Committee in ’Cedarville township before the Republican pri­ mary, August 8. We are authorized to announce the name of Herman \V. Envoy as a can­ didate for County Commisionc-r, aub* jeefc to the Republic an Primary, Aug, 8 . Everybody With Their Sister* and Cousin*, Their Uncles and Their Aunts Will Come to Our 10 Days July Clearance Sale Only A Few More Days of Our Sale Positively Ends Wednesday* Ju ly 26 Men’s and young Lien’s F ine Suits/$16.50, $18.50, $19.75, $22.90, $24.90, $27,50. Men’s F ine Trousers $1,98, $2.49, $2.98, $3,98, $4. 98, $5.49. * Boys’ Knee P an ts Su its $5,98, $6.49, $7.49, $8.49, $9.85. • • i Dress Sh irts 98c to $5.98. Ties 23«? to 98c Hosiery 8 I-3c to 98c. Underwear 73c to $1.98. Belts 49c to 98c Men’s Fine S traw H a ts $1.49 to $3,49, Panam a H a ts $3.49 to $3.98, Soft H a ts $1.49 to $4.49. Best Peerless Overalls 98c. Best Work Sh irts , Moore’s P a te n t Sleeves, 69c-98c, G rea test SHOE BARGAINS ever offered in Xenia. 1-3 to 1-2 off on all ladies’, m isses’ arid ch ildren’s Shoes, Oxfords and Slippers'. 1-3 to 1-2 OFF on all m en ’s and boys’ Shoes and Oxfords. . ' Don’t m iss th is big Ju ly Sa le—only 10 says. S ta r ted Saturday , Ju ly 15. Ends Wednesday, Ju ly 26. C. A. Ktfbkrs. * A a t i & Shoe Store XENIA, OHIO ■ i - . % ■ 'I *- - JiJU Y . . \ N. -—V- i»>• STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! Majestic Stove Exhibit August 7th to 12th We will give away to th e first purchaser a Copper Tea Set w o rth $10.00 All o the rs purchas ing stoves du r ing our exhibit will receive a se t of G ran ite of Al umi num Ware Tree of charge. To every Lady mak ing a purchase of any k ind we will give a Universal J a r Wrench. W he ther you are on th e m a rk e t for a stove or no t, come in and see ou r line. You are welcome. FRANK 1.BROWN / Dayton, O, Republican l for Judge of flip COURT OF APPEALS To tko WOMEN VOTERS Of tho .Second Judicial District; , Y/o ore personally acquainted with FRANK I. BROWN. From his long iwidoiice in Dayton, his character, b-mpi-i-mont, experience and qualifi- mfism we know he hi the. type, of man fez the judgobip amt urge you to sup­ port him. tt Uffiu.-o Dr.ian II. Wulat, Yayton, ■' > Gt-aud I’alron of the Order of 'lit- Eaatewi DEar of Ohio, fSlieji) t);,a Penny, Execuive Hec- 1'ivy Ufivtmy Community Gentor Dayton.’ n CedarvileFarmers Grain Co. GETOUR ON PRINTING 2£2C