The Cedarville Herald, Volume 45, Numbers 27-52
I! _ . , «f today, net m fm& irn m i im « wk » i * a » PMMMp&Mteg* to feuti mfewNitfwi • * * * * * * * «g * * **,**&**. A NSWgFJJPJfR iJJIlVOTJttD ¥0 LOCAL AMD GENERAL H U t and the w m m im o r VJLLKAMD YICtMN?* t c w r r - t m s t i a e h o . S4, CEDARVILL&, 0 E » » t D A Y , AUGWST 18, 1922 Were Ttefl 'Tbe totCMbiMlett o f the new cea- totti Xmti flatamtey after neo* he X flot proved to bo tin osu*| ■*#*» i i # affair. WhUe the jr£ to&mk 1km toe rid fae* % % kbd of politic# the •*Mg®Aay ateritog waabfit * repetifibn 0 # What wa have am many tiMM in -^ M « t twenty year*. The only d&Kamaee hr ha who does It, not what J* „ White the Gowdy-Mwshall «crowd had averytoing oat and dried and a fixed aohedrde yet event# arose that upwt the program and h, T, Marshall the boss was forced, many time# .to give' orders from the #jde line* and* ♦keep the thing from! getting, beyond control of the ch&innan. J, A. Finney, retiring chairman of 'the old committee called the meeting to order and asked for a temporary chairman. He had ho sooner than ut« tered the last word until J. H. Lackey arose and nominated F. L. Smith. %J. N. Wolford o f Yellow Spring sifted that he represented jthe pre cinct in which Hr. FessJ the Senator- *i*i nominee resided and .following a. custom o f long standing he offered » that in as much as no. eerti- '<d election had been issued by ' of Elections that a e^td||* »be appointed to confer with ,•** to his views on toe or- ^and report at a meeting for last Tuesday. The t Tailed the bell cord and the nt&ra^rbfler flattened Me. Wolford while ,the chairman stated that-they wer*#^>ai]^^^Un things' 'like they alwSpT- haa^Jmem.v soft’‘'""Of ' a" lit' Sdb^dti**'B#' the speaker found his Spring Valley; John Bapgbn, James town; D. O, Jones, Beavercreek, twp. Lew^ft Stewart Alpha; Walter Spathic, Stagarcreek; Hallie tp Brown, WU- berfprce; Mrs. C. 0. Stevenson, Yel low Springs; J. H. Lackey, Boss twp.; Herbert Conklin, Caesaxcreek twp.; Srskin Winter, F» L. Smith, Ionia doe ; Billy R$gera* L. T. Marshall, “Tae” Howard, J. A. Finney Mary L. Collins, Xenia. •breath man that -the according to law coy time the tag' in the pat ; the Chair? bn-would be lops o f the By this .'his bear- ivtoe Boss at should FARM BUREAU PICNIC AT FAIR GROUNDS The annual Farmers' Picnic will be .told on August 23 at the Greene 'vouwty Fair Grounds, , This event is backed up each year by f i » Greene County Farm Bureau and all the other Agricultural Organ izations of the county and every one interested in farming, and with such backing it has become an affair to be looked forward to, as usual it will bo an all day affair, every family brings Ing a basket of eats Which will be spread in regular picnic style at. the noon hour. An excellent program of*entertain ment has been gotten pp by the Com mittee i{L charge. The program will cosniSt of games, contests and speak ing, and will provide some entertain ment for all, both young and old, Some o f the special'features o f a- musemeht and entertainment are the Horse race Odd Mule , race for men and a pony'race for'the boys, These races are open to anyone, who"“wishes to enter, the only requirement being that each contestant furnish his own animal. The speakers will be men who are weltkiiown to everyone and will give talks which Will be interesting and helpful to everyone. \ Every farmer and everyone interest ed in the farmer should attend this picnic and help to m«uce itIthe^best ;hat has ever been held. LOCAL WOMAN AND BABY { INJURED IN AUTO ACCIDENT New#item# 1 Mr#. Boy Brandenburg and infant 1 daughter were badly injured Sunday, evening when jfcheir auto was side-j swiped by a car belonging to Robert! Nidot o f Peoria, 111,, on the Dayton ) end Xenia pike. The machine of W, H ,! . Johnson, colored, Xenia, wa# also ' ,„,5 L 7 ***wv damaged at the same time. ] *.*1 Boy Brandenburg, husband o f t o e j g g , coum y^t injured woman, was driving bis own j ^ 4 turkey, car which was put out o f pommlssion,; -obio's oorn a The wife and baby were taken to the j upon a generous office of Dr, Golloway fop treatment Iduring the next while Nicof was placed under arrest)to 0. J. West, and held in jail until the next' mopn-f tural statistician, ing, He was discharged then In police* 00^ bushels Is -* Court after paying Brandenburg $11Q aa damages to the car and for the medical hill, andr 3 l 00 as damages to the Johnson car, Nicoi was driving at a high rate o f speed. ' The four month's .old baby Was in. the mother's arms .and was thrown to the side of the road by the impact. Two cuts an inch and one-half long was found ' on the forehead, Mrs. Brandenburg had a deep-cut 'on the left arm with scratches op the face. Nicot was said to be intoxicated at the time,,He had damages amounting, CONWfSED OHIO NEWS 1 <& Xmdom and Bolled'Dew* for tiptRwy Reader — — r to $50 to his Cole Eight. DR. O. P. ELIAS SELLS OUT HIS DENTAL PRACTICE .Dr. O. P. EliaS hap sold put his dental practice, and ofilce equipment and turned the office over to Dr. Rus sel Dines of Columbus, Tuesday.' The Dri is. a graduate of the OiB. U, and' in a grandson o f Thomas Lemons, east o f town- Dr. Dines also gets the Elias residence ou South Main street, 'the property to be.-vacated in a short t*ju® Dr.' Elias Went to Cincinnati yester day may succeed in locating at Nor wood, The*Dr. and family have many friends that tegret to hear of their leaving. REV. J., P. WHITE GIVEN FORD SEDAN TUESDAY SHANNONS HAVE GOOD show dispatched orders be done next. The protest against seating W. C. Iliff was read but when 'the vote was called if was along fqdfipnat lines .and,the Chairman announced, that ' Mr, IlifF haft been legally .sealed. Events .moved fast for a Hbukand" it kept Boss Marshall busy jedding in instructions tb hia me: ' ^ w h aW 'd iS t 'I t i^ a btfd Chairman Smith* although Ed Bal lard had been selected as secretary the chairmen had to calf the roll and record the vote, a duty that ordinary falls to the secretary. In the haste to put over the pro gram' there was no motion .or vote taken making the organization per manent but that is a matter than can . yet be incorporated in the minutes and no doubt will be done if neces sary without calling* another meet ing. It is apparent from events. Sat urday that not many meetings of the Central Committe will be palled for, ' Resolution* were passed that en dorsed Carml Thompson for governor and JDpngressman Fess for United State* Senator. Words fitting to the * occasion smeared praised thick on Dr. Fess.who Should be elated over such an endorsement after refusing to even give him recognition in the organisation, a custom as old us pol itics itself. When the Dr, .hears of what all look^place we imagine he would,smile out loud, v * Following the passing of the res olutions came the speeches. To the small audience present they must have been amusing, Harmony was the key note. The application o f the Golden Buie was the other and every speaker had a daggar up his sleeve ready for action the minute he took his asset for not a memftst believed cm word was said. To prove this we could cite some of the conversations that took place in the hall among a few o f the uhembers. The harmony wsk there without the capital HH". The meet prominent thing was the faettoua! hue xegardlm of Thomp- sen* l^ees oat Greene County's noted Health «<Bssr, Dec Grubs, Tbs most important thing in our *pMm that was overlooked was the appointment o f a eoasmittee o f say three s# five to Introduce the boas of the atmaMmf t . T. Marahell, to Dr. Fes*.’ WMess reports indicate it has bseoi *e long since Marshal has had * Word with the Congressman that it WiRbe necessary for some one to introduce him when they meet, if it is pocsfble to got the Boss within speaidng dlstanoe of the Dr. ' As for reeutte this fall the present committee is going to be in about the name shape it was two year# ago. As far funds* well they can issue script or enough o f the committeemen dig down into the jeans ts finance M y fteget* end Teak Howard as headquarter* men. What will happen it we reed Die sign* right is another committee as was fronted two years ago. What the present ergaakudion says Republican* •hrotM. do for Thompson and Fees dee* not fenmewte* with what the •ettUflBdse did to Fes* in refusing him fit* boner eff erotsidearation in the >j ( fR i Mowing were, named on the Jttofttisdve 'OmmRmw; t>, C. Wright* WlRNur C. ©idmtvflle Oeerge B. Jtoriy, $m rnm twp.j iuy M m k jP»wmm W . wWW*vss|mfWiemi*» the -- - -- ...........j • w --.- , (The Harry Shannon shows on the Barr lot Monday and Tuesday'nights drew good'crowds each night and the performances were clean and well put on. The Shannons have been here before in the opera house ' and have always given good productions. This year' they have a big tent with six trucks to, travel from town to town, Bev. J. F* White,*pastor o f United Presbyterian church was somewhat taken by surprise Tues day when he had a Ford sedan deliv ered" ipstepd of a touring car. ‘Rev. White had Contracted, with R. A. Mur dock for a touring oar but when a fqw Of his members discovered it they held up the order and put on a quick drive for funds among oh was fully equipped, and ah' Rey) White much to his surprise fend for which he is truly thankful.' . CORNERSTONE OF CHURCH t LAID LAST SABBATH The corner stone of the new Presby terian church at Urichaville was laid 1 Sabbath with a program o f narmeny or the occasion. Bev, W* A* Condon, pastor, of the congregation initiated the services with a few introductory remarks relative to the purpose of the gathering. Others speakers followed, and a'complete history of the congre gation Was read by a member of the Board o f Trustees. The building will be completed in December ready for Occupancy, HOW THE MONEY GOES* List Saturday night we witnessed a street performance of the average medicine show* little show hut plenty of health talk and medicine for your ills. The public for years has fallen, to* the plea o f the average street ftdkcr as we have always called them. Now that we have suffrage the- wo men are taking up the job and Die ex hibition Saturday night was better than the average and the sales .by fac greater. The woman, supposedly an Indian Princess, cnarmed both men and women and reaped a harvest in the sale of medicine, The'goods were made Oklahoma and sold in Ohio and every buyer bought his package, without knowing the trite merits of the goods or whether it was worth one fifth the price. TALKING OF A RECALL Springfield's new* fangled govern ment known as the city commission form Is on trial just, at present in that the City commission is making no progress ard the memoers continue to waste public funds with hints o f graft in contracts. George W. Winger wealthy banker, has pubUcally Urged that all members be recalled. The. form of government has little to do with the government. The kind o f government people want can only be reflected through the kind of men elected to public ofilce. The responsi bility is individual with each of ttahut there is a tendency to shift it to oth ers* , WORLD CRISIS COMING Rev. J. C. McFeriers, D, D„ of the Covenanter Church, will preach in the R. P. church* Main street* at 7:30 P. M, next Sabbath on "The Times in which W* live, in the,Light of Pro phecy”, The great Worid-War is re garded as the Armageddon of Script ure. The present lull* as God's'Truce with the nations; a new outbreak more terrible than the past is a moral wrtainty if tha power# do not speed ily come to the Lord's term* o f pe«ce, Such is the, gist o f Dr. Me Feeders* views os Hi# awbjeeh So far as Wo have been able to find" out all the service boys have received thpir bonus from the state except Paul McFarland* commander o f the local Legion Post, The boys have been hav ing considerable sport with “Pocky'' in that he has helped everybody,and now cut do qothing for himself. NEWPICTURE SHOW Two airjraea pewa Lake) airplane . drop; feet. The. aviator and me; Aviation dub, Newark, N. J. Mica Ida £t< employe in been named poet four years. At Lima thieve#/! ip the H. C, Thfije, escaped with ‘ nod at }50Q.‘ Mrs, Gladys W-Mf Harold of La (gti near Elyria when they were riding er« ily loaded truck. Dissatisfied be Imposed ia liquor' court are not mot# rector Frank Kiai nownced he 'would in other court*.' W. B. Itner of nationally as a sake been employed to u city acbool system* While 'Walking Anna Dieff fell Aowi at her bom* #» Hi injured Seriously, GiCordJMIUer, ing county. Was kiili ■'Tiffin voters adoi * ,Lucile Gebour,- •eph, 3, were kiRjid at Youngstown* _ Dr.- A. HydetHjS* died while-playhiff' htd^ -i, " , M- , At Sandusky Tomj bed and wouni&$. old Childras, i£ Moore bpy* R r» him in-a wros^l During a sa! the i|te- Mrs,, opm- k going to’ f <gamd farm in bear, deer Spend# largely it of rainfall eks, according deral agricul- eld of 160,000,- sd. dUed at Chip- ia, when’ thhtr rorinmtelyyaoo Karnes Kay, 21, ).of the. Medina Ja Yahn, 21,. of ! COME AGAIN AND YOU WILL j FIND US AT HOME Editor Dyer and Ed Flynn o f the Charleston Santinel evidently were disapointed recently when be failed , to find Cashier Smith of the Exchange l Bank, Postmaster Turnbull or the PRICE, 11.59 & Y1AR Seci<Hf M l Will HearProtest X rJ S ' i m *°* of « VHerald upon hi# visit nance, i# rmgweiwtg/rom an .attempt* 1 *.„ ___ A_,_ j ._ od sulcld#'Mr« driapg.a two and a half lush dqwn jato the top of hN Patriek Flgnarty, Jfi,,Was shot and to CedarviUe after making a trip to Yellow Springs to visit Antioch Col lege-and inspect what was going on in that place, Gome again end we will fatally wounded a# be attempted to . try to have our hanker and postman* escape from marshals near Cincinnati ) ter on hand to greet you. The Senti- wblle being hojkpd.on a charge of Jnel has the following to say concern* transporting He died on the f ing CedarviUe: way to a baapf^gp'' j “Driving home by CedarviUe ant The stable *f'#be Columbus state arriving there before the bank closed WiU dMtr0yed t««Hmv*ae neard everyday for a year * £ t ^ S S u We „ p . c M to open an investigation Itjto the cause of the explosion of the boiler on drag boat No. 10 of the United pits years an atbffice. has for the next E. L. Richards of Xenia has rented the opera house and will open a pic - 1 tu’re show beginning Saturday night. Mr. Richards is a showman of some experience and will exhibit -nothing but first etas# pictures, * SCHOOL OPENS SEPT, 4 The board of education has set Monday,. September 4 as the opening day of School. Everything will be in readiness by that. time. J, W. Ross, the janitor, is now getting the build ing in order. STANDARD OIL STATION OPEN Howard Clemans, who has been an employee at the paper mill has been selected to manage the new standard Oil Station on Xenia avenue that is now open to the public. Mrs.'Frank Townsley was reported quite ill yesterday. Mr, and Mrs. William Marshall en tertained Dr. 0. P. Elias and family and Mrs." and Mrs, G. H, Hartman, Wednesday evening at dinner, Word was received here yesterday by W, W. Galloway that a young son o f Dr. and Mrs. Charles GalloWay of Chicago, boTh Monday had died yes terday. The mother is in a critical condition* All members of the ' American Legion, local post, are requested to meet at the .Mayor's office Monday evening"at 7:30 to arrange for tickets to the annual meeting at-Dayton next week. Members please keep this in mind,' Mrs. 0. L. Smith gave a. kitchen shower ‘Tuesday afternoon honoring Miss Helen Ogiesbee, who becomes the bride of Mr. William Anderson, next Thursday. Miss Mary Bird enter tallied with a miscelleanou# shower Thursday afternoon and Mrs. J, C. Marshall and Miss Mary Ervin give a shower in Xenia next Tuesday for Miss Ogiesbee and Miss Roberta Games,. . watches val* Sind her sou were injured auto in which Into a hear* he said fines by 'municipal ere. Safety Di* .Lorain an- Eicure warrants (Louis, famous ^architect, has iho Athens ele.ep^Mrs. igfit of stairs ton* Site was ehyiile, Hock- a motorist, eastern time. Mildred Jo* e^nd cave-Iu 1st, of ,Clyde, .at Oak Har- Sre, 15, atab* gtaymate, Har- .angered the* L by besting mVdgpods of ' roe, at Me* ..... . ... bidden fu-the house . 1 Clark county fair board has author ized the securing of an insurance pol icy for HffiHJ protecting the: board from loan in css* R rains during the fair. * • ’ ' , H, L*. Wortman, treasurer of the Wellston lodge,of Eagle#, ha# been held to the grand jury because of an alleged shortage in hi* accounts. Six diamond ring#, a revolver and f32 in cash, tor a total valuation of 11,600, was stolen from the home of Margaret Jewell at Lima. R, B. SbarrOck resigned as princi pal of the’Dennison high school to ac cept a similar position in the Euclid schools. James- Martin, colored, Is in the Springfield hospital suffering from a bullet wound, aUd Othel EiWSUgle is in the county jail as. a result of a shooting affair. -. 1 Mr#. Antoinette fiesleekl fell from a car at Elyria and sustained a frac tured skull.' * .* r - Two hundred veterans of the 308th United States Engineers, recorded in the world war history as “the lost regiment,’’ held their Second annual reunion at Cedar Point Most of ibem• are Ohioans, , Ellsworth Smith, 65, proprietor Of the Smith planing mill#, Newark, sus tained the loss of two fingers While operating a circular saw at hi# plant and died following an operation., John C. Bowles, 35, was killed and three other persons Injured when two automobiles In which they ward rid ing collided near IronVon. Erection of n cattle barn on the prison farm at London is expected to be completed in 60 days, the de partment Of public welfare an nounced. , * Frank Lerman of Cleveland was held to the grand jury on a charge of-first degree murder In connection with the finding of the skeleton of Henry Lijenitlck in a well ou a farm six miles southeast of Pxinastille.: Governor Davis announced the ap pointment of George H. Clark of Can ton, chairman of the Republican state executive committee, aa judge of the. supreme court, succeeding -Judge James G. Johnson, Springfield,' who resigned last break because of his candidacy for the gubernatorial nom ination on the Democratic ticket. Samuel H. Johnson, 75, one of the oldest printers in the country, died at Cleveland after a short illness, One hundred and five teachers en rolled at London for the annual Mad ison county teachers’ institute. Hit by an automobile, John Simp son, 38, railroad engineer, was fatally injured at Cincinnati* Mia# Mae Van Houtar is the Re publican nominee for county auditor of Trumbull county. Findings tor recovery of |l8ffi36.24 States government,, which blew Up near Cincinnati, injuring A f f ideh, three of them seriously. Three women were nominated for Fairfield county offices, Miss Mary ed a:window , Geiser, Democrat, will oppose Mrs, r f store and Clara Brasbee Towt, Republican, for clerk of courts. Mrs- Brunella Miesse, Republican, -wa# nominated for county recorder. State Highway Director Herrick an nounced, that work on several road projects has been suspended, -Re ports from over the ,state Indicate material producers) their fuel sup plies exhausted, have begun ,to clo?e their plants. Tony Marcelll, 8 , shot and killed his sister, Jeannette, 11, at their home in canton. William H. Down, 28, and Fritz Fotscbner, 23p>employes of the Col- linwood shops 'Of- thd New York Cen tral,' at Cleveland, urm# shot down on their way,homo from work, dying be fore thqy could reach the hospital. After wounding'slightly his “grand daughter, Miss Ruth Yon Hedt, 15, at whom he emptied one shell ift a dou ble-barreled Shotgun as she fit J across the lawn of hi# home at Lock- Ipnd,'hear Cincinnati, to escape him, Albert Ackles, 52, contracting carpen ter; leaned -over the muzzle of his shotgun and blew off part of bis head. A temporary injunction is In.effect at Columbus restraining striking sbopmeff from in any way interfering with the ,business*employes and prop erties. of the Toledo and Ohio Central railway At Massillon Gutseppi Pasiano, 41, was killed by a .train, James Horn, 16; Noel J. Evans, 20, ouhly injured when their automobile plunged dqwh an embankment near Lima. Wage payments 'of Youngstown in- - dustries disbursed through banks dur ing;, July amounted to 54,226,181, a* decline of $461,785'as compared with June figures. W. L. Heminger, scaffold at Akron and was killed. William Rlsger; farmer ib'the north- ern part of Allen county/ claims the state record for wheat raising. An average of 39 bushels ofwheat.totbe acre is the achievement of Risser, it is asserted., Lydia Thomas, aged' 2, Sandusky, was kilted by an automobile.; Monte Walters, ah inmate of the Kentucky state peniteatiMy* wa# formally charged with,first 'degree murder in connection with the slaylng of Dri Gustave A, Thelfie lb Jffi ifiL' davit filed at Akron by Chief of Detec tives Harry Welch. Walters is serv ing a l)fe sentence for- the murder of a milk dealer in Louisville.- Lightning killed J. A. Stanley, fartq- er, near Akron. Four kittens, all Joined on one spine, ware born at the Torner home at Martins Ferry. - - “ if I don’t come up, don’t look for me,” Oea Bush, 25, shouted a# he, dived into Sugar creek* neat Stras* burg. When he did not reappear after several minutes, friend# search ed for him, His body was recovered* but he could’not be revived,, Charles Bush, 72, of Brookviile, em ployed at the Ohio Electric station at Dayton as watchman, was beaten to death and robbed of a email amount of money, McConnellevlUe jail is overcrowded with violators of the prehtbitRm. 1 * 6 #,. A pet crow, owned by Wilbdr Mere dith of PainasVllle-pn-tbe-Lake, perches in the back seat of the Jlere* dith auto and goes riding whenever the family goes: 1 George Fisher* 28, Lancaster, la borer, was burned probably fatally when a bucket of hot tar he was car rying exploded, covering its body. George H. Harrison of East Cleve land I* believed to have^jMMI swept off the deck of bis motorboat into Lake Erie m a storm, Stock bam In Leesburg township, Union oouhty, owned by Mrs. Samuel Hoskins* was destroyed by fire, the result of spontaneous combustion. While the wStchmafi WAS Absent A gang of thieve# backed A truck to A cellar window of a school building at Toledo and leisurely loaded OA fivg tons of coni, Several iron and steel ffiifli IMb# Youngstown district have been com pelled to cease production Ofi account Of the railroad And coil strike. this institntien we concluded to give it the once over An entraftee to this bank weiil call Lorth exclamations from any person who enters it for the first time, Mr. Smith* the cashier, ww out,-but Miss Mfitie Daugherty.was in charge afid took us .over the bund ing. The first thing that attracts your attention is the lobby, beautiful in de sign and structure, the newest of locked vaults, the floors fitted With burglar alarms, private customers rooms, rooms for customers to ex amine their boxes'which have a vault to themselves and.boxes enough' to furnish each person one who may want to rent a box, The directors room is worth your while to .drive to CedarviUe and see and In fact when .passing’ through tiffit town we ask you to visit this 'bank and. we know Miss Daugherty will XaXe pleasure in shewing the building • .'and its con-, veniences. We also visited the -office of the CedarviUe Herald but 'found Br. Bull,- the owner, publisher and ed itor out. From tberq to the postoffice to see our., democratic friend, Will Turnbull, but he too was'out. We be gan to Imagine they all “saw us com ing,” . " OLDEST CONGREGATION MAY SELL CHURCH HOME - ■ 1 < 1 •. . . . .Ki We notice by a Cincipati. papei that the &rst Presbyterian church oi that city, j§y, David McKinney being pastor, will vote‘on the sale of the church property to the Chamber-of Commerce where a skyscrapper will be erected, - I f the plan is accepted the church wiU have two floors in fht new building. The site is on Fourth !£^bugineB& entire front bring oc cupied at present by business houses. The church is the oldest Protestant organization west of th^ Aflcghany mountains having 'been founded in 1788-89, The present building was erected 70 years ago* COAL SITUATION NOW IS BECOMING ALARMING TO ALL Even though reports ‘ndlcate. that miners and operators have reached an agreement it will be many weeks before coal will be avaUable for do- mestic or manufacturing in this sec tion. The first coal mined will be shipped north so that A suppyl will be on hand before the winter-sets in. Unless this is done, now the winter will ntake shipments impossible. Locally the situation is not en couraging at nil Dealers are having trouble to get operators to take or ders, let alone guarantee, shipment*. The paper mill will be forced to close down this week owing to the coal shortage. The Abel Magnesia Company is also baring ttouble and may have to use wood for fuel as a quantity is on hand. the largest w heat field Madison county claims the largest single wheat field in the state this year—a 613 acre field on the farm of Howard Lewis, nine mile# north of London. It Is unusual to find stlch a wheat field this side of the Mississi ppi river. You can get some Idea of the size of the Lewis farm when we Ray that 860 acres of wheat were harvested on the farm this summer, Mr. Lewis owns 2,500 acres of land and is a big farmer. Twentyx-ve men followed seven tractor drawn binders. The crop will total 16/}00 bushels of wheat for Mr. Lewis. The Baldwin variety of wheat was sown. SABBATH SCHOOL PICNIC. The United Presbyterian Sabbath School held Apicnic At Riverside farm Wednesday*that was well attended, There*was * program of Athletic events and games that were enjoyed by all. It is heedless to say anything about the dinner for it was vall that could be hoper for* v !< J. W. Tarbox on Saturday filed a protest against the. issuance of a U*r~ tificsta o f election to his opponent, Walter C. Iliff for committoW*an with the Board of Election*, ?The petitiop wa# draw by Attorney . Charles Parlington and d*i*P* A*#tot forth that* the board of elections - mooted absent voters ballots five tours after toe polls dosed i t ;hat gave toe committeeship to Mr, • Jiff byfll votes, when the count as returned by the regular ejection of ficials gave a majority of two for Mr. Tarbox. The .contest Is over toe legal* right of toe Board o f Election# to count absent voter's ballots after the time* proscribed by law. Monday evening toe Board- of Elec- - Jong met to consider t*te protest/but are understand took no action As'.no certificate of election had been issued aid-toe matter would ,have to go to the Secretary o f Stajto, which will be done. , ■ The Board of Elections i# composed af two Democrats ana two RepubH- :ans, James Fletcher and Frank Lipkhart And L. T. Mqfshall and D; 0, Jones, , 1 ‘ * It js arid that certain^ Other reg ularities in ton conduct o f toe past primary may also boj aired at the hearing. The following is the protest filed rith the board:' * To ton Honorable Board'of Deputy Rate Supervisors of Election# for • 3teene County) Ohio: Now comes W- J- Tarbox, Republic . :’an candidate for election As member if the Greene County Republican Cen tal Committee for the Village o f Jedayville, Greene' County pbdo, and jfotests toe issuance of a certificate ■ if election to Walter C. Iflff to said iffice o f Republican Central Commit teeman from the'Viliage o f CedarviUe Dhlo, for the following reasons,'to wit The total vote as tabulated, by tola Soar'd was,'Walter C. Iliff lTi(; W; L, Tarbox, 127. ■ ' 3 * " * ‘ This protestant lays todt o f the -otes so tabluated for • Walter, C.- hff twelve wore ballots cast by ab- f .ent voters for said Walter C- HKf , ,r.d that said votes were null and . ,'oid and were illegally counted for •aid Walter’ C. ‘ Iliff in violation -of pnd ' Section 6078-6<f; - * Sen.’ Code o f Ohio in this, tmjrit:. FIRST; Said twelve, absent voters’ mllota,were received by this Board , ifter toe delivery by this Board o f : - election supplies to ,the .presiding . judges of. elections, CedarviUe,(Ohio,. md before jthe hour for closing too rolls on election day, but were nrith- it opened by this Board in its office jefore the close of the polls* nor tab ulated before said time in .violation, rf law* which requires that said bal- v ots be opened by this Board in its office before toe dose of the poll# on flection, day and tabulated, but' ‘were in fact opened by tins Board about nve hours after the close of tit# poll# and after the-election return# had been received by this board from the Village of CedarviUe, Ohio. SECOND* It wa # the duly o f toe clerk of this Board to notify toe presidingfudges*.of the Village of Cedarrillo of toe precinct of which ( said twelve absent voter# claimed to', be electors of the fact that sueh v o -' ter# had obtained absent voter's bal-’ lota and other supplies. Whereas, in - fact toe clerk of this Board* in viola-' tion o f law, did not notify the pri- aiding judge# of CedarviUe* Ohio, that said twelve voters Or any of them had obtained’ absent voters’ ballots* , By reason of the above facts this protestant nays that said twelve vo- • ter# were illegally tabulated for Wal ter C. Iiiff and that toe final result , of said election was as follows: Walter C. Iliff, 126; W, J. Tarbox, 1 127. Wherefore, this protestant Ask#), this Board not to issue a certRlcato ; of election to said Walter C. Hiff* but to issue said certificate of eteetion. - to toe lawfully eewofetca County Committeeman, this protestant, *W. J. 4 Tarbox* „ _ FAILED TO GET IN Two shot# were fired Monday night at supposed burglars who had tried to enter to* Caskey home on West Cjfillichote street. The screen had A picture whfeh for scenic beauty, dramatic action, spectacular value and naturalness Cannot' be excelled. Opera hous Saturday night. Admis sion, lower floor 20 c; Upper 16* includ ing war tex. H p r s e i " ' ^ r 1J ftiAArf A t VM4#<NWI-1 AAtPWOCtKUF' Atdyi Another declaration of Insanity in ’ beep removed when the discovery Was 1 the ease of fidwsrd ^Moffett,^wife jmade, Boy Myers* who lives in part tion of the CAnton city school district books which covered the period from September, UHL to* Match, 1922. * Excel Tire and Rubber company o f ' at Y 0 ttng*town against Samuel Wii Best Kodak finishing, Tarr’s Studio Film# today—Picturas tomorrow, Dayton tvill be the mecca next week for too State American Legion boys _ .. at the annual meeting. 10,000 menj SJ^X 012 in 4 ir faisS been nwrxamsed are expected to attend Andmany from j * £ alret »#el? Wife of this county will attend The 37th di-| t lo mornh#! vision reunion wiU Also be held at toe AUled by A street©** near her Niwt* time. j t* CkfluWbUA , t . are contained i» the repott of the j was rendered by Dr. C. H, i of toe house fired at the fleeing bur*. State auditing bureau On an exaniina-1 head o f the Lima state hos- • 4 ,^^, r**«tnvf r fv ae rtn ' uli Moffett J« ethednleil to dieAug. 19 for killing hi# wife at Akron,* , LouW Rudinsky of Akron filed #olt koff asking | 100,000 for alleged alien ation *Cthe Atfectione of hi# wife, who left her husband in Akron in July and went to Youngstown, toe suit ofcifie*. DIVORCE GRANTED Judge Gowdy has granted a divorce to Fenton W, Chew Against his wife Margaret Chews on toe ground* of gresa neglect, Mr. Chew must pay 23AO A work eaoh for support o f IhM tw») children until , <*yurg of uyv. / •
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