The Cedarville Herald, Volume 45, Numbers 27-52

?■ m m m m WtUMWdfWIWM MU# #wifl££AGMiMNiM W e r e s e llin g t o p Clothes on Quality— hut don't be surprised at the low prices! D m C «3U r f4U « H i w W KARLH BULL - - EDITOR j . In advertising circles it is. said ^hat nothing can he said about a 25c dgar that had not already been said about a 5c one-* ' $ame with boy* suits—if you will consult the . description o f the cheape4t boys suits you’ll find that they claim at much as we< do 'for our quality garments. 'But in our boy* department you’ ll soon see the difference > —not only in cloth but in f‘ cloth but in style—pattern and tailoring—and you’ ll come to wonder why' on eatth some people make claims in a newspayer when the clpthes are dead give 7 ‘ away. , , ^ , Perfection f i r 1 ■ a» Boys* Suits with Single and Double Pants. $10 to $ 16.50 TIES \ ifa 2)adQ *at*£,fcy& 22 South Detroit Street, X E N IA , - - OHIO HARTFORD T I R E / a n d T U B E / Standardfor the lastquarter century \ M. C. NAGLEY Of interest to YOU. t have a few bar­ gain* in land. See me at once. W. L. CLEMANS WHY NOT HAVE GOOD GLASSES SINCE,YOU SUVA TO WEAR THEN TJfaay’a Optical 8*rvfc# Pra- rUm tm With tha Beat. TIFFANY B STTBR GLASSES 9k D tfn it S t Xaala, O. CWii Psppara, tfrom data gathered from the v«rt* ♦o* consular districts It ta revealed that th* growing of chill peppers is cottftacd prioefpally to the states of fm* (Jut*, Agaascsllente*, San Tails Jfotost aod Lower California, and tha district aruuad Haft Martin, in the ***** of Puabia. This latter district ia Tweed to be in normal time* one of tba moat imporiadt for the cultlratloa of ttt» product for export, the posit* WtHy f» c th# crop M a g very sflctaiW atei, Satarsd at the Post-Offioa, C*dar- viua, U., October 31, 1$87, aa sacoed c I m s matter. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1922 A FEW FRIENDS. There is an old legend that when man was cast out o f Paradis#, an an­ gle* secured fo r him three blessings: wife, children and friends. These blessings are still his and God pity the man who does not possess at least one o f them. Wives and children may not be granted to all men but each o f us may at least have friends, Not many, it is true, but at least a few. Publicity attracts friends, prosperity |attaches friend:^ but adversity is theucid test o f true friendship. How comforting it is to call to mind old friendships— that tolerated you in times o f stress— friennds that forgave you f o r your ■flagrant faults, your foolish errors And we all have a bunch o f thepe. In your circle of acquaintances are are several rather inconspicous men so far as the limelight goes, but these men are hone the less great and good men. Thereiss the one. who is as con* stant as the North Star in his* friend­ ship, true as the dial in the sun in his business, dealings. You just know that he is fo r you always and that he is to be trusted to' the limit o f human endurance. You bank on him, you count on him, every day, but you know' he is there when you need him and will come when you call him. Then there is the friend who re­ mind you o f the old translation: “ The great man is he who does not lose his child heart." He is the friend yon spend your summer, vacation with the friend you confide your gains and losses, the friend who _ plays Santa Claus to’ your Children. / There is th^ cheerfril, optimistic friend who, when he talks, unweaves a raihhow with homely philosophy and when the world looks dark will place before yotf a. blessed star tq guide you back to Hope. He makes you believe in things that you did not believe before. He convinces you with a left-handed logic, which is always nearest his^heart. ' And so we might go on listing these friends by th iir various char­ acteristics. Some o f them hark at you but down deep in your heart you know they would never bite you, So prize them deeply, fo r among the greatest blessings to be found along the rug­ ged path o f life are those few, real friends. . COX AND THE LEAGUE. Those who follow puttie events are ■wondering just where-.James M. Cox, forifler presidential candidate is to figure in the coming campaign. The result o f IL M.’s trip to Europe and hie investigation o f conditions indi­ cates that-he will endeavor to hack Wilson in forcing the Democrats to continue to stand-for the League o f Nations, Many leading Democrats do not want this question injected in the campaign and will try to hold it back, knowing that the public Once rejected the idea at the last regular election when Cox went down with defeat European conditions the ,j past •few weeks proves that President Harding knew what he was talking about when he said that by entering the league it Would mean- that this country must step in to settle every squabble that came up. among the troublesome pow­ ers abroad. The people -Will never be in favor o f the League o f Nations as it was drawn up. ^ HOMEY ^ PHILOSOPHY w « ?Vf- jM g o c j g m r A ND it is written that the min­ ers shall g o back to Work and that the miners shall strike again, and that the miners shall g o to work again, and that they shall continue these backward and for­ ward movements until they shall come to tee the folly o f it all and understand that that which has A beginning must have an end. and that the sooner man shall avoid the beginning, when the beginning spells disaster and trouble, the bet­ ter for mankind, the miners in­ cluded, . And it is written that the capi­ talists shall persue pretty much the same course o f blind approach t o the Industrial problem; that they* shall not seek a Solution, but d c -' pend on temporary expedients until they recognize the great fundamen­ tal, that God will not allow the crushing o f humanity, but has des­ tined. that man shall improve, themselves included. H i t * on« extra prooe— Rlvw*»Sdili|liiNil quality that oan * i K r t b * d u p U a a tA t l eh*BriMg<; -tug l a x Y FCLL.gR. WQRKF MAfZp 'TO 6 RT AWAY f-RtVA A LITTLE gAfY WORK?, M-T - - Good Sign fo r a Restaurant— . - v "We Handle^ Everything.” Things Seldom* Seen— Local man loafing about a store removes false teeth, takes a chew o f dry tobacco, replaces teeth and pro­ ceeds to enjoy himself. A broken bottle on East Xenia ayenue, odors indicating that it had contained white mule, and a dead snake lying alongside. A lady in an automobile stringing Kentucky Wonder beans while her sister was in a physicians office. ■■ - •ft, ■• ■ ■- It Took Seme Nerve to Do It— A mother walked into one o f oqr stores a few days ago and asked to have her two sons fitted with shoes, The clerk obliging fitted each of. tlie hoys and started ,to make out a sales slip. The mother pays ;“ Just mark down the size, and width o f each, I expect to send to a mail order house fo r the t..oes.” Dp You. Remember— When Hugh Stormont was president o f the local fire company? .When John A. Nisbet o f Xenia, was in business in the' room under the telephone exchange? When the opera house burned in 1886? . ; When Charley Smith . operated a barber shop in the basement o f the Orr building ,on the hill Z When Burapus Jones pitched fo r the Reifi; in Cincinnati and. when Dave Tarbox took the mound for the New York Giant? What Uncle John Says— Uncle. John says Sunday baseball isn’t sinful— and he has Bibical proof Eve stole first.' *■ Adam stole second. Rebecca went to the well with a pitcher. > Ruth in the field won fame. Cain made a base ,b it on Abel, The Prodigal Son made a home run. • Noah gave opt rain checks. ’ The Start and the Finish— Mary had a little dress, WhicK yon could scarcely see; It started just about her waist, And endecTat the knee. Who Cbuld Believe That— ' The Liberty Bell is a town beauty. A football coach lias wheels. ' A clothing drummer .plays in the orchestra. Long Island Sound tis an awful noise A bucket shop is a hardware store. Happy at 40,000 Volta Th$ Australian weevils which, an. der an electric current o f 40,000 volts, "were Impelled tostanfi on their heath' or tails and danfce about,’* but when the current was shut off “ walked bap* plly away,” must be a tough propose tlon. Less than 10,000 volts will kill - a man like t flash o f lightning. It Is curious, however, that with a Tesla coll an electric current of which th# voltage may be la the millions can be taken through the body with impunity —the writer has done It frequently. Bat in this case no nonconductor known will Isolate the current, ■ which In the dark manifests Itself round the apparatus as a delicate mist of light ■ Tennis,Is Ancient* Gams. Tennis dates back to the halcyon days o f Rome and Athens, bnt it was In the Fourteenth century in France that rales were made for I t It was then known as “La Boude” and played mainly by the wealthy and the noble. • ■-........... *.................. 1 ......................‘ The Adaptability of Fur Trimmed Wraps Big snugly fur collars and wide cuffs of Caracul, W olf, Beaver and Squirrsl success­ fully repel any attact of winters cold, Soft deep, piledffnbrics, Gerona,Fashonar Manella, deselope,wraps that glace any social occasion, $29.50 and Up Mearick’s Second and Main Sta. D A Y TO N . OH IO ¥ It’s l ■ J That Tremendous Event iYou’ve Been Expecting But in a N ew Form FALL * i , . I . ' I , Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars W orth of N ew Fall and W inter* (^Merchandise Involved— cA Sale of Gigantic Proportions W ith Newness and L ow Prices Predominating— A n Even t Such A s O n ly ' Th is Great Store Can O ffer. See Sunday’s Springfield Papers , F a r Particulars We Edward W ren Co. r Spras&gfidd* Oks o , Sp i rmg f i e l d ’s Sfor® t i r r f f l mm WWWL. ■VT^»^|Wl,ara. m m