The Cedarville Herald, Volume 45, Numbers 27-52
% n* The advertising o f today, not only produce* m u lt* o f its evra, but it ciaeh** and bring* to final culmination the advertising o f the yesterdays. / W f a n e w s p a p e r b e v o t e d t * LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS AND THE INTERESTS OP CEDAR* VILLE AND VICINITY, FORTY-FIFTH YEAR NO. 41 CEDARVILLE, OHIO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1922 g PRICE, $1.50 A YEAR GiandJury Slakes Report The Grand Jury made a report on Wednesday following the investiga tion in the recent shooting by Sheriff Funderburg. and his deputies The report wa3 much after the order of the Comer’s verdict which was second degree murder, The grand jury was in session from Monday until Wednesday and a num ber of other cases were also investi gated, ' The jury returned a joint indict ment against Sheriff Funderburg, Deputy Sheriff Joe Day, Police Officer Simms, and William .Bums for second degree murder fo r the killing o f Voi- ney Nichols ori the night of Sept, 5, Two indictments were also re turned against each of the officers and Bums charging shooting with intent to kill and shooting with in tent to wound. The .prosecutor may bring the men to trial under any o f the indictments he may elect. The shooting was the result o f a number-of young men play, pranks on automobile drivers when a tire was HOGS DISAPPEAR FROM | SIXTY ACRE FIELD! HIGH SCHOOL NOTES The first month's reports are out— more's the pity. Some of us did well and some did better. A comparison of the different classes will show the fob-wing results: humors receiving / in all sub jects—Frances Ginn, Alberta Owens, Carson Webster, Mary Townsley, Dorothy Wilson. Percentage 20. Estle, Mary Webster. Percentage 12, Sophomores receiving A in all sub jects—Edith Wigal, Frances Ander son, Sara Ellis, Helen Thompson, An na Hackett. Percentage 13. Freshmen receiving A, in all sub- *ects—Jean Morton, Christian Smith, .sqbel Smith, James Stormont, Jose phine Auld, Laurence Waddle. Per centage 15. This week is the beginning o f a new month. We hope that each one may profit by the mistakes during the pa t and make the coming month better, A good many were disappointed in ,, ,■ „ _ heir trades but have already cypres- ' ® ee aI^ r ^en^es- the evening sed their wish to “ do better next time, Jof Septembers, th man. ndmg oveev Then, too, we feel tha*. much improve ment can be made in pur literary pro gram. The last one was good but we fefel the next one should be made bet- OHIQ NEWS IN BRIEF State employment agencies In Ohio The mysterious disappearance of have- been increased to lb by the au- 195 head o f hogs from a CO-acre field j thorizatiou of branches at Middle- on a farm three miles south of South; town and Ashtabula. Charleston, has been reported by B .l Pottery workers at East Liverpool C. Mace, formerly of this city, who and other points in Ohio *ro on strike, - - i!— -t-~ -*----- --------1:„ „ +„; following refusal of the potter*' is operating the farm, according to the Washington C, H. Record Repub lican. . .The hogs axyeraged 135 pounds ac cording to Mr. Mace, .and have been missing since September 9, He places the value on them at about $3200. A search conducted over many miles of land ip the vicinity of the farm has failed -to disclose any of the hogs or any due to their wliereaobuts. Mr. Mace was in Washington Wed nesday and told o f the peculiar cir cumstances regarding the missing swine. He stated that they were part of a herd of 363 placed in a 60-acre field of standing corn and they were inspected daily and a daily trip made ter. We are glad to see that Marianne HU W mvu Vi^uv placed on the Wilmington pike about Mitchell, Margaret Tarbox, and Ken- three miles from Xenia, and when the nefh Little, who have been ill for the driver o f the machine stopped to get past two'weeks, are able to resume it the boys would pull a wire'that, was their studies once more, attached to it and jerk it out of the , < * * * hands o f the driver. The boys were Robert Turnbull is still reported hid behind a pile of lumber along side on the sick list, but steadily improv- the road in a woods- ing A young couple reported to the offi- thefield notices several of the shoats ‘in an adjoining stubble field. . Next dsy a search was started which has been continuing, since, and a reward o f $200 has been offered to any one who can give information leading to return of the big herd of hogs. The hogs were of different breeds, some Durocs, Hampshires, Poland Chinas and Chester Whites, andWere owned jointly by B. C. Mace and D. L. Thompson. ‘ cers o f a supposed hold up and as the posse went to the scene they opened fire, it is alleged, when the boys start ed to run. Volney Nichols was kil led instantly'and three other boys were wounded. The members of the Grand Jury were R. D. Adair, J. T. Charters, Miss Catherine .McCurren, Fred Dobbins, C .P . March, S. W. Hartman, Ethel A. 'Johnson, Herbert T.'Corry, Mrs. Mat-1 Wonder why? tie Smith, Mrs. Agnes Thompson, 1 Charles Xinsey, Mrs. Winnifred Arm strong, Mrs, Eva Wright, Lee Ledbet ter, E. E* Boxwell. - Elivia Sullinger was indicted on a charge o f shooting with intent to kill. He is alleged to have wounded Choice Kennedy in an argument over Last week was an unlucky week for some of u s .’ .While playing Soccer football, Edwin Pfeiffer fell and broke his wrist and Robert Harp- hant .received a fractured rib. * * - * * Notice: If in need of an ambulance all. C. W. m m H. D. had a queer head Saturday. L.- M.'s favorite by-word . Friday nigth was: "Now Boh, quit that,” a property he rented from theJatter. DR, R, H. GRUBE RESIGNS , OFFICE UNDER FIRE! SOCIAL EVENTS Three o f the girls gave a dinner party fo r their gentlemen friends Friday evening. Yes, grils, -the way to si man's heart is through his stomach. i CLARK COUNTY MAY HAVE WORKHOUSE SOON Clark county commisioners have taken steps to investigate the advisa- ability of owning a workhouse. Clark county prisoners have been in the past sent to Dayton but there has been much dissatisfaction over themanner in which prisoners have been libera ted' on technical charges, Madison, Champaign, and Green counties are lending encouragement to Clark county to start the new prison, Greene county and Xenia own one jointly but it was not a paying proposition and has been closed fo r some time. A movement is on now to sell the prop erty. • asso ciation to grant a wage increase. Major Edward S, Heller, instructor la military tactic* at the Ohio Sol diers' and Sailors' Orphans' home at Xenia, tendered hi* resignation to Col onel Sylvester Garfor, superintendent, Ohio Federation, of Labor is spon soring .a bill providing for payment of pensions to citizens 65 years of age and over. It will be presented to the next general assembly. Andrew Schwab, 30, was killed when six state prohibition officers raided a farm between Sbandon and Okeana; 15 miles from Hamilton. The officers seized a still, a quantity'of mash and liquor and two men, one of whom escaped. Schwab, it is said, resisted arrest. City of Akron,, completed negotia tions for the purchase of the village of Botznm, one o f -the oldest towns in the Cuyahoga river.'valley. The price of $15,000 includes fl50 acres of land, nciudijig houses and stores. The purchase was made to provide a site (or a new $2,000,0011 disposal plant. Six-months-old infant of Michael Brett of Ravenna spangled to death when its head became fastened be tween a pillow and head rail. F. w , Edwards, baker,, is recover ing from a scalp Wbund inflicted by bandit, who obtained tOCO Ohio Northern Patton of Ma* Ami. Howard ROAD IMPROVEMENT , STARTS THIS WEEK Dr* R. H. Grube, county health commissioner and also holding the same position with Xenia City, last Saturday offered hig resignation in Xenia, but holds on to the county job. The fight in Xenia against the Dr. following the typhoid fever epi demic was more than he could stand and he quits the job when his suc cessor is“named. Xenia has been paying Grube $500 a year and' the county $1,500.. His inactivity in performing his duties has qiiused a storm of protest >not ■only in Xenia but over the county, Some .of the civic bodies should proceed to call a mass''■meeting and present the situation to Represen tative Broadstone with a request that he introduce a bill in the next legis lature seeking to repeal the present health law and return to one that can he operated with less cost to the county. We have the statement from' a state official,, who refuses to he quoted, in saying that the law is nothing nfore than a joke and that it is not operated anywhere in the „ state with any satisfaction, only to the fellow that draws the salary. COLLEGE NOTES Miss Wilma Arnot spent the yveek end with Miss Margaret Welter at Dayton. * * Cedarville College opened its foot ball season Saturday, Sept.' 29 by playing Dayton University. A large number o f the students accompanied of the county road outfit started work Miss Rife: What English word d o l f "tel ft\ T011. the * * * * * * * * ™a/ - .*___ jfrom the Hoppuig co. nor on the Fed eral P’ke to Main street in town. The road Will be regraded and then stoned and rolled. The commissioners have also contracted with the Abel Mag nesia Co, for 2000 tons of stone for the Wolford road, storting at Harry we get from cqmes? Freshman: Fuinine. ■1 ! ’ The program given by the Pro- koptian Literary Society, Friday night, was appreciated by a large audience. The next program will bo McLean’s on the Cedarville and be given by the "Alpha Society” , Jamestown pike and .running west, Friday afternoon, October 27. The The postal department has complained program will be as follows: Minutes, Margaret Tarbox, Reading of Scripture, George Gor don. Inaugural speech,' Mac Harris. Debate—.Harvey Auld, Lillias Ford Mary Webster and James Stormont. Poem Alfred Townsley, Lawrence Waddle. H» .S Paper, Gilbert' McCoyi Recitation, Christine Smith- Essay, Harry Gefier. Comic Essay, Janet Huff Original Story, Lois Estle. - * Monologue, Isabel Smith. Coronet Solo, Lester Shephard. Piano Solo, Helen Iliff. Recitation; Mary Peters. Committee: Jean Morton, Eleanor Johnson. about the condition of this road in the winter time. COUNCIL MEETING. V BOUNTY RECOVERS ON THE M’DUFFIE BOND The regular -monthly meeting of council was held Monday, all members being present. Reports of committees were received and the mayor reported $27 in fines and licenses collected A committee consisting of Evvbank Ross and McLean was appointed to meot with the commisioners and the village solicitor relative to the legis lation for the Main street improv- ment. This committee was also, in structed to have an ordinance drawn up to compel owners of automobiles to park within the designated places Council discussed the improvement of several of the side streets that are In had condition. The county is ahead $500 as a re mit of the colored evangelist, S. Doug 'as McDuffie, skipping his bond. Sev- THE SHEIK’ S WIFE. The great Vitagraph screen pro Strange USan Taken Up The colored man that has caused much fear.'ampng farmers east of town and has at times been staying at night in the McMillan school house has at last been captured and resi dents in that section are now much easier. For nearly three weeks this person has been at liberty and his presence has caused much concern. He has liv ed on apples, green corn and pump kin and when found was only about half dressed, Three different times residents have jailed Sheriff Funderburg when the fellow would be seen but by the time ihe officer could get there he would disappear in the corn and weeds, A ;earch was made each time but never resulted in any good. i | Last. Sabbath Hiram Rogers Igot sight of the fellow and with the aid ■ of local officers he was landed. I Marshal Myers and Constable Tur ner took'the felow to Xenia where he ■ was later turned over to the Sheriff. [ The fellow admitted to Myers thatj he at times was demented ’ and had j been confined at the Dayton State, lospital. He was released and worked ?n a state highway near Cincinnati md later near Urbana when he began .o wonder around. I hickory nuts, Eighteen election jcd*eff aftd <?h in Salinevffie, a mints& viUggs'i At a meeting pf Law association rion was elected Conway of Cardin vice president Heaviest Crop chestnuts, walnuts «£td persimmons in years Is reported-lu-the Hocking hill country. Fur-bearing cache is also re ported plentiful. Hundreds ot visitor# from Ohio. Kentucky and WOat Virgfhia. attended Portsmouth** hSStorfiM^pageant Clerks near East Llvorpool. served hut^k: ®® the Columbiana ‘ county ateotiatt board that they would strlkq on Nov. 7 un- lesa their compensate*' w*» increased from $5 to $10 a dayjJ-,", • Emmitt C,. Gregg, # j . ‘ t»ra'ta. was seriously injured whawrib we* struck on the forehead by w while he was watching a* Meigs county askqd to approve * f^ M d »K i£ S S i£ it *t ,ih* m * . ... buMtJibis."? „ Rush Conrad, champion horseshoe pitcher of Tiffin, .won the Seneca county title in competition with fifty picked candidates. Findlay’s Sunday motion picture controversy was reopened when E. B, Gilmore, manager Of * local motion picture show, was arrested on a charge of violating the state Sunday amuse ment law, Fred Lao, 38, St. Clairsvllle coal miner, was instantly killed when he extended, his head outside an auto mobile as It was passing under a trestle. Sidney will be the home of the $750,000 dormitory for the aged and dependent children of the Presby terian denomination VBEL MAGNESIA CO. RUNNING AT TOP- SPEED] One day last week the Abel Mag- icsia Co. shipped twelve’cars of stone .n one day, the largest shipment in a 5ingle day that ever left the town. With two road contracts near South Charleston, the American Rolling Mill .’Ontract and several other small con-; .racts this company promises to be uusy well into the winter. While other, oealitiea can afford to ship our stone or roads some one engineered a deal -hat resulted in clay, sand and boldere ■ .seihg put on the Clifton pike when ' ’.he stone road could have been re-; juilt with the aid of the county road outfit'and a single course o f stone for the same or less money, Hod the stone been used the road would now ire in good condition. As it is the road lb dangerous, and unpleasant to drived at a moderate rate o f Spaed, stone road Rated eight or ten years. The gravel wili have to be re placed again next year i f the xoad is | to be kept up: WILL ASK INCREASE RATE. The Board o f Education has passed] a resolution calling on the tax pay ers to grant an increased rate, or an emergency rate of. two mills per year for four years. The^grbwth of the school, which is the banner institution iff the county, and to meet the require- meats of the state, the hoard finds it impossible to conduct the school on the regular revenue. While our gov ernment costs a lot o f money, and our ,ii aeuoiniuauuu. schools operated in many ways we do A resolution appealing to the mayor not approve personally, yet in com- and city council of Aliiance not to parison with tax money spent in other permit the opening o f movie theaters ways We get more dollar for dollar in on Sunday was passed at a meeting return through our schools than for o£ the Alliance ministerial association, anything else—especially compared to F^rr*8 Freuks, 82, died Atthehaa- c08t3 an(j reauit3 0f our COunty health pltai here from Injuries received when , . . f , . . . he fell from a trod near Van Buran, department. Make up your mind that the schools are entitled to more money aral months ago McDuffie was found duction “ The Sheik’s Wife” comes to guilty of sodomy, An arrest o f judg- the opera house Saturday night. It is rnent was granted by Judge Gowdy a love story of the orient With an all and thei bond reduced to $500- The star cast. It is a very unusual picture no oer ox cae students acco panied P^edcheri .disappeared and the two and one that is now being shown in the team. The team lost to the Uni- b°n{1smen, W. S. Rogers and J. J. neighboring cities. The production is versity but hope to 'have better luck Turner>were defendehts in an action full of color, has heart stirring scenes next Friday afternoon when they brouF'lt by Prosecutor Williamson, o f how one girl fights against thous- play Antioch at Yellow Springs, *o f amount and the costs in the * « * i” . case* The suit has been dismissed in A new furnace is being installed f " c_}JJas the and coats have in the College Library. ands. Adv. It. been paid. ONE DEAD; ONE INJURED College night was observed at the R. P. church Sabbath night, Oct. 1. Jlri Gavin Reilly delivered a very in teresting address, * * % EMBARGO ON FREIGHT Freight business on the Pennsyl vania lines has become so heavy that The college orchestra is being or- fines of freight. This order has hit ganiked wi«J a very hopeful future, the Hagar Straw Board & Paper Co in that most o f the paper made is The College students went on a now being stored in the warehouse, truck ride to Bryan Farm Monday The company cannot ship in lime night. The evening was enjoyea „ in and must have it sent to Xenia over games and music, followed hy a the B. & O. and trucked up from there weiner roast, CINCINNATI LANDED IN SECOND,PLACE AFTER ALL Leonard Campbell, 23, Xenia, died (Monday at the Miami Valley hospital Dayton as a result o f an auto acei- |Sent Sabbath when the auto* in which ..............- ____ _ ______ „ ihe was riding with John A. Mays, 34 An embargo has been placed on many JXjnia, crashed into the abutment of ' “ 1the Pennsylvania overhead bridge on the Dayton and Xenia pike; Sabbath. Campbell sustained a fractured skull and never gained consciousness. Moya was unconscious for a long time hut he will recover. Hancock county, Four hundred^ delegates attended the annual Reformed Sunday school convention at Marion. Miss Marguerite Hart, IS, died in Columbua from a' fractured skull re ceived In an automobile accident. Her sister, Elma, 20, was seriously injured. Resolutions expressing unqualified approval of President Harding’s ac tion In vetoing the soldier bonus bill was adopted at a meeting ot the F. W. Galbraith post of the American Legion at Cincinnati. ’ Despondency over a love affair was given by Coroner Cook as the reason for the suicide of Ora Slipher, 28, whose body was found haugtng from rafters in the garage at his home in St. Clair township, Butler county, C, ft. Kirkwood and Robert Wolf, boilermakers, were burned seriously when the tank of an acetylene welder, with which they were repairing a lo comotive holler in a railway shop at Cincinnati, exploded. Sophia Mesorka, 4, Cleveland, was run down and instantly killed by a truck when ahe sought to dodge a streetcar, ’When two auto loads ot high school students met in a head-on collision at Elyria, Nelson Bechtel, 15, sustain- and that you will support the little increase asked for at the coming elec tion. BOARD OF VISITORS MAKES LOCAL INSPECTION The County Board o f Visitors 'was here Monday making an inspection The National Baseball season has ■losed and the Cincinnati Reds won BUYS CHEAP FARM. MORE TROUBLE FOR THE REVEREND CULP The Grand Jury this week found an indictment against Rev. W. W. Culp, former Spring Valley minister, for removing mortgaged property from the county. Culp has been in the Day- ton works on a non-supoprt charge and was up once in Montgomery county on a similar charge o f re moving mortgaged property but was released owing to faulty papers. He is now out on bond to appear here October 10 for trial.'A Dayton com pany holds a mortgage on an auto that Ss now said to be in Chicago, PLAY ANTIOCH TODAY. went through his pockets while he Slept and in 18 months collected $1,500, ■William Beale, 19, Martins Ferry war veteran, was crushed to death when the side of h gravel pit in which John? Johnson of this place and l*16 cJ^6<LBc. n . Clint Sanders of Xenia, recently pur- thc, i ° m*n«rieke Beverly Cookston, 18, and Mabel Sheriff’s sale for $70 an acre. There Mc0hmg, 14, were returned to Ma- is 246 acres in the farm with only 6 ri0I1 j„ custody of an officer. Joseph White and Betty Clark, show pea- Marion, ............ Springfieldand the runaway girls were apprehended The College foot hall team had a hard game last Saturday ,with the Dayton University team, being out weighed by several pounds per man. Earl Collins received . a broken rib and Gurrcy a sprained shoulder with ed a fractured skull and Dorothy Sny- several o f the other boys nursing in- d6r* H ut6d‘ , jured knees. However the team did J. N, Dftubenmlre, insurance col- , , . , i j , T. lector at Youngstown, sued his wife " ot * b*d garae considering the for divorce on the ground that *he f^ength of the opposition. The local - - . .. ..... boys expect to do better against Boys’ School Shoes •V * ■' ✓ . * New French or Round toes all with Rubber Heels. Sizes 9 to 13 1 - 2 . ...... .............. $1.89 to $2.29 “ 1 to 2____ _____. . $2.19 to $2.49 “ 2 1-2 to 5 1 - 2 . . ___ __ .$2.49 to $2.69 O S E R ’ Annex Department SecondFloor XENIA, OHIO Poland China Sal§ ' 11m*P»*^ liM*S S j l.n immtrnm 1 ■"» "'i'■■■'— 1 mmmip ySwn■iVv. on our farm South, of Cedarville off -the Federal pike, on Wednesday, Oct. 1-S Cdmmencmg at 12:30 5Q Head of Poland China Spring Pigs and Fall Gilts mostly sired by Big Wonder, our great herd boar and other popular blood ’Sires. ; 4 ■ * Rakestraw & Son Lunch served by the Ladies of the U. P. Church ’’fymmttSm n c iuujiuu ^ . o f the local, jail This hoard makes (Secondhonorsafter a season o f many j — - inspcciions o f the jails iftthe county happenings. Untit the past few weeks. ( aei'C8 rough land, the balance he- .r. Whitc and Betty Clark, t as well as county institutions, llie the team was not regarded as a regarded as good Liable land. Tho pie, were also brought to hoard directed that the old bedding ter in tho race. Jfarm is on the Wilmington and James They worjs arrested in Bpriwi in the jail ho‘ destroyed a»d that mw 4 “ *•»■«•' •**** t.«* he provided. Mrs, Milo Snodgrass, a member o f the board, urged that the business, It has been remodeled and officials Joist in a demand fo r the «ewty furnished. Will servo chicken resignation o f Dr. Grubs as county dinner* every Sunday, Pl*as« give h#*lth offkm u» a call, • George Hevikle, town pike. —Let'us have your sale date early, jfayt Hay! ’ iyl ' Ti o DeWin* Milling Co. jAntioch today, On the 14th the Rip tGrande team plays here, BIG SHIPMENT OF CATTLE. Smith end Frame sold 82 head o f fat cattle ' yesterday that averaged 1017 pounds. The shipment was sold to Reed Pringle for .Smoot o f the Springfield Stock Yards Co.> who in turn sold them to Swift of Chicago. The cattle were on feed 90 days and ' made good gain. They brought $9.85. ’ Following the cattle were 200 head of hogs that will soon he ready to go on the market. All Goods insured against fire and theft while ip our Possession „ ■ 4 DYEING PRICE LIST LADIES’ GARMENTS Jackets Sui ts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$5.00 Skirts (p la in ).............. ..................................................... .$2,00 Coats (light weight).......................... ,$4.50 Coats (heavy weight). .$5,00 Dresses (plain). . . .$4.50 . Evening Gowns..................................... .$5.00 up Waists (plain)................................ $2.00 MEN’S GARMENTS Suits.. . . . . . . . . < . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 5 , 0 0 Overcoats (light weight).......................... .$4,50 Overcoats (heavy w e i g h t ) . $5. 00 We Make a Specialty of Fancy Shadesand Sample Dyeing DIGAN SPRINGFIELD’S MASTER GLEANER AND DYER Bell Main 1856 Home 2401-A Main Office, 106 E. High S t„ Springfield, Ohio Works, 117-121 N. Water St, For Sale:- Flteftn month# old Red Polled bull, There*# ft difference. You mv * It Maty! Sterhwmtjat Service Hardware.^ Public Sale Bills Are A Necessity LeaveYourNext Order Here
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