The Cedarville Herald, Volume 45, Numbers 27-52

ffm *d**eimm tc m * y $ m *"**<**• M of it* own, feqt ^ •iwtfcf* and brio*. to final culmination advertising <rf tbs ysttsrdayff. Ski Jtirald. A NEWSPAPER bEVO'ffcD * # LOCAL AND GENERAL N*W8 AND THE INTERESTS OF CEDAR­ VILLE AND VICINITY, FORTY -FIFTH YEAR NO. 43 CEDARVILLE. OHIO. SR IDAY . OCTOBER 20. 1922 . PRICE, $1.50 A YEAR County Will Get COLLEGE NOTES Improvement w t * M J s ^ lie Y*M*c . A . JiatJ a very interest- i l j j? □ { i r g f Cll* H m n ' ing meeting last Wednesday. The chief o * v t ■ * " * ' " , attraction was a talk by Professor IRobertson, about the Y . M. C. A , in ‘ China and Japan and the field for boys who wished to da missionary , . work. We were glad to see such a f * mce " T larke attendence and hope it will be o t oralsnd ^ta.e money, next larger from now on. This week Pro- y ar f r road-building according to f e8Sor Jurkat spoketo us . about * " u 6 * 2 ? * » conference “ Oberammogau and The Passion Tuesday between State Highway Di- -pjay „ ' . . rector Herrick and the County Com-• * . ' migsioners, R. D. Williamson, G. N .' ■»/ . t. Perrill and John -North .and Clerk I f - n ^ L. Steinfels * . was called after chapel. Captain Cur- This means that the Columbus pike ^ 6 asked for * * * *° C9me ° ut between Wilbqrfcrce and Xenia will be completed and the Springfield and Xenia pike improved to, Yellow Springs from Xenia. The county will get $114,000 for road work, $67,000 Federal and $47,- 000 state aid, Clark county commis7 sioners are planning to improve the Springfield and Yellow Springs' road to the county line. - This county now has 90 miles o f in-! tercounty highways.of "b ich 58 miles have been hard surfaced and taken over by the state. The improvement proposed fo r next summer will he a- bout ten miles making 68 miles of hard- road in the county. The county has 750 miles o f roads By improving the main market roads with a hard surface and. the htate taking them over, more funds Will be available for tHe upkeep of the side Toads. : f Another feature when the Columbus pike is completed next year wifi be that Xenia, Jamestown, Cedarville and Wilberforce on to Xenia will be connected with a hard surface road. “4000 RED CROSS MEMBERS IN GREENE COUNTY i Plans were made Tuesday fo r the Sixth Red Cross Roll call in this county under the direction o f Doug­ lass Cusfcis, Rev. Middleton and Rev. Tilford, the chapter chairman. The map .of .Greene County on which is placed a Red Cross is to .be used lo­ cally on advertising literature. A banquet for the captains o f the twelve townships and Xenia City-will be held next kJ(onday evening at the Elk’s Club, This meeting will/be the mean# o f explaining the plans»for'the com- A Red Cross Sunday,. Nov, 12 will he observed and window displays plhn bed. The Chairman fo r this township is bfr. S. C. Wright/ according to Doug lass Ciistis, the county chairman. to football practice. A few new boys ’ pledged to come out. Now we have some opposition, which, will give us better practice, / * " • • . j We have to hand it to the girls for! school spirit. They showed morel- spirit than the boys when, it came to yelling at the last game. Some of. them could scarcely talk the next- morning. We, didn’t hear o f any boys who had that trouble, A pep meeting was. held Friday night at 6:30 in front of the library, From there everyone marched to -the Methodist Church and .gave cheers’ and college yells. Then we Went on ! down town and yelled and sang and had an enjoyable time. V The same evening we had a “ bell-a ihg” *on Mr. and Mrs. .Andrew Win­ ter. The bride and ’ groom. did not seem surprised and. gave all o f us ap­ ples, and cakes. <■. •* . * , • Miss Isabel Clarke has been unable to attend school for &few days due fo her eyes. They are much better now and we hope they may continue, to im­ prove. ■> , « /Some o f the jroung ladies of Cedar- yille College had a little chicken feed all their own, last Friday evening. It is said that Prof. Jurkat intends to take his geology class to the Gedar- ville Cliffs some day soon in order to examine species of roCk to] be found there. ' NOTES is the maft everything lent this yearf the outside‘ Passenger steamer Arrow of San* HIGH “ The man worth who can amile-’-Y goes dead wrong.” » The English B is attempting to reading of the pu, channels. Each pu] read and report upofi ing the year, one Last Friday was only three failed to written reports. i. * Our school is v- every one and every with it he put befogi sthe right light. In o' „ ____ ___ __________ . not wiBh reports to $e. circulated a- knocked her downstairs at their home •bout us which are n«t entirely true, m Toledo. " I CONDENSED OHIO NEWS •A , ' News Items Picked at Random and Boiled Down fop the Busy Reader [ y .. . . y dusky was destroyed by fire while at r. " r 'I*’’;1' |its dock at Putdn-Bay. The ATrow r«iuired to j wag a Eteel vessel with a passenger h t books dur- <capacity of 9<KJ 'persons. each month, j c, L. Cunningham, 2.6, o f Toledo, eporfc day and ' was killed, and G. H. Dickerson, 35, up with well of Napoleon, severely Injured, when .they stepped fram 'd railroad trestle * and plunged more than 100 feet to esirouB tbat|tlie bottom of a ravine at Quincy, ine connected' county, r f Mabel Hardy, 34, shot and killed, - j DJlC 1 ", ber husband, David Ernest Hardy, 40, f " word* we do- g Worker, after he hart struck her and Harry Myers, 31, of Portsmouth, was killed when his automobile leaped over an embankment near' Chillicothe. An attempt to settle an argument over money lost in, a card game cost Mock Huff, 24, his life at Cleveland. Republican Can­ didate Spoke Here Saturday 0 Carmi Thompson, candidate for gov ernor oh the Republican ticket, acr ______ eompanied by Ex-congressman J. Huff was shot, according to the po- { Adam, Bede of Minnesota, toured the lice, when be intervened In a near ; county last Saturday reaching here fight between two of the players, His Iabout noon when the party including assailants escaped, * a number pf Xenians, took lunch at | MrB. Rosa Pettibone died as a re- < the Cedar Inn, Following which camp Ssuit of burns she received at A^h- j the speeches. , We feel that we have, a very good •school this year and .'-any one who ; does npt heartily agt%s: with us id |urged to visit our himself the class are doingev- promote the clashes aiid see for Of w|»rk being dona. John B, Moore of Columbus was re­ elected president of the Ohio, Federa­ tion o f .Labor. vine when gasoline being poured into the back of an auto ignited. Police are searching for a white man who shot and killed .Frank Mead, negro, and wounded Mrs. Clare Mc­ Henry; negress, in a Bhanty on the Miami river, near Cincinnati. , C, Homer Durand, defeated Repub- FRANK I. BROWN Candidate for Court of Appeals in |Both" pupils and teachi this district. Mr. Brown is a w ell! cry thing possible known attorney in Dayton and re-1 best interests of schooljtod community p7egenTlaw° ceivcd the nomination at the recent We hope our efforts |iare being ap- a cut in bread and sugar roll prices State employes, holding positions , Jlcan light wine and beer candidate in under civil service regulations, are - the recent primary, declared at Co- organixing for the purpose of endeay- shocton he would pot support the Re­ aring to ^obtain enactment of leglsla- ; publican state ticket. tion revising salpry provisions of the WE SAY AMEN I We take’ the following from the “ Democrat and Watchman” of Circlo- ville and it’s true every word of it; - One of the misfortunes which has befallen, this sick old world of ours, is the lamentable lack of ||jipl>rcclation o f the dignity and bloaaedncss -of Labor. ■■■'-. r.V Too many young men and women, these days, “ accept positions” in the, stead o f fastening on to an honorable job. And having “ accepted a jositiort,” at the very biggest wage they can command, they then proceed to dis­ count the fact o f honest, toll and to do ’ as little -work, with as little heart in it,-as possible. Work is honorable and entered into in the rjght spirit, is a comfort and a joy.’ Regarded as a task ahd some­ thing to be slighted m the accomplish­ ment, the sum total, is failure. HOW TO GET THERE. We have received instructions from the O. S. U. athletic director giving a route for people living this side of Columbus and wishing* to avoid the traffic in the heart of the city you can take the following route. Enter city on west Broad street. Turn with sign at Central ave. North on Grand view to Fifth ave. Right on Fifth ave, tb the River road, thence north to the Ohio Stadium. You cannot miss it by following these directions as every -street so directed will be marked at each corner or turn. There will be parking space at the stadium for 6000. automobiles. CUTS THE BRICE AND PUTS OUT A NEW MODEL The Ford Motor Go. has announced a reduction of prices off all models o f Ford cars and. trucks, each being cut $50. A new four door.sedan with an aluminum body will be on the market shortly at $7255, an increase of $80 over the present price of the two door model, The prices are the lowest in the history o f the com­ pany and no doubht will force' down the price of other cars. WILL NOT SELL WORKS Two members of the Xenia City ■CdmwUsiofc refused to vote to sell the workhouse owned jointly by the city and the county, and the sale has been declared off. The County Com- mKsaloners had agreed to the sale but two members o f the City Com. missioned refused to vote for it. The property is bringing revenue for owners and may be needed. It could be uaed to advantage now i f all the - w«ca Ifcalod i t o « » time. FOOTBALL - * CedarviUe’s first home game o f the season was played last real figh t.was anticipated because last ear our boys paid a visit to Rio Grande and were defeated to the tune o f 48 to 0. The Bio Grande team was the first to put in appearance and they started out practicing signals in business-like fashion. Gedarville College team was greeted with cheers from .the assembled ropters. Both teams seemed to be out to win and the optimism was noticable on both sides when the kickoff came. Honors ’seem­ ed to be fairly even 'during the first few minutes. Our line was for once as heavy as that of the opposing team The first touchdown came after about minutes of play. A left end run with remarkably. good interference carried the ball well over the line, The. attempt at place kick failed to- secure the extra point. This touch­ down, however, only seemed to tighten up our defence and our team played onsistently through the second and third quarters, Near the end o f the third quarter, time had to be taken fo^ injuries, Currie collided head on with an opponent and almost immediately afterwards Dovel was retired from game with fractured ribs. These troubles seemed to loosen u,, our de­ fence to a great extent. The second touchdown came soon after the last quarter started, another left end run being the means by which the ball was carried over. The attempt to kick goal was at this'"time successful. A few minutes afterwards the third touchdown came from .a thirty yard run by the full back of Rio Grandp. The extra point was attempted by an end run but this failed. The last few minutes of the game were fast. Peters carried the ball on a fake play about 15 yards. This . was #followed by a quarterback sneak through the line which added about 5 yards. But the time was too short and when the final whistle blow the score stood 10-0 in With the 48*0 o f Iasi year this score favor o f the Rio Grande. Compared shows a marked improvement in the team of C. C. Special mention must be given to the play of Currie and Peters, although as a whole the team played a good clean game. The line-up was: Rio Grande Cedarville Jones — *---L E ____________ Taylof Dillon L T Arthur Dailey -----------L G *--------—Wright Saunders __________ G _^„„^,Bowyer Carter R G ________Snell Jones „ R T ________ McCoy Lewis —— » R E Dovel Rogers ------- - Q B __Peters Allison L H ___.^„„.„Currie Davis — - ___ R II t» *t>M WK. M •»* tit Markle Wiseman ------------F B —___ .Collins BIG FOOTBALL GAME WILL ATTRACT L o c a l f a n s Wfc-5 *y"wEitr the O. S. U. team meets Michigan Univer­ sity, The new stadium will seat 03,* 000 persons and probably 10,000 more can be accomodated otherwise. It will be the largest crowd that ever at­ tended an athettic event in Ohio" A l­ ready the 63,000 seats are sold and standing room will be at a premium. A number from here will attend the gamq. Part o f the music will he furnished by the Marietta high school hand under the direction of , G. F. Siegler, the musical supervisor. THOMPSON AND FESS PICTURES TO BE HAD HERE We have a supply of campaign pic­ tures of Carmi Thompson, for gover­ nor and Congressman Pass for Sena­ tor, at this office. They ate free for the asking Get one and hang it in the window at your bom*. primary. His Democratic opponent, Judge Ferneding, has served two terms and is seeking his third term. ATTORNEYS SEEK TO HAVE NINE INDICTMENTS QUASHED ! A motion to quash the nine indict­ ments returned against Sheriff Fun- derburg, Deputies Day and Burns and Patrolman Charles Simms in connec­ tion with the death of Volriey Nichols, by the last grand.jury, was made Sat­ urday by the attorneys for the de­ fendants. ' Tlit motion will allege error in that the*'Prosecuting Attorney J, Kenneth Williamson, permitted- At­ torney C. li . Darlington, appointed assistant by the court, in the grand jury room during the investigation. After its filing, the state will file an answer, and the hearing date will be set. The hearing will no doubt be contested closely from a legal stand­ point. It is very likely that ni» mat­ ter which way it is decided it will be taken ,to the Supremo Court. preciated by the pubs • „ # ■ »* ,. Don’t forget the ^Phn Society next Thursday ‘ 26 at 2 o’clock, All ; -¥> ' , a: There will be no sc 27 on account p f the ’ ing at Columbus. We I be no tears shed. ! Friday, Oct.1 The girls had their s scrimmage Tuesday v v * v This is good manne High School. Every c be polite. Girls, wat cases! Boys, don’t for Rev. Stephen* begat Wednesday. Rev, Step| the place of Rev, Ha wish Rev, Stephensj try and do better in what we did the first i . a We are glad to we our raidst,.Ira Townsle spending his somewbi cation at Lima, Q. S*■ * , Since thfe-ear WILL SEND DRUNKEN DRIVERS TO PRISON IN SPRINGFIELD The city commission in Springfield has instructed the legal department to prepare an ordinance that would provide a penalty with jail sentence for an person convicted of driving an automobile while intoxicated. There have been a number of serious acci­ dents and several deaths lately in the city all the result o f intoxicated auto drivers, This county has also had at least two accidents lately that were charged to the drivers as*the result of corn whiskey. CLINTIC FOR TONSIL TROUBLE THURSDAY AND FRIDAY The Red Cross with the aid o f the Medical Society will conduct a clinic in the American Legion rooms, Xenia, Thursday and Friday. Drs, Reed Mad­ den and Ben K, McClellan will have charge o f the work assisted by other physicians, There will bo three patients from this township. The ser­ vices of surgeons and nurses will all be donated. EAVEY CO. ENLARGING. The Eavcy Grocery Co. of Xenia re­ cently purchased one o, the old estab­ lished wholesale grocery houses in Richmond, Ihd,, the W. H, Wood Co. The price is said to be about $200,000. The company" now owns wholesale houses in Xenia, Sturgis, Mich,,'Fort Wayne', Huntington, and Richmond, bid. VOTE OF FORMER YEARS The following is the way Ohio has voted on the wet and dry questionin the past seven years: 1014 Ohio W e t __________83,000 1015 OhioWet ___ 61,000 . 1017 OhioWet ................ „ J l ,167 1018 Ohio Dry _____ .-20,000 1010 OhioDry —-------------- 41,000 1920 Ohio Dry.--------------291,000 BURNED BY CARBOLIC ACID Miss Louise Crahill, daughter of Clark R. Crabill of near Pitchirt, mis­ took carbolic acid for medicine last Friday night and as a result suffered a badly burned mouth. Miss Cfabilt’s condition is not serious as none of the Mid went into the throat, Was announced by a thrift store com- •pany operating more than 30 stores at literary1Toledo.' , ^ rpoon, Opt. Listing, liabilities at $8,500 with $445 vited. in assets, Clarence W,. Smith, .Marion county farmer, filed petition in bank­ ruptcy at Toledo. . , Benjamin 'Fields, 34, fireman, died .cners meet- of, j,urB|8 received when his locomo- pe there will crashed into the rear end o f a freight train near Cincinnati. • M. Ray Weikart is Springfield's new t basket ball city solicitor. on. Ex-Postmaster J. W. Bryson, 77, f |Civil war veteran, died at Glouster. George*A. Moore of Bellevue and Richard L. Hertzer and Richard Noyer of Bucyrus, arrested for oper­ ating motion picture houses on Sun­ day, changed their pleas to gujlty and were fined $50 and costs each. Erection of a monument to Thomas is taking A. Edison at his birthplace In the . We all southern part o f Erie county is being . We will advocated at Sandusky. .Corn cutters near Washington C. H. sighted a monster hold eagle. *, Pumkias are being sold by Ashta- - , . 1bula county farmers to the' canners back to for w a ton, , Thrsa bandits killed Samuel Mc- DJne, 33, while rohbing ft Cincinnati .jrastaurant. J- Potato weighing 1 •pound 14% * started buncos was -grown on hill land by ■week ip the 5s trying to £your vanity yopr bats! . teach Bible 1 ature than has been jlonged/ ya- Lucien Bowen, 61, farmer, was found drowned in a watering trough near Canal Winchester. Bowen was subject to fainting spells. ■Rev. Yft Irwin, charged in .an in­ dictment with having attacked his 10-year-old stepdaughter, pleaded not guilty before Judge Barnes at Sidney and trial was set for Doc. 6, Bond wae fixed at $10,000.'. • Oberlln’a new gas rate is a*fiat rate of 85 centB a thousand cubic feet. Henry Ford's engineers are work­ ing on plans for a tunnel one mile long and to cost more than $1,000,000, through the hills near -Batnbrtdge, for Detroit, Toledo and Irontoa tracks. Ben Singer fainted when he found a burglar in his home at Logan, and when he “ came to” $175 was ‘ gone from his,pockets, he told police. Rev. Dr. Walter L.- Whaiion, pastor of First Presbyterian’'church of Zanes­ ville, was elected moderator o f the Presbyterian synod o f Ohio at the an­ nual convention at Sidney. Edward Gewert, 26, manager o f a Cincinnati tire company, is in- a crit­ ical condition as the result of burns received when gasoline / exploded. . Several hundred pupils of Stickney school.Toledo, pursued a.robber after he had fought Miss Mabel Willis, prin­ cipal. *The robber escaped -with her pOcketbook through a yard in the rear Of the' school. He lost his coat and hat in the struggle with Mis* Willis ' Col. Thompson declared in his speech that he would save $1,500,000 m. taxes through abolition o f a state *ax which produces that amount and by applying business ^principals to the . 3tate government every state tax levy could be eliminated. He covered the time when there was no state tax levy when state revenues were secured corporation taxes* He maintains that there is no need o f a state levy i f the government is handled properly unless : Such as was voted by-the people to pay the soldier bonus and this could } not he eliminated. The speaker declared that the ; greatest trouble with government -vas getting a dollars worth of gov­ ernment for every dollar expended. ' le does not promise to make these vconomic changes at the expense of he schools or the health o f ' the leople, , “ ’ Col. Thompson also touched on-the League of Nations that had we been- ‘ollowing the adivee of our Democra- ,ic leaders it would have been hip to is to have sent our boys across the jeean 'within the past few^ months :o settle trouble between Tilrke yand Greece. Instead of our boys,being, at .iome in peaceful pursuits .under .the League of Nations we would furnish he soldiers to settle European* bon­ nets. One day the Democrats are for - j .he League in this campaign and the next discussing state issues. When president Harding took charge of af- s'ftirs more than five million men were • mt of employment in the country; T o -' lay everyone that wants wbrk can get t and there- are still jobs to be had .in • -lost e^ery community, large piugmall.' it that time factories were' !- Slnce Rev* Stepans began ‘ B, IW t o w "Qtt- w was found dead itt-ft baby ear- teacb we have a new student out o f an r£ ge. |^ bad been suffocated by old one m Bible Class, Susa Bates, coverings. . * * * t A manslaughter charge Waa placed Eraaera are such noise killers that against Harry G. Crafts, foreman of some of the Seniors are putting them an oil refinery at Toledo, after his unde their chairs to eliminate the automobile is said by police to have noise o f moving them. Robert and Struck and killed Mrs. Cora McKen- Carson are tbingking about getting na* .. ■ . . « if />rha« ' ova hrt *■ Bonds worth $10,000 were stolen a patent fo r it. (They are the *>«- (from jhe geidman Mortgage company, Cleveland. ' President E, B. Bryan o f Ohio uni­ versity, Athens, reports an increase .of 40 per cent n the student enroll­ ment in the past two jrears. Masons from all over sbutheastern Ohio will visit Nelaonville Oct. 19 to attend the format opening o f the Grotto Country club. For the c^eath of David Irwin, Erie railroad machinist at Marion, his Widow was awarded $20,000 damages 'from the railroad. , • Mrs. A. L. Melahn, divisional prohi- bitten director for Ohio, Indiana, Mich­ igan and Illinois, Was fatally Injured in a fall at her home ia Toledo. Rev. Jerry Sanford, assistant state superintendent o f the Ohio Anti-Sa­ loon league, was beaten on the public street while on his way to address a meeting at Mt, Vernon. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Steppy Of Co­ lumbus were seriously Injured when their automobile skidded and turned completely over on West pike, near Zanesville. ^ Clell Douglas, coat man o f Nelson- ginatovs.) a # In American History. Mrs. .Wilson; Have the new books got the 1020 census in them? Member of class; No but they have the 1920 census. Mir. Drewes: Why do ducks have short flat beaks? Charles Kyle; They have abort beaks sp they can lean over to see the food. 9 * • What is the meaning of fidus-a-um? Class: Fidus-a-um means faithful or trusty.. Alfred: Well if that la true I ami going to name my dog “Non Fidus.” • • *■ In the Social Civics. Mr. Drewes: Why do “ third par­ ties’ rarely survive? * Robert: Because they haven’t any supporters. FIVE STUDENTS FROM HERB IN THE O. S. U. THIS YEAR According to a press notice from the O. S. U. there are five students in that institution from this place this years College of Agriculture, James Kyle, junior, David Rife, senior and Ralph Rife* junior. College of Medicine; Nancy Finney, senior. Graduate School: Florence William­ son. tan F. An feesor at Oberlln college for more than 36 years, is dead, following a lingering illness. William Williams, 66, and Roger Flaherty, 32, section men, were seri­ ously injured, when their handcar struck an automobile at Glouster. Supreme Motors company, Warren, has filed a petition An bankruptcy in Cleveland, listing liabilities Of $1,067,- 099 and assets of $238,653. Mrs. Lloyd Startzinan, armed with a pitchfork, rescued her husband, who was attacked by a bull at their home near Urbana. Startzman was badly injured; ' . Five men arrested in Alliance are being held on a charge of plotting to wreck the Pennsylvania flyer. A track walker who flagged the train declared he found SO spikes had been pulled on the track. i Oil gusher on the Yeager farm near Tiffin, after flowing 5,000 barrels tn 48 hours, dogged. After it was re­ opened it has produced about 40 bar­ rel* an hour. I Val Hamm, 37, Chillicothe business man, was instantly killed when the auto in which he was riding, skidded and crashed Into ft stalled motor truck. I Fighting her way through a wall Of flames, when her home caught fire, Mr*. H. T. McKinley, Toledo, carried her two small children to safety be­ fore firemen arrived. She was severe­ ly burned. Mrs. J. E. KIrketidall, 30, despond-. in jetition will be controlled and pur fdc- ories-gfi/en a chance to produce goods ;or home and foreign consumption. The farmer has his protection in the new-tariff .law especially op .wool. Before this law was enacted, fhous- -..tnds of bales of wool came to this jountry from across the “water thus •forcing down the price pf our own, Wool, This will no longer be under the new tariff Jaw, Ex-congressman Bede talked but a few minutes, in a humorous jyein, The :ime for departure eliminated most >f his speech, The speakers were in* ;roduced- by Mr. Andrew Jackson, .vho has had a personal acquaintance with Col. Thompson for many years, ooth being in the House together, * The delegation left here for James­ town and from there to Xenia .where 3ol. Thompson spoke at three o’clock. CHARLES RAY COMING Charles Ray in “ Two 'Minutes to Go” comes to the Murdock theatre next Thursday evening. This is a football picture that should appeal to the college and high school stu­ dents, This picture has been enjoyed by old and young alike. Go see itl villa, pleaded guilty, at Athens to an >ent because of 111 health, swallowed a FUR KING SPENDS WEEK ON BUSINESS IN GOTHAM Win. Marshal, who' supplies Phila^ delphla with poultry and New York City with fur, has been spending the past week in the latter city on busi­ ness in connection with the sale of fur. Mr. Marshall has for several years had a New York connection and he expects to be in position to handle a great quantity o f fur this Winter. He may stop in Philadelphia on his return to see some of his poultry customers, PRESIDENTGALLOWAY HEBE ■v * i Dr. and Mrs. Charles Gsllowayand family o f Chicago »ro visiting in Xenia, with the former’s patents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Galloway. Dr. Gal­ loway is president of Ihs Hager Straw Board & Paper Company and Will take a short bourse at Harvard and in December he and his family wilt sail for 'Europe, whore the Dr. will take up special work in obstretic# in for­ eign medical schools. indictment charging assault on Mayor Earl McCune, also o f Nelsontille, The court Imposed a fine of $100 and costs and added a 30-day sentence in the Dayton workhouse, Charles Pienning died from heart trouble at the penitentiary hospital, Columbus. Pienning was received May 22 from Auglaize county to serve a long sentence for the murder of a quantity of carbolic acid and creolln at her home near Newark and died In her husband's arms a short time later.’ Failed in their attempt to rifle the safe in the offices o f the White Cross -Radiator company at Toledo, burglars stole a ion of sheet glass and H>0 pounds o f solder and made their es­ cape In one t|f the company's auto* priest. . , , I mobiles Four blast furnaces resumed oper- i A tota{ or $ 222 , 004.93 in cash and *" 41,“ ViMiitMtmn ittstrirt. i n .. wa8 obtained by the five battalion* In the Youngstow di c , -, spring re-employment for several thousand men within the week. Surveys in the southern part of Ohio, where an epidemic of trachoma has been reported, have been com­ pleted by the state departmeht of health, and aa a result a trachoma clinic was held In Portsmouth as the first actual Step In combating the dis­ ease. Clinics- will be held also at other points. . , Mrs. William Coburn is Amherst’s new postmistress. Ail Akron celebrated the opening ot the city viaduct Coal production in the New Lexing­ ton district dropped 50 per cent re­ cently because of cat shortage, ac­ cording to operators. Mayor .of Willoughby prohibits hunt­ ing inside the town limits. promoters of the rejuvenated Nor- walk-Shftiby railroad predict that new gasoline cars will be ruiining over the road by Dec. 10. The road formerly was operated by electricity. Henry Freund of Ada claims to have developed an ea,rly and continuous- beating tomato plant. A voluntary wage Increase of 5 cents an hour for all of its employes has been announced by the Ohio Quar­ ries company, Amhetst, ‘dlte who held up the Hamilton Ooun ty bank ot Cincinnati on Sept. 28, it was officially annouuced, by E. H. Matthews, president of the bank. A $5,000 judgment was awarded Miss Gertrude Smith, 29, Cleveland, In her breach of promise suit for $50,- 000 against George G/Loesch. Sealed bids for the proposed 400-bed veterans’ bureau neuro-physiatric hos­ pital at Gamp Sherman will be opened in Washington Nov. 14, Ohio Federation of Labor is to start a drive for. Old age pensions in Ohio through legislative action ahd consti­ tutional amendment Under a plan in­ augurated at its annual convention. J, G. Neff, Osborn, Belmont county, will be agent for the Franklin eOunt.v farm bureau NoV. l. He wilt succeed D, S. Meyer, who resigned Sept. 1, and now is connected with the agri­ cultural extension department at tie Ohio State university. Mrs. W. H. Estftbrook ot Dayton was re-electfed president of the Ohio Association Of the Daughters o f tin* Confederacy. Screened or lump coal at $3.90 ft ton, and tun-of-rr, io coal at $3 a ton, dcilvered, bid of Edward ft, Btein- baugh, was the lowest Of six bids to supply No# PhllftdMpMft'a <wv««i pub­ lic school toiMKbt* VIC COMING TO XENIA Our DemocVnticf friends will have the pleasure of hearing their candi­ date for governor, A. V. Donahey, at. the opera house, Xenia, Friday, October 27, This will be the only appearance of the candidate,in the county, - LOEW’S DAYTON THEATRE The program for the balance of this week includes Dorothy Dalton in “ The Wonfan Who Walked Alone” with a splendid cast including Milton Sills and Wanda Hawley, a new “ Snub” Pollard comedy, and the latest hewd weekly, aupllmented by five big acts in vaudeville which includes Mack Brantley in “A Whirl o f Grace” . Rob- ?y and Gold, eccentric comedians, and Bits of Dance Hits a musical extra­ vaganza With girls. For the week beginning Monday October 23rd, the feature picture Wilt be “ The,Old Homestead” with;Theo­ dore Roberts, a new Century comedy and the latest nows pictorial together with a big vaudeville show including the following snappy acts: Gibson and Price in original comicalities, Dun- levy and Chealeigh in sparkling fun, Rudinoff the whistling bird pftntomine Dan Downing and “ Buddy” ; Tiny Turk .also presents “ Dancing Shoes” a sextette o f syncopated steppers. , The performances are continuous rromnoontill l i p, m. dailywithma\‘> pec price* 16 .and 20 cotta and even* 'ngs 26 artd 40 cents, including tgx. For Bale: 1 Shropshire and 7 D#- taliwi ram*. Wilbur Cooley/ At,