The Cedarville Herald, Volume 45, Numbers 27-52

1 School Riflo *•• •,A - ' . ' ■*' * '■ IIW en Siekf-s, o f V /^h ir.g ton . l ) V \ f?* i;<" the cham*'i*i ec ^ o ! prl rtt»e eh*-t or, tin* f7;fl ; V. S. Hie wen t*'e -V tn? rop ?« cewncntion i •){ £ against the test riiie &U\,ts form n»i pm*j *» * ;| the country. ......J" *v- ’ '. 1" . :........ v'.. t . t . ■' ?**. * '• ** ' Just received half car load finest Potatoes in Cedarville this fall. They are cheaper now than they will be again this winter. They are .fine,* corns in and see them. , , * ' ' • -t ' • Priced; at $ 2 .0 0 P e r 2 K Bushed B ag Th is price is for cash on ly , i t is very cheap ; the potatoes are very good and will not last long a t th is price; so do n o t wait to buy yours, as they m ay .be all sold. ' * • Robt Bird & SonsCo. *S% . fiss ■ jW w r o f e B E M B ... ‘N. & ** R ough -F in ished Felt Hats Grays and Tans, at $5 A hat that will*give you a new respect for a $5 bill. And they’re good as they look! Others at $3 to $9.50 Light-weight Crushers at $3.50 • F ine Sweaters fo r Men, G irls’ and Boys M ade by Bradley and Okes Bros. Heavy Shaker knit coats all wool Brown, Tan , Blue and Maroon $9.00, $10.00 and $13.00 Others $7 .50 and up Hunting Sweaters with or without collars Price $2.00 to $6.50 Golf or Sport Coats with 4 Pockets fine spring 1needle knit, $5.00, $7 .50 and $8 .50 0 i T H E M E N ’ S SHO P Exclusive* But N o t Expensive i The GedarvilW Herald I KA1JLH BULL EDITOR i Entered at‘the Root-Office, Cedar- ville, Q„ October 31, 18S7, at second i class matter. . ! FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17,1922 WE ARE TltlNKFUL { Well, it soon will he Thanksgiving time again, and then Christmas holi­ days lie just over the hill. There will be the usual shrinkage of bank balances and. tightening of ■ nurs,“ 'strings as the season . draws ■nearer. * Always we have wondered why people get hard up as Christinas draws near. And we wonder i f it af- .fects other business like it docs the printing business, Folks just- natur­ ally stop paying the newspaper man until aftep New Year’s. But what’s the use of worrying? We arc thankful the gas bills for No "ember won’t he as high as they would have been if all those predict­ ed cold waves had . come, We are thankful there are no hospital or un­ dertaker’s b p s to pay. We are thank­ ful we have a job that keep's us busy. We are thankful we are not rich and worried about numerous investments. .And we are .thankful we live in a town this size antKdon’t have to en­ dure a continual strain to make both ends meet in a wild endeavor to keyp up with fast friends in a cold and cruel city, I 1 XEN IA — •SflrCKKS* J A M E S T O W N MA1SM bMtl&T A STRAIGHT FORWARD TALK Parents, have you ever had a, heart to heart talk with that daughter of yours who may Soon decide . upon a ife-p^rtner? ^re you each declaring “my girl- would not have anything 'to do with a man like that,” referring to some .'ood-fot-notliing fellow?' Not often will talk of this kind do any good after a girl has begun to really believe that she is in' love. If you could sit down and think and talk calmly it might do some good. But calm talking is.not possible af­ ter the girl decides she is in love. ’So suppose you go over the merits and demerits of the young fellows as they look to you from what you know about them, A still better plan would be to. ex­ plain to the little lady-what married life means, and some of *tlie things she should require from the man she marries. . « And don’t do all the. talking; let her express her ideas, whether yqu ap­ prove or not, and do not call them silly, and let it go at that. Straight forward arguments should be made and you will get somewhere, perhaps, before jt is’ too late. ' DEMOCRATS TAKE THREE. When the final count was completed the Democrats in the state Won gov­ ernor'with Vic Donahey as the nomi­ nee by a majority o f 17,050. This was quite a surprise to the Democrats who felt that Atiee Pomerene for U. Senator stood a better chance of be­ ing re-elected than did Donahey, The lieutenant governorship went to Earl Bloom owing to a fight the drys made against Chatfield, the Republican nominee. This fight cost Thompson, who was dry, thousands o f votes, The .governor has the enforcement of state prohibition laws under his control while the Lieutenant governor 3 more of an 'honory office, merely being the presiding officer o f the Sen­ ate. VIC WILL HAVE HAPPY TIME, According to late returns the Ohio legislature will be Republican in both branches, thus affording a happy time for the new governor-elect, Vic Donahey. In the Senate will be 31 Republicans and four Democrats. In the House, 102 Republicans and 28 Democrats. In the last Senate there was just one lone Democratic member-- PRAYERS FOR RAIN The Columbus Water supply has been- threatened due to the unusual dry fall. The Columbus ministers in their sermons Sunday prayed that *the drouth might be broken. Wash­ ington C. H. is also having trouble to get water as the wells have failed to give the usual supply this fall. And It rained the next day. BETTER NOT SEND HERE We knpv/ of a certain lecture course bureau, likewise a certain lec­ turer, that, had bettor not ask a- Ce­ darville audience for a recommenda­ tion, A bad night kept a number o f patrons at home Tuesday evening. There were many patrons that would have liked to he home long before they left the hearing of this unmen tioned lecturer. m ; „ . BRAND LEA1DS IN DISTRICT Congressman elect Charles Brand of ITrbana, chosen by the voters last Tuesday to represent the Seventh ills tried, made a remarkable run consid­ ering the reduced majorities some of the other candidates on the ticket suf­ fered. Brand’s majority was 15,628 while that of Thompson in the dis­ trict was 11,003 and ft I). Fess, 16,002 1 MAY BE HEADED T in s WAY. Tim first real snotf storm is now in K ogm 's in Montana, Wyoming and Colorado, ranging from ten in­ ches to two font deep. The mercury “ ‘hopped to four below zero at Billings, Mont, and Under* Wyo.» Monday. IT 150T TMtt mUCfl VVHO Host'S HI* rtfMW TH- toyoe$T- IT1* THC MU-KR WHO SrUERS THE. BB.ST THAT 6BT* TB£!? e I Didn’t He Know-— ^ A young theologian named F/ddle, Refused to accept his degree; The answer fa surely no riddle, He was loath to he Fiddle D.D. Who Would Ever*Think— That the North Star Is a Canadian- actress, ■ . That the N, Y , Yanks are dentists. That George Ade is a drink. That Walla Walla, Wash., is a Chinese jpundry. ’> < That Civil Service was a polite waiter. > • The Latest Ford Sign—* An enterprising Ford dealer- has displayed a sign reading as follows: “ Buy yourself a Baby Lincoln.” Only A Few TJiinjTso— Earth to earth; dust to dust; If the country stays dry— My stomach will rust. . their I N 1847 a play by an American author was produced in a New York theatre. It was the custom then, as long since, for ‘Americans themselves to believe that that which repre­ sented purest culture must come from over seas. Before the curtain rose on this pew play, the leading actor stepped before the footlights and read a poem-prologue which scoffed at the idea that an American could write a drama, and then rebuked the sneer by emphatically declar­ ing that an American can. The audience greeted- the patriotic plea and the play with- cheers. Since that day many Americans have written many great plays. An American culture has expressed itself as well in the field of fiction, poetry and philosophy; in. art; music and in science, . a . Culture is just as much a crop as com. It is the refinement o f the product of the cultivated field, Growing great crops, producing great bulk, we have refined our output into the best makes of food and clothes the world has ever known. From the earth we dig both gold and iron ore, and through the refining processes we produce the delicately intricate watch. . The genius that can dig out the/hillside, and . convert it into a watch can find the melody of the brook in the string of the violin. An American pianist who had acquired inter­ national note went abroad to play. With the skill of 1922 she had the frail faith of 1847, and had to go abroad to discover,America.. „ __ ... In her first performance only once, and then for an encore, did she play a compowpon penned jjy an American composer. The enwa rebuked her. <■ . . • “We know what European music is, they said. “ We came to get your message. W e came to rejoice over the harvest o f your crop of culture. Give us not that which is ours; give us that which is yours/’ - America is developing an architecture as dis­ tinct and as secure as that o f Ancient Greece or Rome. One of our greatest sculptors found his art on the parched plains o f Utah. One o f our greatest painters came from a little town hidden in the foothills of the Adirondack*. He has pictured for the future historian the ro­ mance of the opening West. Q, Henry, the master artist o f shorb^tory writing in the English language, found his fic­ tion in the ranch life of Texas, • When a $10,000 prifce was recently offered for the-best contributed movie .scenario, it went to an unknown writer from Apalachicola, a small town with a big name. Brains are found on Main Street as well a* on Broadway. The phonograph, the radio and the moving picture screens are building,,not only apprecia­ tion, but the creative genius to which apprecia­ tion responds, W e need no longer look east for the finer things, That east 4s looking westward for that which we have to give. We are ripening a crop of'culture just as purely as we. are. rmenimr a. c ron corn Jr *O Do You Remember Way Back When everybody wound, watch with a key? 'When we had to shine our tan shoes with a banana peel ? ’ < When a covered bridge was a haven for lovers? When the old brick school hoirie on West Cedar street wps regarded as on advanced step in providing edu­ cational facilities of that day? When it formerly .was customary for the mayor o f the village to, step before the curtain at the opera house cailtion the- audience to keep their seats while’ the village firemen incase, of an alarm, march out first? Well then you probably remember when Mrs. Be Etta Wilson, late can­ didate for representative on the Dem­ ocratic ticket, heat the mayor to his job preceeding the presentation o f a home talent play by Xenians back in 1890. At that time Mrs. Willson pul­ led a little burlesque on the custom and announced that in as much as the fire departmffe^.,,was in the same building theritKfffienee would please remain seated. While the fire 'company marched out to be followed by the members o f council and other village officers, the members of the hoard of health and the members of the hoard of education, I f more of those who heard that speech, were living no doubt the recent Democratic nominee woo’d have been honored with a seat in our state legislature. V n WHAT SINGLE G DID. Single G won hjis seventy-sixth race at Rochester, N, Y., pacing 'the third heat in 2:05 1-2 on the half mile track there. He has started in 117, races o f more than 400 heats, and has finished behind the money only four times in his long career on the light / harness circuts. AGAINST CHRISTMAS CARDS The postoffice department is con­ ducting a campaign against the use of small Christmas cards and envelopes. It is held these small cards do not go through the canceling machines and must he done by hand which requires extra time and holds,up mail delivery during the Christmas season. “ THE BARNSTORMER COMING’/ I t takes theJumpandJerk ou t: . PutsPep andPowerin instead If^you want a smooth-running engine and power that you can always .depend on, Columbus Gasoline is the answer. *It’s apure,^, unblended fuel o f proven goodness that thousands of Buckeye motorists swear by. i It takes the jump and jerk out o f the engine and saves the cost o f new parts and repairs ' that always result from ragged perform­ ance. It gives a quick, easy start, a sure, fast pickup* and unusually big mileages per gallon, and- saves your car, your bankroll and your temper. Gaso l i ne STRAIGHT RUN W ITHOUT BUENO Columbus Oil Compahy COLUMBUS CM OHIO CEDARVILLE DISTRIBUTING STAM*C' NAGLEY Miller Street and Penny. Ry. ®* MASTERS , Telephone No. 146. W. W. TROUTE R. A. MURDOCK R- BIRD & SONS CO.