The Cedarville Herald, Volume 46, Numbers 1-26

F : $ l » at today, ate m b jp oin wm ramtite -pi it# ■ mm to t H tiiunhts arid brine# to final Mlta&ULtton Am sivtiMthue of the tutmirfiTit ■WSWUS *WraTrWWSH^pL ft A JHSWSPAPRl DXVot&B f $ LOCAt* AND GENERAL NEWS AND THE INTERESTS OP CEDAX^ VILLE AND VICINITY, 25*3B82! fo r t y - s ix t h y e a r NO. 1. CEDARVILLE, OHIO. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 29, 1922 PRICE, $1.50 A YEAR LookOst ForSharks I* this issue you trill find An im­ portsnt message from, the Exchange Bank, one similar to many that ere appearing in. newspaper* all over the *ta&*. In a few days seyersl million o f War Saving* Stamps and Liberty bonds will be redeemed by the govern- meat. There ate hundred* pf wild-oat . schemes ready to launch, and some absaady launched to capture this mon- ay. Moat of thes companies are fakes. Soma will not go before the public and sell stocks In the open market but will use a smooth-tongued salesman to lore ypnr money, Greens county now has a very.large number of investors that have oyer a half million tied up > in worthless stocks and securities. This money has not,only ‘been taken out o f the usual Chapels o f trade, but has been completely lost to the inves­ tor. Warning after warning has been given in years past but the lure of a high, investment rate has been more ,than most people cduld stand. Never . buy stocks, and bonds until you have consulted your banker to ' see if he Would he willing to purchase them in case you wanted to sell or wanted a loan and use themfor security. If the public could only be told of the con­ dition today,' financially'of some who in the past purchased this, kind of in­ vestment, there would be more cau­ tion, Do not be misled by the state­ ment of a salesman that the bankers are only jealous and “knock’* such, in- , vestments only to get your m’oney. A good banker welcomes! good invest­ ments, It means more interest money coming into the community, and know*, jpg also that the original investment will, pot only grow in value but be re­ turned"at some future. date. Consult your banker before you invest your War Saving ;Stamps or Liberty bonds.. - JURORS DRAWN FOR THE >. JANUARY TERM OF COURT The following jurors have been drawn for the January term of Court the Grand jury tofreport January 8, . aadvthe Botit jktiy,-.Janpfary ffias' it&CaeUan, Xeh&h, twp; Nettie Har­ per, Spring .Valley; Leroy Jacobs, Miami twp; Samuel Duncan, Bath twp.;; R. J. Waflpns, Xenia; Samuel R. Singer, Xenia; Harty Wilson, Ce- darvjlle twp.; William Scott Sr. Xenia W. M, Hunhieutt, Xenia twp.; J, H. Nagley, Xenia; Robert'Collins, Xenia. Petit jury: J. M. Carper, Xenia;>He- ber Donthett, Xonis,; W. W. Troute, Cedarville,; F, W. Simison, Spring Valley; Fred McClain, Beavercreek twp.;1Fred Woolary, Caesarcteek twp. AL, Bigler, Beavercreek twp.fTheo, Neff, Yellow Springs; Irene Stewart, Yellow Springs; William Rickman, Xenia;' Charles Sears, Bellbrook; G. B. Earley/Jefferson twp.; J. A. Piper Xenia; Jeff Williams, Yellow Springs Julius Schweibold, Xenia; James Patterson, Xenia twp.; D. F. Beam, Spring Valley twp.; Brant Bell, Xenia twp. Cartoon Review o£ 1922 A V#A* .00 jMP*ovew*Mr A . , ® 9* t ,» J V * SMC0»oe**tt*V*S vtwctkj av-urouMV. #0***0 jf *"*— I WIM, j 9M> JNAi ISHORT" , e^stOMeJ *0 CONDENSED OHIO NEWS News Items Picked at Random and Boiled Down fee the Busy Reader Warren A. Myers, 37, prominent manufacturer, banker and former1 newspaper publisher of Springfield, died ot heart disease after an illness of two years. - > Charles "Dicky" Bliun, state prohibi­ tion officer, was shot to death in * dark alley in the Polish section of Steubenville. Biinn, leader of * squad o f enforcement offlewa, for months bad been waging an active warfare on bootleggers, Jewelry valued at $20,000 and j-SOO’ J® ; in cash was the loot of safecrackers ^ county Ja in -the store of the Traitner Jewelry company at Toledo, Miss. Ella Keegan, 36, a trained nurse, was declared to be guilty of Gorernor-elact Donahsy informed (.utwinb-iS chamber of conmiL-rui oui- Otls that he desires a simple inau­ gural. There w lir b» SOLparade or [.military display, . w Fire destroyed the Wori’ey . Milting company grain mill at Balnbridg* Ross county, with a loss of $75,600, • Sheriff jf m . Meredith, of Guefosey county pleaded guilty to a charge of contempt of court, In that he neglect! ed to enforce the orders of the court is regard to confinement ot prisoners. Xenia Officer Shot Down Elva Matthews, £8, .Xenia polihe- m»ti, was shot and killed in eoMMood last Thursday night about 10 o’clock, while he wag'patrolling Me beat. Without anywarning Matthews wan rbot six times from behind, the mur­ derer standing within fifteen feet of him. The body fell to the side walk end Matthews died as be wag carried <nto « hospital. The bullets uisd weft second degree murder at Cincinnati and aunt™,‘„rt tn Ilf- ImnHannWmnfc te*ch®r* *a<i Richard Castle, 30, time- steei jacketed. ■Mr- and- Mrs. Leonard Mpwen and _ .. - - ***** r. * 'their son, Lawrence, aged 19, were within fifty feet o f tfm"policeman •eph Snyder of Lima is being held in . , ' _ The wmrderer the Lucas county Jatt on a charge-of ; ™ be ^ viqlatlngthe Mann law. Miss Grace Markley, <a?3i *|M4*Wl ex-KAiswa. V«OS AOAMt- ■* i3> *axcu<>a m , < • OUST SntwT#Arrm« r « vsh *\ f IS^-T ms > favea G»}*‘ '-AVr W) ttWE, f r> ff-cAss ntr .Ay socmas ftiftsut vHa.kMemc!, THE ptES-r gw 1 •nit VEAE, \\v i \/J T«» t*v *«w .„. *u>«av ftl mtvMium MRS. 'MARmf* COFFEY ........ . DIES IN CINCINNATI Word was received, here Sabbath of the death of Mrs. Martin Coffey at her home in Cincinnati following a paralytic stroke. Se bad been in her usual health up until that time but never became conscious after the stroke. She is survived by her. hus­ band and a number of sons and dau­ ghters. The family for a number of years were residents of this place, Mrs. John StewOrt, who resides on the S. M, Murdock farm is a daughter of the deceased. The funeral was held Wednesday and burial took place in the Catholic cemetery, Xenia. IF THE CHICKENS GET MAY TAKE OFF TWO LOCAL r TIPSY; LOOK OUT, ‘ TRAINS; ONE EACH WAY end sentenced to life imprisonment for the killing ot her aunt. Miss t Theresa. Keegan, 68, on Oct. 27, last. Hamljn Harper, 60, Hamilton coun­ ty commissioner,' was instantly killed *t Cincinnati when struck by a train, Suffering a broken neck when she slipped and fell In the street, Mrs, Nellie Bowser, 47, Columbus, died shortly after being removed to a hos­ pital. In the face of isn epidemic at scarlet fever* which closed the Chester town­ ship and other schools In Geauga county, T. Myjer has resigned as coun­ ty health commiSslonelr because the county has ho money to pay bis sal­ ary. , Governor-elect Donahey announced the appointment of Wilbur E. Baker, for eight years Donahey’s deputy aud­ itor, as budget commissioner In the department o f finance. Glen Brlcker, 16* and Arnold Sams, 10,’ were almost instantly killed when their sled collided with an automobile while they were coasting at Mansfield. A $20,000,000 highway' program was the outstanding feature o f legislative recommendations which W, A. Als- dorf, executive secretary o f the Ohio Good Roads federation, submitted In his annual report to that urbanisation at Columbus. The'program will be presented to the legislature. Mrs, Howard J. Burns, *8, wile of da attorney, was found dead on the door o f the batlfioom In- her home la Cleveland, Police say death was caused by asphyxiation. Body ot Raymond Johnson Horn, 4t, was found lying in a enow drift wMh» venna, death being due. to heart die satg' Reaper for a construction company, both elided their lives at Coshocton hy! shooting themselves, George Lucas, alleged moonshiner^ escaped from the Logan jail, president Harding was re-eleoted a director of gMo Frendergast Lumber .company at Marlon. A purse of more than $3,000 was given Dr. W. E. Biederwolf, evangel­ ist, following the close of the live weeks’- campaign at Lima. Judge A, V. Ingersoll of.court of ap­ peals died at Cleveland, ' Dr. O. W, Gathers, 43, dentist, wae found dead at New Philadelphia. Safecrackers robbed the Bmlth cafe­ teria, Toledo, ot $1,000. Four persons, three of them fire­ men, were Injured when fire destroyed a four-story brlcle building on Broad­ way, In Cleveland, causing a loss esti­ mated at more than $100,000! H. 8. Atkinson, Democratic floor iekder ot the present Ohio house of representatives, has called a' caucus of Democratic members of the lower hgnse .for Dee $9, • 'Rer, L, W. Irwin, 47, convicted at Sidney on -a charge of being the fath­ er of his 10-year-old step-datightW* .child, was sentenced to 20 years in the Ohiopenitentiary. He will appeal. ^Purchasing of the Brier' Hill Steel company of Youngstown by the Youngstown Sheet and Tube company, another Youngstown concern, is re­ garded in steel circles as almost as­ sured. ■ - 1 &' ' ;• iDeath of Harry Perkins, 20, o f New Philadelphia, was caused by the acoi- Jeonnced following am Ihgl-y-, . At Cleveland Mrs, Itieanor Fan- escaped in a waiting automobile and little or po description could be se­ cured other than an overshoe .that, it . was thought he had lost. Since, that time the owner of the overshoe has been found. ' Saturday night Thomas, Teach was placed under arrest for investigation in connection with the affair but aa yet nothing definite has turned up. According to a report received by the police Teach had threatened a woman that same night. He has been bound over to the grand jury for'displaying x firearms, There was no- evidence that he had any connection with the kil- ing of Matthews. . Matthews had only been on the police force a few months. He leaves a wife and one eight year,old dau­ ghter. • •5 Matthews has had a , prominent part in several raids in .Xenia and is known to have searched several automobiles for booze. It is thought that probably he lost hishlife at the hands of a bootlegger or a whiskey runner. The police have no evidence yet that might-lead to running down the guilty gunman. A man who gaft the naraa o f PVad ___. _____ T .......... Broaka, 36, It in a Cleveland hoapltal. u«at*n by' two holdup man, w“ ebaly was bound, gagged and J^adly rno at- MEATH OF W. A. ROGERS AT WAVERLY, OHIO, Mrs. Anna Miller Townsely has re­ ceived word of the death of W. A* Rogers o f TYaverty, a former Cedar- villian, on December 23rd. He was buried Christmas day and leaves a wife and two sons. He Was 6b years of age and for lb years has been ticket agent and operator at Wayerly, Many order citizens will recall him and regret to hear of his death. aving With Her New Daddy Now _ -THE KAISER Her* Is Frfncets. Heartette * i ads of her n*w I Doom, jkajrhtov of m foWr'kaiiw'* mm till ft «, i , Aavviii oMy on 4ft froho I daodyV exlkd retreat at Hoitano. .She M the v FIRST FARMERS’ INSTITUTE / IN GREENE COUNTY First of a series of xour State Aid Farmers' institutes to be held in the county this winter will be that which opens in the Spring Valley town hall on Monday, January 22 for two days. The state speakers are M. C,. Hen­ ry, Hebron; Mrs. Mary Cartwright, Delaware; Arthur Dawson, South Euclid. The other institutes will be held at Beaver Creek, Caesarcreek and Ross townships, on January 26, February 21 and 23, respectively. Jay Stormontand DaveJohnson’ Thdre la a report gorng the rounds ^obibiVfauu7 wuaded 'by Georg. U^todTo bumhcTto"dwth alter she are feeding theirchickenssomemash iwith railroad men that we are to amitm a. Nickel Plate railroad date* 1declared $40was all the money she that never Was used for what it was jhaVe a radical change sin our train tlve, who says he caughb the man In had in her home, intended. Rut;they are not responsible'! service bn and after January 1st. the act ot removing goods from a,bo*, r iMrs. SusamKraus, who was charged for the IlttlhgftW Of com being con- The report isthat*tbem om ingac-car. « ' j With having obtained in e x cew o f verted into a stage where they would jcomodation traifi west and the even- Atlee Decoet* Robinton,17, died at ‘ $g00,006 from Pomeroy person* by produce “white mule”. Both of these 1ing accomodation east are .to be Orrville of injuries soon alter the sledQuestionable financial methods, was men are R..F4D. drivers and couldhot (taken off. It Is said that neither of ott which ha was riding was struck sentenced-to from oneto 20 years in afford to risk their jobs Working at’ these trains make expenses, yet they , w j iha Marysville reformatory, p side line like making “mule”. It is *are highly important fpr decent sec- *°wn t0, a fact however that both have ‘fmash” vice. We have not been able to Verify ‘ frta^* tejurSd x*nm ! * per cent below last yftr’. on hand, not for personal use but for the report but railroad men claim when an automobile In Which ha w4» the chickens, Several days ago eight that such a change is to be made. It riding was struck by a train, sacks of the “mash” was found along is known that.the railroad Company Cuyahoga County jail was denounced the pike some distance from town andghaa been making & survey of the as a “swamp of disease” and “a man- situation, especially in Xenia. It is ace to public safety” by the grand said that the buss, lines between jury. A new bounty building was Xenia and Dayton ,haul more people dfted* • , . . - than the traction and railroads com- A burglarin Cleveland Height* en- bin t. The busses and the automobile h greatly injured local passenger service, which'hampers the earning capacity o f the local trains. XENIA LOST IN HER EIGHT. . AGAINST BELL PHONE CO. According to a decision,banded daym by the State Supreme Court, Tuesday, the.Bell Telephone Co. won its fight for increased rates in Xenia and the county. The State Utilities ■ Commission had denied'the raise but be company appealed the wise to 'the company charging in income taxes as part of the operating expanses. The case has -been in contest fo f two (years. , / . j. WARREN MYERS DEAD. NO COMMISSIONS WILL BE IS­ SUED NEWLY ELECTED COM. it remained there quite awhile.Where it came from no one knows. Those men concluded that they might as well feed it to the chickens and they laid in a supply. YOU WILL LAUGH; YOUR SIDES WILL HURT; SEE “TWIN BEDS” “Twin Beds” is the serene version o f the stage success of the same name by Margaret Mayo and Salisbury Field. The ploy, a bedroom farce com­ edy, was extremely popular and en­ joyed a long run with two companies. Mr, and Mrs, Darter DeHaven are the stars in the piece. There is an abun­ dance of fun, clesn and wholesome comedy in the farce which comes to the Murdock theatre, Thursday, Jan. land carried away Christmas press&U Ivalued at $600. Charles Leonard, 36, Elyria, who figures, according to C. J, West, agri­ cultural statistician, i Thomaa J. Duffy, chairman of the ststs industrial commission, declined the position of director of industrial delations, Which had been tendered klm by Governor-elect Donahey, say- lag fa* prefer* to remain a member of tbs commission. '■Ropresentatlvo H. H. Griswold of Geafaga county will beJhe next speak- of the house of representatives. He Warren Myers, aged 35, prominent Springfield manufacturer, hanker, manufacturer, former publisher of the Springfield Sun, died Christmas after an illness of many‘months of heart trouble. Mr. Myers was one of the city’s leading citizens. He was a !young man of great means and gave j very liberally of his ihuney to aid. all worthy causes, “BUGS”, LISTEN IN, had charge of the flying flsld at Ma- ! was nominated at the Republican cau- nila, died at sea. He was returning j cUa at Columbus. Robert G.’Dunn of ' Wood county was chosen floor leader According to the decision of Judge|4tb, Rogers in Columbus, Secretary of State Smith will hot issue any com­ missions to the newly elected county commissioners in Chio. The Judge has! granted a temporary injunction and] the case Will be carried .to the Su­ preme Court to test the validity of the law changing the terms of the commissioners and whether there is to be any recognition of the low man being a short .term official. MASONS WILL ENTERTAIN NEXT FRIDAY EVENING THREE BOYS SENT TO OHIO to the Philippines STATE REFORMATORY Joseph If, Collins, former superin* ^ . teudent of the Clark county school*, Clarence Scbauers, Samuel Jamison *» » 01r poslmastar at Springfield. and Cliff Brewer, Yellow Springs boys Johli c *mpb611' m,n" ’ wl?U" hnva hun «»„4- *„ n k i l i coon hunting sear Nelsonvllle, shot .— _ „ T... . hv R I himself in th# leg afad lay Ja the ; than 12 other residents of Shelby Mrinatory by Judge % Clevenger of wooda iQT hours until found by several |county are seriously 111 as a result and Cdptaln John P. Maynard of Lima house clerk. *Ralph Longlay is dead, Robert Blake and Earl Cllnehall are blind and In critical condition, and more The Rev. Matthews, pastor o f the * First Presbyterian church, Seattle, Wash, will have his sermons broad­ casted over the country. The hours' on Sundays will be 11 A. M'i ■'l P* M. and 7:30 P. M., Western time. This is the same Rev. Matthews that writes. “Punchettes” for the Herald that have jappeared from time to time.. His, ser­ mons are copied ail over the country. HEAR YEl K. OF P’SI REWARD OFFERED FOR IN­ FORMATION AS/TO THEFTS There have been about six lap robes stolen off autos lately and notice is hereby given that $100 will he paid for information that will lead to the arfesfc and conviction of the party or parties Who took them. O, A. Dobbins, Pres, and J. C. Towns* ley, secretary of CedarVille Protec­ tive Association. POX DRIVE AND TRAP SHOOT AT SOUTH CHARLESTON The annual New Year's fox drive and trap shoot will be held at South Charleston, Monday, New.Year's day. Big dinner will be served at the town hall by the Ladies of the M#E. church Turkeys, ducks, chickens and geese will be prizes at the shoot. The members of the Masonic lodge will be entertained with a‘ banquet next Friday night, January 6th in the lodge room' and Sarber’s hall in the same building. Members Of the lodge and their family as> well as members of the Eastern Star are in­ vited. Charles Graham is chairman of the committee on arrangements. WON ONE; LOST ONE Cedarville boys were defeated in a basket ball game at Jamestown last Friday night by a score o f 14 to 10, The girls defeated the Jamestown girls by a score of 18 to 18. The boys played a good game but had a herd fight. The girls took the lead in their game^early and held it throughout. PUBLICSALE DATES. ^ hig^‘ boys, attracted by fals cries. A bandit held Up th# ticket hold up Postmaster Ellis of Port Wil- geUer w lhe Jam„ tkeAb£ , Columbus, land escaped with $250. , , % & Parsons, city- manager of Springfield for the past two and a half years, was discharged by mem- „ hers of the city commlasioa, effective Masked mfen entered the home of 1- W' Mahoney, eity trees* 1urar, was appointed to succeed Par* sons.' Rose J. Scott, 73, was found dead at jLigta with a bullet wound through bis temple, suicide was the verdict it band its hold up bishop LEE AT WILBERFOBCE Bishop S. F. Lee of Wilbetforce last Sabbath evening and held up Bishop Lee and family at the point of a gun. The house was-searched and about $26 was secured. No description could j the coroner, he given as the men were heavily] While ieaainf over a cet of powdsr masked.. . . . . . ....................... THE AUTO LICENSE TAGS W. L, ClemanS A Son, Stock sale, Wednesday, January 24th. Creswell Farms, Poland China sale, January JlBt, Rockcl and Roush, Holstein and] farm sale, Tuesday, February 6th. .MODERN PROVERB-He ,. who wait* for “Twltt Beds" I* destined' to « . .. . , ^ \ laugh himself fat or thin, which ever NEW AlMOE***Bl«ft this te way he wanteto weigh, “ad age” lit us add you. should ctm-j .......... sld«rthaM«d” tiM ^I^ u _ fA Y I SERVICE CALL NG I . ha was warming at a stove at the Pur­ itan mine, near McArthur, Columbus L, Ward, 0 , was kilted Whin -the «x*; plosivelet go. His .headwas blown off, „ . Two masked burglars entered tfa# The time o f the year is at hand ,t0rB 0f Frank Carfegna at flteubsn* for new tags for the automobile, The villa, shot Felix CSrfagna, the stors- rfecent fire at the penitentiary where keeper’s son, in the ’groin and sscapad the tags are made destroyed several with $4H. thousand of them and the department Miss Jessie Starcher, 20, of K*n- wlll be late in supplying tegs to all. more, has confessed, Akron polloe say, Let us remind you that when you to decoying male escort* Into the dll out the application blank that you hands of highway robber*. also fill in the taxing district in which Francis sieberling, Akron attorney, you reside. Every one should tmem- *** °amed recetrer^ot Uis ’mmsrt her to fill in Cedarville or the money ^ O r compauy at Kent, Aftste of will not be returned heft for our Z ^ L £ 7 * * street repairs. The state gets half of S r m t W i * la * Clive* the funds and the towns half. Keep iosplfal in a critical ooadltlun this m mind. Once again every auto **-.* result of bsing shot by #»* vt owner will be compelled to dig doWn two men who were riding Id k ssboosa for ten cents extra graft for dishing of « passing freight train* out the tags. The department still Youngstown is to hav* an tti.M* refuses to permit bant* *0 handletags' ■ Salvation ■ amiy home, as an accomodation to their patrons, Fff* destroyed th* nsw Mstfaodist A number of garages would welcome parsonage at Mt, Sterling, the opportunity to render a service to Shortage of car* M reports* la ih* the aptomobite trade, butthepoUticians tiW‘ ^ ^ *• “*A ’**“ - • te’** of a “Christmas party” at Shelby, Philip Welganott end Charles Elston are under arrest. Mrs. Julius Roessner, 25, and Miss SSsltue Binkley, 2$, both ot Lima, and Otto Steele and .Frank Wilson of Pique, were killed when the automo­ bile in which they were riding was struck by a passenger train at a crosa- tag in lime. A statement Issued by Attorney General John Q. Price announces the settlement of 17 claims against surety oompaniss on state highway contracts taken over fay tits state for completion oat the ground of alow progress by the contractor*. Th* total o f the 17 claims was $240,838.04, for which settlement was made in the 'amount of $111,- 473.01. Firs at Zanesville damaged the plant ot the Mark Manufacturing cbm pany to the extent of $400,600, Robbers tooted the jewelry store of Frank weicek at Cleveland ot $300 kt cash and $2,066 worth of jewelry, Katherine Parmaiee, 13, was killed when she Was crashed under a falling telephone pole while playing near her bom# in Toledo, Jessie Marcher, 1», Who was alleged to have lure* men to a lonely ipot la Akron, where two masked hoys would rob them,Was sentenced to on* y*ar in Marysville reformatory. Lancaster is suffering from a Short­ age ot natural gas. Hooking acuity has 4,000 pupils at­ tending school with an average at­ tendance of 96 per cent, L. W. Worthman, treasurer of th* Eagle*’ lodge at Jackson, was found guilty ot embassling almost $6,600 of lodge fund*. Bread prices hate been reduced 3 \ mate at Fremont The convention Wednesday even­ ing was overflowing both in point of attendance and “Pep” . Grand Lodge Deputy, B. F. Thomas, was with us, also eight visiting knights. Como again. Work in Page Rank at next convention. January will he devoted to work in Esquire Rank. JDHN c. ANDREWS DEAD. John C. Andrews, aged 79, Civil War Veteran’, died Tuesday at his home in Xenia from pneumonia. He was trustee of Xenia township for a number of years and was well known over the county. Pierce Butler y*t Si tyMfcWrit to to# rifiagtt. j j j j j j j j * FFHftE .m ^ TfVbate.msmtestifti to tee U, Sr Supremo touch t o Pftoideirt Hsrd* big hw itowteda stcrrmtd.tatficmre, Mr Butter k tost* St Paul Ht w*a toftterly * terptoatitei ***** MS'- *,' fMHNRI