The Cedarville Herald, Volume 46, Numbers 1-26

•* mmm „*i - « »|f» « ‘St.5 In Canal Boat Day* Ifeeftftayw** map, fe*£b» cut aad automo&w wars fo«*e» MiMey * est*Hi«h«i * d»- fa s ttii $sod o f * wow. It was founded on the Gcaom Rtw. aad imptowanmohavc been tnad&fcutMahfey** policy SttiendliTW* ft the same. You will likeit h^rc, w u M a b l& u a n d Q f t M ' Q CINCINNATI l SIP iSSF-V** * AS S irctv fjtfa f o f * reaTDi$ln\clion. %/ tow n s~nd~ £/race O c i ii *\V JHEREVEjR, critical crowds apprise th« styles > Y Y of men, there y o u will find the Fownsend- Grace StTawHat the first selection. Wear 6ne and be comfortable. (Dealers Signature) B-202 ,1 y u . y . f ‘; Ford Coupe Given Away Sept. 4th. The McDorman-Pumphrey Co. THE MEN’S STORE Xenia, Ohio Jamestown, Ohio 4 ft h ft ft ft ft » ft LOCAL ABB FIR50HAL ft ft ft ft » ft ft ft f t ♦ Buy good atruvberrise at Orr1*, Fre*h gathered and fine on#«, Dr, J, Alvin Orr o f Pittsburg has baft* spending the week here with his paxeuisj Hr. and Mrs. J. R, Orr, K»> Miss Jean Elwell, Xenia, Mrs. Lou FJtweU, New York City and Miss Em­ ma Ebright, Xenia, spent Thursday with Mrs. J. If. Wolford. Miss Bertha Cresweli o f Mingo Junction, 0 ., is visiting with her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Bussell Wells. Word from Miss ln» Murdock and Mrs, S* M,JMurdock, who were injured Decoration Day in an auto accident, .are that both are improving, Gould Mi Peters left Thursday for Ironton, Q., to stay a few days be­ fore going to Crum, W. Va., wheVe he has a position for the summer with the Yellow Popular Lumber Co, o f Ironton. Buy good strawberries aft Orr’s. Fresh gathered and fine ones. Dr, L. H« Winans and wifo o f Ash­ land, K yv spent Thursday and Friday the guests o f Mr, and Mrs. W . W. Gal­ loway, Dr. Winona is prospecting for a location. Mr. Earle Collins and Miss Florence Smith will teach this Coming year'at Beavercreek Township High school. Miss Eloise Davis at Ashtabule, 0 . Miss Marjorie Wright, Lilly Chapel, Seminary students wilh preach dur­ ing vacation as follows: Gavin Reilly, Coulterville, 111., George LaClede Markle, Cutler, 111, Rev. Ev D. Me Kune will continue as pastor o f the Second U. P, church in Springfield; Style Pictured $3.00, $3.50, $4 .00 and $5 .00 Leghorn, Panamas and Bankoks $5.00 to $7.00 Special offering of Palm Beach and Mohair Coats and Pants. We show every style that’s good for both men and young men prices $15,00; $x6.o6, $18.00 and $22.50. Young Men's Summer Whip­ cord Sport Suits silk trimmed. Special $25.00 r Prof,. Sherman Limmjng and fam­ ily o f New Vienna, O., have been guests o f Mrs. Flora Dobbins this week. "... J. R. Orr brought us a quart of his finest strawberries this morning and they attracted qiiite a bit o f attention in''our window. You can take it from us that the quality and flavor wei*e most excellent. . Rev. Paul Duncan, who has had charge o f the Reformed Presbyterian Mission at Houston, Ky., has given up this .charge and will enter Princeton Seminary, Rev. Robert Stewart will have charge of the mission, entering upon his work next month. Art the Universal Balm. What is the best thing to do when you are miserable? Art IS the great consoler for all, The best produc­ tions of nrt—the finest pictures, dramas, books and music— are the work of those who have suffered. You can soothe vour soul, in art, and best of all is activity. Keep going, keep doing something. • ' PLANT YOUR DOLLARS WHERE THEY’LL GROW Dollar* are like grains of com—planted in the right soil they will grow a generous harvest. If your spare dollars are only yielding a harvest of two or three per cent they are not planted in the right soil. Plant them here under our special certificate plan and they will yield. INTEREST Not only will the yield he generous but every dollar will be safe­ guarded by first mortgage on Real Estate. Any of our officials will be glad to explain this plan in detail. -’arl Finney, who travels for the American Tobacco Co., has been trans ferred to Huntington, W. Va., and will move there shortly, Robert Nelson and family o f South Charleston have moved in with Miss Laura Finney. Mr. Nelson has charge o f the Bell ’ telephone plant in South Charleston and will drive back and forth daily. Which IS the Heaviest Metal? There are dozens or metals lighter than aluminum. Lithium, one of the lightest, has only one-fifth of the weight of aluminum. Gold, almost twice as: heavy ns lead, is not the heaviest Platinum and iridium ere heavier. -3LSL THE EDWARD WREN CO. SPRINGFIELD, OHIO “ A Q u a r t e r o f a M i l l i o n V o i u m e k i J a n e a n d 2 5 ( 0 0 0 N e w S t a m p S e w e r s . C e J r i s f e t e d : : C . :■ ' 2 < Ever Offered the People of This Vkaaity! Vast Quantities ofNew,,Dependable, SummerMerchan­ diseatPrices ThatMeanGreatSavings . A Sale for the People,—GrowingTremeridoaslyandSteadilySweeping Over theEntire-Community. Now In Progress Watch Sprjngfield Papers for Ar. nowocemente of Daily E v en ts . 3 1 i / George Sarny, yv, vuiutuuua, wm repairer, committed suicide when in­ formed by hie landlord that bis rent would be Increased. Two unidentified bodies, believed to have been In the lake for several months, were washed ashore at Clove- land. Cleveland la to have a new public library, to cost $3,500,000. Oeoar Richey, president of the First' National bank, died at his homo in Ironton, There are in excess of 16.000 auto* mobiles in Allen county. Oobtraot tor the new law building at Ohio Northern university at Ada has been awarded to Ora M, Green & Company of Lima at |M.000. Warren Shelby, city director of Ak­ ron’ has resigned, A feud of more than a year’s stand­ ing ended with the Shooting to death of Louie MarteUi, 37, at Cleveland. Ralph Transso, II, Is charged with the murder, Tbe Springfield Building &Loan Association It Eul Mala Str«t, Springfield, Ohio Too Much Learning. "After a man gets a certain amount of education," said Uncle Ebon, “he has to learn to fohglt some of It so*s It won't keep gitlin* In de way."—Wash­ ington Evening Star, Much Sand Used in tilaismaklng, Nearly 2,000,000 tons of sand is used n the United States each year In mak­ ing glass. tm Lov*—•■Bedouin" and Otherwise. "In love, man Is so simple, women ri> wise, Man blunders along, taking Ms chance as to whetherhe shell find favor or give offense; women alone knows when the great moment had wine, that moment when tfie time end the place and the person ere plaited Into the perfect pattern.”—From JUwrftj* fey AWfedp WHtML Famous Roman Highway. The Applon way Is the "oldest and most famous of tbe Roman military highways. It was begun by Applus Claudius Caens in 312 B. C. and orig­ inally extended from Rome to Capus, about 120 miles. Ancient Dynasty. The Chow dynasty In China began about twenty-three years before the Dorian migration into the Pelopon­ nesus. The generally accepted date of the latter event is 1100 B. C. Wants to Share His Joy. . The man who, after passing you by for ten years, suddenly greets you by our name hasn’t been reading an edi­ torial on courtesy. He 1ms just been nominated for something.—New York Tribune. Dally Thought. It’s easy finding reason* why other folks should be patient,—George Eliot. For Sale:: Sweet potato© plants at John Gfifaugh'a. —■ *- — —iULJLLlLLIL. ■J_■>'.■S'! BATtEWES 1 Two-year written Kuamntee. i 9 . I Torn tyno $14.50, fic,50 or „ :.t0. Will iit j riur car, , tamo Main ItOSW. * VAN D E R POO L * V,r » "■■■■ SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. 1 KEEP COOL ■ . - In one o f our Summer Suits f Palm Beach Tropical Worsteds Pencil Stripes and Plain Colors . $15 to $35 Straw Hats in all the Newest Shades and Styles in all sizes* $1 .50 to $6 .50 waiMiMiH »w umi"»»li >.i■,.£»!j,ij Katz & Richards 33 Eatt Main Street, Xenia, Ohio Yours for GOOD CLOTHES IFYOUHEEDFBDtnHGDROPf t Tift $ 4 vm jmfam ©mchasimdi the advartisii f o r t y ! Letter To tbe Edited Affcern seeinjl Glasglow, Liver gdelphia, Baltii C. Chicago, Deni bold that Cedarl The railroad same year I »r:| were scantling,' iron two inches thick nailed on| used wood- My fo r 200 cord ol the track, one agent measured! the price. Sparkl set the ricks mf and burned eve| rails were burr blocked for a w| was then seven! Kyle had come| “ blue-grass” reg taken up 1400 half . open. Buil! south o f town, his death the yel pa Foster camej tract three mile he lived'until hi| where Pa and at the time o f ' Grandpa Kyle the Seceder chujJ ter the Scotch formed Presbi The Covenanter! ing the two bka! eral, Synod, or School Reformed In 1858 we living in a IbricJ posite the Cover Then Mr. Ori] north of town, across from the house site), Uni ward the railroj nearer the. creel groceryman, Sill wheelright., Mr.| ’ blacksmith, Mar proprietor o f th j ' (Main street hif ' Ip those day ceased on Sabt and about tow (observed morinl '' bath day and -wl George was pa| and Cincinnati tions, giving Rev, Wright ted Presbyteris McMillan, paatoj Presyterlan chu Cedarville alv tion, Joseph- Tur emy called th e : two wings were j East of town north bank o f . In 1858 Mr. A i the two-Story .Miss Mead (Mr1! Joseph Osborn the two Fitzhoi] o f the Brick set Ervin* Miss Me* In 1860 Samu| Ervin's place, ings fastened ol was to be a p rif in deportment The, awarding not entirely sat o f that year a j given by the Grove, The Ch| the performanc front o f the mi| provided fo r «r *s many m o r e ; In 1861 the SttperintendentJ •Miss Mead, xoom theboya teacher’s left On his right, Bloss Bird a| Foster, myself j Hidfine, Deck Joseph Kyle, i Jimmy Orr, WS Hamlin lhif» l| tick, Frank B d t y Barber, Janl lan, Henry Bo| Huffman and On the girls Mattie lliff, Thompson, Jo ier* Zetta Bail Dottit Foster,! Foopej Kells, Alice \J Flora Campbel The war tot| big room” as The Fire E| interesting f« gle as Captail to hold the nd ^ Ed Van ttmj others to mar water was tHe Method:* Covenanter <1 and twenty .f| (UK) ft, IngV dcntial eamp^ In i860 in r field, Columt departmerifc write contest. C<NlSrviUo axtclltd in m mm