The Cedarville Herald, Volume 46, Numbers 1-26
>- m lifi'iViffifn-i..-jfftitfrtrriftrtiflT"iff nUiflfft «**■* «M—WPW— I.m.<i—i‘iaiir.»im •W0‘ MfW sJPP jlVffrlfSfWWPw^Mj SiindaySchool ' Lesson ’ (By REV. P. 8. WW W iTE K D. D-, Teacher o f Enfthth BIWe in the Moody Bible institute of Chicago.) Cepyrlght. HI*. Western Vpwonaner t?e«nn LESSON FOR JANUARY 14 JESUS t e a c h in g h u m il it y 9 K 5 m ) W M ' <> , j * * NS ice ILL I )OUB VNCH 3UCT mm. R a » e , v ttve *S>-» V* fa « d P< l u m Jrovn mux* fle rjt Extra ass.- rORK ON f ; VIS 1 • i ** i V OYS’ ■ « . u r o y g llzabet 55 S: » of t ' . . . ss£ jhlngt .r e r y - S f lUoon; icessl. u i o e s , 5 5 r a t 3 § o Only w ™ » I g . smart. ° lly ’1 , a istlcat mtrlni a mo ___ trio ti S S sen th ktory, -vt * SSS autboj J l l lO SS5 lllllllll 53 = P ART?1 URS irni : i o r Cujtrrated fora Op Hands And Knees [ ...... •* V . * ' ft• *'««.•.. rt9v.iSSf j # * * * * # * « * 4 t j LOCAL AND PERSONAL • 9 • 9 j » # # # * ! „„FQR TAXI SERVICE CALL NO 3, -FOR TAXI—CALL PHONE 147. J, 0 . McGorkell lms taken a-position as clerk in the I’ostojfice. Maxine Grindle has returned to her home in Springfield after a visit ■with relatives here. . 0. N» Stuckey has for.hia guest his brother-indaw,* Henry Pitzer o f Me Keesport, P a . ' •Look up the Kerr Sweet Shop ad in this issue. Some special prices fo r Saturday, Mrs, S. C. Wright has been called to Idaville, Ind, owing to the illness o f her mother A special meeting o f the I. O. O. F- ia called fo r Saturday night fo r in stallation o f officers and inspection. All members are urged to be present. There will be work in the apprentice- degree at Masonic lodge, Thursday, , January 18th. Members please' keep the date in mind, , Mr. and Mrs. |Harry Wright o f Cincinnati, speny Sabbath at the ic-mc of the former's parents, Mr, j-and Mrs, S .'C . Wright. 0 , A , Dobbins was chosen vice president o f the Ohio Hampshire As sociation at a meeting field in Colum- but last Wednesday. O. G. Garman, well known South Solon farmer has gone into bankrupt cy. He first made an assignment •and then followed with bankruptcy. Melvin McMillan lias been spend ing the week in Grand. Rapids, Mich, and in Chicago, attending the fur niture markets. 1 p e r s e t . .-.;.|M).G0 t o $16.00 •amount nAmtoor ^ « o * T plate* tba teeth A***®*! on vetth *oM pin* which do not show M d pofttthmljt wOl not 4ru*t. . y pw n h kr, th* above are "Anchor Suotton,*,/«nd of tta-vaf||tb*o4 material and woitaaaasMpw O r o w n s x n d B r id g o W o r i c ...........................^$ 8.00 SEHrijg* .$ 1.00 goil\^ 2 i 00 c o lo r . . . *$1.50 50c ‘ wswtaUoh foe; th* beat dentet woek a t the ioweatiprloe. N . 6. A. SMITH Btaself WORK H0NE ON YOUR FIRST VISIT Phone Us Our Expense for * Information Home 469 Bell 909 Those who would like tp purchase houseold effects at private sale can- do so Saturday afternoon at the late residence o f Elizabeth Bliar on Xenia avenue. P. H. Creswell, admr. BOV .NOW AT 1-3 OFF on all our sweaters, wool shirts, corduroy suits, ielt boots, rubber boots, lace boots, ariics. Everything In footwear goes in this sacrifice. Kelble, 17-19 W . Main Xenia. Dr. D. E. Spahr lost a $1,250 silver fox at his fox farm on the Springfield pike. The animal Consumed a buck-, skin glove- that had been dropped by Mrs. Spahr while feeding. The Dr. has six silver foxes that are very val- valuable, The animal that eat'the glove died a few days la ter., Howard Clemans, who was operated upon at the McClellan hospital several weeks ago, has improved so that he \ was able to be brought home. Mr, and Mrs. ,Ed. Hamilton spent j theweek-end with their son and fam ily in Dayton. n «K M Elisabeth 'Asquith, wife, of the $o.umah' Washington, a t„-tW f liahi, ‘ 'BaUoon*,’' byi.'u^ Prince**Bihe$ Havo first V h e # m .lea* smart; ' funnily ‘Trail •Tove"; and sophistical, and intrinsi •The mori eccentric title; between, the The- Story# ^Nloona* the author'sI brother Loulth. It ii*lbe m l ons, * Isifledtc i .JHwhoi _ irtefHt eplso ___ AT^PRICES YOtflL BE GLAD TO PAY Heated to., t ny As-; i de., but the. ’radio' rts, 'find' the machlnea which the borne, Mr. ha* .prvrwf part* hy blnd- the covers .} I* the at- the Book* attd a half, suithor pie- lojpapblcat. so that hlnrtor a short ap^IMUttoil Farrar# for all the -Wprld aa e had dropped. In on anlsUthL sh: oily Informal,gathering w ich cons STARTS THURSDAY MORNING A GENUINE CLEARANCE SALE OF 98c reasonable Merchandise $1.98 A T TWO PrJCES Ladies high top lace shoes in high, medium Or low heels in brown or black kid or calf skin* All sizes and nearly nil styles to select from* All priced $1 .98 FOR THE CHILDREN Misses’ and childacn’s lace shoes in black and brown calf skin, sizes 8 1-2 to 2 $1.98 One lot o f odds and ends in children’s shoes, sizes 8 1-2 to 2 98c Ladies’ high top lace shoes in high heels, ^including a few pair with military heels, A11 priced to sell. Sizes to 0 only 98c BARGAINS IN HOSE Boys’ Hose in black or broWn, $ ‘ Ladies glove silk Hose in all Misses’ and children’s lisle heavy rib, wanted shades Hose in brown or black For Pair ^ A ■ r $1 .98 25c 25c Ladies* wool Hose SEE OUR WINDOWS SEE OUR WINDOWS 79c 4 . large FACTORIES 122-124 East Main Street, Springfield, Ohio. UCSSOKt TEXT—Lul«) GOLDEN TEXT-God re-isleth the pro: cl, and glvetii grace to diq hunibli-. —I i’fcter C;3. Ii,„l'EUENCE MNTEllIAE—John 13:1- 17; **M1, ShJ-tt. I'l ;IMAUV TOI'H'—T!v> Story ol a Gr<; t Dinner. # Jl NJOH TOPXe-Tt-r urns: Courtesy, INTERMEDIATE A.vU VENlUlt TOPIC —Olhere, - YOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULT TOPIC —The. Spirit pt Christian Service, I. Jesus Dines With a Pharisee (v. 1), Jesus entered freely Into the common social customs o f the duya We see Him at a wedding, a dinner party, In the home o f sickness, and at a funeral. He was truly a man among men. Re was unlike .Tolw the Baptist in this respect. The Christian’s influence U bOst when mingling with his fellow- men In all right relations and positions in life, even though selfish and evil- minded persons are found among them, This does not mean, that he should be •a partaker o f . their ev il, deeds. Jesus In thus moving in all circles of human society showed the. divine sympathy. While Jesus was in society he was not of It. So should the Christian he. Jesus was In a com pany outwardly courteous but Inward ly hostile. Doubtless the motive of the invitation was to ’ find ' an occasion against Him. This Is implied in the statement "they watched Him." . , j l . Jesus Healing a Dropsical Man (vv, 2 - 0 ). i 1 ■ 1. AVhy This Man Was Present (v.2). Thera js no way of absolutely de termining it, but likely It was part of a plot o f the Pharisees to .trap Jesus by getting Him to violate the sabbath, rules,.' ' 1 . Jesus' Question (v. 3). Jesus’ ipiestiou was an answer to the thoughts of the lawyers and Pharisees who were watching Him, for they had not spoken. Before healing this man He submitted the case to their Judgment; They were free on the Sabbath day to hold a feast where their selfish pride and Vanity could be displayed, but they Were horrified that a fellow-man should be healed on the Sabbath. They were silent because their consciences made them ashamed of their heartlessness. 3. Healing tlie Man (v, -1). White' limy were in a state of embarrassment Jesus healed the man and let him go. 4. Jesus Rebuked Them (vv. 5, 0). He laid hare their hypocrisy by. show ing them that their wSliugness to show mercy to a beast on the Sabbath should Induce them to regard as not sinful to relieve a human being o f distress ort ‘ the Sabbath. Tlley were again silent, for they perceived their inconsistency and inhumanity, - III. Jesus Rebukes Selfish Ambi tion (vv. 7-10). 1 , The Occasion (v, 7), He observed that the guests while taking their* places at the , table cbose the best seats for themselves. This is still triu of men and women. In the railway cars, ' hotels, street cars,, etc., they scramble for the best places. In the homes even members of the same fam ily will try to get Oie best food, etc. 2; Instruction Given (vv. 8-11). When bidden to a feast, take the low est place lest you suffer the humilia tion of being asked to take a lower seat, This Is more than a lesson en courtesy or tabte manners; it is a severe rebuke of that selfishness which fills the human heart, causing it to seek to be ministered to instead, of minister ing to others. Unselfishness will-ex press. itself in humbly taking the low est place, esteeming others better thhn ourselves* The fundamental principle of the philosophy governing the moral world, Jesus declares to be: "Whoso ever exalteth himself shall be abased, and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.” IV. Th* Trus Motive In Deeds of Charity (w . 12-14). Jesus takes advantage o f this social occasion to teach a great principle. The Jews, like many of the rich today, made social dinner occasions for dis play. They Invited only those whose wealth would enable them to recom pense them by Inviting them ,ln return, Jesus took note of the selfishness thus displayed and set forth to them the right principle, namely, that they shoutd extend their hospitality to the poor and afflicted* All charitable deeds should be done with unselfish motives, Jesus assured them that compensation would be made at the resurrection of the just. This does not mean that friends and neighbors o f certain rank should never ‘ exchange pleasant hos pitalities. Wealth should he used to confer blessings Upon the poor and needy Instead of ministering t 6 the pride and vanity of the possessor. How Churches Grow* Once there was a Chinese laundry. Then Is became a store. Then it be came a church. For ten years It served Itt this capacity, and from It has come a group of 47 communlcahts and 100 childten who, this year, have acquired their own new bulldlhg, St. Philip’s chapel* New Orleans. The Earnest of the Spirit Now he that hath wrought us for the selfsame thing is God, who also hath given unto ue the earnest of the Spirit —II Corinthians 5:5, The collection of December taxes will close on the 20# I Leonard dlasS.has rented the Mott Sfarm and will take charge in March. ) Mr. Clarence Mott will move to the j Albert Mercer farm, on the Charles •ton pike out of Jamestown, fie will hold a bred sow sale at Central Ga rage February 21, when 40 head of Big Typ* Roland chinas wilt he sold. rnuSm tm hiliitaBi m THE CRITERION'S Mid-Winter Sale o f Men’ s, Young Mens and Boys* Suits and Overcoats. AH of our Men’s Suits and Overcoats reduced to the following: $27 and $27.50 Values Reduced to $30 and $32.50 Values Reduced to . . . . $35 and $37.50 Values Reduced to ........ $40 and $12.50 Values , Reduced to . . . . . . $45 and $50.00 Values Reduced to . . . . $19.75 $23.75 ,$27.75 $31.75 $35.75 Manhattan and Yorke Shirts reduced 20% Off on Corduroy Work Clothes uA M c u fw ,2 )a d a n a tlk ‘B cy£ 22 SOUTH DETROIT STREET, . XENIA. OHIO PUBL I C SALE ! We will sell at public sale at our farm on the Turnbull road two miles East Cedarville, on Wednesday, Jan. 24, 1923 beginning promptly at 10:30 o’c lo ck :' 2 HEAD OF HORSES Roan mare 4 years old, weight 1450; Roan colt weight 1200 . 20 HEAD OF CATTLE 20 6 REGISTERED SHORT HORN CATTLE 6 Roan bull nineteen months old, an extra good one. Roan cow 5 Years old with bull calf by side. Red cow 2 ;fearS old, will calve in February* ' - White heifer coming two years old, bred. Papers furnished with each animal. One Shorthorn milch cow, will freshen in February. 2 Jersey cows and 1 Holstein cow with young calves by side. * 5 Black cows with calves by side. ' i , 1 1 Rfed cow with cplf by side. 2 Holstein\cows to be fresh-this month. 2 Jersuw cows to be fresh this month. \he “ . '2 Red ifers and 1 Jersey heifer. 248 HEAD OF T’ jf iS 248 21 bred sows, will farrow in March; 10 head o f pure DUROG gilts. 37 head o f pure bred Hampshire gilts part of which are bred. One.sow with 7 pigs. 70 head o f shoats, will weigh about 125 pounds average 100 Head o f shoats w ill weight about 100 pounds average; 2 sows with pigs by side,' 130 HEAD OF SHEEP 130 80 head o f Shrop. ewes, 2' to 4 years old. 50 head o f Delain ewes, 2 to 4 ySars old. FARMING IMPLEMENTS Oliver tractor gang plow; New 8 foot tractor disc. Oliver low feed wagon. John Deer Sulky plow, Two sides of harness with lines and bridles. 2 Sixty gallon oil tanks. 8 Hog Coops. 2 oil drums. 1 fan mill. Water heater fount. AUTOMOBILES Seven passenger BUIGK touring car in good shape with good tires, good top and starter. EMPIRE 5 passenger touring car in good running order with good tires and starter TERMS MADE KNOWN ON DAY OF SALE W. L. CLEMANS & SON Weikert and Gordon, Auctioneers. \ Lunch served hy 'the ladies of the U. P. Church. _ Willard Trouts, Clerk Electric light went out at the Me Clellan hospital, Xenia, while the doctors were operating on Mrs, E* H. Heathman, wife of the. superin tendent of the Xenia district of the Dayton Power and Light Co. The operation was completed by aid of flash lights. A needle had penetrated Mrs- Heathman’a hand. , —*r- “-wag*®*** 33c^-:a?>r,“w'' The Masonic lodge entertained the members and families last Friday in Barber’s hall. The banquet wAs ser ved under the direfction of Mrs. Jean ette Eskridge. The favors were pink sweet peas. After the dinner.there was a program of entertainment given by Miss Dorothy Dyer of Columbus, a cousin of Dr. Leo Anderson. There were readings, piano sums, accordian selections and a novelty selection on a common saw that took well . Miss flyer proved an able reaaer and enter tainer. She Will be on the Redpath S Chautauqua circuit next season. _Fol lowing the program the guests were invited to the lodge room where the installation exercises of the new offi cers took place. Following this a social hour was enjoyed by all. Several of the members from .out of town attend ed, among them being Dr. 0. B, Elias and family of Washington C, H. and Mr and Mr* Harry Nagiey of Xenia* Taft Urges Speed In Federal Courts Tiiftiicc Tift of the U. s3 Supreme Court nr,making an effort AMtosike work in the Federal Courts all over the cOUntty, This 5 Occult Ttidzes from all parts of the United States alter A K r e S « it Washington lnThe grouo are Circuit Judges Bingham. Rogers BuffiSon, B p , W * lk& > »kP «, Baker and Kenyon, raft is in the center. |t|.t|r.|,rir n r r *_^a..^J-^v. 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