The Cedarville Herald, Volume 46, Numbers 1-26

* * * * * * * < W m m m # ■! its «rm, t o * * Mnehrf« ai| brings to im t eulssfrtattea ttlt advertktog « f y**terd*y*. ffke * f» . -*♦ yterald. FORTY-SIXTH YEAR MO. 7. Officers Take Big suu l One o f the largest still* ever- cap­ tured in the county was taken last Saturday from a tenant house on the J. Q. A, Wright farm on the Xenia and Jamestown pike, The raid was made, under the direction o f Sherriff Morris Sharp and as a result Carl McCoy, 85, was taken before Squire Jones and plead guilty. He was fined $1000 and costs. J. C. French, 30 and i Harry Martin, 31, plead not guilty. A 50-gaHpn still about 128 gallons of corn liquor were found. George and Roy Cline, Jamestown billsrd hall - proprietors were arrested the same day after alleged liquor was found in their place. Each plead guilty and were fined $800 each. The raids were ordered by Prosecutor William- CEDARVILLE, OHIO. FfelDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1923 son.. GRAVEL. ROAD, MEN SHOULD MAKE AN INSPECTION The other day we had occasion to accompany D r .' Leo Anderson and W. L. Clematis to West Jefferson, the trip being made in ,Dr. Anderson’s car* AI1 who believe in gravel for the Main roads should not fail to make the trip between South Charleston and London. That section of the road is almost impassable. We noticed four horses hitched to a wagon of household goods and the wagon cut ting clear through. The damage to a car cannot besestimated. The road was’ so bad that Dr.- Anderson was forced to drive home by way of Springfield to get home. The • hard surface road is the only practical ma • terial for main roads. No amount o f money at this season of the year can keep that section of the road in -good condition. In the dry seaso $ the gravsl road breaks up and becomes rutty un­ der our present traffic requirements. CONDENSED OH IO NEW S News Items Picked at Random and Roiled Down for the Busy RrH ur A NEWSPAPER DEVOTES W LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS AND THE INTERESTS OF. CEDAR VILLE AND VICINITY. PRICE. $1.50 A YEAR Farm Meeting In Dayton CONDITIONS RELATIVE TO THE EPIDEMIC ARE WORSE Judging from reports o f the physi­ cians and from genferal observation the gripp epidemic continues to spread More families have' sickness than a weelc ago unless we get cold freezing weather we can hope for little relief. More case* o f pneumonia axe reported With one or two- very serious. The school board should keep the schools closed another week. The lost time of three weeks can. be made up in the spring. This may not suit some o f the teachers but we believe they would be fair and consent to making up the time without additional expense to the board as- long aa they are paid for the time the schools are closed. BANKS DREW THE WORST OF IT ON TWO OCCASIONS The other day Herman Banks and Lee Taylor became mixed in more than a friendly bout in which it is al­ leged a girl figured, but Old Gen. Corn forced them to settle.. Taylor paraly­ zed Banks with his fist so it is said. He also took a gun. away from him. For a time it was thought that Banks had a fractured skull. The sdcond bout was before Mayor Mott. Bfmks drew $25 and costa and.Taylor $10 and the costs. Ordinarily it would- look like it did not pay to get whipped but Banks also had- to pay for the carrying o f a gun. COMMUNION SERVICE HAS . BEEN POSTPONED Because of so much sickness, it has been decided to postpone the Com­ munion service at the United Presby­ terian church from the 4th to the 18th o f Feb. The regular services wiU be held as usual on next Sabbath, Both the Friday evening and the Saturday services and the communion ate post­ poned, GROCERY STOCK FOR SALE The grocery stock o f T. T. Nunn with fixtures complete are for sale. Inquire of J. A. Finney, Trustee in Bankruptcy, APPOINTED TRUSTEE \ J. A, Finney, attorney o f Xenia, was appointed Trustee in Bankruptcy of T. T. Nunn, groceryman, a t « meeting o f the creditors in Xenia last Satur­ day. ' Miss Anna Schmidt, aged 87, died o f heart trouble at the First th P. church, Xenia, last Sabbath evening, while attending services. She is sur­ vived by one brother, H. E. Schmhft, and two half brothers, Charles o f New York City and Martin Sdhmtfdt of Xenia, The funeral ‘Was held Wed­ nesday afternoon from the home o f H. £ . Schmidt where the ha* lived for many yearn Clint F. Logan, 74, for thirty years city auditor In Xenia, thirty year* as clerk o f Woodland cemetery board, died Tuesday night, Mr. and Mrs, H. R<Aukln, who have been living in Mrs, Belle Gray*# prop­ erty are moving back to tfrbafla, Mr. Ankirt is engineer at the paper mitt. HOW MUCH LONGER WILL THE PUBLIC STAND FOR THIS? Greene County has a Health Com­ missioner, Dr. R. H. Grube, that has failed to measure up to the Require­ ment of the importance o f the re­ sponsibilities imposed by the law that created the “office" he is suppos­ ed to fill. Last summer the typhoid epidemic in Xenia, which at one time was re­ ported to number more titan one hun­ dred cases, followed by a number of deaths, was laid directly at the door of the City Health Officer, Dr. R. H. Grube, who held a monopoly on the health situation in the county, due to certain powers that have been influen­ tial along that line. The Xenia situation became so a- larming that a mass meeting' was cal­ led and so far as .the public was con­ cerned this personage was “ fired" from his job. The Dr. took the hint and resigned the city office which paid an annual salary o f $500 but he re­ tained the job which pays $1500. We admit that the doctor is not required under the law to do much to earn his salary. The law was forced through the legislature by lobbyists of the state medical association to take care o f what in the political world is known as “ lame ducks." In the first plapfc the law is wrong in that it. provides only a physician can be appointed as health commis­ sioner. How mahy physicians of any standing in the county would trade their practice for a $1500 salaried job? The typhoid* situation in Xenia is no different ifi What Cedarville is fac­ ing rfovf, Time alone will tell to what extent/scarlet fever has been spread here. If we do not have a serious epi­ demic it will not be avoided by any­ thing the health commissioner has done to prevent it. , Some weeks ago Mildred Marshall, daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. Murray Marshall Was' taken down with scar­ let fever at the home of her grand­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Brat- tom The patient-as well, as the home waf placed under quarantine. In the course bf-tithe Dr. Grube lifted the quarantine and permitted the child to go home to her parents, t We are informed that Mrs. Bratton, the grandmother, was not satisfied aa she feared to have the child go home where there- were several other children, one a small babe only a few weeks* old. Dr. Grube informed Mrs* Bratton there could be no dan­ ger and lifted the quarantine. The child returned home and what has been the result? Sabbath three cases o f scarlet fever break .out in the Marshall home with the younger children. The sarnie health commission er was called and was forced to admit the trouble was scarlet fever and the home was quarantined. We ate told that When the first quarantine Was' lifted the daughter was hardly through Sealing off. It is little won­ der then that the disease has spread., Had the disease not broken out on Sabbath it is said that the Marshall children would have been in school the following day, when stores o f lit­ tle folks would htvd bean Exposed to this malady. The Herald has ait various time:, spoken plainly as to the intent and the administration o f the present health law. We have criticised the present official. The public has a right to demand some service from public officials but in the case of Dr. Grube, he is plainly Incompetent or is inef­ ficient in discharging *kis dtfty, a* lit­ tle as is expected o f the kind of a law that was given 'us at the insistence of the medical fraternity* The public should rile up and de­ mand the resignation o f Dr* R. H. Grube as county health commissioner, as was done during his administration .as city health officer in Xenia. The county commissioners, if it is within Jtheir power, would be doing the public a service if they would ignore the law and not provide funds for this piece of proffnssional graft at the ex­ pense of the taxpayers. If Dr, Grube can justify his posi­ tion ox .his acts in the Marshall cases, let him come before the public and so state. If he cannot let us hear from the County Health Board. (B y ' the way who can name at least one-of them.) Or, if the medical fraternity can justify the acts, o f our health commissioner, let some member come forward. Out* columns are open to’ any or all. If the County Health Board has any sense of justice or cares for the ad­ ministration o f the law iri behalf o f the public, it will ask Dr. R. H. Grube fox has resignation at once. PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION MEETS SATURDAY AFTERNOON llniiloi In the first degree, with a le.ommendatlon of mercy, was tne vc;\:hfc returned at* Columbus in the trial of JLoomle Cummins of Cleveland, charged with complicity in the muraer of Patrolman Granison p. Koehler. ■. Patrolman George B. Clark, 24, and Daniel1McDermott) negro, were fatal­ ly wdimes-t at a result of a pistol bat­ tle at Dayton. - A quarter mljllon’ dollar^ will be lbaned out by Ohio bankers durlug the next two months for the financing of organized' farm" club work among the Juvenile farmers of the state, ac­ cording to- the agricultural extension department of Qhjo Suae university. Bahktf In the communities where the chibs, ere. co-operating with the agri- 1cultural extension officials will float thq loan, James Kelly, proprietor of the Kelly hotei, Akron, was flfied $200 and costs and Mrrteuced to the county jail for 30 days on a charge of peddling nar­ cotics. ‘ Gehrgd Prassetti, 33, was killed when be was caught hi' a fast whirling conveyor belt at a paper plant in Steu­ benville, where he was employed as a feeder. - . ■ ! Samuel Moore, former treasurer of Harrison' county, and his wife, both 70, died- at their home in Conotton 12 hours apart from pneumonia. , Plans are being perfected at Ada for the erection of a girls’ hall and a college of law building to cost $250,- 000. Akron school board prohibited card playing in public schools. ' Andrew Beach and son, Heury, were injured at Marysville when the auto- The Cedarville Protective Associa­ tion meets Saturday afternoon in the mayor’s office for the annual eleotion *mobile in which they were driving to ’ work was hit by a train*- Bodies of John Kutshera, a real es­ tate dealer, and an unidentified wom­ an, aged about 30, were discovered in {important business. .Cedarville town­ ship has one of the Strongest associa­ tions in the county. Its membership is larger than evef before and our pro­ tection rests largely. Hi being organiz­ ed. Come out and attend this meeting. O. A. Dobbins, president seek ing M c M il l a n Sheriff Sharp ami . deputy John Baughn were given the slip several Kutshera’a home in Cleveland. The couple had been asphyxiated by gas. Alexander ' Boxwell, attorney of Franklin,- and author of the Boxwell law, which.provided top examination of students entering high schools, died at Daylod.Lv/ , ’•Walter Feeney, 21, a farmer, was killed, whop thrown from a load of hay _ at Sylvania, Lucas county, Feeney’s days” ago when"Clarence McMillanls becam® frightened and he was said to have mads his get-a-way be­ fore the officer^ could get sight of him. McMHImv is w-mted to serve a 'jerked from his seat to the pavement. C. S. Bell of Hillsboro will represent Ohio at the Brazilian centennial ex­ position to be held in the South- Afiter- sentence o f $800 and costs for violat- lean republic next month.' He was FARM BUREAU FORMS PLANS FOR LEGISLATIVE ACTS ing the liquor laws. The case was car­ ried <to the upper courts and lost and it is now time to pay the fine or take appointed by Governor Donahey. Irving Coal company, Bellaire, has •old its mine and acreage to Harry The Farm Bureau has recommended to the legislature the following: ■ Limit o f 14 mills iiy rural communi­ ties*, except the levies now outside-of the limitations by a vote o f the people Abolish specials elections for bond and tax levies outside limitations. Keep and strengthen the, present debt limitation law. Approves and urges a tax on the sale o f gasoline revenue to be used for construction ahd repairs of high­ ways.. i A.state income tax law and budget system. Limit the assessments on adjoining and abutting property along a line of heavy duty reads to 10 per cent o f the cost of a farm market road. Opposes a state wide revaluation o f real estate. A law making freight trucks and passenger carrying motor vehicles to be considered public utilities and that they be forced to pay a larger sltare of the cost o f road repair Favor of highway police system. BROADSTONE OFFERS IMPORTANT BILL IN HOUSE Representative Broadstone has in­ troduced an important bill in the House, which i f passed, will give holders of preferred stock to be is­ sued in the future more protection. His bill will require common stock- hflders to. put up more assets as a protection to the investor. The bill no doubt will be fought by companies that are doing business altogether on other people’s money and holding common Stock that is backed with a high valuation on “ good will" pat­ ents and so forth. Some companies are doing a square business today in the issuance o f preferred stock" but many others backed by investment concerns and brokerage houses are of questionable value. “THE PADLOCK" FOR OHIO BOOZE VIOLATORS PASSES. The House Wednesday afternoon passed the Gordon hill that will write Into the state liquor laws the padlock section o f the Volstead act. Building used for sale o f liquor after a con­ viction can bo closed for a year. It is Wow second degree murder for one to sell poisoned liquor as both houses have passed the Bender bill. There was not a vote against it. PAPER MILL MAKES REPAIRS The Hagar Straw Board & Paper Company after being down for nearly two weeks making repairs and in­ stalling a new water heater with other changes, started operation yesterday. a jail sentence. It is only a matter ,o f Walker, BCHaira coal operator, time until he will be apprehended by i Logan high school is to have a new the officers. athletic field. - . . ; ■ . ■ . - . Two foxes were caught in a big drive near Piqua. MR. G. HOG TAKES CHANCE , william H, Cropa Is the new head . IF HE COMES OUT TODAY of the Cleveland coast guard station.! -*—— Ppjson whisky caused, the death of < This is February second. August brau, 84, Cleveland. This is the day that Mir. G. Hog Bribes aggregating $40,000 were of* either does or does nort come out. fared to Don V. 'Parkier, former state Likewise we are told that if-by h is1prohibition. commissioner, within 60 \ coming out he sees his shadow, he day's after he took office ho declared immediately returns to his winter •* FindUy in reviewing his record. | quarters for we are yet to have six1 ®5rer c° “ pany oIe? ow i ■ “ i gas purchased the Lake Shore Rub* more weeks o f winter. i bar * ompjmy plants at Elyrla and But the greatest chante Mr. G. Hog (Wellington. i will fake if he comes out today in this | B‘, co0l£( superintendent of section, shadow or no shadow, will be the Pullman company, New York, died contracting the gripp, At Cleveland following a fall down a 1 ..... . stairway. His neck was broken. j SCHOOLS GET ANOTHER WEEK Green, 23, St. Clatrsvllle, was OF ENFORCED VACATION k,tted when he was being hauled up a _____ rmine abaft at Powhatlan Point, Bel- The public schools opened Monday moat county. It was believed that his I warrant continuance and they were dismissed for another week. It is said but the attendance was not enough to ^ ‘t i ? bouSm^’ thr°WinfS “ “ 60 Kenneth Keeling, 18. and William Irish, 16, are dead at Lima, the re- that more than 140 failed to report. 0j a akatlng accident near the Three teachers including superintend- children’s home. Irish broke through ent Parker were missing. It was well the tee and Keeling, in an ineffectual that the schools were closed to try and effort to rescue him, sank with the break the gripp epidemic, i other, . Mine Dorothy Schelcher, 25, was in* DOG CATCHER MAKING etantiy killed, a man seriously In- A HAUL THIS WEEK Juf #d “ d ahotoer less seriously hurt ■ when an automobile in which they The dog catcher put in his appear- weye ptdl5,K wa.® 8tritck Py a ance yesterday for the first time this BvttIiaUm’ a sub?irb of Cln' year. It was time for we have been CX r i f f Kirk of Clinton county hearing many complaints the past few placad a charRe of murder against few days about dogs in delegations Lotiiii Vandervoort, 20, son of a roaming about town annoying people/ wealthy Greene county farmer, In con- in various ways, , flection with the murder of Patrolman ............................... . Emery McQrSlght of the Wilmington NEW SUPERINTENDAN’!' OF ' police force the night of F$b. 14, 1922, COUNTY HOME CHOSEN- following the alleged confession Of David E. Craw Xenia, has been ftp*, Walter Btakham, 20. pointed superintendent of the county ‘ By t ‘ ° J 2 b°! resTmiation aT ^ ^ E ^ m it o w h o has ntatlva Broadstone of Greene resignation of M» E. Smith yh o ha* county, which provides that whoever# hojd the place fojr 12 ye^rs, Jly, C^oW while tnMkedj kille another* in an at* takes charge March 1st and for 16 tempt to commit a felony, shall be years was superintendent of the work guilty of murder- and punishable ttby house;, Mrs, Crow will become matron death, unless the jury recommends flt the county home, PUBLIC SALE DATES. Paullin and Fields, Feb, 5th. J. W. Tomlinson, Friday, Feb. 9th mercy. First motorist to be dent to the pen­ itentiary from Youngstown for caus­ ing a person’s death was Valera Luka, who drew a two-year term. J one thousand members of the Ohio ' Association of Retail Lumber Dealers Rockel and Roush, Holstein and left Cleveland on a special train on farm sale, Tuesday, February 6th. Bib, Type Poland China sale, Cen­ tral garage, Wednesday, Feb, 21. C. W. Mott Andrew Bros, and R. A. Murdock February 28* , O, A. Dobbins, Hampshire sale, Friday, March 9. A tour of the Pacific coast. McCook, field authorities claim to j have perfected an instrument that ‘ wUi enable aviators, while fiylng, to } talk to persons on the ground. The > feat has been accomplished by means of a loud speaking instrument located at t it pnd of the fusstege.of * Mar*; tin btmhir.. ' } „ „ „ „ , ., . . Starohers found the body of Frank! Mrs. Jeanette Eskcridge is moving frozen in a spring barrel this week from the Finney residence, noar Ms home at Connoravllie, near to that o f Mrs. Ira Towhaley, Xenia' Marito* ratty, avenue. j may erect a new high ach.'oJ sattotng to tyt spring. .lames and Edward Doler, brothers, claiming Springfield as their home, have been returned to the Mansfield reformatory, from which they escaped last week. They were captured, near North Lewisburg. State Director of Public Welfare Harper appointed Mrs. Cqra C. Cooley of Cleveland as superintendent’ of charities, to succeed Mrs. Elizabeth Clark of Steubenville. The new ap-. painteo la the wife of Dr. Harris R, Cooley. She is a graduate of Hiram college. • j Mrs. Catherine Ryan, 65, died at 1 Springfield as the result of an auto: mobile accident in which she sus­ tained a fractured skull. She was matron of the I„ C. & E, traction sta­ tion, • ■ At Toledo- Mrs, Susan Clappsaddle, 35, was injured probably fatally when struck by a taxicab. Mary Brochazka, 36, Elyria, mother of six children, committed suicide by hanging. A wolf that attacks cattle and sheep is said to be prowling around North Ridge, Sandusky county., Fire caused damage estimated by firemen at $100,000 at the Hatfield & Penheld Steel company plant at Bu- -cyrue. Two firemen were slightly in­ jured. Bee Vircent, 38, of Beverly, is in a Marietta hospital suffering from prob- / able internal injuries and his'brother Guy, 25, was badly bruised, when uu airplane in which they- were flying crashed to earth east of Marietta. ’ Police are searching for a man giv­ ing the name of Vicenzo Campagnia, an alleged bootlegger, charged with shooting and probably, fatally wound­ ing. William Snyder, night patrolman at Mingo Junction, near Steubenville, in a successful escape. William Nash and William Jenkins, said to be dry sleuths from Nelson- ville, were arrested on a charge of furnishing Intoxicating liquor . to James Smith, a poolroom operator of Bellaire.' Robert O’Malleyi an inspector^ died at East Liverpool as the result of be­ ing struck by a piece electric saw, which burst. Mrs. Frank DiBbepuetf of near Lo­ gan has a hen IS months old having four legs with all feet perfect. Game Protector W, <H. Toot shot three foxes-in Columbiana county in the last few days In an effort to pro­ tect other game, Mrs. Margaret Main of Cincinnati was killed and three others injured in a collision between two automobiles at Baltimore. Miss Sarah B. Hagar. of Xenia re­ ceived $180,000 under the will of her brother, Albert Francis Hagar, a New York attorney. . J. W, Dover, 73, father of Elmer Dover, died at' his home in McCon- nelsville. When the postman called at the home of Mm, 1. D. Kiper at Alliance he delivered to her, a neatly wrapped package in which were four rings. The jewelry had been etolen from Mrs. Kiper at Canton. Genuine champagne, whisky and gin, valued at $3,000, was confiscated by federal authorities in Lakewood. E.- M. Bright, truck driver, waa ar­ rested. A demand for a 10 per cent increase in wages, which was refused by offi­ cials of the Toledo Shipbuilding com­ pany, resulted in a walkout in the reamer department. Carl Spaller, who died at Toledo, bequeathed $500 to St. Mark’s Luth­ eran church, $500 to Rev. A. L, Bur- man and the residue of his estate to the Lutheran Orphans’ and Old Folks’ home. His three children will receive $5 each. Mayor C, J. Robinson of Willard re­ signed to run bis bakery. 4 Care fare dispute at East Liverpool will be settled by popular vote. Melancholy, resulting from Illness with the grip, is said to have caused Carey Jenkins, 40, single, to hang him­ self in a shed at Bourneville, Ross county. Senator Bender's bill, designed to tighten up the Btate’s prohibition en­ forcement laws, passed the senate. Fire scorched the plant of the Logan Furniture Manufacturing company. While walking in her sleep, Mrs. Louise Betz, 52, Cincinnati) fell through an open cellar door, sustain­ ing a fracture of the ekull, which caused her death. Announcement waB made of the ap­ pointment of Norman E. B. Beck of Columbus as head of the state blue i Sky department, succeeding J. M. El­ liott, and Louis F. Miller of Columbus as stale fire marshal, succeeding Hen­ ry Dyketnan of Elyria. The appoint­ ments were made by Cyrus Lochef, commerce director, H. W. McKee, printer, was killed instantly when an auto in which he wae riding was struck by a passenger train! near Cincinnati. Gladys Mahoney, 2, Nelsonville, was burned to death when her playmates set fire to her dress while playing with matches* Secretary of State Brown ■ M r \ JX \PUELICHER. 1 \ c / The business.and agricultural in­ terests of Dayton with the co-opera- ;tion of the chamber of commerce,tht farm bureaus, civic clubs, etc., .in the seven counties o f the M^ami .Valley, Miami, Darke, Preble,. Montgomery,. Greene, Warren and Butler, will con­ duct the “Miami Valley Business and Agricultural conference . in’ Dayton, 6 p. m. Friday, February .9, in the form of a dinner and meeting at the new rebuilt N. C, R, School House. The joint interests of town -and the county will be discussed by two nation al leaders in their respective fields, J ,. R. Howard, the immediate Past PreS- ident of the American Farm. Bureau Federation, and John H. Puelicher, president o f the American Bankers Association. Every chamber of com-, rrterce, county farm bureau, Rotary and kindred club and bank in the Miami Valley is working together in promoting this meeting, FARM AND FIELD NOTES The Greene County. Duroc Associa­ tion sale held in Xenia Monday'was quite a success from, all reports,’ The 40 head of sows and gilts brought an average of about $47.50, R» C. Watt & Son had four head in the sale that averaged $61. • . * ’ ■ • Wilbur Conley sold this week a fine team o f heavy draft horses. TheyWere pronounced by good judges of horses to be one of the best teams ever sent from this community. They were matched bays and weighed 4100 pounds. The team was bought by a Dayton buyer for the Eastern market. • * * -More than 2000 farmers from var­ ious parts of Ohio have been attend­ ing Farmers* week in Columbus at the O. S. U. From all reports the Farm Bureau has had a various pros­ perous year. In counties where the membership campaign has been put. on for a second three year period, more farmers are joining than did on the first three years ago. During the week more than 200 meeting and de.u onstrations for farmers Were sched­ uled, Many farm and stock organiza­ tions held meetings at this time. It was a busy week for the farmers. • * * R. C. Watt was in Columbus Wed­ nesday attending a meeting o f the State Association of Duroc Breeders. * . • The Crcswell Farms’ Sale of Bit Type Poland China tried sows Was held Wednesday at Central garage. The sale was well attended and we understand the average was better than $33 per head, m * a Wanted:- Left hand Cassidy Used gang plow. Must be in good condi­ tion. Harry Kennon. • * *.■ - The Farm Bureau will erect two seed corn testers in Xenia to bo ready for tasting seed corn. The cost will be one cent an ear. Mcfyt Stormont ............ _ au. ’ has charge of the work in this town* nounced that time limit lor Installs*! ship and he wants to get at least tion of 1923 auto tags has been ax- ’ 5060 ears. .Testing of seed com is tended to Feb. 16. ijust as important as testing eggs in Tom Kearns of Dayton was appoint* .the incubator, ed to succeed ft. IT. Whltaere, resign* * * s ' eil, as chief of the division of factories j Thomas. Mechling has sold his farm on.the Wilmington road to George and workshops. Prohibition of all Sundry moving picture shows is favored in a report of the motion picture committee oi the Ohio Pastors’ association. Maxine Neil, 2, Marysville, swal­ lowed * number of laxative tableta y.hhh tontalr.ed r .an find dH<L Martindalc, The farm was formerly known as the L. A. Teas farm. Boa* rEicsnion will be given March first. Mr. Mechling and wife expect to return to Denver at tout time* l