The Cedarville Herald, Volume 46, Numbers 1-26

p € t*d*y»net ««J? S***1* * of its *mb 'to * It •*^w* »wi fcriac* to final oalunfaitioa *dv*rtiri»jf of th* y*st*rd*y». 2 ke Xerald, FORTY-SIXTH YEAR NO. 10. CEDARVILLE. O H I O , « D A Y , FEBRUARY 23, 1923 A NXWSRAPXR 0 * ¥O T iP TO LOCAL AND GXWPULL NUNS ASU W E INTERESTS OF CEDAR* VILLE AND VICINITY, a s m s ; PRICE, $1,50 A YEAR Mormons May GetHoustonLand Madison county residents are much exercised a t present over the report .that Richard S, Woodrow, owner of 4,0QQ acres of what was the Houston land, proposes to sell this tract to the .church of the Latter Day Saints, I t has been reported tha t the high of­ ficials of the Mormon church were an- xiou-i to found a colony in Ohio and a deal is said to ha pending a t thh time over the purchase of what is one of the finest bodies of land in Ohio. This land was • improved 'by the, Houston estate and comprises about 20 farms of a t least 200 acres each with excellent improvements, Woodrow paid about $1,000,000 for the. 4000 acre's and as we understand only made the initial payment, that being three years ago. Barm prices, and farm values have declined and the land could not be sold ' for any­ thing like a million dollars now. A* suit has been brought by the Houston trustees to close in on this deal but . if Woodrow, who resides in Toledo, COLLEGE NOTES Monday morning a t chapel Dr. W, R, MqChesney gave the students a wonderful lecture on the life of Abra­ ham Lincoln, commenorating Lincoln's birthday. This talk was thoroughly Ku Klux Elan till Operating OHIO % The Ku Klux Klan in Springfield is enjoyed by students and faculty as all evidently going to be bigger than of Dr. WpChesney’s talks are enjoyed, oyer following reports coming from Many new thoughts and visions of that city after the raid last week on Lincoln’s life were seen and appreciat headquarters of the organisation, id by the students, as they had never I t is said that the Klan met last oeen before. They realised Lincoln, Saturday night and took in 150 new ,ho man risen from poverty and to he, great emancipator of United itates, in a different light. The Freshmen are striving to make themselves popular and have their names placed in the society columns, they accomplished this feat Tuesday evening with a Valentine party a t the nome of Miss Dorothy Tarr. Since there are so many “Freshies” ,we will not publish all of their names this time but wiil tell what they did. They were brave children to walk way out in ’the country th a t windy spooky night but their laughing and singing chased some of the hob-goblings away. When they arrived a t the Tarr home a bright glowing fire in an open grate can make ,the deal and anyway near I gave them a cheerful welcome. They pay out the suit will, be withdrawn, j responded with laughter and chatter The Madison Press has the follow-1 and O!* it is coid.’t They spent a do­ ing to say: I aghtful evening playing games and- "Should the church of L a tte r.Day I singing. They had their refreshments Saints succeed in the purchase of a Iof .sandwiches and hot chocolate, and great body of land in Madison county I delicious brick ice cream and cake, will it have any effect on the fair I When they started fof home the wind name of old Madison? The people of I was blowing a merry gale but they Madison county, like Clark county, I oraved the storm, somewhat boister- are believers in one country, one flag I ous as they neared the quietly sleep- and one wife. We guess they have no Iing village of Cedarville a t such an objections to a collector of old coins, I hour in t h e -------- , No we won’t tell stamps and autographs, but when it I when! But thoir yells could be heard members. The situation in Springfield has the ear marks of the1 color line as .well as religious, Hunderedp will join the organization as a matter of curoaity. Following the raids many rushed to the newspapers to d.eny connection with the organization following the publication ,of the membership list. The newspapers carried the state­ ments and also fac-simile views of their signatures. Superintendent of Schools, George McCord was one of the bondsmen for ,V. M. Cortner, kleagle of the Spriog- ield klan, who >s arrested charged) yifch riotous conspiracy. Wilson Langleyj his wife, Jesse, tlren, Howard, ag« and then ended hi ing himself at the t Bar.*. Relatives bee.; suffering fret L.\ Theodore Bay physician, Schultz, a nurse fug. They are ished when the they left for a Erie’ crashed thre the ice. Mrs, Ellen Conrc of burns. Eire damaged building, Toledo, $100,000. East Liverpool been asked io pa*#, fug for the appoint to act as police Bpective neighborho money to Increase tl A streetcar strucS ledo, killing A. S. I A vandal enters j Union church at Pit BRIEF »pt and killed of their chtl- sd Marjorie, 0, life by shoot- home In New Langley had Vandervoort Gets Life Sentence Attorney J. Fred Anderson is one; ble, broke the elect of the numerous attorneys defending) and put the organ otij Cortner. I t is also said, that civil ac-1 Ice harvest is in- ticn will be brought on failure to con- j. re^vo ir.^ .let Cortnex". Lawyers are present t o 1 Eli Oefiler, Waites comes to the collection of wives there may be some opposition. To be sure these people have made the valley] of the Salk Lake blossom like a rose, •but perhaps the wealthy there do not| know what it is to have poverty and Mormonism tried out in the rural dis­ tricts, I t is said the rich, of Salt Lake j especially a t -the home of Dr. Me Chesney’s with their 2-6-26! Rah! Rah! Rah! The same, evening Miss Marjorie McClellan entertained a t a delight­ fully appointed dinner. Covers were laid fo r the Misses Marjorie McClel- rspresent the Klan from headquarters ®i?w,a r* and Fedreal agents are attending the J 0-mot emb iu toen t i » Ohio miners’ con Charles Darlington,-past command-- ^ rQjJ0rt Qt ^ 6, er of the Ohio Legion, has issued a tlontJ( ^ hich Shpwed statement saying that any member of cj president; Wfilift the Legion that belongs to the Klan) idont and G. W. S should be put out of the former. ! treasurer. The question of Klan membership' Sister Olympia, a in this county has come up since the pheu’a parochial * Springfield raid. I t is estimated that 500 persons, mostly in Xenia, belong to the Klan in Dayton. There is no means of telling who is a member and who is not for there is no button worn s with secret orders. are very rich, from the fact th a t they ian, Lois Cummings, Ruth McPher- have been successful dealing with the | son Dorothy Oglesbee, Florence illiterate of that country and that belief- But .what effect will a colony of them have on old Madison should they come? ONE LAWYER DOES NOT WANT *400 OF TAXPAYERS MONEY Smith, and Eloise Davis, Messre Laurence Currie, Walker Taylor, Gould Peters* Arthur Wallace Find­ ley, Earl Collins and LaClede Mar- kle. A very enjoyable evening was spent by all* especially unde.- the charming hospitality of Miss McClel­ lan, the loyal support that, many of the citizens of Cedarville have given us. We thank you folks, and hope you will come again—Friday Night! there is to he a special was killed when an through a crowd of: she was guiding acre hurled her to' the P*I Margie Reynold** 3, of burns. One fireman was pf jured when the fkd rooming house i n .Cl stroyed by fire. John Whitehead hospital of a bullet J&sse Lovett recM* lit a piine accident at Charles Kircher. who buUt mauy of Attorney Charted **?*•**#" to declining a *400 fee for legal ser­ vices in connection with the recen t1 Funderburg case. Recently Attorney Darlington filed! a bill with the county commissioners fo r *1,000 that had been approved by Judge Hornfceck* the trial judge, for | “ ?* T T ® ^ services in assisting the state in the l . .. , . n on y fo r tile famous cases. Attorney Con Mattem l*?1*8 Bufc the pleasm« wa* m which Y. M- C. A. and the Y. W. C. A. had a joint meeting. Mrs. J . P. White in her sweet and interesting manner gave a wonderful talk on India. The chapel was in periedfc stillness because of the close attention paid by all. Everyone enjoyed Mrs. White’s talk We hear feature Friday night. We have seen some mysterious Ingoings on” over a t' buildings, was’ the 1 the Gym- We have been wondering now $50,000 tuber,cu what it could all be about. We heard Athens insane asyl this much—that some girls are becom- Mrs. L, M» ing very graceful and perhaps— well Conneaut we’ll wait had *qe. We wish vou rood Fir* w m Ut, 32, Put-iu- Mias Sylvia *do, aye miss- to have per- rile iu which oyer Lake weak spot in •barren , died, Smith-Baker |the extent of council has pslation provid- of 35 citizens in their re- There is no' egular force, truck at To- olcak. •the Christian stole the Bi- light fixtures jt commission, awing a t Grand lodyshell and piously injured went over a ear Logaa.' |tibn -approved iltfee on elec- Hall re-elect- Soy, vice pres- ge* secretary- £her in-St. Sta- Bl, Cleveland, nobile plowed hoof children the street and aeat. incfhnati, died !fly fatally in- aunt hotel, a Sad, was de- la a Toledo ad. >fafal injuries furray City, rs contractor, lio university bidder for the ottage a t the Justice was not tempered with wer- y down in Clinton county when C. E us disorders, I.cIIinney of CitLinr.r.ti was haule u court, indicted, toupd guilty en- .si to the penitent ury by Judge Clevenger for life, all the result of a frame-up between officials and a Cin­ cinnati detective bureau claiming Me ivinney shot and killed Policeman Me Creight in Wilmington*^ ‘eb. 14, 1922 a little over a year ago. A three thous­ and dollar reward is said to have been split between the sheriff, detectives and sta r witnesses. That C. R. McKinney was the victim of ope of the most outrageous frame- ups in Ohio criminal history is proven when Louis Yanderyqort, son of a wealthy Greene county fruit grower, entered a plea of guilty . Tuesday to the killing of Policeman McCreight. .Vondervoort with a cousin, Walter Bangham, were being held in'the Clin­ ton county jail for robbery, when a big department store in Wilmington had been entered some months' ago. Vandervoort was sentenced to the penitentiary for life following bis plea- of guilty- Bangham was given one to 20 years for manslaughter and Was sent to Mansfield Reformatory. The jest of the situation that must confront Judge Clevenger and the Clinton county officials, is "What a- boub McKinney* who has served five months ih the ponitentiary on his life sentence after being found, “guilty” for the murder of McCreight? ’Reports-from the daily press iftdi* sate tliat the prosecutor of Clinton county was never convipcedl th a t the young man was guilty. The murder was an outrage and the public was demanding that someone pay' for the .he murderous deed. Dangling he­ ro re officers and detectives was a re­ ward of $3*000 and to get this a frAne xp resulted in McK'anpy beiug seUt o the pen for life. Twenty-Uhfe IVxt- nesses were called from Cincinnati to testify that McKinney and his wife were a t a. picture kfew a t the time the murder was com^pufted. ^ ancle of McKinney, James W, Reno, '& still awaiting .trial in the Clinton county courts fo r having a part in theiuvuder qf.M^Cteightv^.McKin- * * . | John »• Meywu','^8, foohw raflroad Miss Brand’s rhetoric classes wto found ds*« a * « « • surely having some fine times in their G1#djra fishier of EUat 1* la ah classes reading original short stories, p0apttal in a sertoda condition We hear some are quite clever and u the result of the collision of an au- well worth reading. Some are so ex- tomobile in which she was ridingwith ceptlontionally well written and clev- another car­ er in thought that "moving picture” . Mr*. Maud Jenkins, telephone com- of Daytqn also represented the state and was interested in p a rt of the *1000 fee. Oh the outside friends of the dead boy, Volney Nichols, raised *2,500 which was paid to Mattem. The county commissioners having final say in the amount to be paid refused the *1000 fee and cut it down to *400 fo r Mr. Darlington and noth­ ing for Mattem. The attorneys for the defense filed bills of *500 each and these were cut to *400 and accepted. Attorney Darlington has notified the Commissioners th a t he would not ac­ cept the *400 check. From indications the commissioners will not give more. The report is current th a t Mattem will not go farther with the case un­ til more funds are forthcoming. The situation as it is certainly warrant* Prosecutor Williamson in ignoring demands for another trial. Th* county is out around *5,000 and , _ _ nothing gained. Of course our lawyer j destinations. A box from home with friends would not object to additioualj aH its goodies "Yum-yum” finished trials but we do not hear of*demands j the evening which was pleatantly fo r such coming from tax payers. I spent. they arc given. Her talk related to the students the great amount of work now accomplished by the mis­ sions in oVer-coming the faith . and heathen worship caused by the pagan religion and the now prevalent caste system. She touched upon the Gaundln movement now on foot and the results th^t might be accomplished. The ]works of a rt of the Indians were spoken of and the Ljh Majhal, the most beautiffil piece o f architecture in the world. The students are anx­ iously waiting for the continuance of the lecture next Wednesday morning a t chapel hour. , • * * « •• A bunch of the College girls ’ en­ joyed a taffy-pull Valentine night. What became of the candy we do not know. We have heard some girls have Swe----- ts out of town and i t may be a box or two, perhaps more were cru-ried by Uncle Sam to the proper firms are sending' application blanks to some of the girls to write scenarios for them. Keep it upl You’re' doing fine. i paay collector at Logan, has bean made pastor ot the Methodist Episco­ pal , church at Hamden. She la a widow with three children. Nicholas Fix, 81, dock owner a t Put- Ia-Bay, died a t Sandusky. Poison liquor caused the death of Alexander Collins, Cincinnati sale** -.and. Some folks did not resort though to original penmanship Valentine’s Day _________ ___ _ nd a few days after from the looks of manTto New Orleans, the horrible—ridiculous—nerve—rack- j Sylvia Boles, 35* Cincinnati; ing—-love—lost Valentines sent out, lost her life in au auto accident. Soma people were even so bold as to Marysville schools were ordered write* Or pardon us, paint names on closed 4o prevent spread of disease*, the envelopes. Others tried to conceal j Michael Gracey and Peter Ahdersoo the real sender by flourishes and back j were saved from death from wood, al- coho! poisonlna *f Sandusky when , * • ' stomach pump* were used. Many of the teachers have been ask j JeUerao.. *,caiuy u u ^ titie * era lu- '»? “ >*■ i i { - w * 1s r s ^ j t f s A S t t s t J s animals for the circuses in the spring " " . on account-of the terrible ungentle-; Llvcrpo6l cammUrs will get manly, unladylike sounds such as Hee- j 10 & day and bricklayer* $8 under Haw— and Gee—Gau—and then like . torm* of a new wage agreement, lions “Roooooll-r-r-r, Roooooll, etc.) Wallace Harroft wae killed a t we are sure they will make more o f , Youngstown by an auto-mobile, a success if they apply a t a circus) Albert Himes, 72, Dayton, contrao* then a t -a Chautauqua or Lyceum tor, was asphyxiated In hi* garage by board for silver-tongue "Orators,” monoxide gas, generated from the ex* Rah! Novr-rl hanst of his automobile, nan. «evcri ^ , r ath*r Peter J. Clancy of St, An- MAY CHANGE DISTRICT I You Juniors, surely are having FOR CONGRESSMAN HU3t * n^ny class-meetings [here lately. What is it? Can you tell i t looks now like the legislature will redistrict the state for congress- Jonal purposes. Under the -bills intro­ duced Greene county will be taken frohx the Seventh and nddejl to the Sixth. Logan will be taken from the Seventh and added to the Fourth. The Sixth would comprise Butler, Warren, Greene and Clinton . ' Under the bill there would he only two sate as? We hear it is about the d i s ­ play. Ah,lean it be, is it really? Oh what’s its name? Don’t he so Sere- five, we're willing to hear "all” a- bout it any time. So pipe up. you, |Juniors!! Wo are afraid the College will be going into the baggage business wit i so many “grippe” cases. Many o the students have "a grip” besides Teaching is a funny sensation so think some of the students since they have been putting to practice over a t the "Grade School” what they have been learning under Miss Somers care ful and efficient teaching. The poor lit- gustins’s church, Barberton, formerly of Cleveland end also Ravenna, died of bronchitis. Elmer Johnson, manager of the coal mine where, it is alleged, J* B, Cox, bus operator, had planned to place F. A. Holies, publisher of Alliance, tie children tremble in fear when they holding him prisoner nntU he had ex- see a “man" teacher stalk into the ro ims. you think? We heard one of these so-called men teachers, ah, doesn't th a t sound dignified, but anyway, this certain one admitted that he experienced a trembling sen­ sation too when lie entered the portals of the school-room. Since two nega- acted $20,000 from him, was placed under arrest, charged with being an accomplice of Cox in the alleged' kid­ naping and blackmailing achetje, Robert Strehlau, 46, died at Cleve­ land ot injuries received when struck by a truck while Waiting to board A streetcar. The truck driver is held. Cleveland council voted to reject gar .was unfair throughout the tidal. He overruled every objection, of the attorneys for the defense and sustain­ ed those of the prosecution. McKinney comes from a family of well-to-do people* his father being a farmer near Bluffton. He has a broth­ er in Franklin, Ind., th a t is a Presby­ terian minister. He worked oh a farm and then became a. salesman for au­ tomobile accesories. He is well edu­ cated having attended Chicago Uni­ versity. - t / ■ McKinney says that he and his father have spent *6,000 in attorney fees todate on his case. I t has been suggested that a bill be introduced in the legislature empowering the county to settle with McKinney. He should tttve no less than *10,000 for what he- iias had to suffer. Yet, according to- Warden Thomas of the penitentiary, the young 'man has not thought so much of his own position claiming that right woul prevail in the end, but his worry was over the humiliation brought on his wife and his parents. Meantime the officers are trying to find a way to liberate McKinney through the same court that sent him to the pen for life. This evidently is grandstand play for the officers Why not have the Governor, liberate MfcKinney on the face of the Vandervoort sentence and restore the young man to full citizenship. This would take about thirty minutes and not require another mock trial to find McKinney “not guilty,” Meantime why not some action on the part cf Clinton county taxpayers to force the officers to return the $3,000 reward to the county? There /as nothing done on the part of the officers or the detective to win this reward of *3,000. Louis Vandervoort says he killed McKinney and volun­ tary made' a plea and he is now in the penitentiary, or was to be taken this Friday. Democratic districts in the State* the tM r suit_5a8e3< p erahapif t}le much Fourth and Thirteenth needed funds will be replenished. But laying all jokes *aside, we are* mighty sorry you students are out, we hope you will be back soon with us enjoy­ ing th e good old Cedarville College in this issue will be found the an* Jfun— and studies. "BRINGING UR FATHER” COM­ ING TO XENIA OBERA HOUSE nouncement of "Bringing Up Father” coming to the Xenia opera house on Saturday for matinee and night per­ formance. This is a good show and worth going to see. I t appears a t Many of the College students were invited to the series of rook parties given by Miss Kathleen- Blair, a teacher a t the Cedarville Grade School Cedarville College! tivos make a positive, the teachens ^ ^ 6t oWd £a* company** demand and students get along fine and all 0f ^ jar the first 1,000 feet of gas, are enjoying the work very much. • | whether used of not, and proposed a * • * jminimum mohthly Charge of 80 cents, Fatties, hikes, short trips, ’n every-' or the equivalent of the ptlce of the thing are being planned for the won- first 2,060 feet, derful vacation to be held next Thurs-) Burglars Invaded the First Church day for our George Washington. We «f Chrl«b Scientist, at Cleveland, and wish you all a good time and hope *a.f® ‘ you will come back just as ready to j J Uw&i^ 4ppJfnt.a begin good Work m all your studies. ■ What do you Say? SUIT AGAINST VANDERVOORT Mrs. Lulu McCreight, widow of Special Policeman Emery McCreight; who was killed by Vandervoort, has brought suit against Vandervoort for *25,000 damages in the Clinton courty. Xu- GRAND JURY TO INVESTIGATE x* , , « t., « u* O* Dick postmaster at Oberlin Rail! Rah! Rah! An<] Charles Decker a t Vermillion. tmmilai* prices. Ticket* a t Hayward’SI The students enjoyed themselves a t Cigar Store in Xenia, GO TO INDIANAPObiS .the parties which were cleverly plan­ ned, carrying out the sentiment of Valentine season in decorations and I**fifreshihentfl. 0 0 0 Dr. ted Anderson accompanied a I Well Win! We’ll winli We’ll win delegation of farmers to Indianap-jhy-golly We'JI Win!!! When Friday oils Tuesday night where they went)night at the Alford Memorial lia to inspect the plant of th* Pitman- when we play against Ohio Northern Moor* Co-* manufacturer# of serumj University. A large crowd is expected for hog#. Tbo"'! *-'• -h* party were land we hope all Cedarville will turn GolHrt* Wintaa’*>», Uuwurd Tta»boll,l out to see this big game of the season Th* CoU*g* «ax% h*« appreclaM McCORD LIKS K. K. K. -Clinton county grand jury indicted Louis VfttfHervOort, $6, son of a wealthy fruit grower residing near At. the trial of Cortner, the grand Wilmington, and Walter Bangham, 12, kleagle of the Ku Klux Klan in living in the same neighborhood, for Srringfield, following the raid, George the murder of Policeman Etaery Me* E. McCord, superintendent of the Creight, who was ahot to death whil* Springfield schools, says the K. K. K, i attempting to apprehend burglar# who is about the only 300 per cent Amer-;had robbed a stor* ia WUmlngtOn one Uan organization in this country. He ( *8^- say# he i/t a member of i t and is glad j .................. .. .......—“*■ of it. Following the raid McCord tie- * If you want your meat smoked cal nyed membership hut ’ the next day us by phono and m«k* appointment, wont on Courtnor’a bond and was a Wo am prepared a* tot th* past to do wttn*#* fo r Cotrtaor a t th* hoarhag* m«*t imokiag* H#**f MoCWHaA NEARLY ALL THE Men About Town DROP INTO H A Y W A R D ’S Meet th e ir friend s and a cqu a in tan c e s and spend an enjoyab le hour or so. Everything for th e smoker or tobacco users. BEST SANDWITCHES IN TOWN SOFT DRINKS 31 EAST MAIN ST ., , XENIA, OHIO Next to Greene Co. Hardware Co. I t is said that the Greene county Grand Jury will be called to investi­ gate the murder of Policemhn Mat­ thews, Xenia, who Was killed last De­ cember. I t has been intimated that probably Louis Vandervoort had some­ thing to do with the affair, P U B L T c S A l i D A T E S . Andrew Bros, and R, A. Murdock February 28. O, A. Dobbins* Hampshire sale, Friday*March 0. 5% MONEY FOR FARM LOANS IS HERE Thirty Five Million dollars of Insurance money to loan on Farm mortgages a t 5%. Will loan up to $30.00 per acre on the best farms. Must be nice w^jl located farms. Interest either anually or semi-annually. . $ 100.00 payments accepted. lESPk^JS, Agent THE UNIVERSAL CAR 1 , 1 1 1 Attention FordOwners! Ford parts* like almost everything else worth while, are counterfeited. Imitation parts are manufactured to SELL at the highest possible rate o f profit and the grades o f steel used are consequently not the Same high quality, specially heat- treated alloy steels specified in Ford formulas for the manufacture o f GEN­ U INE FORD FARTS. Don’t be misled—Insist upon GBNUINEFORD PARTS made jby the Ford Motor Company. By so doing you will get from 35 to 100 per cent more wear from them, and you will pay the lowest possible coat—the same everywhere. S0% OF GENUINE FORD PARTS RETAIL FOR LESS THAN 10c EACH Ask for Parts Price Lht When your Ford car, or Fordson tractor needs attention, call onus. For rememberwe are prop­ erly equipped, employ competent mechanics, and use Genuine Ford and Fordson part* in all repair work: R.AJMtirdbck