The Cedarville Herald, Volume 46, Numbers 1-26
* K R O G E R ’S FOR BETTER FOOD AT LOWER PRIEES S o m ...... 11 11} H * .** ft * *■*#.#ft* * ** *■.»*» ft':*.*». *-ftft '»f. .* , Kraft Pimento Loaf lb, 39q* Kraft Cheese lb, 43c. BUTTERgu^ .cl.ubF.TOh.c.hTOnKl....55c Egg»s^ . Fr h.35cPuritySt27c UrdP&R12CRice • ■. J c 0 * 1 1 - Country Club ‘2; TalHb. O A a Iw llK Highest Quality • v Cans .................. CRACKERS Graham lb . . . ^ ’.‘..,..14c C l PILLSBURY 12 1-4 lb. Sack....................48c r iO l i r GOLDMEPAL 24 1-2 lb. Sack................99c COFFEE L r ialSantos 20c French Brand lb. 35c Jewel l b . . ............*.. .27c TomatoesBIGCAN 14c SAUER KRAUT Big Can. . . a . . ' . . . . . . , . , . » . . . ... IQc PUMPKIN Big Can ................... ; ......................... 10c ; J"i — Country Club Can........15c E - i l l A Avondale Gan,..................... ............ 12c * * Clifton C a n .................10c Country Club Tiny Variety Can. . . . . .23c Country Club Sweet Wrinkled Can. .. 19c “ Clifton Can, 13 Standard Can ............12c QATSUP Country Club 8 oz.bottle 9c Large bottle15c PEACHES Large Can in Syrup .................... . 19c MACKEREL Fine Norway 2 f o r . . . . . ............. 25c .CODFISH pound Bricks 17c BEARDSLEY Shred Pack........................... 10c n AT ITC BULK | A /* E i r e Layer l b . . .25c U A I EiW POUND * VC# r I v ld Stewing lb..20c APPLES E cooking R 5lbs. 25c POTATOES . ,5BuL plok Z3c SWElty POTATOES .3 L b s ............. 10c THE UNIVERSAL CAR ■ /~*rj\ j . * Attention FordOwners' Ford parts; like almost everything else . worth while, are counterfeited. Imitation parts are manufactured to SELL at the highest possible rate o f profit and the grades o f steel used are consequently not tire same high quality, specially heat- treated alloy steels specified in Ford formulas for the manufacture o f GEN U INE FORD PARTS. Don’t bo mfeled-Inaiat upon GENUINE FORD PARTS made by the Ford Motor Company. By •6 doing you will get from 35 to 100 per cent taora w oof from them, mod you will pay tbo lowoot possible coet—the some everywhere. 5 0% OF GENUINE FORD PARTS RETAIL FOR LESS THAN 10c EACH Ask for Parts Price List When ytmr Ford car, or Fordsoa tractor need* att*otk*vcaB onus. For rememberw e *re prop* •dy ftcyaipped, employ competent niech*nic*,and tee* Genuine Ford and. Pontoon parts in all R.A.Murdock E A G L E 'M K A D O ” . end!Ko.174 Mt'attfowrPMiie# Mwh* to fibre ftdiM' EAGLE UUCADQ ■ RAGLE PENCIL COMPANY, NEW YORK T b a C f^ardU ft H*raW KARLU BULL • - EDITOR trol, yet these cases are very few and The old silver dollar we all love » far between and the public baa rioj well.” reason to refuse to invest in a local eon. 1 Satared at the Poat-Offlee, Cedar- villa, 0 , October 81, 1887, aa second class 'matter. FRIDAY, MARCH % 1923 FOR HUMANITY We often wonder,at times whether the world is taking recognition of the great humanitarian work a number of organizations are doing. Events of the day from over the world oft- times eclipses what is being done in many ways for suffering humanity. One of the organizations that is at present helping to build citizenship for the future among the unfortunate is the Rotarians. Hundreds of boys and girls that are deformed or unde veloped are being given free medical examination and treatment to restore them so that they may be able in the years to come to help' themselves and not be objects of charily. Probably the greatest work along this line is that being done by the Shriners, a branch of the Masonic or der, At the present time this order is erecting ten hospitals in this country that will cost from $250,000 to $300,- 000 each. These institutions are scat tered all over the country and the first will bo opened in March in St. Paul. These institutions will be open to children of all classes, beliefs and nationalities. They will be under the control of a board headed by men who are the leaders in this, country in such work as restoring crippled children to become normal. . .That there is a great field for this work no one can question. The gov- anunent reports 480,000 crippled chil- ren in the country that are in families .'hat are. unable to place their unfor tunate ones in institutions for these corrections., The Shriners are undertaking a big task but the organization is big, filled with .members big of heart who are ready not only tq finance these ten dif ferent hospitals but to maintain them. Such work as these , organizations are doing can not be estimated in val ue today. What the state and the na tion will be saved in being relieved of the burden of cost in the years to come will never be known. At any rate the state and nation will profit in being spared the expense of the restoration and education of these thousands that they way be dependent on themselves and become useful citi zens. Mrs. Max Kortok and her three chi ldren were burned to death here in a company that is backed by safe aervative men. li the public could be induced to buy; that destroyed their home in Bleu notmng but the lower rate of interest j benvllle. The father, who tried to investments, there would bn few loss- rescue them, Is in a hospital in a exil es. It is the concerns that promise the *leal condition, high rates that usually fail. } Because of shortage the gas supply T . ... ! will he restricted to domestic use in GLAD WE’RE ALIVE ttown* along the Ohio river until fur- jther notice. On reaching thooflice this morning! j!* n hl8 wjf« *od » « * MONEY FOR FARM LOANS IS HERE * fhmiri* , . « L 7 T l A ’ enmll children were painfully burned t t(? “ *4 "*d herf , l t, i'vhen an oil stove exploded, setting Wf would rather be a poor publisher! ^ t0 thelr homf !n Tolmlo, r 81L we 88 ee® the toirdi of j Federai trade comm(aslon haa cited Caesar. We ere giad to be alive-glad tbe ohl0 wjK)leaaJe Grocers’ waocla- to be here and not in the hereafter. tlo7I undwr the Clayton anti-trust act it s great to see this world of today pn charges of conspiring to force man- in its wonderful achievements, It is ufacturers to guarantee against price great to have passed through the win-* reductions, ter and to be looking forward to the Six-room brick centralized school at coming of spring} to realize that the Kansas village, near Fostorla, valued resurrection of nature is near nt hand, *10,000, was destroyed by fire from that the bleak winds of winter soon *n overheated furnace. Thirty Five Million dollars of Insurance money to loan on Farm mortgages at 5%. Will loan up to $80.00 per acre on the best farms. Must be nice well located farms. Interest either anually or semi-annually. $100.00 payments accepted* will give way to the soft, fragrant ' zephyrs of spring. Yes, it U great to be alive when the earth is filled with the sleeping forms of our departed friends. And with these inspirational thoughts, we will-tackle our job and finish the day with —Work. LOCAL MONEY AS USUAL Once more the blue sky is ail that thousands of people in the United States, which we are sorry includes a large number in this county and a few in this vicinity; have for their money that went into a stock selling company in Cleveland. The Herald almost hesitates to men tion these, cases, such as the Geiger- Jones, Cleveland Discount Company, and a score of others that to mention is only - to bring back unpleasant thoughts to -hundreds of investors that were innocently drawn into them. It is not because the public has not hud warning about such concerns that persons should trust their money to unknown persons at a distance. People evidently likte to take a chance, sort of ganfble'in the hope of big returns In such cases as these there can be no complaint when the crash comes, such as with the Geiger-Jones Co. and the Cleveland Discount Co. and others now in the hands of receivers. This last week several million dol lars belonging to individuals and trusted to the Cleveland Discount Co. has been sacrificed and gone down the sewer of economic waste. A concern headed by a man who has had. a spec tacular past evidently finds it easier to gather in the money than the most conservative bank or building and loan association that is officered by men of their respective communities. Many local concerns have - in the past found it hard to sell their securi ties, People must have a natural hank ering after the stranger who can make the best promise, not taking in to consideration whether it can ever be made good. Instead of local manufacturing con cerns having to beg people to buy their securities, the people should oversubscribe at th i first call. While some local concerns have failed for reasons sometimes beyond their con- ftoatA fopD SHOCK A B S O R B E R S Work with th« Few’ spring*— not against thorn, '/ho "third spring” chockstbo inboundAnd stops the side-sway. Sava tires, fusl,a nd oardoproclation. Mod* •rata in price. f/llffIMnOfi R. A . MURDOCK,* Cedarvili*,afld Jamestown BURPEE'JOHHSONCO N *. w k A * * ■. 1 . t 1 #*. 3 N fH A to XIt ' t. - *•, li - »-*■*->. facieJeftpfrtibsfo j it ' s a (3000 T8W<3,THAT one •HALF of THEV/OaLD DOESN'T i (OJOW, WHAT THE.OTHEE HALF 1 SAMS AFQ0T ITI Ford Could Say This— "Every day in evety way I am getting better off.” . r ' ■ "I*. Then and Now— - There was a time when the sewing machine was the pride *of the best homes. Now it is another kind of a machine—with rubber tires. They Start Different Now— It used to be that men started at the bottom and Worked up. The older men' of success first had to sweep the coffice or the factory or be errand boys, now everybody Wants to start at the top.' •m * ■" ■* U Is What You Make Itr- The city fo lk ^ h a think it is lone gome in the country in the winter, are probably wandering disconsolately a- boiit their own streets wishing they could make friends. * * A Lincoln Story— Lincoln was sued for killing a dog with n pitchfork. Judge—“Why didn’t you use the other end of the fork?” Lincoln—“Why didn’t the dog come at me with the other end ?” Silver Dollar S ong - Sung to the time of “Old Oaken Bucket’. or How dear to our heart is the. old sil ver .dollar* r When some kind: customer presents it to view; . ! The Liberty head without necktie collar, And all the strange things which to us seem newf The wide-spreading eagle, the arrows below it, The stars and the words and the strange things they tell; To coin of our fathers, we’re glad that we knew it, For sometime or other ’twill come in right well; The spread-eagle* dollar, the star- spangled dollar, Mrs. John Richardson, 39, residing ■even miles north ot London, burned to death when her clothing become ignited from on overheated stove. Two robbers, with o lookout accom plice, after stealing $1,100 from three members of the South Akron Coal company, at Akron, whom they held up in the company's office, drove off In a taxicab which had been ordered to take the. coal dealers home. State Direotor of Agriculture Truax announced the appointment of Rich ardFaxon of Elyria as acting chief of the state division of plant industry, and Harry Zachman of ' Marion as cashier iu the fish and game division. Herman Witter, director of indus trial relations, announced that H. I* Rebrassier of Columbus was appoint ed to the position of supervisor of claims, to succeed S. S, Stewart and W. K. Merrlman of Columbus to the position ot assistant supervisor of claims at a salary of J2.20O. William J. White, inventor, and for years known as "the chewing gum king,” , died at Cleveland. He was 7k years old. Heath resulted from inr juries received in' a fall four weeks ago, when, he slipped on an icy pave ment. A new courthouse is to be erected at Logan. Reports received by the’ state de partment of- health for the first two week of February Indicate an abate: meat of the influenza epidemic in the state. Heath of a man registered at a Cleveland hotel as Charles Murphy Of j New York was the seventeenth in J Cleveland since tha first ot the year ) from alcoholism. Qrders have been Issued to put in operation the .Youngstown Hanna blaat furnkce of the Republic Iron and Steel company, idle since November, 1920.. Orders to arrest at sight any Ku Klux Klan organizer* or klansmea ap pearing in Tiffin were issued by May or Adolph Unger-, following threat* against local business men. iJacob McCarty, 30, coal miner, was held to the. grand- Jury at McArthur, charged with the murder bt HU* Ma lone, 26, also a coat miner, who was shot to death during a quarrel at Ax- tel Ridga, ■ Mrs. Brent Woodmansee of High land, Clinton county, has announced that she will continue the Poland China hog business started by her husband. Colonel' Brent Woodmansee, who was killed recently at Gallon, Three chiropractors were arrested at Lancaster, charged with practicing without a license. . One hundred and. fifty van drlvera employed by members ot the Cleve land Van Owners' association, who have been idle alnce Feb. 1, returned to work as a result of a wage agree ment reached providing for a weekly increase ot *3, Moulton Wireless Umbrella com pany, Wilmington, will run full ca pacity for the next several' months, Owing to increased orders from South America, Rev. W. A. Bowman, 84, president ot Sandusky County Historical society, died suddenly at his homo in Fre mont. Charles C. Firoben, 29, proprietor of the Firoben Used Car company at Columbus, was held up by masked men and robbed ot $450 and jewelry valued at $6,550 iu the rear ot his place ot business. The robbers fled sfter knocking their victim uncon scious. W . L. CLEMANS, Agent FINAl Cedarvill« Showing tho conditl ending January b l j ASSI Cash on hand Lpnns on mortgage] Loans on stock, cer pass-book seeurifl TOTAL State of Ohio, Gr Andrew Jackson, I retary of The Cedi Greene County, Oh] and business of said uary A. D. 1923 is end of said fiscal yt Subscribed and sv WHERE TO BOY IN COLUMBUS READ THESE ADVERTISEMENTS CAREFULLY These Business Houses are Leaders in Their Lines, and Assure You Value and Service, / When in Columbus Visit Them—They Want-Your Trade- Certificate of Audit We, the undersigl rectors of The Cedi do hereby certify t| financial condition 1923, and a true st»| ding on that day. If you Want, to become an expert stenographer or Privete Secretary, If you ere bookkeeping end higher accounting, auditing, or business administration,’ _ , If you wish to be thoroughly.equipped in all phase* of office practice end have your position guaranteed, r OR / ' - * ■ . ........ I If a Normal Teacher's Training Course, that carries with it a four year State High School Certificate WITHOUT EXAMINATION, appeals to you ■ WHY NOT'-.. A TTEND the School that sets the standard of quality? OFFICE TRAINING SCHOOL Main 4 2 7 S . Literature on Request Citizen 4 3 9 S 4 8 EAST GAY STREET C O L U M B U S , O H IO Cities Service Columbus Railway R. L. Doiiings stocks Geiger Jones stocks Dubiske stocks Cleveland Discount Wall Paper WhilftinColiunWdon'tfail to y UU thola^cost*na Fuller & Rounsevel RowlandsBsUding Brand and Third Strutts rHONKS: crrizsN «sss •exuL 7000 main Finest Wall Paper Store in Ohio You can buy W all Paper Lera from Sc to $10.09 the-roll The best place also to buy PAINTS, VARNISHES and TOOLS WHOLESALE and RETAIL Fred C. Perk ins , 131 EAST LONG STREET < B e tw c «n T U c 4 a n d F o u rlh S t r e e t ,) ^ ASemta W*nt«ed Bverrwksre c . WE SELL FARMS H O M E R E A L T Y C O M P A N Y Clu. 3299 50 EAST BROAD STREET Bel! M. 2709 CLEANLINESS COURTESY COMFORT Around-the enrntt from imerurbsn Station , ■ ,,eJSS.<» HOTEL WlNTON Town Straat betwaan Third and Fourth Sts. H. T.JEFFR-tpS.Mp, < WnfciiendBestEquippedSmsltKotdinColumbus r i BUTLER F u r n a c e s PIPE, PIPELESS and SEMl-RlPELESS FortHeating Old and New Houses . Msnufsctarad tor TUI RAMEYMFG. CO., 12-16 E . Livingston Ave. ^/| ' Main f ,filN ALL| IsY^VlC 'Bl IrimwmSKTsJ kTRUSS fir OPTICAL COI B a v T J l S u O >a e ^ iu . uu to BU Y Y O U R SUITA A T ,ZS7N. tilthsi. Juit nsrih•<Lheitssil H ow lan d s Dldji ...... TtBD EastBroa4*t3> .SER.K.n. SUMSON c.o.Hluza. OPTOMSTTIWT IF YOUNEED PRINTINGDROP IN AND SEEUS. Bttt three nien in every hundred are self-supporting dr “ financially fixed” at years, according to statistics. Are yon to be one of this three or one Of the 97? blow is the time to de cide. Answer by opening a Savings Account in this Association now. We pay 6 per cent interest, compounded semi-annually, and your small begin ning will soon grow to such propor tions as will mean independence for you. TheCedarviileBuilding & Loan Association One dollar deposited hi a Savings Ac count here gives you one of. thee lib erty Bells to drop your odd t&anga ia. Meet their Everythii BEf 31 EAST Nel ? Th e Lie most bea fill “Lc t OTHEI ^ tmifoi ij The “1 i The bed c be imital finished! shades And it efiectec materia fine st split ox The LI the big! not ^ef oversow while Gr IL ftihi lie# 4£ P I IP 1TC hit s-*f| iuC Ixs Ms m IF 4
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