The Cedarville Herald, Volume 46, Numbers 1-26
FINANCIAL STATEMENT of the Cedarville Building and Lg^n Association o f Cedarville, Ohio* Showing the condition o f the association at the close o f the fiscal year endsBir January 01, 1923. • • • * ft # • ft | LOCAL AND H8S0KAL ft ft ft * ft ft ft ft ft ft | What made Billy disappear? Get a ticket for March 12 and find out ASSETS LIABILITIES Mrs, Raymond Ritenour has been quite sick this -week with pluersy and the grippe. Cash on hand - - — — --8 20,218.801Running stock and dividends$60,672.77 L°ftU* on mortgage security 86,885.00 j Credits on mortgage loans „„ 7686.87 Loans on stock, certificates or pass-book security ____ _ 100,00 TOTALU- .8 107,203.80 Paid-up stock and dividends 87,400,00 Reserve fund ------------------ - 1321,94 Undivided profit fund — ^ 178.72 TOTAL____ , ___- _____ 8 107,203,80 State of Ohio, Green^Cpunty, ss— Andrev Jackson, hoing duly sworn deposes and says that he is the Sec retary of The Cedarville Building & Loan Association of Cedarville, Greene County, Ohio, and that the foregoing statement. of the affairs and business of said Company for *he year ending on the 3lBt day of Jan uary A. D. 1923 ia true and correctly shows its financial condition at the end o f said fiscal year. Andrew Jackson, Secretary. . Subscribed and sworn to before me this 21st dav of February A. D, 1923 Karlh Buil, Notary Public, Greene County, Ohio. Certificate of Auditing Committee or Three Directors' We, the undersigned, A. Z, Smith, W. JI. Barber and W. W. Troute, Di rectors, of The Cedarville Building &Loan Association, Cedarville, Ohio, do hereby certify that the foregoing ia a true and correct statement of the financial condition of the said Company on the 81st day of January A. D. 1$23, and a true statement o f its affairs and business, for the fiscal year en ding .on that day. 1 V A., Z. Smith ’ ■ . W. H. Barber W. W. Troute NEARLY ALL THE Men About Town DROP INTO HAYWARD ’S M eet their friends and acquaintances and spend an enjoyable hour or so* ‘ Everything for the smoker or t o b a c c o users. ' BEST SANDW ITCHES IN TOWN SOFT DRINKS 31 EAST M A IN S T ., XEN IA , OHIO Next to Greene Co. Hardware Co. u I 1 i I ■-u i Daintiest and Most Beautiful Baby Carriage EverMade [ The Lloyd Baby Carriage is the daintiest and most beautiful because it is Woven on the wonder* fbl “Loom** invented by Marshall B. Lloyd. ALL OTHERS are woven by hand.!— Eveness and $ uniformity is impossible. The “Loom” permits the use of much finer strands.*1 The beauty and uniformity.of weave cannot even be imitated by hand. The most admirable designs, finished in all the most stylish baby colors and shaues of die season. The Lloyd *(Loont W oven” Baby Carriage No Othar U b It And. it is the bestmade. The great saving in labor effected by the “Loom” permits the use of the best infltfrrifils even in the lower- priced buggies. The fine strands are of great stiength—eannot warp, split or break. PopularMtdehmAll tbtNew,Dmatj I ColonandCmibiatmSanda1b~ Prices Rem arkab ly L o w The Lloyd “ Loom-Woven1' Carriage is actually die bigest value obtainable in America. W e can* not get diem fast enough. The manufacturer is oversold Call and make your purchase early while wo are able to supply you. Get a Better Carriage and Save J$1&00 J. A. BEATTY & SON Green St. x *ni*> #Ms ■■ -v *~r-\ '’**■ ““ ’*' “■ . ft* ■ A§i*ft ifc* ah Andrew Jackson joined the ranks of the numerous this week and has been wrestling with the grippe. Warren Barber has returned after a trip to Florida, where he visited a number of winter resorts in the South. The appearance of the robins and red birds indicates that spring must be just around the comer. Wanted; Dress homo. Mrs. Rebecca Spencer, Miller st. Do you like mystery? Then see the College Junior class play, March 12. Russell Wells and A, B. Creswell went to Toledo, Saturday where they drove home a new Overland sedan. Mr. Wells is the Overland agent here. 0» A. Dobbins was in Columbus on Wednesday in connection with the settlement of the O. G. Garman bank ruptcy suit, of which hp is trustee. “And Billy Dissappeared”. Tickets on sale at Richards ‘ Drug Store or from College students. Misses Margaret and Fannie M3c Neill, returned home Tuesday after a visit of several weeks with home folks at Belle Center. Miss Sarah Wplford, who has been spending two months with ..Dr. R. L. Haines and wife of Painterville, has returned home, How do old maids really act. Go and see Imcile—Junior Class play at opera house, Monday, March 12, For Sale:- About 200 bushel corn in crib. . > Wm. Ford A daughter was born Monday- to Mr. and Mrs, Carlton Corn at the home of Mr. Tinsley Corn. Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Corn reside in Dayton. Do you know if the Hermit was married? Come and see how many wives he had. College Junior Class play, March 12. Millard Frame has moved into the R. A. Murdock property on. South Main street. Mr. Frame takes a posi tion with the Abel Magnesia Co. Gasoline seems to be getting better and better day by day. The new price is now 23 cents and predictions- are for a still higher price. ' Did Billy really dissappear. Don will tell you in the Junior Class play. George F, Sieglerof Marietta, O., was called home Saturday by the ill ness of his father, Jacob Siegler, who is much improved at this time. Mrs. J. S, Harvey Of Huntington, W. Va., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. B. -Andrew. Rev. Jason McMillan of Johnson City, Tenn., spent Thursday and Fri day here as tho guest of hi.1: brother, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton McMillan. Chris says: “If dat man eber takes me in his lap, I'll carve him on de head wif a' razor, and I'll carve him deep," College Junior Play, March 12. . Judge Gowdy of the Court of Com mon Pleas has re-appointed S. K. Williamson for three years on the Soldiers’ Relife Commission, Mr. and Mrs. O, L, Smith, who have been spending several weeks at Whit tier, Cal., are expect: home this Fri day. Does Charley Townsley flirt with maids? Well I guess, Junior class play, March 12. ■ Married life in its highest form. Thelma Deacon will show you how it can be done at the opera house, March 12, Admission 38c. ’ W, -H, Smith of this place and F, B, Neff of Osborn represented the Greene County Live Stock Company at.a meeting of the State Association of Livestock Companies in Columbus, this week. DivJ. P. White was in Pittsburg this week attending a meeting in the inter est of Home Mission work in the U, P. denomination. He returned home yesterday. i The two young sons of Mr. and] Mrs. Lawrence Barber are recovering - i from pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs, Cash Gordon spent several days near Washington, C. II. with their4»on, Mr. Audrey Gordon and family. A son was born to Mr, and Mrs. Audrey Gordon last Friday Mr. and My*. Gordon now have three daughters and a son. Miss Helen Mae.Straley, daughter of Mi’, and Mrs. Edward Straley of Jeffersonville was married Saturday] at the home of the bride’* parents in * j Jeffersonville, Mr. and Mrs. B, E. j Williams of this place attended the J Iwedding. For Sale:- Twenty-five head of 60- lb. shoats. Call either S. T, Baker or C. W. Mott. Herman McFarland of Sabina, has been spending a few days at home with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. E. McFarland, Herman has been manager of the Kroger grocery atdre in that place but has resigned and will locate in Hillsboro where he has purchased a grocery. Cedarville College Minstrel will be held Tuesday, March 27, Don’t for get the date. Mrs. E. C. Oglesbee and daughters, Mrs. William Anderson and Miss Dorothy Oglesbee, entertained a num ber of friends last Thursday evening at Rook, honoring, Dr. E. H. Hubner. Refreshments were served and the decorations Were in keeping with the Washington birthday season. •For Taxi Service; day or night. Lady or gent driver. Call phone No. 8 S. Mj. McKay of Xenia * has been elected a member of the City Com mission to take the place of Mayor Hartley, who died several days ago. Daily Thought The best portion of -a good man’s life are his little nameless unremem bered acts of kindness,—-Wordsworth. HOW TO SAVE MONEY WHEN SHOPPING By MRS. HARLAND H. ALLEN . Itarntad H. Allen.) . MAKING CLOTHES LAST LONGER Da yon not know women among your acquaintances who ' literally spend hours and hours hunting for clothe* in the shops, and hundreds of fiollara In buying them, and then after all this trouble, neglect to manifest the faint est interest in taking care of theni, so that they look old and shabby after a few times wearing? . Clothes well cared for, mean money saved. It matters little how expenSJ >* S garment you may get, or how fine a quality the textile may be, it you do not. sacrifice the necessary time each day to keep it brushed, and bung-on hangers; and frequently pressed. Many a woman envies some friend who* Is able to present a smart appearance on a smaller clothes budget titan, she, without realizing that she could do the same thing herself if she but took the same pains. One woman can wear a suit three seasons, and stilt look well- dressed, while on another person the Same suit looks shabby after the first seuson, and has to be discarded for * new one; ' Mak,e it a habit never to put a coat or skirt away with street‘ dust on It It takes but a second to whisk the dust off with a broom before removing the garment; and, once the habit is formed, It is easier to put the dress away on bangers than to throw it around from one chair to another. If there are spots of stains on a garment, act quick ly. A moment’s attention in time may save dollars of cleaning costs, As Soon as stockings or underwear are taken off they should be gone over quickly to see if any stitch or dam ia needed. It take# very little time te mend the rip when first it appears. Every little break In a sweater should be caught immediately or before night it may turn into a gaping tear. Shoes should be put away in shoe trees every night;' and repaired s i soon as the heels begin to run down, or the soles to wear through. Stock ings should be washed out each eve- ulng and another pair worn next day. Have two of everything, and prolong the ilfe of each article by “giving It a rest" frequently. This sounds like a great deal of trou ble for busy women, but -think of the money saved. For any dress or gar ment so cared for will last twice as long as if neglected, Mr, Charles Phillips of Greeley, Colorado, and Mrs. J, W. Blackburn and little son James, of Columbus, brother and sister of Mrs. J. P. White were guests at the White home Mon day and Tuesday. Harold Myers has been taken to the McClellan hopsital for treatment. He has suffered from pneumonia for sev eral weeks and it has bVen necessary to drain his lungs. His condition is re ported improved. The Springfield Daily News on Sun day carried a fine likeness of Miss Cleona Kyle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kyle of that city. Miss Kyle is well known here and her friends will be interested in the announcement of her engagement to Mr, Walter Mor row of that city. For Sale;- An invalid’s or wheel chair, In good condition and will be sold worth the money, For informs, tion call this office, Thought for tho Day. If we would greet the members *f our family in the evening as pleas antly as we have greeted other people during the day, our homes would be happier. Three Thingo to Remember. Think of three things; whence you came, where you are going, and to whom you must account.—Franklin. Your eyes at* your greatest asest. potter car* of them-• Kegrular eye examina tions by US insure this oar*; Mrs. S. M. Shannon of Dayton, for- j merly of this place, died Saturday night at the home pf her daughter, Mrs. W, E, York, Dayton. The de ceased .leaves her husband, two dau ghters,. Mrs. York and Mrs. Nellie Blessing and a son, Russell H. Shan- ‘ non of near Lebanon. The funeral was! ■>eld Monday and burial took place at Dayton. | Mrs, Andrew Winter visited several day last week with Mrs..J. C. Dodds in Xenia, returning home Saturday. Original Mexican Suppers Catering to Organizations and groups. Equip- , ment moved to any location for service. Ap ply for dates in advance, For information write 8 6 -• Charles E. Brown, Clifton or Phone same Clifton 11. TIRES ALL FIRSTS HEAVY NON-SKIDS. 30xi| Cord. Fab. 8 S;36 80x514 440 51x4 *a•••* 15.00 4.60 55X4 . . . . . . 16,40 10.36 58x4 10.6B 34x4 10,96 85x4% 55x4% 34x4% 86x4% fi.tif 11.50 **•»•* 12.60 ****** 23.00 4«•*** 23*50 • .It you can’t call, send your order by mail. Pay postman on delivery. Our cord Urea are made of the beet material obtainable. .Why pay more? <. VANDERPOOL’S 725 W. Mulberry St. Springfield, Ohio. f f Cedarville Opera House ., | College Junior Class Presents “ And Billy Disappeared Monday, March 12 ADM ISSION 35 CENTS Get Tickets at Richards' Drug Store or of College. Students. GETOURPRICESONSALEBILLS XEN IA , OHIO - For Your Living Room Why Not New Rugs and Draperies W ITH Spring so near you are doubtless anxious to make your living room more attractive. Possibly yqu can profit by the experience of well-known interior decorators who have discovered that the attractiveness of a living room depends more on its Rugs and Draperies than on any other two things. RUGS Wilton Velvet Axminster Body Brussels Tapestry Brussels Wool and Fibre Matting DRAPERIES Terrycloth Cretonne Pongee Velours Repp Printed Warp WADE Optical Go. * 41 S. Fountain Ave., / SPRINGFIELD, OHIO /
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