The Cedarville Herald, Volume 46, Numbers 1-26

aUtl. 'JJ - . ■■t " l TSw »d¥«rti#i«* of today, not only pwdnoes m ult* o f it* own, but it ctacbos and bring* to final culmination tb* Advertising o f th« yesterdays. 9 h e fterald. A NEWSPAPER WVOnCP TO LOCAL A m GENERAL MMW& A m THE INTERESTS OF CEDAR- m i e a n d v i c i n i t y . • FORTY -SIXTH YEAR NO. 12. CEDARVILLE. OHIO. FRIDAY , MARCH 9, 1923 PRICE, $1.30 A YEAR Local Team Scored Well Csdorville High wade a splendid . showing at the basket bail iournement ■ at Oxford last Friday and Saturday.; C&darville High after drawing a bye in the first round, started o ff- with a bang in the second round in! winning from Westchester by a lop- - sided Score o f 15 to 0. Westchester, proved no match for our local boys.: CedarvilJe’s entire squad participat­ ed in this game, and each one played a stellar game, Saturday morning De Graff was met and conquered to the tune o f 12 to 8, Then the feature game of the toumement took place at 1:S0 Sat­ urday afternoon when our boys stack­ ed ‘up againsh Miamisburg. Before the toumement began Miamisburg and Eaton were favored - fo r first place. A fter Miamisburg had won from Eaton it was no little task for the Cedarviile te?m to spoil Miamis- burg’s hopes tu t the briilant playing and team work o f Cedarviile crushed their opponents b y a score o f 11 to 6. . The winning o f this game placed our team in the finals. A fter going this far our boys had great hopes of-winning the cup and the lip," The final game was played with Bradford, and it was heartbreak­ ing to say the leali. *Fhe local team, because o f the hard games previous to this and some o f the players not being in the best condition, displayed •the weakest basketball that they had shown to this time. Bradford spoiled all hopes with a 9 to 5 score, - The following was taken from tfie notes -of the'.reporters: “ In Johnson Cedarviile repealed a strong back guard.” “ Smith and Web­ ster were consistent at scoring," “ Cedarviile had the closest guarding combination on the floor.” “ The guard ing o f Johnson featured, the half, .(Miamisburg game).” “ Bates floor Work and ability to cage the ball will make him ,a contender fo r place 'on the first team.” “ Little, always a con- sistant player was noticable fo r his floor Work and' close guarding in the Miamisburg game.” "Cedarviile play­ ed clean ball, only six fouls being cal­ led on them hi all their games." Bates ; sand Johnson both drear down places . th§ fixsjfi Je^fu . while Bmith was Home Study Cash’d %kmt Around $|OQ,OOQ Springfield was settled Tuesday FARM AND FIELD NOTES ’ s t o c k h o l d e r s o f g r a in c o . f ' ______ . j : ■ h o l d a n n u a l m e e t in g ; Drilled oats outyield oats broad-! - ' , —------- casted. . ]. The stockholders o f The Cedarviile " . * * Farmers’ Grain Company held their Says Sam: When the boys begin to t annual meeting Monday in the Ex­ ask can they have the “ flivver” t o - ; change Bank building hall. A t this . night, that’s another sign o f spring, j meeting reports o f the business o f the when a^Federal- i>anw examiner was * * * |company were heard and areh.ew o f placed m charge of^ the Springfield The reason the boys in Franee u s e d th e business o f the year past, which National Bank at ilie; corner of High to crave the juice o f canned tomatoes |Was, regarded very successful. Mr. and Limestone‘.streets and the insti- is that this juice is loaded with vita- j Forsythe, of the Co-Operative Audit- tut ion closed until the business ^>f the mines, dietitians say,, and ran low in the overseas diet dietitian figures that the family _________ _______________ - — __ - ____ to eat 12 quarts a head o f canned to-(and urged continued, co-operation on. which_was in charge, of the cashier, CONDENSED OH IO NEW S ' News Items Picked at Random and Boiled Down for the Busy Reader Michael S. Toth was asphyxiated by ;limes trom a gas litr.tur in the liaUi- i.Mii of his home at Toledo. John Mansfield, 75, Co* imbus, was ,tiU(d when struck by an automobile. Mrs. Clyde Locke of Catawba, Clarke county, and Mrs.. Bertha Holmes ot Sxiringueld, died ot burns ns the result of kerosene explosions in their homes. Struck by a truck, Clara Jankowict, 7, Cleveland, died ot her injuries. Peter Wagner and Leroy Fowler, dry enforcement officers, were arrest­ ed at Toledo on the charge of granu '.eeurdnig to officials testers from the college of agriculture, Ohio State ,u,:ver;‘.ity, the Ohio state milk record tor 363 days lias been broken by a Holstein cow, Century Queen Korn- dyke 293,156, owned by C. 15. Bowman & Son of Berlin Center. She produced in 363 days 33,108.9 pounds of milk and 1,195.2 pounds of butter. -This makes her the second cow in Ohio to produce more than 30,000 pounds of milk in a year, < Liquor law violators are paying as much money into the Bay Village (Cuyahoga county) treasury as tax- larceny. Joseph Salerno alleged that » u^ ra are contributing, according to the officers went into his -home in Ta « P ° r5 oE iMayor, Geov° e Mor£a“ ’ searin'-of liquor and that they took ■Id1l“ fr01« axeslastyearwasIXS ,- $52 in cash and a watch valued at ¥30. I^hics collected totaled HM00, Arthur Richards, Columbus, of the matoes between fa ll and spring. • * ' „ » The chick raised, early is a chick half raised. ^ . * ' 23, l e S d t o their opponents Other local teams in the county that had a part in the toumement Were Jamestown, which was defeated early in the elimination process for the class B division and Xenia that Went down to defeat 'before Steel Hi’ o f Dayton in the A division. The local teapi, while not being a Winner fo r honors in the state con test, won recognition over some o f the Btrohgest teams in the South. West division o f the state. Coach Warner is'•to be congratulated on the manner in which he had. handled the team and much o f the success is due his person­ al efforts on the training floor. LEGISLATURE ABOLISHES TOWNSHIP TREASURER JOB A hill passed several days ago and is flow said to he a law abolishes the position o f township treasurer. The clerk o f the township is to become the treasurer. jtx few years ago the school board treasurer wasabolished and the clerk made treasurer, Aioti Killer Arrives at U. S. Zoo ay, o n e tract o f 150 acres appraised a t $90, said to be on fair condition,,brought ,$121 and acre. Another tract at* 90 acres appraised at $85 was sold Tor $10(5.50 an acre. The prices are regarded good for the kind o f land sold. * . w■. Purity Lass, No. 419,375, a Jersey cow owned by Oliver Sparrow, Route J,' out o f Springfield, holds the miik' and butter production championship Of Clark county, according to Maurice Valley, official tester fo r Clary county. Purity Lass produced 137 pounds o f butter fa t in two days. 'The milk tests 4.72 per cent butterfat. According to this test .this cow stances an excellent chance o f breaking the state record fo r milk and buttorfat. • • The state proposes to Instal a large creamery at the prison farm near London that will pro-t/ide butter not only for the use o f 2500 inmates but the other state institutions at Calumbus, The state now has the hu­ gest, herd o f Holstchas a t the prison farm than can be found in Ohio. Milk 13 supplied the three institutions a* bout Columbus. Prison help will he used for all the v/ork making quite a saving to the state. M 9 • ;C. H. Crouse has rented his farm on the Columbus pike to W. O. Thomp son, and the former will hold a public sale Thursday, March 15. Mr. Crouse has not announced definite plans for the pa rt o f the stockholders. All fifiie former directors were elec­ ted as follows: Frank Townsley, Ar­ thur Csmiffiings, A . H. OrcisweR, W.- li. Smith; Wm.' Conley, Wm. Hopping^ w«Xo. ail'' ^mT'Conl’ey, vice president; Hervey Bailey, secretary and treasurer; FARMER’S WIFE ENDS LIFE IN SMALL POND MONDAY . Mrs. Thcrmaii Adams, 62, wife o f a prominent farmer near Boworsyille, took her own life Monday when- she drowned in a small pond near her home'. ‘ She had just returned home after a six months visut with relatives in New Yprk. Three other members o f lire fam ily have ended their own lives. Mrs. Adams had been in poor health fo r more than a, year. SURE DID CUT A R IPE MELON A. H. Penfidd. According to reports Fenfield did hot show up at the hank that day and on investigation it was.found that he had tried to commit sui<|Be in the garage o f his -father-in-l.TidB home, Dr. D. Directors of the Ohior Fuel Supply Company sure did cut a ripe melon on Tuesday when a sto ek dividend o f 100 per cent was declared. The dis­ tribution* o f $19,813 000 was ordered. tions this spring. La> rronce Barber moves to a 300 acre f arm South of Smith Charleston t i.f i3r the control of the Houston trustees. Robert Evans trtkes the Cl. F. Marshall farm vaca­ ted by Mr. Barber. John Stewart goes to the farm.! Owned b y Mrs. Fannie Ba rbeiv James Kirk moves to the S. M. Murdock farm. Wm. Rholer to he Collin:', farm on the Jamestown and Xenia pike. T. W . Yeager moves to I lillsboro. Otis Burr o f Jamestown fciki :fl the W. W. Cresweli farm. Ray- conscious having cut the ariries in each wrist while seated in an auto­ mobile. He was taken to the Gotwald residence and Dr. Clement Jones cal­ led. The artrios wpre, sewed up .and unless complications arise due to the exposure he will recover. After he be­ came unconscious he fell over the steering wheel and the weight o f his body pushed the horn buttoh. The con­ tinued blowing of the horn aroused die neighbors and the investigation resulted as above found, *' The cashier o f the bank has been in the employee of that institution many years and the shortage o f $600,000 was a shock to the directors and the depositors, PenlicM has not yet recov­ ered sufficient to give any reason for the shortage unless he had been spec­ ulating with hank securities. i c tc l t Cleveland Homeopathic Medical so­ ciety will erect a $2,000,000. hospital; group. Gas and Electric company at Wash­ ington C. H. will expend $200,000 for increasing the capacity" of the plant, - Several drivers of trucks -hauling loads in excess of three tons over Fayette county roads were each fined' $40 and costs. When relatives went ^ to prepare the body of Mrs. William- Moore of Thom­ as. Fork, near Middleport, for burial, a bag of silver coins rolled from-the mattress .of her- bed, Records of Steubenville police de­ partment show that eight prohibition agents who worked in Jefferson coun­ ty have been killed since the .dry law went into effect. Alice Cash, 10, New Lexington, fell into a tub of hot water. She may die Lee Blaus, 9, near Loudon, was kicked In the face by a horse. J. Carothers and J. C. O’Keefe, dry agents for the .Mahoning county dry federation, are under arrest . at Youngstown, charged with receiving, Fire that destroyed a 60-room apart­ ment and five cottages at Buckeye Lake wrought damage tb the extent of $60,000. All of the buildings.were owned by Charles Klotz of Buckeye Lake. Miss Alpha Armstrong, 50, clerk of courts' of Wayne county, died at-Woos- ter following an operation. Mrs. Clara E. Woernar, 39, Colum­ bus, ended her life by leaping into the Scioto river. •possessing and transporting intoxicat­ ing liquors. GOVERNOR BONAIIEY _ VETOES FISHING LICENSE Governor Donahey on Tuesday vetoed the fisherman’s license bill that had becti passed by the legisla­ ture. The bill bad been pushed by the fish and game organizations in the state. In some section; fishermen op­ posed the bill while others favored it, Franklin county engineer’s office, was appointed city engineer of Chillicotfie.. Disgusted with attempts of certain citizens' to block a school improve­ ment program, the five/board mem­ bers of Bainbrldge village schools, near CluHicothe, resigned. A pardon for Gus Sehnund, Cuya­ hoga county prisoner, was issued by Governor Donahey. . Seimund has served about one year and ten months on a charge of carrying concealed weapons. , \ . . Mrs, Mary Groome of ChilHcothe has been named public health nurse for Logan. H. Herbruclc, 62, was fatally wound­ ed when struck over the head with a hammer by two robbers, who held him. up in his grocery at, Toledo, . Fire at North Lewfsburg, near Ur. bana, destroyed property to the ex­ tent o f $80,000. Thirteen business houses were burned out. Explosion oi an oil stove in the rear of P. B. Low- den’s"' grocery started the. conflagra­ tion. ' . Prosecutor Stanton -said he was in possession, of affidavit's that charge- irregularities In .the enforcement of the prohibition law in Cuyahoga coun-. ty. He said he would taka the affi­ davits before the .grand Jury in an effort to fix responsibility. Stanley G. 'Borthwick, a deputy in the Franklin county probate court, was nominated by President Harding ns United States marshal for tlie Southern district ot Ohio, Bortbwicfc will succeed M, J. Devanney ot Cin­ cinnati, resigned. the future but will probably come t o ' ‘]10r * GIa® A° ? ,e D" Mott ^frin‘ Clai ‘dice Motfc to the Mercer farm A lamb with eight legs, four ears, two tails, and no eyes, was found tlead Eas fc o f Janicntown. Wm. McDonald to t he mechling farm purchased by Geo rgc Martindale. A ll Sites who has at the farm o f George Gray on the R e -’ liw « 1 on tIlc Collett farm has moved bert pike out o f Springfield. near ’ Xenia. 1 * h t i t I J '$*• ‘ A * ! - * Thttutw t lion kilim* Mandrill h*w K :arrived in the U. S. from U*b<- g, Urn fitet of the ies ew/r in tto# country Ht* W a rough* tough and handler* MA rihdr The Clark County Commissioners and Township Trustees association nt a meeting last Saturday fixed the following scale fo r road work this summer,' Two-horse teams, 62 1-2 cent3 per hour. Three horse teams, 75 cents per hour; labor, 31 1-4 cents per hour;. The teams are given an increase o f about 15 cents per hour over last year and labor 12 1-2 cents, * 4 * The Northup Hatchery near Yel­ low Springs is one o f the busiest places in the county at the present time. Mr. Northup has just put in operation a mammoth incubator in connection with his former plant and his capacity has boon greatly increas­ ed fo r baby chicks of all breeds. He not only has an’ extensive business in chicks but does muck custom hatch­ ing. Ito buys several thousand dozen o f eggs monthly fiot only fo r his own . hatchery hut for other hatcheries in j*’1 this section. These eggs are from inspected flocks and where Mr. Nor- ; thup docs the culling. Farmers, who , can meet the requirements get about ? ten amts a dozen more fo r their eggs, ' than market price. * ■* ■ • | Many farmera are changing; foca- rows, 12 Iiawks, 155 rats and 440 mite, Cleveland building trades will de­ mand $1.25 an hour, Rocords relating to 53 cases were stolen from’ Cleveland municipal court. . . ’ Thomas Morris, 48, colored, is - in the hospital at San TOY. Ferry' county, in a serious condition, and Emmet Tague,.marshal of San Toy, is at his home with a bullet in his hip, as the result of a battle' between -Morris and Perry county dry officers. Frederick A. Issleib, politician, died at Marion. -. »• Madison county follpit is estimated, invested $300,000 in preferred stock of the Cleveland Discount company, now ih the hands of ,a .receiver, A gas well, which, it is said, will produce 5,000,000 cubic feet of gas, has been idrilled in on the farm of Mrs. Julias Foraker, near Weilston. A charge of manslaughter was filed against Richard '‘Dick’’ Shane, 75, of Cleveland, Erie 'railroad employe, en­ gineer of the train that ..drov.e Into the funeral cortege at Youngstown, kilting two women and injuring five other persons. Dr. J. E- Bailey, 74, mayor o f Waynesfieid, died of pneumonia; A man who was ejected from a roller skating rink at Akron by John D. Engle, proprietor of the rink, is held by police following Engle’s death a short time after his alleged alterca­ tion with the man. At Cleveland Mrs. Frederica John* Edwin A. Thomas, 79, a veteran of EOn was Btruck by an automobile and the Civil War, ilied last Monday at; on the way to a hospital. Paul the home o f his daughter, Stella M. |Wolser, 35, was found In the road in- Hunt, Deceased was a native of Ge-j Jured fatally, in another section of the CIVIL WAR VETERAN DIES darville and resided here many years before going to Spring-field. city. John Morey’s residence at Sandusky was wrecked as the result of a natural ^ gas explosion. Morey was injured. Xenia Masons are contemplating ^ ,n the attomptea hold- the oreetion o f a Masonic temple. A ! Qf (he peopie-9 National bank at committee has been appointed and ^ pleasant, near Steubenville, were tether to load up or go slow on ; is a q u e s t ! w i t h economists *■11 as farmers, C. R. Arnold, cx- icn specialist o f the O. S. U., has Billowing to say: “ Examinations i farm records in western Ohio, show g more than 20 per cent increase in thi \ number o f brood sows on these farm; j .as compared with the number on J i oitrary 1, 1922. The ooealled corn- hog p-icfc ratio, which often is called into 'aid ’ price predictions on hogs, atoc d .1 to 11 in February. This is the ave -rge r atio fo r the past 12 years, hut the g« ncral ratio during the past mo ailhsha s been above this level. That is to :say, pork has been worth more rtlaiiot \ to corn than is generally 3case, £ .ml that is probably why we d ihese 20 percent additional brood ws heiiq * kept for spring farrowing. i these western Ohio farms. Econ*j true hislo ry would indicate that a igh point in hogs, when opposed t o ! . low p,»ir t in corn, brings about a > ^ mice rover sal within 18 months, but} Jiia did nc t take .place last year,} tl.ough the February ratio then was; 1 to 19, th o widest in history.” plan's are now being considered. Sings First to Two Continents in tin fir sc 01 0 Ills i PUBC*CSALE DATES. I, C, H, Ctau^pe, March 16. \ b AS. ve .'W*'3*1'1- * .. , FtiKii BcniJcH, of N 1 , Is ft blnfiing from New- arrested at Piney Fork, a mining town near Mt. Pleasant. The men are miners. • , Farmers have organized the Perry County Fox Drives association, to con­ duct for drives next year. All animal# caught will be sold at public auction and tlie proceeds given to a worthy cause. Opposition at Washington to con­ firmation of L. C. Weimor'8 appoint­ ment as postmaster at Dayton ha» died out. , r* it i Special Policeman William Hyatt, who was shot three times at Wells- villo while attempting to arrest Ed ward Johnston uf Homestead, Pa, died of his wounds, Johnston faces a murder charge. Ho was arrested on a train at Alliance. Charles Hatfield of Bowling Green Considered by President Harding for appointment as judge of the now northern Ohio fodoral district, will be named as a judge of tlw court of cus tomo appeals at Washington. John McNamara of Columbus was appointed fiscal director In the state ...**;.*.^ 1w WMffi.yr' nitfiti. welfare department by elfare Dircc- ; Harper, to succeed Oscar Thomp- mi,mv soprano- w um mi im - , Columbus, McNamara was for mj I;.N J„ iM'b Z l iW years suporintendent of grounds .«•<•?« hear.1 In f/md-mfljoid } < bi ndi ngs At the Girls’ industrial j fctboOh Ueiawar*. In Parle an amateur with « homo- ..Hide radio picked .nn the program Logan County Lumber company ana escaped witlih $300 in cash and war savings stamps. Albert Conrad, 11, was k.illed in­ stantly and his father, Jacob Conrad, 52, seriously injured, when their auto skidded and crashed into an inter? urban car near Hamilton, Samuel Bonnette, 81, for 18 years chief of police of Marysville, died 6t uremic poisoning at his home In Marysville, Guiuda Dimaeci, an infant, died of burns at Steubenville. Thieves raided farms in several see-' tions of Madison county. Over the voiced opposition of Mayor Kohler, Cleveland council adopted a resolution demanding that Kohler en­ force a city ordinance making meet­ ings of hooded societies a misde­ meanor in the city. Paul Dominick ot Hubbard, Trum­ bull county, former justice of the peace, was sentenced to from one to 20 years In the penitentiary after he was found guilty pt embezzlement while in office. Dotiald Gianchettl, 7, drowned in a well near Logan. Governor Donahey announced tlie reappointment of John R. Cassidy of Rellofontaine, Democrat, as member ot the state tax commission. The term is tor six years, Appointment of Jerome Watson of St. Clairsville, Democrat, to succeed William Robinett of Jacksonville as chief of the state division of mine inspection, was announced by Herman Witter, state director of industrial re­ lations. Prosecuting Attorney Mary K, Da- vey of Hocking county has resigned to accept the position as secretary to Congressman M. G, Underwood. Philip Henderson, 22, has been named to fill the vacancy caused by Miss Ilavey’s resignation. Governor Donahey vetoed tlie Ram­ sey bill, giving to Justices of the peace statewide Jurisdiction. Under tlie present law they have jurisdiction only in the county in which they are registered. Postmaster Fred H. Tibbetts will be appointed permanent postmaster at Columbus. Frank Sheffield, 40, farmer near Elyria, drank poison and then wan­ dered into the woods, where he was found dead by his twin brohter. He had bben despondeni ever ill health. Mrs. Jessie Camanig, 20, bride of six months, shot herself to death with a shotgun at Akron. It is said she had trouble with her husband, Who returned to his home In Indiana, two monte ago. Harry D. Price, 45, assistant cashier of the People’s bank at Mt. Pleasant, near Steubenville, who was shot by A holdup man, died of his wound Mayor E. S. Gordin of London is­ sued a warning to owners of property to dear off snow, ice or flush not later than Id o’; loch each morning. ’ (saac UyM of Laneador ban en­ tered an o't.» from one of hF hen:; in the Ohio hit; egg contest. It weighs’ j nearly a half I' It is !Ui inches j long, 8V, inches in circumference the king way, and 6Yt inches Around th* “waist,” Appeals To Stomach andSoul Rev. Vinton E. Busier, former pas­ tor o f the St. Paul’s Methodist Epis­ copal church in Eaton, has tried an rimetil during the twenty months o f his pastorate that has proven high­ ly successful. He has demonstrated ■i',‘ ; r*i iminitv o f the stomach and the soul and the inter-relations o f choir actions. The experiment has transformed he mid-week service, once near dead, .vith an average attendance o f less • i,han 20, into an interesting and iioroughly live, weekly church dinner -nd convention o f religious study rroup3, attended by half the members ;£ the congregation. “ Church night” , is the title given .he mid-week dinner meeting. The. dan, by which it functions, is be- icved to tie without an exact duplicate n the church or nation, Nineteen o f .ho meetings conducted each Wednes­ day from G to 9 p. m„ have been held - so far. Tlie average attendance lias men about 164.4. The total member- ihip of the church is about 367, nine- ecn new members being taken in ince Rev.' Busier became pastor o f. he Eaton charge. The congregation is divided into 12 .nits, each composed o f members of i om ten to eighteen families. Each ; nit takes its turn in providing and - erving the dinner, which is free to .11 members. The cost is distributed : mor.g the serving members o f that articular unit, and averages about 1.80 to each family, or about 8 1-2 ■ ents per person served. The cost has. .ever exceeded ten cents per plate. : The usual sandwich and cup o f cof- ’ec has been supplanted with a menus ; ike the last which consisted o f ;tawed chicken and noodles, gravy,- raslied potatoes, hot rolls and coffee vith “ seconds” fo r everyone. Two- hundred and five persons were served at' a cost of $18. The dinner is ordinarily served from 5to 7 o’clock after which all take part n a song service with a'Short prayer md address lasting until 7:30. A t this, fime the congregation is divided into jeven groups, including three progres- iive study classes in,, religious and social problems; the choir holding its .regular weekly rehearsal; separate ases in scouteraft for. j "’ o f f fiff the^younger c^Tl^rmh. .r The success o f the mid-week meet- igs has been reflected in a pro- sounced increase in attendance at , he Sunday services, according to 3ev. Busier. , The date o f tlie Minstrel Show has teen changed from Tuesday, March ,7 to Wednesday, March 28. , “ And Billy Dissappeared” . Tickets m sale at Richards Drug Store or 'rom College students. An evening of entertainment that ;ou will not forget is being planned or you at the opera house on Wed- lesday, March 28. O. C. Homey has sold his property m Miller, street to John and Virginia Johnson. It has bee% occupied by Wm. Rholer since Mr; Homey moved to Xenia. P. M. Gillilan has been on the sick ist this week. How do old maids Teally act. Go ind see Lucile—Junior Class play At ,’pera house, Monday, March 12. Indiana Boy Scout One in a Million \ its m Clymcr Join's, ago13, of FairiffiM 'vd., in «n.» of the Hire-.* W»-« t» tb 'hiito.i States to p;;su mAot Rw .hezs test for llfesavisn—for whirl ho w i decorated by Uty fk'.nua IHs fmta haris Atmettfi aumtlJi ihrottgbotit th* Middle Wt^t, 1' -91 I I r 1 J .}:, II j 4 i U! \1