The Cedarville Herald, Volume 46, Numbers 1-26

um im tm m t Py*r Slater* entertainment opera horn*, March ». Mw. A, % Rickard* J»* tarn #n the ai*k lilt tkU week, dot ta *» afctetek ?f tb* grippe. Mr*. J. H. Andrew * h harts** to t&e memfcera of theWednesday After- noon Club last Friday, Mr, and Mrs. W . W. Galloway en- ‘ tertained the young man o f the for­ mer’s Sabbath School class at their home, Monday evening. What made Silly disappear? Get a ticket for March 18 and find out. Mr, and Mrs. William Collins of West Liberty, O., visited relatives for the week-end. * Wanted; Dress making at, borne. Mrs. Rebecca Spencer, Miller at. George Markle o f the Seminary filled the Presbyterian church pulpit in Yellow Springs, last Sabbtli. Do you like mystery? Then see the College Junior clas* play, March 12. The date o f the Minstrel Show has been changed from Tuesday, March 2? to Wednesday, March 28. Come and see those jesting, end men at the College minstrel show, Wed­ nesday, March.. 28. I f you want t o get your money’s worth, pay 50 cents and come to the College Minstrel, Wednesday, Mar. 28 Mrs, J. R. Grimsley o f fronton, 0., was the guest o f Mr, and Mrs, Andrew Winter from Friday until Wednesday. The best yet. The Cedarville Col­ lege Minstre) show to be given in the opera house, March 28. Mrs, Hervey Bailey, who has been ill fo r some time is reported better. The Research Club met last Thurs­ day at the- home o f Mrs. Charles Cooley. . ■ Did Billy really dissappear. s. Don will tell you in the Junior Class play. An evening o f fuit and merriment is promised at the opera house Tues­ day, March 27, Come and enjoy your­ self. Mrs, R. J, Shultz o f Dayton has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A . Spencer, Charles NiBbet o f Loveland spent Sabbath here with relatives. Remember the House, March 9. Dyer Duo, opera Revival services are being held at the M.. E. church. Rev. Stevens,' the pastor, has the meetings in charge. R, E, Corry has sold his farm . on the Clifton pike to his son-in-law, Leonard Flutter. Mrs. Myrtle Marie Smallwood, wife o f Walter Smallwood, died March 3rd of tuberculosis at the age o f 26, The deceased was a daughter o f Levi Jer- fries. The College girls* basket ball team went to Cincinnati last Friday where they played the U. C. team. The score was 14 to 44- The local team Was crip­ pled by. the absence o f two o f the reg­ ular players. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Kyle entertained a number o f young folks Saturday evening for Willard Kyle. Five tables were provided fo r the guests. A two course refreshment was served dur­ ing the evening. Dr. E. R. Hubner, who has bee'n practicing in the Oglesbee office on Xenia avenue, has decided to give up practice here and return to New York City, where he will open an office. Dr. Hubneris many friends here will regret to hear o f his decision to lo­ cate elsewhere. ■■■■■•■. © Tw in Knickered” Suits for boys who need extra wear * 1 5 ° ° Just as twin-six in a motor signifies extra power— long service—so do “ twin knickers’ * represent longer wear-dependable endur­ ance to boy power. But durability is only one feature in this fine groiip; you get assurance o f fine performance and real economy in these. Their extremely smart styles appeal to mothers and boys, too. Then there’s a host o f fine new fabric and color idea; the very newest shades and Weavings are featured. Comparison will clearly and emphatically reveal what outstanding values these SIS 00 are a t , ................. ................ « » ...................... y *** others $10.00 to $20.00 Good Clothes for Good Boys THE MEN’S SHOP E x c lu s iv e , But N o t Expensive XENIA STORES* M**mmrnav*K JAMESTOWN MAIN STREET . j Mortem D*11 m , who hit* been living ' near Xenia, bus purchased what waa the Black farm near Yellow Spring* and ha* moved to his new location. Miss Oliva Cost o f Xenia, who has been a stenographer fo r the Hagar Straw Board & Paper Co,, ha* re signed her position to take a similar one with the Ilooven & Allison Co,, Xenia. A number o f members o f the M. E. church attended a meeting o f o f­ ficials o f the church at Memorial hall in Columbus last week. Those who attended were Rev, B. E, Stevens, G, H. Hartman, C. E, Masters J. W, Johnson, Dr R. II. Dines, Mor­ gan Kenpon. For Sale:- An invalid’s or wheel chair. In good condition and will be sold worth the money. For informa­ tion call this office. The Women’s Missionary Society- of the IJ. P. church held the monthly meeting Monday afternoon at the home o f Mrs. W. H. Smith, Devo- tionals were lead by Mrs. Lucy Me Clellan and the meeting was presid­ ed over by Mrs. J. E. Hastings. A shower for Knoxville Hospital was planned to be held at the March meeting. The prayer cycle was in charge of Mrs. R. C. Watt, The pro­ gram “ India” was in the form' o f a mock trial to prove that India was not ready to bo an independent na­ tion. About'sixty ladies were present. The House on Wednesday j passed the Taft tax bill that will give cities a 17 milk rate as a maximum and 14 mills in rural districts. We So not know whether the bill includes or excludes villages but if it is the latter, most o f the villages will go on the rock pile fo r under the pres­ ent rate o f 15 mills, the state taking out funds for elections, county health board, assessments, fo r improved roads that connect the towns, there is npt going to be much le ft-for the upkeep o f the small , towns. The taxpayer will be paying the tax but the money will not available fo r the town upkeep, or a sufficient amount. :*<.i *!*«. <> *Vh ' 1 , - to*' « * /' a #*;•V? • m t 1 ’ .. t Does Charley Townsley flirt with maids? Well I guess. Jufiior class play, March 12. Mrs, Mary Walker, aged 88, for­ merly a resident o f this place, died at the home o f her daughter, Mrs. J. P. Barr, 859 Parle street, Dayton, Mon­ day afternoon following declining years. Surviving are- two daughters, Mrs. Bopr and Mrs. John McFarland of Dayton and one son, John Marshall of this place. Short funeral services were held from the Barr home at 12 o'clock, Wednesday and at two o’clock from -the M. E. church here. Inter­ ment took place at Massies Creek cemetery, The Juniors are working day and night on their play which is to be given Monday, the 12th. Certainly everyone wants to see how “ Billy Disappeared.” ’ ' The Freshmen called ' a meeting Tuesday and o f course the higher classmen looked wise and knowingly but Alas! it was only a due meeting. Since when have the Freshmen start­ ed the system of taxation. We knew they were very systematic but not to such an extent. ' Alas! The Sophomores broke forth with a spread, the first one for this year. Certainly they cannot criticise the Sophomores about keeping late hours and extravagance on the ac­ count o f feeds. Everyone enjoyed the evening and voted the- Clark's very hospitable and Charles Brown as a fine cook. Although we live many miles from Mexico we can still en­ joy their food. The Mexican supper was very good and rather “ hot”. If you don’t believe at ask "Dot.” Mr. Howard. Arthur has been ab­ sent for several di»ys with the grippe but is able to be back with us .again. No doubt we all missed you, but a certain Freshman seemed to sing con­ tinually “ Greiving fo r You”. The College boys ate working very hard practicing fo r the minstrel to bo given this month. Mrs. Anderson is directing the mujsic and we feel sure it will be a success and $ie best that Cedarville College has ever given. , Several o f the members o f . our Psychology class •have decided to write a book about “ Animal Reason” . They think it necessary that the first edition be sold to their teacher, as he disagrees with them bn the subject. Probably these few members are not in logic class as they would feel that animals would have to have more in­ tellectual power than the logic class. A t the first, o f our logic class meet­ ing, Dr. McChesney told us "you will float for a while, then swin, and f i­ nally sink,” Some o f its members are beginning to call fo r help as they be­ lieve themselves going down the last time. Mrs. Susan Taylor Smith, aged 53, wife of Charles E, Smith, the well- known barber, died at the home o f her father, John B. Taylor on the Colum­ bus pike, Friday afternoon. The de­ ceased had been ill fo r several weeks and her death was not unexpected. Death was due to a complication o f troubles from which she was bedfast for the past ten weeks, Mrs. Smith was -bom here and spent all her fife in this vicinity. She was a woman' well liked by all who knew her. She is sur­ vived by her father, who is past ninty, a half sister, Mrs, Sidney Bowles o f Jamestown and one brother, Morris T iylor at home. She was a member f St. Paul’s A. M. E. church. The , ancral was held from the home o f her father Sabbath afternoon. Burial took place Massies Creek cemetery, CARD OF THANKS: We wish to thank tho many friends and kind neighbors fo r the assistance render­ ed during the sickness o f our daugh­ ter and wife. Also to the friends and businessmen o f Cedarville for the beautiful floral offerings. John B. Taylor and Son. Charles E, Smiths' Ate You Foresighted? You are if you entrust the examining o f your eyes and the fitting o f your glasses to u s . COLLEGE NOTES Last Wednesday morning the Y, M. C, A , and Y. W. C. A, were in- j strueted in the form of worship in ; India by Dr. John Taylor, it was very interesting as he had the robe that the preist* o f India wore and also the idols and the different in­ struments that are used. Mr. Taylor also gave some enjoyable lectures at the churches. We feel ijure that his j visit was an inspiration to the town and. especially those who are in­ terested in Mission wqik . The Girl’s basket ball team made j its first trip to Cincinnati last week. The girls reported a fine time and we know they put up a hard fight. The bco ’e was 44 to 14 in favor o f Cin­ cinnati but the fact that the Cincin­ nati team had not been beaten but a Couple o f times in ten years, encour­ ages us and we feel sure we played a fine game, Miss Somers accompan­ ied the team. Next week we are planning to have the inter class basket ball games played. Class spirit ia working to a high degree as all members are re­ sponding faithfully to practice- for them. We only hope the spirit will creep into the faculty meeting and some team be challenged by them, Rah! Rah! Rah I Faculty! 3 3 ***-..** - WADE Optical Co. 41 5. Fountain Ave., SPRINGFIELD, OHIO The best college 1* not measured by endowment. It Is measured by the men and women It turns out. The test o f culture Is the ability to serve, the power of giving,^not getting; of helping, not hluderlng. The college will ofttlmes pass a man the world will quickly flunk- Many men have been honored ia col­ lege who have been dishonored by society because with all their high gradings in classes they have not learned how to march with the masses. The college is a starter but It v v e r completes the education job. Your education docs not eud when you pick up your diploma. That is when it just begins. That is why graduation day is Commencement Dav. Many of the best educated pernio gor their educa­ tion without tho help of college cnum*n, Teat your­ self, If yon can honestly answer “yes” to all the ques­ tions that follow you ave indeed educated, even though you never heard of Xenophon’s Anabasis and never owned a parchment encased in a tin tube. Has education given you sympathy with ail good causes and made ypu espouse them? Has it made yon public spirited? Have you learned to make friends and keep them? , Do you know what it is to be a (rlend yourself? Can you look an honest man or pure woman straight in the eye? Dp you see anything to love in a little child? Will a lonely dog foll nv you in (lie street? Can you be high-minded and happy in the meaner drudgeries o f life? 3 Do you think washing dishes and boelng corn as compatible with high thinking as dancing or golf? Are you good for anything to yourself? •Can you be happy alone? TEST YOUR EDUCATION Can you look out on the world and s*e anything except dollars and cents? Can you he « brother to your neighbor? Have you a better ambition than merely “to m*k» your pile” ? Have you formed the habit o f hoping that you may help others and thereby leave this world a little better than you found it? Do you put patriotism Into your politics? Do you support a-public official after .election with the same enthusiasm you show before election and thereby help him to fulfill his pre-election promises? Can you read the history that is written in the rocks that boldly shoulder the broad current and bend the river in its course? Does the mountain lift you nearer heaven and the sea lead you in silent prayer? Can you look Into a mud puddle by the wayside and See a dear sl:y7 Can you see anytiling In the puddle but,jnud? . Can you look into the sky at night and see beyond the stars? Cnn your soul claim relationship with the Creator? How many colle.m A. B.’s can honestly gay "yes” to these 22 question :? If you cannot, <s it not time to ask yourself which luts failed, you or your College? There are many w I m could pass this examination who cannot boast of tin1 academic degree. To help you to conceive the purpose o f life and to pursue that purpose Is the mission of eydry school and college. They are to equip you with the tools. You ore to use the tools. Are you educated? Study these questions, answer them honestly, and you yourself will know. iiiiiiH u n im n i * m «*M***M* m ****** The New Spring Silks Are One Gay Gleam The Silks this store selected lirge you to be early, just like Easter For that Frock or Gown—that is going to make April 1st more than merely a day for jokes—will be its best i f you choose at once what you- like best of the silk .this store selected for you ; the printed Crepes o f French decent—the Orientals which refuse to forget where silk originated. PAISLEY CANTON CREPE TAFFETA ALLTYME CREPE ROSHANANA CREPE CREPE DE CHINE KREPE KN IT BARONET SATIN RADIUM SILK AND TRICOLETTE Many New Colors are Shown SANDALWOOD ' PLATINUM COCOA ORIOLE LANVIN GREEN RAPALLO TORCHWOOD GREEN ALMOND ROSEWOOD AND TALLOW LUtCl XEN IA , OHIO X X GET OUR PRICES ON PRINTING X X ‘*V '+ t