The Cedarville Herald, Volume 46, Numbers 1-26
A 0WW8PAP** PE\*rflP t o local and general uura ANDTHEINTERESTS OFOStAX- VILUB AND VICINITY. PRICE, $1.50 A YEAR 3^5 Baskvt ball for breakfast; basket i ball for dinner; basket ball for sup-! per. And the “bacon’* brought homo by the local Hi team, has been relish ed by Cedarvillians who afe proud of the county .champions. Saturday was a Bed letter day for Coach Warner and his team. j The locals at the final game defeat-j ed Yellow Springs by a score of 341 to 31, The boys fought a. great bat tle not only in this game but when they defeated Jamestown by Just one point, the score being II to 12 . .In . point of scores and fouls the locals distanced all other teams on playing'the game. The hoys had’ a working organization that could not ‘ he broken down. Hi .the semi-finals Gedarville won from Jamestown .while Yellow Springs defeated Bath 'township, 32 to 2; As for the girls’ contest Boss township gets the county honors having defeat ed Jamestown 22 to 18. The lineup on tl}e fnal game: Cedaryille ,34 Yel. Springs, 21 Bates ----- -— F ^— Hughes Smith __ • P ---------Littleton •Webster-------------- C -------Semier Johnson ----- G ______ _Loe Little -------G ------- „ ----- Gonfer Substitutions—Littaon for- Loe. Loe for Linson, Gordon for. Bates. Bates for Gordon, Gordon for Little. Bask ets—-Hughes, -Littleton,- Semier 2 Loe Confer 2 . Bates 2 , Gordon, Smith S>. Webster 3. Fouls, Little 7 out of 14. Bates 4 out of 7. Referee Sedan: 0. S, V- Timekeeper Dawson. Antioch. Time o f halves —20 minutes. First Round (boys)—Yellow Springs 21, Caesar Creek, 4; Bowersville 6 Bath Gedarville 14, Bellbrook 3; Jamestown £ Beavercreek 4;‘ Yellow Springs, 16,‘Ross 8 . Semi-Finals—Gedarville^ 12. James town 11 ; Yellow Springs*32. Bath 8 . , Semi finals (girls Jamestown 22 ,- Bowersville' • 8 ;J Yellow Springs 12; RoSs 14. . Finals (girls) Ross 22, 'Jamestown IS- • ‘ L -Ir . Coach EariL Frpgh o f Antioch picks Smith, Bates and Johnson for the -all- ,star"county team with Early o f James town and Semier of Yellow Springs. .Early was, ranked as the outstanding CONDENSED OHIO NEWS News Items Pickedat Random aad Boiled Down for the BusyReader Ernest Anderson of Green Camp tv .tained a broken bock and E. L, 0 : rbin was seriously injured an the result of an automobile accident,-when a machine in which they were riding ran into a freight, train standing over a crossing near .Marlon. Ralph Schilling, school superintend* , Coroner C. H. Harmer rendered a suicide verdict In the case of Lemon imJy, vlre president end cashier :tf the First National bank of Cor.trt- burg, Knox county, found with a bul- Ilot through his head, W. T, Pefroll, Harrison township, ir,arroll county, has been, appointed. cut, was shot In the arm when two ■ y fti'-pe**or fu the st'ite dairy and men held up -the W, L. Thomas A ^ food department Company store at McGuffey, Hardin county, The bandits escaped with >500. At Otway, Scioto county, Otto Blackburn, 30, was shot and killed by Vernie McCall, school teacher, at Mc Call’s home. Blackburn,, before he was shot, stabbed McCall. McCalls wounds are npt believed to be serious, George J, J. Mackay, 40, insurance broker, under indictment at.GlevjeJaiui on charges of embezzling $95,000 from two companies, was arrested .at St. Louie and returned to Cleveland. Union streetcar motormen and con-, ductors of the Cleveland Railway com pany voted to submit to a board of arbitration their demand tor a 15-cent an hour raise in wages. Judge Paul J, Jopes 41 Youngstown, appointed federal judge of the North ern district of Ohio by President Hard- Distillery at New Middletown, neat Youngstown, has been taken over by federal authorities, who have posten guards •there after finding whisky from the distillery at a hotel, Ohio retail furniture dealers will meet at'* Columbus March 27. Charles Lazelle of Marysville and Martin Longhough of RlchwuOd, chiro practors, were sentenced to the Day- ton workhouse when they refused to pay fines for practicing without li cense,. An internrban car of the Northwest ern Electric company plunged into Portage river near Oak Harbor as a bridge gave.- way, carrying down a score pf passengers. All of the pas sengers escaped serious injury. Russell Morgan-, 34, race horse own er of Dayton, who, police say, is want- Cashier Now In Cfiumy Jail “Gus" Penfield, former «**Wer of tho wrecked Springfield , Bank is now in jail ah Dayton, being taken from his had U*t Saturday af ternoon upon failure to get $25,000 bond. He waived examination and was taken to JR^ton to await the action of the Federal Grand Jury. The examiners .are yet busy work ing on the books, to determine Hie : shortage which is placed from $600,- , 00 to $800,000, Fenfleld maintains that he speculated and lost and thad lie had no associates. It was reported that he had by duplicate keyes open safety deposit boxes and taken bonds and securities but he, denied ,such. All boxes inspected so far are said to he intact so far as contents were concerned. While Springfield citizens are much disturbed by the wrecking pf the in stitution and the loss that it brings to- stockholders and depositors alike, there is much feeling that the ex aminers haye been negligent in the manner of making inspections, or that they- are not men of the ability to perf 6 rm such responsibilities. That' Penfield is guilty all admit, even hint- self. That-it has been going on fo r a HIGH SCHOOL NOTES, “ It Jiain’t no use to grumble and complain Its jest as cheap and easy to rejoice; When God sorts out the weather and •sends rain— W’y rain’s my choice.” ■* James Whitcomb Riley Trying to pronounce “‘Tutankhamen 1 has increased the number of stutter ers in high school. * * •* COLLEGE NOTES The members o f the Rangers Club have started on their work. They made - Edith Harbisoii has been absent their first trips last Friday, In the af- neariy two weeks owing to the scar- ternooh to Jamestown and in the ev- let fever. . . ening to Caesar Creek High School. ed there on' charges of having oh ing, toqk the oath or office in Cleve- tained $12,000''under false pretenses [term of years reflects on the system fmid. ■ _ trom Mrs.' Madeline Corby, a widow, j of examination or the men doing the work, ‘ Several large firms in, that Pity had big deposits but they .went down with the thousands of small odes frofii the widow, the aged and even to’ ,j;he ........ ..................orphan. Pettfield’s admission that he Doors of the Springfield National Isquandered the money in two trust * COMMISSIONERS NAME CLERK; Miss Irma Evans and Mr, Donald L. STEINFELS RE-ELECTED .Funk have resumed their studies af ter an absence of three-weeks because The Jutiipr English class gave - a} The County Commissioners at a of illness., urns .Dfocra-m in thp mirlitnvinm r ■ ' '* m ' * Burns program last Thursday morning. The program was as follows in the auditorium,fmeeting Monday re-elected L. Steiii- 'fels as clerk of the board for a term Miss Helen Bradfute, former, stu- o f one-year. Mr, Steinfels was elected deiitof Gedarville College, visited here. - Chairman -------------1 -Mac Harris ’ to succeed g. O. Hale, who became city Monday and Tuesday, She-attended The Early Life pf Burns----, Roger manager in Xenia, The Commissioners the Junior Class play Monday even- 0i ' also named P. A. Alexander as'a mem big, ber of the Children's Home Board, the appointment’ being for a term of four years, the’ other members are J. C. Stormont. Solo—Flow Gently Swept Afton Ruth Bums The Works of Burns Ruth McMillan witnessed, the games in. Yellow Springs and throughout the day boya and girls, and citizens in general gathered around the, windows in Richards drug store where tho scores were posted. ' ' Jamestown won the cup last* year and were put to win this year. The team was accompanied by a large dele gation of rooters and a band, It is needless to say that the hand on the .return trip had no time for a tune or two ih Gedarville, V EOW THEY RAISE STRAW BERRIES IN FLORIDA We haye a clipping which gives an idea of the amount of strawberries that have been raised and shipped from Plant City, Florida. Several days ago all records were broken when three, special trains carried thirty-five carloads of straw berries for the northern markets. In the consignment were 161,088 quarts that brought $40,272. During the season nearly three million quarts have been shipped from, that market Congress b io s u n c i e Joe Cannon Good-by Bid U l r k m m tear* war* shed a* Uncle j 8 *U * 6 fww, After dffy *«*** CoBgrese, packed his belongings for w rtS ifo hi* home in DansriUe, 111. His ysifs la QdOg,**stand « * nte W4k Solo-r-Wect Thou in the Ca’uld Blast Pauline Sets Burns—The Plowman Poet- James McMillan The Last Days o f Bums Dorothy Andrew Song—Auld Lang S yn e___ L-CIass » * • •- “I ’sC for peace—universal, anniver- Salpeace”—George Washington Watts Opera House, April 6 . * * * We are very proud to state that three members of our- boy’s team are listed among the first team players of Greene County.' Smith and Bates are given places as forwards and Johnson as guard, * “There ain’t no flies on us.” A couple that shouldn’t be divorced is Mr. Drewes and “ Snap Quizzes.” Come on Mr. Drews with the “ Snap Quizzes.’ * ». * • The Juniors are working hard on their play now. They expect to pre sent “The New Co-Ed.” in the opera house, Friday evening, April 6 . - * * • Lessons may come And lessons may go. But “Snap Quizzes” go On for ever. Mary Townsloy has issued invita-. tions to the Seniors for a St. Pat rick’s party at her home Saturday evening. ♦ * * It is said “Always take a lower seat and be asked up, rather than choose the higher place and be asked to go to the lower seat. Some of the mem bers of the Senior English class have? decided to adopt this plan. * ■* „• Remember the Box Social to be giv en by the Seniors Friday, March 23 at 6:00 p. m. Every one come. Girls bring boxes. Boys come and bring pocket books. ‘ * * * We all wonder why Alberta tries to prohibit French conversation in French class. She always blushes when in the conversation they mention let ters and Ohio Northern. There is more than one thing which goes by that name—-letters and B. B. boys are not all. . * * « Mr. Drewes’ dinner of Burnt Beans Tuesday had a soothing effect on him for he didn't give any “Snap Quiz Zcs” to the Social Civics class in the afternoon. The students and faculty, of the high school wish to thank the boya who took part in the good work Sat urday at Yellow Springs, Keep up the good work boys. We hope you will do as wall next year.” ■■■■■■■a * ■# It seems as though Charlie Kyle’s knife is most too sharp for some to use for he always slips it to Fussy whsn no one is looking. J. ,S. Clifton, state examiner, who checked the accounts of Matt Smith, retiring superintendent of. the Cpiinty Home, writes the Commissioners that all accounts are correct and mon eys received properly accounted for. The institution* under Mr. Smith he holds was operated more economically than anyother in the state of like na- tuye. and if the no'W superintendent, B, E. Crow, follows the precedent set for him, the Home will always be one of the best in the state. 215 BIDDERS FOR THREE ROAD CONTRACTS TUESDAY .and Olio Tucday in attpnd- The Misses Thelma j Hart spent Monday* Cedarvill * % The Juhiqr Class of Cedaryille Col lege presented, the play entitled, iAnd Billy Disappeared” at the opera, house With, tho arrest at Steubenville of Herbert Welilay, 19, automobile me chanic, and George Scarpejli, 18, tin worker, police ,claim they have clear ed up the theft'of 18 automobiles. Ten /men and two womep are under arrest and more than $ 2,000 in stolen property has been recovered as a-re sult of a police round-up in Cleveland. Clyde Robbins and his S^-year-old daughter, Carrie, were reported mis sing from their home in Lima, Health*board figures, show that dur ing the past month, the death rate in and about Athens was 100 per cent heavier than last year because of the flu. There .were 27 deaths iu the Athens insane asylum in that period, 20 .of them-being aged patients was arrested at Cincinnati } Policeman John F. Saxton Is prob- ■ably fatally wounded after a case of mistaken identity led to a gun fight in a restaurant at Cleveland. The man who did the shooting, gave the name of Joseph' Rlch, I j.-. bank at Springfield were closed fol lowing dlscovery of a shprtage eBti- mated at $800,000, mostly in liberty bonds. Cashier A. H. Penfield is un de# arrest charged with embezzle ment, to which he is said to have con fessed. He attempted to kill hirosell by cutting arteries in both wrists with a penknife. Bank Director GeOrge a. Dial announced that the- bank was' “completely defunct.” It has 3,000 de- State Treasurer Harry S, Day made posltors. a demand upon the Springfield Na- Minnie Jenkins, a 15 -yeUr-olfi school tltuial -bank of Springfield for, the gjrl, died of self-inflicted (bullet withdrawal of $200,000 of state funds wounds at Dayton, and Margaret Bal-- on deposit in that .institution, the lard, another school girl, also aged 15, doors “of which wore closed while na- ts jn a serious condition in the same J'hat amounted to $1100 was also lost, tional bank examiners.Were, checking , city from drinking poisop. Both girls }? . ,T. Shouvlin, a-wealthy manufac- the books for an alleged shortage M 80ttght to end their lives after being Ifcurer in the city, upon, hearing o f the : Democrat,- was appointed common ■* •■'■" nmoouv pleas judge' of Mahoning county ‘by Governor DOnahey, to succeed Judge funds of minor children - makes .pne shudder. But this is no different than' ' when we hear that ho even sacrificed ; his wife's personal fortune. ‘ ‘ It is little wonder that his relatives or those of his wife would even go ' his bond.. - ; . As we understand .it the penalty is - ; five years and a fine.of $5000 on a , count. We have more severe lawd for " bootleggers than we have' for men ’ that bankrupt a„financial institution 4 and reduce thousands of depositors- ' almost to want. ‘ ; 1 The Eagle shoe fund for children r \ Ohio senate defeated the Jenkina c -nspiracy bill, which would make att misdemeanors punishable as conspira cies against the .state when two •Or morepersons are, involved. The raeag- amount , that the poor children might not suf- for. - Hd Seitz of Wapakoneta, a ” in the Bellefontaine jail, stooped to pick up Jailer Clement Bids f o r .three road contracts in Ohio were opened Tuesday by the Highway ' department at Columbus. There were 215 bidders foor the three johs, one in this county andthe other two in different sections of the state. Contractor Weeks of Dayton was the low bidder for the Wilbcrforce and Xenia .job of 2.6 miles. His bid was $44„10„ N. P. Putman & Co., the firm that built the Jatftestown pike last summer were next with a bid of $44,600, The Luftis Stone Co. of Can ton, $46,000; Wilson Engineering Co., Xenia, $49,000. The Putman Co. was ne“ t to lowest bidders on two jobs ahd low on a Richland county job that sold for $375,000. The Columbus pike will be built out of water bound macadam with tarvia top. derful training that the players man ifested, •Much interest is being centered up on the coming inter class games. The SUIT BROUGHT AGAINST FUNDERBURG FOR $25,000 Mrs. Clara Nichols, mother of Vol- ney Nichols, who was killed by a sheriff’s posse on the night of last September 5, has brought suit against Ex-Sheriff Funderburg for $25,000 damages in the Common Pleas Court, Negligence is charged. The suit was filed by Attorney Charles Darlington for Mrs. Nichols. Ex-Sheriff Funder burg with his deputies, Joe Day and WilHam'Bums and Policeman Simms were indicted and tried ,in court but Simms and Day were aqcuitted while Funderburg and Burns were released due to the jury failing to agree on a verdict. The case has attracted more attention than any in the county for years. HOW ABOUT A BANQUET HONORING LOCAL WINNERS Now that Gedarville High won the cup and basket 'ball honors at the meet last Saturday in Yellow Springs, we suggest that the county champions he tendered a banquet and accorded all the honor a winning team eoulc expect from proud home folks, The boys deserve such a banquet and it is nothing more than What Other towns would; do under the same dr- cttmatiwgaa. !utv« th« bampiatl Paul J. Jones, recently named United States district judge for northern Ohio. Lake county authorities were con fronted .by one more mysterious fire In a’ series or 18*hiai?es lnvolvlng im estimated loss- of $500,000 to summer resort property iii tbe PalneBYllle dis- trlct duriug the last month. tigatol's can; not understand the mo tive, but are agreed that Incendarism is -responsible. The properties jW* Btroyed were unoccupied. ; Mrs. Thomas Adams. 52, farmer’s Wife, drowned herself near Xenia. ! Gil leases aro bOugh’t and sold daily in the Fort Recotery district. In Jan* uary 5,000 barrels of oil were shipped , over the pipe line from the Port Re covery fields to NeW Weston. Freshmen home economics class of Logan high school, under the supervi sion of Miss Sarah Roqkhold, made clothing for the orphans at the Hock ing county children’s home. Miss Shirley Kreisberg of Cleveland suffered the loss of her hope chest. It was stolen while she Was attending the * theater with her fiance. Sugar bush operators in Coshocton county announce that they WlU de mand $2 a gallon for maple syrup as soon as the first run of sap is “boiled oft.” Borne farmers are tapping the trees. ,Not to be outdone by their prehis toric ancestors, Lorain girls have formed a Tut club. The girls have adopted'Hie bulrush as their symbol. a. Figs will he the Nub's approved Dan Agosta, was sentenced at St, Ciatrsville to life imprisonment In the j E gj Marrl(im ot Marietta has re- COUNCIL STARTS ACTION penitentiary for participation. in the 1celved» notification from Washington FOR MAIN STREET PAVING •New Lafferty rlot ln wWcl1 Jonn ; of the granhting of a patent On an ira* . t. Major was killed. tproved method of recovering gasoline _ , , , , , — • Elmer S. Landes of Wooster was t,afnrai t u Council inct Monday evening nt RppoJnted by President Harding as a r °c“ y ot Iron “ n lost Us case before uoh time legislation -W8M started ^jr^^r 0f the federal farm loan the gUpBfme court to movent the that means the paving of North Maui board, .He is a member of the Repub- United Fddi•Gas company from Col- street. Tlie contract will be let prob- lic*n state central committee. Ijectlng more than $ 7 % cents for gas, ably some time in April. The bonds, While engaged in dolhg the family .the court reversing the decisions Of must first be offered to the Corporation twashing at her home in Newark, Mrs, , jQwej, courts. Monday night. It proved a great sue- ute paesed tUe senate last week, but dess. The house was full- The differ- was reconsidered. The bill was heln eht characters were very efficiently by money solons ns too drastic, portrayed by the members o f the class j Stepping on a rotten board Charles The rest of the college together with lit. Roberts, 69, wealthy farmer near the faculty are-glad that the Juniors .‘ Cleveland, crashed into a deep well were so successful. Beside the mem- j WA6 drowned. ■here of tile class who took part ’we) , must say that Miss Somers deserves “ Uf ! , CZed.‘t._an 5 °” * IlwHi’s btrttom’ hT mov?& a ■ chair and joggled Heath's pistol to the floor, causing It to explode and wounding Seitz in the leg. Federal Radiator company of Zanes ville has been purchased. by the Freshman and Senior giris and the Pierce, Butler & Pierce Manufacturing Junior and Senior hoys will play on company of EJastwood at a considera- Tuesday evening. The Sophomore and Hon zaid to he $500,000. Junior girls and the Freshman and M- S.Wickersham, brother ot : for- Sophomore boys will play Wednesday ^ ^ S h a m . is civil enginU evening, Then tho survival of the fit- fQr ^ Kehota Mlnlng company, * test of both boys and girls will play;wWci ls developing thousands of the-finals Thursday evening. An ad - 1aer66 of stripping coal lands in Perry midsion fee of ten cents Will be charg- county. ' ed for nil preliminary games and Fisherman’s license bill was vetoed twenty-five cents admission will be by Governor Donahey, who declared charged for the finals, Coach Warner that the people of Ohio did not wan* invented this idea to help make np the a flood of new legislation, and that deficit in the athletic treasury, Every they would especially resent laws that body be Mrc * , .ttond t t a , * „ » « ,. “ S UOnb i , ,.,: Don-t foiget a s College ndratrelsi’ 1^ ; ’, , , . McClaIS, r . which will be given at the opera house Urgd farmw.( wa5 burned to death Wednesday, March 28. It is being di- wllCn fyg destroyed his home near Vectcd by Mrs. William Anderson Mason, in Warren county. (Helen Oglesbee.) BOBBINS HAMPSHIRE SALE REACHED $42 AVERAGE The Femdale sale. of Hampghires :ield last Friday at .Central , Garagb irew a good crowd of buyers, locally md from a distance. Forty-three head were sold with an average of nearly J42. Considering,how other sales have averaged Mr. Dobbins considers this a good price and that Hampshires are gaining in .favor, Shipments went' to Illinois and Indiana. HERALD ADDS STERQTYPE EQUIPMENT FOR ADVERTISER^ The Herald has just added another sterotyping casting outfit that will :are for advertising mats from one mlumn one inch to a full seven col umn page. We can cast type-high or shell cast for the job trade. The Herald plant is the most complete now of any weekly paper in the county and the only fitted to do the work in its own office. Tiniest Page in U . & Senate and school sinking fund trustees and .William Mellck Was seized with dizsb Mrs. Helen E. Carnahan, 25, was ln« if refused then to the Industrial com- jUAss, fell forward into the wawitUD ,jure(j seriously and three others Were mission at Columbus., If all three re- and drowned before assistance reacn- . wjlen the auto In which they fuse they then will he sold to the highest bidder. A resolution w is passed giving the state highway department the rigt to erect signs in the corporation under the direction of the street committee. PLATTSBURG WON STATE * HONORS IN CLASS “B” ♦d her.“ ■ . . (were riding skidded into a ditch east M .y « K«W« C l « .t o d ol Councilman Marshall's 40 cents, a thousand cubic feet natural gas ordi nance. state honors in the state basket ball conference at Columbus last Satur day, having defeated Belle Point. Bradford that defeated the locals at the Oxford meet did not show up as chase price -is reported to have been a-center at the state contest, Lorain defeated Bellevue for honors in class “ A”, Stats supreme court upheld the right Of charter cities in Ohio to adopt ----- . whatever system of voting they wish, Trial ot Hernry Bums, Cleveland w j |t d0Q9 not m-ing diefrah* merchant, for the murder ot h» Wife. ;cW9emfmt. Mrg, Iva Idemlller of, Troy was Sen tenced to serve three years in the Jefferson Gitr (Mo.) prison following j conviction at Dayton on the charge ot sending improper letters and post cards through the mail. .Matthew Wlckmau, B , employed by the Pittsburgh Goal company at N«i- sonviile, was probably fatally hurt when a mins shaft in which he wa* working caved in. Elisabeth Boyd has brought an in* junction suit against the city of Weils* tiwe to a sudden %d at Painesviii* when Burns pleaded guilty to second itg tm murder. He was.'Sentenced, to- Itle imprisonment. The body Of Mrs. Hazel Burns, his wife, was found in Plattsburg in Clark county won, g^ftnow grave in Mentor marsh Out. 25, 1022 . Negotiations for the sale of the Git* isews’ building in Kuctld avenue, Cleveland, have been closed. The pur- axound $3,000,000 Governor Donahey appointed Wit BU4l „ „ „ „ „ ,MW„ „ . . , vr- „ iiam A. Hopkins, 53, of ClnclanaU, a i wHlet to prevent the collection .of 75 _____________ Democrat, to euoeeed c ’ “ “ J ! cents.alleged ovenhargo in water WANTED TRUCKING;. When y°u ’ ^blk^utfilti#/ commission. j J o s e ph Tokas, 50, Is In the hospital are m weed of a truck for hauling George B. Okay of Cotumbus ! S mover from serious in stock or are moving or want general been appointed a member of the . .. rAcalted whsn he ieli 104 feet trucking done don^ fait to ealt phone owAMMeaiwa en ntilfotm taws, to , Malone stone tpmrry* map m . Shull Jr<mt Hto 4»m o« the m M, L ( J ; r7 Itoriiay ttoito 1 1 Jtomny Re youngest and tiniest page but * prime favorite wtoh to * « fled Benatote. Itototoifltotof rittetotok h«' m s 1 ulU|
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