The Cedarville Herald, Volume 46, Numbers 1-26

WWWWWWiieweii Bernhardt’s Farewell to America •Ju*t one hour and a quarter before she died in hen sou's arms at her Paris home, aged seventy-eight. Sarah Bernhardt, the "Divine Sarah," the world's greater, actress, sent this message to America, the land or her many triumphs "I am deeply touched with the sympathetic Interest of my beloved American friends." So ended a great life. Jgjh t m m E % Paint Service .■ Get GOOD paint,™tb Wn<3 tEat costs the lettst it. the long rim. Using cheap, . . . inferior paint is aiwyvs false economy. It takes more of it and it doesn't last. - Get Hanna’s Green Seal Paint -and it win cover more surface per gallon and wear longer. HANNA'S GREEN SEAL PAINT has a 35-year reputation for quality. V. out-cov- and out-lasts-other brands of prepared painter ... also lead andoil.” Have your painter on 4 property. ■ ' ■ * SoM !t7 * The Cedarville Farmers* GrainCo. THEUNIVERSALCAR fj |ri4 J Ji l|i A tte n tio n FordOwners! Ford parts, like almost everything else , worth while, are counterfi ited. Imitation ports are manufactured to S E L L a t the highest possible ra te o f profit and the grades o f steel used are consequently not the same high quality, specially heat- treated alloy steels specified in Ford formulas for the manufacture of GEN ­ U IN E FORD PARTS . Don’t be uponGENUINEFORD PARTSmade by the Ford MotorCompany. By bo doing you will set from 35 to 100 perCent more wear from them, and you will pay the lorrettpoeelbleCoot—th# eameeverywhere. 80% OF GENUINE FORD PARTS RETAIL FOR LESS THAN 10c EACH Ask (or Parts Price l is t tybm F oot -Ford car, or Fotdsoo tractor seeds atteotioo,c*J 5 onus. For rememberwear*prop* edyequipped, employ competentmechanic#,Kid « mm Gesube Ford and Feadsott parts hi all aifMir aPsdu R.A.Murdock rM lM tmtr tiiiir SimdaySdiool ’ Lesson * <By REV. P, H. m ’ZWATElt, 1) O,. T«Mh«r of K uk U s I i liibt* tn the M<x>dr 81 W* Institute of ChlcaKO.l Ctpyrljflit, tsi;, Wi Etrrn Xtsynputrifr L'liiun. LESSON FOR APRIL 29 r RUTH THE FAITHFUL DAUGHTER .LESSON TEXT—nook of ItuUt. GOLDEN TEXT—Tlty peopiu auull lia my uuopio and thy" God my God.—Hutli tti«. PJUMARY TOPIC—Tho Story of nutt>. JUNIOR TOPIC—Uuth jijid Naomi, INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOP JC—Ruth‘a Choice and Ita Outcome, YOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULT TOP- IC—The secret xtt Rulify Noble Ufe. 1. Ruth's Connection With Naomi (Chapter 1 ;i-ir>), On account of famine in Bethlehem of Judah, Naomi with her husband uud two sons sojourned in the hind of JStoab. After the deuth of her husband her two sons married Moabit- Ish women. After a time ber sons djed also. After the death- of her sous Nuomi resolved to return to her home* land, having heard that the Lord had Visited His people in giving them bread. They went to Moab to escape trouble but only got Into more. If was not until Naomi was thus' chas­ tised that she resolved to return, Naomi had the good sense to recognize that the hand of the Lord was upon her for good. When the time came for her to go Rutli and Orpah accom­ panied her, for a distance. Tide she permitted but determined to place be­ fore them frankly the difficulties which would necessarily confront them. It was this frank presentation of the dif­ ficulties and her repeated urging them to go back that called forth from Ituth the expression of her noble choice. U, Ruth’s Noble Choice (1:16-18). Much as Naomi loved her -daughters-in- law, she would not have them go Into this matter blindly,- She told them the. worst that could come upon-them. This principle Ought to be carried out by us In all our relations Ju life. In busi­ ness the spirit of frankness should be mnnifest. At-home we should deal with each other m the most straight­ forward way, The snme thing should characterize our behavior In. the church and society. Note the difficulty which confronted Ruth: 1. No Chance to Marry Again.5 Naomi told her that she hud no more sons for whom she could wait. In that day to be Unmarried was the greatest disgrace. Society differed then from now. 2. She Must Renounce Her Gods, Her Idolatrous worship, couit? not he carried on in the land where God'* people dwelt. This was . delicately touched upon when Orpftli went back ■ (v. 15). Orpah went back when It was plain there was no chance to get a hushantL Now Naomi put* an addi­ tional test upon Ruth, that of giving up her religion, Ruth was equal do the occasion. Her mind was fully made up. She was willing to accept as her God the one who was able to produce In his subjects the nobility'of character she had observed In Naomi, Naomi’s very frankness In dealing with her caused Ruth to be more determined'to cast her lot with her. Ruth's .position was so definite and unfaltering that the very expressions have come down to ns in words which "no poetry has out-rivaled, and no pathbs has ex­ ceeded, and which has gone through ^centuries with the music that will not let them be forgotten." She was de­ termined to share Naomi’s journey, her home, her lodge, her lot tn life, and her grave In death, whatever that would be. To crown it all she would re­ nounce her heathen gods and worship Jehovah. Ill, Blessings Which Attended Ruth’s Faithfulness. Ruth was never sorry for her choice, because— 1. She Found the True God (1:10), Instead of her heathen gods who were unable to help her she now had. a living God, tho God of Israel, as her God. 2. She Found Human Friends. (Chapter 2). As she went to glean In the field she was led to the field of Boaz, a man of wealth and grace The servants of Boas treated her with con­ sideration. Even Boaz gave Instruc­ tions for special consideration to be glveD her. 3. A Good Husband and a Happy Home (8-4). She not only secured a husband, but a roan of God who had an abundance of this world’s goods. 4. An Honored Place In the Israel- ltlsh Nation (4:18-17). Though she had to forsake her own people she be­ came one of a nobler people. 6. She Became a Link in the Chain of Christ’s Ancestry (4 :18-22 compare. Maifthew 1 :5 ). The one who fully de­ cides for Christ and gives up all for him Shall get a, hundred-fold In .this life, fcnd In the world to coine, eternal life. Sharing Misfortunes. Some people think that all the World should share their misfortunes, though they do pot share In the sufferings of any one else,—A, Polncelct, Those Who Mean to Be True, Those who honestly mean to be true contradict themselves more vareH than those who try to be Consistent.-- O. W, Holmes Faarlesi Minds, Fe&fless mlmls climb witmest uat# crowna.—$hakespenre. /TRY OUR IOB PRINTING Whtr* Th«y W*r*. OH inquiring why they made ymefc noise upstairs, the twins told me that they were Just playing "wor." Pretty soon the noise ceased, all witt etui: becoming uneasy at the unusu­ al sHeace, I went upstairs to investi­ gate i Utay were nowhere to he seen1, but after calling several times and Asking where they were, a still, small roles from nndei one of the beds an- armed : "We dasn’t tell, but wen iUNptae* apatalffcH---ibtcl>An«», ' 3 □ OP P Cl O P P DO □ mss anan a □ a □ □ □ PageantWeekIsBargamWeekIn SPRINGFIELD The Citizens of Springfield Invite You to P articip a te in the Celebration o f « Springfield Pageant of Progress \ ' . ■ ■ ■ ’,%■ ■ '% T * a , y ■ * A s an Added A ttraction F o r Y ou r V isit the Members o f the Springfield S .a* • , H ave p repared a money saving bargam program on Spring and Summer m erchan­ dise? which you need righ t now. V isit any store o f the members listed below . Cour­ tesy and fa ir dealing is our constan t endeavor. Satisfaction o r your money back ou rguaran tee . ■W, Osssr L. Martin, China Store. |] McOrtQooh’s Leather Stare. i;||j Boople’s Oatfitting- Co. jiffffi The SpringfieldRug Co. The Home Stave. a C . F r i < t e s l « . Fierce andCo. ^ W, D, Alexander and Co. TheEdw, Wren Co. Chaa F . Haacika, Hardware. The Qappol Houxedhmuahing- Co. The Walk-Ow Boot Shop, Bfcmfc The Tao&wvDuibol Co. The BoeUm Stove. I Lafferfcy’s Haxdwase Store., The Bahoroft Batand For Co. Bog-gam's. Nisley’s Arcade Shoe Store. < The Sterling Jewelry Cb. > The When. Routzakn andWright, The Huh. i*' Dohan>Boot Shop. j The Union Store. Roeenateel and Weber. Laeazm Shoe Stoso. Springfield Hardwace Co. £ ■ 1 I J L , . . ■ f J l y y IT j, j L |_ j | H L l M ■ , , ........................ ■ _ IH IW. L . DOUGLAS AND ENDICOTF-JOHNSON SHOES« Springfield Ohio Springfield Ohio “FEAST OF BARGAINS” Begins Tuesday, May 1st LASTING 15 DAYS READ AND SAVE Let nothing keep you away. Bargains that you will crave. Sensational reductions in all departments. F R E E To all children accompanied by their parents, one big 10-inch bright colored IN F L A T ED B A L L O O N S P E C I A L ATTENTION TO HOUSEWIVES One package of Colgate's FAB with' one package of Octogon Soap.... . Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Corsets, Hosiery, Shirts, Underwear, Neckwear, Hats and Caps, Umbrellas, Boy’s Suits, Men’s Trousers, Raincoats, Over­ alls, Ladies’ and Children’s *Ready-to-Wear, Millnery, Coats, Suits, Dresses, Skirts, Blouses, Sweaters, Wash Suits ,and Rompers, Draperies, Window Shades, Etc* NATHAN’S 21 East Main St. O PPO S ITE BU SHN ELL BU ILD ING SPR ING FIELD , OHIO / ■ A HOU Saturd Having re the fol 2 Bedr ers.Dini ing Tabl Machine, numerou H A R R Y FOR -LI. Is Fr BUTTER e r r e s t r i c X i t lU d doze LARP Peaches Clifton in thei PRUNES RAISINS Apricots Coffee jere Special Santos CRACK Ginger Snaps CHEESE Pimento Loaf Chocolat KISSES HAWS Bacon It SMOKED C LARGE BO APPLES Potatoe S0APCty galvan ir GAI.VANIZ BREAD Black P jjf* » - vjh*1*•SSS* m