The Cedarville Herald, Volume 46, Numbers 1-26

174 •T*W gdv«rttring ©f today, *ot only f«v«ao«» m u lt* of its own, but it Ot#*feo» and briny* to final culmination &ft advertising »£ th« ywtterday*. ■Ceda %erald. A NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWR AND THE INTERESTS OF CEDAR- VILLE AND VICINITY. FORTY-SIXTH YEAR NO. 21> CEDARVIjLLE. FRIDAY, MAY II, 1923 Loyd Company Gets Contract Examination Day Is Here There were seven bidders on the; M^in street improvement. Wednes- j day, the day for the opening1of bids by the County Commissioners, 'the improvement to be done jointly by tho j commissioners and council. The Loyd Contracting Co., Xenia, ’ was low on brick and will be award-* ed the contract, they being about $261 under the Republic Asphalt Co. i * While bids were received on various materials interest centered more on asphalt and brick. There was keen competition throughout by all the bidders and the contract price is re­ garded sohiewhat lower than was expected and about $2,50.6 under the estimate of the engineer. Considering the recent advances in cement, brick, asphalt and labor it was felt by many that, probably the • bids would exi ■the estimate and no award could be made; Following the announcement that the Xenia Company was low bidder council and the commissioners met fo r an executive Session. At the con elusion of this President John North called fo r an expression of property holders for the choice of material to he used, A delegation was'present to represent the property holders hav­ ing been selected Tuesday night. Prof. Jurkat represented the Col­ lege which would have about one- sixth o f the entire frontage. He gave as Ms Opinion that brick was the most durable type of. material. G, E- Jobe was called upon and stated that while a t the meeting the night previous a vote was taken fo r asphalt’ yet the committe was instructed to urge the acceptance, of the lowest and best bid and in as much as brick was the low­ est he was for brick, Andrew Winter stated was for brick. The members of council present, Rqss, McLean, McFarland, Smith all stated they favored brick as the best ma­ terial fo r the street. •Council agreed to meet and recommend formeraily the adoption of brick and the award­ ing of the contract to the Loyd, com­ pany. .The commissioners will do this a t a meeting to be - held Saturday ' morning. No contract can be signed by the cpmniissioners until the vil­ lage clerk, J . G. McGorkell, certifies tliat the funds are on hand or in the process of collection, Definite word has not been heard from the success? ful bond bidders, Seasongood & Mayer Cincinnati, There is little doubt but. th a t the firm will take the bonds. Wednesday evening council met and passed a resolution urging the com­ missioners to accept the Loyd Com­ pany bid* Council also accepted the Townsend brick and- council a t this time adopted the stone concrete base rather than shipped gravel. This was -in the interest of a local company that all the improvement material and la­ bor be supplied here as much of the cost would be left a t home as was possible, prices being considered. The Loyd Company bid on four inch brick, cement filler, $34,906.15; pitch filler, $35,562.95; asphalt filler, $35>, 737.75. For 3 1-6 inch brick cement filler, $34,444.15; pitch filler, $35,090.- 96; asphalt filler, ,$35,275.75. *The Republic Asphalt Company on Trindad asphalt with stone base, $34- 932.30 and same with gravel base $35,672.00; Oil sheet asphalt, $34,003. 30 oft stone base and $84,743.00 on gravel base. Edward Ryan, Springfield, bid $35, 293.00 on trinadad with .stone base; grw/el base, $35,293.00, On Oil sheet asphalt either stone or gravel $34,- $74.00, On brick cement filler $40,- 237.60; pitch filler $39,325.60; as­ phalt filler $39,325.60. The estimate for the job was $37, $02.06. These were the main bids and a re given fo r comparison. The seven bidders were Loyd Con­ tracting Company, M. J. Cooney .Edward Ryan, Springfield; J . J, Me Hugh, Rennick & Smith and Ring- Wald A Sons Co,, Dayton, Thd Repub­ lic Asphalt Company, Dayton. The Loyd Company is well recom­ mended having done work for Xenia, Osborn and Middletown. Of course the company will be under bond as Ja required of all concerns. The com- tpany is well-equipped and can start the work just as soon as the equip­ ment cart be placed on the ground. The Main street improvement was first started more than a year ago. Council passed the resolution of neces sity last December and it has been proceeding slowly until the letting of the contract, Wednesday. The im­ provement is badly needed. When completed I t will add much to the value of property as has the South Main street paving, but will be great­ ly appreciated by tho residents. From the standpoint of economy the tax­ payers will see the wisdom of Street paving. Several hundred dollars have been expended a t times on the streets connecting the main market roads but the bsftyy traffic, waars these streets out faster than money dan be accumulated to pay the bills. Reports had been circulated for some time ba^k brick would be from one third to one half higher than asphalt and this caused- a number of property owners to watifc .As fcriek bid* ware the lowest council la ** t U/f* •;<•••v CONDENSED OHIO NEWS News Items Picked a t R u d e * and Boiled Down for the Busy Reader ✓ i o r ;,s*p)iC6. being commended for the stand taken, 'BROKEN BONES MUST BE , FARMERS WHO >\ With prices anything like near equal' THE LATEST CRAZE .OIL SHOULD PI mote than seventy five percent of the • , NOW WITH J - ! property on the street was for brick/ - Monday Was a bad da# fo r broken ’ , bones. F irst Ansel Wright of the Ce -1 We will be ptepArf COLLEGE NOTES darville Lumber Company fell from provide oil for fi I a truck and. broke a rib besides re -1 their road oiled. PiacjS A very interesting meeting was en­ joyed by the members o f .the Y. W. C. A. last Wednesday morning. The meeting was led by, three senior girls, who .represented the three ‘‘Misses.” “Mis-represent”-, “ Mis-Fortune” and Mis-Judge.” . *ev * * An exciting -time was experienced in Gedarvillo last Wednesday night, when the Y. M* C. A. had their annual spread and parade.The girls are won­ dering when the-bpys a re going to make some more ice cream. Mr. H* L. Seamans, Secretary -of .he State Y. M. C. A. gave a very in­ teresting and practical talk in chapel, Thursday morning. ’V * County -Superintendent, H. C. Ault- raan came to Cedarville, Thursday af­ ternoon to talk to the students, who are expecting to teach ■next year, concerning the teachers’ examination. He also made some arrangements con eming the County Normal for ele­ mentary teachers, which is to be in­ stalled next fall at Cedarville College. m »■ ■* Miss Vesta Collins, - of Mroping Sun, 0„ spent a few days in Cedar­ ville* visiting with her sisters, Miss Edna! Collins, Y .. « • * ' Miss Marie Plummer of Peebles, O. ft' student in the college during the first semester, is visiting Miss Lulu Murphy, She came here for the pur­ pose, of taking the teachers’ exami­ nation, held in Xenia Saturday** * • * The “snappy” program of the Ran­ gers’ Club; was given a t the opera house, Monday evening. * • • An. election for the various offices a t Cedarville College, for the coming year, was held in the chapel, Tues­ day morning. , * jfi * Charles Townsley was elected man­ ager of the Boys’ Basket Ball team and Hazel Williams for manager of the Girls* team* * « * The following were elected as mem­ bers of the Cedrus Staff. * . _ *• • • *. ■ * Editor, Marion Stormont; assistant editor, Harold Ray; advertising mgr, Harold Myers; Business mgr., Wal­ ker Taylor; Artist, Elmer tiurkaf. *" • ■. * The Senior College picnic will be held a t Kil Kare Park, near Xenia, Wednesday, May 23. Everyone is look­ ing forward to a good time, GRAND JURY FINDS, ONLY ONE INDICTMENT Ernest Haines, charged with grand larceny for the alleged theft e f auto- tires, was the only person against whom hn indictment was returned by the Grand Jury, Monday. Two case's were ignored. The expected Grand Jury investigation of the shooting of policeman Elvas Matthews, Xenia, was not taken up, Louis Vandervoort ,now serving a prison term for life had been accused. The matter’was laid over until more evidence could ,1/e se­ cured. 1 „ n reiving- other cuts and bruises that {J. G. McCarkell in. a have laid him up fo r several days. That same' day \> ilbur Wesley fell from the Tarbox Lumber Co. truck at the Abel Magnesia ,and brpke his left arm.1Dr. Marsh set the injured member. ■ o ■ Last Thursday Mike Karensky, a section hand received a broken left arm while lifting some ties. Several days ago 0 / T. Wolford sustained a broken rib and bruises when he fell while attempting to get out of a bath tub. Since then, he has been nursing an attack of lumbago and rheumatism ’ in addition to the broken rib. Wednesday, evening Mrs. Will Thompson of the Columbus pike, fell when tripped -by a rug in her home, and suffered a dislocated frigh t shoulder, * can get terms and if down the, dust in f r erty saving damag goods and a protect^ ;l 1 V 'TaB pROAD .ORDER cCORKELL as year to that Want -order with where you ion. Keep Lyour prop- household vlth. * >Company Fire breaking out lu tho abet t met- ri a.ul roofing- otftab.ii'iiaeat ol’ the Feet & Schuster Company, Spring- field, caused a ]o3s estimated at $00,009. '• 1 James W, Faulkner, 90, political writer and dean of QUfo newspaper men, died in New York. His death, while not unexpected to his friends, came suddenly, - He was stricken, a week ago while attending a meeting of- the Associated Press add National Newspaper Publishers, The remains wore taken to Cincin­ nati, his home city, for Interment. Prohibition Director McDonald's re­ port for April shows 877 arrests with •132 convictions. More -than $500,900 was collected between Jan. 1 and May 1. Enforcement officers say the stilt is practically extinct in Ohio." Mr. and Mrs, Roy Glass were seri­ ously injured and seven others slight­ ly hurt when a Pennsylvania railroad yard engine crashed Into a city auto bus at Newark. Mrs. Charles Enttemann, 33, moth­ er of five children, was burned to death in her home at Defiance. H0r clothing caught fire .while she-, was cleaning a mattress, Mrs,- Carrie Miller Barnes, head o£ a printing ftrm, announced she would be a candidate for mayor of Toledo. ' E,- A. Parrett, cattle buyer of Madi­ son county, is fattening' nine Here­ ford calves for another barbecue to be held July 12 at Mt. Sterling, Meigs copnty commissioners have applied for state ajd on three inter- county highways, the Pomerpy-Harri- BOnville, the Pv moroy-Racine and the Pomeroy-Langsville roads. Thieves stole a.marble grave mark­ er, from Oedar Hill cemetery, Newark. OccUpanta of the Episcopal rectory *nd several neighboring families mov­ ed out of their domes, on Main street, Pomeroy, following a landslide from the cliffs back of the street. GOth ANNIVERS t ' V. ' (»*■»**. Ttto oldest- retail inaugurates a WOtide and continues Until 60 years ago th a t ison and Gibney go#* Star tion of tins genient trill put COUNCIL LETS CONTRACT FOR ...-. OILING VARIOUS- STREETS A t a meeting of council. Monday evening council awarded the street oiling contract to Talbott & Co., the same firm th a t furnished the- street oil last yehr. The price bid; was 8120 Cents a gallufcspTHed. Thefe bhb one bidder. As the time Was near for the oil cdt^^f;]h'waffi^|r®e|cohtiact |o aceoffi.odkte property o^njer? fh ff :|faVe beep ealling fo r < .iti ^ 0 Woritl |rill be started about the 20thi Mri Tablott states that he will have plenty of oil this year so that farmers who want road oil can have it. For terms and information call J. G. McGorkell, There has been some talk that the Wilmington road trill he oiled by tbe trustees or commissioners. With the Columbus pike closed the heavy traf­ fic will ,go oyer this road which was rebuilt last fall. Unless something is done to protect this road it will not last a full year. GREENE COUNTY- NORMAL The Greene County Normal wilt open Sept, 12 in Cedarville College for, the training of teachers in the grades* The observation work for teacher# will be taken in the Cedarvilie public Schools and the practice teaching wilt be given in the Rural Schools. Mis# Keeler of Columbus will be the direct-^ ing teacher* Miss Keeler is fin expeft in training teachers and is appointed by the Department a t Columbus. Sh6 has taught for several years in direct* ing the Norma! in Clermont county and with marked success, Supt. H. C. Auliman Will have su­ pervision of the school. All inquiries with reference to it should be addres* sed to him. I t is fully expected that a t least forty teachers will attend this school* The County Board of Education has unanimously endorsed the school. I t trill give a three-fold opportunity to teachers, I t will provide a normal fo r elementary teachers a t home. I t will give stich teachers an opportunity to observe work in our local school, the only member of the North Cen­ tral Association in Greene County* I t will also give them ’an opportunity to take work in Cedarville College* in addition to their normal studies, toward a collegiate degree. A certificate from th is school will entitle the holder to a State Elemen* t ir.v certificate without examination. There is no tuition fo r the normal studies. Cedarville can keep this The first shipment of cantelopcs school permanently by showing an has -arrived in Cincinnati, according jinten-at hi it and boor-ting it. fo t iaciiiiiati papers. They came from * __ the Imperial Valley in California. The’ The Bond of Elections lias organ­ ic , was sold out in one. hour a t & $1 Led by Meeting Frank 21. Linkhart, each. No hard times in old Cineyi chief, and Carl Ervin, clerk her county May 10 I t was Huteh- r'dry; cogni- mha- sale worthy of he reputation.,©! tire firm- The firm is now incorporated ‘and under the management of Mr.’-Walker Gibney and Mr. Harry Sparks, both live en­ ergetic business men. The store is, one of the most complete for a town of Xenia’s size that can be found in the state. This sale is worthy of your notice and attendance* DIfjTRicFHOSFITALlsOARD. BEFORE PUBLIC AGAIN The District Hospital in Springfield supported by several counties for the treatment of tuberculosis, is again in tho limelight. At a recent meeting two'members of the board, dissatisfied With the management, offered tr re­ sign. Springfield papers say that the institution may be closed. Clark county is.refusing to pay its share of tile cost of operation. Bad manage­ ment has left a big debt- R* H.- GrUbe is the Greene county member of the board of trustees. STRAW HATS AND B V D*S CAUGHT IN REGULAR BLIZZARD You could tell ’em as they wont down the street Tuesday morning* I t •vas no trouble to tell the ones that had donned .their B V D’s. The heavy snow With high wind after the hot Jays took the measure o f most every one and everything, It snowed most of the day but melted, about as fast as it fell. Most of the day i t looked like the merchant that had straw hats on display had failed to pu t away last yeat’s stock. Moreover we would not have been surprised to have seen the return of the galoshes to welcome the coldest May day in forty years* WHY CANNOT CEDARVILLE HAVE ^EVENING TRAIN? For some weeks Cedarville has been without evening train accomodations, Suit for $10,000 has been filed at Chillicothe . by Charles A. Ilydeli against James Taylor for alleged in* juries received by Hydell's son, Paul, when run down "by Taylor's car. Herbert Byard, aged English re­ cluse, who died at his pome ’ near Athena; leit an estate of mete than $35,00.0 to relatives in England.' Austin Cutler reports that a calf with two perfectly formed heads, four nyds, four-ears, two mouths’ and two toiigues was,born on his place near Kingston. The two heads were’ on one neck. The calf lived hut a short time..' An elaborate still 10 feet high and JiO loot in diameter, built in a com! crate pit -connected with’ a steam boiler fired with coke, was discov­ ered by dry aggnts on the farm of Albert Enders, near Cincinnati. . , Logan .Rotary club is co-nperating- -dwilh council in planning improve­ ments to present city water works. M ts , Edward XCraner,. 03, died a) Agosta, Marlon county, from injuries received in falling down a hay chute. Both of the hotels at South Charles­ ton*. near London, the Inu and the Mi­ ami, have been offered for sale. Perry county officials are trying to find the owners of 3,000 gallons c£ merit, 50 gallons of moonshine and a still, which was’ discovered In an abandoned mine near Corning. J. C» CoHler, 88, farmer’ near Lon­ don, Je a long distance walker, Mr«, William Thomson, 55, Was •truck and seriously Injured by an auto a t Red Town, near Gloueter. Guy Van Blarcom, 65, shot himself to death In his store at Sandusky. He had been ill. Rev. Carl Sunderberg, president of Thiel college, * Greenv (He, Pa., will make the high school commencement address a t South Charleston May 18. Charles Beck, recently appointed United States deputy marshal, has been assigned to duties at Youngs­ town. Woman’s Missionary society of the Marion Presbytery has ’ been redls* tricted. into four districts Instead of five: Kenton, Gallon, Delaware and Bollefontalne. • Frank Kurdziel, 35, Toledo* was Struck by an automobile and killed. lira. Sarah Cherry, 56, hanged her* self at her home in Crookavilk. Wor­ ry over the death of her husband & year ago is said to have caused her to end her life, Robert Lowery, two-year-old ton of Murrell Lowery of Crookavllle, Wandered away from hi* home, crawl- •d under a freight car and was killed. A. I. Root, probably the highest au due to a lack o f patronage th a t en- abldd the company to operate profit- thorlty on bee culture in the world, ably. With th a t situation the people died M Ms home in Medina In hi* did not in this section, press objection MR* I1* waa largest dealer PROSPERITY MUST BE ON . • IN CINCINNATI; JUST LOOK and allowed the change to stand. Now we learn that Loveland, Morrow, Waynesvilld, South Charleston and London have been made flag stops for train No. 1284 East tha t leaves Cincinnati a t five o’clock and gets here a t 7:15. If all the towns on tho line were treated alike Gedarvillo could have no objection, but as we are, discriminated against it is now time to register a protest. Wo learn from reliable sources that Cedarville passenger business is on pat with other towns on tho line of near Urn population. A* for shipping either incoming os* Out-goint wo stand a t the top. From a business stand­ point we should tiseft have recog­ nition. We would sfliggesfc that citizens In bees in America, the author of nu­ merous works on be* culture and the editor of a beekeeper'# magazine. '1 Ralph S. Ambl«r, 64, prominent member of the Stark county bar, for­ mer common pleas judge and presi­ dent of the chamber of commerce, died suddenly at Canton, Heart trou­ ble was the cause. Four person* Were kilted and 16 In­ jured In automobile accidents in Cleveland. The dead are: Arden Truxcl* 47; Mrs. Agnes Truxel, hi* wife; Mr*. Mary Biddle, sister of Mrs. Truxel, and Robert Livingston, 24, Deputy Sheriff Samuel Farley *f Ilaydenvllle, near Logan, was re­ leased on $1,000 bond on a charge of shooting with intent to wound. Far­ ley, It is alleged, struck Alfred Map­ per, 21, of HaydcnvlUe, with the bhti l ^V. A. Pefre. 22, clerk In a branch <f the Cleveland Trust company, Cleveland, admitted, - bank officials state, t h a t . he took approximately $42,000 from the bank vault, and hid the money beneath the garage a t his uncle's home. The money was recov- ered. i . ■ P, W. Bougher, member of the board ’ of trustees of Steubenville township, Jefferson county, pleaded guilty in common pleas court to 12 of 14 counts of an indictment charging, extortion of township funds, was lined $000 ana costs, removed from office and barred from holding public office for seven years. D. D, Simons, who operates collec­ tion Agencies in Lima, Spriagiiela and B&llefontaine, was convicted on a charge of embezzlement at. Bolle- fontaiue. An indictment charged Simone wrongfully retained funds col­ lected from Bellefontaine merchants. Mrs. Abbie Maedje, 47 Cleveland, committed suicide by drinking poison in her apartments. She had been di­ vorced. Mrs* Mary Ferguson, 35,r of Nor­ wood, died in a Cincinnati hospital of injuries she sustained in an auto­ mobile collision. ....Joseph H. Wilcox, superintendent of the Dayton police Bertillou bureau, waft suspended pending an investiga­ tion of charges filed against him fol­ lowing his arrest for alleged violation of the Crabbo act. ; In a message, to a meeting of house­ wives, called by the Columbus 1;odera­ tion of Women’s clubs to discuss su­ gar, prices. Governor Donahey recom­ mended that housewives declare a boycott on sugar. . Creation of a new department with-1 in the state department of -healt!>, fq be known as the division of public health nursing,, was announced by Dr. John E. Monger, state health director. Miss V. Lotta Lorimor of Cleveland will be the chief of the new division,- Governor Donahey appointed ;Dr. C. Furniss of Columbus and reappointed Claude Meeker of Columbus as'trite* t*e» of the Ohio Archaeological and Historical society. ■ Samuel S. Kuhn has filed suit in common, pleas court a t New Philadel­ phia asking $10,000 „ damages from Paul Leurquln, Frank Schlegel and Thomas Ellis, employes of the Hehsei Goal company, claiming, that, the de­ fendants, together with other union miners, caused his . discharge as weighmaster at that mine last -Au­ gust. - ^" j Ohio State League of Nursing' Ed­ ucation merged with the Ohio State Association of Graduate Nurses at Akron. Residence of David Carr at Rich- wood, together ■with most of the household goods, was destroyed by fire. Mrs. W. H. Chapman, 27, Toledo, committed suicide by swallowing poison. Rev. N. Zulch, pastor of tho Ohris- tl«m church, Jackson, moved to Cal­ ifornia. ; Mrs, E. A, Barrett, 55, Elyfla, drowned herself, She had been 111, G. V, Gordon, former superintend* ent of schools a t New Lexington and Marlon, died following an operation tor appendicitis at Miami, Fla,* Bishop Edwin Holt Hughes of Bos ton and A. B. Whitney of Upper Sail dusky have been renominated as Can­ didates for re-election to the board o! trustees of Ohio We3leyan university Valentine J. Heim has sued the Dayton Olty Railway company fOJ $6,000 damages, Charging that a mo tormah and conductor refused to lei him off the oar at a designated place, and assaulted him at the end of the line, because he refused to pay a sec ond fare. A* 10,000 families began annual, spring "moving” at Cleveland, bag­ gage haulers advanced charges 80 cents an hour to $4.50. Ezra Motley, 35, of Mlddleport, Was jailed M Pomeroy on the charge.of burglarizing the office of Prosecuting Attorney L. C. Davis. Three liberty bonds were stSTism. ■ _ ' ' . John G. Schaller was killed instant­ ly and Robert Davis find Herman Kmfih injured slightly when the truck they were riding in was struck by a yard engine. Governor Donahey appointed John A.. Bliss of Columbus, former chief 6f examiners In the state bureau ofJte* counting* a* special inveetlgatorrXor the state department of finance. Columbus club women joined forces With Organization* that are warring on high sugar prices* Dayton Wright Airplane company, answering the government's suit to recover $2/08,267, denied all allega­ tions of overpayment on war con­ tracts. n A check for two cents was drawn by John T. Cotaer, clerk of courts, to R. S. Steiner and cleared through the banks a t Lima lu settlement Of aii estate. ' ■ Governor Donahey appointed Aid- rich B, Underwood to the AkTOtt mu­ nicipal court bench, to succeed Judge L. 8 . Pardee, who was elected to the common plea* bench Met fall. Two colored boys named Jackson and Singers, Who are chargsd With PRICE, $1.50 A YEAR News Notes Over County Spring Valley commencement was ; held last evening when nine graduates : ■omoleted their work. The address'; was given by Prof, A. A, Maysillea, ; superintendent of the Montgomery';' county schools, !,: >• * * * . -(| ' Xenia friends of Mr. and Mrs, EfifL - iVillraott, (Mary Geyfer), of Chengtuj; Ihina, are rejoiced that the husband, i .rife and baby are not near the bandit army, which held -up and captured., many Americans. The Willmotts are l- connected with the American Method ;! ist Episcopal missions in the extreme Western part of China. - - . ’.'■.a ■ -V . •■■*.. V*?-■>{t: The Senior Class of the Ross town- ,j ship schools gave a class;play Wed- i nesrlay in the school auditorium"All i- On Account'of Polly.’’ The Seventh;! Annual commencement will be .held f; Thursday, May 17, and the following ;! 'are the graduates: Walter L, Cum- ! mings, Alice McFarland; Elizabeth ' Lackey, The class address Will ‘be j !given by Prof. A. M. .Crane The di- ;.' ! plomas will be presented by Supt. v: 'A. F, Roush. The Bowersviile orches-'.; , tra will furnish the music. ’ • b. H. H. Conldin has been elected as president of the Xeni.a Commercial, and Savings Rank to fill the vacancy; caused by the death of Charles L. ] Babb. Mr, Babb was the bank’s first [ president and .retired in 1910. One case Of small pox has been discovered in, Xpnia. Jn addition there,., is an epidemic of measles in the city* • Judgment in the case o f Vernon De.s Atley, young Caesarcreek ‘ township farmer, charged with possessing and furnishing liquor, was reserved - by Magistrate J. E. Jones, following the tidal on Tuesday. /The liquor -was taken in a raid by Sheriff ;Sharp -that Was used as evidence in tfie' trial*' The elevator belonging to the Na­ tional Feed Mills Co.,,fellow Sprihgs was destroyed by fire about four o’- ■lock, Tuesday afternoon. More than GOOD bushels of grain and feed,were destroyed. ,The loss is placed a t $30,- * 000, well covered by insurance, ^ h e xact cause, of the .fire is"net Knqyvn., The company plans to rebuild a t once. John Landak.apd son, Conrad, fo r­ merly of.Daytori, who roside just tin- tide the cqunty. line on the Kdmp road were raided by Sheriff Sharp Friday and a large still was found. It was one of the largept ye t ,found n the county. The still had ;750 ‘ gallons of mash.' SUNDAY SCHOOL MTORKERS j MET HERE WEDNESDAY interest thenwelva# in this matter and ’ of his revolvsf and then ritot Nappw ;.iO!«e action be hriten. We will sec in the leg, when Napper was caught that Bupt, n. G. ®*rnard, Cincinnati, tleWkig a ball game at Haydenviile c;ot» a copy of a* a starter for tr0'11 a l s titm better acoomod iS« in the evening.' ^, trucking away and toHirtg two ton* of sugar from a Mlddleport warehouse, have been bound over to the grand j«ry. Lawrence Green, $7, Cleveland, i r t l sentenced to owe to seven years in Mftimsfleld reforihatory after A jury had found Mm guilty of bigamy. MajforJteorge W, Neely vetoed the occupational tex measure passed by Marian council Apr!l 3*. Kvgry work* i Ira S. Richmond of Dayton, ex- mutive • secretary of the Sunday School Council of Religious Educa­ tion, talking before, the Greene-Count Sunday School convention, Wednes­ day, . described vacational Sunday school work ahd the way religious 'ed­ ucation was carried on* in Dayton* Mr. Richmond emphasized the im­ portance*of the Adult Bible class and mid that it Bhould tie made respon­ sible for all the church activities,;He jpoke a t the morning, afternoon and ;vcning sessions. M ts . Vernon Phillips of Coltimbua, mperintendent of the Children’s di­ vision of the State Sunday School as- lociation, talked entertainingly of the ihildren's Work in the* Sunday school, it all the. sessions, „ Personal experiences with vacation Bible schools were deserbed to the del .’gates by the Rev. Mr. Leis, pastor of the Baptist church of Wilmington. Speakers fit the evening seacion vere Rev, P. S. Vernon, 'Dr. W» R. McChcsney and Ira S. Richmond* Reports of Various superintondonts, officers and committees given a t the business session in the forenoon. -in­ dicated that the beat year in its his­ tory has just been passed , by the county association. There were 67 delegates in attendance, a t the con­ vention, representing every township1 association with the exception of daesarcreek, Ross and SUgarctfcek, The Rev. W. J?. Harriman of this t)lace was re-elected president and Kpv. Bertha Day o f Jamestown, .re­ elected treasurer. Miss Anna Mary McCorkell, night operator At tne telephone exchange, was taken suddenly ill about five o’clock yesterday morning. Before aid vt , s summoned she had fainted and fell to the floor where she remained ‘or some time before Regaining ton- sciousness. She was then able to call ithor employees and was taken home .vhere she is reported as improving, ; The engagement of Miss Donna Johnson and Mr. Dewey Porker , of Jamestown, Was announced last Fri­ day evening a t a party gtvM by Mis­ ses Elizabeth Townsley* Avwrmtl . Jrignor and Thelma Smith. The par* y whs in the nature «f a shower ft* he wedding is planned fdr a dspto itto his month. About thirty W«r* to attondriffift. >■ ’ '