The Cedarville Herald, Volume 46, Numbers 27-52
fm WV*rtt*lA* 4| art rtUy *•*»••« waul* of ifc» own, but it atoelwa artl b r i ^ to ***** ihw t lib i; of tka y**ta*days. . a mmmm lftv g fii m LOCAL AND GENERAL NEW* *LvI> THE INTEBE8T8 OF CEDAR- ViLLE AND VICINITY, FORTY-SIXTH YEAR NO, 50. HUNTERISFINED FORHUNTING CEDARVILLE. >AY, NOVEMBER 30. 1923 PRICE, $1.50 A YEAR Je*»e Salle ihm ! nm, iSSQii Under avenue, SoriugfUld, wore aneated se- ►ral day# foe i lilting without a permit. They hud been hunting on u tract of 3.000 seres 4 f land xvorth-west of Yellow opringi, that bad been post ed ly the farmers. Both plead guilty before Magistrate Andrew Jackson, and wer-j fined |ih and costs The fine W remitted on payment of-the cof-ts Many hunters have the impression that because they ha\e a licence They can aunt any p'ace witout permission It does appear rather foolish to iasuo a license to a man and tl »n arrest him for hunting witbtut permission. The plan of licensing hunters docs nut to gi\e permission to hunt hut to trome talarics for game various 15 and of'rials that head. that depart mens of state, Too hunter gets n. benefit of the license money nor does the. farmer. Earmark cannot be blamed for post ing themland atjau gt hirtirg. In fact it is the thing to do. Many irrespon sible persons are" licensed to hunt Mu;a damage is dene over a single county wht re fence* arj cut and brok eu down. Every farmer would be do ing hit- duty in causing the arrest of each and every bonier on his land that wvs iroj g:\en permission. 1 Just at orosent the state dep-ri- ment is being cniieked because Gov. Donahey appointed a man to head it that neither hunts or fishes. The claim is made shut the d-.partmcnt is being wrecked If this is so the Governor has performed a real service to the hunters and the stare. If the sp, vts- marx cannot hunt without permission att .1 cannot get permission he will not need •a license O. nsequently there will Ie no funds to kcep a lot of game w&rJi;ts from ha'-ig a job at time productive occupation. , The more farms pnsbad. The more arrests- for hu'.ting as in the cose men tioned above, tin- socner the farmer wh h« 0 some po: co aim not ho mo lested n> case he should find a fend fo.v cr kill a skunk that might be in vading hi# ciiick.n toiise. One farmer stated to us some days ago that he did not intend tp give per- misi.t . lo any mar to hunt Hint would r-ot cut ot busk corn. If this rule vas ir. fire we know there wcjild be few licenses issued. GOT HIS EYE ON HIM & ahem ! j , 0 ' ya *> cong & ss ] t ' M B o n o ? •WS- •*S- B lG FARM FIRE NEAR , SOUTH CHARLES TON MONDAY One of the most mysterious fires in this section happened about 3:30 A. M. Monday. ’ on tho Thomas Mattin- son. this side of South Charleston. Fire broke out in two big bams’ or- adjoining farms about the same time which caused the loss of twelve build ings The loss is phteed at $ 100,000 wb.rt. covered Witlings and cc-nttnti. consisting of much feed, farm imple ments and live stock. There can be bo reason ascribed other than till. fires -v, re of incendiary origin. The motivo cunnot be understood. OSBORN BANK WANTS DAMAGES FOR MOVING \ y ' ^ ■ V . T \||CS? I"... I. .as Jf 1*4* 4H lH Beftha Underbilk co-*d in the Aeritnlw j CoUe$«, de- S t * ) , «.t3 Z % f “ KM " Of*., COLLEGE NOTES The First National Bank of Osborn has bt-iught suit against the Miami Conservancy District asking damages to the amount of $ 10,000 because of the temoval of the town of Osborn The bank claims it was forced to move lo a new location and erect a new building at a cost of $ 25 , 000 .. I t alleges that every other business con cern in lbs town was allowed dama ge* by tne moving of the town except tht* bank. To force a settlement ibis suit wqs brought. FTUCK JUDGiNG CLASS VIS11 COUNTY BREEDERS The live stock ju Sging class front the v). S. U made the rounds of many live stock breeders in this eonrty last Thun ' »y itt mmi.any with Mr. Del* mer Jobe. Each year the class roaks a'visit to this county where more fine stock can he found than in any county in the state. gfe* Ocdarville College will celebrate its tlnrtioth 1 anmveriiarj Jrne 1 - 6 . * ’ • - * Following the Y TV. C. A. member* sb-p drive, :tn interesting meeting was h, * j Wed-.siday, Noten ber 21 After levo:final exercises led l y Miss Mar tha Doan, Mies June Thompson too* cnitiye of 11 ,e business meeting at, which Miss Winifred Fturkey,. presi dent of the association, was selected delegate to the National Y . W. Cl A. convention which is to be Ijold at In - iinnupolis. Inti., from Dec. 8 to Jan. t. Miss l.ucilo Johnson, presided over he regular meeting, using for hep top ,c, 'Our •)pei> Doors ” There were alks givenon the isobjects, '‘Our Fro- "osiMmmV _ * * Jours in Education ,1 >y breughr. before those present the n-pattuuitta’, given and advancements male by wemen in these fields. Thu ie:-,t meeting which will be held Nov ud will bo devoted to tho initiation of Biv miopcrs m: m . ■: »■•■■■■ Tho Y . M. C. A. chose Mr. Fred .Vills delegate to tho Student Volou- tvr Vonccntion, which will, meet in TfeemU'r at Indianapolis. ■■*' ■' ■Tlw boy’s initial basketball prac- icMwas called Friday, Nov, 23 by Poach Talcott. .* • * I ho ladies t i the Reformed Presby- ferian church observed tlicir annual vii-tun by serving a chicken dinner on Thursday Nov. 22 for tho benefit of i. o Gt liege Endowment iuiid. I t was veil attended by die local residents and the college students. , * * • The girls’ basketball teams have ."i.l splendid training this Week un der the direction of Coach Talcott- They feel that they are making tueir opponent— Springfield Business Col lage— in their opening game, Dec\ 6 . • * • The Senior Class succeeded in liav- ng their long talked of spread Tuea- iny, Nov, 21 , at the Inmo of Mr. Mar- .on A'ormont. They were visite'i' by .he uKUal i-ollego bunch whom they pacified by handing a morsel through the window. Later a few freshmen relieved thorn of stveral dozen sand wiches much 1 1 t 10 dismay and tho humiliation of ihe sedate seniors. * • * Dr. McChesney announced in chap- •I last Friday that there would be a straw vote cast by the College and GrCuno County Normal students on t’uesdaj, November 27 for the presi dential candidates, ■ « o ■ • The editor of the Cedrus* Mr. Marion fitovmonl, secured Mr. Wheel er of Xenia to take photographs of Urn College and Glccne County Nor mal students last week." There has iron much work dent* on tht college mortal which promises to be one of the best .ever published by Codarville College, Chasing hogs up and down stock yard aiieys hi-If In dozen times after they iTe unoaded from the oars does* not «s utlly help them put on f ’esh y,»h this is what happens when farm ers nsk to av, thrii stick weighed nnd told separately by mark, c-'orting itock u> mark, cay exten sion specialist? in mivrk«ting at the Ohi-x State university, is ur<profiinbt)j for diese reoi-ons To diviri** a lot of GO hega into five Iota by works re- v* 4 ir-‘o four sertings w th n conse 'iun t ,o ». ti time raeng bogs over ...ippevy fl lors’im reuses shrink and- o>r*ssionaliy tripples n» nuhnaL by small lots the market men m nut and real shrii.k in small lots is| timdu far worse by the- scale break Sto'k* jeales usually have a scale break of 10 pounds. Calves or Iwge with a era! shrink of from 4 to 6 [■outiiNj then, get a shrink of 10 pomidrt by the scale break* In the final proof the extension specialists cite this typical letter Irem a commission hnus-e to tbu man ager uf a farmers’ co-operative: ‘These lanibs were weigiied by murks, as you instructed, and after so do:tg we secured the weigthu* as to price. ThO 17 top lambs weighed 45 j-ciiiids ou;e than when weighed ac cording to -jaiks, and the 36 gained 75 pounds A t 18 cents (the going price) for the 45 pounds nrd 8 cents for the V 5 pounds there would have been a grade. I f your men understand this scale break problem thoroughly, I believe th-»y will not object to sale by grade.1’ and fired directly lace Clerk was hos&itU whore * LICENSE TAGS HERE J. G. Mi-Corkell, local distributor for nu'oiuabile iccnso tags has receiv ed his first shipment and is now ready to 'sane rigs to all owners. You must have your tugs by January 1 , li> 23 . 'there will ho no .extentiort of time his ye ir os there are plenty of tags to supply the state. The numbers for this section will run froml 80,001 up. Auto owners in the Eastern part of the coan'y are expected to get their tags » f the local distributor . DAYTON NEWS ISSUES WORLD’S LARGEST PAPER Thu Di-yton Daily News, owned by f*rmnr •«»\emcr Junes M Cox. is sued it* lew home edition Sunday which was printed £atuiday. It con tained 25 G of.ges fu!. newspaper <fize, 'I his *s regarded as tlir largest usrtu of an, daily paper m the world, Thu News just recu, tly moved into a oow home with new mechanical equip ment and i? said l >bo the most com plete newspaper plant in the world. Theedition is Hot o ily a tribute to the owner but to the city uf Dayton that bougnt so freely of its advertising space The Governor owns tho Sprng- nelii New*, np-ip.'i in Canton, O , and one :n Miami Florida. Ideal Gift For Athletic Girl vl-.*"•■’-r'-.v DECEMBER TAX COLLECTION County Treasuiit Frank A. Jack- son, has announced his datis for the collection ef taxes Ccdarville will be visited Cecirolel 10 when the Treas urer or hi* deputy, will bo at the Ex change Bank, Taxpayers in this sec tion of the county can pay at that time. Y-dlow Springs will be visited December IX- Bowcrsvilk-, December 12 and Bowirsville, December 18 told Osborn December 14 . ,000. Sb* DISTRICT ti. & h. MEETING IN XEN IA TUESDAY LA SI BuiUmg and Bonn representatives from the organizations in five coun ties nbiut Gieene met, in Xenia Tues day t-, discuss topics important to the work of the loan associations. About 1,3 representatives were present a.<J jfniK-r was atmd nt noon aetbe First Ref O.iyrcb, Members of the lo cal loai, renent Were W. J. Tarbe*. Andrew Jackson A Z Smith, J, E» HitomU, U -h K u k f* A Mo ilUlm*. HIGH YIELDS SAVE OHIO WHEAT GROWERS; REPORT High yields saved Ohio wheat far mers heavy losses this year, accord ing to accounts kept by the Gieene county wheat grower*. An imfeAsed average yield of 14 ter cent offsev the avo *yt price drop «,f 6 per cent, re cords of twenty wheat faims showed Men operating these twenty farms have rein keeping records on scienti fic farming los statistical purpose lot four f « sm CONDENSED OHIO NEWsI iFflRMBURHU DRIVESTARTS NEXT WEEK Nsws Items Plcksd at Baadom and Boiled Down for tho Busy Reader HOGS LOSE D E IGHT IF JAMES BAKER ifROOTS SOLD BY MARKS SON CLARK, SATURDAY I.i* Sunday Cobnrtbns Dispincn give3 an.cUOir.t of the slmotinv of L.-ark bKaer, colored, by his fat.ier, lame*1 ’isHr at the Ionic of the lat ter in Cj 1 pihus. last Saturday right From Lie press account young Baker tame home with mpie “corn” than was iafv for" at yone man to canv in l.ipiid form. The' father claims that the s.<n n-dte a rush at him with a .arge meat fork, when the older p’ckod up * shrtgu, *ianlmg Am r, jto the. attacker’s Eh to St Franco ifotud that the deeply and been drcs**V Eldred Steiner, 22. an electrician i'i>r the Ohio Power company su JBu- iyru.j, was electrocuted while placing cgrt-oKS in a street lamp. Bernard F, Martin, 13, student at University school, Cleveland, die'd of Injuries said to have been received in a football game. Ten stills in the old Mill Creek dis tillery, ^Cincinnati, were uncovered by a squad of detectives, who believe that they have found the headquar ters of Cincinnati's “king of the moonshiners," who has- grown rich through the sale o f illicit liquor, ' Two men were killed and five oth ers injured when the automobile In which they were riding crashed into a moving train at Wayneaburg, 12 miles south of Carfton. The dead: Paneozio Daudrea, 40, and Gaepano Giarttone, 37. Left hand of W. J. Loel was torn to shreds when bis shotgun' exploded and the gun was blown, to bits while bunting near Chillitothe, Mayor McCune of Nelsonville dis missed Frank Lowdy, fire chief, on the charge of gross neglect ot duty. Trapped in a pit under an automo bile on which they wrtre making re pairs, Earl Devary, 31, and Harley Kail, 33, are in a serious condition at Canton. They received severe burns when gasoline fumes ignited, Burglars entered a Cincinnati gar age and stole 11 cases of sample shoes, all for the left. foot. James BIgman, 25, a laborer em ployed by a construction company, drowned when he fell from a scaffold into the Ohio rirer near Toronto. Joseph E. Reis is charged with manslaughter in* connection, with the death of Mildred Newman, 7, and Alma Bolte, 3, at Cincinnati, where they were struck by an automobile driven by Reis. Fayette county commissioners have iet aside a fund to aid the. farm bu reau in running down thieves who have been taking farm produce. Arza Hamilton died at Logan of in juries received when his bicycle col lided with an auto driven by Marsh ladwin. All pupils in the Zanesville high school have been ordered vaccinated. S&Veral. cases of smallpox have devel oped there, Charles Shank, Putnam county farmhand, was found guilty at Ottawa of the second degree murder of penalty. The jury deliberated 25 hours.. Shank also is udder Indict-' meat for the slaying of Olive Ten* watde, the. unwed mother of his child And a daughter of Mrs. Tenwalde, and Laurence Tenwalde, a nephew. When he resisted two negro ban dits, who held up the M. E. G. restaur ant at Columbus, Christ George, the proprietor, was shot through the left hand. The bandits escaped after rifling the cash register of $150, Jury which considered the case of Clarence Crosser of Portsmouth, tried at Cincinnati on the charge, pt first degree murder, reported, a disagree ment and was dismissed. Grosser was charged with first degree murder in connection with the death of Ed ward McClain of Little Rock, Ark,, his companion ,during a holdup at Cincinnati on May 8 last. .Two bandits held up and robbed W. J. Schaefer and F, A. Deahl, officers of the Grief Brothers’ Cooperage com pany, Cleveland, as they carried a $3,000 payroll from a bank to the fac tory, The men escaped in an auto mobile. W, G. Robinson, 68, Cincinnati, waa killed by an automobile. . Governor Donahey" has issued, a proclamation urging Ohioans to sub scribe to the BArdlng memorial fund and designating the week beginning Dec. 3 as Harding Memorial week. Ohio censer board has approved' "The Toil of Justice,” a motion pic ture produced by the Ku Klux Klan. The film is not propaganda, accord ing to the hoard. Sixteen men were Indicted at Ports mouth for alleged election . betting. The list Includes Scott W, Wilson, real estate dealer; Dr. Burton, Dr. A. C. Lowry and Postmaster A. W, Abele. Governor Donahey issued a proc lamation designating Thursday, Nov. 29, as Thanksgiving .day. He f said: "Let ua make It a great day for the children, and especially on. that day let us weigh our duty to the orphaned. children." Fire caused $6,000 loss to. stock anc! property of the Bolender drug store at Canton, cite coal. Henry Johnson, negro, died at Cin cinnati as the result of a bullet in his brain, and two negroes with whom he was playing cards are being sought. Two bandits .held up the Grand Central Cleaning company at Cleve land add. sho,t and .probably fatally wounded Harry Leibowltz, 40, when ho became.!rlghtenefl and stepped to ward the man holding' the gun. Following an unsuccessful attempt e, Susie TAlala, 17, to shot through his own brain, killing himself Instantly, The girl, accord ing to the police report, had just re turned from an auto ride with friends. Holesh upbraided her. Governor Donahey has called for James A. Wild was given an unde- Dec. -,g a conference o f‘ county and terminate sentence in the Ohio ■ state municipal authorities to discuss law reformatory by Judge Cuil at Clove-, enforcement and consider recom mendations for more drastic enforce- SOME EXCUSE NECESSARY The Herald appears ,this week un- er some handicap and not printed as distinctly as W a lly We were out nf comntissicn for a few days due to trouble with our linotype. Re pairs were made temporary that do not give perfect result but new rs- mir* have been ordered from tie factory m Chicago, CHAUTAUQUA BEING TALKED C-F FOR NEX T SUMMER A representative of an Indianapolis Chautauqua Company- has teen in town this week surveying the field for a chautauqua sometime during the coming summer. As yet no definite icttcn has Jxen taken by any local or ganization, ' __________ laud, following his conviction oh a charge of stabbing to wound in the tattooing ot his name on the body of Miss Marie Sanko, his ex-sweetheart. Plans have been completed for the holding ot 10 farmers* Institutes in Seneca county this winter, Mrs, Pearl Elliot of Utica, visiting her sister in Newark, failed to see an open cellar door and fell headling to the cellar floor. Her condition is serious. Harry Bakke, convicted of man slaughter for having caused the death -• of George Weis by running him down with his automobile, was sentenced at Cincinnati to serve five years in the penitentiary, 1 Charles H. Danford, attorney, died at Marietta in his 87th year, Fred Alderman, Athens hanker, has been named receiver for the Hocking- Sunday Creek Traction company, op erating a line between Nelsonville and Athens. Due to lack of funds, a 3-mill levy being voted down recently, the schools at ML Gilead will close Nov. 30 for an indefinite period. 1 Business men of New Concord have pledged $8,000 in the “million for Muskingum college" drive. Charles Madlgan, 55, watchman, was gored to death by a hull iu Union stock yards, Cleveland. A score of gassers has been brought in In the new Carthage field, near Athens. Tho latest gas welt drilled up the East End branch of the Day- is making a million feet daily. ton savings company at Dayton and Oscar Mendenhall, 30, of Penns- escaped with $4;OO0 in cash, ville, Muskingum county, is under ar- A reward of $300 was offered by, rest, charged with the theft of 1,000 the county Commissioners for the ap- pounds of Wool from William Holbein, prehension and conviction of the mur- Mrs. Susan C. Holllnberry, 55r of derer of John Foster, railway em- Struthers, and her daughter, Lillian, jqoye, murdered recently at Newark. 18, were killed at Youngstown when Eugene A, Reed, 52, president oi ment of prohibition. Walter Unger, 13, was ' killed, and his 20-year-old sister, Sadie, was bad ly hurt when an auto collided with a surrey near Greenville'- E. L. Lannlng, under Indictment at Zanesville, charged with passing had checks, has been turned over to the naval authorities, who claim he is a deserter. Cleveland streetcar fare will be in creased from 5 to 6 cents Doc. 1, Robert Teach, Plqua, Bhot in the eye while hunting, will probably lose the sight of that optic/ Teach wat* hit by a stray bullet from a shotgun- A box containing 1,500 pennies was stolen from the Chambliss Brothers grocery, Xenia. Mrs. Mary Bucceri was stabbed to death with an ice pick by. her hus band, Frank, following a quarrel at their home In Cleveland. Bucceri was arrested on a charge ot murder, Willett Howe, 6, son of Glenn Howe ot Ira, near Cleveland, died from wounds inflicted when a hunter's gun was accidentally discharged. Sheriff Charles Moore, 50, of Noble county, was slain near Caldwell when he attempted to aeize an automobile carrying liquor, Elmer Farra, 20, and George Seibenschuh, 30, both of Sues- ville, are held in connection with the murder. A lone bandit wearing a mask held hit by an auto aa they stood in the safety zone waiting for a streetcar. Elmer Law, 47, New Concord, was killed when a train hit his auto, Joseph Marhefka, 19, white hunting, the Ohio Bell Telephone .company, died in Columbus, following an oper ation, Df. 8. E. Cotorad ot East Palestine, prohibition agent, has only a “fight- came to an orchard and started to chance" to recover from the stab knock apples from a tree with the butt end of his gun. A twig pulled the trigger and the shot entered Mar* hefka's heart, killing him instantly. At Bucyrus William Ktssllng, 14, wound inflicted when he waa making a raid'at Youngstown. &ix suspects are in jail. Canton council passed an ordinance repealing the franchise authorizing During he cnm'jqt week tho Greene County Farm Bureau wiil start its :ec<,ii 4 campaign for memters on a three year bnsis. VV,' U, Bryson O.airmtn of the County Bureau, has been chosen na campaign nuinager trd will direct the membership work.' Contrary to the custom of 1021 ■when outside solicitors did all tho-can v&ssmg. the worn this year will he carried forward by local solic tors, who wili work nil „vcr the county, and drivers, A’ho will po with the solid-’ tors in iheii own school districts A driver and solicitors school wilj be held Tuesday, Deo. 4 th at tho court iiotise in Xenia, at which the details of the campaign will bo discussed and wlu-rc toe <n«u will receive inatru.-von in regard to the accomplishments of the Farm Bureau during the past three year pork 0 , All drivers ami so licitor* as well as the County Execu tive Committee will aiteni this-sehoot A representative from tae Ohio Farm Bureau Feaerstion will assist with, the meeting, ■ / The campaigning" for members will"' actually st.rri Wednesday, December jjh. m two townships and will contin ue until all cf the communities have . teen thoroughly (s.nvassed, Tn planning for this rampaign the '"ounty T.HAurve Committee feels -hat the effi-"t-r,t work done' by the Ireeiie bounty Foim Bureau ami by :he State and. National Federation more than ju.-tify the effort and mon- iy <>ur farmers put into . it during the past toiee years and are fully con fident of u guod memhersnip duviqg ne n -.-.t th < 1 years period. U t ENSFS I OR EVERYTH ING BUT TH E BOOTLEGGER l'hu time is a*;,cut It re fur securing your- licenses foiy dogs, automobiles, •tc. We are living m an age fif Licen ces Wo have to l ave thorn to got niar :ed. To run your auto„ to own a dog; .0 hunt, to sell cigarette, dleomargiue a peddle and a sane of other things hmgs that might be nieiUioiu-d. The motiegger gets by without his. - \MEUICAN LEGION ARRANGES FOR CHRIS1!MAS TREE The American'pn.nt a meerng" fin-sday evening in Community hall ivcittod co have a community Christ- uas tree this year when the little * oiks will have opportunity of reeeiv- TTg some small token. I t is expected .hut plans can bp completed for the -roe by December 15 when j,t wjli be' placed'at the rear of the opera house. ASSESSMENT ORDiNANCE - ’ PASSED B Y COUNCIL Council met Monday evening when ho Ma‘n. street assessment ordinance was passed, thus di.rng up the last not of tne legislative body towards this impro' orient. Four property •'Wiiers mid cf&h The first payment *ecomes dut next month when she ogular lux'"collection is made. OHIO STATE DAY Friday, December 7 , is to be ohser- ed ait “Ohm Statu Day" in all parts of the world wherever tbere is a graduate of Ohio State University. I he slumni everywhere have been re quested to meet on that day "and a mc-irogt from the picsident cf tho great state school of learning will be sent them to read nt that time. A WINNING F IGHT Lajt y«*r you helped in the tuber culosis Christmas Seal S?ale to this comnuiiiiiy As a re?uTt of the work of .this crgRbizalhr. the death rate has been cut in half since ISlU. There were 214 ‘J fewer deaths in 1022 than in HUD when iht population vas much smaller. Every Christmas seal you buy and use put 4 the stamp of your appro-al <n the tnovsnicnt. **• Gives Sixty Miiltott To Boys’*School If glm h athletic then ..urior-sleeve pull-over the new sweater l* . . V rterk will be the gift till give v*r at Christ®*#, It is fashion’* test and meet sensible saefaL*-*!* tight cotore- accidentally Shot and killed his sis- e-cent fare on the city lines of the ter, Betty, 7 , while playing gunman. Northern Ohio Traction company line Wilbur Romas, 4 , Cincinnati, died and .substituting 5 -cent fare alter 30 of burns received while playing WHn days, , matches, < Artus Peugh, 7 , accidentally shot Twenty-one persons were killed at his father, Lewis, Peugh, and his sSe- Cleveland during October in traffic ter, Dorothy, 11 , the latter probably accidents, tho largest number In fatally, while playing with a shotguu any one month in five years. which was hot believed loaded, if! A resolution to declare all election their home In Mt. Vernon, day* holidays has been adopted by the Fred Johnson, J. M. Rlnkcs, Jr., Cleveland Federation of Labor. Knd Edward Carling, employe# of the A high tension electric wire, First National bank at Canton, were crossed with a telephone wire, is held indicted oft charges ot embezzlement, rt sponsible for the electrocution oi Following their arrest at Akron, Mis* Mary Moore, 43 , who was found u boys, ranging In age from 11 to 17 dead in the rear ot an Interurban line y<)Wg( are said to hat* c*afw **4 H waiting room at, Gtafton. |several Utgtarie*. 1 , ^ ^ . M, S, Hersbey, “ Chocolate King; sets a new philanthropic mord b; giving $ 50 , 000,000 to the Hwshei School tor Orphan Boys. His tn* $ ■ II - 'fire estate reverts to'the achooi tfcttwgh, m *m * efter Ifil dbatk, W : t
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