The Cedarville Herald, Volume 46, Numbers 27-52
Jterald, a m m w m o m w m m LOCAL AMU QmgmAlt JfWlfc A M u w x m w m m ^ m m m v i m a n d n e a r iy r . Y , DECEMBER 14, 1923 PRICE, $1-50 A YEAR a *■ ”** . . A drastic plan for reorganiza tion of the American Farm Bu re*** federation, redrafter by Sam uel R. Guard, who afterward, said ^ .M w v t d Frank O. Lowden of Illinois, would be an "ideal” pres ident of the reorganized federa tion, was introduced a t the meet ing of the executive board of the federation in Chicago, Saturday. . I t was introduced in connec tion with ’Criticism of an act in the administration of President O. E. Bradfute, and with an at tempt to overrule th a t action, This attempt was launched by members of the board who bad previously figured in the majori ty Which voted to accept the resi gnation of J . W. Cloverdale of Iowa, as secretary. Mr, Clover- dale, said the action was tanta- mount to a discharge, and said it was led 'by Frank O. Lowden and ^Samuel JR, Guard. Critics of Mr. Bradfute said th a t th a t the president had exceeded his authority in accepting, Mr. Guard's resignation and held that Mr. Guard was appointed by the ■ board and tha t bis resignation could only- be accepted by the ;■board. They moved a t Guard’s , request, th a t the board proceed ‘ to accept his resignation, thus Ignoring Mr. Bradfute’s ' action-, b u t provided tha t the resignation take effect Saturday and that Mr. Guard be paid for th e months in tervening between the date of the resignation and the date of ap proval. The vote was a tie which , Mr.. Bradfute broke by voting for the sub-motjon. THE “HOOD" LITTLE BAD BOY JURORS DRAWN FOR THE JANUARY TERM T h e following have been draw for ju ry duty. The grand jury is to convene January 7 and the pet i t jury, January 8, w ah Atkinson, New Jasper. C. H. Gordon, Cedarville. Frank Doster, Silvercreek twp. Leroy Wolf, X en ia .' ■ Cora G. Davis, Xenia. - Samuel Turnbull, Ross, J. H . Hamer, Miami twp. L. B. Harner, Bath twp Ada McKay, Caesarcreek twp. PET IT JURORS ^ Eugene Valentine ,Xenia, Ada Clark, Xenia twp. , Perry Thomias, Sugarcreek.twp. G H. Hartman, Cedarville! O. F. Cletrimer, Xenia. Fannie Custis, Xenia. , •> . Bessie E. H art, Xenia. Mary Mosby,' Xenia Thomas J. Harris, Xenia J. E Stones, Silvercreek twp. Susie Green, Xenia, twp. Charles M, Burr, Silvercreek George Ross, Bath twp. Zora Conklin, New Jasper . Frank Turner, Miami twp. J . D;"Newsorhe, Miami twp. Amanda Bailey, Beavercreek A rthur Whalen, Xenia, C. L. Cook, Spring Valley twp. Robert Hargrave, Jefferson twp “ f e e s * I p CONDENSED OHIO NEWS News Items Picked *t Baade* esd Helled Down U t the Beep Reeder COLLEGE NOTES The students of Cedarville Col- ege resumed their work Tuesday PRESIDENTIAL MESSAGE i HIGH S t H IT A RESPONSIVE CORD 1 Cedarville President Coolidge in bis first j0jrtt pro December 4, after a week of message to Congress convinced a ^ ito r i; Thanksgiving vacation. ' entire nation of his ability to ig.rarn as a v . • ' * . m .occupy the executive chair, H is (Jm<j eac|x ^ The new members of the Y. message was simple in language icrWit fox & W, C. A. were taken in to- full and to the point,.being devoid of feature, of membsrshtp last .Wednesday. sounding phrases th a t might T h e ‘candle-light” service made be misunderstood. ’’ - ■■ - The message wa's not apoliti cal document.- Far from it for it advocated .some changes in our government no t in accord with the idea of the professional poli tician. I t opposed certain prop ositions that will no t win him-a in el.a»s-nf. v o te s ., a Very impressive initiation. * ■ Last Thursday was Y. W. day Op th a t day the Y . W . treasury was materially replenished by' the selling pf-chocblate bats to -sfcudsetits. XENIA POLICEMAN MEETS AN IRATE HUSBAND City Manager S. O. Hale of Xenia, has suspended Patrolman W. T , Boyles, pending an inves tigation of the beating a Xenia husband administered the officer for alleged attentions to his wife, I t Is said the officer was beat up in a terrible manner. Last sum mer another officer met bad fate a t the hands of a husband when the officer was relieved of his'club by the husband and then beaten about the legs until he was un able to walk, Xenians seem to have their own idea of how to handle a cop tha t does no t fol low the s tra igh t and narrow path. C*S* ^ o l f W o t a a n ” Dec. 6, w ith two* complete vic tories overwrite Business College teams of. Springfield The-girls* game started with a rush, Ceclar- viUe having" Scored the first two points The game progressed with clean playing and good sports- ship on the part of both teams. The final score was 31 to 6. The boy’s team was equally victorious with a score 41 to 11. Cedarville College is looking forward to a successful season. She has made a good beginning. ■' * ■ «r The first College play of the season was staged Wednesday evening, Dec. 12, at the opera house. The proceeds of the play are for the athletic association. . The football manager for next season has resigned..Mr. Harold Ray has been elected to' fill the vacancy made by •Mr. W alker’s resignation . • • ■ • Prof. Talcott- is directing th$ Community Christmas Cantata which will be given Sabbath even ing. _______________ COLLEGE URGES PAY MENTS ON SUBSCRIPTION Letters went out this week to subscribers to the jColjege _En dowment and Building fund for prompt payment as funds were needed to replace the cost of the painting an repairing of the college buildings during the sum mer. These improvements were greatly needed not only to im prove the appearance of the pfop- rCty bu t to preserve it. I t had been .twelve years since such im provements had been made. The letter from Dr. McChesney states tha t unless these payments are met the institution will face a deficit of $3,00 by June. These subscriptions^ are due January 2, and the public is asked to be as prompt as possible in remitting, ■ Another item of expense that the college must meet is*the cost of the paved street. This improve inertt costs the college quite a sum and the general public is get ting the benefit of it. With the college improvements and the new street the,town has reason to be proud. Local people have in the past been generous to the in stitution and there should tie a quick response to Dr. McChes- ttey’s appeal. R ad io -R ad io Corporation of America Radical V, complete $142.50 • R. Bird & Sons Co. Radio,1 S T " S r i S w # , 3' tube sets complete installed for $j M M ^ ^ t M M * % 1M*4 & Sons ord. The"mlrimer in which the country has received the mes sage, particularly the reduction of government taxes, that the cost of ’living might be reduced, is proof that the President has stepped out in behalf of the com mon people. ' . .The Congressman and Senator that does no t give support to the President’s t a x , reduction pro-' gram is going to find himself out of office as sure as he faces the electorate again. A long list of Democrats 'in the present con gress have given approval of. the President’s tax program. Just what attitude a few radical Re publicans with Socialistic leaning will be is not known. The one safe Way for the government to cut the cost of operations and to wipe out thousands of useless jobs is to reduce the amount of tax collected.’ As long as tax is paid in a way will be found to spend it. OHIO W ILL HAVE FAT CHRISTMAS TH IS YEAR According to advice from Col umbus more than $25,000,000 in Christmas savings club deposits has been paid back to depositors this month. These figures sur pass the figures of all former years. This method of saving means much to business as well as tlie depositor. I t is one way to encourage thrift. I t also means a substantial business during the month of December and results in Christmas going into many homes that was not always such before the advent of the Christ mas saving club. CHAMPAIGN COUNTY TO HAVE NEW 0RGAN2ATI0N A Community Voters’ club has been organized a t Mechanicsbiirg since the fall election for the pur pose of forcing a lower tax rate in Champaign county. Cuts are to be demanded in the operation of the county and three county of fices to be abolished. The couhty superintendent of schools, county health commissioner and county agent being three of the places to, be abolished. I t is estimaetd that reductions can be made amount ing tor $27,000 annually. I t is ex plained that the organization lias nothing personal against these of ficials but tha t the move is purely to reduce the tax rate. Radio - Crofdey 4 tube set in Cabinet like phonograph $155.00 complete for $100.00 R, Bird St Sons Co. Radio—R. C. A, Radiol* Grand Cmoplet* $350.00 R* Bird & & » « « € $ . exhibition Speaking ok which Mar; Fariand, Ry | Huffman ao j part- Don’t Frida Cor )TES. held a 5, in te pro- j much gowning vas> ah Public in is Me Robt.‘ took frplay its. At the request of the Gootfyear Tire t«»i Rubber company the c&y of Ak ron has agfeetl to Jay a small strip of rubber brick payemcmt near the c«,od- >r,ir faqtory, it J h believed it will b« the first atrip of its kind in America. John Spires was sentenced at \Ve»t Union to life imprisonment in the Ohio penitentiary without hope of pardon for the murder of Robert F. Morris, formerly of Cincinnati, last May. Aaron D. Work, 22, a lineman em ployed by the Qhio Power company at Canton, was instantly killed when he came in contact with a live; jvire. A well-dressed bob-haired woman held up two girl clerks and -robbed the Ohio Savings and Loan, bank *t Poatpria of $1,300 in currency, Mrs, Dora Ashley, 46; whose hus band, Frederick Ashley, was awarded a divorce at Sandusky, committed sub ride at her home in Toledo, She placed a towel saturated with chloro form over her face. Oberlin went ovpi the top In the Oberlin college $4,000,000 fund drive. Students, pledged $141,202, Parents of students who reside In Oberlin pledged an additional $153,000, Cleveland motor truck owners will fight license plate tax. They will file suit in Ohio supreme' court asking injunction on the grounds that ths law Is unconstitutional. Timothy Clifford, 40, recluse living near Hope, Vinton' county, was found dead in his home, having been killed by the discharge of a falling shotgun. Pennsylvania railway coal'docks at Sandusky have shut down for the winter. An underground oil tank containing 2,000 gallons of corn mash was found by prohibition, officers on the farm of O. C, Moorebead, Osage, Jefferson county. Moorehead was. jailed when unable to pay"$1,000 fine. " _ State Auditor Tracy announced that Ohio will have. a cash balance of $21,650,000 jn its state treasury Jan.T. • Henry Jonea of North Randall and' his wife were -seriously injured When their automobile was struck by an Erie railroad passenger train, at a grade crossing’near Cleveland. Mr. Jones. Is believed to have suffered « broken back, v * H Two armed bandits bpld' up the City Leon B. ’Tobin, 45, of Lima, was struck and killed by an automobile while crossing a street In Cleveland. Gas fumes from a bakery oven .are believed to have caused the death of Christ Zwlok, 42, in the Cincinnati bakery where he was employed, James Barmtm, 63, of Venice, was, almost instantly killed near Saxdusky when run over by an automobile while he was lying In the road. Judge Meredith Yeatman, Cincin nati police court judge, announced that he would have deported all for eigners convicted of violating the pro hibition laws. Under federal laws, an alien convicted of crime may be sent back 4o his native country. Sixteen farmers in 11 Ohto countie; have this fall set aside 10-acre wheat plots with the, intention that next summer each acre will yield 40 bush els or more of wheat They have done thiB as a step in entering the new Ohio wheat growing contest, introf iduced this year. Rums and other injuries which he received when his airplane plunged in flames 30Q feet to the ground at Castalia, west of Sandusky, resulted in the death of H. C. Browne, 33, of Maywood, IU.v of the United States air mail service. Mrs. Helen Strousbaugh of Marlon is suing the Erie railroad for $80,000. alleged damages In the death of.her husband; former employe of the road,1 who was scalded to death near Mans field. i> Prizes totaling $35,000 In cash-and plate will be awarded at the sixth na tional flower show in Cleveland next, spring. Dispute over division of the prop erty of his dead wife, Chlllicothe po lice say, cauked Adam Frazier, la borer, to shoot his brother-in-law1, Ja cob Miller, with a shotgun and then fire a bullet Into his own head,, in an attempt to commit suicide. Fra zier was wpunded fatally.- -- , -Four armed bandits In Cleveland held up the clothing store of Joseph . Sharwell and two clerks In a' sear room and struck a customer over the head of a revolver. After clubbing J. P. Dietrich, the customer, they fled twithout any loot. ] ’ Mrs. Abraham Buckmaster, 43, her ’S-year-nld’’ daughter, and .tyilliard’ LOCALWOMAN INAUTOWRECK The Springfield News gives? an account of an automobile acci dent early Wednesday morning in which a Cedarville woman was injured, In the machine were three men ,md one woman, May Fisher,, :olored of this place. Alfred Cole man, 25, was killed instantly and .he other members of theh party mly bruised and cut. I t is said th a t the auto wag driven directly into a moving freight at the East Main street ;rosding, ^The machine had no sooner hit the freight until an other freight coming in the op posite direction crashed into the. auto. Coleman was crushed be yond recognition. ,The injured persons were tak- ;n to the eity hospital. The Fish- 2 r girl was badly bruised and cut about the legs. . . CAMPAIGN DRAGS AS TQ BUREAU ‘MEMBERSHIP Front reports we get farmers are not signing up readily' for re-\ uewal of membership in the or ganization- in this county. As to ’ standing of Cedarville. township it is- reported that we are first in. renewals. Only about fifty, per cent are renewing so fa r hu t it-is expected th a t many others wall yet sign up before 'many weeks.. Tha t the Bureau has accompli shed many things for farmers can not je denied. The organization is no t perfect and there is some dissatisfaction, hu t this is to ' he expected in any new movement. The' organization born -.three years- ago was new; Mapy expect- - ea results a t once and pot getting - all they wanted, now have a de sire to quit. There is no reason why farmers should not have their orgawiza- * tion. The meriibership may nofcbe iip to the first year bu t the Oi tzari'-" :----- - — When the a t Rp$s. Ask Lee Stanforth if he ia lost j* The Basket Ball squad of nineteen men has been selected by Coach Talcott, The squad will be cu t down, to fifteen men soon. We are expecting a successful season i n ‘basket bah- ' ' »< ♦ - Come'td the Junior' Play F ri day night' and hear the results.of the fadtbah game. OPENING GAMES IN THE BASKET BALL LEAGUE The-first games of the Greene County High School Basket Ball league will be played Friday even ing when eight of the "ten teams play. The games,, scheduled are- Spring Valley a t Bellbrook; Bath a t Beavercreek; YellburSprings a t Caesarcreek} Bowersville a t Jamestown; Ross plays New Moorefield, Cedarville is not on the schedule for the opening of the league, Girls’ teams from each school will' play preliminaries ti the hoys’ games. Radio, Aeriola Sn and 2 stage amplifier complete insetalled for $85.00.. R. Bird & Sons Co, Mrs. Will Crawford of Mon- tanna, is here to spend several weeks with her mother, Mrs. Martha Milburn . The Beauty Winner tfrvsiied wwpamtlvriy plain, .Vornui Nlbloek, of foraato, danafla, sieppra late % » to f t kurt Wtok *»£ m * v m $r l«a«tte| from itt iitiMP rilim H « Nett* America* automobile' iVlth-$8,000 in cash, Seven cuatomera were in the bank at the time. The gunmen later were cap tured. Barry Wilson, 32, leaped from the third story window of the Ohio peni tentiary vjcUo house” and received fetal injuries, He was sent up from Cleveland,'for assault with intent to kill. ■ - Petitions for The candidacy of James A; White, OJbio Anti-Saloon league superintendent, for governor on the Republican ticket, are being sent out to Ohio drys by a Columbus organization. . Lives of two prisoners were threat ened when fire partially destroyed the town hall at Euclid village, near Cleveland. , Harold Makes, 2, Mt. Vernon, Buf fered severe -injuries when he tell and forced a chicken bone, from which ho had been eating, down.hlS throat, Martha Aldine Dove, 3, Mt. Vernon, choked to death on a peanut kernel. Baltimore and Ohio Railroad com pany purchased ground at Mansfield an which it expects to build, additional trackage and a large' freight house. Burglars entered the home of Thomas Coughlin In Cleveland Heights white the family was absent and took jewelry worth $3,000 and a fur coat valued at $1,000. . L, C. Shaw, for 42 years a teacher In Coshocton county schools, resigned as county superintendent of Schools, effective Jan. 1,' on account of failing health, Henry B, Ptgman, assistant superintendent, has been named as his Successor. Isaac Calvin Bathalow, 67, was found dead with h(s rifle by his side on his sick bed a t home taorth of New Philadelphia. Cincinnati Lodge of Elks celebrated opening of its new $700,006 temple. Two negroes, wlio shot and proba bly fatally wounded Patrolman Peter Fromm are under arrest at Cleve land. Bulletin boards at the National Cash Register plant at Dayton an nounced aggregate sales of $2,925,000 for the month. Two children, Naomi Keith, 6, tod Lewis Keith, 2, are dead of burns re ceived when fire destroyed thalr tent home, hear Zanesville, while the par ents ware visiting neighbors, Roy Stuart, county prosecutor, Is nursing a broken hand following a struggle with a youthful burglar, who tried to rob his home at Toledo, The youth Was captured. • Baltimore and Ohio railroad will in stall flashlight signals to replace the old bell Warnings at rail crossing In Ghiiiicothe and vicinity. Marion city council passed a reso lution authorizing the au thorities to borrow $3,369.15 to flay indebtedness which .he city 1s unsbia to meet, William Rowland Hopkins, attorney tod engineer, was named to be Cleve land’s first city manager under the flew charter by the council-elect, John Spires, convicted of first de gree murder t>f Robert F, Morris, for mer Cincinnatian, was sentenced at Went Union to life imprisonment. Frank Moore end Fftek Ienkina» lotti el Weet Union. tfeeei, *#ke*'ht# m- m*d. were freed i«mbjaak«.t.__ ...... .. j Eddie Butte, 35, colored, Is held at Barberton on a Charge of mansl&ugh- I ter In connection with the death of, , David Witters; 72, who was-run over and killed by a truck, Fred M. Weston, who drove the au tomobile which dragged Miss Ellnore ; Carleson, stebographer, - five blocks, !pleaded guilty at Cleveland to charges of assault and’battery. He was sen- ' tenced to six months in the work- house, Samuel Gullch, .10, was struck and killed by an auto at Warren as he was returning from the undertaker’s, where he had gone to pay a bill tbr burial of his sister,' killed by an auto last July. A skeleton, believed to be .that of Daniel Jonea, who was wanted at Martin’s Ferry in Connection with the murder of Michael Sullivan three years ago, was found near that city, p Neisonville coal miners filed suit to force a referendum vote on the ac tion of council in installing oil burn ers in the town's light plant, instead !of coal. Club women and Ohio university 1faculty members will aid In carrying on free night schools at Athens, Reopening of the Crawford foundry at Pomeroy, Idle for several weeks, gives work for more than 120 men. Improved highway between Wash ington. C. H. and Hillsboro •is now open to traffic, after being closed for months while new bridges and sur face treatment wore completed. Lured to a vacant lot on a mysteri ous early morning phone call, Dr. E. L. dverbolf of Fostoria was slugged 1and shot -by two unknown men, be- i lieved to. have been in desperate need [of dope. He suffered Only a slight flesh wound and a blow oh the head, j L. A. Paxton of New Lexington has j been named game warden for Perry *county, succeeding W. H, Bailey, re-' . signed. I Jacques Sicard, formerly an artist ' at the Weller potteries at Zanesville, died at Cannes, France, from injuries received In an auto wreck, He was tor years a figure in Zanesville pot tery art circles. Edward Long of Belmont county must die in the electric chair for the murder of Charles Conrad, taut driver, | at Barnesvllle, two years ago, the su preme court ruled in affirming lower courts of Belmout county. Long is now In “death row,” I coroner J. W, Nixon exonerated j Fred tireen, 26, of Dover, In the fatal 1shooting of Marzettan Eaves, 45, at Nett* Philadelphia, The coroner found that Green fired in self-defense in an alleged gun battle with Eaves la a podroom.- Earl Riley, 23, of Jasper, Pike Coun ty, died as the result of a gunshot wound received while hunting. Blinded by lights of another auto mobile, Robert Bergin drove bis ma chine Into a ditch near Gallon. Leo »Mader, 44, a passenger, suffered a j ' broken back and died later ; Trial of Mayor F. A, Koppe of Lo-! gan, charged with possessing into*- iciUlng liquor, will be held nee, 14, t with dodge Bloeser M Chlllicothe pre-1 aiding, . ■ i .; _■.... . * • S ttMM ba* thfew to* f * i « t flirt, max »rineq. Juiava *'« MeMRlan making much ,____ riie government should do aitd how it should be run-but with the nation’s business in the hands of such radical leaders • are Brook- heart of Iowa and’ Johnson Of Mifinesota, and there would be no business for anyone. These are, the kind of farmer politicians that are "farming the farmer” for votes, AMERICAN LEGION WILL. HAVE CHRISTMAS TREE * The American Legion, Wallace C. Anderson Foist, with the co-op eration of other organizations in Cedarville are planning a Com munity Christmas tree. The tree will probably be located on the lawn of the U. P, church and will be lighted and decorated several days previous to,Xmas. The Le gion plans a brief program from 7:00 oc’Iock to 8 P M ., Monday December 24th when there will be something of interest given to every child Of 12 years and Under in the Community, The Legion respectfully solicits the support artd_co-operation of the commun ity in, making this a happy occas ion for the “Kiddies” and for the older ,folks as well. 12,000 CONSOLIDATED SCHOOLS IN OHIO . Fifty thousand little cOurtty school houses in Ohio have pas sed out of use since the coming of the Centralized school which now have passed the 12,000 mark in the State, The advantages of the consolidated school ate so many there can be no comparison With the old school house And its half dozen pupils. The cofit may more due to transportation but it is worth all it costs and more. Balks at Paying Mrs, Mary ffmMMiritai, iff ft* Lott, e«4i«6HNg m m army flteftbmy fm i*» m m N * w m m * 1
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