The Cedarville Herald, Volume 46, Numbers 27-52

* # # # # • * * • * LOCAL m rmoHAL # • * # * » # * # # Mr*. W. IL Smith, who suffer- *« * paralytic stroke Thanksgiv- I>sy, is reported much im­ proved. Mrs. C. E, Masters was able to Wturn home la s t Saturday from tfce McClellan hospital following t o operation for appendicitis. ............ . .im ..t|l Mrs. M. W , Collins underwent an operation last Saturday a t the McClellan hospital for the remov­ al of he r tonsils, Remember Kelble’s Big Sale. J t is the one honest-to-goodness Sales .Plenty of sales people to watt on you. 17-19 W. Main St. Xenia. THEATRE NOTES. Everyone who keeps in touch with the events of the theatre has j heard about “The Gingham GH". ! 1his musical comedy created a sensation in New York last sea­ son. I t broke the year's record for musical attractions by remaining on Broadway for more than 300 performances and by giving 100 percent satisfaction to the half million people who saw the show “The Gingham Girl", with special organization of singers, dancers, chorus and musician^ will come to the Victory Theatre, Dayton, ()., for six days comment ing with a special Christmas Day matinee, Tuesday, Dec, 23th also matinees Wednesday and Sat urday. The book of the play is by Dan iel Kuscll, the music by Albert Von Tilzer, the lyrics by Neville The Community Christmas can tata “The Christmas King*' by Bred B. Holton, will be given in the opera house Sabbath evening. The cantata is given under the direction of Prof. Talcott of the college while Mrs, W. W. Gal­ loway has charge of arrange­ ments. Dr. Charles E. Galloway, presi­ dent of the Hagar Straw Boart & Paper Co., spent a short time Tuesday a t the plant. Mr, and Mrs. W, S, Hopping left by auto Wednesday for the South, going by way of Washing­ ton, D. C. They expect to stop for several days a t Columbia, South Carolina, with a sister of Mrs. Hopping, Mr. and Mrs. W, T. Turnbull may join them later. Mr. and Mrs. Burton McEl- wain and children left the first of the week for North Carolina, to make their home. ■ The trip was made by automobile. Their house hold goods were started last'Wed nesday by truck with Cal Ewry and son, Fred, in charge. Word has been received th a t the track arrived in Washington, D. C. on Sabbath. Forty-five relatives and neigh­ b o rs of Mr. Floyd Spracklen, gathered a t his home Saturday evening as a s u rp r i^ on his birth day anniversary T h e evening was ."spent in games and later- refresh­ ments were served. A good time was enjoyed by all. . Hugh Edwin Kneisley, .infant son of Mr, and Mrs. Wayne liesley, died Monday a t the ' " g f e j f c h : Miss Irma. Marick.' birth. frail from The seven day old son of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Burba, who re- on a farm on the Jamestown and Xenia pike, died Wednesday of f neumonia. Burial took place a t lassies Creek cemetery Thurs­ day. Look up th e b ig ad of Kelble's Xenia, in this issue. One of the biggest clothing .and shoe sales ever held in the county is now on righ t a t the time when you need Winter goods. . The annual Christmas dinner of the Kadantra Club was given Thursday evening in Community Ball. The lady members banquet their husbands aiid gifts are ex­ changed. Miss Kathleen Blair has been granted a State Life certificate to teach by the State Board of Ex­ aminers. Miss Blair taught in the public schools for several, years and was teaching when she ap­ plied. Since last May Miss Blair has been connected with the of­ fice force of the Hagar Straw Board & Paper-Co. | Fleeson and the dances staged by Sammy Lee. “The Gingham Girl” could1also 5e called”“ginger girl*’’ ■ fo r this musical comedy- has shown so a long, lard season and then again into the summer, I t has one of the most likeable stories in years, set ting forth with variety, dash and abundance of humor ,how a self- sonfident young man from the country started out to make a pile' in the big city, only to discover that his little .sweetheart back tome in New Hampshire has ome to New York, and has made her fortune instead, by putting on the warket her toothsome cookies. A Remarkable cast of pr'inci- ,*j V *«*i v » s» -ivi-? is SlCv'^.viki ! *> ~ k * 1‘ I f *•[,* i ‘• c!L -A1 ir :~ fkj T i J - r l ' v\... '*-• ■- VC'' .V 2&1 , 'Y- -*.A- Christmas Gifts That Would Be His Own Choice The Xmas Ties No Y u le tid e is Comp lete W ithou t a t Least a Ha lf a Doaseit Cheney silk and wool, pure silk kmt-Impqrted, Tapestries, Imported Crochet Knits Prices $1 .00 to $3,50 The Xmas Shirt A G ift Appreciated by an y Man. English imported broadcloths, White ox-weaves, Silk striped madras, imported English silk fibres Prices $1 .50 to $8 .50 The Xmas Bathrobe Men’s Blanket Bath Robes, heavy, full-cut robes in neat striped and figured patterns of brown, gray, green and blue , Prices $4 .00 to $16 .00 > Umbrellas “ Never m ind th e Weather ’ Genuine silk umbrellas built upon stout frames, a user Prices $1 .50 to $6 .50 Gloves An id a l G ift Dress gloves, Buckskin gloves, Mocha cape. Driv­ ing gloves, and silk gloves Prices $2 .50 to $10 .00 Hosiery ^ Was th ere ever a Man w ith more sox th a n he wanted? Silk Hose, Lisle Hose, Wool; Silk and Wool, Golf "Hose- ■ Prices 40c to $3 .50 Hats Why N ot a H at or Cap? The possibilities are. almost unlimited—Smart .soft hats, Velours, Derbys, Sport hats, Beaver finished hats, Dress Caps Prices $1 .00 to $10.00 Handkerchiefs They ’re Always Acceptab le Plain linen handkerchiefs, fancy borders, initial both colored and plain, fancy silks „ Prices 35c to $1-50 Jewelry Cuff Links, Stick Pins, Silver Initial Belt Buckles, Tie Clasps, Watch Chains, Military Hair Brushes. Prices 50c to $6 .50 a I JU ST 8 MORE SHOPP ING DAY S BEFORE XMAS OTHER THINGS . X ‘ . TJ *•; % If none of the conventional things weVe named quite . hits the mark, hare are other gift suggestions. Bathing Suits Collars Dressing-Gowns Garters Gabardines Smoking Jackets Night Shirts Mufflers P a jam a s Sweaters Dress Vests Belts A STORE FULL OF W ORTH ­ W H ILE G IFTS s Our Name on a Christmas Package Proves the lin e Quality of the Gift Within. The McDorman*Pumphrey Co. JAMESTOWN, OHIO XENIA, OHIO , C'sovni r&phj* cn »yr Ui(kt\ flffjirj Lcti&, Cure cf thh c self {iJdressed RtHeved of CatarA Dae to i a Grippe Thanks To PE-RO-NA Ur.. U o r , " yean of age, 1205 W lQw JW j. Hoboken. NTJ . YriteV attack of *Lk Gripba 1*« 5J* a hoarseticM ana iHttt* to to* and threat. I had chronic “ Itgm riroN c . laouMaw* or i a t I bothered by the allme, P*to » back and * terrible k e a M e * t* t. morning. Finally I bought * f e - r « ;« jw l^ fit. It^ave mc l have, no , nor m |be h i-— Ms m o»« *«« * _____ weight ha* Inrreaaed. I toM hW - botiat tod rtcntatoeao to m friend*,^' For tto fy forto «N t# the M Cold*, Nanai Catarrh, Bowel dlnerdan art a catarrh, , f • for a man to put I-r.’r Mu- tnM(> it the -Mi lu'ion of a mr-ftl’/ . U. M. Tttloftf, rthihig liome or if. .i frli-n<!’s house where this is b *i ii. t'j.'i), do not do so. . . . A. iVr'i).\ S v ill you Utsnlly state what is the •*r. f-ct thine fov a man to say to ' bride a t the wedditi!? reception? - t v.fcnt iniiht a woman say if •die- is Jtot an inlinmte friend of the ride's? K. . .i! « tveddi;i,, r»wption a' man'y eo!i)[)].i;imits" the hrlde on ’.ft* r. ^.Mr.u-tv or he nifty say "pray ■ret, t my'tdiicerest good wishes." Hi., women could say to the bride ■Jet me wish yon every happiness its your married life,*' and to the .'mom words to this effect, "T con* zrnttihtte you most heartily on tlio m l fovt.nio that is yottrs today.” -..Ait A. LtUA • If one has friends to the audience dr.sihf: a pipy is it nil right to go over and nit with them during un intormis don? 2." If two ttou and two women are at a play together is it permissible for the men to leave the women to go and iMoko during an iutcrmi'':.Son? 3. Supposing there is just a man and a woman, alone, loos the same rule hold? AU ItriEBESTCD R js A mcb . Vos. On one condition—which is, hat yOttr friends have aisle seats, itlif.rwise you thouid go out in the lobby to visit. Z Yes. 8. No. A man should not leave a woman rented alone in the audience. : kelp ? ul HEALTH hint 5 Shampoo.--^ nice shampoo can le made by dissolving ft cake of ■cure tiistiie soap in water. To have ;t in n Jolly eoirdstoney use one pint of wnler to a*cake of soap. If hair is very oily, wash onoo a week or every tw» days. Otherwise ones every three Week* Is enough. In •Uiier cage be *ur* to rinse toes'* tughijr uttottorik pals, headed by Miss Irma Mar­ wick, a Dayton girl, who has won the stamp of Broadway .approval, Lorin Raker, Jack Walton, Fran­ cesca Hill, Wynne Gibson, Ger­ trude Mudgc, Hariy Meyers, Hel ne Namur, Babette Busey, Helen Francis Georgie Brady, the danc­ ing red-heads) Forrest Zimmer, Robert Miller, and Phil Ahern a gifted, pretty chorus and trippl- ing music, make the “Gingham Girl”, a real charmer. What tht People Get. That which Is called "what the peo* pie want" is often merely something which they take because they cannot get anything better.—Albany Journal. Would Be Leee Unreet Jud Tunkins says there'd be less unrest If the average citizen was as willin' to lend a helpin' hand as he is to join in the chorus, Democratic Choice] -’LurlTAjiy ; * Bates# VICTORY Sff- 6 2 * 1 * n S S .M C . t S W SPECIAL MATINEE XMAS DAY REGULAR MATINEES—WEDNESDAY—SATURDAY Schwab &Kusell ititisimf jCOinedy o f d is tin c tio n , Dir&ct from f One solid Y pM t the , P r e s e n t e d ttiith . <9 plsver? seldom seenaway JeanBroach/y j MAIL ORDERS NOW—EVES. 80c, $1.00, $1.K0, $2.00. $2fii \ _ Xmas and Sat. Mate. SOc, 75c. $1, $1.50. $2, Wed. Mat 5 <k*$lfi«J . ee TRYOURJOBPRINTING Give yourself a treat! -Get into an Overland Sedan and “step on it”! The sensation of potVer is wonder* ful. The bigger new engine makes you master o f traffic and h ills! And theTriplex springs (Patented) give the road comfort o f a long, heavy car* Before buying any Car* find out how muchifotter you will like an Overland* The price hat just been reduced* Ask us for a . demonstration. es*- CENTRAL GARAGE, Cedorville, Ohio • i SB Congressman Finis Usmtf, of Tennessee, choice Of Democratic members for speaker of the Hons* of ItapreftmtaUve* of too pressnt CktognsM, was Md by former spook* M <**** ***'*** ymwP!! M l t l i f i i V